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Newslinks for 10/11/2006

Teaching common-sense school protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since the Columbine murders in 1999, several important steps have been taken to prevent or thwart school shootings. Much more still needs to be done."

"Compared to the Columbine aftermath, there is much less inclination among the political classes, and, even much of the media, to use school murders as a pretext for irrelevant anti-gun laws. ..."

"But it is pretty clear that the kinds of laws which were pushed after Columbine (one-gun-a-month in California, special restrictions on gun shows in Colorado and Oregon) are of little value in keeping guns away from people who plan their attacks a long period of time in advance." ...

Bush Summit To Discuss Solutions For School Violence (GOA)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After three fatal school shootings in a week, President Bush has told Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Education Secretary Margaret Spellings to come up with solutions to addressing the problem in our nation's schools. Specifically, the meetings -- which begin this week -- will host educators and law-enforcement officials from around the country."

"1. No amount of gun control would have stopped Charles Carl Roberts from acquiring guns to commit his atrocity. Roberts had a clean record and would have passed any and every background check."

"2. The so-called 'gun free school zones' have to go. Such disarmament zones never stop bad guys from taking guns into a restricted area. In fact, statistics show that the jurisdictions that ban guns tend to be the same areas with the highest murder or crime rates (Washington, D.C., England, etc.)." ...

President Bush Signs NRA-backed 'Disaster Recovery Personal Protection' Measure Into Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President George W. Bush signed into law the prohibition of confiscation of legal firearms from law-abiding citizens during states of emergency. This action became necessary following practices by local officials in New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. This new law was part of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill."

"'I want to thank President George W. Bush for signing this vital measure into law,' declared Chris W. Cox. 'The chaos and civil disorder our country witnessed in New Orleans after the city abolished the Second Amendment confirmed every law-abiding gun owner’s worst fear - that pervasive gun confiscations can happen right here in America. ...'" ...

And They Ask Me Why I Carry? Part II (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Part I ... I offered commentary which revolved around the fact that as real estate agents, we are never given information about concealed carry being a viable option in our self protection. ..." ...

"After the article had been posted on Buckeye Firearms Association website for a couple days, I was contacted by Cam Edwards of NRANews ... to do a live interview with him about my article. In preparation for my appearance on NRANews, I researched the National Association of Realtors website. I found a 6 minute video on their website entitled 'Don't Be a Victim-Personal Safety for Realtors'. I intently watched this video hoping for just a small hint of a pro-CCW message. To my shock and dismay, I found the complete opposite." ...

WA: Man shot at Westlake had mental disorders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot and killed in a weekend shooting outside Westlake Center in Seattle was identified late Monday as a 25-year-old Seattle man with a history of mental disorders." ...

"The man who shot him, a 52-year-old Seattle man, was not arrested and Seattle police have said it appears to have been a case of self-defense."

"The shooting happened about 11:30 a.m. Saturday ... according to a police report."

"Culotti was reportedly harassing people when he focused on the older man and began haranguing him. That turned into a physical assault, police said."

"But the older man was carrying a Ruger revolver, for which he held a concealed weapons permit. During the attack, the older man pulled his gun and fired a single shot." ...

TX: Corpus Christi teen kills burglar in home, police say
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 14-year-old boy shot and killed a man who broke into his family's home today and threatened to kill him and his mother, Police Chief Bryan Smith said.

Smith said the man, whose name was not immediately known, confronted a woman as she was carrying groceries into her home shortly before 1 p.m.

The man forced her inside and tied up her and her son. Smith said the woman was able to loosen the binding and free her son, who got his father's revolver from a security box beneath a bed.

As the man tried to break into the room where the two were and threatened to kill them both, the teen fired a shot through the door and hit the intruder in the head, Smith said.

Assault rifle import ban expired 2 years ago
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The MAK 90 — or Mac 90 — which may have been used in the Joplin shooting is a modification of the AK-47 or SKS assault rifle."

"In 1994, then-President Clinton signed into legislation a 10-year ban on the import of 19 specific models of military-style semiautomatic rifles. It also limited magazines to 10 rounds and prohibited rifles with two or more of the following features: a collapsing stock, pistol grip, flash suppressor, bayonet mount or grenade launcher." ...

"It is unclear whether the MAK 90 was included in the list of 59 types of modified rifles that were added to the assault-weapons ban, but even if it was banned, any guns already in circulation would remain legal. The ban applied mainly to new imports." ...

Statement of Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke on White House School Violence Conference
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement:"

"'I'm disappointed that today's White House conference on school violence did not focus on the too easy access to guns in our society. We need to address the ease with which young people and tormented adults can access firearms to carry out these types of attacks.'"

"'Two years ago, President Bush abandoned his campaign pledge to reauthorize the Federal assault weapons ban. Yesterday, a 13- year-old Missouri boy brought an AK-47 clone to school and fired it before being apprehended. The Bush administration's inaction two years ago has led to even deadlier weapons being available in our communities.'" ...

Violence Policy Center Statement on White House Conference on School Safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Regarding today's Conference on School Safety convened by the White House in response to unrelenting firearms violence in America's schools, Violence Policy Center Legislative Director Kristen Rand released the following statement:"

"'The fact that guns are not on today's agenda only confirms what was already obvious: The Bush Administration is in complete denial regarding the catalytic role that guns play in school violence. How is it even possible to have a discussion about preventing school shootings without talking about guns?'"

"'Other industrialized nations -- such as Great Britain -- that have experienced horrific school shootings have honed in on the availability of guns and implemented meaningful gun control policies. ..." ...

MN: Where did kids get guns? (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We adults need to do more to keep kids safe. We need to start thinking and talking about why we choose to have so many guns. When guns are used in crimes, we need to ask where those guns came from."

"Owning a gun is a right, but along with that right comes responsibility. People who own guns need to store them safely. The tragedies at the Red Lake reservation and Rocori High School, as well as Wisconsin's recent school shooting, may not have happened if those young shooters hadn't been able to get adults' guns." ...

Submitter's Note: In the aforementioned school shootings, the killers got the guns from their LEO relatives.

IL: Brady Campaign Endorses Tammy Duckworth for Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Iraq war veteran Tammy Duckworth today received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization. Duckworth is a candidate for U.S. Congress in Illinois' 6th Congressional District."

"Duckworth was joined today by Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke, who announced the endorsement in a joint appearance with the Fraternal Order of Police at Four Seasons Park in Lombard."

"'Tammy Duckworth has shown tremendous courage throughout her military career and this campaign. She's not afraid to stand up to the bad guys,' said Helmke. 'She'll represent the people of her district, and fight for common-sense gun laws.'" ...

PA: Brady Campaign Endorses Joe Sestak for Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Vice Admiral Joe Sestak (USN, ret.) today received the endorsement of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization. Sestak is running for the US Congress in Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District."

"After a string of tragic shootings in schools across the country, Pennsylvania is in a position to lead a national dialogue on preventing gun violence. In September, hundreds marched on the capitol in Harrisburg, to demand sensible gun laws as the State Legislature began a special session on crime. Proposed laws included anti-trafficking laws and a statewide ban on military-style assault weapons. Sestak is a strong supporter of both proposals." ...

IL: Normal shooting lawsuit to end in settlement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a motorist who was shot and killed by a Normal police officer in 2002 will likely get settled today, a civil attorney and town official said Monday." ...

"Ruch, an Illinois State University student living in Bloomington, was shot to death March 27, 2002 by Normal police officer James Merica following a traffic chase."

"Merica and the town contend the shooting was justified. Merica told investigators he opened fire after Ruch drove his pickup truck toward him."

"But Ruch’s family say the fatal shotgun blast struck passed through the passenger side window of the truck, indicating Merica was not in danger." ...

TX: Guns stolen from SWAT officer's pickup
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Parker County investigators are looking for two rifles and two handguns that were stolen early Tuesday from the pickup truck of a Fort Worth S.W.A.T. officer ..."

"Sheriff Larry Fowler said the burglary happened sometime between midnight and 7 a.m. Tuesday, when the officer discovered that someone had broken into his pickup while it was parked in the driveway ..."

"Fowler said investigators are still trying to determine how the burglar made entry into the pickup."

"'I understand there weren't any broken windows or anything,' Fowler said."

"Also stolen in the burglary were the weapons' carrying cases and extra ammunition magazines, Fowler said."

"Fowler... declined to released the identity of the officer from whom they were stolen." ...

LA: ATF and New Orleans Police Set Up Gun Violence Hotline To Fight Violent Crime
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Acting Special Agent in Charge Robert Browning, New Orleans Field Division, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and New Orleans Police Department Superintendent Warren Riley announced today that New Orleanians will now have an ATF firearms hotline to assist their police and city in the battle against gun violence." ...

"The hotline number is designed to provide concerned citizens with a direct means to report people who possess firearms and are involved in criminal activity. Convicted felons possessing firearms, illegal aliens possessing firearms, people illegally dealing in firearms, drug dealers using firearms and people illegally possessing machine guns, sawed-off shotguns and silencers for firearms are subject to prosecution for serious federal crimes, many of which have mandatory sentences for those found guilty." ...

MN: Restrict criminals, not the law-abiding (sixth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Like Amy Marga, I feel not all Americans should have access to guns ("Restrict gun access," Oct. 5). Many individuals in this country pose a threat to society and should not be able to possess firearms. However, placing broad restrictions on the law-abiding is unconstitutional and imprudent."

"Besides, laws alone simply cannot stop all crime. Someone hell-bent on killing another human being or themselves will do so with the easiest method available. If a gun is not available, other weapons will be utilized such as fire or knives. Take all guns away from Americans and there will still be crime, even more than we have now, because lawful citizens will no longer have an equalizer — Australia and Great Britain are great examples of this." ...

OH: Sayers Legal Defense Fund Exceeds Initial Goal (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohioans For Concealed Carry is proud to announce that we have exceeded our initial fund raising goal in the Dan Sayers Legal Defense Fund. Those who read this website regularly may recall that we challenged you to donate $2500 to the fund in an effort to help Dan Sayers obtain competent legal representation. (History: The Dan Sayers History)"

"Less than three months into the project, and thanks to contributions we've received online, in the mail, and in person at public events such as our picnic those of you who contributed have exceeded what we asked you to help us raise for this cause." ...

OH: Is anti-gun Brady Campaign's DeWine endorsement MEANT to help him lose? (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since national politics are filled with conspiracy theories these days, I would like to offer up one more theory for them to chew on:"

"Republican Senator Mike DeWine was given an endorsement by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) out of a desire for gun controllers to see him lose on November 7."

"Though conspiracists these days are open even to the possibility that President Bush actually conspired to create the 9-11 attack on America, I am certain some will have trouble accepting my theory about Brady endorsement. So let me explain." ...

WI: 600 gun locks given away in one day
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"About 600 gun locks were handed out Monday, the first day of a gun-lock giveaway organized by the Wisconsin State Journal in response to the shooting death of a school principal in Sauk County last month."

"'When you offer something like this at the tail end of a tragedy, it really motivates,' said Carla Mercer, spokeswoman for Reedsburg Area Medical Center."

"The medical center is one of more than 20 hospitals and clinics across south-central Wisconsin that have agreed to distribute the gun locks."

"Eric Hainstock ... got a handgun and a shotgun from his home, authorities said. They said he did so by finding a key to his father's locked bedroom and by prying open a cabinet with a screwdriver." ...

MN: Irresponsible nonsense (seventh letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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I too am horrified about the tragic event that happened at the Amish schoolhouse, but to blame gun ownership and/or access to them is irresponsible nonsense. As the laws are written, mentally ill, drug addicts, felons are restricted from purchasing guns. FBI background checks are done and waiting periods are enforced.

Let us put the blame where it belongs, on the sick individual who perpetrated this horrible crime. If this individual did not have gun access he would have used any means to carry out his gruesome tasks, whether it be a knife or gasoline. The only person to blame is him personally, not guns, not society or lack of nurturing, etc. As adults we all need to accept personal responsibility for our actions.

IN: Don't blame carrying guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent letter to the editor a writer stated, 'The players involved need to discard the guns and display to the children who watch them that you don't need a gun to be a man.' Last time I checked the Second Amendment gave men the right to keep and bear arms."

"While I think it is shameful that men frequent strip clubs, we need to remember that by all accounts the four Pacers in question tried to deflate the altercation by leaving and were followed outside and assaulted not only with fists but also with motor vehicles."

"Do the other parties involved need to put down the cars and act like men too? ... Drop the argument that guns make men feel more like men and stick to the facts. Guns are tools, nothing more, nothing less."

IL: E. Dundee commission to tackle gun sales issue
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After about a month of drafting and defining, the village Planning and Zoning Commission will host a public hearing Thursday night on a proposed text amendment regarding the zoning of its downtown business district."

"The downtown's zoning first came under debate in July when Mike Catinella's M-M Sporting Goods was granted a permit and permitted to open at 215 Barrington Ave."

"According to Trish Terrill, village assistant to the administrator, zoning permits were approved for the store, which also sells firearms, because it was classified as a sporting goods store, which is permitted by the East Dundee zoning codes. Firearm regulations are not specifically listed in the village's zoning codes." ...

NY: Olympian Strug commends anti-gun program here
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Olympic gymnast and gold-medal winner Kerri Strug traveled to the Rochester area today in her new role as a U.S. Department of Justice official to help community leaders celebrate the eighth anniversary of the Project Exile anti-gun program." ...

MN: Train and arm some faculty (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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As tragic as the school shootings are, more tragic is that this problem was long ago solved in Israel by training and arming members of the faculty, bringing such events almost to a halt.

Instead, we use a sign on the school to prevent law-abiding people from carrying guns, thereby emboldening the lawbreakers.

Let's just admit that the present system isn't working and allow select and trained members of the school faculty to protect themselves and their students so that in the real world, it becomes mostly unnecessary.

PA: Right-to- carry bid just dumb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislation and opinions issuing from state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, a Republican from Butler County, are, more often than not, a little over the edge."

"Here's a typical Darylism: 'Liberal gun-grabbing legislation is going to go down here. ... And I'm going to continue to stand with some of my colleagues and reference those hundreds of thousands of Second Amendment supporters that want the gun-grabbing legislation to go down.'" ...

"The hubris is disquieting. But now comes his latest untarnished thought -- and it's more than a 'bad' idea -- that domestic violence victims get a gun permit on an emergency basis."

"No need to buy the 'OK Corral' video game in Pennsylvania when we can settle this right out back." ...

Ireland: Explosives, rifle, ammo found in IRA power base in Catholic west Belfast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police said they found a cache of weapons Tuesday by a roadside in Catholic west Belfast, a power base for the outlawed Irish Republican Army."

"The cache included explosives, a rifle and ammunition, police said, without disclosing whether the weapons had been abandoned or were concealed. Police said nobody was arrested in connection with the find." ...

"The IRA for years rejected disarmament as a humiliating demand, but last year handed over its stockpiles of largely Libyan-supplied weapons to disarmament chiefs. Police say the underground organization retained some weapons, chiefly handguns for self-defense from enemy paramilitary groups and criminal gangs." ...

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. — Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; With a Preliminary Review of the Constitutional History of the Colonies and States before the Adoption of the Constitution [Boston, 1833].

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