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Newslinks for 10/15/2014

NRA’s ‘A-’ grade for Begich in Alaska Senate race endangers GOP takeover
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... To have any meaning at all, Begich’s vote for Sotomayor should have dropped his rating by a full letter grade, and I would argue for more than that. But compounding the effects of his betrayal with a vote for Kagan should have resulted in an example that all would have taken notice of. Degrading him to an 'A-' after that is a transparently insincere joke. With that party über alles move, and by adding potentially mortal insult to critical injury, he should have been given an 'F' for life." ...

Random Thoughts About Terrorists and Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The atrocities committed by Osama Bin Laden’s followers on September 11, 2001 should have been enough to convince Americans that they face a serious, ongoing threat from death-dealing 'Islamic extremists.' The kind of threat that requires a radical increase in the number of armed Americans to defend against terrorism. And a large, aggressive military presence ... The President and his supporters don’t see it that way. Obama’s love of civilian disarmament ... is well-known. His decision to withdraw our troops from Iraq – enabling the rise of the ISIS caliphate – is the logical flip side of this disarmament delusion. Like an airplane accident, it’s only a matter of time before these two mistakes combine with some other failure to allow another horrific attack . . ." ...

Questions and Moral Choices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert’s recent article, Self-Defense Tip: Go All-In. Unless You Don’t Have To brought back memories. I’m a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. I served as a Security Policeman (not pictured above) — the USAF equivalent of an actual policeman, not a rivet counter–during the Cold War. I was stationed in the United States at a northern base, a place most people considered hardship duty, but having been raised in that part of the world, it felt like home to me. In those days, SPs and pararescue troops were just about the only USAF personnel that were ever under arms or regularly trained with arms and tactics. As unlikely as it was that I might have to use deadly force in my duties, it was something I had to think about . . ." ...

Why Texas’s 30.06 Signs are Deadly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I’m not asking for property owners to show compliance with commonly accepted security requirements, but at a minimum, acknowledgement of the risks associated in posting the sign. Many businesses in Texas post them and I don’t feel particularly compelled to reward them with my money. As we’ve seen time and time again, asking patrons not to carry and posting a 'No Guns' sign that doesn’t carry the force of law is enough to shut down the vocal minority looking for some cheap wins in the media. Why go further and turn ordinary guys like me into criminals for wanting to simultaneously exercise a right and give you my money?" ...

Lack of help for the mentally ill can lead to tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Whenever a mentally ill person kills with a gun, be it in these lesser-known cases or in higher-profile mass shootings, the question naturally arises: Why can’t more be done to keep weapons out their hands? A tangle of interests works against stronger restrictions."

"Mental-health professionals fear stigmatizing mentally ill people, most of whom are not violent. Doctors fear liability, both for labeling someone as violent and for failing to do so. Privacy rights are an issue. And elected officials at every level of government quiver at the threats of the NRA, which staunchly fights any perceived attack on the Second Amendment." ...

Gear Review: Liberty Suppressors’ Kodiak TL Silencer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bigger doesn’t always mean better. With silencers the general rule of thumb is that the larger the internal volume of the can, the better sound suppression you’re going to get, but there’s definitely a point where increased volume gets you diminishing returns. For example, slapping a Mystic-X on your Ruger handgun makes the thing whisper quiet, but the size of the can looks awkward and makes the gun a little front heavy. For the shooter who’s looking for a slimmer solution to their rimfire suppression needs, Liberty Suppressors presents the Kodiak TL . . ." ...

New From TrackingPoint: ShotGlass Digital Shooting Glasses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s face it, Google Glass, at least in its current iteration, is about as stylish and fashion forward as a 73 shirt. And we’re not sure that TrackingPoint’s new ShotGlass specs are much better. Then again, they’re only intended to be worn while shooting. And Google’s things don’t let you shoot around corners or over walls without exposing yourself, all while recording your ballistic activity in HD glory. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

Grandpa’s Gun Reborn – From Dust Collector to Long Range Precision Rifle Part 1 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Loaded question: What if the law of the land prevented you from shooting, training, hunting or even owning an AR-15, an AK-47, or the highly anticipated Israeli Tavor? What if semi-automatic guns and full capacity magazines got banned? Or maybe these great parts of the gun culture were simply regulated just out of reach. It’s too real of a possibility for some, too remote for others . . ."

"What would you do then, for a super cool, highly effective gun that is every bit as exciting as the best AR-15 on steroids? Just hypothetically, let’s say semi-autos were off the table, either regulated, hard to get, or just banned. That leaves us with a variety of older technologies like lever and bolt guns. ..." ...

NICS Denials Rising for Handguns, Gun Grabbers Befuddled
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First, a little context. Washington State is gearing up for a vote on a proposed 'universal background check' law in this coming election cycle, and as we all know universal background check ('UBC') laws suck (because of the unintended consequences mainly, not necessarily due to the intent of the law). As a way of ginning up support for the measure, the Seattle Times ran a piece a few days ago with a rather sensational title ‘Background check denials rise for would-be pistol buyers‘ trying to lead people to believe that more criminals are trying to buy guns and therefore we need new laws to protect us from evil. There are a couple of problems with that analysis. Or lack thereof . . ." ...

Gabby Giffords launches new gun control campaign, and it's all about women (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former US Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) of Arizona began a nine-state tour Tuesday in Maine focusing on the need for tougher gun control measures to protect women and children."

"Ms. Giffords, who was severely wounded in a 2011 shooting in Tucson, Ariz., that killed six people, has become a key figure in the national gun control campaign. The campaign highlights the increasingly prominent role women have played in both sides in the gun control debate – particularly since the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings in 2012." ...

Feminist cancels talk at USU after guns allowed despite shooting threat
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Anita Sarkeesian has shown up for speaking engagements amidst terror threats before."

"But after learning that Utah State University was legally forbidden from restricting firearms at a Wednesday lecture over which she received a death threat, the nationally-known feminist writer and video game critic canceled her appearance." ...

Submitter's note: Anita makes more money when there is more drama. Her withdrawal is more proof that modern "feminists" demand total control, see all people as untrustworthy, and have a paranoia problem as they profit from artificially generated fear.

FL: League of Women Voters conduct compliance checks at Florida gun shops
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The League of Women Voters of Florida has conducted more than 30 compliance checks at gun shops across the state."

"Deirdre Macnab, Florida League’s current president, said her members are lwvchecking to see whether the shops have a sign displayed, which tells patrons it’s illegal to allow an unattended firearm to fall into the hands of someone under 16." ...

"Macnab believes Florida has irresponsible gun owners."

"'Whenever you have accidents, the short answer is yes we do,' she said." ...

Submitter's Note: According to the CDC, from 2007 - 2011 among those 15 and under, Florida had an accidental gun-related death rate of 0.06. During that same time period, the national rate was 0.11.

Just sayin' . . .

MI: Women find guided DNR pheasant hunt 'invigorating, empowering'
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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"Tromping through tall grasses with a 20-gauge shotgun in her hands, Abby Shafer chatted with fellow hunters while waiting for her opportunity at a pheasant."

"With a smile on her face, she watched a Deutsch Drahthaar pointer named Moxie scamper through openings in the grasses, sniffing out the birds." ...

"'It’s pretty invigorating, actually,' Wood said. "It’s kind of empowering too. It’s fun, it’s a beautiful day, it’s people, camaraderie and it’s pretty amazing to watch that dog work.'"

"'The women are great together,' Jones [a DNR wildlife technician] said. 'They can always find something in common and something to talk about. They laugh with each other, there’s no intimidation, it’s just a good time.'" ...

AL: Serious warning to gun rights supporters in Alabama
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, I wrote a short column warning of the very real danger to Alabama residents' gun rights from the proposed Statewide Amendment 3 on the ballot for this November 4th. ..." ...

"The wording in the amendment makes quite clear the back door it leaves wide open for future courts or state legislatures, under the sway of leftists, to impose restrictions on Alabamans' gun rights – after 'strict scrutiny,' of course! But, I was astonished to learn that there are apparently supporters of this amendment among conservative, TEA Party and gun rights groups, including 'Alabama Gun Rights,' whose Legislative Affairs Director, George Owens, has on his publicly viewable Facebook page a message of support for this amendment ..." ...

WA: Despite billionaire bucks, gun control measure loses ground
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While KOMO and other news outlets reported yesterday that the billionaire-backed Initiative 594 gun control measure facing Washington State voters in three weeks has lost significant ground despite an $8 million effort that has overshadowed rival Initiative 591, the Seattle Times published an interesting glimpse at one of I-594’s main backers." ...

WA: Bloomberg group adds another $650K to Wash. gun control campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While support appears to be slipping for Initiative 594, the 18-page gun control measure on the November ballot, the lobbying group funded by anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg kicked in another $650,000 last week (third line down, dated Oct. 8), according to the Public Disclosure Commission, lending more credence to arguments that rich elitists are trying to buy the Washington state election."

"In addition to Bloomberg’s ... group, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Paul Allen and Nick Hanauer have each contributed in the six-figure range to I-594. ... The total raised so far exceeds $8.3 million; a lot of money to pass a measure that is supposed to be a shoo-in. ..." ...

IA: Don't let the NRA lie about background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Iowans go to the polls on Nov. 4, they'll be thinking about a number of issues. The economy. Immigration. National security. Guns."

"As they consider all these issues, voters should have the facts."

"One fact is that the National Rifle Association's political arm — which upped its spending in Iowa to $2 million — is lying about Bruce Braley's record."

"The NRA Political Victory Fund has a new ad against Rep. Braley. A nearly identical ad against Sen. Mary Landrieu has hit the airwaves in Louisiana." ...

"In 2013, Rep. Braley was one of 188 co-sponsors of a House bill that would require background checks on guns sold online, at gun shows and through classified ads. ..." ...

IL: Quinn, Rauner spar over how to reduce violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn and Republican Bruce Rauner are debating how best to address crime in Illinois."

"The candidates for governor are facing off Tuesday in their second televised debate." ...

"Quinn ... supports a ban on so-called assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines."

"Rauner supports background checks for gun purchases so criminals and people with mental health issues can't get weapons. But he doesn't support an assault weapons ban because he says it runs afoul of the Second Amendment."

WA: Election ‘14: The Tale of Two Gun Initiatives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This year’s ballot will ask Washington voters to weigh in on gun control."


"Initiative 594, backed by wealthy well-known donors like Bill and Melinda Gates ... and former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, is a carefully constructed effort designed to expand background checks to private gun sales ... So far more than $7 million has been raised in support of the effort ..."

"Initiative 591, on the other hand, is being championed by gun-rights advocate ... Alan Gottlieb and his Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation, which boasts 650,000 members across the country. I-591 is a succinct directive that would forbid the state from conducting background checks beyond what’s prescribed under federal law. ..." ...

IA: NRA Endorses Joni Ernst for U.S. Senate in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On behalf of our five million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to endorse Joni Ernst for U.S. Senate in Iowa."

"Based on her support of and commitment to the Second Amendment, Ernst has earned an 'A' rating from the NRA-PVF in the November 4, 2014 election. An 'A' rating is reserved for a solidly pro-gun legislator who has supported NRA positions on key votes." ...

MD: Where I stand: Doug Morris
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This commentary reflects my position on several issues that I look forward to continuing the conversation with the residents of District 31b. It is an indication of what you may expect from me as your representative in Annapolis. I will always be responsive to your needs and will be responsive to your inquiries." ...

"Second Amendment Rights:"

"I support and will defend all second amendment rights. I also feel that it is incumbent upon gun owners to secure their weapons and to teach those in their households the proper use of those weapons." ...

Claim: Holder gave guns to Mexican crime lords to push gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Erich Pratt is a spokesman for Gun Owners of America. He says that Holder was clearly not cooperating with a Congressional investigation into the botched operation that led to a loss of life."

"'Talk about putting guns into the wrong hands,' Pratt proclaimed. 'Our administration did that by the thousands, okaying gun purchases to people they knew were known criminals.'"

"'And they did,' Pratt continued. 'An ATF whistleblowers said that the reason this was being done was so that the increased murders south of the border would draw attention to U.S. guns going into Mexico and being used in murders … and then it would increase the clamor for gun control in this country.'" ...

MT: Commissioners consider 2nd amendment resolution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Richland County commissioners are considering a resolution that would clarify its stance on second amendment rights, the lawful possession a firearms by citizens."

"A Sidney resident and Korean war veteran, Glenn Mavity, directed information to the commissioners concerning gun laws and recently collected signatures on a petition supporting Richland County’s adoption of a 'constitutional carry of arms' action." ...

NC Judge on Fairground Carry: My Bias Trumps Your Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Without further (Führer?) ado, here’s the money shot from Wake County Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens: 'I do have great respect for the constitutional right of citizens to possess and bear arms. But I do believe it would be unwise and imprudent for firearms to be carried into the [North Carolina] State Fair, and if there is some way I can interpret these statutes to prohibit that, I will.' That could well be the most bald-faced example of anti-gun judicial activism we’ve ever encountered. Judge Stephens wasn’t shy about the motivation behind his gun ban bias . . ." ...

Gun Owners Win a Round Against the Army
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Army Corps of Engineers must let U.S. citizens carry guns on property it manages, including hydroelectric dams and recreation areas around them, a federal judge ruled."

"Two people, from Idaho and Utah, sued the Army Corps of Engineers in August 2013, seeking declaratory judgment that they could carry guns on and around water projects and recreational areas managed by the Corps."

"On Monday, U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill said they could - that there is a difference between regulation of handguns and their outright ban."

"Winmill granted plaintiffs Elizabeth Morris and Alan Baker's motion for summary judgment on Second Amendment grounds." ...

NC: Judge in State Fair Case Legislates From Bench
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Judge Donald Stephens’ decision in the GRNC lawsuit against posting the state fair against concealed carry can best be summarized in his own words: 'If I can find a way to interpret the statutes to prohibit concealed handguns in the state fair, I will.'"

"It was evident to all that Judge Stephens had his mind made up long before the hearing began. When GRNC’s attorney argued, his attitude was nearly contemptuous, and when the Attorney General’s representative argued, Stephens was soothing and supportive as if talking to a pet dog." ...

NC: Republicans are silent after voting to allow firearms at the State Fair
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I'm not here to say whether [Judge] Stephens was right or wrong about HB 937. I think he was closest to the truth when he called North Carolina's firearms laws a mess—'a quagmire'—and complained that while it's unclear whether they now allow for guns at the Fair, 'I honestly believe the legislature did not intend this result.'"

"Legally, Stephens gave whatever General Assembly is elected next month a chance to rewrite the law before he takes up the case again."

"Politically, he rescued the Republicans from disaster." ...

GA: Fulton judge unlikely to let dad bring guns to children's school events
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Fulton County judge said Tuesday she is unlikely to rule that a Alpharetta father can bring his gun when he attends events at his children’s elementary school, but she would delay ruling until she had done more research on the matter."

"Judge Kelly Lee Ellerbe heard James Johnson’s request to allow him to bring his 9 mm Smith and Wesson when he goes to functions at New Prospect Elementary School in Alpharetta, where his 6-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son attend while she considers his lawsuit against the Fulton County school system." ...

Air Force Veteran and Firearms Expert Convicted of Manufacturing Weapons Speaks Out
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... A review of the investigation itself reads like a comedy of errors, which makes Arnold’s conviction all the more surprising. Lead investigator Special Agent Wendell Palmer directly violated countless Air Force Policy Directives, including the interrogation of a subordinate as part of a criminal investigation, which is a conflict of interests; failing to read Arnold his rights during any of the interrogation sessions; ghostwriting statements from Arnold and all other witnesses; and failure to provide receipts for property, firearms, and records seized from Arnold, other witnesses, and even the Sig Sauer Academy in New Hampshire where Arnold worked as an adjunct instructor while on administrative leave." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: If this is the result of "a comedy of errors," one can only wonder who's laughing.

This is why people use phones to film police (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear pot-smoking frisbee golfers."

"I know you all smoke pot because I've just seen Aaron King, an Iowa police officer, say it is so. The evidence emerged from King being filmed with a cell phone during a routine traffic stop."

"It all started innocently enough. King apparently stopped the car because its headlights were not turned on."

"The video, now on YouTube, shows King was quite happy being filmed during the stop. Which meant he was quite happy being heard uttering sentences such as: 'OK. I need you to answer me a question. Why is it that everybody that plays Frisbee golf smokes weed.'" ...

AZ: Buckeye police officer threatens to shoot driver during traffic stop (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Buckeye Police Department said one of its officers 'used a poor choice of words' during a recent traffic stop after a video of the incident surfaced online." ...

"During the exchange, the officer can be heard talking to Sanchez in both English and Spanish."

"The officer tells the driver to turn off the vehicle, asks if he has any weapons, and tells him to put his hands on the steering wheel."

"'Show me the license right now. If you do something, I will kill you right here. Are there any [weapons] in the car?' the officer asks the driver."

"Toward the end of the video, the officer says, 'Ok. Don't get out of the car. Stay there. If you move, I will shoot you right here. Do you understand me?'" ...

TX: Madisonville Officer Faces Misdemeanor Charge in K9 Death
Submitted by: jac

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"A Madisonville police officer will be charged this week in the death of his police K9."

"Investigators said when Officer Gary Laws, 35, came home September 12 from his usual overnight shift, he left his police dog, Baron, inside the patrol unit. Baron was trapped inside the car for several hours before he eventually died."

"In an effort to keep the case out of Madison County, it was handed to Stephanie Stroud, First Assistant District Attorney with the Walker County District Attorney's Office."

"Stroud said Laws left Baron inside his unit from about 11:30 that morning, until 3:30 in the afternoon, with outside temperatures in Madisonville reaching the mid 90's."

"'And the dog ultimately died of heat stroke, or heat exhaustion,' said Stroud." ...

AR: Cop Allows K-9 to Maul Handcuffed Man Laying Who's Face Down, Then Blames Him? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carroll County, Arkansas, have released disturbing body-cam video of a K9 police dog attacking a compliant and handcuffed suspect after the dog broke free from his handler."

"The police dog, a Belgian Malinois named Tyson, can be seen biting the suspect on the back of his thigh for ninety seconds while ignoring commands to release the man."

"As the suspect writhes in pain in the street, the dog’s handler can be heard blaming him for the attack, yelling at him, 'Stop f*cking moving!'" ...

"After reviewing the video, Green Forest Police Chief John Bailey blamed the sheriffs department for the attack and said Tyson should be re-evaluated as a K9 member." ...

CA: California Cops Are How Great Is That?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'During the month of September, Los Angeles County D.I.S.A.R.M. teams conducted 1,062 searches which resulted in the arrest of 134 probationers, the seizure of over $111 million in illegal drugs and drug money and 38 weapons, including 17 handguns, 1 assault rifle and 10 shotguns,' reports. Just in case you’re wondering what that clever yet deeply foreboding acronym stands for it’s . . ."

"Developing Increased Safety through Arms Recovery Management. They’ve been busy boys." ...

UK: Police Union Tells Uk Cops To Enter Gun Owners' Homes, Secure Weapons Using Anti-Terror Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Association of Chief Police Officers' (ACPO), the body that represents senior police officers in the United Kingdom, has begun a campaign to send police to enter the homes of legal gun owners to snoop on them. Many of those who may receive visits cannot understand why they would be targeted and suspect it is to discourage gun ownership in Britain."

""The Countryside Alliance ... fears that the new initiative will target ordinary members of the public ... The group has launched a campaign to alert Members of Parliament to the issue. The policy is also the latest in a series of 'power grabs' by ACPO, which is effectively a trade union, but regularly demands executive powers with little accountability to the public." ...

The pool of guns that get turned in in buybacks are simply not the same guns that would otherwise have been used in crime. — Harvard professor David Kennedy, as reported on FoxNews

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