Government abuse happens all the time
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"I support the Second Amendment. That might seem like a strange subject for your consumer investigator, so allow me to explain."
"I’ve wrestled with how much say the government should have in our right to bear arms my entire adult life. I’ve reported many cases of innocent children accidentally shot and killed through the negligence of adults ... I was sharing one such case with a friend when he expressed his reasons for supporting the right of private citizens to bear arms. He said, 'the fear of an uprising from armed citizens is the only thing that protects us from the tyranny of the government.'"
"I thought he was kidding. 'What?' I said. 'This is the United States of America. We don’t need to be protected from the government.' I was wrong. ..." ... |
The Anti-Second Amendment Debacle
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"Americans know that this administration is no holds bar anti-Second Amendment; they all have made no bones about it. So it should not surprise Americans that this administration would try something like 'Operation Fast and Furious' to try to set up law abiding American gun dealers to take the fall for guns going over the border into Mexico and used to commit murder. This would give the Obama administration the 'numbers' to 'prove' there needs to be more gun control in America; since they do not have the proof they need at this point because majority of guns used in the cartel murders are from the Mexican Army itself or other Central and South American countries. ..." ... |
Bud’s Top Selling Guns for 2011
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"Bud’s Gun Shop is one of the more popular discount firearms retailers on the internet, and a place I’ve purchased a number of firearms over the years. This afternoon they sent out a very interesting email detailing the top 15 firearms sold through their store in the last year rank ordered by volume, and I thought it might be interesting to share that tidbit of information. Make the jump for the full list…" ... |
Product Review: Galco Ankle Holsters (video available)
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"As part of my ongoing quest for the perfect ankle holster, I hit up Galco Gunleather. They sent me a care package containing three different ankle holsters suitable for my main carry gun: a Glock 26. Coincidentally enough, the Glock 26 weighs 26 ounces loaded. Depending on your stems, that’s near the upper limit weight-wise for reasonably comfortable ankle carry. Which worked out well for this review; the Gaston’s pistol stressed the holster—and my leg—sufficiently to expose the weaknesses of both the holster and this style of carry. Contenders ready?" ... |
OR: Burglary suspect picks the wrong home for break-in attempt
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"Columbia County Sheriff's Deputies are searching for a suspect after a Warren, Oregon homeowner opened fire when he was awakened by an intruder trying to get into his house." ...
"Deputies said the unidentified man opened fire at about 11:30 p.m. Sunday and they do not know if the suspect was hit by the gunfire. The intruder fled the scene and no suspect information has been released." ... |
Of Course: Democrats Defending Eric Holder After Subpoena
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"Ranking member of the House Oversight Committee Democrat Elijah Cummings has released a statement calling the decision to subpoena Attorney General Eric Holder in order to gain information about Operation Fast and Furious a 'political stunt' and 'deep-sea expedition.'" ...
"If Eric Holder and his Justice Department would provide the necessary documents about Operation Furious, a subpoena wouldn't be necessary, but because Holder and the DOJ have done nothing but lie and stonewall Chairman Darrell Issa in his efforts to hold someone accountable for a lethal and irresponsible government program, a subpoena is the only way the American people will ever get the information they deserve about the program. ..." ... |
Issa subpoenas Holder, DoJ for full documentation on Fast & Furious
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rick schwartz
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... "... Presumably Holder will fight the subpoena in court, but he’s going to have to claim executive privilege to quash it — and that opens up a real can of worms. So far there has been no direct connection to Barack Obama to Fast and Furious, but in order to shield communications from people on this list, the administration will have to claim that it will infringe on Obama’s ability to get advice on this subject — which will mean an admission that Obama was involved in it. ..." ... |
ATF Death Watch 102: Issa Subpoenas Widen Gunwalker to ICE Agent Zapata’s Murder
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"As predicted, Representative Darrell Issa’s House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has sent a wide-ranging subpoena over to the Department of Justice. ..."
"Issa has requested docs relating to one of the lesser publicized aspects of the growing scandal surrounding the 'stingless sting' run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires): the murder of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement Agent Jaime Zapata." ... |
Oversight Committee subpoenas Holder
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... "House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) today announced the issuance of a subpoena to Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. for Justice Department documents related to the 'Operation Fast and Furious' gun walking scandal."
"'Top Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Holder, know more about Operation Fast and Furious than they have publicly acknowledged,' said Chairman Issa. 'The documents this subpoena demands will provide answers to questions that Justice officials have tried to avoid since this investigation began eight months ago. It’s time we know the whole truth.'" ... |
Will the Obama Syndicate Ever be Held Responsible for its Crimes?
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... "The Obama-led administration (aka the Obama syndicate) appears to be--by far--the most rogue and lawless (by design and original intent of the perpetrators) ever attributed to 'leaders' of the United States Government. ..."
"Two huge scandals with likely provable criminal intent and application by Obama and his syndicate have been exposed. ... Holder and Obama were caught with their proverbial pants down regarding the Obama-ordered 'Operation Gunwalker: Fast and Furious' program. The program was set up and implemented with the sole intention of blaming US citizens for gun traffic to the Mexican drug cartels and, then, placing restrictions of the US Constitution’s Second Amendment. ..." ... |
Come Clean and Cut Funding
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"What did the President know and when did he know it, goes the old Washington adage. Thus did the American people learn [recently] in separate but equally startling revelations that the Obama Administration knew more about two scandals than it has been revealing. The first is regarding the Operation Fast and Furious gun running disaster and the second is the now-bankrupt, Obama-backed Solyndra solar power company. Both instances provoke serious questions for the White House and demand long-overdue action." ... |
Media-Ignored GOP Candidate Gary Johnson Takes His Case Directly to Reddit
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"Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson has been invited to one debate. Just one."
"Despite pulling the same support in polls as Rick 'Santorum' Santorum and Jon Hunstman Jr., Gov. Johnson continues to be excluded from these debates. ..."
"So Governor Veto, who played up his history of entrepreneurship, his scaling of Mount Everest, and his racing in Hawaii’s invitation-only Ironman Triathlon Championship, decided to take his case to Reddit ..." ...
"On what the Second Amendment means to him:"
"'I think the Second Amendment means what it says that you have a right to keep an bear arms. I openly advocated for conceal carry when I was Governor.'" ... |
Republican presidential hopefuls address NH House
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"Five Republican presidential candidates sparked applause, but two prompted loud booing, as they addressed the New Hampshire House of Representatives Wednesday." ...
"Cain prompted a standing ovation among the Republican majority when he said the right to bear arms described in the Second Amendment is an inalienable right, along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." ... |
VA: Politicians put to test on hunting/fishing issues
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"ELECTION DAY is just a couple of weeks away, and the Fredericksburg region's large complement of outdoor enthusiasts are probably pondering who to vote for in the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates races."
"Some candidates readily promote whether they are pro-Second Amendment, fiscal conservatives, environmentalists, etc. But what I thought might be interesting is to ask if they hunt or fish and if they have current licenses purchased for those time-honored pursuits." ... |
PA: Tioga County Republicans have politics for breakfast
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"The 2012 election campaign is already well underway in Pennsylvania."
"Two announced Republican candidates for next spring's Primary Election - one seeking the party's nomination for state attorney General, the other U.S. Senate - attended a breakfast Wednesday sponsored by the Tioga County Republican Committee at the Penn Wells Hotel." ...
"A strong proponent of the Defense of Marriage Act and the Second Amendment, as well as the Castle Doctrine, which gives homeowners more rights in defending their homes and property from criminal invasion, Rafferty said it is important that the state uphold those laws." ... |
GA: Stone seeks Senate seat: Supports free markets, gun rights
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"Ed Stone, an announced candidate for the Georgia Senate District 28 seat recently vacated by Mitch Seabaugh, describes himself as a staunch supporter of free markets and gun rights."
"In fact Stone, a Senoia attorney, is a past president, board member, and founding member of an active Georgia gun rights organization, Georgia Carry."
"From just a few people sitting around a table, Georgia Carry has grown to 'over 6,000 people, and growing,' said Stone." ... |
NRA Pushes National Right to Carry Bill
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As we have been reporting, H.R. 822, the 'National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011', is on the move in the U.S. House of Representatives. On September 13, House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security held a hearing on H.R. 822. The House could consider H.R. 822 in the next few weeks, so it is critically important that you contact your U.S. Representative immediately about this vital legislation." ... |
Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act Introduced
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"U.S Senators Mark Begich (D-Alaska) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) have introduced the Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act. The bill allows for the interstate sale of firearms and removes several antiquated and unnecessary restrictions imposed on interstate firearms transactions."
"'Current laws restricting interstate commerce of firearms not only lag behind common sense and new technology, they are unfair and burdensome,' Sen. Begich said. 'This legislation cleans up decades-old laws that are unnecessarily restricting the rights of Alaskans and other Americans to purchase and sell firearms.'" ... |
NE: Changes to Omaha’s Firearms Laws Continue to Missfire
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"Andreas Allen, President of the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA), discusses the proposed changes to Omaha’s Firearms Ordinances."
"Last Tuesday the Omaha City Council proposed an ordinance change brought forth by the Omaha Police Department (OPD) and the Mayor’s office."
"The City claims they have been working on this proposal for five months and that it has nothing to do with the recent lawsuit the Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA) has filed in partnership with the Second Amendment Foundation and Armando Pliego Gonzalez concerning legal resident aliens."
"After reading this proposal, however, it’s apparent that it was put together hastily and was done very poorly. ..." ... |
Quick Fix Didn't Moot Chicago Gun Law Suit
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... "... on July 6, 2011, the Chicago City Council allowed firing ranges to operate in the city, subject to restrictions, by deleting the offending section of the ordinance. One hour before the council changed the law, however, the 7th Circuit granted Ezell's earlier request for an injunction with an emergency reversal ruling."
"The city moved to dismiss the case as moot, asserting that the council had given Ezell all the relief she sought. But Ezell claimed that the city's new web of restrictions on firing ranges effectively operates as a new ban on gun ranges."
"U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall refused to dismiss, saying the case is not moot because it is unclear whether the amended statute will end the city's discrimination." ... |
Feds: States Have No Rights
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"In a recent column appearing on InfoWars.com, Kurt Nimmo succinctly and correctly pointed out that the federal government's usurpation of State sovereignty, jurisdiction, and authority is worsening. ... Nimmo begins, 'In its continuing effort to pare down the number of Americans who can exercise their rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the [ATF] has sent a letter to firearms dealers informing them that medical patients ... have no right to own and possess firearms." ...
"And it's not just medical marijuana and cancer patients that the ATF--and its water boys in Congress--wants to deny Second Amendment rights to. As has been previously reported, many of our nation's veterans are also on the 'hit list' ..." ... |
WI: Attorney General Van Hollen Trampling Concealed Carry in Wisconsin
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"They just can’t keep their hands off of your rights."
"The ink is hardly dry on your new compromised CCW law, and now Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen is inventing ways to shred your self-defense rights."
"And he’s doing it at your expense."
"State Senator Pam Galloway (R-Wausau) sponsored a concealed carry bill that Van Hollen is now trying to rewrite to include specific training requirements…"
"…Training requirements that lawmakers deliberately excluded from the bill!" ...
"But that’s not the weirdest part. Guess what? Hollen is a yet another RINO (Republican-In-Name-Only) who was endorsed by the NRA." ... |
PA: Trooper Charged With Pepper Spraying Handcuffed Man
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"The state attorney general has filed a simple assault charge against a state police corporal."
"Christian Fow, 43, of Shippensburg, pepper sprayed and physically assaulted a man who was handcuffed and seat belted in the back of a state police cruiser ..." ... -------
KABA Note: Kudos to the AG for doing the right thing. |
PA: Philly cop stole perps’ cards, filled up his gas tank, feds say
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"As the U.S. Attorney tells it, Charles Jacoby was a Philly cop with a fraud scheme on the side."
"Authorities said Jacoby ... was supposed to safeguard the personal belongings of recently arrested and incarcerated individuals that had been placed in temporary storage."
"Instead, Jacoby ... allegedly stole their debit and credit cards and used them cards to buy gasoline for his personal vehicle and various items for himself." ... |
AR: Lawsuit planned in Little Rock police shooting
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"Mike Laux, a Chicago lawyer, says he'll file a promised civil rights lawsuit over the fatal shooting Dec. 9 of Eugene Ellison by off-duty Little Rock police working as security guards at his apartment complex. He called the incident avoidable and a reflection of a 'nationwide epidemic of police misconduct.' ..."
"Ellison, 67, was shot while struggling with officers Donna Lesher and Tabitha McCrillis. Prosecutor Larry Jegley said the officers were justified in the shooting because other efforts to subdue him had been unsuccessful. The officers said they had gone into the apartment because the door was open and the apartment appeared in disarray. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: You catch that? A messy room is now a capital offense. My mother warned me to keep my room clean . . . |
WV: Suit against city police settled
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"A 2010 lawsuit filed against the city of Parkersburg, alleging police brutality has been settled, according to Mayor Bob Newell."
"In June 2010 the city and three police officers were sued in federal district court by Timothy M. Mazza."
"Mazza alleged he was unlawfully arrested, detained and brutalized by Officers Nathan R. Deuley, M.W. Eichhorn and R.L. Koher in the fall of 2009. ..."
"Newell said the case was settled by the city's insurance company for $100,000." ...
"The settlement is the third for the city's police department this year." ... |
FL: Police: TSA Employee Brings Gun To Airport
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"A Transportation Safety Administration employee was taken into custody Tuesday after he unlawfully tried to bring a handgun into the secured area of Miami International Airport, police said." ...
"... Valdes admitted he knew it was illegal to bring a firearm into the airport and that he just 'forgot.' He also said the gun was not registered and he did not have a concealed weapons permit." |
WA: Loaded gun found at Sea-Tac Airport
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"The U.S. Transportation Security Administration says officers have found a loaded handgun at security checkpoint at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for the second time in a week."
"Spokeswoman Lorie Dankers says the first handgun was found Saturday during routine carry-on baggage screening. Officers found another loaded handgun in a carry-on bag last Wednesday. Both passengers were arrested." ... |
CA: Will the Open-Carry Gun Ban Make California Safer?
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"California Governor Jerry Brown, who owns three guns, said that his decision to ban the open carrying of handguns was based upon advice of law-enforcement officials, including Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca."
"In a statement, Baca said: 'For law enforcement officers and community members, any type of weapon being carried, openly or concealed, could appear as a threat to their well-being and is regarded as a public safety threat.'" ... |
VA: VA gun group plans demonstrations across VA universities
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"On Monday, the Virginia Citizens Defense League informed its members of its plans to protest efforts to ban concealed weapons permit holders from carrying firearms in campus buildings by holding demonstrations across VA universities."
"In a recent opinion, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli claimed that to bar legal concealed firearms in campus buildings a university’s board must pass a state regulation instead of policy. Unfortunately for Cuccinelli, the VA Supreme Court disagrees." ... |