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Newslinks for 10/12/2012

ATF whistleblower Cefalu parking lot termination secretly recorded
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Riehl, seen talking to Cefalu through his Jeep window and reportedly telling him he couldn’t leave because he had to sign papers, had been criticized on the CUATF forum, and Gun Rights Examiner is attempting to track down audit reports to determine what an independent assessment reveals about the allegations there. But the bottom line is, an employee with over 25 years of service who has been a leading spokesman for whistleblowers was unceremoniously canned in a public parking lot by senior division management." ...

Submitter's Note: This evening's Gun Rights Examiner report presents an exclusive video featuring Denny's Un-American Parking Lot Slam.

The Problems with Panic Buying
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the summer of 2008 ... I watched from a computer screen and AFN Television the nation going crazy over a young senator whose bid for president was sweeping not only our nation but the world. But not everyone rallied to this Chicagoan’s side. Those of us that cling to our guns decided one of the first actions he would do when elected would be to institute another firearms ban, place a luxury tax on the ammunition and a host of other things to make it harder for legal citizens of this great nation to obtain, possess and use these mechanical devices that we hold so dear."

"What I watched from my computer in my barracks room at night was unmistakable panic within our ranks. ..." ...

Americans Agree, Gun Control Is A Loser
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Every year Gallup surveys the American public for their opinion on things like gun issues."

"In 2011 Americans voiced an all-time high approval rating in support of the Second Amendment. The amount of Americans that favor a ban on handguns sits at a paltry 26 percent. A majority of Americans are also against banning so called 'assault weapons,' a bogeyman frequently trotted out by anti-gunners ..."

"The strong majority (60 percent) do not support new gun laws; however, they do support active enforcement of the laws we already have on the books. The amount of women that favor stricter restrictions on guns or firearm purchases now rests at exactly 50 percent or less, depending on which specific question is asked." ...

Steve King: Protect This Right
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the first frost, the leaves turn and begin to fall, the air is filled with the rich aroma of the crop drying down in the fields, and the hunting season is upon us. This time of year, more than any other, gives us the opportunity to reflect on the right to keep and bear arms ... In order to understand the importance of this Constitutionally guaranteed individual right to keep and bear arms, we need to understand its origins. Some of the ways we exercise our 2nd amendment rights are target shooting, self defense, gun collecting, and hunting."

"... it is important to remember that the purpose of the 2nd amendment, as intended by the Framers of the Constitution, is to provide a deterrent to injustice and tyranny. ..." ...

The DoubleTap Pistol is DOA
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "As the inventor of the DoubleTap™ pistol and owner of the design and utility patents ... I am issuing this press release to inform our loyal customers of the current status of the production of this new innovative pistol."

"Since we introduced the DoubleTap™ Tactical Pocket Pistol in November of last year, we have been overwhelmed by the industry reception; the popularity confirmed by literally tens of thousands of orders placed by consumers to their dealers, through our distributor partners."

"Unfortunately, with the deepest regret, today I announce that we have terminated our relationship with HEIZER DEFENSE, our manufacturing partner, due to their inability to manufacture the DoubleTap™ pistol. ..." ....

Self-Defense Tip: Shoot a “Proper” Gun Properly (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most women at my local gun store are reverse size queens; they operate under the assumption that smaller guns are easier to shoot. I’ve encountered the same anti-big gun bias at the gun range. Many a new shooter (both male and female) have waved off the opportunity to fire my Smith & Wesson 686, their faces displaying an odd combination of humility and condemnation (i.e., I am not worthy nor as crazy as you). And yet larger, heavier guns are, in the main, more comfortable to shoot than lighter pieces. So it’s time to put down the 'toys' and stick up for the heavyweights . . ." ...

Top Three Pistols For The Money
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I work for my family’s business. My grandfather opened a gun shop as a hobby back in 1992 and I’ve worked here since middle school. I sold guns after school for several years and I loved it. I’m home for the summer, so I’m at work everyday now. I sell a lot guns, but I usually have certain ones I recommend to customers." ...

Gun Review: SIG SAUER 716 Patrol Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a debate raging in the AR15 community. The point of contention: operating systems. Traditionalists favor direct impingement. Designed by Eugene Stoner, DI harnesses the power of the gasses trapped in the barrel to cycle the rifle’s action. It’s a remarkably simple system with one critical flaw: the gasses blow directly into the rifle’s upper receiver and bolt carrier. Over time, this leads to a dirty rifle. In a gas piston system the propellant gases push a solid rod that pushes the carrier to the rear. That makes for a cleaner running gun. While the controversy continues, SIG SAUER has covered its bets with their piston-driven 516 and, now, the 716 . . ." ...

Velo Dog Revolver: Snubby snoopy sniper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most everyone has rode a bicycle at one time or another. Almost as many of us have been chased, at one time or another, by a canine while on said bicycle. This phenomenon led to the invention and popularity of a unique series of revolvers—the Velo Dog." ...

What to Look for in a Workout Holster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Back when I was a graduate student, I lived in a sketchy part of downtown Atlanta. The neighborhood was bad enough by day, but the character changed much more after the sun went down. I often left school in a hurry to make it home before the sun went down, only so I could throw on running shoes and do a couple of laps around the block."

"It never occurred to me to take carry a concealed handgun with me. I hadn't imagined it was possible. I had a hard enough time trying to figure out what to do with my keys." ...

Brady Campaign’s financial troubles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign is on the ropes financially, just as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence."

"Shall not be Questioned (formerly Snowflakes in Hell) has a great post about Brady’s problems. Sebastion there asked if Mayor Bloomberg is personally underwriting much of the gun control lobby in the nation."

"News of the Brady Campaign’s very negative cash flow is certainly not bad news as far as we’re concerned." ...

Anti-Gun UC-Davis Study of Retailers Funded by Joyce Foundation Underwhelms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, an article appeared in the Journal of Urban Health, 'Characteristics of Federally Licensed Firearms Retailers and Retail Establishments in the United States: Initial Findings from the Firearms Licensee Survey' by Dr. Garen Wintemute, director of the Violence Prevention Program, University of California, Davis. Dr. Wintemute is perhaps best known for authoring the anti-gun report, 'Ring of Fire: The Handgun Makers of Southern California.' More recently, Dr. Wintemute and his team conducted 'undercover operations' of gun shows for their report, 'Inside Gun Shows: What Goes on When Everyone Thinks Nobody is Watching.'" ...

VPC finds high rate of 'gun deaths' in jurisdictions with very strict gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) is perhaps the only 'gun control' group still willing to openly advocate an outright ban on handguns, and is also the group that openly recommends exploiting public confusion about the differences between machine guns and so-called 'assault weapons.' When the VPC disagrees with the Brady Campaign, the complaint is always that the Brady Campaign's forcible citizen disarmament agenda does not go far enough. Actually, the more one reads the VPC's positions, the more difficult it becomes to find any gun that would meet the group's approval for private ownership." ...

Starring Roles in ESS Eyepro and Boomershoot Video Series (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you may remember, last April Shelley Rae and I were sent to Northern Idaho by ESS Eyepro to participate in Boomershoot. We received an all expenses paid trip to blow stuff up. We felt like superstars as the two person camera crew followed us around for three days and documented the event and Shelley and I. Andy Tran from Couch Creative Productions produced, filmed and edited 5 short videos that will be incrementally released over the next five weeks. ..." ...


Will a Gun Fire at -110 Fahrenheit? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A while ago, Mythbusters discovered that shooting a bullet into solid ice can create spinning bullets. But what happens if you leave your gun or your ammo out in the middle of a blizzard before pulling the trigger? Will a frozen gun perform the way it’s supposed to? Will it even shoot?"

"Dark Arts set out to answer those questions. They doused dry ice in pure grain alcohol to bring the liquid down to a frigid -110° F. Just to put that into perspective, the lowest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit in Antarctica. So theoretically, you could actually have a firearm get this cold. " ...

CA: Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Conflicted Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"News flash: DGU’s happen here in California, too. In the rural area of Salinas, a good Samaritan shot two armed robbers. 'Police said a 36-year-old man outside retrieved a handgun from his car, entered, and shot the two youths. His identity has not been disclosed, but police said he is associated with someone who was inside the deli.' And 'they do not plan to ask that charges be filed against him when the case is referred to the District Attorney’s Office.' Apparently, though, locals are a bit uneasy about this whole defending yourself and your loved ones thing . . ." ...

ATF whistleblower fired; helped found ‘Clean Up’ website
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vincent Cefalu, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who also was a founding member of Clean Up, a website devoted to revealing troubles within the agency, was served with a termination document Tuesday."

"National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea broke the story, quoting at length an entry on the CUATF forum written by the webmaster. Fox News has picked up the story, and Cefalu asserted that his complaints about Operation Fast and Furious played a role in his dismissal.'" ...

Gun Bloggers Ask Romney To Disavow Obama’s Fast And Furious Executive Privilege Claim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lead editorial in the October 2012 issue of Gun Tests magazine asks presidential candidate Mitt Romney to immediately disavow claims of executive privilege in the ongoing Fast and Furious scandal. As Gun Tests' Editor Todd Woodard wrote in his 'Downrange' column:"

"Working in the bowels of the Fast and Furious mess have been two largely unthanked writers, gun blogger David Codrea and citizen journalist Mike Vanderboegh of the Sipsey Street Irregulars blog. Over the months, and now years, of this newest BATFE scandal, they have continued to locate and publicize whistleblowers’ accounts, incriminating documents, and other strings that unraveled this unbelievably stupid operation." ...

Debate Completely Ignores Gun Control. Again.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There were many topics discussed at the Vice Presidential debate tonight. Abortion, taxes, the wars in Afghanistan and Syria… There was much to talk about. But the one notable topic missing from the discussion, and the one that we here care about the most, was the candidate’s views on firearms policy in the United States." ...

In 2008, Obama won Ohio and won the Presidency. Don't let it happen in 2012. Here are 3 ways you can help ...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio is a swing state. In fact, based on past elections, it may be THE swing state. The candidate who wins Ohio will probably become the next President of the United States."

"Ohio fell to Obama in the last election. If Ohio goes to Obama again this year, he will have 4 years to appoint anti-gun judges ... 4 years to begin openly pushing anti-gun legislation ... 4 years to pursue his true position on guns without having to worry about winning another election." ...

Duel in Danville should focus on cover-ups
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From Brian Terry to Benghazi, as yesterday’s Capitol Hill hearing on the outrage in Libya demonstrated, the Obama administration has engaged in a pattern of cover-ups and tonight’s debate between Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan should focus on this." ...

ND: Gun groups split North Dakota political loyalties
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The North Dakota U.S. House race has attracted dueling endorsements from the pro-gun lobby."

"Pam Gulleson, the Democratic candidate, was recently endorsed by the National Rifle Association."

"Meanwhile, Republican Kevin Cramer has picked up the backing of the Gun Owners of America, a more hard-line group on Second Amendment issues." ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association 2012 Endorsements
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the state’s largest and the nation’s oldest pro Second Amendment civil rights organization proudly announces the following endorsements for the New York State Senate in the November 6, 2012 statewide elections." ...


LA: Non-partisan group announces opposition to state gun amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The nonpartisan Council for A Better Louisiana is opposing a constitutional amendment that would set a tougher standard for restricting the use of weapons and remove a provision that gives the Legislature explicit authority to limit concealed handguns."

"CABL announced its opposition to the amendment Thursday. Nine proposals to amend the Louisiana Constitution are on the Nov. 6 ballot." ...


Logic and reason don't apply in the Obama era
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been watching the ACLU and Justice Department sue all these states with voter ID laws; it has got me thinking and I am really excited. By their logic I can see the next big issue the ACLU and the Justice Department will obviously tackle: gun rights."

"That's right, logically that action will be suing the United States Government for violating the rights of American citizens when they want to buy a gun by forcing them to show a picture ID."

"What an outrage!" ...

NY: Politicians call for emergency Senate vote to pass gun laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"In the wake of a recent shooting outside an East Village housing complex, local lawmakers gathered alongside community leaders last Friday to call for a special legislative session aimed at passing statewide gun control measures that would make New York’s gun laws the strongest in the country."

"At the heart of that argument was a bill requiring the use of a new techonology called microstamping, which passed the state Assembly in June but has been held up by the state Senate’s Republican majority since being introduced in 2011." ...

MS: FBI arrests 1 current, 2 former cops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Hinds County sheriff's deputy and two former law enforcement officers are among four people arrested by FBI agents on charges of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and theft of government property."

"The FBI says George Hilliard of Madison; Zach Robinson, a deputy with the Hinds County Sheriff's Office; Kent Daniels, a former Jackson police officer and investigator for the Hinds County district attorney; and Watson Lee Jackson Jr., a former Madison County Sheriff's deputy were arrested." ...

NJ: Former NJ police officer sentenced to 20 months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Camden police officer has been sentenced to 20 months in federal prison for stealing money, illegally searching homes, planting evidence and lying in court."

"Thirty-two-year-old Kevin Parry was one of four officers arrested on corruption-related charges in 2010."

"Parry got a reduced sentence because he testified in the trial of one of the others. Antonio Figueroa was convicted of conspiracy and depriving others of their civil rights. He's awaiting sentencing." ...

GA: Ex-Ga. sheriff gets 13 months for embezzling funs [sic]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Brooks County sheriff has been sentenced to just over a year in prison for stealing money from the county."

"U.S. Attorney Michael J. Moore says 59-year-old Richard Chafin was sentenced Wednesday to one year and a month in prison for embezzling from programs receiving federal funds." ...

MA: Plymouth Police Sergeant Indicted for Use of Excessive Force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plymouth Police Sergeant Shawn Coughlin, 45, was charged yesterday in federal court with using excessive force and covering up his actions by falsifying police reports, according to a press release issued by U.S. Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz' office."

"Coughlin is accused of assaulting an arrested man, identified as A-1, on Nov. 19, 2011."

"A-1 was in a holding cell, with his hands cuffed behind his back, when Sgt. Coughlin allegedly hit him in the head and kneed him in the body." ...

IA: Iowa police officer receives short suspension for death of canine partner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Des Moines, Iowa police officer has been suspended for just three days, without pay, for the death of his K-9 partner, 'Harley.'"

"According to Tuesday's publication of WQAD News, Officer Brian Mathis will also be forbidden from receiving another canine partner in the future."

"Harley, a 7-year-old yellow Labrador retriever, died after he was left for one hour inside of a vehicle in late August. The unmarked police vehicle was parked outside of the police station." ...

DE: Police officer in Del. charged with theft of money from headquarters evidence locker
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Attorney General's Office says a former Bridgeville police officer has been charged with stealing money from the evidence locker at headquarters."

"Authorities announced Wednesday that former Sgt. Allen Parsons of Bridgeville was indicted on Oct. 1 on one count of theft over $1,500 and one count of official misconduct." ...

Some writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins ... Society is in every state a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. — THOMAS PAINE

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