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Newslinks for 10/13/2014

Attorney seeks to overturn federal machine gun ban on constitutional grounds
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Now, my sights are set on ... the machine gun ban,' Stephen Stamboulieh announced on the webpage he established to finance the legal challenge. 'I don't believe this is constitutional in light of the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Likewise, the National Firearms Act (‘NFA’), which taxes the making and transferring of Title II weapons (machine guns, suppressors, short barrel rifles, short barrel shotguns, etc) is ripe to be attacked on Second Amendment grounds.'" ...

Are Black People Carrying Guns Public Enemy No. 1?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'‘Whites walking down Main Street with an AK-47 are defenders of American values; a black man doing the same thing is Public Enemy No. 1,' says Gallagher, a professor at La Salle University in Pennsylvania.' That’s the considered assessment of race relations in America accruing to La Salle Univerity sociologist Charles Gallagher. Fortunately, we know that Gallagher is wrong. See the picture above? It was taken in August of this year. Those are members of the Huey P. Newton Gun Club who went to a restaurant and ate while openly carrying their guns… next to a group of police officers. Nothing happened . . ." ...

Mathis: PA’s Preemption Law is an NRA Tax Grab!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Joel Mathis, writing in Philadelphia Magazine has his knickers in a serious twist over a new piece of NRA-supported legislation which just passed the Pennsylvania House and is awaiting action by the Senate Judiciary Committee. His article, The NRA Wants Your Submission spends 841 words excoriating the NRA and the legislature, explicating how when this bill passes the will of the peepul will be squashed and 'little towns and boroughs' will be sued into oblivion. Unfortunately Joel is either incompetent or just flat out lying, because the bill in question will do nothing of the sort . . ." ...

Illegal Immigration and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The right of every American to be safe and secure in their homes is part of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment speaks more to the need for a judge to determine if the police or another authority may enter a home. Having this protection then makes entering a home without consent by the homeowner or court order an issue of criminal activity. American citizens have long looked to the Second Amendment for protecting themselves, their families and their property against anyone wanting to use violence against them." ...

‘Monitor’ gets it wrong on gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anti-gun liberals are seldom persuaded by logic. So it’s hard to believe that responding to the Oct. 3 Monitor editorial is not a waste of time. But gun owners take offense to the Monitor’s childish name-calling, branding the Second Amendment community as engaging in 'absolutism' – and brandishing the old 'fire in a crowded theater' trope." ...

Poll: 84 Percent See Gun Violence As Criminal Action, Not Public Health Issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 9, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) released the results of a scientific poll showing an overwhelming majority of Americans--84 percent--believe "gun violence" is a criminal action, not a public health issue."

"This news comes as Democrats, including President Obama, are pushing to shift gun crime into the realm of public health to use administrative edicts and laws to circumvent the Second Amendment." ...

Note To Mr. Klein: Government Purchases Did Contribute To Ammo 'Buying Panic'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"On October 9, TIME's Joe Klein published a column lumping Breitbart News reports in with 'conspiracy theories' surrounding federal agency ammunition purchases and suggesting those reports are causal in confusing voters as the 2014 mid-term elections approach."

"To push this template, Klein had to miss an April 8, 2013, Breitbart News column showing that government ammunition purchases were a component in the creation of a 'politically-induced buying panic' that left store shelves barren of ammo. In turn, the scarcity of ammunition--combined with the frenzied demand for it--drove prices through the roof." ...

Gear Review: Bushnell SMRS 1-8.5x 24mm
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Spend enough time reading about optics on the internet and you might get the feeling that the perfect optic scales from a true 1X up to ∞X, weighs less than a feather, and can give you a clear, crisp picture in the dark. It should also cost less than $100, be able to withstand a free fall from space, and have a reticle that reads the wind. Okay, that last part might be a bit much, but I don’t think I’m far off the mark. In the world of running and gunning — 2-gunning, 3-gunning, or otherwise — there are always sacrifices to be made. ... The SMRS from Bushnell certainly provides amazing optical clarity and the ability to jump from a nearly perfect 1X to 8.5X. But it does all that by sacrificing light weight on the altar of compromise . . ." ...

Gun Review: SIG SAUER P938 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In recent years there has certainly been no shortage of sub-compact, “pocket-sized” 9mm pistols to choose from. Market demand has spoken, and manufacturers have answered with available products. However, if you’re a “cocked & locked,” hammer-fired kind of a gal (or guy) you’ve been almost completely overlooked. Thankfully, one of the only options out there happens to be a pretty good one — the SIG SAUER P938 . . ." ...

Gear Review: Coronado Arms PMag Extensions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you shoot in 3-gun competitions or are just interested in some bolt-on mods for your AR-15 that can add some color and capacity to your magazines, check out the new Magpul Gen3 PMag Base Extensions by Coronado Arms. [Noobs note: a magazine base plate is the piece on the bottom of the magazine that holds the follower, magazine spring, and whatever other goodies your magazine may have inside. A mag base extension is an upgraded version of that plate that 'extends' the functionality of the off-the-shelf plate, adding to a magazine's round capacity. They can also add a personalized (and colorful) touch.] The bases from Coronado are available in . . ." ...

Short-Barreled Rifles Are the Best Guns for Home Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I can say with 100% certainty that short barrel rifles (SBRs) are the absolute best guns for home defense. Not pistols. How can I know this with such certainty? Because when a SWAT team enters a home, SBRs are the firearms that they use to protect themselves. SWAT does not and will not enter a dangerous situation with pistols, and civilians shouldn’t have to either. Wait? What? Of course SWAT teams need SBRs, but what do you need it for? Well, are police executioners? No, they only have guns to protect themselves and to protect others. So do we. So if they need their SBR to clear bad guys out of a house, I also need a SBR to clear bad guys out of my house . . ." ...

Does race shape Americans' passion for guns?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's a thought experiment:"

"What if large groups of African-American men carrying shotguns and semi-automatic rifles started moseying into stores across America to tout their support of open-carry gun laws?"

"Would they be greeted by the same anxious looks shoppers gave groups of armed white men who did the same this summer at Target stores and chain restaurants like Chipotle? Or something more lethal?"

"For Charles Gallagher, a sociologist who studies race, the answer to that 'what if' is easy."

"'Whites walking down Main Street with an AK-47 are defenders of American values; a black man doing the same thing is Public Enemy No. 1,' says Gallagher, a professor at La Salle University in Pennsylvania." ...

Gun nuts’ powerful new enemy: How pediatricians are taking on the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My daughter, Casey, has just begun her second year of physician residency in Pediatrics ... Her job features an 80-hour workweek and relatively low pay. The work can be challenging and rewarding, but occasionally depressing: some of her patients are deathly ill or wounded. And all too often, nothing she can do will change the inexorable outcome."

"Before long, she may well incur a different kind of problem, one where she could save a life. But to do so she would have to confront an unwieldy moral and professional dilemma that often vexes pediatricians."

"What if, during an office visit, she learns or comes to reasonably suspect that one or more adults in her patient’s household keep firearms in the residence. What should she say? What can she say? ..." ...

New Trend: Billionaires 'Buying Gun Control'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and three other billionaires are bankrolling a controversial gun-control initiative that will appear on the Nov. 4 ballot in Washington State."

"Even the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, Steve Ballmer, has gotten into the act, writing a check for $1 million dollars to help flood the airwaves with anti-gun propaganda."

"The strategy in Washington relies on big money supplied by a few ultra-rich elites and, if successful, could serve as Bloomberg’s model for tightening the strings on gun owners nationwide." ...

"But Bloomberg and his billionaire buddies aren’t limiting their targets to Washington. He has invested $50 million in similar ballot initiatives in 12 states, reported the Seattle Times. ..." ...

L.A. Times Blames 'Fourth Branch Of Government'--The NRA--For Ebola
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 4, Breitbart News reported an emerging narrative on the left, as MSBNC blamed the National Rifle Association (NRA) for Ebola's arrival in the U.S., as well as new cases of the disease that have followed since."

"Why is the NRA to blame? Because they successfully opposed President Obama's surgeon general nominee--Dr. Vivek Murthy--in March 2013. Murthy wanted to treat gun violence as a public health issue instead of a criminal matter, thereby opening the back door for gun edicts that usurped the Second Amendment via administrative law." ...

MD: Petition Against Sheriff Lewis Over Gun Rights Remarks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence says it wants the teaching certificate of Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis to be revoked."

"The group had collected over 14-hundred signatures in an on-line petition Tuesday which will be delivered to the Maryland Police Training Commission."

"The objections involve comments by Lewis who has said that as long as he was sheriff he would not allow the federal government to take away the right to bear arms."

"And he warned any attempt to do so would result in 'an all-out civil war.'" ...

Sales of gas masks, bio-hazard suits and foil blankets soar as 'survivalists' prepare for Ebola epidemic - and warn others to store water
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Stocking up on drinking water and avoiding all human contact are among steps that will have to be taken to avoid an Ebola epidemic, survivalists have warned."

"To avoid contracting the deadly virus people will have to barricade themselves in their homes if the infection spreads, they say."

"Their advice comes as sales of protective clothing and home infection control kits rise with an increasing number of people fearing the worst." ...

You Know You Want to See Glenn Beck Shooting Fully Automatic Rifles — Go Behind the Scenes at Mercury One’s ‘God, Guns & Giving’ Event (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glenn Beck and hundreds of Second Amendment supporters descended on Elm Fork Shooting Sports in Dallas, Texas, on Saturday for Mercury One’s annual 'God Guns & Giving' event."

"The sold-out fundraising event was attended by retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, David Barton, and, of course, Glenn Beck. They and other attendees made their way across a massive gun range and took part in a competitive-style sporting clays challenge." ...

Technology Has Multiple Faces Or How To Legally Own An Untraceable Gun With No Background Check
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Defense Distributed revealed the Ghost Gunner, a £745 computer-controlled (CNC) milling machine (read 3D Printer) designed to let anyone in the world make the aluminium body of an AR-15 rifle at home, with no expertise, no regulation, and no serial numbers. Since then, the company sold more than 200 of the foot-cubed CNC mills-175 in the first 24 hours. That’s well above the expectations as the company planned to sell only 110 of the machines total before cutting off orders."

"To keep up, the company is now raising the price for the next round of Ghost Gunners by £65. That makes four staffers on the group’s CNC milling project, an offshoot of its larger mission to foil gun control with digital DIY tools." ...

DC: Concealed Weapons in the Streets: Should Handgun Owners Be Allowed to Carry Guns in Public?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Is permitting citizens to carry a gun outside the home a good idea?"

"On Oct. 9 at the National Press Club, advocates on both sides of the issue debated this question. Secondarily, it was discussed whether openly carrying firearms is a good idea in the nation’s capital in particular." ...

Gun Show: Issue Fades, but Groups Aim to Influence Midterm Races
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some prominent nonprofits focusing on firearms are locked and loaded this election cycle, shelling out millions in hopes of influencing voters before they head to the polls Nov. 4."

"This year, although gun control isn’t a major issue, groups on both sides support and oppose targeted candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate."

"Gun control appeared to loom large for 2014 campaigns after the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. According to the Gallup polling organization, support for stricter gun laws hit 58 percent in the following days — the highest since 2004."

"However, that passion cooled. ..." ...

NE: Sasse for gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democrats continue to demand more restrictive federal gun control laws. If Nebraska's gun owners are serious about protecting this fundamental right, we need to send Ben Sasse to the U.S. Senate. It is worth remembering that we are not the owners of these unalienable rights, but their guardians and stewards. They are endowed, not bestowed by any government, not ours to give away, rather ours to safeguard and pass on, intact, to the next generation. It is our duty and moral obligation to do so." ...

WI: Special interest groups trying to buy election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Campaign literature for Gov. Scott Walker highlights the controversial and far-right legislation of his administration."

"One flyer from the National Rifle Association trumpets: 'There’s only one candidate in the race for governor who will protect your Second Amendment rights -- Scott Walker.' ..."

"Concealed carry and mining legislation are just two examples of the far-right agenda of the Walker administration -- two that are supported by powerful special interest groups trying to 'buy' this election." ...

MI: Beyond politics: State Sen. Mike Green talks faith, family and that bear skin rug
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Sen. Mike Green has a bear skin rug on the top floor of his hunting lodge-style home, a trophy he took home after hunting with his sons. It lies just yards away from a massive elk mount — from Colorado — that silently guards his fireplace and the wooden kitchen furniture Green says he made himself." ...

"A good deal of Green's first-term legislation has centered on gun rights, which he said is based on principal more than it is on his hobbies."

"'My support of gun rights has little to do with my desire to hunt. I'm a big believer in the second amendment and Michigan's own amendment,' he said." ...

WA: Election 2014: I-591, I-594 differ over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The duel between gun-control initiatives is not just a high-stakes clash between philosophies; it also pits a measure that’s short and sweet against one that features in-depth detail."

"Initiative 591, supported by state and national groups who tout their support of the Second Amendment, is one of the shortest measures to make the ballot in recent memory. Its 191 words would bar any illegal seizures of guns and wouldn’t allow Washington to change its background check laws unless there’s a new national standard."

"Initiative 594, supported by state and national gun-control groups, is a detailed attempt to extend background checks beyond those currently placed on purchases at licensed dealers. It takes nearly 5,800 words ..." ...

TN: National Rifle Association endorses Lynn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund endorsed Susan Lynn for re-election to the State House in the 57th District and awarded her the group’s highest rating."

"The ‘A’ rating was reported to Lynn last Thursday by letter and is based on her answers to their candidate survey, and her 100-percent pro-Second Amendment voting record during her time of service in the Tennessee General Assembly." ...

IA: Point/Counterpoint: Who won the second Senate debate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The debate inevitably turned its attention to Super PACs and money coming from outside Iowa for the candidates when moderator Ron Steele brought up a recent commercial sponsored by the NRA Political Victory Fund that indicated Braley and Michael Bloomberg had become buddies and that Braley, subsequently, intends to limit the Second Amendment rights of Iowans. 'I’ve never met Michael Bloomberg,' responded Braley to an uproar of laughter from the audience. ..."

"This is an aspect of the debate in which Braley excelled, when the topic was turned to attack ads, he turned back to the underlying issue, using the opportunity to address how his focus is on decreasing gun violence does not limit Second Amendment rights." ...

WI: Gov. Scott Walker gets an A-plus rating
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scott Walker is endorsed with an A-plus rating by the NRA. He will protect your Second Amendment Rights. He signed Wisconsin’s 'Right to Carry' law making it clear you can protect yourself in public and the 'Castle Doctrine' law making it clear you can protect yourself in your home. He supports the state constitutional amendment guaranteeing your right to keep and bear arms, and supports Wisconsin’s hunting heritage." ...

State AG’s Intervention Motion Stalls Peruta Case for Eight Months
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s a long way from May to December, and February through October is even longer. The landmark Second Amendment case, Peruta v. County of San Diego, No. 10-56971 (02/13/14), has been left hanging for eight months on a procedural issue, the intervention motion made by the California Attorney General." ...

Asset seizures fuel police spending
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police agencies have used hundreds of millions of dollars taken from Americans under federal civil forfeiture law in recent years to buy guns, armored cars and electronic surveillance gear. They have also spent money on luxury vehicles, travel and a clown named Sparkles."

"The details are contained in thousands of annual reports submitted by local and state agencies to the Justice Department’s Equitable Sharing Program, an initiative that allows local and state police to keep up to 80 percent of the assets they seize. ..."

"The documents offer a sweeping look at how police departments and drug task forces across the country are benefiting from laws that allow them to take cash and property without proving a crime has occurred ..." ...

ATF Agent: I Lost My Gun in A Boating Accident
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A Castaic man fishing on the dam at Castaic Lake found a backpack that had been exposed as the water line has gone down 151 feet,' reports. 'The bag contained a gun and a badge issued to an agent from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.' So, how you ask, did an ATF agent lose his badge and gun in Castaic Lake, a 320k acre body of water formed by Castaic Dam on Castaic Creek, in the Sierra Pelona Mountains of northwestern Los Angeles County, California, near the town of Castaic? Oddly enough, the not-unexpectedly-unidentified ATF Agent in question has an explanation, of which I’ll share with you . . ." ...

Sgt. Patrick Hayes: When Armed Law Enforcement Crosses the Line, We All Lose
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"RF recently sent me a link to an article entitled Is resistance futile? The Cost of Challenging the American Police State. The piece was written by attorney and author of (A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State) John W. Whitehead, posted in Huffington Post politics. Normally, I don’t trust anything Arianna Huffington’s inheritors publish; the writers never met a Big Government idea they didn’t like. This piece was different . . ." ...

TX: Former HPD officer joins ranks of convicted felons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An ex-Houston police officer has joined the ranks of former law enforcement authorities from the Houston area who are convicted felons."

"Marcos Carrion admitted in federal court to his crimes in a cocaine trafficking conspiracy."

"He had been accused by federal authorities of using his position as a police officer to escort loads of drugs being moved through the area. He provided security for the illicit cargo." ...

DC: Ex-D.C. Cop Linwood Barnhill Jr. Sentenced to 7 Years for Pimping Teen Girls
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge sentenced a former D.C. police officer who served as a pimp for two teenage girls to seven years in prison Thursday."

"Linwood Barnhill Jr., 48, who resigned from the Metropolitan Police Department after his arrest, pleaded guilty to two counts of pandering a minor and one count of possession of child pornography. After his release from prison, Barnhill will be under 10 years of supervised release and must register as a sex offender for the rest of his life." ...

MN: MN Man Named (But Not Shamed) for Concealed Carry Near School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I’m going to protect my children anyway I can,' Matthew Halleck tells Like millions of American parents, that means carrying a concealed weapon as he schleps his daughter to and from school. Unfortunately, Mr. Halleck missed the advice given by TTAG readers to citizens exercising their natural, civil and Constitutional right to keep and bear arms: concealed means concealed. When a homeowner across from Harriet Bishop Elementary school in Rochester, Minnesota glimpsed Halleck’s gat poking out of his pants, she decided to 'out' Halleck with the sign above . . ." ...

CA: Sorry, Charlton, Relatives Take Away Guns With A Phone Call (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Remember when the famous actor and guest speaker at the 2000 National Rifle Association conference, Charlton Heston, uttered those now famous words, 'From my cold dead hands,' when he challenged all those including, Vice President, Albert A. Gore Jr., to try and violate his Second Amendment rights under the U.S. Constitution without a fight?"

"If Heston were alive today and living in California, he would have to eat those words." ...

"Smart" guns and "safety" locks aren't meant to protect children. They're meant to kill gun owners. —VICTOR MILAN

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