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Newslinks for 10/14/2002

PA: CCW-holding woman shoots serial rapist--YES!!!
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A serial rapist has been terrorizing women in Pittsburgh for several weeks, attacking them as they walk around and dragging them into bushes. Last week he even tried to rape a 15-year-old girl.

Thursday morning, he attacked the wrong woman. Now he's in the hospital, under arrest for his attack on her and the other attacks, recovering from surgery: she shot him twice in the gut with her .357. (Scroll to bottom of story to read details of how she shot him). YES! Can we give this woman a medal?

IL: Media Reports on Anti-Gun Crowd's Use of Kids
Submitted by: Scott Fulrath

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"Sen Dick Durbin & Lt Gov Wood Lose Crowd of Bussed-In Kids"

"Anti-gun movement's attempt to manipulate press foiled"

"If there's one thing most conservatives can agree on, it is that the left is well-versed in ways to manipulate the mainstream media, in order to advance a political agenda. But, this past Monday, an anti-gun rally--and what they expected to be a media bonanza for the group--was foiled by a coordinated effort of conservatives."

WY: Wyoming one of four states targeted for Libertarian plan
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Jason Sorens, 25, a Yale University political science doctoral candidate, Libertarian and founder of the Free State Project, plans to enlist 20,000 'liberty-oriented individuals' to move to a state and reform its laws, from criminal codes to tax structure." ...

"Drug and gun laws would be repealed, and asset forfeiture and abuses of eminent domain would end... Utilities would be privatized, and inefficient regulations and monopolies would be eliminated."
Sounds like paradise.

Exploiting murder for political gain
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Kathleen Kennedy Townsend's promise not to exploit the recent sniper attacks against her Republican opponent, Rep. Robert Ehrlich, lasted less than a week."

"Townsend campaign is depicting Mr. Ehrlich as an 'extremist' supporter of the gun lobby and hinting that he and others who oppose restrictive gun control policies directed against law-abiding citizens are somehow to blame for the deadly sniper attacks."

Anti-gun Politicians Exploit Beltway Sniper
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"Anti-gun politicians are scrambling to benefit from the Beltway sniper."

No kidding, right?

Good report synopsizing various ways anti-gunners are dancing in the blood of innocent victims again.

Gun-rights groups undeterred by attacks
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"Responding to calls by some lawmakers and anti-gun groups for more gun control in the wake of a series of sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C., area, gun-rights organizations say public safety would be further endangered if more restrictive gun laws were implemented." ...

Multiple strong statements from GOA and JPFO -- another good report from WND's Jon Dougherty.

India: 20-hour gun battle in Baramulla ends; 6 killed in past 24 hrs
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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How many defenseless people could have taken a bullet on this one?
"The 20-hour-long gun battle between security forces and a lone militant holed up inside a dispensary at Khawaja Bagh near here ended this morning with the killing of the ultra."

"Elsewhere in the state, a soldier was among five people killed and ten others were wounded in the past 24 hours."

"Official sources said a foreign militant Abdu Asim entered the dispensary last evening after a brief encounter with security forces during which one ultra was killed."

India: "Despite killings, Americans grin and bear arms"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"When the Founding Fathers of the Indian Republic looked to the United States Constitution, among others, for inspiration and guidance, they could not have failed to notice its Second Amendment."...

"Mercifully for us, the authors of the Indian Constitution did not consider 'the right to bear arms' germane to our conditions."
Mercifully? Maybe if your founding fathers had a Second Amendment equivalent, your culture wouldn't be permeated with illegal guns and gun violence.

Note the other India-related Newslink on this page today to see that arms are being used in their "peaceful" country -- to kill innocent, disarmed prey.

NJ: "Man arrested for unlawful gun" - painted with "sniper" brush
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Princeton Borough police took James Machinga, 38, ...into custody Thursday night after they discovered the man had a .22 caliber revolver and hollow-point bullets in his possession."

"A police search also discovered a .45 caliber pistol."

"As a result of the investigation, a Colt AR-15 rifle was confiscated by the South Brunswick Township Police in the home of the accused."

"South Brunswick police spokesperson Det. Sgt. Jim Ryan said the rifle held one .223 caliber bullet in its chamber."

"He was released on $10,000 bail under his own supervision."

Mexico: Two missing cops found in car trunk in Tijuana
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The bodies of two missing state police officers were found yesterday stuffed in the trunk of an abandoned car and covered with hundreds of $1 bills. A third officer is still missing."

"The dead agents were identified as Jorge Raúl Verdugo Cuara, 25, and Sergio Gabriel Bravo Alfaro, 36. There were no visible gunshot wounds on their bodies. But their hands were bound, and they may have been strangled or asphyxiated. About 350 $1 bills had been dumped around their bodies." ...

"Local media speculated the men had been abducted, and sources close to the investigation said they may have been involved in illegal activities." ...

UK: Prison: 18 months for beating girlfriend, 30 months for possessing gun?
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Yesterday, he was given concurrent sentences of 12 months for assault, six months for common assault and two-and-a-half years for possessing a shotgun."
Notice the absurdity of British jurisprudence. The guy gets 18 months altogether for beating his girlfriend, but he merely POSES with a firearm without actually harming anyone, and he gets two and a half years.

SD: South Dakota proposed jury nullification amendment should be supported
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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CNN's title to this anti-rights article is: "South Dakota proposed jury nullification amendment should be rejected". They are WRONG, so we changed it.
"On next month's ballot, the voters of South Dakota will have the opportunity to amend a portion of their state Constitution."

"Amendment A, if adopted, will permit a defendant in a criminal case to make a novel argument to the jury. She can, if she chooses, admit that she is guilty as charged but ask the jury to acquit her anyway, because the law that she violated is wrong or unduly harsh."


Jury nullification is among the final handful of barricades that prevents the "justice" system from destroying what is left of liberty. In a day where judges and attorneys tamper with juries to the point of deciding cases in advance, an amendment like this is not only a breath of fresh air, every state should take such positive steps. All liberty advocates in South Dakota are encouraged to support this move come election day.

In essence, one educated and self-empowered gunowner on a jury could end the persecution of a fellow gunowner who did nothing more than exercise his or her basic Constitutional rights.

Fifth Circuit - Mere Possession of Sawed-off Shotgun Constitutes "Crime of Violence"
Submitted by: Tom Glass
Website: http:/

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This U.S. Fifth Circuit opinion - USA v Sema on 10/11/2002 (01-40836) declares that for purposes of sentencing, the mere possession of a sawed-off shotgun (less than 18 inch barrel) is a "crime of violence", thereby increasing the sentence. The Justices on the panel (Jolly, Smith, and DeMoss) consist of 2 Reagan appointees and one George HW Bush appointee. Jolly is from Mississippi. Smith and DeMoss from Texas. At the site, enter the date of 10-12-2002 to find the case. (Or click here for a direct link to the .pdf file.)

Note: Judge DeMoss signed onto the controversial U.S. v. Emerson ruling that declared the Second Amendment an individual right.

NJ: Officer injured "when gun discharges" - identity being withheld from public
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"An off-duty Westwood police officer injured his hand after accidentally discharging his weapon early Saturday morning in a Washington Township home, authorities said."

"The officer, whose name was being withheld by police Saturday afternoon, was treated at Pascack Valley Hospital for a flesh wound where the bullet grazed his right hand, said Bergen County Prosecutor John L. Molinelli. He was released a few hours later."


Why is this officer's name being withheld? When a citizen negligently discharges a firearm and causes injury, the anti-gun media vultures circle and descend, the camera hounds have a feast, and discredited anti-gun "statistics" are repeated monotonously.

Shouldn't the public be made aware that someone paid to carry a firearm in his official capacity cannot even keep from shooting himself in his own home? (Or, if it wasn't his own home, that he's dangerous at large, as well?)

IL: Gun owners aim for safety
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...14 East Peoria residents got up at the crack of dawn to learn about weapons handling by East Peoria police Officer Keith Baker, the department's firearms trainer."

" 'It is an unnatural act to stand and shoot,' Baker told group members in preparation for their firing range session. 'If you don't take the time to go to the firing range and shoot on a routine basis, sell the gun to someone who will.' "

Firearm etiquette
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Some Tips:

"Never let the muzzle - the barrel’s point of exit - point at anything you are not willing to destroy."

"Keep your finger away from the trigger until it’s time to shoot. This lessens the risk of accidental discharge. There is no need for the trigger finger to be in place any sooner."

"Be sure of your target. Know what it is, what is in line with it and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything you have not positively identified. "

SOURCE: East Peoria Police Department

NJ: Sarah Brady says New Jersey needs more gun control
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A leading national gun control advocate joined 5th District Congressional candidate Anne Sumers on Saturday as she spoke about her priority issue before more than 100 enthusiastic supporters at Borough Hall."

"Sarah Brady joined Sumers to demand tougher gun laws and gun safety initiatives. Senate candidate and fellow Democrat Frank R. Lautenberg also spoke at the rally, which drew members of several gun-control groups."


New Jersey arguably has the worst gun prohibitions of any state in the nation. If they aren't controlling enough, will anything satisfy Sarah Brady and her kind short of outright prohibition?

India: Villagers exchange fire with police over irrigation water
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Gun-toting residents of a number of villages in Gaya district fired at each other over rights to irrigation water and also at the police when they intervened."
Is that the same India where they so mercifully thank their founding fathers for NOT including a right to keep and bear arms in their constitution?

How Science Solves Crimes
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Interesting article on forensic science.

"Give them a gun and they destroy the world."
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Here are a few choice quotes from this anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-liberty editorialist:
"The population is minuscule and the people who hunt are both dumb and few in number." ...

"...the gun owners and hunters who are about one thousandth of one percent of the people of this country. [Even Brady doesn't lie that large.] Are the rights of the sparse group of hunters in all the counties of the country more important than the dozen people who have been shot by a rifle in the past few days? [Yes.] Or of the young boy trying to enter his school building? [Yes, again. Thank you for asking.]"

"The gun lobby cries, 'Guns don't kill. People do.' If the man with the rifle did not have one, would he have been able to hurt the kid going into school? Please." ...

"The people do nothing. Give them a gun and they destroy the world." ...

"In the past week, a lot of people have been shot to death by these rifles they love and which shouldn't be around anywhere."

Click here if you'd like to submit a letter to Newsday -- but don't get your hopes up. Any media organization who'd print such vile, inaccurate, hateful trash from a regular columnist isn't likely to correct the error of his ways.

Scotland: "Crackdown to control menace of airguns"
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"AIRGUNS will have to be licensed under government plans to crack down on a wave of crime by people armed with the weapons."

"The Home Office is poised to issue the tough new regulations amid mounting concern at airguns being abused by young people and adapted to fire live ammunition."

"The move follows a spate of incidents involving the guns. Last year a teenage girl from Glasgow was partially blinded after being shot with one and there have been air rifle attacks on firefighters across Scotland."

"According to police, airguns have also become the weapon of choice among drug gangs because they are so readily available." ...


When clubs become the latest "weapon of choice," will they ban them, too? And even if they did, will people who want to terrorize innocent people obey such a ban?

UK: Gun club culture that glorifies 'one hit, one kill'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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From the "United Kingdom"...

"In recent years America's saturated gun industry has looked to the sale of long-range, highly accurate rifles to boost sales. Playing upon the mystique of the sniper, gun dealers and weapons training schools have seen a rise in sales of the type and calibre of gun used by the Washington-area marksman."

Ballistics - "How bullets tell a tale"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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US News and World Report is now in on the "ballistics fingerprinting" bandwagon.

Imagine the same old boring data on what it is, then finish it off with this quote:

"But the 1968 federal Gun Control Act blocked any national gun registry, and the National Rifle Association opposes changing the law. States, however, can require gun makers to provide test-fired samples from new weapons. So far, only two have done so: New York and Maryland."

MD: "New equipment to help determine guns' histories"
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A police officer pulled the trigger, and a bullet was propelled through 600 gallons of water inside a quarter-inch-thick steel tank. The swirling water stopped the bullet in flight and caused it to sink to the bottom of the 4-foot-deep tank. 'Every gun leaves markings akin to a fingerprint on the bullet as it exits the chamber,' said Hank Bender, chief investigator with the Sheriff's Office Bureau of Criminal Investigation." ...

PA: NRA Effort Helps Fund County Programs
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The nonprofit side handles all of the educational programming throughout the whole division," said Baldrige. 'That would include all of the junior shooting programs, any kind of certified instruction, educational programs for safe gun handling, anything that has to do with firearms education.' "

"The Indiana County Friends of NRA committee organized the banquet to raise money that will be made available to local organizations. It was the fourth event held in the county in the past five years." ...

MA: Hopefuls for Governor, Lt. Governor hit the road
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Howell ...refused to say whether she owned a gun herself, saying 'if someone wants to break into my house, they can find out.' "

"The mid-Atlantic sniping spree, which has resulted in eight deaths, would not have been prevented with stricter gun laws, she said."

" 'Do you think this man ... is wondering whether he's remembered to renew his gun license? The point is that antigun laws have no effect in deterring crime, if anything they encourage it,' she said."

WI: McCallum criticizes Doyle as ‘anti-gun’
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A hunter, McCallum said he owns one handgun and two rifles. McCallum said the next governor should reflect the values of a state that cherishes sporting rights and a rich outdoor heritage."

"McCallum said an anti-terrorism bill introduced by State Sen. Jim Baumgart, D-Sheboygan, was put together by Doyle. The bill, he said, makes the possession of a primer or a cartridge containing a primer a felony unless the citizen possessing the ammunition owns only single-shot firearms." ...

MI: 35th Senate candidates say choice is important
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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" 'Leave the Second Amendment alone,' Libertarian Don Atkison said. 'We not only have the right to own guns but to carry them.' "

"McManus is endorsed by the National Rifle Association. She's a hunter and has been issued a permit to carry a concealed weapon."

"Dahlberg, on the other hand, is bucking the usual Democratic position of advocating limits on the purchase and carrying of guns, such as mandatory waiting periods and concealed weapons laws."

" 'We have adequate gun laws,' he said." ...

Ballot Box Bamboozle!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Well, here we are once again on the verge of electing those who seek to lord over us for another two, four or six years. ... The culmination of a bloody Revolution against the tyranny of King George, months of heated debate in Independence Hall resulting in our Constitution, and years of women and blacks struggling to exercise their right to choose those whom they wish to serve as their Representatives shall rise like the Phoenix from the ashes on an early November day! We get to vote."

LA: Radio personality who started Louisiana Hayride dies
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Horace Lee Logan, a radio personality who started the Louisiana Hayride and coined the phrase 'Elvis has left the building,' is dead at the age of 86."

"Logan had taken up gun engraving as a hobby -- teaching himself because he thought he couldn't afford an engraved gun -- and gave one each year for the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch's fund-raising auction, Logan said."

" 'That auction is tonight. His last gun is in it,' she said."

IL: Chicago Bulls Forward, Marcus Fizer, arrested for exercising his Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Chicago Bulls forward Marcus Fizer was charged with having a loaded gun in his car and driving with a suspended license early Sunday morning."

"Illinois State Police Sgt. Wayne Winterberg said Fizer was pulled over just after 2 a.m. for having illegal tinted windows on his sport-utility vehicle."

"Police then found Fizer was driving with a suspended license. While preparing to tow his car, police searched it and found a .40-caliber gun, Winterberg said." ...

FL: This time, gun is on trial in Florida school shooting case
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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The latest report in the legal attack on the manufacturer of an inanimate object because it performed perfectly.
"The widow of a popular middle school teacher fatally shot by a student is suing the gun distributor, alleging that the gun is unreasonably dangerous and lacks safety devices that would prevent a minor from using it." ...

"The gun's distributor, Valor Corp., maintains that the gun did what it was designed to do when it fired a bullet."

" 'With any gun, if you pull the trigger, it will go off,' said Valor attorney John Renzulli. 'You set this gun on a table and it doesn't go off." ...

UK: Websites That Glorify 'Art' Of The Instant Kill
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Another pathetic, uninformed British attempt at blaming "sniper" culture for the Beltway killings instead of the actual psycho.
"Gun control campaigner Josh Sugarmann said: 'There has been an effort to market the sniper mystique and now we are seeing the result of it.' "
These fruitcakes should worry about their own gun epidemic in their so-called "gun free" society.

Sen. Chuck Schumer calls for gun-tracking system
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The sniper attacks around the capital are leading one lawmaker to call for a system to track guns."

"Senator Charles Schumer says it wouldn't be all that difficult to create a national ballistics database." [Maryland has spent millions of dollars, lost out on untold sales taxes due to the system and hasn't solved one single crime with it.]

"The New York Democrat says such a system could help catch criminals because, 'Guns leave unique fingerprints on every bullet they fire.' "
Lying, uninformed Schumer calling for registration? What a shocker! /sarcasm

India: Boy killed while playing with cousin’s firearm
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Siddaramaiah, son of Veeraiah, was curious to see the revolver kept in a bag and took it inside the house. A few minutes later a gunshot was heard and the family members rushed into the house to find Siddaramaiah seriously injured and lying in a pool of blood. He died in hospital."
This is in India, where the people are not guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms and guns are strictly controlled.

New York Times promotes "Tiny Bar Codes on Bullets"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Site username: Newslinks
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Must have cookies turned on for it to work.
New York Times is constantly seeking new and different ways to promote gun prohibitions -- probably because their utopian gun control makes New York City so safe. (Remember that case where 20 or so teenagers gang raped the jogger, beat her with a brick and left her for dead -- where the witnesses were too afraid to intervene because they were disarmed peasant serfs?)

Their latest joke involves putting bar codes on each bullet. Yes, you read that right. Here's a good laugh:
"Last week Ivan Grow, an inventor from Kansas City, Kan., patented something that he says will revolutionize firearms forensics: a gun that imprints an individual bar code on each bullet it shoots."

"Patrick Lawson, Mr. Grow's business partner, said, 'If I shot you with a bar-code bullet, the police could take the bullet and identify the gun it came from.' " ...
But it's not that funny. Such a system could only be as effective as the registry of "bar code compliant" firearms -- and that's long been the goal of the gun banners: the list with which to collect firearms after they are banned.

One thing these parrots seem to ignore is that the more patriotic among us would rather die standing up than turn 'em in -- and that we don't plan on dying. If one sniper scares these whining anti-gun Leftists, they ought to stop and think about what would happen if a national ban on handguns or hunting rifles were ever issued.

Australia: Concern over criminals' ease in getting firearms
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"THE sawn-off .22 rifle and handgun carried by serial armed bank robber Malcolm Bell, fatally shot by police in Brisbane on Friday, could not be matched against the stolen firearm registry because registration numbers were erased."

"And State Government figures reveal more than 3000 weapons stolen from firearm license holders in the past four years in Queensland."

(USA PATRIOT) Act gives government access to private lives
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Before the act, Watts said an alien performing a terrorist act was deportable only if an explosive or firearm was involved. The definition has now been expanded to include terrorist acts with any object, such as a knife, box cutter or vehicle."

"Two weeks ago, Ashcroft announced the guidelines the Justice Department will follow as a result of new law."

New tool for gun opponents - Larry Pratt dismantles "ballistic fingerprinting"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America posted the "opposing view" in Friday's Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The subject was "ballistic fingerprinting."

The article is a succinct and pithy response to anyone who jumps on the anti-gun media/politician bandwagon for "solving" murderous intent through technology. Save it and share it.

Here's his opening statement:

"A killer is on the loose in the Washington area, and once again, gun haters are using the Beltway shootings as an excuse for more gun control." ...

MN: Minnesota Candidates Debate Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Shawn Smith

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"At a campaign stop last month in Worthington, Minn., [gubernatorial candidate and doubletalker] Tim Penny approached an Army reservist in camouflage fatigues, hand outstretched."

"The reservist eyed the Independence Party gubernatorial nominee coolly and asked: 'What's your position on weapons?' "

" 'It depends,' Penny began."

" 'No, it doesn't,' the reservist replied." ...

VA: Restaurant manager charged in sniper hoax
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Every now and then, there comes a case where it's tempting to ignore the ban on cruel and unusual punishment. ...
STAFFORD, Virginia (CNN) -- "A restaurant manager was arrested Sunday for allegedly calling in a fake report of a sniper on a shopping center roof because, police say, he 'wanted a day off.' "

"Richard L. Jones, 25, is charged under a new state statute against reporting a false terroristic threat, filing a false report, and obstruction of justice."

"Stafford County Sheriff Charles Jett said the department received an anonymous 911 call around 8:50 a.m. Sunday claiming a man was on the roof of the North Stafford Shopping Center with a rifle. The shopping center is half a mile away from Interstate 95, in a community between two cities where the sniper has struck."

"Emergency officials rushed to the scene, cordoned off a large area, and evacuated five businesses that were already open."

"A short time later, police received a call from a restaurant manager asking for their guidance on what to do with employees and whether the restaurant should close. Police say the call came from the same number as the original 911 call." ...

U.S. Army scours sniper-school records in hunt for killer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The FBI is investigating the possibility that the gunman terrorising the Washington area could be an army-trained sniper and has asked the Pentagon to check its records for possible suspects, it was reported yesterday."
Cross reference any possible leads with the rosters of gun control groups -- and anyone with ties to anti-gun politicians in the area.

UK: Gunman struck twice in half an hour, gunned down security guard
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A £100,000 reward has been offered after a security guard was gunned down in a city centre robbery."

"The 25-year-old was shot in the body and had emergency surgery at the Queen's Medical Centre."

"And police said this morning that the same gunman was responsible for a failed robbery attempt at a city centre post office just 30 minutes earlier."

"Staff and customers watched in horror as the dramatic scenes unfolded at the Royal Bank of Scotland."

"The shooting took place during the busy lunch hour yesterday as the Securicor guard delivered cash to the bank on the corner of Maid Marian Way and Derby Road."

"He was shot inside the bank by a man who escaped on a motorbike."

"It came half an hour after the man carried out an armed attack behind the post office on Queen Street." ...

Guns & Elections
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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Little has been said about gun control during this campaign. Oh, sure, Gray Davis is running on gun control in California, but in states from Illinois to Michigan to Pennsylvania, where Democrats gubernatorial candidates with strong gun-control records are running, the issue is being played down. Is this a real change of heart or merely a tactical retreat?

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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