Craigslist Shooting in Michigan
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David Williamson
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Police said 42-year-old Jon Vanderwiel and his father, 72-year-old Robert Vanderwiel, drove to Battle Creek's Urbandale neighborhood Tuesday evening for a meeting to buy a classic auto they saw on Craigslist.
Battle Creek police said a third man, Jared Wyatt, 20, remains a person of interest, but has not been charged in connection with the robbery. At least two of them suffered gunshot wounds. |
Legal Consequences of Self-Defense
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David Williamson
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A recent self-defense course prompted a question about whether a victim could face legal action as a result of fighting off an attacker.
The course was for women, but self-defense laws are gender-neutral. Whether a victim could face legal consequences depends on what the attacker did and how the victim defended himself or herself.
The Natural Right to Self-Defense
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David Williamson
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While the FBI continued to analyze the emails Hillary Clinton thought she deleted and her advisers pressed her to hire a Republican criminal defense attorney in Washington, a madman used a lawfully purchased handgun to kill a professor and eight students at a community college in Roseburg, Ore. Looking to change the subject away from her emails, Clinton was quick to pounce.
Assault Weapons Ban Before U.S. Supreme Court
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David Williamson
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The U.S. Supreme Court could announce as early as Tuesday whether it will hear a challenge to a suburban Chicago law banning firearms commonly known as assault weapons.
If the court agrees to hear the case, it would cast a shadow over similar bans in seven states. But declining to take it up would boost efforts to impose such bans elsewhere, at a time of renewed interest in gun regulation after recent mass shootings.
AZ: Gilbert Man Shot By Daughter During Family Dispute
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David Williamson
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Gilbert police say a woman who allegedly shot her father was acting in self-defense during a family dispute.
Lt. Hugh White says officers responded to reports of a domestic disturbance at a home just before 8 a.m. Sunday.
Investigators say 47-year-old Douglas Holt and 52-year-old Rosanna Holt were arguing.
Liberal Politicians Blinded by Feel-Good Policy on Guns
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Robert Morse
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There is a difference between the political left and the political right. Boiled down to its simplest terms, those who want to conserve liberty feel a duty to do good. In contrast, those on the left want to feel good. That small difference leads to profoundly different policy proposals. Few topics highlight the difference as clearly as self-defense. We’ve seen a few mass murders in recent months, though more and more of them are copy cat events encouraged by the media. The political left says they have to do something, pass some law, to show their concern. The political right asks what would actually save lives.
I think saving lives would make you feel better.
Can we agree on that? |
CA: Jerry Brown Bans Concealed Carry on Campus
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David Williamson
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Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed a law Saturday that bars law-abiding, licensed citizens from carrying guns on campuses in California for self-defense.
Brown signed the ban just over a week after unarmed students in gun-free facilities at Umpqua Community College (UCC) were shot and killed by a criminal who did not have to worry about victims being able to shoot back.
Enlist NRA in Effort To License Sale of Ammo
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In August, The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof noted that gun violence claims one life every 16 minutes in the United States. Think about it. Every day, more than 90 American families are broken by gun violence. If you're like most people, you have come to feel that achieving any significant reduction in this disturbing statistic is hopeless. Because there are more than 300 million guns in private hands in the United States.
Yet Another Shooting
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David Williamson
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An early Friday scuffle among college students at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Ariz., did not garner much national attention. One student was killed; another three were shot. The shooter was taken into custody. Just another day in America. |
It's Well Past Time For a Serious Look at Gun Violence
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David Williamson
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Albert Einstein famously defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
In regards to America’s endless epidemic of gun violence, he might have offered this definition: seeing the same massacre over and over again and doing nothing different. |
Gun Rights No Clear Winner for Christie
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David Williamson
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Since a shooter killed nine people Oct. 1 at an Oregon community college, Republican presidential candidates have sounded variations on one refrain: New gun laws aren't the solution.
"I don't think more government is necessarily the answer to this," former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said while discussing the Second Amendment and shootings, also saying: "Look, stuff happens. There's always a crisis."
NY: Two St. Lawrence County Legislators Seeking ‘Test Case’ To Allow More Concealed Handguns
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David Williamson
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Two St. Lawrence County legislators are taking steps they hope will allow St. Lawrence County residents to carry concealed handguns in public, and have been conferring with the National Rifle Association to test a new county law in court.
“We’re taking a lot of different approaches to see what the best course is, what would be the right direction to take,” said Joel LaPierre, a Republican from Fowler who represents the 4th District, and one of two sponsors of a local law that is aimed at easing restrictions placed on handgun permits by St. Lawrence County Court Judge Jerome Richards.
Amy Schumer Tackles Guns on SNL
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David Williamson
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Amy Schumer’s first-ever gig hosting Saturday Night Live was widely anticipated for a number of reasons: Few comedians this year have had more success with the topical, incisive, irreverent sketches SNL has pioneered. But her debut might be best remembered for one particularly timely short above others. |
3 Ways to Dramatically Cut Gun Violence
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David Williamson
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Gun violence is like cancer: It comes in many different varieties and there is no single panacea to eliminate it.
But as businessmen with a combined 20 years on the front lines of this battle, we believe we can cut America’s 32,000 annual death toll in half in 10 years with a three-pronged approach. |
Another Massacre, Another Charade
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David Williamson
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There’s the cycle of poverty. There’s the cycle of violence. And then there’s the cycle of gun talk. It starts with a mass shooting. Gun-control advocates blame the deaths on gun-control opponents, who argue, in turn, that none of the proposed restrictions would have had any effect on the incident in question. The debate goes nowhere. The media move on. |
Donald Trump: ‘Sometimes’ I Carry a Gun
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David Williamson
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Donald Trump says he sometimes carries a gun to protect himself.
“Sometimes,” Trump told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday. “I will tell you, I feel much better being armed.”
At a rally in Tennessee on Oct. 3, the Republican presidential frontrunner told the crowd he has a concealed-weapon permit. |
Bernie Sanders Addresses Gun Control Record in Effort to Soothe Democrats
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David Williamson
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Bernie Sanders has used an appearance before a large crowd in Colorado and an NBC interview to continue his attempt to reassure voters in the Democratic primary about his position on gun control. “I am not going to tell you that everybody in America agrees with everyone on these ideas,” he told a crowd of 9,000 in Boulder on Saturday afternoon, a day after he spoke to more than 10,000 in Tucson, Arizona.
Boston Police Reveal ‘Where Guns Go To Die’
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David Williamson
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What happens to the firearms that Boston police take off the streets?
It turns out that they end up as manhole or sewer covers, police shared over the weekend in a blog post titled “Ever Wonder Where Guns Go To Die?”
Police said the guns are taken to an Everett steel plant, “where the guns are crushed, melted down, recycled and repurposed.” |
Common Machine Guns You Can Rent at Machine Guns Vegas
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David Williamson
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If you’re a gun aficionado but you’re tired of ogling all of the biggest, baddest machine guns from afar, then it’s time to take your favorite pastime up a notch—it’s time to get up close and personal with some real firepower.
With common machine guns rentals—yes, you heard me right. Machine. Gun. Rentals. |
Having Guns Won't Keep You Safe
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David Williamson
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Presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson, who once supported restrictions on the ownership of assault weapons and armor-piercing ammunition, has changed his mind in view of recent events, suggesting that private individuals should be in a position to protect themselves from an overly aggressive government. His is an opinion firmly grounded in the Second Amendment. But how effective would this strategy be in the real world? |
Former Rep. Gabby Giffords Launches Initiative To Address Domestic Violence And Guns
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David Williamson
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On Thursday, The Arizona Republic reported that former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was planning an initiative to address gun violence perpetrated by domestic abusers against women and other family members. Giffords is planning to host a “Domestic Violence Awareness Summit” on Wednesday, that will bring together dozens of women from across the country to form a group called The Women’s Coalition for Common Sense. |
Gun-rights Supporters Protest Obama vVsit
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Gun-rights advocates on Friday protested President Obama's visit to Roseburg, Ore., where he will meet families of the victims of last week’s shooting at Umpqua Community College.
Around 300 people gathered to protest Obama before his arrival in Roseburg, according to The Register-Guard newspaper. Demonstrators held signs saying “Go Away” and “Obama Free Zone.”
Opponents and supporters of Obama lined the motorcade route as he traveled to the site of the meeting.
“It’s unconscionable to me that he would take the pain and the agony of people who just lost a loved one and basically say, no matter what you say and what you think, I’m going to use your personal tragedy for his own political agenda,” |