SAF Condemns St. Louis County Ruling, Says Appeal Necessary
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today criticized a ruling by Cole County, Missouri Circuit Judge Thomas Brown that St. Louis County can refuse to issue concealed pistol licenses to county residents because the law places what Brown said is an unconstitutional cost on county government."
"'Judge Brown is asserting that the Constitution allows the government to deny the citizens of St. Louis County their constitutional right to bear arms,' said SAF Founder Alan Gottlieb. 'That is patently absurd, considering that other counties in Missouri have found the means to issue concealed pistol licenses to their citizens. Surely this ruling should be appealed.'" ... |
NRA Endorses Bush For President
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"The National Rifle Association endorsed President Bush for re-election on Wednesday, promising millions of dollars for ads, phone banks and other get-out-the-vote efforts."
" 'The Supreme Court is going to be crucial to the future of the Second Amendment, and President Bush will appoint justices that respect the Bill of Rights,' NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre told The Associated Press in a phone interview before announcing the endorsement at a news conference in Duluth, Minn." |
Bill to Eliminate Federal Guns-for-Felons Program Introduced (JTO)
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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today hailed the introduction of legislation to finally end the federal "relief from disability" guns-for-felons program, which was operated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)."
"Congress defunded the National Rifle Association-backed program in 1992 following release of the Violence Policy Center study Putting Guns Back Into Criminals' Hands. The study revealed that tens of millions of taxpayer dollars had been spent to rearm thousands of convicted, often violent, felons-some of whom went on to commit new crimes. ..." |
Would Kerry Buy Poor People Guns?
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"The Second Amendment guarantees 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms.' Thus strict application of the Kerry Doctrine--taxpayers must subsidize poor people in doing 'whatever the constitution affords them if they can't afford it otherwise'--would mean the government must buy poor people guns."
"You won't find that plank in Kerry's platform." |
MO: Judge Backs St. Louis County on Gun Law
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"A judge has ruled that requiring St. Louis County to issue concealed gun permits to its residents would impose an unconstitutional cost on the county government."
"St. Louis County, home to nearly one of every five Missourians, filed suit after the state Supreme Court in February upheld the Legislature's right to legalize concealed guns, but found the law's funding mechanism could be illegal in certain instances."
"The law, adopted last year, allows most Missourians age 23 and older to receive concealed weapons permits from their county sheriffs after passing criminal background checks, a firearms training course and paying a fee." -------
KABA Note: The judge makes a good point, the state legislature cannot impose an unfunded mandate. So I guess St. Louis county needs to go with 'Alaska carry'. You don't need a permit to carry, but if you want one they issue it to you for the price of the card. |
CA: California lottery winner shot to death by police
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"A man shot to death by police outside a football stadium has been identified by his family as one of the winners of an $87 million lottery jackpot."
"Relatives insisted Camat only fired into the air to break up the fight and said officers never issued a warning before shooting him."
" 'He shot once in the air to scare people away. He didn't aim it at anyone,' said Camat's brother, Brian, who was with him at the time."
"Officer Debra Brown said the family's account 'differs vastly from the statements of dozens of witnesses who were at the scene that evening.' "
"The officer who fired at Camat remains on paid administrative leave. An internal police review and a court inquest are planned." |
OH: Deputy Arrested After Shot Fired At Party
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"An off-duty Hamilton County sheriff's deputy is under arrest Wednesday morning after police said he accidentally discharged a firearm at a party."
"Shawn Weyer, 24, is charged with handling a weapon while intoxicated and discharging a firearm within the city limits."
"Police said the incident took place around 2:30 a.m. Wednesday at a party took in the 600 block of Riddle Road in Clifton."
"Weyer was shot in the hand and treated and released from a local hospital." |
NE: One Lincoln cop's rampage [Blog]
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... "For several years running the residents of Harwood Street between the 18th to 20th cross streets have had an annual block party. And yes horror, of horrors the law abiding organizers have even secured the proper city permits."
"This year's friendly neighborhood gathering took place on September 25th and started at 4:00PM with games for all the kids and grandkids. By six the hotdogs and burgers are done and served with the wide array of side dishes provided by the residents. For the third year in a row the Rock'n roll band started playing promptly at seven." ...
"[At 8:30] Officer Rambo gets out of his car calls for back-up and then charges the band stand. ... This badge heavy Lincoln Cop tells the band if they play another note, 'They will be arrested for disturbing the peace.'" ... |
UK: Family: Name Police Who Shot Our Father
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"The family of a black father-of four shot dead by police in Brixton, south-west London, appealed today against a judge’s decision granting anonymity to two officers when they come to give evidence at an inquest into his death."
"Lawyers for Derek Bennett’s relatives argued in the Court of Appeal that assessments of the risks faced by the officers if they were named in court had been exaggerated."
"Derek Bennett, 29, a psychiatric patient, was shot on July 16 2001 after the officers thought he was armed with a silver handgun."
"It turned out he had been holding an imitation gun cigarette lighter." |
Uganda: MP's Gun Causes Panic in House
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"Panic gripped Parliament yesterday after an MP's gun went off. Budadiri East MP Gaboi Kibale Wambi's pistol went off as he was depositing it to security at the northern wing reception."
"No one was injured, but MPs abandoned committee meetings and work came to a standstill upon hearing the gunshot." ... "Wambi, who looked surprised and confused, told journalists the gunshot was accidental. He said he was trying to check if there was a bullet in the rifle's chamber before handing it over which, he said, was the standard gun handling procedure." |
UK: Questions asked of police delay
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"POLICE have launched an inquiry after it took officers nearly five hours to respond to a call reporting that a nine-year-old girl had been grabbed by a pervert in a city park." ...
"The attacker told the girl he wanted to have sex with her and grabbed her arm, but she managed to escape his clutches by punching him in the stomach and wriggling free." ...
"Brian Walker ... said he had raced out into the street to report the attack to a policeman he had spotted nearby."
"He was told to call 999, but when he dialled the emergency number he was told to re-dial the police switchboard. Mr Walker had to phone four times before a police officer went round to the family house in Bowers Close, Mile Cross." ... -------
Dial 9-1-1 and spend the rest of your life on hold . . . |
Brady Campaign Television Ad Shows President Bush 'Turned His Back' on the Police, the Public
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"President George W. Bush earned the National Rifle Association's endorsement, which he received today, by selling out America's police."
"The National Rifle Association's endorsement comes exactly a month after Bush broke his campaign promise to keep America's police safe from Tec-9s, AK-47s and Uzis." ...
"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March today released a new television ad about President Bush and the assault weapons ban that will be broadcast in key battleground states between now and Election Day. It shows that President Bush literally "turned his back on the safety of all Americans." |
Can't ignore NRA
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"Billboards now seen in at least 10 key states show a prancing French poodle, its fur fancily clipped for show, wearing a pink ribbon and a blue Kerry-for-president sweater. The text says, 'That dog don't hunt.' And, 'For 20 years John Kerry has voted against sportsmen's rights.' As Election Day approaches, the National Rifle Association is clearing its throat, ready to roar."
"By now, most of the persuading has been done and attention is turning to mobilization -- getting intense constituencies to the polls. Few are more intense than the NRA. If New England is Red Sox Nation, the NRA is a coast-to-coast nation within the nation."
"The American Association of Retired Persons, with nearly 36 million members, is the nation's third largest organization (behind the Catholic Church and the American Automobile Association). The NRA has 'only' four million adult members. Thirty states and the District of Columbia have smaller voting-age populations. And whereas just slightly more than 50 percent of age-eligible Americans have voted in recent elections (51 percent voted in 2000), about 95 percent of NRA members vote." |
SD: NRA endorses Herseth
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"The National Rifle Association last week endorsed Rep. Stephanie Herseth, D-S.D., after the gun-rights group had endorsed her Republican challenger, Larry Diedrich, in a June 1 special election." ...
"The endorsement switch is due to a single vote that Herseth cast Sept. 29 to lift a ban on most guns in the city of Washington, D.C. That measure passed the House on a 250-171 vote, with 52 Democrats voting to lift the gun ban." |
DE: Atkins receives support of two local groups (Letter)
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"Atkins has earned the endorsement of the Delaware State Education Association and the educational community. He is a strong suppporter of our schools and the proper resources they need to educate our children. I know he does into the schools every year to teach civics and talk about the legislative process."
"Also, Atkins has always received a top rating from the National Rifle Association for his support of the Second Amendment and the right to hunt. He opposes new laws that impose on the freedoms of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves or to hunt. Atkins deserves our support for another term in Dover. He represents Sussex County well in the state House." |
IL: Keyes' comments taken out of context (Letter)
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"As a child, remember the game 'telephone' at birthday parties? Guests whispered something in the next person's ear?"
"By the time it got back where it started, there was no resemblance to the initial whisper. So it goes in politics."
"Alan Keyes was asked what the writers of the Second Amendment meant. He said they meant the citizens could own the same type of weapons the military had at that time."
"What are we hearing?"
"Alan Keyes is in favor of the average citizen owning machine guns."
"This same type of nonsense can be applied to the homosexual issue, the reparation issue, etc. ..." |
NY: Costume gets kid cuffed
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"Last weekend, Joshua Phelps was fighting Confederate soldiers with a Civil War-era musket in his arms, re-enacting the epic 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville."
"When the Pine Bush High School senior was done charging around the grassy fields behind Montgomery's Brick House Museum, he tossed his musket, a bayonet and Union soldier's blue uniform in his car and forgot about it."
"Yesterday, a security guard at the high school saw the butt of the musket."
"He called the cops." |
NY: Musket Replica Gets Student Suspended (Another report)
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"A student at an upstate New York high school faces charges after the musket he uses as a Civil War re-enactor was found in his car on school grounds."
"The arrest of Joshua Phelps, 17, has incensed his mother. She said officials at Pine Bush High School overreacted."
"The senior had used the musket during a re-enactment last weekend. Afterward, he put the gun, a bayonet and his Union soldier uniform in his car and left them there. Tuesday, a security guard spotted the gun in the parked car."
"Police were called and Phelps was arrested and charged with criminal possession. He was suspended from school for five days and could be expelled." |
TX: For politicians who claim that firearms do not belong in church
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A 16-year-old boy has been taken into custody after a woman was sexually assaulted in a San Antonio church
Police say the 56-year-old woman was praying inside St. Helena Catholic Church in northeast San Antonio when she was attacked September 27th.
Investigators say the assailant grabbed her from behind by the neck, held a gun to her head, forced her into a bathroom and sexually assaulted her.
The youth is booked into the Bexar (BEHR) County juvenile justice center, charged with aggravated sexual assault.
Police say the boy's parents turned him in Friday.
------- No! No one needs a gun for defense in church! So says Utah Democrat Steve Thompson in a recent interview. |
NM: Armed Self-Defense Works! [Original Title: Armed prowler had court date before judge]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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A man fatally shot by a Rio Rancho judge was to appear before the judge October 25th to resume his hearing on charges of reckless driving and interference with police.
Rio Rancho Department of Public Safety spokesman John Francis says 49-year-old Michael Tinervia of Rio Rancho had appeared before Municipal Judge Calvin Shields during a June trial.
Shields ordered Tinervia to attend a pre-sentence screening.
Francis says Tinervia attended the screening and was to be sentenced October 25th.
Tinervia was killed late Friday night during a shootout with Shields in the judge's back yard in Rio Rancho.
The judge's wife, Karen Shields, says the shooting was in self-defense. |
WI: County may sell gun range
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"Madison Area Technical College is exploring the possibility of purchasing the Dane County Law Enforcement Training Center in the town of Westport to enhance its law enforcement training program."
"Dane County Sheriff Gary Hamblin said MATC had contacted County Executive Kathleen Falk weeks ago to see if the county might be interested in selling the 40-acre shooting range along Wisconsin 19 east of Waunakee."
"Falk told The Capital Times that discussions with MATC are so preliminary that nothing was included in her 2005 budget that indicated any profit from the sale of the training facility." |
MI: Airsoft pistols not considered firearms after all
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"The Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office will no longer criminally charge anyone caught carrying an airsoft pistol, backing off an earlier edict that deemed the realistic toy guns firearms under state law."
"The policy change came on the heels of a letter sent by the Michigan Attorney General's Office to a state representative addressing the legality of airsoft guns, which shoot plastic pellets but look like real weapons."
"Washtenaw County appeared to be one of the only counties where prosecutors believed airsoft guns qualified as firearms. Several other county prosecutors and the Michigan State Police disagreed, saying the plastic pellets they shoot are not a dangerous projectile, as defined by the law." |
IN: Second Amendment Monument Causes Controversy in Community
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"It's big and bold, but some neighbors don't think it's beautiful. A four-by-eight-foot, two-ton monument sits in the middle of Davis’ front lawn, complete with a light to illuminate its message at night. The monument features the American Eagle and an inscription of the Second Amendment."
"Don Davis doesn’t care what people think. He’s the man some call eccentric and most consider controversial. He’s the owner of Don’s Guns." ...
"In this neighborhood of million-dollar homes, Davis will undoubtedly face a challenge over covenants and ordinances dealing with signs. But some of his neighbors don't seem to have a problem with it." |
NJ: Jersey Bills Would Stop Bear Hunting [first story on page]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"THROUGH a political back door New Jersey anti-hunters have moved two dangerous bills to a much more friendly committee."
"The bills had been stalled in the original committee to which they were assigned due to strong lobbying by sportsmen."
"New Jersey anti's have pressured legislators to move Assembly Bill 2452 and Assembly Bill 2634 from the Assembly Agricultural and Natural Resources Committee to the Environment and Solid Waste Committee."
"Assembly Bill 2452 will prohibit black bear hunting in New Jersey until Rutgers University completes a study on hunt alternatives, including birth control. Assembly Bill 2634 will prohibit black bear hunting for five years." ... |
Iraq: Disarmament is 'mirage'
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"The cash-for-weapons program is putting money in insurgents' hands for more armaments, some say." ...
"Senior aides of al-Sadr and local commanders of his al-Mahdi Army militia in Sadr City - home to up to 2.5 million people - said the five-day program that began Monday as part of a truce did not mean gunmen would be hard pressed to procure arms if they have to." ...
"Furthermore, sources close to the militia in Sadr City said some of the gunmen were handing over weapons that are not properly functioning or were considered surplus. In some cases, they threw in one or two pieces in pristine condition to make the process look genuine." |
UK: Village hit by armed raiders -- AGAIN
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Here is what happens when the populace is disarmed and at the mercy of armed thugs. They just keep coming back for more.
------- "Armed raiders struck for the second time in two weeks at a village yesterday - but only escaped with bottles of squash."
"Two masked raiders brandishing a knife burst into D and A Newsagents in Woodlands Road, Binley Woods, at 5.45pm."
"They attacked a cash machine on the site but failed to get inside." ...
"The shopkeeper was not hurt in the attack." ...
"The raid comes less than two weeks after fellow shopkeeper "Vic" Virk was blasted in the leg by two raiders with a pellet gun as he shut up Sunny's Convenience Store in Rugby Road, Binley Woods, at 10pm on September 30." |
Iraq: Sadr rebels unsure amnesty worth losing weapons
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"Hazem Laftah, a fighter in the Mahdi Army of the radical Iraqi Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, showed up yesterday at a police station in Sadr City wondering what sort of price he could get for his three mortars and 15 rocket launchers."
"Along with hundreds of his fellow militiamen, he came in answer to Mr Sadr's call to turn in heavy weapons in exchange for cash compensation so that the Mahdi Army could transform itself into a peaceful political movement."
"But he also wanted to make sure he got something back for his personal arsenal, which he had lent to his comrades during the months of clashes with US troops in this suburb of north-east Baghdad. ..."
"Like other militiamen who showed up at three police stations on the first day of a five-day weapons amnesty, Mr Laftah went away undecided on whether to disarm." |
Australia: Police hunt for serial robber
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"Police are looking for a man believed to have held up nine businesses in the northern suburbs of Perth in the past month."
"Police are investigating links between the armed robberies at betting agencies, service stations and a credit institution at Subiaco, Wembley, Duncraig and Karrinyup."
"Detective Senior Constable Gavin Abbott says the offender was armed with a hand gun." ...
"Police say the offender escaped with small amounts of cash and are concerned he may target other businesses." |
Albania: Stray Dogs Invade Albanian Town
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"An Albanian town had to call in police and hunters after a pack of 200 stray mountain dogs attacked at least nine people."
"Headed by a clearly identifiable leader, the snarling pack overran the main street of the small northern town of Mamurras, its mayor said Wednesday."
""'Even in the movies I have never seen a horde of 200 stray dogs from the mountains attacking people in the middle of a town,' Anton Frroku told Reuters by telephone Wednesday."
"He said the dogs bit at least nine people, aged from 20 to 60, dragging them to the ground and inflicting serious wounds." ...
"People threw stones to break up the pack. Police and hunters killed 20 dogs, including the leader." -------
Now why would anyone need 'hi-cap' (i.e. normal capacity) mags? |
UK: Sex attacker claims local victim no. 14
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A SERIAL sex beast preying on women in and around Stockport, has claimed his 14th victim."
"The attacker has raped one woman and sexually assaulted or threatened 13 more since mid July in Reddish, Heaton Chapel Tameside and Manchester."
"Police have now drafted in extra officers to patrol the pervert’s patch, along the cycle path close to the Ashton Canal, and they are appealing for women to remain vigilant." ...
"Police are advising women that if attacked reasonable force can be used in self-defence, including keys or hairspray, but weapons should not be carried and they are urging joggers not to use personal stereos but to carry attack alarms." ... -------
KEYS OR HAIRSPRAY?!?!?!? You people have a serial rapist working your town and you are telling women to defend themselves with effing keys and hairspray?!?!?
The inmates are running the asylum. |
Brazil: 108,000 Firearms turned in
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"Brazil's NGO, Viva Rio, celebrated its Disarmament Campaign Day yesterday with demonstrations throughout the city of Rio de Janeiro. The objective of the campaign is to make people aware of the danger a firearm represents."
"The campaign slogan is: 'Get rid of your gun before it gets rid of you!' "
"Rio de Janeiro has turned out to be the state with the second biggest number of weapons turned in as part of the government's disarmament program, which "buys" guns from people to get them out of circulation." |