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Newslinks for 10/11/2005

LA: Guns Banned at 'FEMA City' Outside Baton Rouge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Second Amendment group is expressing "'hock and disbelief' that people seeking refuge at a FEMA compound outside Baker, La., may not bring their firearms with them."

"According to a report that aired on the Lehrer News Hour on Thursday, displaced New Orleans residents are being allowed to move into a trailer and RV compound called 'FEMA City,' but the conditions for residency include a ban on firearms."

"'This is not acceptable.' said Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan Gottlieb. He noted that the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association recently filed a lawsuit in New Orleans, winning a temporary restraining order against the confiscation of firearms by police ..." ...

TX: ConocoPhillips target of NRA campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'ConocoPhillips is no friend of the Second Amendment.'"

"That billboard message deployed by the National Rifle Association along Texas freeways puts Houston's biggest public company squarely in the sights of a national group with strong political firepower."

"The NRA is taking aim at high-caliber ConocoPhillips Co. by deploying dozens of critically placed billboards and waging a national boycott of the integrated oil company's gas stations."

"At the heart of the NRA campaign against the Houston-based company loom billboards that trumpet the accusation that ConocoPhillips does not support the Second Amendment, which protects the right 'to keep and bear arms.'" ...

MT: It's a good idea to behave here, too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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-gun group, unhappy about a new Florida law bolstering people's right to defend themselves against attack, issued a warning to tourists arriving in the Sunshine State last week:"

"'Do not argue unnecessarily with local people,' warned the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence."

"The implication is that Floridians might just fill their argumentative visitors with lead."

"'If someone appears to be angry with you, maintain to the best of your ability a positive attitude and do not shout or make threatening gestures,' the Brady Campaign literature adds."

"What are they saying? That tourists shouldn't be obnoxious or shout and make threatening gestures to the locals? This is supposed to be an argument AGAINST guns?" ...

FL: Proposed Law Could Allow Guns at Workplace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At Green Acres Sporting Goods on the Westside, guns at work are no big deal."

"But salesmen are discussing a bill proposed by two Republican state senators that would make it a crime for employers in Florida to stop their employees from bringing guns to work."

"As part of the proposed legislation, the weapon must remain locked inside the gun owners' car."

"'Employees, especially working late night shifts, should have the right to protect themselves,' said gun salesman Jack Farhat."

"He follows gun laws pretty closely and says this proposal is all about self-defense." ...

TX: Police say man foils robbery by shooting attacker
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A northwest Harris County man foiled an attempted robbery early this morning when he shot and killed one of two men who confronted him as he was walking to his car, sheriff's deputies said."

"The shooting occurred shortly after 5:30 a.m., while it was still dark, outside the man's residence at the Jones Crossing Apartments in the 9000 block of Jones Road at Steeple Drive."

"No charges have been filed against the shooter."

"'It appears to be self-defense,' said Harris County Sheriff's Department Lt. John Denholm, who was at the scene." ...

MD: [Loyola] Students robbed at gunpoint
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Loyola students and a visiting student were victims in an armed robbery ... Friday morning between midnight and one a.m."

"Juniors John Curran and Alex Hutter, along with friend Ryan Quinn of Villanova University, were approached by an African American male while sitting in their car in the dirt parking lot on the southeast corner of the intersection."

"After asking to borrow a lighter, the suspect revealed a pistol, pressed it to Quinn's side, and demanded money from all three." ...

Submitter's Note: Loyola College Firearm Policy:
"The unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon on College premises or at College sponsored activities is strictly forbidden. This includes, but is not limited to firearms ..."

LA: Lobbyists played role in Katrina rescues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two lobbying groups, chosen by Louisiana to collect emergency requests from hospitals and nursing homes during Hurricane Katrina, found themselves instead scrambling to arrange private rescues when government teams became preoccupied with plucking citizens off rooftops. The inability to quickly direct National Guard and other government rescue teams to health care facilities had deadly consequences."

"Dozens of fragile patients died in sweltering heat and other taxing conditions that lasted for days."

"A Catholic nun reported trying for four days to get rescuers to her nursing home ... Another home administrator, trapped amid looting and chaos, carried a gun for the first time in his life just to protect patients." ...

OH: Ken Blackwell says as Governor he'll close the media access loophole (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Ken Blackwell, current Secretary of State and Republican candidate for governor, has announced that if elected, he will push for legislation to stop media access to the list of concealed handgun licenseholders." ...

"To our knowledge, Mr. Blackwell is the first candidate to have publicly introduced a call for some type of firearms law reform into his campaign." ...

PA: Tip alleging student carrying gun turns out to be false
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Jeannette Senior High School was locked down Monday morning for about an hour while city police investigated a tip that a student had carried a handgun onto school property.

The tip, however, telephoned to school officials just before 11 a.m., turned out to be false, police Chief Jeff Stahl said.

"The caller provided the name of the alleged person and said he was carrying a handgun in his waistband. We searched the student, his locker and then every locker in the school, but nothing was found," Stahl said.

"It may have been some sort of a practical joke," he said.

Submitter's Note: A joke or someone had a test they hadn't studied for.

GA: Growth pushes gun-law debate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Bill Haas enjoys target shooting behind his house. A member of the National Rifle Association, he says he carries a gun in his truck, and sometimes one in his pocket."

"He lives on six acres in an unincorporated portion of the county just north of Perry, an area he says few people inhabited when he and his wife moved there in 1988. Residents lived far enough apart then that it wasn't a big deal for neighbors to go outside and shoot at backyard targets, he said." ...

"But now more people are moving to the county, and more and more houses are springing up. Allowing people to continue to shoot guns in their back yards while the population grows more dense, he said, is an increasingly dangerous prospect." ...

FL: Weapons at Work: Gun rights take back seat to employers’ ability to limit possession on own property
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It seems hardly a week goes by that one group or another tries to pit one of our rights against another. It’s usually the result of someone claiming an absolute right or misreading the Constitution. The latest example we’ve seen is actually a replay of one we commented on earlier this year. In that case, legislators in Oklahoma passed a law that forced employers to allow employees to store firearms in their locked cars in company parking lots. Employers balked at the law and it’s currently tied up in court." ...

FL: Florida Invites Gun Mayhem
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Florida's reckless new 'shoot first' law is bound to lead to senseless tragedy."

"Effective Oct. 1, the measure allows any resident engaged in lawful activity in a public place to use deadly force if 'he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or to another person or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.'"

"Such broad language is an open invitation to armed, trigger-happy residents to take the law into their own hands. Under the law, shooters are even given immunity from prosecution and civil lawsuits." ...

NY: Minority input sought in New Paltz police rifle purchases
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Edgar Rodriguez had a life changing experience."

"About 40 years ago, Rodriguez said, he was driving on a Harlem street, when he was pulled over by a police officer."

"'His hands were trembling,' said Rodriguez, 58, describing the officer, who had pointed a gun at him. 'I felt like he was going to shoot me.'"

"Since then, the officer's shaking hand has been imprinted in Rodriguez's mind."

"Wednesday, Rodriguez expressed concern over the four AR15 riffles the New Paltz Police Department proposes to buy and how the guns could affect the lives of minorities living in the area." ...

Submitter's Note: But according to Sarah et al. "the sole purpose of these weapons is to kill as many people in as short a time as possible", so why would the police 'need' them?

CT: Realistic pellet guns often used in crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although the criminal charges are the same, more youths are opting for pellet and BB guns as their weapons of choice in armed robberies, a preference police say is motivated mostly by accessibility."

"Although the criminal charges are the same, more youths are opting for pellet and BB guns as their weapons of choice in armed robberies, a preference police say is motivated mostly by accessibility."

"Although federal law and U.S. Department of Commerce regulations require pellet gun manufacturers to take steps to differentiate them from regular handguns, such as equipping BB guns with bright orange caps over gun barrels or making them out of clear or neon plastic, such safeguards are easily sidestepped." ...

LA: Free firearms course for men starts Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local law enforcement agencies will hold a free firearms safety and familiarization course for men this week and a self-defense class for women later this month."

"The Caddo sheriff's office course for men will be taught from 6 to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday at Caddo Correctional Center and from 8 a.m. until noon Saturday at the firing range."

"POST-certified deputies will teach personal safety and how to shoot and safely clean a firearm, sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Chadwick said. Participants can bring their own weapon to the firing range or one will be provided for them, she said. However, no guns should be brought to the classes, Chadwick said." ...

OH: Ten days and counting: No correction of erroneous Plain Dealer editorial (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"There have been ten issues of the Cleveland Plain Dealer (and ten opportunities to correct glaring falsehoods repeated in a September 29 editorial about how House Bill 347, Rep. Jim Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform bill, would amend the media access loophole) since editorial page editor Brent Larkin told Buckeye Firearms Association 'if there is an error in the story, I will address it.'"

"In those ten issues, SIXTEEN other corrections have been published. The average length of time Plain Dealer has taken to publish corrections about stories in October has been 2 days (not including one correction left over from a September story)."

"So why the long delay in publishing the truth about House Bill 347? With each passing day, the hypothesis that the Plain Dealer doesn't want to write the true facts about what this bill would do becomes more and more plausible." ...

OH: Letter: Legitimate, legal reasons exist for carrying short-barrel pistols (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A letter to the editors of the Canton Repository was published today responding to a previous letter (which we can not find on their website) in which someone apparently challenged the newspaper for selling "certain" handguns. We can only guess, based on this letter, they were talking about 'Saturday night Specials' or 'disposable' handguns."

"What most newspaper editors and the general public don't realize is that smaller, lightweight pistols are ideal for concealing. There is a reason they were made to be lightweight and small -- and opponents to concealed carry want them swept from the market place, as if they don't exist." ...

KY: Rifle Posts Second Straight GARC Win
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Sophomore Christopher Abalo was the top shooter in smallbore for the second straight meet, and team captain Lucas Leinberger won air rifle as Army posted a 4639-4606 win over Memphis in a Great America Rifle match Sunday afternoon."

"The defending NCAA champion Black Knights moved to 2-0 on the season following their second straight GARC win over the weekend." ...

NY: Author writes second book about L.C. Smith shotguns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After writing an 80-page book about the Hunter Arms Company and its famous L.C. Smith shotguns almost two years ago, Richard Beyer of Palermo has authored a 114-page second edition that includes additional historical information about the Fulton plant and its employees." ...

OH: Inject common sense into Ohio's gun law (letters)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding the Sept. 29 editorial 'Weapons bills insult the public':"

"In September, I received a permit to carry a concealed handgun. I mostly agree with the law as it is, except the part about carrying a loaded handgun in a vehicle. ..."

"... When I exit the vehicle, the gun would be clearly visible. I would then have to switch it, in public view, from my holster on my belt to a concealed holster on my person. Does any body really want to see that?" ...

"Russell DiCarlo"

"The Plain Dealer (Editorial, Sept. 29) fails to mention that in these past 18 months, and with 45,000 new concealed-carry licenses, a CCW holder has not committed one gun crime. Imagine, not a single gun crime within the population of a large suburb in 1½ years! ..." ...

"Thomas Kemmett"

FL: Gun-control group misfires
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under the guise of 'warning' visitors about a change in Florida law, a gun-control group is needlessly and fraudulently scaring tourists."

"The leafleting by the national (James) Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is nothing more than a political ploy."

"The group doesn't like Florida's so-called 'stand your ground' law, which allows people to use force in self-defense without first attempting to retreat from a threatening situation. The Brady Campaign calls it the 'Shoot First' law in its leaflets."

"The group is entitled to its opinion. But it is dirty politics to imply that visitors' safety is at risk because of the law." ...

WI: Kansas hunter is proof that size does not matter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 177-pound northern Wisconsin black bear may not be considered a trophy by some."

"A 55-pound, 15-year-old girl may not be considered a hunter by some."

"Some would be wrong."

"Susan Clark of Belle Plaines, KS, is not unlike other teenage girls. She is a high school freshman who loves to shop."

"She has also had cystic fibrosis since birth. Only two years ago, her chances for survival without a lung transplant were slim. ..."

"Two of her uncles ... were found to be matches; each donated a lobe. ... two years later [she] is doing very well, breathing on her own and strong enough ... to fulfill her 'dreamwish;' a dreamwish to hunt, and hopefully bag, a northern Wisconsin black bear." ...

MO: Hunting Is Safe, but It Could be Safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here is a sports safety quiz. You are least likely to suffer an injury: a) playing soccer, b) cheerleading, c) doing aerobics, d) hunting, or e) horseback riding."

"If you chose hunting, go to the head of the class. A study of sports injuries conducted by American Sports Data, Inc., ranked hunting 29th out of 100 sports in the number of reported injuries per capita. The injury rate for hunters was just 1.3 per hundred, compared to 1.7 for aerobics, 1.8 for horseback riding, 9.0 for cheerleading and 9.3 for soccer. Football was the most dangerous, with 18.8 injuries per 100 participants."

"Knowing this, why do hunting accidents get so much attention?" ...

WI: Rifle range facility now open at Urban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sheboygan Area School District Community Recreation Department has the rifle range facilities at Urban Middle School open for general adult use on Tuesdays from 6 to 8 p.m."

"Individuals using these facilities must provide their own equipment."

"Calibers allowed are .22 rimfire in handgun or rifle, .32, .38, 9m/m, 10m/m, and .40 and .45 in handguns. No magnum cartridges are allowed and shooters must use bullets that are lead only."

"Shooters must provide their own targets for the 50-foot range."

"Hearing protection is available." ...

MT: Back to their roots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just over 200 years after Lewis and Clark passed through the Bitterroot Valley, a group of Montana Boy Scouts took up flint and steel, blackpowder rifles and tomahawks to participate in the 2005 Bitterroot Rendezvous Boy Scout Camporee."

"The second annual event drew more than 100 scouts and nearly 50 volunteers ... The campsite, nearest the leaders could estimate, is about a mile from the Corps of Discovery's original campsite when they passed through the valley in early September 1805."

"Chad 'Catfish' Williams, a local scout leader was dressed the part Saturday. Wool leggings and a long wool coat held back the early fall chill as he sat on a hand-made stool with his blackpowder rifle across his lap. ..." ...

ME: Hunting is big bucks for state
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Walter Esancy checked out the rifles for sale at Hussey's General Store this week to get ready for the upcoming deer firearm season."

"He hasn't found what he's looking for yet, and typically, all he needs every year to get ready is some new ammunition."

"But some years he spends a little more money."

"A 44-year-old from Appleton, Esancy has been hunting since he was old enough to do it legally." ...

"Esancy and thousands of other hunters from Maine and across the country support the state economy every year by buying everything from hunting licenses to taxidermy services."

"Hunting gives the Maine economy a $454 million boost each year, according to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. ..." ...

South Africa: Gun-Free SA is hypocritical and unfair
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am glad that Judy Bassingthwaite has finally admitted what has long been denied, that Gun-Free South Africa's real mission is the total prohibition of privately owned firearms (Letters, October 6)."

"GFSA's enthusiasm for the Firearms Control Act (FCA) therefore has nothing to do with responsible firearm ownership. It is because the act is in fact a disarmament measure, as was freely admitted by Mluleki George, the man who piloted it through parliament."

"Aside from that, Ms Bassingthwaite's letter is another catalogue of the falsehood that is GFSA's trademark."

"The only free flow of guns is to criminals. Firearms ownership by honest citizens has always been tightly controlled." ...

Brazil: Vendors say gun ban not needed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Licensed gun vendor Antonio Alves last sold a firearm four months ago in Brazil’s crime-ridden city of Rio de Janeiro and has reluctantly switched to selling drums and guitars instead."

"Brazil, which holds a grim world record for deaths from firearms, is preparing for a referendum on Oct. 23 that is likely to ban all gun and ammunition sales to civilians."

"Vendors say there is little the ban can do to worsen their lot, or lower the death rate for that matter, because legal gun sales have already dwindled to about one-tenth the previous rate." ...

Canada: Firearm Safety reminder from the O.P.P.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Wellington County O.P.P. wish to remind people on Firearm Safety."

"Wellington County has seen a series of break and enters, which involved the theft of firearms. In several incidents, the firearms have not been properly stored as required by law. Not having firearms securely stored, facilitates their theft."

"Firearms owners are required to safely store their weapons as set out under the Firearms Act:"

"A general guideline for storage in relation to rifles and shotguns is as follows."

"Firearms must be unloaded. They must be rendered inoperable by means of a secure locking device or by the removal of the bolt or bolt carrier ... and are not readily accessible to ammunition." ...

Americans who value freedom had better be more concerned about the gun control crowd than the criminals. The criminals want your money. The Neo-Totalitarians want your freedom. — Charlie Reese

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