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Newslinks for 10/12/2006

The Missing Movement for Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the mass shooting of Amish schoolgirls in idyllic Lancaster County, anguished Pennsylvanians grappled with a question that has preoccupied Americans for decades: Will we ever get real gun control here?"

"Less than a week before the massacre ... the state legislature had met in special session to consider a raft of crime-control bills, including a measure that would have limited sales of handguns to one per month per person. The measure failed, even though an estimated 2,000 people had marched on Harrisburg to demand its passage."

"As Pennsylvania gun-control supporters mourn ... there is a glimmer of hopeful news for their fellow advocates nationwide: This time, at least, citizens showed up to demand action on guns." ...

Scandals, shootings make parents jittery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... in the past few weeks, we've seen young women in rural schools sexually molested, and then gunned down by male maniacs. And the sickos specifically singled out the girls."

"My solution for some of this is to tighten the gun laws, make it virtually impossible to get one. I know, I know: The Second Amendment enshrines the legality of gun-owning and there are those Republicans again who, along with Charlton Heston, believe it's every American's right to tote a firearm around. And the courts have shamefully upheld this."

"But don't you think ... that if [the framers] knew that in the future there would be crazies killing children in rural high schools ... that they would have reconsidered the Second Amendment? ..." ...

Brazil: Woman shoots poodle thief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When a mugger approached Maria Dora dos Santos Arbex and tried to steal her cellphone, purse and poodle, she pulled out a gun and shot him, police said on Tuesday."

"Now the 67-year-old woman has been charged with illegally carrying a firearm - and the homeless man who tried to rob her has not been charged."

"The case has drawn an outpouring of support for Arbex and stirred debate about the right to self-defence in a country where civilians are not allowed to carry concealed firearms."

"Arbex's daughter Katia said Alessandro Cardoso Pereira had threatened to steal her poodle the night before, apparently prompting her mother to take the gun." ...

OH: Give them what they want, or what they deserve? (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the common cries of the anti-gun crowd is that you should simply give a criminal what he wants, because if you draw a gun, you will 'escalate the violence.' Last week, during an armed robbery, a clerk followed those instructions perfectly – right to his death."

"The Houston Chronicle outlines the death of another victim who followed deadly advice. According to Chief Deputy Craig Brady of the Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office:"

"'There was absolutely no justification for injuring the individual. The employee was cooperating fully. He gave him everything he asked for. It is obvious on the tape he offered no resistance and he was just executed basically.'" ...

TX: Police: Intruder was in prison several times (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 57-year-old man who was shot and killed by his 14-year-old hostage Monday at a home on Ocean Drive had been released from jail Friday and had committed several other burglaries, including a similar home invasion, according to police and court records."

"Capt. John Houston said the man, who police identified through fingerprinting Tuesday as James Slaughter, had been involved in criminal activities since 1967 and was in and out of the prison system on several occasions." ...

OH: Rapist in Cincinnati Park Proves Need for CCW (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Unfortunately for some women, they come to this realization too late. Unfortunately for all women, the state of Ohio mandates that we be disarmed and remain at the mercy of criminals in certain situations. Some officials are actively trying to take things further by banning my right to self-defense in city parks. They need to be informed what their devastating policies mean to me and my family. Then they need to answer for their actions and tell me why they demand that I be defenseless against the monsters that also visit our parks."

"They need to hear about the tragic events that were recently reported in The Cincinnati Enquirer. A 21-year old mother of two was sexually assaulted in front of her two children during an afternoon visit to a local park. ..." ...

WI: Lasee alters school guns plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Frank Lasee is sticking to his guns. Sort of."

"The Bellevue Republican said Tuesday he's modifying his proposal to allow school employees trained in gun safety to bring weapons to school ..."

"After hearing reaction both positive and negative to his proposal, Lasee said he now plans to introduce a bill that would allow school staff to have guns at school but only if they're locked in a cabinet or safe. ..." ...

"'I see no way that another firearm would have protected us or our students,' Ronald Jasper wrote in a letter to the Wisconsin State Journal. 'Lasee's way of doing things could have led to a gun battle in a crowded hallway with nowhere for the students and teachers to go for safety. ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: As opposed to a gunman firing unopposed 'in a crowded hallway with nowhere for the students and teachers to go for safety'?

WI: Training Teachers to Use Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Assemblyman Frank Lasee received more national attention Tuesday for his proposal to let teachers keep guns in school, which was a response to a recent rash of school violence."

"'We would have experts tell us exactly what needs to be in the training, but I would envision more training than would be for a regular concealed-carry permit,' Lasee told MSNBC ..." ...

"'We are not turning teachers into cops any more than we're turning them into fireman because they have a fire extinguisher in the room and are expected to use it and to evacuate the building,' Aposhian responds. 'We're not turning them into doctors because they know how to and are expected to perform CPR and basic first aid.'"

CA: Do Guns Put SF Campus Police At Risk?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"San Francisco Community College police say campus safety is at risk because they are not authorized to carry guns. This despite a rising crime rate on city colleges' campuses." ...

"Police Chief Carl Koehler is asking the college district to arm his officers."

"Carl Koehler: 'In this day and age, there are guns on campus but the police don't have them.'"

"But the chief and his officers are fighting a 70-year-old tradition where the college district has said no to an armed campus."

"Chancellor Phillip Day tells ABC7 he supports the policy."

"ABC7's Vic Lee: 'You feel safe for your students, faculty and administrators having officers who are unarmed?'"

"Dr. Phillip Day, College Chancellor: 'Yes.'"

Bloomberg Seen More Likely Than Governor Bush To Run in 2008
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Bush of Florida have been named as possible 2008 presidential candidates, for now they're on the same team."

"An increasing number of political analysts are taking Mr. Bloomberg seriously, mapping out the states he could win: New York, California, Ohio, and Florida, to name a few."

"'There are enough states and he has enough money that he could do it,' a political consultant, Joseph Mercurio, said. 'The best situation for Bloomberg is if the Republican is very conservative and the Democratic is liberal.'" ...

NY: Sen. Charles E. Schumer Endorses Andrew Cuomo for New York State Attorney General
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Senator Charles E. Schumer today endorsed Andrew Cuomo for New York State Attorney General. Sen. Schumer said Cuomo has the 'experience' for the job, and 'knows how to use the powers of his office to solve has exactly the qualities we need in an attorney general -- somebody who is smart, aggressive, and cares about people.'" ...

FL: Candidates appear at target range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the Nov. 7 election less than a month away, candidates for local and state offices are liable to turn up anywhere, from front doors to football games."

"On Tuesday night, several of them pledged their affection for guns and the Second Amendment at a meet-and-greet event at the Gainesville Target Range, sharing their personal experiences with firearms with audience members above the popping of rifle shots nearby."

"Incumbent state Rep. Larry Cretul ... told audience members he has a concealed weapon permit."

"A representative for Republican David Pope ... said Pope is a lifelong hunter."

"Circuit judge candidate Stan Griffis told the audience he's a gun collector and shooting enthusiast." ...

IL: Gun law heats up race for Congress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"After a series of school shootings nationwide, Democratic congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth called Tuesday for 'sensible' gun laws while accusing her Republican opponent, state Sen. Peter Roskam, of being a 'rubber stamp' for the National Rifle Association." ...

IL: Blagojevich, Topinka Clash Over Gun Control and Ethics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Rod Blagojevich and Republican challenger Judy Baar Topinka clashed over a long list of familiar topics today, including gun control and ethics."

"The two went after each other after appearing before the Chicago Tribune's editorial board in an effort to win the newspaper's endorsement."

"Blagojevich again criticized Topinka for opposing an assault weapons ban, calling her stance 'mind boggling.'" ...

OH: Candidate Stresses Need for CCW Reform (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the elections draw near, it is refreshing to see a legislator focus more on their job than their campaign. Representative Danny Bubp, the OFCC endorsee for Ohio’s 88th District, is able to do just that as he is running unopposed for re-election. This luxury has allowed him to perform the job that he was hired to do: Concerning himself with the concerns of his constituents."

"One concern that Rep. Bubp is focusing on is the need for passage of House Bill 347, which will improve Ohio’s Concealed Carry laws." ...

PA: Swann, Rendell clash on gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was the battle for the bases in the final gubernatorial debate last night."

"Gov. Rendell, aiming squarely at urban Democratic voters, hit hard on the need for stronger gun control laws and defended the need for dedicated transit funds, even if it meant raising the state sales tax."

"Republican challenger Lynn Swann appealed to the state's rural pro-hunting population, calling for better enforcement of existing gun laws and criticizing Rendell for allocating highway money to support public transit." ...

IA: Pickup's Passenger Tells Different Shooting Story
Submitted by: barbarossa58

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"The woman who was the passenger in a pickup truck when her boyfriend was shot by a Council Bluffs police officer on Sunday told a different version of the event than police did."

"Tina Major was Scott Smith's passenger when he was shot by an officer near the split of Interstate 29 and 80. Police said Smith was repeatedly asked to exit his truck and would not." ...

"'The cop had his arm in the truck and had the gun pointed at him. Cop says, 'Put it in park. Turn it off.' And when he said that, Scott just took off,' Major said." ...

"In the aftermath, Major said she's wondering why Council Bluffs police said the officer tried to use a Taser gun on Smith before shooting him. She said a pistol was the only weapon used." ...

MN: Concealed Guns: St. Cloud Officers Get OK To Apply
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The St. Cloud City Council has voted to allow current and former city police officers to apply for permits to carry concealed guns throughout the country.

Retired police officers asked the city to issue the permits so they can carry firearms for their personal safety.

City Attorney Jan Petersen says the League of Minnesota Cities has agreed to assume any liability incurred if someone were to sue if there is an incident involving one of the concealed guns.

The city-issued permit will be federally recognized.

New Zealand: Police officer found guilty of assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Auckland police officer's future remains uncertain after he was last night found guilty for a second time of an assault in Rotorua three years ago."

"Ivan James Sarich, 36, had been on trial for a second time after pleading not guilty to assaulting Glen Baker ..."

"The Crown said Sarich had grabbed Mr Baker around the neck, pushing him and punching him in the face after a dispute between Mr Baker and Sarich's fiancee ... outside the bar." ...

"The officer in charge of the case ... was happy with the verdict."

"'It has been a long time and we did have to bring witnesses from overseas but justice isn't always easy.' Mr Loper said Sarich would now face internal disciplinary action and it was possible he would lose his job."

IN: Chicago waging war on BB guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our entire family loves Chicago ... [it] makes a wonderful weekend getaway from the Hoosier state."

"However we must wonder what has gotten into folks who run that fine city, aside from pervasive political corruption, cronyism and world-class malfeasance at all governmental levels. First, it was the goose liver and now the BB guns. ..." ...

"Once again, as it has been nearly two months since I dipped my poisonous pen into the inkwell of Second Amendment topics, let me restate the obvious: guns, knives, motor vehicles, typewriters, nuclear missiles and yes - even BB guns - are just inanimate objects with no intent of their own. Take away the loose nut behind that trigger and you have nothing more than an interesting paperweight."

NY: Anti-gun program reviews 8 years of progress
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Community leaders gathered Thursday to celebrate the success of an eight-year-old program to reduce gun violence in the Rochester area, even as gun violence continues to rise."

"'While we've had successes, there's a lot of work to be done,' said Assistant U.S. Attorney Bret Puscheck, a key player in the Project Exile program. 'All you have to do is open the paper and see the violence on our streets every day. I shudder to think what the numbers would be like if it wasn't for the efforts of everybody in this room.'" ...

IN: Bill of Rights has more than one amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It amazes me how many members of the media are willing to fight so hard for the First Amendment -- even going so far as to spend time in jail to defend an imagined legal privilege between reporters and their sources -- but are unwilling to allow others to exercise their Second Amendment rights."

"Did you know that every day there are probably thousands of people in Indiana carrying concealed weapons? Even before this recent DNR rule change, your daughter could have been around them and never even known it. They can legally carry them at the mall, at McDonald's, at the public library, at the movie theater, at the local park up the street from your house. Why do you think she is safe in all these areas but not safe at a state park?" ...

CA: Selective quotes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: Scott Harris' Oct. 1 commentary, 'Literal interpretation of Constitution not practical':"

"Harris used the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights (the people's right to keep and bear arms) as one of his arguments that the Constitution may require modification and reinterpretation to reflect how America has changed." ...

"Perhaps Harris knows, but chooses not to admit, that the same Founding Fathers, whom he quotes to support his arguments, seemed to agree and so stated, that an independent militia of private citizens represented a guarantee of the preservation of our liberties, especially in the presence of a standing army." ...

WI: National Rifle Association Fires Blanks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association is up with radio and television ads attacking Governor Doyle."

"And like all of the attack ads being run against Governor Doyle, they’re full of flat out lies."

"'Governor Doyle grew up in Wisconsin, and he understands that outdoor life is part of who we are and what we love,' said Anson Kaye, Communications Director for the Doyle campaign. 'Governor Doyle believes that Wisconsin's outdoor heritage is the lifeblood of our state, a driving factor of our booming tourist economy, and the best that Wisconsin has to offer. The Governor is committed to protecting the rights of men and women who hunt, fish and trap, and he has the record to prove it.'" ...

MN: Keeping bad company?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense against fire, knives or guns — the NRA argues this is the same ('Restrict criminals, not the law-abiding,' Oct. 8). Their gun lust is so irresponsible that everyone — hunters, criminals, and maniacs — has semi-automatics just to round out a collection."

"Victims of gun violence do not stand a chance. Take the schoolhouse; could the police have done more, had they been fighting 'fire and knives'? Can public safety do the job when these weapons are so easy-access?"

"Victims' families know: If there had been no gun, loved ones would likely be alive. Why do we still have to hear about gun safety, background checks and who's to blame?" ...

WA: State's concealed-weapons law among nation's most liberal
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Washington is one of the more liberal states in the country when it comes to regulating citizens who want to carry a concealed weapon, experts say. The law, often referred to as a 'shall issue' law, requires law-enforcement agencies to issue a concealed-weapons permit to all citizens who meet a specific list of requirements."

"To carry a concealed pistol in Washington, applicants must be at least 21 years old, have no outstanding warrants, no felony convictions and no conviction or pending trial or sentence for fourth-degree assault, coercion, stalking, second-degree reckless endangerment, first-degree criminal trespass or violation of a protective order against a family member. The permit covers concealed handguns." ...

I have carried a revolver; lots of us do, but they are the most innocent things in the world. — MARK TWAIN

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