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Newslinks for 10/1/2014

Prosecutors fight Reese motion to vacate felony convictions on gun sales
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The crux of the government's arguments revolve around testimony of Jose Roman, a member of La Linea, the enforcement arm of the Mexican Juarez cartel trying to save his own skin. As this column reported two years ago, when it noted 'Records don’t back witness for the prosecution in Reese gun case,' Roman has been a career criminal since the age of 17, smuggling illegal aliens, guns and drugs, and who has been offered a plea deal in exchange for testimony. Significantly, he also admitted on the witness stand that he had provided false statements while making firearms purchases from the Reese’s gun shop." ...

“Would you sell a car to someone you don’t know?”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At this weekend’s Gun Rights Policy Conference, Alan Gottlieb asked a scary question. It’s a question loaded with false premises, freighted with unintended consequences. And it’s terrifying when you consider where it might lead us as a society. The question was: Would you sell a gun to someone you do not know? . . ." ...

Oklahoma Terror and Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrible murder and beheading of an innocent woman in Oklahoma, committed by a recent Muslim convert, is being studiously ignored by the mainstream media. ... But the Oklahoma murder doesn’t just undermine the Leftist narrative of Muslims as a persecuted minority, rather than as assertive, and sometimes aggressive proselytizers. It also presents a problem on the issue of gun control, as the killer was brought down by a citizen (maybe using a so-called assault weapon) rather than by a small army of SWAT officers. This combination could be the perfect storm for two of the Left’s cherished ideas -- that Islam is the 'religion of peace,' and gun control." ...

Newspaper endorsements reveal anti-rights bias against gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two endorsements this morning, in two Puget Sound-area newspapers ... reveal in their closing paragraphs an anti-rights bias that helps tip the scales for their respective editorial boards toward two Democrats, whose elections would help that party retain control in Olympia come January ..."

"Anti-rights? You bet, according to Arizona author and gun rights advocate Alan Korwin, who appeared over the weekend at the 29th annual [GRPC] in Chicago. He advised the audience to change their dialogue because owning firearms is a civil right, and those who oppose private gun ownership and want it heavily regulated as though it were a privilege are 'anti-rights.' Pretty simple, he indicated, noting that 'words are how this debate is won.'" ...

Cody Wilson’s October Surprise Revealed: Sub-$1000 “Ghost Gun Engine”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense Distributed MD Cody Wilson sent us an email this AM, with a link to the above video. ... Cody’s also a bit of a polemicist; a man who spits out out obscure literary references like some NASCAR fans expectorate used chewing tobacco. Anyway, his latest screed [after the jump] is more of a political statement than a product description. So what we have here is a machine that turns 80 percent modern sporting rifle lowers into finished receivers – at the touch of a button. It’s perfectly legal and less than a grand. The result is an unregistered gun that you can’t sell, trade or give away. But it’s 'off-the-books.' Expect pearl-clutching and political blowback STAT. As planned . . ." ...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America Tap Anti-Gun Pols [Not Shown] to Pressure Kroger on Open Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex swung into action today. Anti-gun Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) took-up Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America’s crusade to pressure the Kroger supermarket chain to ban open carry from its stores. As TTAG tipster BDB points out . . ."

"'there are no Kroger grocery stores in Connecticut.' That didn’t stop the not-so-dynamic duo from joining Ms. Feinstein in dissing law-abiding Americans acting lawfully – with guns!" ...

Docs vs Glocks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If the present trend of gun violence continues, Americans can expect to lose an estimated 333,778 lives between 2011 and 2020. Doctors are on the front line of the battle to save lives, tending to the wounded in emergency rooms, and consoling families of the 32,000 who die each year."

"The American Medical Association calls gun violence a 'horrific epidemic' and in 2011 the group called for doctors to counsel patients on gun safety."

"The American College of Physicians called gun violence a 'public health issue requiring immediate attention' and declared in a recent statement, 'Physicians should become more active in counseling patients about firearm safety, promoting trigger locks, lock boxes and gun safes.'" ...

Guns don’t make us all feel safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It’s not quite certain how much the presence of guns actually influences crime. Some research seems to indicate that allowing the carrying of guns ... comes with a decrease in crime, but some of that research seems to be the result of correlation, not causation. For example, some claims fail to take into account different factors like new policing strategies, changes in economics or demographics, or other cultural factors. ..."

"But let’s consider for a moment the idea that carrying guns objectively leads to a decrease in crime. Statistically, we should all feel safer. Why, then, is there still so much concern?" ...

Submitter's Note: Because you are a bunch of hoplophobes and gun fetishists?

PA: Woman’s Boyfriend Shoots and Kills Her Estranged Husband When He Breaks In Carrying a Gun (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Pittsburgh, PA woman’s current boyfriend shot and killed her estranged husband when he broke into the woman’s home this week." ...

"Police also said that the estranged husband, Laray Jones, was carrying a gun when he broke in."

"The boyfriend in the case had a permit to carry a gun, although that wouldn’t matter in this case as the incident took place in a private home. He was questioned by police and his current status and identity are unknown." ...

MI: Detroit resident fatally shoots suspected intruder in backyard (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A southwest Detroit resident fatally shot an intruder trying to break into his house on the 8400 block of Whitaker Monday."

"The married father of four spotted the suspect attacking his dog in the backyard and when the intruder approached the window the homeowner shot him." ...

So You Think We Don’t Have a National Gun Registry…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer who prefers to remain anonymous writes:"

"For those readers of this site who believe a firearms registry already exists, this won’t be a surprise. For those who have doubts, maybe this will show otherwise. I had a long career in law enforcement, working some interesting cases. One case in particular opened my eyes as to how all inclusive the NICS system is, and how long the non records are recorded for record keeping sake. The case involved tracking a bad guy before, during and after his deed . . ." ...

Chicago's Gun Laws Prevent Poor From Defending Themselves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Times also discovered that the top five ZIP Codes in Chicago with the most concealed carry permits are all 'predominantly white, middle-class and are in areas that have low crime rates.' But the most violent neighborhoods, all on the South Side of Chicago, are predominantly black and have the fewest concealed carry licenses as a percentage of the population."

"The implication is clear. Said John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Center and author of More Guns, Less Crime,
You really need to ask whether or not politicians are consciously trying to disarm certain groups of people. Why do they want a law that primarily disarms blacks and gives guns to the well-to-do whites? Don’t they think it should be equal for everyone to protect their lives?" ...

Joe Manchin boosts fellow red-state Dems
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama’s flagging approval ratings are keeping him off the campaign trail this fall in the conservative states that could decide control of the Senate, but Democrats battling for political survival have another surrogate ready to work: Joe Manchin."

"The West Virginia senator, perhaps the most conservative Democrat in the Senate, went shooting on Tuesday with Sen. Mary Landrieu in Louisiana, where he touted her chairmanship on the Senate Energy Committee and pushed back against National Rifle Association advertising hitting Landrieu’s vote for Manchin’s bill to expand background checks, which the NRA ad says was a vote to 'take away your gun rights.'" ...

NRA strikes back at Bloomberg
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The National Rifle Association is fighting back against former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as the powerful gun lobby moves to counter an aggressive midterm push from proponents of stronger federal firearm regulations."

"In addition to shelling out well over $10 million on political spending this election cycle, the NRA has launched a campaign to make Bloomberg the face of the gun control movement and label him as a billionaire 'elitist' bent on banning guns." ...

SC: Jill Bossi, U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Gun Control: I believe in the Second Amendment. I also believe we can do a better, more effective job of registration for gun ownership that does not abridge those rights, but protects our citizens from criminals owning guns." ...

IN: Nisly Endorsed By NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Curt Nisly for State Representative campaign announces the endorsement of the National Rifle Association."

"In response to the NRA endorsement, Nisly stated, 'I am so grateful for this endorsement. Our right to bear arms is our most basic human right; all of our other rights stem from this right. As I have talked to voters all around the 22nd district, it is clear that this is one issue that many people are passionate about. I will work tirelessly in Indianapolis to make sure our Second Amendment rights are protected.'" ...

WA: Dueling gun sales initiatives on November ballot (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Finding someone at the Bellevue Gun Club that supports Washington Initiative 594 is about as hard as hitting the bulls-eye in one of its shooting ranges. For them, the measure that would expand background checks for gun sales and transfers is merely an attack on their 2nd Amendment rights."

"'I don't see how making something more illegal is going to close the probability of someone (getting an illegal firearm),' commented range manager Brett Bass, 'It's going to punish people who aren't doing anything wrong.'" ...

CO: Sheriff candidates stick to their guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The already taut race for La Plata County Sheriff intensified Tuesday night as Deputy Sean Smith went head-to-head with Sheriff Duke Schirard on what, historically, has been Schirard’s political home turf: guns."

"At a forum hosted by the Durango Gun Club at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 4031, the men repeatedly attacked each other, often on personal grounds, such as their integrity."

"But as turns out, on a policy level, they share a lot of ground. Both men enthusiastically own guns, agree the Second Amendment conveys to individuals the constitutional right to bear arms, look fondly on concealed-carry weapons, think 2013’s gun-control legislation is largely unenforceable and rejoice in the Tenth Amendment ..." ...

Demands Answers From Obama Administration On Why ATF Is Forcing Gun Buyers To Declare Race,Ethnicity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (Mo.), who co-chairs the Senate Law Enforcement Caucus, sent a letter today demanding answers from the Obama Administration surrounding reports that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is forcing Americans to declare their race and ethnicity when purchasing a firearm." ...

CA: Two Gun Bills Signed by California Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Jerry Brown signed two bills Tuesday written in response to gun tragedies that shook up Northern California: the Isla Vista shooting rampage by a UC Santa Barbara student and the Sonoma County sheriff's deputy shooting of a boy with a toy gun."

"One new law will allow family and friends of a person who is believed to pose a threat or danger to petition a court to remove the person's guns. The other law will require toy guns sold in the state to have bright-colored markings so that they are not mistaken for real firearms." ...

Submitter's Note: So when will CA be mandating bright colored markings on cordless drills?

CA: California Governor Jerry Brown Vetoes "Ghost Gun" Ban, Signs Three Other Gun Control Bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In what is being hailed as a significant victory for common sense, California Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed Senate Bill 808. The measure, authored by Senator Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), would have required firearms to have a permanent, Department of Justice-issued serial number. Additionally, the proposal would have banned the sale or transfer of all home-built firearms."

"'Governor Brown was absolutely right to veto SB 808,' said Brandon Combs, president of [CAL-FFL]. 'Senator de León's bill would have created a nightmare for law enforcement and law-abiding gun owners alike.'"

"In his veto message for SB 808, Brown said that he 'can't see how adding a serial number to a homemade gun would significantly advance public safety.'" ...

CA: Disarming law: Californians gain right to have relatives’ guns confiscated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under a new California law, families can ask police to confiscate lawfully-owned weapons from close relatives. The law was introduced after an unstable gunman’s shooting rampage left seven people dead and 13 injured."

"It is the first law in the US that gives families who think a close relative might commit gun violence the ability to petition for a restraining order. The measure was signed into law Tuesday by Democrat Governor Jerry Brown, and has wide support by law enforcement agencies and gun control advocates" ...

Holder urges tech companies to leave device backdoors open for police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said on Tuesday that new forms of encryption capable of locking law enforcement officials out of popular electronic devices imperil investigations of kidnappers and sexual predators, putting children at increased risk." ...

"In his comments, Holder became the highest government official to publicly chastise technology companies for developing systems that make it difficult for law enforcement officials to collect potential evidence, even when they have search warrants. ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: The police-staters always have lovely sounding excuses for their increasing encroachments.

TX: Man Shoots At Intruders, Turns Out It Was A No-Knock Raid. Now He Faces The Death Penalty
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Self defense is a right for all, and no knock raids not only pose a danger to dogs, children, and communities in general- but officers as well. Maybe its time to re-think that strategy."

"We need to end the war on drugs and put an end to this violence."

"Estimates show that the total number of SWAT deployments across the country has increased from a few hundred per year in the 1970s, to a few thousand per year in the 80s, and in 2010, the Washington Times reported estimates being as high as 50,000 per year."

"Many of these are for nonviolent misdemeanor drug offenses, not big time drug kingpins. Should we really be risking lives of citizens and officers, over what someone chooses to put into their own body?" ...

CT: Attorney arrested at Criterion sues city
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An immigration attorney who was arrested two years ago for bringing a firearm into the Criterion Cinemas movie theater has filed a lawsuit against the City of New Haven and Police Chief Dean Esserman, alleging false arrest and police misconduct."

"Sung-Ho Hwang ... was charged with breach of peace and interfering with officers in August 2012 after he brought a gun to a showing of the 'Dark Knight Rises.' The gun was licensed, and all charges were eventually dropped in December 2012. Hwang, claiming that his reputation suffered in the wake of the incident, is charging the city with false arrest, arguing that the city held him in custody without probable cause, and instituted malicious prosecution." ...

IN: Ex-cop gets 6 years behind bars for rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer who pleaded guilty to raping a woman he had pulled over during a drunk driving patrol in 2013 was sentenced to six years in prison and two years of probation on Friday."

"Mark A. Rogers, who was a 19-year veteran with the Fort Wayne Police Department, pleaded guilty to felony counts of sexual misconduct, official misconduct and rape of a victim mentally disabled such that consent was not possible in August as part of a plea agreement. A separate count of rape and a count of false informing were dropped." ...

OK: Oklahoma state trooper accused of rape resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper arrested earlier this month on accusations that he raped and sexually assaulted three women during traffic stops has resigned from the patrol, according to OHP Capt. George Brown."

"Brown said Eric Roberts’ resignation letter arrived late Thursday and was processed Friday.
Roberts has not been charged, though a document released this month by the Creek County District Attorney’s Office outlined three traffic stops that Roberts made this summer where he allegedly sexually assaulted women:" ...

IL: BREAKING: Court Strikes Down Chicago’s De Facto Ban on Firing Ranges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It used to be the case that Chicago banned all firing ranges within city limits. The city’s powers that be detest everything related to firearms, and saw every encumbrance they could place in the path of someone wanting to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms as a good thing. A court took issue with that, though, and ruled that the second amendment protected gun ranges as well as gun owners. Chicago quickly came up with a new law that allowed gun ranges — but banned them from 90% of the city for “public safety” reasons. Yesterday, another court ruling further smacked down Chicago’s attempt to infringe on the rights of its citizens by striking that down as well . . .." ...

My Favorite Gun Store: Wilshire Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, TTAG asked its loyal readership for their opinions about their favorite gun shops. While several shops are dank holes in the wall in sketchy parts of town full of regulars, other shops are add-on afterthoughts to sporting goods stores. Other shops attempt to broaden their audience, be it with location, amenities, or glamour. Some of those stores stand out, whether they are the gun shop on the back side of a sporting good store, or the range that offers the longest alleys and the coldest AC. Wilshire Gun in Oklahoma City is trying all of those things and more . . ." ...

Women an emerging force in defending firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More women than ever before own guns."

"Nearly 79 percent of firearms retailers reported an increase in female customers between 2011 and 2012, according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation. From this surge in popularity comes classes, specialized apparel, custom firearms, shooting-group memberships and conferences for women."

"Women have also become the sellers, the lobbyists and the business owners." ...

WA: Election letter: Didier and Newhouse on gun issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress will likely face debates on controls related to gun ownership in the coming legislative sessions. Because of the emphasis on gun issues that Clint Didier and Dan Newhouse put forth in their primary campaigning, it would be helpful to voters for the Tri-City Herald to solicit for publication their views on the following:" ...

LA: Squirrel and rabbit seasons set to open
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well folks, October is here and that means archery season for deer is here."

"Archery hunters — tell someone where you intend to hunt. I mention 'hunting safety' all the time. You would absolutely be surprised at the grown men that will bluntly state, 'Aw, I've got a cellphone.'"

"The odds of you falling out of a climbing tree stand, regaining your composure and still having a cell phone on your person is unlikely. And compound this with, perhaps, a "searching for service" and you are a cooked goose. ..."

"Squirrel and rabbit season opens this Saturday, and hopefully the cool weather we have been experiencing will prevail this coming weekend. ..." ...

MI: Gun rights monument made of melted shell casings would go on display at Michigan Capitol under bill
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"A gun rights plaque made of more than 18,000 melted shell casings would find a permanent home outside the Michigan Capitol under legislation debated Tuesday in Lansing."

"The monument, which weighs 400 pounds and measures 4 feet by 6 feet, is inscribed with the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and a similar provision in the Michigan Constitution affirming 'the right to keep and bear arms.'"

"The plaque was created by a group called Brass Roots, which hosted a large rally at the Michigan Capitol in 1994. Organizers, including Ted Nugent, asked activists to bring spent shell casings they would have otherwise saved as keepsakes." ...

MI: Rick Ector of Legally Armed in Detroit talks legal gun ownership
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Almost a decade ago, Rick Ector was considering buying a firearm for self-defense. And when he was robbed in the driveway of his home in Detroit's Rosedale Park, he wound up kicking himself for not doing so. He has since armed himself and become vocal about legal gun ownership, participating in gun-control debates in 'Let It Rip' segments on FOX2 television, and founding his own group, Legally Armed in Detroit, through which he teaches classes about firearms. He says he doesn't necessarily identify with either major political party, and he skews libertarian. The main throughline in his politics is defending the right of people, especially African-Americans, to legally own firearms." ...

War is an ugly thing but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feelings which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. — John Stuart Mills

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