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Newslinks for 10/12/2013

CT: Connecticut gun group shows Gov. Malloy does not understand law he signed
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"This is not the first time an anti-gun politician has proven to be clueless about edicts they would impose on gun owners under force of punitive law."

MO: Corner-cutting “trainers”: Convicted trainer claims he’s innocent…
Submitted by: John Boch

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NRA trainers run the gamut from outstanding and dedicated experienced instructors to newbies to not so outstanding trainers.

Then there are a small handful of unethical so-called “trainers” out solely for the almighty dollar, grinding large numbers of students through what are effectively “diploma mills” while not even meeting mandated minimums.

Some even go so far as to deceptively advertise their coursework with fast and loose descriptions that at best are unethical and at worst violate laws. Sometimes they then threaten legal action when called out on it.

Every once in a while one of these scoundrel types really gets nailed.

We’d like to introduce you to one of those scoundrels.

Meet Donald Crangle.

IL: Chicago’s “Safe Passage” signs not big enough? Five shot on Safe Passage route
Submitted by: John Boch

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Yesterday, in broad daylight,violent predatory thugs open fired on a group of people outside the Uptown Baptist Church, gathering for prayer and a free dinner. Five people were struck by bullets in what is designated as a “Safe Passage” route for Chicago school children going to and from school.

It gets better.

The suspect vehicle was found parked at a school, also a designated “Safe Passage” zone.

Let’s face it: Right-to-carry can’t come soon enough for the residents of Chicago.

Well-meaning social liberals who think putting up some silly yellow signs proclaiming “Safe Passage” zones does nothing to deter predatory criminals, just as a slew of gun laws that only disarm the good guys do nothing to slow violent crime.

IL: Draconian proposal to turn petty offenses into 3-years mandatory minimum for a victimless crime
Submitted by: John Boch

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Some anti-gun lawmakers are touting a new proposal to increase the mandatory minimum prison sentences for anyone arrested with a gun.

Rep. Mike Zalewski’s proposed legislation establishes a mandatory three-year term for anyone without a criminal past carrying a loaded gun, and still longer terms for felons and criminals.

The Illinois Department of Corrections is warning this will result in up to 4,000 new inmates and $700 million dollars to house them, including the need to construct at least one new prison.

We’ve got an idea: Instead of making the illegal “illegaler”, let’s let the card-carrying good guys in Illinois carry guns sooner.

Gun groups plan ‘Guns Save Lives Day’ on Newtown Anniversary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We are proclaiming Saturday, Dec. 14 as Guns Save Lives Day,” said Alan Gottlieb, president of the Second Amendment Foundation and chairman of the Citizens Committee, in a press release. “In the coming weeks, you can go to and get updates on this open source national project that all freedom loving organizations are invited to be a part of.”

WA: Misfire: the NRA's poorly aimed marketing campaign
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I ask her to repeat the question because I am sure I must have missed an option. Surely failing to enact policies to reduce violent crimes was an option. The conservative Cato Institute, for example, has testified about the need to increase efforts to identify and treat mental illness. She re-reads the choices, and I say, sorry, but none of the above. My response puzzles her and she asks what I have in mind.

IN: Indiana county's inadvertent gunfire ban short-lived
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The recent expansion of an Indianapolis police tax district came with a surprising side effect: It also would ban target practice, hunting and random shooting of guns in outer parts of Marion County, where the city is located.

On Friday, Mayor Greg Ballard's administration sought to neutralize that change before it takes effect Jan. 1. His office issued a notice, signed by Public Safety Director Troy Riggs, that grants people blanket permission to use their firearms in outlying parts of the county where it long has been legal.

Bill Tweaking Stand Your Ground Law Clears First Hurdle, But What’s Its Main Challenge?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Should Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law be tweaked? A bipartisan proposal that would make some changes to the controversial measure passed the Senate Judiciary Committee 7-2 during this legislative committee week. But, the bill has its share of critics, including a powerful House member who could hold the key to its survival.

New York’s biker attack highlights the need for targeted gun control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Once Alexian Lien stopped his car, he was surrounded and his tires slashed, while his wife frantically called the police pleading for help. Had this been a city with concealed carry laws, perhaps the bikers would have had second thoughts about cornering a frightened family. However, with Manhattan’s gun-control laws among the strictest in the country, New York City eliminated the deterrent effects such laws have on assailants, emboldening a biker gang to terrorize a family with impunity.

CA: In California, New Package of Gun Laws but One Snag
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrats in the California Legislature passed a sweeping package of gun control bills after a string of mass shootings across the country, cracking down on assault rifles, high-capacity magazines and lead ammunition. But on Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown, also a Democrat, vetoed several key pieces, including a ban on semiautomatic weapons that many had considered the toughest restriction on gun ownership in the country.

NJ: Don’t Miss The NJ Rifle & Pistol Club Association Annual Meeting & Banquet
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Don’t Miss the NJ State Association Annual Meeting Banquet on October 19 2013!

Come join New Jersey’s Second Amendment leaders at the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) combined Annual Meeting Banquet and Friends of NRA Dinner &Auction on Saturday, October 19, starting at 6:00 p.m. ANJRPC is the official NRA State Affiliate in New Jersey (

Citizen Gun Owners – First Responders in Kenyan Terror Attack
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One such concealed carry license holder was standing in line at a bank in the mall when the shooting started. A New York Times story from September 26 reported that the man, identified as Raju, immediately sent out an urgent text message to friends in his shooting club. The story then says that shooting club members, neighborhood watch volunteers (like George Zimmerman?), and “plainclothes police officers” rushed to the mall and gave the terrorists something to worry about while they helped people trying to get out of the besieged buildings.

CO: Senate Dems elect new leadership
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Carroll leaves her post as majority leader to take over for John Morse of Colorado Springs, who was recalled from office in September after supporting a package of gun control measures. Also recalled was Sen. Angela Giron of Pueblo, who did not hold a leadership position.

Australia: American Gun: A History of the US in Ten Firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Chris Kyle was a Navy SEAL sniper so successful Iraqi insurgents put an $80,000 bounty on his head. Back in the US he ran a firearms-training company, wrote a bestselling memoir and became a minor celebrity. He also suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome, and his work trying to help other veterans led him to befriend the highly disturbed Eddie Ray Routh, who shot him and another man dead.

He left behind the almost complete manuscript of this book, which functions as a Second Amendment history of America.

Pro-gun groups plan 'Guns Save Lives' day on Newtown massacre anniversary
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In an appalling bid to “own” the Dec. 14 anniversary of the Newtown slayings, a coalition of gun lovers has announced plans to declare that horrific date “Guns Save Lives” day.

“We are going to use the day to get our views out,” said Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation. “We don’t want (pro gun-control groups) own that day. ... We are gonna be there first.”

It was a proclamation that had people who lost family members at the hands of a crazed gunman at Sandy Hook elementary school shuttering.

CA: Charges against Smith bring gun-control issue to forefront
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Constitutionally speaking, I believe that the Second Amendment does not guarantee unfettered, unpermitted access to all firearms, and in fact, does not guarantee private access to firearms at all.

Records detailing debates preceding the drafting of the Second Amendment suggest that the Amendment was never intended to grant individuals the right to bear arms, but rather, was intended to allow state militias, run by state-appointed officers to bear arms.

NY: Giffords to Attend Gun Show Under NY Sales Model
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who survived an assassination attempt in 2011, is set to tour a New York gun show, the first such visit since she was shot.

Giffords and husband Mark Kelly, a former combat pilot and astronaut, are scheduled to be with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman at the Saratoga Springs Arms Fair on Sunday to highlight a voluntary agreement and stricter state gun control law.

NJ: NJ2AS Twitter Army – Make Calls For Steve Lonegan
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You have all been doing a fantastic job Tweeting about the upcoming election on October 16th, and showing your support for Steve Lonegan.

As you know, NJ2AS strongly supports Steve for US Senate and Steve strongly supports the Second Amendment. With the UN Small Arms Treaty awaiting a vote on ratification, and, Barack Obama still pushing for universal background checks and stricter gun laws, now more than ever we need to send someone like Steve to the Senate. We need your help to do that.

CA: Pit bull shot, killed after attacking two kids
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A pit bull was shot and killed after it attacked two kids in a San Bernardino, California, neighborhood. While the children’s aunt is calling the man a hero, the dog’s owners are angry at him for putting the pit bull down.

It was about 2:40 p.m. when the children were outside playing and the neighbor’s dog approached them. One of the children who was bitten told NBC LA that when the dog first started attacking them, they tried to run away, but they couldn’t get away from it.

Sen. Jerry Moran Correct with UN Arms Trade Teaty Letter, says Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Moran letter outlines four more reasons for condemning the Obama administration’s signing of the ATT and urges the president “to notify the treaty depository that the U.S. does not intend to ratify the Arms Trade Treaty, and is therefore not bound by its obligations. As members of the Senate, we pledge to oppose the ratification of this treaty, and we give notice that we do not regard the U.S. as bound to uphold its object and purpose.”

Snyder noted, though, that “since the UN ATT now has been signed, it could be ratified at any time by a future Senate. It’s an ongoing, continuing threat to Americans’ gun rights. To have hope of obviating this threat, we should work to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US.”

Judicial Watch sues Bloomy over same documents SAF is seeking
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit against anti-gun New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s office, seeking the same documents – communications between his office and the Mayors Against Illegal Guns – that the Second Amendment Foundation has sought since June, the Washington Free Beacon reported yesterday.

SAF initially filed a Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for all records relating to MAIG communications on June 26, after newspaper allegations that city resources have been used for MAIG’s gun control efforts.

AL: Gun Sales Down Across the Wiregrass
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"The beginning half of the year was good but it dropped off a cliff. It dropped off pretty quick," said Dan Nicholson, the owner of Area 51 in Dothan.

He says business has never been this bad; guns stay on the shelves and once regular customers aren't coming in anymore. With the year coming to a close soon, his sales aren't even close to where he thought they'd be.

"I mean it's like significant like half or more of where we should be," said Nicholson.

Gun Groups Sponsor ‘Guns Save Lives Day’ On One-Year Anniversary Of Newtown Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“We are going to show America that there is a good side to guns,” the groups’ petition says. Declaring that gun owners have been victimized in the debate post-Newtown, they request people send donations. “We plan to honor these victims by doing everything within our power to prevent misguided gun control laws from leaving Americans defenseless or worse victims. Don’t be a victim, ARM YOURSELF and help ARM our movement with the resources we need to protect and restore our nation’s gun rights.”

Breaking in a New Pony — Colt Defender
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As much as I enjoy military history, handguns, shooting, and the Second Amendment, I actually don’t own a 1911 style pistol. In fact, my 1911 experience is quite limited, having only fired a few Kimbers, a Colt Lightweight Commander, Wilson CQB, and Taurus PT 1911. Without a doubt, each of those guns and the 1911 platform overall have proved quite impressive. And with over 100 years of history behind the venerable 1911, it’s easier than ever to see the thoughtfulness and innovation in John Moses Browning’s seemingly timeless pistol design.

CA: Brown vetoes semi-auto bill but slams hunters with lead ammo ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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California Gov. Jerry Brown today vetoed a ban on semi-automatic rifles but threw hunters under the bus by signing legislation that outlaws the use of lead ammunition for hunting by mid-2019, the Sacramento Bee is reporting.

The San Jose Mercury News and Los Angeles Times have more complete reports that reveal Brown signed other gun control legislation, while turning thumbs down on some measures.

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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