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Newslinks for 10/15/2004

Coalition to Stop Gun Violence Endorses John Kerry for President
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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence today lauded Sen. John Kerry's comments about gun violence prevention in the final Presidential debate and announced full endorsement for Kerry's Presidential candidacy."

"When asked about the assault weapons ban, Kerry stated, 'I believe it was a failure of presidential leadership not to reauthorize the assault weapons ban ... If Tom DeLay or someone in the House said to me, 'Sorry, we don't have the votes,' I'd have said, 'Then we're going to have a fight.' And I'd have taken it out to the country and I'd have had every law enforcement officer in the country visit those congressmen.'" ...

KABA Note: Actually I doubt that the Senator would have had every LEO in the country visit, since a number of them were opposed to renewing the ban.

How Conservative Is George W. Bush?
Submitted by: N T Merkel

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"Given that so many conservatives have come out in favor of George W. Bush, who supposedly isn’t as bad as John Kerry, an important question arises: Exactly how conservative is George W. Bush?" ...

"Bush signed the horrid McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill, admitting that some of the provisions were unconstitutional. Now he complains that the law doesn’t go far enough in restricting the political speech of independent political organizations."

"Though the assault-weapons ban has expired, it is no credit to the administration. Bush expressed willingness to revive the ban — whereas he has shown nothing but contempt in his stonewalling of efforts to arm airline pilots." ...

Sportsmen, Hunt, Fish and Vote; Polling of Hunters, Anglers in Three Swing States Suggests Some 80 Percent Will Vote in This Year's Election
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"The campaigns of President Bush and Senator Kerry have both placed a high priority on winning the sportsmen's vote during this campaign, but hunters and anglers may play an even greater role in the election than either camp had predicted, based on the findings of a survey released today by the bipartisan Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation (CSF)."

"The survey of hunters and anglers in Florida, New Mexico, and Ohio suggests that the percentage of sportsmen who will cast votes in these key swing states will be well above the national average. Based on survey findings, in Ohio, 75 percent of sportsmen are considered 'likely voters,' the number jumps to 80 percent in New Mexico, and Florida tops the group with 82 percent. ..." ...

WI: Gun Issue Plays in Presidential Campaign in Wisconsin
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"To the National Rifle Association, John Kerry brings to mind a pink-bowed poodle -- and for the powerful gun lobby, calling someone a lapdog that 'don't hunt' is not a compliment."

"In Midwestern battleground states like Wisconsin, where some half million people tramp the forests hunting for deer each autumn, guns are definitely on some voters' minds. These states, home to many gun owners and hunters who tend to support Republican President Bush over Democratic challenger Kerry, could prove decisive for the Nov. 2 election."

"While the NRA endorsed Bush on Wednesday and has been harshly critical of Kerry, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has backed the Massachusetts senator's 'sensible' approach to guns." ...

VA: The good guys carry guns, too
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jake is a good friend, and I'm sure he'll forgive me for not using his real name here. One of the reasons I like Jake so much is that he carries a gun. But you'd never know it."

"He's a big, friendly guy with a lot of friends, and he likes to help people. Jake's wife and two kids love him. From our long friendship, I know there's not a mean bone in his body."

"Jake isn't my only friend who carries a concealed weapon. You would be surprised at how many of us there are. We've taken the training, passed the exam and had the background check, and we hold permits to carry a concealed weapon." ...

MT: MSU-B poll finds correlation between gun ownership, vote choice
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"Montanans by wide margins approve of the way President George Bush has carried out his duties and plan to vote for him in the upcoming election, according to a Montana State University-Billings poll released Wednesday."

"The poll also found out that the president's greatest support was found in households with more than 10 guns."

"MSU-B students conducted the statewide, random sample telephone poll Oct. 7-10. Students contacted 411 Montanans for the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent." ...

TN: Cop Shoots leashed dog
Submitted by: P. Leech

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"Eyewitnesses said the shooting wasn’t justified."

"Wednesday, the police department released a video of the incident and said it shows the shooting was justified."

"The shooting happened Tuesday night at Drake Creek Park in Hendersonville."

"An animal control officer was called to the park to remove a stray dog. The dog bit the officer so she called for backup."

"The video showed the animal control official holding the 60 pound black lab-chow mix on a leash."

"A Hendersonville police officer got out of the patrol car to help the get the dog into the animal control truck."

"The video showed the dog resisted the officer. Police said the dog became aggressive and the officer pulled his gun."

"The dog continued to struggle and the officer shot the dog." ...

Watch the video and make up your own mind.

NC: Marine cops plea in hazing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Camp Lejeune Marine pleaded guilty Thursday during a special court-martial to charges that he participated in a gang assault against a new member of their command in August."

"Lance Cpl. Jason A. Hubner, 21, ... pleaded guilty to assault consummated by battery and kidnapping. ..."

"Hubner admitted using woven nylon cord used for parachute suspension lines to tie down the victim's hands to the bedposts. Another member of the group used duct tape to tie the Marine's ankles to the bedposts."

"'Everybody else was hitting him,' Hubner said. 'They passed the (rifle) sling around and said for everybody to get a hit.'" ...

"'I hit him once on the left buttocks with an M-16 parade sling and scrubbed his back with an M-16 (wire) chamber brush ...' Hubner said." ...

But according to Sarah and her ilk, men like these should have a monopoly on armed force in our country.

IN: [Officer] Jess Elliot charged with unnecessary force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The South Bend Police Department is asking one of its own to step down. Corporal Jess Elliot was relieved of duty with pay while police investigated his actions during an arrest on September 11th.

Wednesday, the chief of police told the board of public safety he's charging Elliott with using unnecessary force.

These are internal police charges, not criminal charges. Police say Elliot had a man in handcuffs, and then pushed the man face first into the street. Police say it was not self-defense.

Elliot has several choices in this case. He can hand in his badge, request a hearing, or simply do nothing.

If he chooses to do nothing, the board of public safety could formally terminate Elliot. The board is scheduled to meet next Wednesday.

VA: Three years - and one death - later, police to investigate shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman who has asked authorities for more than three years to investigate the circumstances leading to her son's death is finally getting her wish."

"The Orange County Sheriff's Office sent investigators to Tennessee last week to oversee the exhumation of Charles Edwards Stanton's body, and its transfer to the medical examiner's office in Roanoke for an autopsy." ...

"When she continued to press [Orange Police Chief James] Otto for answers after her son died, Stanton said she was told she watched too much television and reminded that suicide was a crime."

"Investigators on the case now say a memo Otto wrote in 2001 detailing the steps taken in processing the crime scene is full of inaccuracies." ...

VA: Third-grader suspended over butter knife in lunch
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Joyce Heath said her 8-year-old son returned to school yesterday after a seven-day suspension for carrying a butter knife to school with his lunch." ...

"Nicholas, a third-grader, initially was suspended for 10 days and faced the possibility of being placed in disciplinary classes for a year." ...

"Heath said she packed a butter knife in her son's lunch along with a package of peanut butter and jelly on Oct. 1. 'I didn't think about it,' she said." ...

Disciplinary classes? Crayons only, no sharp pencils?

Stop the madness.

King William School Board:

NH: NHCLU supports Londonderry senior
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New Hampshire Civil Liberties Union attorneys yesterday concluded that the school district denied Blake Douglass his First Amendment rights by nixing the high school senior's yearbook photo, featuring a broke-open shotgun."

"The group's director said it would offer Douglass pro-bono legal support if he wanted it."

"Douglass, an avid sports shooter, has repeatedly argued that the district wrongly rejected his senior yearbook picture after previously permitting other students to represent their hobbies in their own headshots." ...

OH: 2 teen girls face weapons charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two teenage girls were charged Wednesday with taking weapons onto Hubbard school property."

"Amanda Taylor, 17, ... and Kayla Ritenour, 13, ... are each charged with conveyance of a deadly weapon on school property."

"The charges were filed by Sgt. James Taafe in Trumbull County Family Court. If convicted of the felonies, the teens could be sentenced to terms from probation to confinement in a juvenile facility until age 21." ...

"Taylor is charged with having a loaded .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol in the family car that was parked at Hubbard High School on Sept. 28. ..." ...

"Ritenour, an eighth-grader, is charged with taking a folded knife with a 3-inch blade into Reed Middle School on Oct. 6." ...

OH: Madison Junior High student brings firearm to school grounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Richland County Sheriff’s deputies arrested a 15-year-old student for carrying a firearm into Madison Junior High School Wednesday morning."

"According to reports, Principal Scott Kullman reported finding a handgun in the boy’s backpack."

""'He had a very long string of lies, which we managed to unravel,' Sgt. Will Gordon said."

"In the reports, the boy first said he found the gun wrapped in a white T-shirt on the side of the road while walking to school. He later changed his story, saying he found the gun wrapped in a T-shirt under a tree."

"After further questioning, the boy told deputies he bought the gun from a 14-year-old boy for $5.
The 14-year-old boy denied selling it." ...

VA: Intended victim shoots two armed robbers [Original headline: Police: Shooting started as robbery]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police say they now believe that two men found shot in the Essex Village Apartments complex early Tuesday had attempted to rob another man at gunpoint."

"But the attempted robbery victim pulled his own gun and wounded the men after a struggle, said Lt. Doug Perry, a Henrico County police spokesman."

"The suspects were still hospitalized at VCU Medical Center last night and were listed in stable condition, Perry said."

"Police said the man who wounded the pair is a 25-year-old Henrico resident. Police did not release his name. He was visiting his girlfriend, who lives in the apartment complex near Richmond International Raceway, when the suspects confronted him about 12:25 a.m., Perry said." ...

IA: Grand Jury: No Charges In Doctor Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grand jury in Fort Dodge ruled Thursday that no criminal charges will be filed against Webster County Medical Examiner Dan Cole for the fatal shooting of Paul Benton in early August."

"Benton, 46, was the ex-husband of Cole's wife, Sheila. The former couple had a son who was in the process of moving to Cole's house."

"Cole admitted shooting Benton after a fight at Cole's Fort Dodge home on Aug. 8. He said it was self-defense." ...

"Webster County District Court records show that when Sheila Cole told Benton on Aug. 11, 2000, that she was filing for divorce, he assaulted and threatened to kill her. She was treated for injuries at a hospital."

"Sheila Cole asked for a protective order against Benton, which was granted. Their divorce became final in April 2001."

GA: Two 80 year old women use guns to defend themselves [Original title: Home Invasions in Elbert County]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Police say they don't know his motive for invading the homes. But they do know that the 80-year-old homeowners had weapons to protect themselves." ...

"The suspect went to the house on Longcreek Road and tried to kick the front door in. The elderly women let the suspect know she had a gun and when she did, he took of running. Minutes later, there was another home invasion on Middleton Road and she shot at the suspect and he left,” says Sheriff Barry Haston. He thinks the invasions are connected because the houses were six miles away from each other. The sheriff says the man didn't steal anything from the second home, but did try to rape the woman. Sheriff Haston says having the guns kept those women alive." ...

WY: Official: Grizzly Shooting Appears Legitimate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A special investigator and bear expert says an Indiana man's story of shooting a grizzly in self-defense after it had mauled another hunter appears credible.

Roy Brown of the U-S Fish and Wildlife Service is investigating the bear's death on October third in northwest Wyoming.

Brown says the evidence backs up the man's story.

Bear expert Stephen Herrero says it's possible for an agitated bear to try to attack another person after an encounter with another human.

Hunter Aaron Hughes, of Brazil, Indiana, says the bear ran toward him and he shot at it twice from about 12 steps away.

UK: Police to probe 999 response delay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Norfolk police have launched an inquiry after it took officers more than four hours to respond to a call reporting that a nine-year-old girl had been grabbed by a man in a Norwich park."

"The child's father demanded to know why his daughter was such a low priority after he reported the assault which, he said, could have led to a more serious incident."

"The man approached the girl at Sloughbottom Park, Mile Cross and told her he wanted to have sex. He grabbed her arm, but she escaped by punching him in the stomach and wriggling free." ...

"Constable! Constable! There's a bad man in the park grabbing nine-year old girls for sex!"

"Tut, tut. No need to be alarmed, we'll send someone along . . . as soon as it's convenient that is."

KY: Convenience Store Clerk Shot: Man, Woman At Large.
Submitted by: Larry Mitchell

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... "The shooting took place at the Dairy Mart on Dixie Highway shortly before 3:30 a.m. when the masked thieves rushed in and immediately pointed guns at the two clerks in the store. The female forced one clerk to empty money from the drawer, and the male forced a female clerk into the back office."

"'They were demanding money,' Miller said. 'They were also demanding the store videotape.'"

"After the demands, Miller said, things took a terrifying turn. The male turned to leave the back office, then turned again and shot the female clerk, Gardner reported." ...

Give them what they want to be

MD: WJZ And State Officials Launch Teen Firearm Safety Campaign
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"WJZ is joining with local and federal law enforcement agencies to help keep Maryland's teens away from guns."

"State's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy unveiled a series of 15-second public service announcements today. The spots, which will air on WJZ beginning Thursday, stress the need for parents to be vigilant about supervising children and teens as well as the importance of educating them about gun safety." ...

KABA Note: The news story is innocuous enough, but if you watch the video you can see the real agenda is not to educate kids on gun safety, but to demonize guns. The anchor even let the real agenda slip in his closing when he said "The anti-guns campaign is being financed . . ."

NC: Shooting skeet
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"Hugh Stone's first visit to the Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club Inc. accomplished two things. It got him away from home, so his wife could prepare a surprise birthday party. And it introduced him to skeet shooting." ...

"'It's a very addictive sport, in a good way,' said Stone, who lives in Charlotte. He started shooting skeet five years ago, but had been a hunter all his life. Still, being consistent is difficult." ...

"Skeet and trap -- both competitive shooting sports in which the targets are moving clay birds -- have become popular among men and women of all ages, as well as teens who are learning about gun sports, say participants. Some families shoot together." ...

NJ: Planned bear hunt scrapped
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The state's environmental commissioner has rejected nearly 3,000 applications for bear-hunting permits, saying a bear hunt set by New Jersey's Fish and Game Council earlier this year will not take place."

"The game council voted in July to include a six-day bear hunt in the state's December hunting schedule, despite objections from Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bradley Campbell. The council then began making permit applications available to hunters."

"Mr. Campbell responded by saying the DEP will not honor the applications that have been submitted. The governor-appointed Fish and Game Council sets the state's hunting schedule, but the DEP's Division of Fish and Wildlife issues permits." ...

AK: Birchwood meets Old West when 49ers ride in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Past meets present when members of the Alaska 49ers Cowboy Action Shooters don the apparel of the Old West and strap on their six shooters as they did last week at Birchwood Recreation and Shooting Park."

"The Alaska 49ers is just one of about 450 clubs in 18 different countries that are a part of the Single Action Shooters Society that get into the spirit of the Old West by becoming as close to the real thing as possible through era-appropriate dress, weapons and aliases, said R.J. Gryder, the club trail boss." ...

"Era appropriate firearms used by the group include smoky powder, non-smoky powder, single action pistols, lever action rifles, and double-barreled shotguns, Gryder said." ...

TX: Big Bend Sportsman Club hosts three-gun match
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Hillside Baptist Church in Alpine will hold the third leg of its shooting match series, a three-gun match beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday (Oct. 16) at the Big Bend Sportsman Club range .... The three-gun match is restricted to Limited (iron sights) and Open Class including 9 mm pistols, semi-auto rifles and shotgun (pump only)."

"After the first two matches, Monty Kimball leads a field of 16 shooters with a composite score of 39 points. Dave Arnold is a close second with 32 points."

"According to meet coordinator Jim Tom Cardwell, the three-gun match will consist of two stages with each stage shot twice. The fastest time for each stage will be added to the shooter’s composite score for the series." ...

UK: 'I was ready to shoot him'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "After a week in which Britain has been shocked by the fatal shooting of a Nottingham schoolgirl ... and the wounding of an 18-month-old girl in a pistol attack on her father ... gun crime is again high on the political agenda. Timely, then, that Hailwood, one of our most experienced firearms officers, should prepare to release Gun Law, a graphic account of almost two decades in the firing line that aims sharp criticism at senior officers and at what Hailwood sees as a failing response to gun crime."

"The timing is not deliberate. Hailwood, 43, was not to know that our fear of firearms would be stoked again this week, nor that the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) last week would issue a devastating critique ..." ...

Philippines: Zamboanga Gun Ban dampens role of peace monitors
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"A gun ban imposed in Zamboanga City is threatening to disrupt the free movement of foreign peace monitors sent to oversee peace negotiations between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in Mindanao, it was learned Wednesday. The peace monitors are Malaysian police and military officers and are lightly-armed."

"Teresita Deles, presidential adviser on the peace process, said she is meeting with Zamboanga City Mayor Celso Lobregat to discuss the terms and conditions on the arrival of the Malaysian peace monitors to the city."

"'I will be going to Zamboanga next week so we can come to an arrangement...I understand that he wants to promote (Zamboanga) as a peaceful city and that allowing (the monitors) there would show certain projections,' Deles told ANC." ...

Philippines: Abu-turned-informer killed by comrades?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former member of the Abu Sayyaf Group who turned military informer was killed on Tuesday in barangay La Piedad, Isabela City, the capital of Basilan province."

"The Isabela City police chief, Senior Insp. Willam Gadayan, identified the victim as Vic Kotong, a resident of barangay Bulanza, Lantawan town."

"Kotong was said to be an informer of the Military Intelligence Company (Mico) in Basilan."

"Kotong was on his way to barangay La Piedad from downtown Isabela City when a lone gunman armed with a .45-caliber pistol on waylaid and shot him at close range around 9 a.m. on Tuesday."

"The victim died on the spot. He suffered four gunshot wounds." ...

But guns are banned in the Philippines!

UK: Police plea after boy, 12, shot in face
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A LEIGH schoolboy was almost blinded when a thug shot him in the face with an airgun."

"The pellet lodged just millimetres from the 12-year-old's eye and he was today facing delicate surgery to remove the piece of metal."

"Police say they are all the more appalled at the attack because it was so calculating and the weapon fired at such close range." ...

"But the shooting took place at 6.30pm on Tuesday in Westwell Park, off Westwell Road in Leigh."

"The boy told family that he was walking through the park when he was approached by the offender who, without any warning or provocation, whipped out some kind of pistol and shot the youngster in the face." ...

Philippines: Botched bank robbery nets P500
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Armed robbers hit a bank in Pasig City Friday morning but were only able to get P500 as loot, DZMM reported.

Initial reports said three men armed with 9mm pistols and a woman entered the Country Bank in San Joaquin, Pasig City, a few minutes after the bank opened.

The group, however, panicked when they heard shots from outside.

They took instead the P500 from bank clients Grace Luyos and Lesly Romero and fled.

Police said the robbers may be targeting bank clients with large cash deposits instead of the bank vaults.

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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