Papers: FBI Trailed 1960s Movement Leader
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"FBI investigators trailed a 1960s student protest leader for more than a decade despite having no evidence he broke any federal laws, a newspaper reported Sunday."
"Hundreds of pages of FBI files, obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle, showed that investigators collected personal information about Mario Savio, including documents on his marriage and divorce, without a court order. The FBI also obtained copies of Savio's tax returns in violation of federal rules." ...
"The FBI files showed that Savio was designated a "key activist" by the agency, and was placed on a list of people to be detained without warrant in the event of a national emergency."
------- How many of US are on today's "emergency detainee" list? |
Ted Lang: TSA: A Continuing Government Disaster!
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"...at a time when the Congress is introducing even more mind-numbing oppressive legislative expansions of the PATRIOT Act to further crush and destroy America’s vital freedoms, the simple alternative of arming airline pilots has now been virtually shelved by anti-gun Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta."
"Mineta’s obstructionism has persevered over and above concerns of airline safety, the very reason the TSA was brought into being by the Bush administration. In their October 7th e-mailed newsletter entitled 'Arming-pilots amendment,' The Liberty Committee offers: 'We knew the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) would aggressively oppose the amendment and do all it could to stop it from being accepted by the House Rules Committee. TSA has deliberately dragged its feet on implementing the Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDO) program that Congress approved and President Bush signed over two years ago. U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, a former congressman who has a long history of being anti-gun, fought against the FFDO program from the beginning.' " |
John Rowland: Make Constitutional Compliance an Issue in the 2004 Campaign
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"There is a glaring omission from the issues addressed in not only the presidential debates, but the debates and campaign literature of almost every candidate for public office in the United States. It is also missing from media coverage, polling, debates on the floor of Congress, and most public discussion."
"That issue is constitutional compliance." |
Will Lapse of the Assault Weapons Ban Lead to More Columbines?
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"Now that Congress has chosen, with little fanfare, not to renew the 10-year ban on so-called assault weapons, gun control advocates are claiming it is because of the influence of the National Rifle Association. However, a deeper look reveals that the reason cannot be this simple. The NRA could not stop the ban from passing in 1994, nor was it able to convince Congress to repeal it during the past 10 years. The real reason the ban is not being renewed is because statistics revealed that it did not affect the crime rate nor the frequency guns are used in crimes. Only 19 guns and their similar counterparts were banned; bad people simply bought other types of guns or continued to obtain them illegally. The 19 banned weapons were not the type that criminals typically use; handguns – pistols and revolvers - have consistently been the firearm of choice in violent crime. There is a reason why around half of all police officers across the nation carry Glock pistols, not assault weapons – they are easy to conceal, carry, and highly effective. Furthermore, a .45 pistol or a hunting shotgun can be quite lethal; many hunting rifles are equally as powerful as the 19 banned assault weapons." |
John J. Pitney Jr.: No Jed Bartlet
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"During the debate, Kerry tried to toe the Bartlet line. 'I'm a Catholic, raised a Catholic. I was an altar boy.' He wouldn't outlaw abortion, he said. 'But I can counsel people. I can talk reasonably about life and about responsibility. ..." ...
"The more he talked about the issue, the less sense he made. He claimed that 'you don't deny a poor person the right to be able to have whatever the constitution affords them if they can't afford it otherwise.' So it follows that if the Constitution protects the right to keep and bear arms, the government must help poor people buy weapons. I do look forward to his Gun Stamps proposal."
"Somewhere in TV land, President Bartlet is shaking his head in disapproval." |
American Academy of Pediatrics Holds National Conference and Exhibition in San Francisco, October 9-13
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"Some 5,100 pediatricians and other health care professionals are expected to attend the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2004 National Conference and Exhibition (NCE) at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco October 9-13. ..."
"The keynote speaker is former First Lady Rosaylnn Carter. Other featured speakers include Zachary K. Berman and Howard Spivak, MD, FAAP, who will speak on 'Firearm Violence: Personal Reflections and the Pediatric Response.' ..." |
Lookalike guns not child's play
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"Toymakers excel at making children's playthings look like the adult versions, from tools to kitchen utensils to toy cars. They also make toy guns that look like the real thing. Those toys, which could be mistaken by law enforcement officials for actual weapons, could get a child injured or killed."
"Parents shouldn't let their children buy or carry imitation firearms, which are easily purchased at flea markets. They should explain the dangers of misidentification amid the heightened alert in the post-9/11 era." ...
"Parents shouldn't have any difficulty making the point that imitation firearms are not toys. ..."
"Toy guns are more than just toys. Parents must keep them out of their children's hands." |
Australia: Policeman linked to Russian mafia
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"THE NSW police detective who tipped off a suspect in the nationwide child pornography raids allegedly planned to kidnap three Sydney criminals in partnership with a man linked to the Russian mafia."
"Sergeant Chris Laycock, the son of former NSW assistant commissioner John Laycock, allegedly hatched the kidnap plans with Jahangir Shagaev, the son of Erkin Shagaev, the Australian men's water polo team coach at the Athens Olympics." |
Israel: Top Cop Busts Traffic Chief for Speeding
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Bruce W. Krafft
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Israel's police chief dismissed a senior traffic officer on Sunday after catching him speeding, media reports said.
They said Chief Superintendent Moshe Karadi spotted David Gaz, commander of traffic police in southern Israel, driving at 140 km (88 miles) an hour last Wednesday on a highway where the limit was 110 km (70 miles) an hour and pulled him over.
Karadi took over the top police post several months ago vowing to reduce the number of road accidents.
------- Kudos to Chief Karadi for not "looking the other way" for a fellow officer! |
Indonesia: City Police dishonorably discharge seven junior officers
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"The newly installed Jakarta Police chief, Insp. Gen. Firman Gani, dismissed seven low-ranking officers during a ceremony on Monday, the first mass dishonorable discharge ceremony this year." ...
"Spokesman Sr. Comr. Tjiptono revealed that five of the seven were dismissed from the force for involvement in extortion and 'arresting' suspects without warrants."
------- And in Indonesia, only the "elite" such as police and military are allowed to keep and bear arms. These are the people with a monopoly on force, while the peasants are disarmed. |
IL: Principal Suspended Over Alleged Illegal Gun Possession
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Authorities have temporarily removed the principal of a Chicago elementary school from his post after finding a large number of allegedly unregistered firearms at his South Side home.
Police say 50-year-old John Lewis was charged with 61 counts of possessing unregistered firearms after the guns were found at his home during a weekend raid.
Police said Lewis had a valid firearm owner's identification card -- but for only one of the guns.
Lewis was the principal of Libby Elementary School on 53rd Street.
------- This is a school administrator who is responsible for enforcing the ridiculous and unconstitutional gun-free school zones.? |
WA: Medical Lake Student Brings Loaded Pistol to School
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Bruce W. Krafft
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The principal at Medical Lake High School will address his student body Tuesday, and tell them a ninth grader walked through the halls of their school, with a loaded pistol.
It happened Monday afternoon.
Principal Scott Blasingame says several students came forward, and told school administration they saw the gun in the boy's back-pack.
Blasingame says he had the boy in his office, and the gun in police custody less than ten minutes later. He credits his students for ending the situation safely.
Blasingame says, "we preach this all the time to the students that they have to come forward when they know there's a weapon in the building."
The investigation is now in the hands of the Medical Lake Police Department. |
CA: Scream Chills Viewers in Calif. Sales Tax Debate
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"A distressed woman frantically dials 911 and pleads for help as an intruder approaches her bedroom. She then screams 'No! No! No!' as the viewer is left only with the sound of a beating heart and a dial tone."
"This television ad airing in the Los Angeles area seeks to win support for a sales tax hike to fund more police. It is only one in a series across California on local tax measures clamoring for attention ahead of the Nov. 2 election." ... -------
Phones do not stop crimes like the one portrayed in the ad. If the victim had a weapon at least she could have a chance - why be an obedient victim? Why "wait" for the police, who are not there to protect, but to draw chalk lines and fill out paperwork? |
NM: Nearly 2,000 New Mexicans have concealed carry licenses
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"The state has issued nearly 2,000 licenses for New Mexicans to carry loaded, concealed guns."
"The state Department of Public Safety says it has issued some 1,943 licenses since the program went into effect in January."
"The Department of Public Safety says 30 to 50 applications are being submitted each week."
"New Mexicans 25 and older are authorized to apply for two-year licenses after completing firearms training and passing criminal national and local criminal background checks."
"Figures show Bernalillo County has more than 500 people licensed to carry concealed guns." |
LA: City donates ‘Tommy gun’ to New Orleans museum
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"Just where it came from, nobody seems to know, but an old 'Tommy gun' that the city police have had for 30 years will soon be added to the collection of a New Orleans military museum."
------- Notice the jab at "assault weapons" at the end of the article.
"Lott said he couldn’t find out where the old gun came from, but the .45-caliber submachine gun is 'definitely an assault weapon,' but with something of a romantic appeal." |
OH: Ask Ella: Guns Created Loaded Issue At Work
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"We got a new automatic ordering system for our store and, consequently, we received an excessive amount of product. I had to take this product in and then ship it back out the following week."
"Some of the products in this shipment were firearms that were counted after they were stacked in the storage vault. One of the serial numbers was not on the manifest. I quarantined it away from the rest of the firearms to follow-up later. Unfortunately, we were busier than normal and I left the store without addressing the gun issue. Three days later, another manager and his employee discovered the extra gun, tracked it down by serial number and found that it wasn't properly transferred."
"The morning after the gun discovery, I came into work and the director came in and questioned me about the firearm, and then terminated me on the spot. He would not give me an exact reason, except to say that there is a zero-tolerance policy for gun-count issues. How can I explain this termination to prospective employers?" |
MI: Republican Party workers call police after gun spotted
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"Shelby Township police arrested a 41-year-old Bruce Township man after he was reported to be carrying a gun."
"Thomas Erwin Bell was charged with carrying a concealed weapon at his arraignment before Magistrate Michael Osaer in the 41-A District Court on Oct. 1." ...
"He had appeared at the Republican site to do some volunteer work and the other volunteers noticed that he was carrying a gun and they asked him not to... He carried it openly and a few of the women were concerned. They weren't sure who he was as he never provided identification." ...
"There was no apparent threat, but it was something that needed to be taken seriously... It was a cause for concern." |
IN: Indiana hunter kills grizzly bear that attacked friend in Wyoming
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"An Indiana man who shot and killed a grizzly bear that had just mauled his friend during a hunting trip in Wyoming says he wept after the 600-pound animal crashed to the ground, mortally wounded."
"Aaron Hughes, 31, said tears still come to his eyes when he thinks about the bear in its death throes, and his own close brush with death." ...
"Hughes said he didn't have time to think."
" 'Instincts took over,' said Hughes, who fired once. When the bear continued its charge, he fired a second time and the dying animal fell a few feet from him." ...
"They're almost positive it was self defense..."
------- ALMOST?!? |
FL: Gun-toting folks patrol as a river runs over
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"Water continues to close in on homes in the Arrowhead neighborhood like a noose. It has already swallowed several." ...
"Stress builds among the stubborn who refuse to abandon their watery homes. As other Citrus County residents count up cloudless days since Hurricane Jeanne, people who live on the Withlacoochee River watch it continue to rise and fill their lives with misery."
"Stories of burglaries abound. Many of the independent-minded people who live in Arrowhead have resorted to taking matters into their own hands."
"They carry guns and patrol the neighborhood looking for looters despite the close watch of the area by the Sheriff's Office and the closure of the river and roads to boat and car traffic." |
FL: Parents fight for greater gun safety
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"For Caroline, Johnny's death is another reason to keeping fighting for gun lock legislation. ...
"She's quick to point out she doesn't want to limit anyone's Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms. She doesn't mind if people choose to own guns. But she wants those guns secure. Gun locks are one boundary between children and guns that could save lives, she said."
"Law enforcement agencies throughout the state encourage use of gun locks, but the locks are not mandated by law. A gun lock is a device that slips over a gun's trigger, so the trigger cannot be pulled. The lock is secured with either a key or a combination."
------- And what home invader will wait for you to unlock your self defense tool and shoot him? |
NY: Aircraft passenger had guns, Westchester police say
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"A California man who tried to take three guns onto a Northwest Airlines flight at Westchester County Airport was arrested yesterday, although the weapons were not loaded and the man apparently meant no harm, police said."
"It seems like he was just trying to get them back to California," Westchester County police Lt. Robert Fara said, though he added, 'It's hard to believe that people think they can board a plane with a gun, especially in this day and age.' "
"Stephen Depetro, 56... admitted to airport security personnel that he had the guns — a .357-caliber Magnum revolver and two rifles, which he carried in separate bags — when he was stopped at an airport screening area about 1 p.m., police said. ..." |
GA: Lift of weapons ban light concern to police
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Now that Congress has allowed a federal ban on assault weapons to expire, local gun store owners and law enforcement officers are wondering how the change will affect the way they do business."
"So far, there has been little change and law enforcement officials in North Fulton and Forsyth counties say they don’t expect to see much, if any, difference."
"Capt. Ron Freeman of the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office considers the assault weapons ban to be more for appearances than effective, since it was very limited in scope." ...
"'I don’t care what type of legislation you pass, criminals are going to find some type of weapon…if you take away their guns, they find something else,' Freeman said." ... |
Australia: 60-Year-Old Woman Saves Camper By Tackling Attacking Crocodile
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"A doctor says a pair of Australian campers are 'pretty lucky' after tangling with a big crocodile."
"Authorities say the 14-foot croc grabbed a man as he slept in a tent at a campsite in Queensland. It dragged the 34-year-old man outside, where another camper -- a 60-year-old woman -- tackled the animal. The crocodile let the man go and turned on the woman before a third person shot it dead."
------- This wasn't "luck." This was an armed human being protecting life and limb with a firearm - a tool that is heavily controlled in Australia. |
UK: Police chief: I'll catch killer
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"The head of a police force plagued by gun crime has vowed to catch the killers of a schoolgirl tragically shot dead on her way home from a fairground."
"Nottinghamshire police Chief Constable Steve Green denied the situation in Nottingham was out of control but said the murder of 14-year-old Danielle Beccan was a low point for the city as he met members of the community deeply affected by the tragedy." |
UK: Court told man shot at boys with air gun
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"A gunman who took potshots at a group of teenagers with an air rifle avoided jail after the judge was told he was mentally ill."
"Wayne Jacques, 20, of Weston Lane, Bulkington, admitted two charges of possessing a firearm and two charges of assaulting boys at Warwick Crown Court."
"Jacques was given a three year community rehabilitation order with a condition that he receives treatment from a psychiatrist and takes any medication prescribed to him."
"The court heard how Jacques had walked down the street with an air rifle before repeatedly firing at a group of boys on the driveway of a Bulkington house in January." |
UK: Girl, 14, latest victim in Britain's gun capital
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"Janice Fogo, the mother of Antoinette, had been expecting the girls to walk through the door at midnight."
"Instead she received a phone call shortly after midnight to say that Danielle had been shot." ...
"Nottingham's inner-city areas have been plagued in recent years by gun violence related to rivalry between gangs, most of them linked to Jamaican Yardie criminals, seeking to control the city's lucrative heroin and crack cocaine market."
"The resulting toll of death and injury has been shocking. Until the latest shooting, the city had not seen a gun-related injury for four months. But in the year before that there had been 30 gun murders." |
UK: Shop assistant held at gunpoint during robbery
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Police in south Belfast are appealing for information following a robbery at a supermarket in the city centre on Sunday afternoon.
At around 1.30pm a member of staff in an Iceland store at Castle Street was confronted in a rear office by a man armed with a handgun.
The gunman demanded cash before tying up the staff member with cable and leaving the building through a rear door to Divis towards the Clonard area of the city.
The man is described as being in his late thirties, around 5’8 tall of medium build with a swarthy complexion. He was wearing dark clothing, glasses and a grey coloured wig and was unshaven.
Anyone with information is asked to contact detectives at Musgrave Street on 028 9065 0222 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. |
UK: Clubbers stampede past killed doorman
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"HARROWING details of the Spotlight nightclub shootings in Croydon in the early hours of Saturday, October 2, have emerged."
"Contrary to initial police estimates that 50-60 people were in the club, it appears now that 'well in excess of 100 people' were packed into the premises, with terrified clubbers hurrying past or even stepping over the prostrate body of victim Mark Warmington to get away from the firing."
"Warmington, 39, died at the scene." |
Iraq: Is the Mahdi Army disarming? (Blog)
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Another failed government program, surprise, surprise! Maybe we can take a little comfort that if the government does try to disarm us, it will not be very effective, just a big expensive pain in the neck, as a robust black market flourishes. They can not even stop drugs or illegal immigration, and they are going to disarm us, yeah right!
------- "I think I'll predict that the 'weapons handover' currently being touted as part of a 'peace deal' between the Mahdi Army of Muqtada al Sadr and the Occupation and its Puppets is well on its way to fizzling out."
"First of all, the deal was that the Mahdi army turn in 'medium and heavy weapons' for cash from the government. Early reports say that whoever was supposed to dole out the cash never showed up. In lieu of the promised cash, the Iraqi police have begun to issue 'receipts' which insurgents can cash in at some later unspecified point. If you were a guerilla, would you go for that?" |
South Africa: Farm workers save women
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The farming community of Caledon rallied together when a woman and her teenaged daughter were attacked on a farm on Sunday. This effort probably saved their lives."
"The farmer and foreman, who were the first to rush to the women's aid, were wounded when they were shot with a gun stolen from the farmstead."
"When farm workers came up to the house carrying farming implements as weapons, the robbers fled." ...
"The men, who were armed with a gun and a knife, grabbed Leeuwner, tied her hands and gagged her. She was shoved into a room where the robbers demanded money from her."
"Leeuwner gave them R2 000 and was then forced to open the gun safe." ... -------
More victims of "lock up your safety" laws! |
Iraq: Few Sadr rebels turn in arms
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"Only a small number of followers of radical Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr handed over their weapons today at the start of a ceasefire aimed at ending weeks of fighting between US troops and insurgents in the Baghdad's impoverished Sadr City neighbourhood."
"Iraqi police at one of three arms collection points told Reuters they had received only a handful of weapons from Mr Sadr's Mahdi army militia so far, while officials at another said they had received no weapons at all."
"At Baghdad's al-Nasr police station, Maj Kadhim Salman told the Associated Press that fighters had turned in machine guns, TNT paste, land mines and other explosives. The rebels were supposed to be compensated for the weapons they turned in, but Maj Salman said those responsible for the payments had not turned up yet. Receipts were issued instead." |
Australia: Thieves hit Adelaide banks
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Police are searching for two armed robbers who struck at the National Bank on O'Connell Street just after midday (ACST).
Police say the men used a pistol to threaten staff and customers before driving off in a white Toyota Camry with stolen cash.
Detectives are investigating whether it is linked to an attempted robbery at the Commonwealth Bank at Gouger Street minutes earlier. -------
But . . . but . . . but . . . guns are banned in Australia! How could this happen?!? |