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Newslinks for 10/14/2003

Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This is included here to take comments from people who frequent this website -- especially from members and supporters.

... "Sarah Brady wants to register handguns, too. Maybe Mr. Halbrook should join her organization to help in their efforts." ...

Analysts: Gun Control a Non-Issue in 2004
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun control advocates blame a lack of media interest and an aggressive pro-gun lobby on the inattention to gun violence."

" 'The modus operandi of the gun lobby is to keep the discussion down,' said Eric Howard, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Handgun Violence."

"But supporters of gun rights say pro-gun control Democrats have learned the hard way that a majority of Americans think current laws are strict enough." ...

"Political experts say that tough gun control stances have done little to help out candidates in the last four years, including Vice President Al Gore... Groups like the National Rifle Association have also been quite successful in turning out voters to the polls."

The N.R.A. Is Naming Names
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Doug Flutie, Sara Lee & me.
The National Rifle Association doesn't call it an enemies list, but deep in the recesses
of the organization's Web site is a long, long compilation of the names of groups and
individuals that the N.R.A. considers unfriendly." ...

"I can't speak for the Kansas City Chiefs or Moon Zappa, but I'm not anti-gun. I think soldiers, the police and certain other law enforcement officials should have guns. Civilians, however, should be required to demonstrate a good reason for having firearms. We should go to great lengths to keep guns out of the hands of children, criminals and insane people. All guns should be registered. And all gun owners should be properly trained and licensed."

Oh noooo! He's not anti-gun! Completely delusional and fascist, but not anti gun.

Double Barreled Double Standards
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Given all the questions about Lott's ethics -- and his stubborn reluctance to back away from his mistakes -- pro-gun scholars might feel an intellectual obligation to challenge him. Some do: Randy Barnett, a 'pro-gun rights' legal scholar at Boston University, insists that a non-politicized investigation is needed to determine whether the missing defensive gun use survey actually existed, since 'fraud is what is on the table.' One of Michael Bellesiles' most dogged critics, Northwestern University law professor James Lindgren, also prepared a report investigating Lott's survey claims." ...

Erasing the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Communist philosophy set forth in Marx’s Manifesto sets the stage for big government central planning, and abhors decentralized government checks and balances, family ties and devotion, religion, and any other 'distractions' that would tend to preclude a socialist 'workers’ paradise.' Eugene Kamenka, editor of The Portable Karl Marx, writes, 'In summer 1848 the Demands [of the Communist Party in Germany] were reprinted in Cologne.' They begin with: 'Proletarians of all countries, unite!' Demand number four reads: 'The whole population shall be armed.' "

"The latter points out the difference between theoretical and practical communism. The basic difference is the right of the citizens to own and carry [bear] firearms. In Chile, this right ousted communism. Communism is fraud. It assumes an obedient human mechanized citizenry with no feelings, no love for family, no need for God, a subsistence barely providing the basics of water, food, clothing and shelter, as well as one impervious to pain and suffering, and the consistent economic failures and horrors such worker paradises produce."

"But the benefit is a huge, powerful, centralized government, easily manipulated by a dictator and his political party, the only ones who really benefit by enslaving the population to provide their luxuries and wealth. This is where practicality cancels theory, and in such tyranny, the complete elimination of citizen ownership of firearms, just as in the case of Nazism, is a must!"

CO: Will Denver become the next Waco?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An armed standoff is expected soon in Denver because of the unconstitutional rulings of two front-range judges against Rick Stanley, the former Libertarian candidate for U. S. Senate, who committed the state and federal constitutional acts of openly carrying a handgun on his waist in Denver in 2001 and in Thornton in 2002. Municipal and County Judge Robert Patterson of Denver recently sentenced Stanley to 30 days house arrest and one year probation, while Municipal Judge Charles Rose of Thornton recently sentenced Stanley to 90 days in jail. Stanley, who now heads the Mutual Defense Pact, has told Speakout! that he would not serve time for the wrongful convictions and that if challenged by law enforcement, he would defend himself."

Ex-FBI Agent Accused of Murder Conspiracy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Boston's FBI scandal was already disturbing enough: agents taking bribes, shrugging off gangsters' crimes, and shielding informants from police. Now, it has turned almost unthinkable: A retired agent is charged with aiding a mob hit on a reputable businessman."

And yet, certain New York Times columnists believe that only law enforcement should have the privilege of having firearms. But Bob Herbert is not anti gun! No way!

Gun Maker Launches Home Decor Catalog
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One of the country's most recognizable brands _ Smith & Wesson--is taking aim at consumers' love of the American West by going into the catalog business selling cowboy boot lamps and studded velvet jackets."

"Smith & Wesson Holding Corp., the gun maker's Scottsdale, Ariz.-based parent company, wants to attract new customers with the launch Tuesday of the Crossings by Smith & Wesson catalog. The catalog and its Web site are part of Smith & Wesson Interactive Management LLC, the parent company's newest division."

Re: Gun Studies (blog)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) links to a new Mother Jones piece on John Lott, includes his own remarks, and links to some other postings on gun studies.

OH: Lima open carry 'Defense' Walk brings record turnout
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Lima brought out a healthy mix of it's finest citizens in record Walk numbers yesterday. Men and women, people young and old, families with children, persons from multiple ethnic backgrounds - about 150 people participated in the Lima open carry 'Defense' Walk."

OH: Dayton-area open carry 'Defense' Walk earns 'thumbs up' from locals
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Drivers honked car horns and waved, or gave a thumbs-up sign, to Walkers in Xenia yesterday." ...

"The Dayton Daily News literally refused to cover the news of the scheduled Xenia Walk in advance, because editors didn't want to promote and encourage attendance. And we thought their purpose was to cover the news... Many thanks to the author of this DDN article, who not only came to cover the Walk, she signed up and participated in it."

OH: Columbus-area open carry 'Defense' Walk 'couldn't have gone better'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"They forgot the red carpet. But Gahanna's mayor and police chief had pretty much everything else covered for the 100+ Walkers who came to town Sunday for their open carry demonstration." ...

"Stuart Ensign said it took carrying a concealed weapon years ago for his now 85-year-old mother to get a group of gang members to stop terrorizing her."

"It’s not right that she had to expose herself to being convicted of a felony just to go out and get groceries."

MO: The Suit Blocking Missouri's New Concealed Weapon Permit Law (blog)
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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"The opponents of the new concealed weapon permit law are insisting that 'but this shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons' means that concealed weapons are a violation of the Constitution. Not so."

"This provision to the state constitution was added in 1875 to clarify that the state legislature had the authority to prohibit or regulate the carrying of concealed weapons, and that anyone who sought to justify carrying concealed weapons under Art. I, sec. 23, was wrong. This did not mean that concealed carry could not be made lawful by the legislature. This isn't just my opinion."

OH: Concealed-carry allies take to the streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evelyn Fedele knows she doesn’t always work in the safest neighborhoods."

"A contractor who remodels homes, Ms. Fedele admits she’s often nervous while at work. Being able to carry her gun to work each day would change that, she said."

"Ms. Fedele, 47, was one of about 150 residents from across the region who strapped on their personal handguns yesterday and marched through an Allen County neighborhood. Organized by supporters of legislation that would allow Ohioans to carry concealed weapons, the march was one of three scheduled in the state yesterday."

MO: Supreme Court Denies Appeal To Order Blocking Concealed-Guns Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state Supreme Court refused Monday to lift a preliminary injunction against Missouri's new concealed-guns law, meaning the law will remain on hold for at least a little while longer."

"A St. Louis Circuit Court judge on Friday blocked the law from taking effect Saturday, saying there were constitutional concerns that needed to be resolved."

"The law would allow Missourians age 23 and older to receive permits from their county sheriffs to carry concealed guns."

"Opponents sued on claims that the law violated a Missouri Constitution provision dating to 1875 that guarantees the right to bear arms and adds, 'but this shall not justify the wearing of concealed weapons.' "

OH: Student Caught With Loaded Gun At Middle Scho
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Full text below]

A 13-year-old student at Lincoln Middle School brought a gun to school Monday morning and loaded it in front of other students in the restroom, school officials told The Newark Advocate.

Students in the restroom reportedly notified their teacher, who then told Principal Shelia Hiles. Hiles removed the weapon from the student, the paper reported.

Newark police arrested the boy. Hiles pressed charges against the student. Following board procedure, the student was suspended and Hiles will recommend that the student be expelled from school, the Advocate reported.

A letter was sent home Monday with students explaining the incident, the Advocate reported.

Why is it that some insist on breaking the law and taking loaded firearms into a place where they're banned? And why is it that legislators continue to disarm the law-abiding against these folks?

MO: Concealed guns: Law and lawsuit contain more than meets the eye
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1875, delegates to a constitutional convention were concerned with the gun-toting likes of Jesse James and his gang and wanted to make clear that the right to bear arms did not 'justify' the carrying of concealed weapons."

"Yet in retrospect, it appears they weren't quite clear enough."

"Did they mean:"

"A) That concealed guns are prohibited, or;"

"B) Only that there is no guaranteed right to carry concealed guns, implying that the Legislature could chose to prohibit or allow it."

"The answer is being determined today because the 2003 Legislature passed a law entitling most law-abiding adults to apply to their county sheriffs for permits to carry concealed guns."

NY: Study Links Prescriptions to Decrease in Suicides
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suicide remains a leading cause of death for American adolescents, but over the last decade, the rate of suicide among teenagers has declined. In a new study, researchers at Columbia University suggest that this drop may be linked in part to the increasing use of antidepressant drugs in young people." ...

"But Dr. Olfson and his colleagues also noted limitations in the research methods, including its reliance on data from groups rather than individuals. Other factors, including tougher gun control laws in some regions and reduced use of alcohol and drugs, may have contributed to the drop in suicides, they said."

This doctor has not kept up with the literature. When guns become less available other methods are used. Additionally, countries with outright bans on private gun ownership have higher suicide rates than the U.S.

NC: Child death rate falls in N.C.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"North Carolina's child death rate continues to decline, according to a report released today."

"Following a downward trend dating back to 1991, there were 73.8 deaths per 100,000 children in 2002, compared to 76.4 deaths the year before, the Child Fatality Task Force announced."

"In 1988, three years before the task force was formed, the death rate was nearly 121 deaths per 100,000. Now the rate is the lowest ever recorded in the state." ...

"The number of firearm deaths has dropped by 58 percent since the state's safe firearm storage law went into effect in 1995. No child died last year by playing with a gun they found."

"For the first time, there were no unintentional deaths due to firearms..."

South Africa: Run, Mum Tells Kids in Farm Attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At 6am on Friday, shortly after her husband Christoffel had gone to work, Julene Snyman and her children Zain, 11, and Zoé, 8, were still in bed when she realised there was somebody in the house. Before she could get up, a man entered the room and ripped off her bedding."

"Three men, armed with a knife and a handgun, pistol-whipped Snyman and the children over the head, and stabbed Snyman in the shoulder. They also tried to shoot her, but the gun failed to fire."

"She was then ordered to open the safe, and while the men were emptying it, she signalled to the children to flee.

As more victims of disarmament pile up, the government continues to push the gun control agenda in South Africa.

India: Jeweller robbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Full text below]

A jeweller was robbed of Rs 40,000 and Rs 1.5 lakh worth gold and diamond jewellery in east Delhi on Sunday night. Rajesh was returning home in Krishna Nagar when four men accosted him outside his shop and forced him to part away with his belongings.

Deputy commissioner of police (east) Nuzhat Hassan said: "The complainant claimed one of the assailants was armed with a gun who shot in the air before leaving the spot. The other three, she said, were also armed, but with knives."

Another disarmed victim.

WI: Panel OKs concealed weapons bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state Senate committee today endorsed a bill to legalize the carrying of concealed weapons, after adding a property rights amendment. Its chief author said the bill would make Wisconsin safer."

"The amendment would allow property owners to post signs saying they prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons. Churches, businesses, banking institutions and medical facilities had sought the right to prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons in their buildings."

"Under the legislation a person would be required to get a license to carry a concealed weapon. A background check and gun training would be required to obtain the license."

PA: Local Man Makes Citizen's Arrest
Submitted by: P. Jones

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Lower Paxton Township police are calling Kyle Ebersole a hero. Thursday night, as he was leaving his parents' home on Ethel Street, he spotted someone else inside his vehicle. A chase ensued, but Ebersole soon caught-up with the alleged burglar, 34-year-old Michael Craven of Connecticut. Ebersole held Craven on the ground until police arrived and took the suspect into custody.

"Mr. Ebersole's actions were pretty heroic. When you confront someone in your vehicle stealing your stuff, you feel like you've been violated. Mr. Ebersole confronted this guy. This guy was pretty big. He took pretty heroic actions," says Lieutenant Dick Toth of Lower Paxton Township Police.

Craven is in Dauphin County Prison on $10,000 bail.

As for Ebersole, this was not his first citizen's arrest. He says nine years ago, he stopped someone from stealing his brother's car.

"We don't encourage people to get involved in these type of things, but police always need help. In this case, Mr. Ebersole was a fine addition to the police force for us," says Toth.

WI: Dane County $5 Gun Sight-In Program Continues
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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There's some good news for hunters -- Dane County's popular gun sight-in program will return.

Last month, officials said the program would be cancelled because of budget constraints, but the Dane County Sheriffs Department received a generous donation from Sauk City Wilderness Fish and Game.

The sight-in program runs from Nov. 8 - 16 at the Dane County Law Enforcement Training Center. It costs $5 per gun to sight in your firearm. Wisconsin hunting licensing, laws and more at

UK: Another Shooting Victim Disarmed by the Government
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A MAN was gunned down in the street just yards from where a birthday party was being held at a Leeds bar and restaurant."

"The 32-year-old married man from Harrogate was blasted three times outside Barrish bar and restaurant in Queen's Road, Hyde Park. He was hit in the arm and body."

"Today, as police mounted a murder hunt, it was revealed that two local men drove the victim in his own car, to Leeds General Infirmary. They then handed him over to a member of the nursing staff before leaving."

MO: Council to consider concealed-gun limits
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Tom Carlson doesn't feel the need to carry a concealed weapon during Springfield City Council meetings." ...

"But should they choose, the mayor and his fellow council members would be uniquely privileged to arm themselves during meetings under a proposed city ordinance that restricts access to Missouri's new conceal-and-carry law."

"The state law — approved in September but on hold as it winds its way through litigation in Missouri's courts — allows those with the proper permit to carry a concealed weapon. Those weapons would be banned from places like churches, schools, casinos, police stations and sports stadiums with more than 5,000 seats."

Does "the people" mean petty tyrant members of the elite ruling class?

IL: Man convicted of trying to carry stun gun on a plane at Midway
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A man has been convicted of trying to carry a stun gun onto a plane at Chicago's Midway Airport.

A federal jury convicted Vincent Todd on Friday of one count of attempting to bring a concealed and dangerous weapon onto an aircraft.

Todd was taken into custody last January after a screener spotted the stun gun in his carry-on bag as he was passing through a security checkpoint for a plane bound for Los Angeles.

Todd told the FBI after his arrest that he'd forgotten that he put the stun gun in his bag.

Meanwhile the wife of a security employee doesn't even get charged with a crime.

MO: Court delay of gun law changes some owners' plans
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Although some sheriff's offices wanted to get a head start on applications and started taking them today, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office did not."

"A spokesperson said this morning the office was waiting to find out what happens with the Missouri Supreme Court, which could take about two weeks."

"A St. Louis judge ruled late Friday that the law needed more review by the Missouri Supreme Court."

"The injunction means people cannot obtain permits to carry concealed weapons until the courts decide later this month. Still, many venues, like Blue River Community College, are going ahead with training courses."

UK: Irish guns 'fuel British crime'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dissident Irish republican paramilitary groups have been supplying firearms to some of Britain's most violent gangs, fuelling the rise in gun crime, the BBC has learned."

Now it's the fault of the Irish. The Brits are still wholly unwilling to consider that the rise in gun crime is related to the unilateral disarmament of potential victims, making crimes of opportunity more prevalent.

MN: Minnesota churches seek to overturn concealed-carry law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A group of more than two dozen churches has filed suit to have the state's concealed-handgun law overturned, contending the law infringes on religious freedoms guaranteed in the state and federal constitutions."

" 'It undermines our ability to create a safe place of sanctuary for women, children and men, those who we serve,' said Sister Susan Oeffling, of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet." ...

"The churches complain that the handgun law denies them the ability to choose the wording of signs posted on church property where guns are banned."

New Zealand: I was ordered to shoot dead four captives – witness
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man claimed yesterday that he was handed a sawn-off shotgun and four shells and told to shoot dead four people being held captive in a home invasion."

"Hugh Nicholas told the High Court in Hamilton that he was told by an alleged accomplice to "make sure they are not breathing when you leave'." ...

"The four face a combination of 25 charges including kidnapping, home invasion, inciting murder, sexual violation, unlawful possession of a firearm, stupefying and burglary. All four deny the charges."

NY: Another Disarmed Victim of Gun Control Preyed Upon by Armed Thugs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The driver of a city bus was struck and then robbed at gunpoint early Sunday morning in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn."

"The driver of the B35 bus was on Rockaway and Hegeman Avenues at about 5:30 a.m. when the suspect approached him, and punched him in the head. The suspect then pulled out a firearm and demanded the driver's money."

"After robbing the driver, the suspect got off the bus at Hegeman and Thatford Avenues and fled with an unknown amount of money." ...

"Amin Khan, a spokesman for the city's Transport Workers Union Local 100 called for more strict enforcement of a law making it a felony to attack a bus driver."

Ah! Of course! The criminals don't obey gun control laws, or laws against robbing someone at gun point. But they'll obey laws making it a felony to attack bus drivers!

VA: Former law student indicted in shooting deaths at school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A grand jury indicted a former law student on Monday for allegedly killing three people at the school in a shooting rampage last year."

"Peter Odighizuwa, 45, was indicted for murder and attempted murder. A trial date has not been set and he could receive the death penalty if convicted." ...

"Odighizuwa, a Nigerian native, came to Grundy from Ohio to attend the Appalachian School of Law. Witnesses said they saw him walk through the school on Jan. 16, 2002, and fire a small pistol before classmates tackled him."

Again no mention of armed self defense.

UK: Let freedom ring
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...For some time now, The Daily Telegraph has run its Free Country campaign." ...

"We have tried to make this a challenge to politicians Left, Right and centre. Those who bellow for more gun control or new powers in the 'war against drugs' or identity cards or a foxhunting ban or a law against religious hatred or a European arrest warrant or new child protection measures are so filled with righteousness that they never ask what are the unintended effects of their actions or whether they have the right to turn their own moral preferences into the law of the land." ...

Government news management putting journalists on short leash
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"New communications technology and the Pentagon’s bold policy of embedding 600 journalists inside military units transfixed Americans with a war in Iraq drenched in immediacy. Confronted with such compelling content, it was possible for Americans to mistake noise for news and TV screens awash in battle images for comprehensive coverage."

"In the last couple of decades, government officials have become very sophisticated in managing the news. They control public access to information and journalists’ access to officials. They stay on message. They stage news events. And, when they feel that is not working, they intimidate, harass and sometimes punish journalists who strain at their leashes."

Panel Ponders New Intelligence Agency
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The independent commission studying the Sept. 11 terror attacks is considering recommending changes in U.S. intelligence that would go well beyond actions of the Bush administration, including creation of a domestic spy agency modeled after Britain's MI5." ...

"Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge visited MI5 headquarters during a trip to Britain last year. He later said he doubted the Bush administration would create a similar domestic intelligence agency, because MI5's powers would be unacceptable under the U.S. Constitution."

‘True Patriot’ would restore rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On Sept. 24, Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul introduced the Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act (HR3171) to repeal the most controversial sections of the Patriot Act as well as some of the more egregious actions taken by the Department of Justice." ...

"The act already has 20 other cosponsors, at this point all Democrats, but as the word gets out concerning key elements of this bill, expect conservatives, moderates and liberals to push for its passage."

Police Alerted to Ballistic Vest Problems
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Law enforcement agencies across the country have been alerted to a potential officer safety problem with a certain type of ballistic vest worn by police officers that contains a specific type of fiber—called Zylon—which appears to wear out faster than expected."

"Because of that wear, there is a concern that these particular vests may not be able to reliably stop a bullet. The vests in question are identified as the Zylon-based Ultima Zylon and Ultimax, produced by Second Chance Body Armor (SCBA), a Michigan-based company."

"Gun Week obtained copies of internal department memoranda from the King County (WA) Sheriff’s Department outlining the problem and the replacement process." ...

UK: Gun billboard to be changed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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A controversial billboard campaign in Nottinghamshire featuring a gun is to be changed.

It follows claims that it was insensitive following the recent murder in the city of the jeweller Marian Bates who was shot by robbers.

The posters, which refer to the BBC soap EastEnders, are the work of the Bible Society and local Christian churches.

They were designed to compare the Bible with modern day life.

But the Reverend Chris Sunderland, from the Bible Society, said the design would be altered.

He said: "What was once relevant has suddenly become almost offensively relevant."

The billboards would be changed within a week, he said.

UK: Ms Dynamite wins anti-gun award
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The 21-year-old rap singer Ms Dynamite was honoured at the Women of the Year awards yesterday for her contribution to the campaign against gun crime."

"She was presented with the Capital Big Voice award by the mother of the murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence."

"She told The Daily Telegraph at the London ceremony: "I really didn't expect it. It was like, 'Oh my goodness'."

An anti-freedom award is something to be proud of? What a warped society!

Australia: TAFE student pulls gun on classmates
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"A TAFE student was suspended yesterday after police launched an investigation into allegations he brandished a gun during an altercation with other students."

"Four members of a third-year metal fabrication class said they tackled the student when he produced the handgun and attempted to load it with a magazine of bullets."

"The four students complained to Liverpool Police after the incident about 11am at the Miller TAFE college in Sydney's southwest."

"Police said no shots were fired and no one was hurt but by last night they had not found the student alleged to have produced the gun."

Misallocating police resources
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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"Police warnings have been flooding Washington airwaves of late. The message: Make a wrong move, and the authorities will get you — any time, anywhere."

"As part of a multi-jurisdictional crackdown, police agencies have set up checkpoints in Washington, and suburban Virginia and Maryland. Typically, dragnets of patrol cars block off a street and check everyone (and their papers) who happens to be driving down that route. These martial-law tactics are not being used to capture suspected terrorists or even to nab drug kingpins. The extreme measures are to catch drunk drivers, or what passes for drunk in increasingly rigid intoxication laws. Given the security dangers facing the country these days, dedicating so many officers to dubious random searches is a clear misallocation of law-enforcement resources."

While violent crime rages in the nation's capital and elsewhere, police money is being wasted on dragnets, checkpoints, and HOV enforcement (not having enough people your car during rush hour, thereby wasting precious gas). Worse yet, the Newport News (Virginia) police department admitted this week that the word "Virginia" was misspelled on at least 30 of the city's patrol cars — and none of the officers noticed for at least six months.

And they let these guys have guns!

NY: Pilot print program streamlines pistol permit process
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Erie County will be able to shoot through the pistol permit process with less delay thanks to a new fingerprinting program for applicants.
County Clerk David J. Swarts and Sheriff Patrick M. Gallivan announced that starting Oct. 1 fingerprinting will go directly through the clerk's office for all county applicants.

Swarts said city applicants had been processed this way, but now all county residents will go directly to the county clerk, reducing the paper exchange from the sheriff's office for the fingerprinting part of background checking.

Last year, Erie County issued 861 pistol permits. "The existing pistol-permit process can be time-consuming and cumbersome," wrote the clerk's office, but that office has begun a pilot program to create a "seamless process" that will provide applicants with one-stop service.


NJ: 2 Students badly hurt in melee at Rutgers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two Rutgers University students were critically injured early yesterday after being struck in the head with a baseball bat during a brawl involving members of two fraternities and the school's wrestling team at an off-campus party in New Brunswick, authorities said." ...

Where's bat control when you need it?

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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