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Newslinks for 10/10/2002

SC: Store owner shoots it out with armed trio (another report)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Sterling Patterson got a gun three weeks after he opened his auto accessory store..."

"I always said I wasn't ever going to use it," he said.

"But he did Tuesday morning."

"Patterson, unleashing a barrage of bullets, drove off three men trying to rob Ntense Kustom and Kar Audio ..."

"He wounded one, the force of the bullets throwing a would-be robber through a glass storm door. The trio fled in a minivan, which two of them later abandoned after it got a flat tire on I-77."

"Random killings now common tales around the U.S."
Submitted by: serinde

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"A high-powered weapon. A sick coward. An unsuspecting individual whose fate is in the hands of that demented individual with his finger on a trigger."

"The nation is baffled, as well as angered and frightened, by such incomprehensible cruelty."

"[T]his is not a new phenomenon."

"But I do know that a high-powered weapon and even a sane individual can be trouble."

"A high-powered weapon and a sick person can be devastating to those unsuspecting souls simply trying to go about their lives." ...

Gunned down in the street (More ignorance from the uninformed left)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The technology exists to 'fingerprint' a gun before it is sold, so a bullet or casing can be traced to a specific gun. The technology exists to create a national database, available to local, state and federal law authorities, containing these fingerprints. It should be possible to easily trace this gun to its purchaser, who may be the killer or could perhaps be a gun owner whose weapon was stolen by the killer. It should be possible, but it isn't, thanks to the National Rifle Association."

TX: Citizen police academy readies, educates public
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A group of 11 Coppell residents traveled to a gun range recently. They strapped on safety vests, put on eye and ear protection, loaded handguns, and fired in unison at nonmoving targets."

"Typically, the police department conducts two such 16-class academies each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. The department is planning another academy for this spring."

Australia: Gun control on the agenda
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Coalition for Gun Control, based in Sydney, has called for the banning of semi-automatic handguns."

"What would the implications of such a ban be on the sporting pistol clubs in Western Victoria?"

"The ABC's Leon Compton caught up with the Secretary of the Horsham Pistol Club, Peter Sharp."

"In this interview they talk about the dangers posed by pistol ownership, and the consequences of any further regulation."

Includes link to interview.

Time For A Sniper Attack On Gun Laws
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"In Maryland, the gun lobby complained that handgun sales went down when the 'ballistic fingerprint' law went into effect. Again, please explain to me why that’s a bad thing."
Because you're legislating to deprive legitimate business owners of their livelihood, for starters.

Snipers - Predictable Consequence of Gun Industry Marketing
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Now, VPC is blaming the gun industry for the sniper attacks! Typical gun controller agenda: blame everything associated with guns, cause mass hysteria, deprive people of their rights.
"A collateral aspect of the marketing of military weapons has been the encouragement of a sniper subculture in the United States. This includes the marketing of books, paraphernalia, training, and assorted gear." ...

NY: Off-Duty Officer Shoots Man inside Midtown Manhattan Nightclub
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"According to police the officer got into a brawl with another patron on the dance floor in the basement of the club, which soon spilled into the vestibule. During the struggle, the cop apparently fired the gun hitting the victim once in the stomach."

"Police officials, who have not released the identity of either the officer or the victim, are calling the shooting justified. No arrests have been made and the investigation into the incident is ongoing."
Meanwhile, it's not only illegal for The People at large to carry firearms into the bar or anywhere else in Manhattan, only a small percentage of The People even "qualify" for a "permit" to merely own a handgun for self-defensive purposes in their own homes -- and the police are using taxpayer monies to pay bounties on the heads of anyone who violates this elitist double standard.

NM: Which one's fake? - more attacks on toy guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'As long as toy manufacturers continue creating toys that look like weapons, there's always potential for a child, teen or adult to use it,' he said."

"Look-alike weapons have led to two Albuquerque deaths in encounters with police in the past three years. Officers have avoided such drastic results in at least five robberies where the fake weapons were used." ...

NM: Deputies Find Problems With Their (Glock) Handguns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department has discovered a problem with its new Glock .40-caliber semi-automatic handguns." ...

"...on some newer versions of the gun, two pieces of steel in the lower portion of the weapon were improperly machined. Those pieces may be prone to breaking under the stress of repeated firing."

"Sheriff Joe Bowdich signed a special order yesterday allowing deputies to temporarily carry their personal handguns as long as they meet specific requirements."

NY: Court officer's gun 'goes off' in scuffle with defendant
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A court officer's gun went off in a Manhattan courtroom Wednesday during a scuffle with a defendant who became infuriated after his conviction on a drug charge, court officers said." ...

" 'It was partially out of the holster' when it went off." ...

"The gun went off in the man's holster."
Went off all by itself, huh? So much for objective, responsible journalism.

IL: "A march for victims"
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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People march again in Joliet, IL.
"Take Back the Night: Event throws spotlight on domestic violence"

"Plut,...28-year-old..., was violently murdered ... in her Joliet home. A male neighbor is charged with strangling her..."
Submitter's Comment:
A march brings awareness to the problem. It is reported that the police are rarely there in time and are not legally responsible for anyone's safety. We must be responsible as possible for our own protection. It is too bad Plut did not have a gun or some means of protection.

OH: Gubernatorial hopeful Tim Hagan spouts fear-based rhetoric on Conceal Carry Reform
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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Buried in an Athens Messenger story about Ohio gubernatorial hopeful Tim Hagan's ideas on fixing the state budget were these comments about his beliefs concerning HB274:

"Hagan is opposed to the bill as it is presently written", and says "more restrictions need to placed on the bill so law enforcement has greater discretion." 'We don't want guns in the hands of the mentally-ill, terrorists or children', Hagan said. 'Right now, it is a wide-open bill and that is totally unacceptable.' "

Click mouse, then pull trigger
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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" 'One Shot - One Kill!' - Those words welcome all who visit, one of a half-dozen Web sites devoted to sniper enthusiasts. This is a subculture the firearms industry has helped foster in recent years to bolster dwindling gun sales."

MI: Cop Cuffed for Drunk Driving
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"East Lansing police say they pulled over Will Brewer on minor traffic violation. The arresting officers claim Brewer was drinking. Upon being pulled over authorities say he miss-identified himself with a badge as a Lansing officer and said he was carrying a gun."

"Police say Brewer later admitted he was on administrative leave in connection with misconduct with a Lansing citizen."

"He also identified himself with his roommate's badge - a roommate who just happens to be a police officer." ...

Sniper's Skill Isn't Rare, Gun Experts Say
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gun experts say any moderately experienced marksman could carry out the random deadly shootings terrorizing metropolitan Washington, and that the ammunition being used is popular with hunters and target shooters."

"Those factors, the experts agree, are what make it so difficult to pinpoint a suspect."

" 'Your average deer hunter is certainly proficient enough to do this,' said Gaylan Warren, a forensic expert in Newport, Wash." ...

WI: Police See More Look-Alike Guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police say the use of look-alike guns in our area is a growing problem."

"Two 16-year-old boys were being held in juvenile detention Wednesday. Both are facing charges of carrying a fake gun and carrying a concealed weapon."

"They were arrested Tuesday after someone saw them waving a gun around in a car on Shawano Avenue in Green Bay."

"A week earlier, a boy was arrested for carrying a BB gun that resembled a 9mm handgun in Joannes Park." ...

CT: Police say student carried fake gun
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"University of Connecticut police charged a student with carrying a fake gun after tense moments in which officers drew their weapons."

"Police said Dew Jones Rosado, 19, of Waterbury carried a cigarette lighter that looked like a gun in a dormitory late Tuesday. They said a resident called to report that a student had a handgun in the building."
Will the paranoia ever cease?

TN: Police Arrest Fellow Officer for Aggravated Assault
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Officer Gary Smith, a 22-year Metro police veteran, was charged with aggravated assault charges."

"Tuesday, Smith went to his wife's workplace because he thought she was having an affair with a co-worker, police said. He found the two and confronted them."

"Smith pointed a gun at his wife head, threatened to kill her and her co-worker and then threw her across the room, police said."

"Police arrested Smith later that evening at his home on two counts of aggravated assault."

Advocates: 'Fingerprinting' Rifles Might Have Helped
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Maryland and New York are the only two states requiring gun retailers to provide police with a casing of a bullet from every handgun sold -- effectively 'fingerprinting' the gun in the event it is ever used in a crime." -- and the system has been responsible for how many crimes being solved? Chirp... chirp... chirp...

UK: Shadow home secretary wants young people who deny drug addiction accusations tailed by bobbies
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Parents, teachers and social workers will be urged to inform on young people they believe are addicted to hard drugs under plans to tackle crime announced by Oliver Letwin, the shadow home secretary, yesterday."

"The young addicts would be able to avoid going to court if they agreed to undergo treatment to break their habit." ...

" 'We should face them with a choice. Treatment, including all the psychological and other help required to beat the menace, or off to court. There should be no third way.' "

"He said the next Tory government would launch a campaign to encourage parents, teachers and social workers to inform the relevant agencies when they encountered an under 18-year-old believed to be addicted to hard drugs."

"Mr Letwin said if youngsters denied it police would tail them in an attempt to collect evidence for prosecution. 'All I am saying is a bobby will be outside your house and following you around and making sure you are not buying heroin or cocaine.' "

1) Kid is accused.
2) Kid denies guilt.
3) Kid is stalked by cop.
That pattern translates as: "Guilty until proven innocent, merely for having been accused." It may help catch some young drug addicts, but how many innocent accused people will have their lives and reputations damaged in the process of the witchhunt?

UK: Police chief sends pupils email alert over child rapist
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Thousands of schoolchildren are to receive a personal email from a senior police officer advising them how to protect themselves from a serial rapist who has carried out nine attacks in recent months."

"Denis O'Connor, chief constable of Surrey police, has taken the unusual step of personally alerting children to the potential dangers, because of the level of fear amongst young people in the area."

"More than 100 officers from four forces have been drafted into the investigation to find the rapist who is targeting the south-east of England."

"The man, who strikes during the daytime and grabs his victims from behind, has attacked a girl as young as 10 and carried out eight assaults in the last three months alone. Responding to the fears children have expressed to schoolteachers and school liaison officers, Mr O'Connor has sent an email to all secondary schools and youth groups in Surrey." ...

FBI Called to Investigate "Lynched" Barbie Doll in School
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Lowndes County High School officials are asking the FBI to investigate the mock lynching of a black-painted Barbie doll on campus as a possible hate crime. But Sabrina Bradley, whose 14-year-old daughter, Santana, is a freshman, said her daughter was frightened by the mock lynching. The Bradleys are black. 'She came home and told me a white boy had a Barbie doll painted black with a rope around its neck like he was hanging the doll,' Bradley said."


Why is a "lynched doll" so important as to garner FBI support and investigation, but the Petition for Enforcement of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States only produces brief evasions from the D.O.J.'s terrorism division?

Are a doll's "rights" more important than the rights of real human beings, many of whom are political prisoners in America's gulag system?

The Baltimore Gulag
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"We turn to the acts of George Bush and his Attorney General, John Ashcroft." ...

"The Baltimore Gulag is not a Brig. A Brig is a navy prison established and operated as provided for by the Laws of the United States and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. ... To refer to the Baltimore Gulag as a brig is an insult to every sailor and marine who was lawfully imprisoned over the past two and quarter centuries. The Baltimore Gulag is a prison camp, no different from the prison cells in the bowels of Stalin's Lubyanka except that it is not so full. Yet."

OH: 6 Women Raped In 4 Months Near OSU - by knifeman
Submitted by: Anonymous

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COLUMBUS, Ohio -- "Police are investigating an attempted rape near the Ohio State University campus Thursday night to find if the latest attack is connected with a series of six rapes that occurred earlier this year." ...

"The suspect pushed her inside and onto the floor of her living room. The suspect, who had a knife, attempted to sexually assault the woman, police said. .....the woman was able to fend off the attacker, who was described as a black male between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 9 inches and weighing between 180 and 190 pounds."


A firearm would be most helpful against Mr. Knife-wielding Rapist -- who surely outweighs his victims. But the Commandant on campus prefers to let a strange and violent man pillage his female students, apparently... he recently publicly defied calls to allow self-defensive weapons on campus and urged police to remove flyers around campus suggesting that guns might be helpful for a defenseless woman under attack.

What kind of "man" would prevent women from stopping such a rapist as described above? What kind of woman would obey such a "law" when her dignity and safety are at stake?

US to Develop Nationwide Aviation Watch System
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"In an effort to make flying safer, the government will enlist 550,000 small plane pilots nationwide to report suspicious activity at airports, officials said on Wednesday."

"The Transportation Security Administration will partner with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, or AOPA, on the security initiative planned for launch in December." ...

OH: Toledo Blade Gets Supreme Court Race Right
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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The Toledo Blade typically gets it all wrong when it comes to gun owners in Ohio. Today, they joined the Cleveland Plain Dealer and The Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC when they endorsed Stratton and O'Connor in a slam dunk editorial.

OFCC PAC: Why O'Connor over Black?

White House cyber chief pushes Internet operations center
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The White House's cybersecurity specialist on Tuesday lobbied technologists attending a conference to support his recommendation that the private sector and federal government create an 'Internet operations center' to constantly monitor the Internet for attacks."

"Speaking at a conference sponsored by the Internet security company Symantec, Richard Clarke, head of the White House Office of Cyberspace Security, said the federal government should take a greater role in updating and securing Internet protocols. He asked attendees to send their reactions and comments about both ideas, as well as the draft cybersecurity strategy released last month, to the White House."

"Clarke said comments regarding the national strategy would be summarized and made public after the Nov. 18 submission deadline. Because of the White House privacy policy, however, commenters' identities will remain anonymous. In the weeks following the release of the strategy, several privacy groups expressed concern that the government would not release the comments."

IL: "Heed the rants of gun nuts before you vote"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Chicago Sun-Times "columnist" Mark Brown has taken it upon himself to bash gunowners again, repeatedly and blatantly displaying gross bigotry against an entire class of people, merely for the fact that they own firearms.

Tax code called "difficult, complicated, lengthy, cumbersome" by Treasury Assistant Secretary
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The government often loses touch with the needs and concerns of the citizenry. The IRS is no exception. For example, taxpayers need to know up-front what their tax paying responsibilities are so they can comply with the law. But, the tax law is far too complex for that to be possible."

"Individuals and businesses face significant challenges in understanding the tax laws, keeping required records, and filling out numerous complicated and detailed tax forms, which often require working through lengthy and difficult instructions, ending in cumbersome calculations."

"It is imperative that the government simplify the tax law and its administration to make compliance easier for taxpayers."

--Treasury Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy Pam Olson, meeting with the new members of the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel on October 7, 2002 in Washington, D.C.

Sarah Brady Uses Cowardly Murderer Picking People Off to Lie and Deceive
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"As police try to track down and stop this killer, we do know this: sensible gun laws can help law enforcement solve crimes as well as prevent gun violence. The unique markings, called the 'ballistic fingerprint,' that every gun leaves on a fired bullet or shell casing have always been helpful in investigating shootings. We have already seen the usefulness of ballistic tests in definitively linking six of the eight shootings to the same firearm.

"We have also seen the limitations to ballistic fingerprinting laws in their current form. Only two states -- Maryland and New York -- require a record be kept of every new gun's ballistic fingerprint. Both states' laws are relatively new and apply only to handguns, not all long guns, which the weapon in this case almost surely is. These limitations speak to a need for a national ballistics fingerprinting law for all firearms. Doesn't it make sense for us to give law enforcement the tools they need in order to solve such crimes?

"Furthermore, according to police, the shooter could be using one of four possible firearms to carry out this shooting spree. [IMPOSSIBLE to narrow it down to only four firearms merely from such a commonly used caliber!] Three of the four are assault rifles. It's important to remember that the federal assault weapons ban expires in September 2004. We do not want to put more military-style weapons capable of such devastation and worse back on our streets.

"The National Rifle Association, which claims to be on the side of law enforcement, fought the assault weapons ban and it fights ballistic fingerprinting laws. Instead of supporting measures that would help police solve crimes and prevent gun violence, it promotes the dangerous notion that 'an armed society is a polite society.' Sadly, far too many Americans every year pay the consequences of the NRA's 'polite society' with their lives."

UK: Robocop says 'we've had enough'
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Controversial mayor Ray Mallon is creating the country's largest community police force in an attempt to cut crime on Teesside."

"Mr Mallon - dubbed Robocop when he served as a detective - says his schemes will free Middlesbrough of "so-called beggars", cut crime in car parks and eliminate prostitution from the streets."

"Declaring he wants to 'replace fear with hope', Mr Mallon pledged to cut crime by 15% in the town over the next year."

"To do that he will create almost 100 street wardens - the largest community protection force in the country."

"To date the largest community policing scheme is in London, where 50 community officers pound the beat and answer calls from the public." ...

Low Intensity Terrorism
Submitted by: Ted Vaughn

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"In America, we have ensured that terrorists don't have to blow themselves up to kill lots of people. They don't have to die to commit mass murder and mayhem. We have determined that the government and only the government can defend us."

"The possession of firearms is a fundamental American civil right. And it is now more important from a practical standpoint than ever before."

"The American government simply doesn't trust its own people to defend themselves-even in the most extraordinary circumstances".
-Joseph Farah

Sniper Left Taunting Note, Police Say
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The sniper linked to nine area shootings left what appeared to be a taunting message for authorities outside the Bowie school where a 13-year-old boy was shot Monday morning, police sources confirmed last night."

" 'Dear policeman, I am God,' the message said. Police said it was found on a Tarot card known as the Death card, part of a deck used in fortunetelling. Sources close to the investigation said it was spotted in a wooded area about 150 yards from the school entrance, where police also found a spent shell casing and a matted area of grass that suggested that the gunman had lain in wait." ...

France: Man held in drive by shooting
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"French police said yesterday that a lorry driver had confessed to the racist killing of a north African teenager in a drive-by shooting on Friday night. The attack was described by the prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, as 'hateful and utterly intolerable'."

"A police spokesman said the 45-year-old lorry driver had admitted firing from his vehicle into a crowded cafe in Dunkirk. Mohammed Maghara died on the way to hospital."

"An hour earlier three other youths of Moroccan origin were injured in similar incidents, police said."

"The attacker was wearing a mask and had covered the number plates of his four-wheel-drive vehicle." ...

TX: Drag-racing sting gone awry divides Houston police
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"One of the biggest mass arrests in this city's history — 273 persons hauled in during a predawn raid in mid-August — has turned into a financial and emotional trauma for local law enforcement."

"The police chief might go to prison for perjury. The captain who led the raid might eventually be fired. Twelve other officers have been relieved of duty. And the city faces millions in potential legal costs."

"The 5,300-man Houston Police Department is in turmoil, many aligning themselves behind either Capt. Mark Aguirre or Police Chief Clarence Bradford." ...

FL: High-Ranking Sunrise Officer Accused Of Sexually Inappropriate Conduct
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The second-highest ranking member of the Sunrise Police Department, Maj. Thomas Mike Jahn, is the target of serious accusations."

"A four-page letter from the Broward police union to the Sunrise Chief of Police spells out numerous allegations of inappropriate conduct, much of it of a sexual nature." ...

"There are nearly 30 department employees listed as witnesses to the alleged behavior. Several department sources told Channel 10 News reporter Andrew Pulskamp that victims are hesitant to come forward because they fear retaliation from such a high-ranking member of the force."

"With everyone a target, fear is hard to avoid"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"But if [Osama Bin Laden] really wanted to stop America in its tracks, he might have just sent 20 snipers to this country instead of 20 hijackers."

"It seems as if this sniper knows something al-Qaida did not:

"Gun down enough women loading groceries into vans, enough men filling their gas tanks, enough children walking to school, enough joggers, enough babies in strollers in enough anonymous neighborhoods, and you will make even the heartiest Americans feel afraid and vulnerable."

OK: "Curbing Domestic Abuse"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"One new step the state is taking to reduce domestic violence involves the 'Address Confidentiality Program,' which will keep confidential the addresses of victims of abuse, sexual assault or stalking for dealings with state and local governments."

"This new law, which goes into effect Jan. 1, is supposed to keep abusers from finding their victims by keeping victims' addresses confidential. It sounds like a good law, and we genuinely hope it protects victims from their abusers."

Program to Hide Women Receives More Gullible Adoration

MA: Third Debate May Help Fringe Candidates
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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If you're a Massachusetts resident who values the right to keep and bear arms, spread the word about Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Carla Howell. The mainstream media won't.

"Howell, Stein and Johnson were invited to the WLVI debate and another one in two weeks only after they filed two unsuccessful lawsuits which challenged their exclusion from previous debates."

Ireland: Man to appear in court on gun and ammunition charges
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A 29-year-old man has been charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and possession of ammunition with intent to endanger life."

"He also faces one charge of armed robbery and is expected to appear before Laganside Magistrates on October 9, 2002."

"Police said that the charges relate to the discovery of a handgun and ammunition at a house in the Shankill area of Belfast on October 8."
If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

MD: Special interest ads helping Townsend more than Ehrlich
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Among those backing Townsend is the largest union of state employees, which has run ads saying Ehrlich has hurt working families. Attack ads on Ehrlich's gun control positions are being funded by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and a Baltimore-based group of black ministers." ...

UK: Czech pilot is bailed on gun charge
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"An international pilot charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition has appeared before Solihull Magistrates' Court."

"...Vaclav Pojer, from the Czech Republic, was arrested on Monday at Birmingham International Airport."

"The CSA pilot was due to fly from the city to Prague but security staff allegedly discovered a 6.35mm self-loading handgun in his luggage."

"Pojer...was given conditional bail to appear before Solihull magistrates again next week."

Ukraine: Police accused of torture
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Police in Ukraine are accused of interrogation methods including electric shocks, burns and hanging people by their arms or legs, human rights investigators have been told."

"A special report from the Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) criticises police for their harsh methods."

"Researchers who visited Ukraine say they heard numerous allegations of ill-treatment by the police, most involving kicks, punches and truncheon blows."

"But the committee said it also heard allegations of electric shocks, asphyxiation with masks or bags, burns using cigarette lighters and suspension by the legs or arms." ...


Ukrainian per capita suicide and homicide rates are reportedly higher than those in the United States.

Legislation that would have given Ukrainians "the right to bear arms" stalled in Parliament in late 1997. Citizens cannot carry firearms legally in the country, assuring that the police have easier torture subjects.

UK: Anger Over Drug Dealers And Shootings
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police chiefs felt the full force of the public's frustration with the city's rise in gun crime."

"...Most were fed up with the drug dealers and the shootings on their doorsteps."

"Residents, young and old, said a minority of 'bad apples' were ruining the life of the majority of decent law-abiding residents." -- disarmed law-abiding citizens, who are unable to use a firearm to defend themselves.

LA: Police fear residents complacent
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"At the height of the serial killer investigation women were buying pepper spray, handguns and taking gun and self defense classes."

"Now gun safety experts say many of the women who signed up for classes months ago are not even showing up because they feel the threat is over. 'A serial killer, just because he's not in the media doesn't mean he's not still lurking at large,' gun safety expert Will Saint said."

UK: Toy gun man arrested near M6
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A man armed with a toy pellet gun caused alarm when he walked out of a packed pub brandishing the weapon and then proceeded to point it at traffic on the M6 as he crossed a bridge."

"He was eventually arrested by a police armed response team as he crossed the motorway at Churchill Road, Bentley, Walsall."

OH: Opening of gun museum delayed
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Weapons aficionados will have to wait another year to see a vast assortment of arms put together by a local collector."

"The Owsley Brown Frazier Historical Arms Museum is now scheduled to open in spring 2004 in downtown Louisville, giving organizers more time to develop the exhibits."

NV: Home Invasion by Five Thugs in North Las Vegas Thwarted by Armed Homeowner
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A North Las Vegas homeowner was forced to take the law into his own hands -- and he says it may have saved his life. Five [black males] beat down his door Monday night in North Las Vegas near Craig and Bruce. The homeowner and his wife ran into their bedroom -- and the husband got his gun. When the suspects opened their bedroom door, he fired a shot -- hitting one of the suspects in the rear. The other four ran away."
Note: The video is worth watching.

TX: Students for the Second Amendment Supports the Texas Wildlife Expo 2002.
Submitted by: Damaso Torres

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On Saturday, October 5th, Students for the Second Amendment and its Collegiate Firearms Instructor Program assisted the National Rifle Association at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's 2002 Wildlife Expo in Austin, Texas. SF2A and CFIP members helped coach novice shooters at the NRA's air gun range. All the volunteers had a great time working with the youngsters.

"Death Card Report Stirs Controversy"
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A man who was shooting inside his home in Kensington is in police custody. Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose says someone in the house called police shortly after 4 pm."

"When officers got there, they found a man leaving the house. The man was taken into custody and is being questioned. Police say the man had several weapons in the house, and ammunition was found in the walls of the home."

"Moose says the man has had prior contact with county police. Moose says it's too early to tell if this arrest is linked to the rash of sniper shootings in the area."

"Also Wednesday, as 9 news first reported, a Tarot card was left at the scene of the shooting at Benjamin Tasker Middle school on Monday. It's a calling card, from a killer." ...

Gunning for trouble in Maryland
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Maryland's Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, has been hinting that restrictions on firearms ownership might have prevented the recent string of shootings that have terrorized the region and left at least six people dead. Although careful not to appear to be making political hay of the carnage, Mrs. Townsend nonetheless quipped not-so-elliptically the other day that there must be a new debate 'about how best to protect our citizens,' and that existing gun control laws 'save lives.' "

"Given Mrs. Townsend's well-established record of support for disarming and heavily restricting the right of law-abiding citizens to possess firearms, it is not at all difficult to parse the true meaning of her comments." ...

NJ: Gun Stands Draw Fire In N.J. Senate Race
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The rivals in the supertight New Jersey Senate race yesterday tangled sharply over gun control as fallout from the terrifying sniper shootings in the Washington area spilled over into the political arena."

"Democrat Frank Lautenberg, who just replaced scandal-scarred Bob Torricelli on the ballot, blasted Republican Doug Forrester for opposing new gun-control laws and claimed that means Forrester lines up with the National Rifle Association."

"Forrester had told a radio interviewer he didn't believe new gun-control laws could have prevented the murders."

"Forrester's campaign later issued a statement pointedly noting that the Republican had the endorsement of the New Jersey Fraternal Order of Police." ...

WI: Leibham supports gun rights (concealed carry) for law-abiding citizens
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"State Senate candidate Joe Leibham says he favors allowing law-abiding citizens to carry loaded, concealed weapons for self-defense."

"...Incumbent State Sen. Jim Baumgart accused Leibham of supporting concealed carry laws for those convicted of violent crimes, because Leibham voted for Assembly Bill 675, which would have allowed citizens to be licensed to carry concealed firearms." ...

MA: Many possibilities in 5-way debate tonight (Another report on debate)
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A statement from Howell said she would 'contrast her 'small government is beautiful' platform with the proposals of big government, high-tax Republican Mitt Romney and Democrat Shannon O'Brien ... and contrast her pro-gun proposals ... with Mitt Romney's and Shannon O'Brien's anti-gun positions."

UK: Sniper sends fear into city's streets
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Some talk radio shows speculate about a lone campaign of jihad, but no one really believes he is anything more than an old-fashioned nutter fuelled by anger and easy access to weapons in a society where owning a gun is a constitutional right."
Really? This coming from a subject of a country where gun crime has increased by 100 percent after guns have been all but outlawed? Yeah, sure -- our constitutional right to keep and bear arms is responsible for this sniper's actions!

CA: Gun manufacturers unfairly held liable
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Sharp commentary from Ryan Sabalow.
"In a recent push by politicians and political activists around the country, a new federal law will require regulation for box-cutter knife manufactures and owners."

"The Box-cutter Knife Responsibility (BKR) Act comes in response to the Sept. 11 attacks, in which box-cutter knives were used by terrorists to capture the airplanes that destroyed the World Trade Center and Pentagon." ...

SC: Columbia store owner fights off would-be robbers in shootout
Submitted by: Douglas Sharafanowich

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Columbia, SC. Oct. 9, 2002
A robbery attempt led to gunfire at Ntense Kustoms & Car Audio on Percival Road Tuesday morning.

(Store Owner) Patterson says he fired at least twice at the men. "When I came in, they pointed the guns at me and just opened fire. I don't know who was shooting. One of the guys, he kind of jumped, the one that had the gun at Andrae, he jumped up. I don't know exactly what all happened but they were shooting back and I was shooting."

Africa: Rebels refuse to disarm
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Rebels claim to be freedom fighters, refuse to disarm... (U.N. wants to disarm all in Africa, except government troops.)
"Mutinous soldiers in Ivory Coast have rejected a call by President Laurent Gbagbo to disarm ahead of negotiations."

"A spokesman for the rebels said that Mr Gbagbo only made his first direct appeal to them after failing to oust them from the second city of Bouake."

"We're not going to lay down our weapons before negotiations."

" 'I want to tell Ivorians that the foreigners are not our problem right now. Our fight is a fight to free our country and not to attack foreigners,' Mr Gbagbo said." ...

Critics slam Homeland Security amendment
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Rep. Armey's measure would exempt airport-security firms from liability"

"Critics are lining up against an amendment to the landmark Homeland Security bill that would grant immunity to airport screening firms whose negligence may have contributed to the 9-11 attacks."

"The amendment, introduced last summer by House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, 'has nothing to do with homeland security … and is nothing less than a special-interest gift to the airport screening companies,' said Rep. James Oberstar, D-Minn., ranking minority member on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in a July 25 letter to colleagues urging them to reject the proposal." ...

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself. — Thomas Paine

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