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Newslinks for 10/13/2000

Johnnie puts guns on the spot
Submitted by: Anti-gun ads

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The guy who helped O.J. walk is now a mouth for making sure someone who got caught with marijuana 25 years ago will go to federal prison for choosing to be able to protect his family. What a swell "American" this piece of work is.

Report from HCI distorts facts wildly, and poorly
Submitted by: HCI CRAP

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Too many false and misleading statements to address in my 500 words, but let's just say these people need to be sued for slander, libel, and treason.

Chicago ads aimed at gang members (and all decent citizens, as well)
Submitted by: Chicago Infringement

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"A 9mm legally retails for $500," notes another one of the ads, which will be placed on billboards and CTA buses and trains. "On the street it'll cost you 5-10 years in federal prison."
So people get 5 to 10 years for exercising the right to keep and bear arms. Look at this:

Illinois Constitution Article I, Section 22

"Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Detective fatally shot while booking prisoner
Submitted by: Cop Killer

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"WARREN, Mich. (AP) A drug suspect being booked at police headquarters shot a veteran detective to death and then turned the gun on himself."
Hate hearing stuff like this, but the government has no ruling authority to arrest people for drugs, and the arresting officer obviously didn't do a very good job frisking the, we pray for the family and learn a few lessons.

Gun lock failures threaten program
Submitted by: Gun Locks

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"The group that donated 400,000 gun locks to communities in 30 states, including Pennsylvania, with Pittsburgh serving as a pilot city, wants some of those locks back."

"Bill Brassard, spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Foundation in Newtown, Conn., said the group wants all 311 cities and counties in the HomeSafe Project to return at least a half-dozen locks per community for testing at the agency's headquarters."

Upper house approves stringent new gun control bill for South Africa
Submitted by: South Africa

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"The Firearms Control Bill would require gun owners to undergo competency training and testing, increase maximum jail terms for illegal firearms possession from five to 15 years and give police additional powers to search for and seize illegal weapons."

"It also would increase the minimum age for owning a firearm from 16 to 21 and limit people to one gun each for self-defense purposes."
Mandela is a coward who takes guns away from women while supporting "rape insurance" implementation.

NBA player being censored to change violent, racist sexist lyrics on "rap" album
Submitted by: NBA Jerk

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"Allen Iverson will take steps to eliminate offensive lyrics from the final version of his rap album, NBA commissioner David Stern said Thursday after meeting with Iverson at league headquarters."

"Stern declined to fine or suspend Iverson but issued a strongly worded statement critical of the Philadelphia guard, whose controversial rap recording contains violent references and derogatory terms about gays, women and blacks."
One more racist, sexist, violent scumbag with power and money.

Student may be charged for having triggerlocked .22 in car on school property after illegal search
Submitted by: School Insanity

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"This young man has no record of any kind," he said. "There is no intent of any kind. My feeling is that this is going to ruin this kid's life forever if he is found guilty... I think he has learned his lesson."

"Because of school district policy, Henning was suspended for a year, Harris said."
These people should fight this to the end. Having a triggerlocked .22 is not worth strapping this kid with a felony for life!!!

Judge declared one of the governor's toughest anti-crime laws unconstitutional!!
Submitted by: Chicago Victory

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Illinois Gov. Ryan suffered a blow Wednesday when a Cook County judge declared one of the governor's toughest anti-crime laws unconstitutional.

Ryan pushed through the "15-20-Life" anti-crime package a year ago, mandating tougher sentences when guns are used in crimes. But Circuit Court Judge Larry Fox called the law unconstitutionally vague.
It's nice to see a judge use the word "unconstitutional"! What is interesting is that it's being used against VIOLENT felons...

Missouri 4th graders allegedly strip-searched for missing medal
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This sort of behavior on the part of school administrators is just plain WRONG.

Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. — Billy Graham

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