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Newslinks for 10/11/2003

MO: Judge Issues Temporary Injunction To Block Concealed-Gun Law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"St. Louis Circuit Judge Steven Ohmer issued a temporary injunction Friday that effectively stops the concealed-gun law from taking effect Oct. 11, KMBC reported."

"The temporary restraining order will delay the law from taking effect until the state's Supreme Court can determine if the measure is constitutional."

"An appeal of the order filed by Attorney General Jay Nixon with the state's Eastern District Court of Appeals was denied a short time later; Nixon then filed a second appeal with the state Supreme Court."

"Also late Friday, the plaintiffs successfully posted a required $250,000 bond to cover businesses' potential losses for delaying the law, allowing Ohmer's order to take effect."

Gun Makers May Win Exemption From Suits
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"After years fending off lawsuits, gun manufacturers appear close to getting Congress to exempt them from suits blaming them for gun crimes and seeking millions of dollars in damages."

"Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, has 44 Republican co-sponsors for his bill to immunize gun manufacturers and distributors from lawsuits arising out of the use of guns in crimes."

"And despite a threatened filibuster by some Democrats, the bill also has the support of 10 Democrats, among them Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota."

Hmmmmmm, Daschle promoting this legislation? I smell a rat somewhere! That rat is called the "NICS Improvement Act."

Gephardt, Kucinich Lead Fight Against Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressmen Richard Gephardt (D-MO) and Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) have co-sponsored H.R. 2038, a bill that will renew and strengthen the federal assault weapons ban. Their support comes one year after the DC-area sniper attacks, which killed 10 and wounded three others. The legislation would stop the gun industry from manufacturing and marketing all assault weapons, including the snipers' Bushmaster XM15 assault rifle."

"Though other presidential candidates have stated their support for a strengthened assault weapons ban, Reps. Gephardt and Kucinich are the only two to co-sponsor such legislation. The current ban is set to expire September 13, 2004 unless President Bush and Congress act."

Gun control's shaky empirical foundation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The world is messy, and it can be difficult to control for all the relevant variables when you're trying to determine the impact of a particular law. Not surprisingly, the CDC panel calls for more and better research, and it cautions that 'insufficient evidence to determine effectiveness should not be interpreted as evidence of ineffectiveness.' "

"But it's scandalous that politicians have been legislating in the dark all these years, promising that the gun control solution du jour would save lives when there was no evidence to back up such claims. If gun control laws have any positive effect at all, it must be pretty modest to have escaped documentation so far."

"How could it be otherwise? The typical gun control measure is laughably inadequate to accomplish its ostensible goal."

Please Oppose The Anti-gun "NICS Improvement Act"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Shortly, you may be asked to cosponsor or support legislation to dramatically increase the number of records on law-abiding Americans that are shipped to the FBI's Instantcheck system in West Virginia." ...

"I would urge Republicans and pro-gun Democrats to stand up for the Second Amendment in opposition to this dismal piece of legislation. You should be particularly chagrined with the fact that, at a time when Senator Chuck Schumer is killing a wide range of House-passed legislation, anti-gun forces were found bragging in the New York Times that passage of this NICS Improvement Act will 'explode the myth that nothing can be achieved [to limit] guns in [a Republican] Congress.' "

Benny Smith and Bellesiles: Two of a kind, or one and the same?
Submitted by: Drif

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Is the most vocal supporter of Michael Bellesiles and 'Arming America' really just Michael Bellesiles hiding behind an Internet alias?

An interesting editorial from the Emory Wheel that fits some pieces of the puzzle together rather nicely.

"It's telling that whenever Smith is questioned, he disappears or dodges, occasionally choosing to rant about the National Rifle Association and partisan politics that he claims ruined Bellesiles. For the record, I've called all of the listed Benjamin Smiths in the Detroit area. None had heard of Emory, much less Bellesiles."

"Taking advantage of a medium that allows one to communicate anonymously would be acceptable in my book if deceit -- aside from the made-up name -- were not involved. But Smith attempted to spread lies about our paper's motives and denials about Columbia's reconsideration of the Bancroft. That crosses the line."

"As for Bellesiles, who also uses a Yahoo! e-mail account these days, he did not respond to questions for this column."

KABA NOTE: It will be interesting to find out whether the media will make a huge deal out of this like they did with "Mary Rosh."

Fewer guns, more death
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Gun-control enthusiasts in the United States and western Europe have a lot to answer for on the heels of two reports last week that prove, beyond a doubt, the barbaric lunacy of ensuring citizens are defenseless against armed criminal threats."

"In the first, a British paper reported authorities have seen a 35 percent increase in gun violence in 2002 – not so ironically, in the sixth year since Parliament passed a law banning personal ownership of most firearms."

The Student Pledge Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 23, the date of this year's Day of National Concern about Young People and Gun Violence, young people across the country will have the opportunity to participate in the eighth annual Student Pledge Against Gun Violence."

"The observance and the days and weeks leading to it give middle school and high school students across the country the chance to sign a voluntary contract in which they promise never to bring a gun to school, never to resolve a personal problem or dispute with a gun, and to use their influence with their friends to keep them from solving problems with guns." [Emphasis added]

So just ask the rapist to please use a condom, right? Some problems are best solved with a firearm.

More on John Lott (blog)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"An Interesting Email Exchange Between Professor John J. Donohue III and [Clayton Cramer]....

Professor Donohue contacted me via email, apparently trying to persuade me that he is a fair and honest scholar, as distinguished from Dr. Lott, of whom Donohue says, "Lott has repeatedly tried to deceive the public...."

"My opinion of Dr. Lott's work remains unchanged: I am disturbed by the problems associated with the 1997 survey that disappeared, and the unfortunate--even amazing--set of coincidences that made it impossible to prove the existence of that survey. ...I find Dr. Lott's claims plausible, but I also know that multivariate correlation analysis, even with the best of intentions, is easy to screw up because of assumptions and errors. If someone intentionally fiddles the assumptions, proving that the results are wrong may be very difficult indeed."

"My opinion of Professor Donohue, however, keeps dropping, largely based on the statements that he has made in email--statements that lead me to conclude that he is:

1. prone to prejudicial assumptions about people based on the most irrelevant of criteria;

2. either woefully ignorant of a subject on which he purports to some expertise, or is the sort of fierce ideologue that he claims Dr. Lott is."

The Victimization Period
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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"Victimization period, noun: The period of time between the criminal obtaining their firearm illegally, before the victim can obtain their own firearm to use in self-defense, and the death of the victim."

NY: Gun club, residents fire words
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A gun battle is raging in the Town of Rhinebeck. However, this gunfight is being fought with words and lawyers, not bullets."

"The Rhinebeck Town Planning Board on Monday continued a public hearing on a site plan review for Northern Dutchess Rod and Gun Club at 140 Enterprise Road in the town. It was also a public hearing on a special use permit for the club."

NY: Police to distribute gun safety kits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Cheektowaga Police Department will distribute gun safety kits to residents at several upcoming community events."

"The department is participating in Project Childsafe, a gun violence prevention program sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and the U.S. Department of Justice."

"Each safety kit includes a gun locking device, key and instructions. The Police Department plans to distribute the kits at community events, and is making them available to anyone who wants one."

China: Chinese take firearms to space.
Submitted by: Stuart Gary

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"On Friday, the popular Web site reported that handguns, knives and other 'defensive weapons' will be stored aboard the capsule as a precaution against animals if the capsule lands in a dangerous area."

IN: Indianapolis Ministers Band Together Against Gun Violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Some Indianapolis ministers are launching a new fight against gun violence in their neighborhoods. They made the announcement just days after the shooting death of a high school student. The clergy's campaign began with a stern warning for criminals."

"The pledge to reject gun violence is the latest step for Meadows resident Lisa Cantrell. 'I had a niece about five years ago that got killed by gun violence, and enough was enough for me then,' she said."

"Ministers and neighborhood leaders from across the east side agreed to join forces after the killing of William Malone. Malone, 16, was shot to death when intruders broke into a Meadows community apartment."

OH: Warren Police Officer Under Investigation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A woman in Warren wanted guns found in her home destroyed. She called the police. What happened next is the subject of an internal investigation.

In September, Thelma Ruffins found two guns, a German Luger and a 32 revolver, in her home.

She says police came to take the guns and detective Dewey Gray offered to buy them for $20.

Gray could have violated department policy and procedure.

NJ: Borough supports Patriot Act restraints
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"But some council members say they should not get involved in such national issues." ...

"That the Princeton Borough Council adopted a resolution Tuesday objecting to portions of the USA Patriot Act may come as little surprise to borough residents — after all, the council had adopted resolutions opposing the war in Iraq and against the impeachment of President Bill Clinton."

"Nevertheless, there was controversy. But it was over a broader question: Should the governing body even discuss issues of a national scale over which it has little or no control?"

It's OK To Leave The Plantation!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Weaver explains that it is this inculcated mentality of dependence that has so strongly inclined the black community to support gun control. To be a gun owner and expect to have to defend oneself is to make a significant departure from the plantation. Freedom requires us to understand that calling 911 should be done only after the assailant has been shot, apprehended or chased off -- when the danger to the victim is over."

MN: Firearms safety exception shot down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Participants in a firearms safety class will not be allowed to bring their own weapons to the Winona Middle School on Saturday, the Winona School Board has decided."

"At issue was whether the board should make an exception to the school district's 'zero tolerance' weapons policy, granting Superintendent Eric Bartleson and school principals permission to allow students of the firearms class to bring their own weapons into a school building."

"The classes meet in the evenings and on Saturdays when school is not in session."

Apparently guns are so evil that their essence will permeate the building and corrupt children.

FL: Man Arrested for Carrying Gun inside Jacksonville Airport
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A man arrested Friday for having a gun inside Jacksonville International Airport is out on bond.

The FBI tells First Coast News that 53 year old Rowland V. Williams realized the gun was in his bag Friday morning after he was already inside the airport.

They say he showed the gun to security screeners and asked them what he should do.

Officials with the Transportation Security Administration took Williams into custody because it is a felony to have a gun inside the airport.

The FBI was called in and arrested Williams who does have a concealed weapons permit.

Williams appeared before a judge Friday. He was released on 25 thousand dollars bond.

Meanwhile the wife of a security employee got much different treatment for her "transgression."

Jamaica: Wounded teen remanded on gun charges
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Paul Miller, the 17 year-old Flankers teenager who is charged with shooting with intent and illegal possession of firearm and ammunition, is to return to court on October 13, when the matter will again be mentioned."

"He was remanded in custody when he appeared in the Western Regional Gun Court on Wednesday, to answer to the charges."

Another gun control utopia that can't control its gun crime.

MN: Carleton rejects new gun signs: college views concealment law differently
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Unlike St. Olaf, Carleton has decided not to post signs on their buildings banning guns in reaction to Minnesota’s new conceal-and-carry law. They will be posting signs on the two main entrances to their campus soon, but have no intention to post on every building."

"Carleton’s main reason for not posting signs is because it views this action as only one-half of the requirement for the new law. The administration believes that the other half requires property owners to also personally notify each person entering the building that they do not allow guns on their property. They believe that without both of these components, permit-holders with concealed weapons may still legally bring their firearms into the building."

President Should Get His News From Newspapers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If the president doesn't read newspapers but relies only on his aides, then I wonder if they told him about Kimberly Requell Mari Brice, the Landover, Md., five-year-old first grader who was fatally shot by her four-year old brother." ...

"It was a tragic story that made a compelling case for gun control, something that Bush is totally opposed to. Busy as he is, Bush would be better acquainted with the daily lives of Americans if he read his daily newspapers."

Bush is "totally" against gun control? What a shock! Especially since he's promised to sign the AW Ban if it makes its way to his desk!

Feel free to address the lies in this commentary.

MA: Grants aids gun safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A fragment of a $50 million federal grant to promote child safety has reached the police department in the form of 100 gun locks now available at the Bellingham Police Station."

"Gun owners without locks, a violation of state law, are encouraged to come to the station to pick up a lock, said Lt. Kevin Ranieri."

"The locks are cables that run through the firearm's handle where the clip would go on a 9 mm. for example, and come out the slide where a shell casing discharges. On revolvers, the cord would run through the barrel. The two ends of the cord are then locked together."

UT: Dinse joins the board of group devoted to ending gun violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Salt Lake City Police Chief Rick Dinse has added another duty to his roster of peace-keeping efforts. Dinse accepted a board position with the Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah (GVPC) this week, saying the position is a natural extension of his job as the chief of police." ...

" 'We're not anti-gun,' Kennedy said. 'We're anti-gun violence.' "

"GVPC is the only gun violence prevention group in Utah, Kennedy said. They look at gun violence as a major health issue for Utahns, citing 233 deaths involving firearms in 2001 -- placing it ahead of breast cancer and colon cancer."

Only problem with that comparison is that gun violence is the result of conscious action on the part of the person pulling the trigger, whether criminal or simply irresponsible, while diseases like cancer are no one's fault. The comparison is dishonest.

MO: Under the gun: Six speak out about gun violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The following are conversations with six Kansas City area people: a liquor store owner, a police officer, an inmate, a veteran, a mother whose sister was murdered and an emergency room doctor. Edited for length and clarity, they express how very complex the feelings about guns can be." ...

"A gun is nothing but a tool, good or as bad as the person who has it." ...

"A lot of people carry a gun because it makes them feel like a big man. It's not a good reason." ...

"It's all a matter of training. The biggest factor is the deterrent thing. Criminals don't want a problem if they think you're armed. They'll leave you alone."

Netherlands: Two killed in gangland shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man and woman were killed in their car in broad daylight on an Amstelveen street on Friday, the latest in a series of public gangland-style slayings in and around Amsterdam."

"The victims were driving in a claret-coloured Mercedes coupe in Keizer Karelweg when two people riding on a motorbike scooter opened fire with pistols. Police have not identified the victims, one of whom is reportedly known to authorities. "

"The shooting occurred at about 10.30am as the victims were driving away from Amstelveen. The suspects opened fire from the road divide and witnesses heard two bursts of gunfire. The car ended up on the other side of the road, an NOS news report said."

More disarmed victims of gun control.

NY: Mayor's Piggy Bank
Submitted by: Ty Benabe

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"The city's top development agency has been used as a 'little bank account for the mayor's office' - paying for mayoral aides' cars, lavish parties and out-of-town trips, a scathing audit found."

"The Economic Development Corp., whose mission is to generate business in the city, also did not hold open bids for at least four contracts, in apparent violation of the law, according to an audit by city Controller William Thompson."

While the NYC council considers passing an unconstitutional "liability insurance" requirement on all rifle and shotgun owners within city limits due to the supposed cost of gun violence, squandering city funds on the elites goes unhindered.

UK: Get this menace off our streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUN crime is a growing problem in Huddersfield."

"And today a top police officer called for more legislation to curb the threat - particularly from fake weapons."

"The town has one of the worst records of gun crime in West Yorkshire, figures revealed today."

"But Chief Supt John Holt believes that the ease with which people can get hold of imitation guns is adding to the worries."

"Huddersfield had 16 crimes of violence against the person with firearms in the last seven months. Calderdale had 14, Bradford North 13 and Weetwood and Pudsey 13."

"But Chief Supt Holt, commander of Huddersfield police, pointed out that a significant number of the local incidents involved toy and imitation guns and this highlighted a major problem."

Their solution? More legislation. The very definition of insanity.

No More Tolerance For Zero Tolerance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Once, long ago, there was legitimate reasoning behind the zero tolerance policy in our public schools that could be fathomed - but there’s also legitimate reasoning behind the saying that good intentions pave the way to hell. Originally, zero tolerance measures were aimed at dangerous kids who brought guns and drugs to school. However, the number of items and behaviors now considered suspension or expulsion-worthy has grown to an infinitely ridiculous amount."

"The terms regarding these items and behaviors are conveniently vague, as well, and vary from place to place. There is zero tolerance for weapons - what is a weapon? Is it a butter knife, a laser pointer, a beeper?"

CA: Police officer dies after accidental shooting
Submitted by: John Byrne

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"On Thursday morning, Ramos was getting ready for work when his personal semi-automatic Beretta fired, hitting him in the side. Ramos did not have the safety on the weapon at the time, which is a common practice for law enforcement. The death of the 20-year veteran came as a shock to the department."

Notice how the inanimate object is taking the blame for what was obviously negligent discharge on the part of this "professional."

CT: Man Is Charged in Wife's Suicide by His Gun
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"The same week a Meriden woman was convicted on a charge arising from her 12-year-old son's suicide, the police here arrested a 36-year-old man in connection with the suicide of his wife two years ago."

"The man, Steven C. Bartush, was charged on Tuesday with second-degree manslaughter because, the police said, he knew that his wife was suicidal, but he did not remove his guns from the house or lock them up. His wife, Joan Bartush, 32, shot herself on Oct. 6, 2001, two days after she was released from Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan. She used a .32-caliber handgun that her husband had put in an unlocked dresser drawer in the bedroom the night before, according to the arrest warrant."

Suppose she killed herself by leaving the car on in the garage. Would he be charged with "failing to remove the car"??

KY: Officials put Central under lockdown after gun scare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Madison Central High School went into lockdown Thursday morning after a student reported to Principal Hubert Broaddus she overheard another student may have a gun and planned to 'take somebody out' with it."

"All doors were locked in the building, not allowing anyone inside or outside for a little more than an hour. Students stayed in their classrooms while Richmond police officers and school officials searched lockers for any weapons or other illegal items. Broaddus said nothing was found in the lockers and the lockdown ended and the school day resumed."

Yes, please lock all those doors, so the innocent kids could possibly be locked inside the school with a potential killer and not a defensive firearm in sight.

CA: Gun in pack gets student, 16, arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 16-year-old Cordova High School student was arrested Tuesday afternoon when school and law enforcement officials found a handgun and ammunition in his backpack."

"The arrest occurred without incident after a tip from another student led officials to the backpack about 2:40 p.m. Tuesday, 15 minutes before school let out. The backpack contained an unloaded .38-caliber revolver and ammunition for it, officials said."

But guns are banned in schools! Don't hoodlums obey the law?

UK: Gun raid terror in car showroom
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge has warned of mounting public concern about gun crime as he jailed a woman for four and half years for terrifying staff at a Norwich car showroom by threatening them with an imitation handgun."

"Judge Gareth Hawkesworth told Norwich Crown Court today that he had examined the imitation weapon himself and said: 'It looked real. They must have been terrified. At a time of mounting public concern about gun crime anyone who witnessed these events would have feared for their lives.' "

"The court heard that Colette Cattee held up the Lind garage placing the gun against the forehead of receptionist Sally Shaw so she could feel the cold gun muzzle against her skin."

Destroying the Enemy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The vileness of politics continually progresses to physical combat, justifying wars, pogroms, mass executions and assassinations. The very politicians causing such carnage are the very same ones that call for gun control from the peaceful law-abiding masses that only wish to be left alone. Is it then surprising at all that politics converts so easily to violence? Is it any surprise that combative terminology is used when engaging political opponents? The best way to win in combat is to destroy one’s enemy."

CA: Gray Davis' Cop-Killing Gun Law
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"Gray Davis is gone. But his destructive legacy lives on."

"In the final weeks before his ouster, Davis used what dwindling power he had to hamstring California’s legal and political system for years to come. He made over 260 last-minute judicial and state commission appointments. Davis also quietly signed into law one of the most far-reaching handgun bans in the nation on Sept. 24 – a law which threatens to send many California police officers to their graves."

Limbaugh controversy shows media censorship
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"McNabb, and many of his teammates, took offense at [Limbaugh's] statement and got angry. Then the media got angry. Then the fans got angry. Four days after Limbaugh made his foolish comments, he resigned from his ESPN job because of mounting public pressure."

"So Limbaugh resigns and all is well in the world, right? No, not quite. ESPN’s reaction to the public outcry over Limbaugh’s remarks shows one of the drawbacks of media as a business. If an opinion or a stance loses viewers, then it’s dismissed or not aired, regardless of its validity. Rush gets people upset and ESPN pulls the plug, but to do so consistently is dangerous in a democracy. Sometimes it is our media’s obligation to tell us things we don’t like."

Much like the slanted media reporting on gun-related issues. So while it may not be politically correct, the media should accurately and objectively report gun rights issues.

But don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

PA: Stabbing raises student concerns about safety at Drexel U.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Emmett was walking from his apartment to the Sigma Phi Epsilon house, where he is a brother, when he was confronted by a black male. When the suspect pointed a .38-caliber gun to Emmett’s chest demanding money, Emmett tackled him. Another black male appeared, and, while attempting to remove Emmett from the other suspect, stabbed Emmett in the back."

Drexel's Weapon Policy -- No student, staff, faculty member or visitor shall keep, use, possess, display or transport any rifles, shotguns, handguns . . . on any property or in any building owned or operated by the University or in any vehicle on campus.

No wonder concerns about safety come into play! Defenseless students and faculty vs. armed thugs. Who do you think will come out on top?

Lagos: 5 Killed As Robbers Invade Festac Town
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Report revealed this morning that five people were killed during the week in the Festac area of Lagos State, when bandits raided an estate and made away with valuable items estimated at thousands of Naira."

"According to a report lodged with the state police command armed bandits stormed Festac Town at midnight and held a lot of people to ransome at gun point."

"P.M.News gathered that some residents of the area organised themselves to engage the bandits in a clash."

"The clash reportedly ended in fiasco, as five people were killed." ...

"The Lagos State police spokesman, who confirmed the incident, said the deceased were the bandits who were burnt to death by an angry mob."

UK: TV gun stunt a 'hoax'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Derren Brown's Russian roulette stunt backfired on him when police confirmed that the bullet loaded into his gun was a blank."

"Three million viewers saw Brown fire a gun, said to contain a live bullet, at his temple. Brown claimed he could read the mind of the man chosen to load the gun and knew which of the six chambers contained the bullet."

"But police in Jersey, where it took place, said the stunt was a fake."

Thailand: Postbag -- Gun control benefits criminals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Second letter on page

"Please refer to the letter from David Thomson of Melbourne (Postbag, Oct 7) praising the gun control effort in Thailand. There are several misunderstandings."

"First, PM Thaksin suggested confiscation of rifles and shot guns also, not only handguns. Second, only criminals will have true freedom and safety in selecting the victim on the street if gun carrying is banned; moreover, they will have this privilege everywhere if gun possession at home is banned."

"Third, gun control helps increase crime everywhere, especially in Australia."

South Africa: The Statistics Do Not Add Up
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ONE characteristic of almost all guns associated with crime is that identifying markings and serial numbers have been removed. Criminals do this to avoid having the weapon linked to other crimes like when it was stolen, or how it was smuggled across the border."

"Police statistics on guns claim that about 22000 firearms were stolen from legal owners in the one-year period of 2002-03."

"This has led to questions about how the police know the weapons are stolen."

Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms. — Neal Knox

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