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Newslinks for 10/11/2007

Albany Machine Gun Scandal: Bloomberg Looking in Wrong Place, Says SAF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The renewed scandal involving alleged missing machine guns that had been secretly and illicitly purchased by officers with the Albany, NY Police Department several years ago suggests that if New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to go after illegal guns, he need only drive up the Hudson River with his rogue investigators and turn them loose, the Second Amendment Foundation said today."

"The Albany Times Union reported this week that dozens of automatic weapons, obtained apparently without approval by police officers ... during the first Clinton Administration were originally thought to have been rounded up and destroyed a few years ago. But now, the newspaper said, some of these guns are apparently still missing. ..." ...

Shhh...We Don't Dare Talk About Machine Guns Yet
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"BECK: We've already had that. We don't put NASCARs onto highways and we don't put machine guns into the hands of people, either."

"HELMKE: That`s an interesting issue because there was a machine gun in effect ban that was passed by the federal government in 1934. What's the NRA's impression of that?"

"BECK: Chris, Chris."

"HELMKE: How about the Brady Bill?"

"BECK: Chris, are you for fully automatic machine guns?"

"COX: We've never advocated fully automatic machine guns and Paul knows it." ...

IDPA International Defensive Pistol Association
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last week I participated in a local IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) event. If any of you have never tried shooting at an IDPA event, you really should give it a shot. People of all abilities show up & get to try out fun things that are normally "against the rules" at many gun ranges. Usually there are 3 to 4 "stages" that have different scenarios to try. In any given "stage", you'll test your speed of the draw, shooting at multiple targets, tactical & speed loading, shooting while walking backwards, forwards, shooting from behind cover, from your knees or on the ground, etc. All things that are very fun to do but often prohibited at the local range during normal open range time." ...

Remembering John Lennon
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"John Lennon would have turned 67 years old Tuesday were it not for the agitated roar of yet another madman's gun. If he were still with us, I think he might well ask when we, as a society, will outgrow our wars and weapons, and cultivate diplomacy and compassion instead." ...

"To all those who support the National Rifle Association, oppose gun control, as well as 'give money to people with minds that hate,' you prove one thing, and one thing only: this world doesn't deserve the likes of Mr. Lennon any more than it is worthy of every ounce of innocent blood shed to protect your flag and your so-called constitutional right to bear arms." ...

Constitution Wasn't Carved on Stone Tablet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In regard to Steven Calabresi's Oct. 1 editorial-page commentary 'The Right Judicial Litmus Test':"

"A non-lawyer's view of "originalism" in deciding constitutional issues might be an interesting counterpoint to Mr. Calabresi's essay extolling its virtues. ... The Constitution is remarkably unclear in many places and for someone to claim that only they have the key is absurd. Let's look at three examples." ...

"The Second Amendment deals with the rights of the people within a well-regulated militia to bear arms. Does it apply to machine guns? To grenade launchers? To vigilante groups? To the guy in the street? ..." ...

Submitter's Note: The Second Amendment doesn't apply to people or items, it applies to the government.

PA: Suspected Homewood intruder shot, killed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Lincoln-Lemington man who has been on both ends of a pistol over the past 14 years was killed early yesterday during an apparent home invasion in Homewood."

"Ronnell E. Pittman, 32, was hit in the chest in a shoot-out around 2:40 a.m. after he entered a residence ..."

"The other gunman, James R. Hill, 18, who was at the residence with his grandmother and other relatives, was wounded in the foot."

"Mr. Hill was awaiting arraignment yesterday on a weapons violation. Investigators said he has a felony conviction, possibly as a juvenile, which precludes him from possessing a firearm."

"He had not been charged with homicide, pending police consultation with the Allegheny County district attorney's office ..." ...

CO: Police: Broomfield Intruder Shot After Door Kicked In
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Police are investigating an early-morning shooting involving a man armed with a pool cue and a renter trying to get some sleep."

"According to police, the renter was sleeping at about 2:30 a.m. when the female owner of the house showed up with a friend and didn't have her keys. She woke the renter to be let in."

"Police said the renter asked the woman's friend to leave around 4 a.m. because they were being loud and he was trying to sleep. The man left, but returned a few minutes later, and police said he was carrying a pool cue."

"The renter told police the man with the pool cue kicked in the door and threatened him with the pool cue. That's when the renter shot the man. ..." ...

MD: We must protect ourselves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I can't help to think about my defense when I hear about violent crime on the news. There was a report about two Delaware university students shot. Not long ago, a student at Virginia Tech stormed the campus with a gun."

"We ought to do something; we can't just fold our hands and let others control our lives."

"The Second Amendment right to bear arms was made for a reason, which is to protect ourselves from violent attacks."

"Some people might say that more guns leads to more violent crime. There are advantages and disadvantages to things in life. People have accidents with cars every day, gas cookers explode and houses burn, but we still use all these things because our lives depend on them." ...

Activists in US Prepare for Major Legal Battle over Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Activists on both sides of America's contentious debate over gun control are gearing up for what could be a major showdown. Their focus is on the nation's highest court, which has been asked to decide whether Washington D.C.'s ban on handguns is constitutional. If the Supreme Court takes the case, that will set the stage for a high-stakes legal fight over the meaning of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Malcolm Brown reports from Washington."

"... Seegars wants a gun for personal protection. 'I say to the people who don't want one personally, I tell them, 'Then that's your choice, but everybody should have the right to say 'yes' or 'no' and not have them saying 'no' for you'.'" ...

OH: Cleveland Police Identify H.S. Shooter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police said a gunman who opened fire at a Cleveland school Wednesday is dead and it appears that he shot himself ..."

"Officials said the 14-year-old boy shot two students and two adults at Success Tech School, a small non-traditional high school in downtown Cleveland." ...

"Witnesses said the incident stemmed from an altercation between two students that took place on Tuesday."

"One of the students, who had been suspended from the school for fighting, returned on Wednesday with a gun and reportedly opened fire inside the building."

"Police said he then turned the gun on himself and was dead when police entered the building." ...

MN: Student Suspended After Advocating for the Right to Carry a Concealed Weapon
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Today's press release reveals yet another egregious violation of students' rights to due process, free speech and freedom of conscience. Hamline University has suspended student Troy Scheffler after Scheffler replied to an e-mail from Hamline Vice President of Student Affairs David Stern to the Hamline community offering counseling for Hamline students in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings. In his reply, Scheffler wrote that a ban on students' right to carry concealed firearms on the Virginia Tech campus was part of the problem and that Hamline should eliminate similar policies. He also criticized the school’s diversity programs." ...

The Conservative Case for Ron Paul
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The presidential race is down to the point where neither traditional conservatives neither social conservatives have a clear realistic choice. ..."

"However – and hopefully! – they do have a third alternative: they can always back Ron Paul."

"Ron Paul is not only the libertarian candidate, but he is also the most original old-style conservative. First of all, he is no flip-flopper: the man has principles and actually sticks to them – not a common feature nowadays. ..." ...

"The list of things that Ron Paul’s position overlaps with traditional conservatives could go on for much longer. Ron Paul is, after all, a pro-gun, pro-life candidate – and a faithful Christian as well. How much more conservative could he get?" ...

IN: Hip waders and an orange vest don't make a hunter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association, which I am pleased to say is one of the most feared special interest groups, has said it will become a player earlier in this election cycle than it has been in past years."

"Though very active in politics, the NRA has waited until the month prior to the last two elections to endorse President Bush. Now, according to a story in the Washington Post, NRA chief lobbyist Chris Cox says that the group will soon be entering the fray." ...

MI: Reporters take note at GOP debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "About 90 minutes before the debate, roughly 200 people -- the vast majority were supporters of maverick conservative Ron Paul -- marched, chanted and waived signs near the auditorium where the debate was held." ...

"Dozens of people were in clusters with signs touting Paul."

"'He is the only one who will follow the constitution,' said Ron Wedge, 69 ... who has never been active in politics before. 'He is everywhere on the Internet.'"

"Another supporter was Bela, a grey and black spotted pit bull wearing a 'Ron Paul for President' shirt. 'He is a supporter too,' said Wendy Lineweaver of Ypsilanti, a nurse's assistant. 'I like that he backs the Second Amendment--that is about the guns--I like that.'" ...

IL: County OKs gun measure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Coles County Board on Tuesday gave its backing to a movement to oppose gun control laws."

"The board voted 12-0 to adopt an advisory resolution pledging it will 'oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.'"

"There was no board discussion on the matter other than member Marc Weber’s introduction of and motion to adopt the resolution. Weber is chairman of the board’s health and safety committee, which recommended the resolution to the board."

"He said the statewide effort behind the resolution, which has been adopted in more than 45 counties, came about because of proposed legislation to eliminate shotguns." ...

NJ: South Jersey Sportsmen up in Arms
Submitted by: Tom Price

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"Upward of 300 men crammed the Mullica Hill Grange on Tuesday evening, while an additional 200 or so crowded around doors and windows to listen to the proceedings within."

"Hunters and fishermen all, they were there to demonstrate that they are "mad as hell" at their treatment by Trenton and don't plan to take it anymore."

"'For a long time we've waited on the sidelines,' said Ed Markowski, president of the N.J. Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs. 'We no longer have that luxury.'" ...

"The sportsmen contend they are under attack from animal-rights activists. They pointed with particular ire Tuesday night at legislation that would change the way hunting and fishing in the state are regulated." ...

Observations on the Importance of the American Revolution By Richard Price, "Of Peace, And the Means of perpetuating it", 1784
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"CIVIL Government is an expedient for collecting the wisdom and force of a community or confederacy, in order to preserve its peace and liberty against every hostile invasion, whether from within or from without..."

"...By this force I do not mean a standing army. God forbid, that standing armies should ever find an establishment in America. They are every where the grand supports of arbitrary power, and the chief causes of the depression of mankind. No wise people will trust their defence out of their own hands, or consent to hold their rights at the mercy of armed slaves. Free States ought to be bodies of armed citizens..."

Alexander Hamilton, Speeches in the New York Assembly, "Are we willing, then, to endure the inconsistency of passing a bill of rights and committing a direct violation of it in the same session?", Feb. 6, 1787
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"...Some gentlemen hold that the law of the land will include an act of the Legislature. . . . The words “due process” have a precise technical import, and are only applicable to the process and proceedings of courts of justice; they can never be referred to an act of the Legislature..."

"...Are we willing, then, to endure the inconsistency of passing a bill of rights and committing a direct violation of it in the same session? In short, are we ready to destroy its foundations at the moment they are laid? ..."

"Our having done it, to a certain degree, is to be lamented; but it is no argument for extending it..."


David Codrea: Dial 911 and Wait
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kegley's wife, Mary, discreetly called 911...Again, they called 911...The Kegleys again quietly called 911...they called 911 "as many as 20 times," Kegley said...Sometime around 10:30 a.m. when there was still no apparent sign of police, Mike Kegley left the house to "find out where the hell they were"...Kegley's workers again called 911..."
"I was going to say 'unbelievable,' but in truth, this doesn't surprise me at all." ...

American Lockdown: Law Enforcement Out of Control and Beyond Pale
Submitted by: Ted Vaughn

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"In my recent article 'The End Of America: The Police State Is Right Here, Right Now' I included experiences of escalating intimidation on the part of law enforcement in the United States within recent months. I must confess that when I cite such incidents, I fear that in a few days or weeks, it will all go away, and everyone else, myself included, will begin to question the validity of the examples, breathing a heavy sigh of relief and rejoicing that the situation isn't nearly as dire as I'm asserting it is."

"This time, however, I have nothing to fear because since that article was posted, the ante of out-of-control law enforcement in America appears to have been upped with a rapidity that I could not have imagined just a few weeks ago." ...

CT: Officer Charged With Illegal Computer Use
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Town police on Tuesday arrested one of their own, charging him with illegally using police computers to track down information on various women, including his ex-wife and current and former girlfriends."

"Officer Bernard Durgin Jr., a seven-year veteran ... was also suspended without pay on Tuesday by Chief Paul Jakubson for neglect of duty, conduct unbecoming an officer and other violations of department policy related to a separate incident."

"Durgin already had been suspended with pay since early August ... Durgin, according to police, was wearing the East Haven motorcycle club's colors and represented himself as an on-duty Madison police officer. Jakubson said Durgin had called in sick that day." ...

FL: Cop who fell on the job sues family of baby who almost drowned - officer who went to help says she slipped in a puddle
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"January, 1-year-old Joey Cosmillo wandered into the backyard and fell into the family pool. When his mother hauled him out, he wasn't breathing. Rescuers were able to bring him back to life, but he suffered severe brain damage and cannot walk, talk or even swallow."

"Now, his family faces another burden: One of the rescuers, Casselberry police Sgt. Andrea Eichhorn, is suing, alleging the family left a puddle of water on the floor that afternoon, causing her to slip and fall."

"The boy's grandparents, named in the suit, are mystified and angry."

"'The loss we've suffered, and she's seeking money?' said Richard Cosmillo, 69, the boy's grandfather. ..."

"'Sgt. Eichhorn is a good officer,' said [police Chief John] Pavlis."

IN: Westfield police officer arrested in traffic ticket scheme
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Westfield Police officer accused of stopping Hispanic motorists and accepting cash in lieu of a traffic ticket or jail was arrested Tuesday night on multiple counts of armed robbery."

"Hamilton County Sheriff Doug Carter said Lt. Scott Fross, a 10-year veteran of the Westfield Police Department, took money from multiple victims who live in the Westfield area."

"Deputies served a search warrant about 11 p.m. Tuesday on Fross' home, person, police vehicle and police equipment. Fross was held on multiple counts of armed robbery, a Class B felony, in the Hamilton County Jail. His bond was set at $125,000." ...

ID: American Free Press story on Red's Trading Post
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Red's Trading Post, Idaho's oldest still-operating gun store, has been in contact with key personnel at the U.S. Justice Department to call attention to what store co-owner Ryan Horsley calls a 'tremendous waste of tax money' over the last two years stemming from an audit of his store by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives ..."

"While the audit carried out by numerous out-of-state BATFE personnel has only uncovered a few minor clerical errors in that period of time, it has kept the store in court without resulting in a trial. The store has had to file legal statements to respond to this federal agency and the resulting legal fees hit $115,000 as of Sept. 25 ..." ...

NY: Conference aims for truce in debate on guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Guns and the right to bear arms hot-button topics of the day will be discussed at a two-day conference next week at Albany Law School."

"'Firearms, the Militia and Safe Cities: Merging History, Constitutional Law and Public Policy' will address the historical issues of the Second Amendment, examining firearms regulation and both sides of the right to bear arms." ...

UK: Police hunt armed raiders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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ARMED police, together with a police helicopter and dogs, were called to a house in Sidcup today following reports of armed men trying to break in.

The incident took place in Woodlands Avenue just after noon.

Police were responding to reports that three men, armed with knives and a gun, were trying to get into the house.

But police failed to find the three men.

The occupant of the house, a woman in her 20s, was at home at the time, but fled to a neighbour's house, where police found her safe and well.

Detectives from Bexley CID are investigating the incident.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. — Thomas Jefferson

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