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Newslinks for 10/11/2004

The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy, More Intervention, Less Freedom
Submitted by: Norman T Merkel

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"Mr. Speaker, the 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act (HR 10) is yet another attempt to address the threat of terrorism by giving more money and power to the federal bureaucracy. Most of the reforms contained in this bill will not make America safer, though they definitely will make us less free. HR 10 also wastes American taxpayer money on unconstitutional and ineffective foreign aid programs. Congress should make America safer by expanding liberty and refocusing our foreign policy on defending this nation's vital interests, rather than expanding the welfare state and wasting American blood and treasure on quixotic crusades to 'democratize' the world."

Ron Paul of Texas exposes the truth about HR 10 and how it creates national ID database; next step register guns, next step confiscate guns, next step.........

Politics and guns -- always a heated issue at election time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's no secret that I have a firm mistrust for politicians."

"They are artists at twisting truths and lies into something that sounds realistic enough to slip past the public's comprehension."

"I also want to make it clear that this is not a political statement, for or against, either of the presidential candidates."

"According to a report from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) voted against a bill to stop lawsuits blaming gun makers for criminal shootings."

"This sounds familiar because Gov. Ed Rendell, former mayor of Philadelphia, once tried to make it possible to hold gun manufacturers accountable, through lawsuits, for crimes committed with firearms." ...

LaPierre Says Kerryite Soros Pushing Global Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Billionaire John Kerry supporter George Soros is working through the U.N. to negotiate a treaty that will ban private ownership of firearms on a worldwide basis, says National Rifle Association spokesman Wayne LaPierre."

"Addressing the annual SAFE: Right to Carry Conference last Sunday on New York, LaPierre warned, 'The U.N. is, I believe, the major threat that we're going to be dealing with.'"

"'Under the umbrella of the United Nations, there are now more than 500 of these organizations working day and night trying to ban civilian ownership or firearms,' he explained." ...

MD: Mailing takes shot at bear hunters
Submitted by: The Eggman

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"A Rockville animal-rights activist has sent out a mass mailing to property owners in Garrett County, Md., stating they should not allow bear hunters on their properties because 40 percent of them are drug addicts, drunks or mentally unstable."

"Earle D. Hightower, chairman of the Institute for Public Safety, a 27-member group mainly concerned with such issues as traffic and smog, acknowledges the statistic printed on 600 cards is phony, but says it's all for the cause. [emphasis added]" ...

So, ANY Means Justifies Their Ends?

TN: Feds arrest Iraqi man buying machine guns
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Federal authorities said Friday they arrested an Iraqi-born Nashville resident on illegal weapons charges during a sting operation set up after he made threats about 'going Jihad.'"

"Ahmed Hassan Al-Uqaily, 33, was arrested Thursday afternoon as he was putting weapons he had purchased from an undercover agent into his car, according to an affidavit from FBI agent Greg Franklin."

"Authorities said the suspect paid $1,000 to buy two disassembled machine guns, four disassembled hand grenades and hundreds of rounds of ammunition from the agent, who was working with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force." ...

MI: Pupil with gun jailed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the armed teen made a break, Officer Don Koski tackled him, wrestled him, handcuffed him and took a small-caliber pistol from his pocket."

"It's a routine scene from the streets, but on Friday it played out in the central office of Heritage High School, Saginaw Township police said."

"'That's what officers deal with every day on the streets,' Chief Donald F. Pussehl Jr. said, adding it was 'no doubt' a scary situation inside a school."

"'There was a little scuffle,' he said. 'He had to wrestle him to take him into custody. Our school resource officer did a fantastic job.'"

"The weapon, so small as to hide in the palm of a hand, wasn't loaded, the chief said." ...

MA: Slaying plot alleged at high school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Marshfield High School junior is under arrest on charges that he plotted a murderous attack against eight individually named students and teachers, mapped the school's escape doors that he planned to padlock, and exploded a handmade bomb in a practice session." ...

"When detectives searched his house, they found detailed, hand-drawn plans of the school, a shopping list that included guns and ammunition, and information from websites, including The Anarchist's Cookbook, that would allow him to 'maximize casualties,' police said." ...

No, what would best allow him to 'maximize casualties' would be the fact that he would be operating in a victim disarmament zone!

GA: Third Domestic Death This Week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When police arrived, they said the husband fired shots at them. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect."

"The fatal shooting took place just two days after a man shot and killed his ex-wife and pistol-whipped her boyfriend in the parking lot of a Lilburn apartment complex, according to police. Tonya Cox had taken out a temporary protective order against Darren Cox." [emphasis added] ...

"Dwayne Albritton broke into Tamatha Gilbert's home, dragged her into the front yard, and stood over her as he opened fire, according to witnesses who called 9-1-1. Gilbert died at the scene."

"... Gilbert had taken out a temporary restraining order after Albritton was released from jail ... in July." [emphasis added]

OH: MV officers dominate in shooting competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Mount Vernon police officers dominated the competition at the Briar Rabbit Pins and Plates shooting competition held in Zanesville on Tuesday."

"Five officers, Fred Gerber, Kit Morgan, Craig Feeney, Roger Monroe and Terry Davis participated in the shoot along with over 50 other officers from around the state. The three-man team of Gerber, Morgan and Feeney took both the Team Award, (with the best cumulative times in all events) and the Team Shoot-off Award, which is based on a three-man team (shotgunner and two pistol shooters) competing in a team on team race through the shooting course." ...

Jamaica: Military must help killings investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Physical evidence from autopsies and the crime scene supports eyewitness accounts of the deaths of Sandra Sewell and Gayon Alcott, said Olivia Streater, a Jamaica researcher at Amnesty International, releasing the preliminary findings from the organization's autopsy observations. ...'If the evidence suggests unlawful killings, it should be placed before a jury to decide.'" ...

"'Sandra Sewell was killed instantly with a gunshot from a military rifle,' said Professor Pounder. ..."

"'She was shot in the back. Eye witnesses say she was crouching down trying to avoid gunfire at the time, so there is, on the face of it, corroboration of their statements,' continued Professor Pounder." ...

And Jamaica is a 'Brady Paradise', where only cops and the military are allowed guns.

South Africa: Cop killed, robbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 26-year-old policeman was shot and killed in Inanda, north of Durban on Saturday afternoon, KwaZulu-Natal police reported.

Captain Gugu Sabela said a KwaMashu-based detective had been sitting with six 'friends' outside a tuckshop near Ohlange when one of them took out a firearm and shot him.

The attacker took the detective's cellphone and another member of the group took his service pistol before fleeing, Sabela said.

The detective died at the tuckshop.

He was off-duty but on standby at the time of the attack.

The motive for the attack had not been established and both attackers were still at large.

These are the men who are supposed to protect the effectively disarmed 'civilians', yet they are unable to protect themselves.

Philippines: Ex-soldier, 2 other rob gang members slain in shootout
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Army soldier being suspected as the leader of an organized robbery-holdup gang operating in Central Luzon and some parts of Northern Luzon was killed, together with two of his colleagues, in a shootout with policemen here Saturday (Oct. 9)."

"Superintendent Rudy Lacadin, the police chief here, identified the alleged criminal gang leader as Wahid Tinero, a former soldier with the rank of private first class ..."

Tinero’s two other slain companions were identified as Antonio Valencia, of Mabalacat town also in Pampanga, and Marlon Nunga, of Barangay Tariji here who, Lacadin said, had long been the subject of a police manhunt after figuring in a series of robbery-holdups in this city." ...

NH: School draws line at gun in photo, but senior fights back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The photo shows a high school senior and the trappings of his hobby. And though its intended audience was simply the readers of the Londonderry High School yearbook, it has drawn the attention of the School Board, National Rifle Association, American Civil Liberties Union, and parents around town."

"On Tuesday, School Board officials will hold a hearing, where 17-year-old Blake Douglass, an avid trap shooter, will ask the board to overturn a school administration decision that prohibits the senior yearbook from printing a photo of him holding a trapshooting gun over his shoulder. If the prior decision stands, Douglass's lawyer said, she will sue." ...

NH: Londonderry student rejects compromise
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Londonderry High School's administration and yearbook editorial staff yesterday offered a compromise to resolve the dispute with senior Blake Douglass over the photo of him holding a broke-open shotgun. Douglass' attorney immediately rejected it." ...

"Without a compromise, Tuesday night's public appeal hearing on the issue will go on as scheduled. Dean, Douglass and his father, Sherwood, will be present to argue the student's side; Elefante and Greenberg will present the district's case."

"The hearing will be posted, and televised on Londonderry cable access."

OH: Another newswriter takes CHL training; comes away impressed (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last time I was this nervous about taking an exam was ... well, let's just say a very long time ago."

"My test contained 25 multiple choice questions, each addressing some aspect of the 10 hours of intense classroom instruction I received."

"The last thing I wanted to do was fail, either the written exam or the also-required two hours of hands-on training required by Ohio's law establishing the right to carry a concealed handgun. That law took effect six months ago."

"At the heart of the test was material contained within the 223-page National Rifle Association's 'Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection in the Home.' Under Ohio law, a person must ascribe to 10 hours of certified training that meets certain, specified criteria." ...

DC: Public Safety as Political Football
Submitted by: magrathaen

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"Statistics show most murders are committed with guns. And so far this year, 76 percent of the 149 homicides committed in the District of Columbia were committed with guns. So why did the U.S. House of Representatives vote last week to rescind nearly all of Washington D.C.'s 28-year-old gun control laws?"

"According to some, the answer lies in the election-year politics of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay and House Republicans, who pushed the measure so Democrats would have to decide on crossing the nation's powerful gun lobby weeks before a crucial election." ...

OH: Robbery by hammer in Uh'ville
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This gas station is listed among the unsafe businesses in OFCC's Do Not Patronize While Armed database. Perhaps if they had posted a 'no hammers' sign? Or better yet, a 'no robberies' sign?"

"Two men, one armed with a hammer, robbed the Starfire Service Station on W. McCauley Dr., Uhrichsville, early Tuesday."

"According to Sgt. Vince Beal, police were called to the station at about 2:57 a.m. on a report that the business was just robbed by two men, one with a hammer."

"Beal said a female clerk told them the man with the hammer was wearing a dark hooded jacket with something white over his face." ...

NY: Area hunters give tips on ammunition
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Last weekend, while chasing ruffed grouse in the Cooperstown area, Bob Hazelton made a move that many hunters find daunting."

"He changed ammunition."

"'I made a monumental change,' the Sempronius dog trainer said. 'I bought 28-gauge inserts for my 20-gauge over and under and used a sporting-clays load - 3/4 ounces, size 71/2 shot. And it worked great.'" ...

NV: Carson gun range in cross hairs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A city proposal to use the Carson Rifle and Pistol Range site as a reclaimed water storage basin is upsetting some local shooting enthusiasts, but officials say a new and better range could come from the deal."

"A water reuse master plan indicates that the terrain at the shooting range is ideally suited to a new wastewater storage reservoir."

"The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection has ordered the city to reline its Brunswick Canyon Reservoir, citing concerns over nitrates seeping into the ground water."

But there is also plan to find an area that would satisfy all target shooting needs." ...

For some reason I keep thinking "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

PA: Department of Conservation and Natural Resources backs off on moratorium, pledges to support Pennsylvania Game Commission
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"[DCNR] Secretary Michael DiBerardinis has yielded to the pressures and complaints about a lack of cooperation with the state Game Commission over the deer-management plan."

"DiBerardinis appeared Monday before the [PGC] Board in State College to pledge a new spirit of cooperation between the two agencies that will benefit sportsmen and the outdoor recreation economy ..." ...

"One DCNR spokesman even went as far as to suggest stocking cougars and wolves as predators that would take more deer from the woodlands."

"DiBerardinis said reforms to the Deer Management Assistance Program and implementing an extended rifle season as possible tools to help control the deer population on state forest lands. ..." ...

KY: County 4-Hers shoot well in state meet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a little more than 16 years, Kentucky's 4-H Shooting Sports Education Program has grown to involve about 6,000 youth and 900 volunteers statewide. Christian County has a strong shooting sports club called the Sharp Shooters."

"More than 850 youth, representing 64 counties, competed in the state competition Sept. 18 at the Bluegrass Sportsman's Club in Wilmore and Sept. 19 at the Kentucky Wildlife Management Center in Berea."

"During the state competition, junior and senior 4-Hers demonstrate their mastery in a number of disciplines. Those currently offered are 12- and 20-gauge shotgun, 22-calibre, bolt-action, pellet and BB rifle, muzzle-loader rifle and pistol and archery (compound bare and reserve, bow hunter and target)." ...

NC: Hunters make sure safety always in season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Like many people in the Twin Counties, Gene Porter of Rocky Mount says hunting is one of his favorite pastimes in the fall." ...

"'I started bow hunting about five years ago, and I like it better than hunting with a rifle because it is more of a challenge,' he said. ... "

"While Porter, 29, hunts with his friends. All of them know that safety is important, he said."

"'I know to not point my bow and arrow at someone or point my gun at someone,' Porter said. 'When I was in high school, I took a hunting safety class. My friends and I know when we are out hunting that we should watch out for each other and for other hunters. We do not rush when we're hunting.'" ...

IL: Leaders shy from gun ID fee hike
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1968, the year Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy were shot by assassins, Illinois began requiring people who wanted to own or use firearms to buy a state license. The fee was set at $5 and hasn't changed since, leaving all state taxpayers to now underwrite the cost of processing the permits."

"Over that 36-year span, the charges for driver's licenses, license plate renewals, camping permits and virtually every other state fee have been increased substantially, some under Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who champions a pay-as-you-go philosophy." ...

Yet Blagojevich, once an outspoken gun-control advocate who crusaded a decade ago to increase the Illinois gun permit fee to $500, now has become equally passionate about ensuring that the modest charge for the Firearms Owners Identification Card stays as is." ...

ID: Mountains, woods still safe for non-hunters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There will be occasional gun shots in the mountains."

"You'll meet hunters carrying high-powered rifles."

"Deer-hunting season is open, but that doesn't mean you should give up hiking, mountain biking and picnicking during one of the best times of the year."

"Rick Thomas won't."

"An avid hiker, he doesn't let hunting season stop him from going out, but he does take some precautions. 'I try to wear a lot of color,' said Thomas, of Boise. 'I also think about where I am going.'"

"Thomas prefers to hike in areas where hunting is not allowed, such as national parks and state parks, but if he plans a trip in other areas, he dresses appropriately."

"'I try to be more visible,' he said. ..." ...

KY: Rev up your cartridge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this column last October, an article featured four 7mm cartridges that are suitable for deer and elk hunting in Kentucky."

"This article focuses on the 7mm WSM (Winchester Short Magnum), and a value-priced, bolt-action hunting rifle, the Winchester Super Shadow, which is chambered for this potent new centerfire cartridge."

"Here are some observations:"

"Unveiled in 2003, the 7mm WSM was made from the old .404 Jefferey case. It holds a magnum-sized charge of powder, but its short, "fat" design makes the 7mm WSM inherently accurate with both heavy and light powder charges. The 7mm WSM is like driving a high-performance car. The acceleration and top end speed are there if you need it." ...

Philippines: Checkpoint nets handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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PLATOON commander Leopoldo Martinez confiscated a Charles Daly brand of caliber .45 pistol when he conducted a random checkpoint along Gov. Ramos Avenue, Barangay Sta. Maria.

The firearm was turned over to the Investigation Section of the Zamboanga City Police Office Thursday.

Based on the police report, the confiscated firearm belongs to P01 Abdulla Saide of the Police Regional Office in the Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

Saide also yielded a magazine loaded with six live ammunition aside from the handgun.

Saide failed to show some pertinent papers allowing him to carry or possess the handgun.

But guns are banned in the Philippines!

Australia: Man on attempted murder charge extradited to Broken Hill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man is due to appear in court today charged with the attempted murder of a man who was shot in Broken Hill last month.

Michael Geran Garozzo, 48, of Menindee, was extradited to Broken Hill after being released from Royal Adelaide Hospital where he underwent surgery for a fractured skull.

He appeared in a bail court on Saturday and was remanded in custody.

Police allege Clinton Squires, 27, was shot in the lung with a pistol after striking Garozzo in the head with a heavy glass ashtray at a house in Oxide Street.

Mr Squires is the son of Garozzo's partner.

Someone bashed in the head hard enough to fracture his skull and he's being charged?!?

UK: Anatomy of a killing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was closing time. The lights had come on and servers were clearing beer glasses from tables." ...

"The Scots Corner, a British-style pub in downtown London, was calling it a night."

"Then came the gunshots." ...

"There were no screams, no cries for help. For a moment, just an odd silence among the 100 or so remaining patrons."

"Then, when a doorman calmly told a bartender to call for police and an ambulance, the deadly consequences became clear."

"Downstairs, in the doorway of the men's bathroom, two men lay in a veritable bloodbath. Michael Allen, 32, a well-known drug dealer originally from Toronto, had fallen on top of a dying Olutobi (Tobi) Johnson, 26, a Toronto man in London to visit a friend." ...

Canada: Langley nixes self-defence classes idea -- Councillors doubt class's effectiveness
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Langley Township Council is refusing a proposal to offer free self-defence classes after an alleged abduction and sexual assault of an 11-year-old girl.

Councillor Kim Richter proposed making the classes available for young women and children.

When Richter realized she would not find support at council, she suggested a 6-month trial -- but that idea was voted down as well.

Other councillors expressed doubt about just how effective the training could be.

Richter says it's the affluent who can afford self-defence offered in the private sector.

So they admit self-defense classes are mostly useless, but they still deny their subjects the ability to lawfully carry guns for protection and defense.

Pakistan: Three arrested for possessing unlicensed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Capital Territory Police (ICPT) on Sunday arrested three persons for possessing unlicensed weapons in the Jurisdiction of Shezad Town Police Station.

According to details, police arrested Tahir and Qadier from the area of Gasoota during routine patrolling and recovered 7 mm rifle with 10 rounds and 12 bore Carbine with four rounds each from their possessions.

Moreover, police arrested Rashid from Charah during routine patrolling and recovered 30 bore pistol with 10 rounds from his possession.

Police have registered cases against them and started further investigation.

More guns in a country where civilians are effectively banned from having arms.

UK: Man took imitation pistol into nightclub
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN walked into a city night club with a James Bond style imitation pistol because he wanted to swap it for a pair of sunglasses, a court heard."

"Plumber Frankie Lee-Cooper went into the Time nightclub in Riverside last Friday with the replica weapon tucked into the back of his trousers."

"Time night club doorman Karl Jackson spotted the blank-firing replica pistol and the police were called."

"Lee-Cooper, 20, of St Mary's Grove, Sprowston, was yesterday ordered to do 120 hours of community work and pay £43 costs."

"He had admitted having an imitation firearm in a public place last Friday night."

"He said he had previously swapped a pair of Armani sunglasses for the weapon, but wanted them back." ...

The maintenance of the right to bear arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions. [State vs. Kerner, 181 N.C. 574, 107 S.E. 222, at 224 (1921)]

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