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Newslinks for 10/16/2002

Gun Dealer's Case Reaches High Court
Submitted by: P. Jones

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Washington Post's writeup on the Bean case, due to be heard this week in the "Supreme" Court.

Gun in teacher death topic of debate
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Raised hands popped up everywhere when a judge asked jury candidates last week whether they had heard about the case of a Lake Worth widow suing a gun distributor over her husband's death."

"The killing of teacher Barry Grunow in May 2000 by an angry student wielding a cheap handgun is etched in the memory of most Palm Beach County residents. Six of them will sit in judgment on the widow's lawsuit against the Valor Corp., the company that distributed the firearm." ...

FL: [Gov. Jeb] Bush's crime claims based on interpretation
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Candidate Jeb Bush promised voters in 1998 that he would tackle crime with tougher sentences for gun-toting criminals. Four years later, Gov. Jeb Bush is back on the trail and boasting about his "10-20-Life" law and the lowest Florida crime rate in 29 years."

"What Bush's figures don't reflect is that, while the crime rate has hit a historic low, the overall number of violent crimes is on the rise -- and violent gun crimes lead the pack."

"According to the latest figures from Bush's own Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the number of violent crimes rose 1.8 percent from 2000 to 2001. Crimes committed with guns increased 5.6 percent." ...

Handgun self-defense is no joke
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An off-duty security guard proved a handgun is a girl's best friend. The 42-year-old woman shot her alleged attacker early Thursday in Homewood. She says he threatened to shoot her. 'How would you like to get shot?' he asked. She answered by firing her .357."

"I am woman — hear my gun roar." ...

Anti-Gunners Exploiting Sniper Victims
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"I can’t begin to guess your motivation. I can’t begin to comprehend how a decent human being can not only feed on the blood of the sniper victims like a vampire, but relish it, as you seem to be doing. I can’t believe that in the face of tragedy, bloodshed and fear, you despicable, mendacious lice have the temerity to try and make political gain!" ...

Sudan: Crew Foils Saudi Airline Hijack Bid
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A Saudi passenger wielding a gun attempted to hijack a Saudi Arabian Airlines jet Tuesday, but security forces aboard overcame the man and arrested him, a Sudanese official and the Saudi airline said."

"The Airbus 300 jetliner returned to Khartoum and all passengers and crew were safe, said Maj. Gen. Sayyid al-Husseini, spokesman for Sudan's Interior Ministry." ...

Borno: Policeman kills father, son
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A trigger happy policeman at the weekend in Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State killed a Shuwa businessman, Lawan Kyari Kaka and his son, Yakubu Lawan, with another son of the deceased lying critically ill in a private hospital in Maiduguri after receiving a gun shot."

"The incident, Daily Trust learnt, occurred last Thursday in Maboshe village, about 53 kilometres from Maiduguri, the Borno State capital." ...

Gun control wouldn't stop sniper in D.C.
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"We already put some restraints on weapons despite the 2nd Amendment guarantee to possess them. We require background checks, registration of guns and waiting periods between purchase and possession. Until we know the identity of the killer... we can't say for sure if these checks and balances have been adhered to or failed in their intention to protect citizens from people who have proven - by virtue of prior criminal activity - that they can't handle the privilege of owning weapons." ...


With phrases like "the privilege of owning weapons," while this writer may mean well, he or she is encouraged to go back to the Bill of Rights and search for the word "privilege" in the Second Amendment. Clue: it's not there. The word is "right", and the adjective to accurately describe the "right of the people to keep and bear arms" is "unalienable". That means it preexists government's blessing, supercedes government's scorn, overrides government's edicts and will eventually be put to unfortunate use if government infringes too far for too long.

If you'd like to assist the editor of Utah's "The Spectrum" in taking wellmeaning and turning it into accurate representation of the right of the people to keep and bear arms, here is where to send your comments and letters:

UT: College of Law Joins Heated Gun Debate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If concealed weapons were allowed on campus, violent crime would remain low at the U, John Lott said at a debate in the Sutherland Moot Courtroom in the College of Law."

" 'It's more than simply saying that the passing of these laws leads to a bigger drop in violent crime. There is evidence to prove it,' Lott said." ...

PA: Man in police custody pulls gun on officer
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Borough police will 'investigate procedures and training issues' after a handcuffed man reportedly pulled a gun from his pants and pointed it at officers Sunday night, Police Chief Joseph McGuriman said yesterday."

"McGuriman said Bernard Johnson, 22, of the first block of Oakland Avenue - who had been arrested for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct - pulled a .25-caliber pistol from behind his back while he was handcuffed in a police car." ...

CA: Gunmen dressed as FBI and ATF agents rob medical marijuana user
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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ORIGINAL TITLE: "Frightful risk for medical pot users"
"Four gunmen dressed as FBI and ATF agents forced their way into a family's rural Lotus home last week and took 20 plants -- which the homeowner told authorities were for medicinal purposes -- and about $300 in cash..."

" 'If you grow pot, you are running a risk of getting robbed. It's that simple,' said Dan Minter, a Sacramento County sheriff's robbery detective."
And in California, where everyone but the criminal is disarmed, you're at the mercy of the robber unless you stay in your home and arm yourself.

And if the robbers don't get you, the anti-medical-relief DEA thieves who ignore the public's will to legalize medicinal use of marijuana probably will.

Terrorism goes local - is sniper an Al Queda operative?
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"... one possibility is rarely mentioned: that the sniper may be a terrorist affiliated with al-Qaeda or otherwise inspired by Osama bin Laden..."

"Police have speculated that the sniper might well have an accomplice, perhaps a driver or supplier, which suggests a terrorist cell. And the effect of the operation is to strike fear into ordinary Americans at the focal point of the nation’s political decision-making and media coverage." ...

My to-worry-about list
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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Yet another attempt on the part of the disingenuous left to blame the NRA for the sniper not being caught yet.

Canada: Gun shop owner shot in robbery wants to bear arms
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A retired Edmonton police sergeant who was shot last week by robbers will ask the Canadian Firearms Centre for the right to carry a concealed weapon when he's working in his gun shop."

"Phil Harnois, 50, thinks if he had been carrying a gun Thursday evening when two men burst into his store, things would have turned out differently. Instead, Harnois is recovering in University of Alberta Hospital following two operations to knit together the bone in his left thigh." ...

"Muckraker Michael Moore takes on a violent U.S."
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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A Canadian reveres Michael Moore's latest pack of propaganda and lies, while conveniently ignoring the increase in gun violence in his own country, where guns are all but outlawed.

NE: Massive Sporting Goods Store Coming
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Outdoor sports retailer Cabela's Inc. plans a new store that has a sales floor about the size of four football fields."

"Among its features will be a 30-foot-high mountain replica, with running waterfalls and streams and a trout pond. It also will have a 55,000-gallon walk-through aquarium stocked with fish native to the Northeast, a shooting gallery, indoor archery range and a gun library." ...

UK: Two In Gun Raid Ordeal
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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More gun violence from the "civilized", "gun-free" UK.
"A security guard and a woman worker were forced into a back room of a convenience store at gunpoint during a robbery."

A police spokesperson said: "The firearms were not discharged and it is not known for sure if they were real."

"The 24-hour grocery was also the target of a robbery on July 21."

"Two members of staff were threatened with a handgun by a robber who took cash."

"Markings are unique to guns"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A ballistic network formulated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement says markings on bullets fired from a weapon are unique to the gun they were shot from. By using computers, analysts can compare bullets and cartridges to fired debris on file in a database. They can also find if a bullet has ever been fired from a particular gun in the past." -- Yeah, until the firing pin is replaced, until the gun is re-barreled or until wear and tear changes the markings!

Ballistic 'fingerprint' database isn't foolproof tool, experts say
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The system could not account for stolen firearms, for instance, or for changes to the inside of a gun barrel that occur over time, they say." [Nor could it account for the hundreds of millions of firearms now in private hands.]

" 'It's a tool, but not an end in itself,' said Joseph Cominolli, a former firearms expert with the Syracuse, N.Y., Police Department who works as a gun safety consultant." ...

NY Times: "Traffic Cameras Could Help Solve Crimes"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Site username: Newslinks
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Must have cookies turned on for it to work.
"The van or car of the suburban sniper who is operating here has surely been captured at least briefly by a government camera already in place, and the authorities might have quickly developed a short list of suspects if they were using the more advanced cameras that monitor traffic in other cities."

"A system like that on roads used by the sniper could allow a computer to sort through the license plates quickly and help the police narrow the search, said Dr. Lawrence W. Sherman." ...

TN: Cancer Patient Shoots Intruder
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Stacie Roberts couldn't believe it when she heard her neighbor had shot an intruder: 'I've lived here for about 22 years and it has been a quiet neighborhood. Nothing like this has ever happened before'. Melissa Reed has four children. The single mom is more nervous than ever. She is trying to figure out a way to explain this to her kids: 'I'll have to set them down and talk to them and tell them not to be roaming through the neighborhood. It's bad when your kids can't go outside'. " ...

PA: Gubernatorial candidate proposes merging Fish, Game Commissions
Submitted by: Andy Barniskis

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Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Fisher is said to be favoring merging Pennsylvania's now separate Fish and Game Commissions into one super-agency. Would that portend eventual merger into one super-environmental agency into which politicians would have vast input, but sportsmen almost none?

Bush Won't Support Firearms 'Fingerprinting'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"President Bush does not support the push for firearms 'fingerprinting' that has grown from the unsolved Washington-area sniper shootings, because he is not sure of its accuracy, a spokesman said Tuesday."

"Besides, added White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, when it comes to new gun controls generally, 'how many laws can we really have to stop crime, if people are determined in their heart to violate them no matter how many there are or what they say?' " ...

MD: Townsend inches ahead of Ehrlich in latest survey
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling and Research shows the lieutenant governor leading Ehrlich 46 percent to 45 percent, with 9 percent undecided. A month ago, Ehrlich held a 46 percent to 43 percent lead."

"Eighty-four percent said the attacks will not affect their vote, but 25 percent said they have changed their daily activities or routines because of the sniper. Ten percent now say gun control is their most important voting issue." ...

IL: Village reviews drunk cops' auto wreck
Submitted by: Lawrence Miller

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"...[New Lenox, IL] has put off deciding what action to take with a pair of off-duty police officers involved ... in a wreck, ... one is charged with drunken driving."

Submitter's comment: Here's what to-do to support the spirit of America: 1) Administrative leave, 2) Treat them as anyone else charged with these types of violations. This may include jail, bond, a fair trial by jury, and if found guilty, the same punishment anyone else would receive. LAW EQUALLY APPLIED TO ALL.

VA: Permit-Holders Know This Isn't Wild West (letter)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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See the third letter on the page.
"This is dedicated to those who never knew."

"To the uncivil civil servant: You never knew. To the driver who cut me off in traffic: You never knew. To the neighbor whose dog defecated on my lawn, to the co-worker who disagreed with me, to the slothful restaurant waiter:"

"None of you ever knew. To the doctor who kept me waiting, to his assistant who did not care, and to the pharmacist who did not have time to answer my question: Each of you never knew."

"You never knew I am one of the many Virginians who possesses a concealed-carry permit (CCP) and carries a firearm for self-defense."

"Contrary to the liberal mindset, I did not fly off the handle in a moment of rage when encountering unpleasant experiences that are part of everyday life. I did not shoot you, brandish my weapon, or lose my temper. Those who obtain a CCP and carry a firearm recognize their responsibility and do not have a "Wild West" mentality, as some would suggest."

"Finally, to the thug who plans on harming me and my family: You don't know. Clayton W. Rhoades. Richmond."

IL: "Ranting 'gun nut' shoots himself in the foot"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Matt Beauchamp is just one of many gun owners who didn't appreciate my column last week about 'gun nuts' at the Illinois State Rifle Association being off their medication when they produced their latest newsletter."

"The newsletter, you may recall, raised suspicions that the Maryland sniper killings are part of an anti-gun conspiracy and also made fun of an annual gun-control rally held here by taking potshots at the young gunshot victims the rally seeks to spotlight." ...

"I'll bet him $5 that if they stuck him in a room with a bunch of other gun nuts that I wouldn't be smart enough to tell the difference."

Could the Beltway Sniper be Stopped by Gun Control?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If the United States had a federal law requiring so-called 'ballistic fingerprinting' of every firearm in the country, could police have already caught the murderer coming to be known as the 'Beltway sniper'? "

"That is the assertion in a message sent to supporters of the group formerly known as Handgun Control, Inc." ...
But it's as dishonest as most any of their other tall tales and outright deceits. What else can we expect from the lying sacks at Bradyland?

WA: Constitution and common law - Anger in Wheat Country
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Very typical mainstream media spin on why a militia is bad, why guns are bad, etc. Points out wacky beliefs like this:

"Among its beliefs, the society and the 'Citizens Rule Book' say jurors don't have to follow a judge's instructions and can decide the law for themselves."


Do any mainstream mediawhore "journalists" ever actually consider studying why America's founders set up the many protections they did? Or do they simply find worshipping illegitimate government "authority" a preferable investment of time?

The Gun-Control Exploitation Society
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gun-control opportunists have wasted no time exploiting the serial sniper shootings as if on a mission to undermine those who insist they be taken seriously."

"Sarah Brady, bless her misguided heart, issued a statement on the sniper shootings, which unmistakably implied that tighter federal gun-control laws could have prevented the killings ("sensible gun laws can ... prevent gun violence"). She said that according to police, the shooter could be using one of four possible firearms, three of which are assault rifles – then warned that the federal assault-weapons ban expires September 2004."

"Putting aside the rampant disinformation out there about what constitutes an assault weapon, Mrs. Brady's argument is flawed." ...

Police weigh multiple killers, vehicles
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Authorities here are now investigating the possibility that the Beltway sniper shootings are the work of multiple shooters using multiple .223-caliber rifles and traveling in multiple white vehicles, WorldNetDaily has learned."

" 'We're looking at that angle,' said Prince Georges County Police Department Detective Paula Pascarella, working on the special ATF task force." ...

Local psychologist believes sniper kills done by terrorists
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The recent sniper shootings in the Washington, D.C., area are probably terrorist attacks rather than the work of a traditional 'spree killer,' according to a local psychologist who specializes in violent behavior." ...

IL: Chicago Rape Mitigation Kit
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Rape is an ugly, degrading, and violent crime. Rapists are usually much bigger and stronger than their female victims, but they're no match for handguns. Handgun Control Incorporated and Richard Daley will tell you, however, that handguns are bad. So here's what you can use when they ban handguns in Northbrook:"

"Much, much cheaper than a handgun!"

"Much lighter, too! Less than an ounce, versus a few pounds for a gun."

"No license needed to carry, even in Chicago!"

"Extra ones can be used for consensual relations with your significant other; extra bullets just go to waste."

"Reduces the risks of unwanted pregnancy, venereal disease, and AIDS that are associated with rape!"

"Ribbed and lubricated for YOUR pleasure, so you can LIE BACK AND ENJOY IT!" ...

Bush Not Mulling New Gun Laws
Submitted by: George Kinslow

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"President Bush is receiving daily briefings on a Washington-area sniper as part of his national security review every morning, but he has not changed his mind on gun control laws nor does he support firearm 'fingerprinting.' " ...

Gun-deaths, Control, And The Doctor
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Recent news reports from out of America's East Coast of a 'sniper' shooting unarmed people in Maryland and Virginia caused me to take a second look at part of an article I'd written earlier in 2000, about a 'star' of the gun control network, Doctor Rebecca Peters, who coincidentally went to Baltimore as soon as her task 'down under' was done." ...

Beltway Shooter May Not Be Using Rifle, Experts Say
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Much attention has been focused on the 'rifle' used to shoot ten people, killing eight of them, in the Washington, D.C., area. But what if the so-called 'Beltway Sniper' isn't using a rifle?"

" 'We're willing, at this point, and able to say that from a 90-percent accuracy, we're dealing with a high-speed-velocity round,' Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose said Oct. 4, the morning after four people were murdered in the same day." ...

IN: New Program Seeks to Reduce Gun Violence in Indianapolis
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Department of Justice, working in collaboration with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, today launched Project Safe Neighborhood. The program aims to reduce gun violence by making sure those who use guns to commit crimes face severe penalties."

"...The idea behind the project is to enforce existing gun laws and to establish a network of law enforcement and community initiatives targeted at gun violence." ...

NY: Race heats up in 4th CD
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Ophthalmologist eyes McCarthy's seat in Congress"

"Marilyn O'Grady, the Republican challenger facing three-term incumbent Democrat Carolyn McCarthy, relishes her role as the underdog in the race for the Fourth Congressional District." ...

Real snipers object to use of 'sniper' name
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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" 'I definitely know they're not snipers, because snipers don't take innocent life,' said Neil Morris, who spent nearly two decades as a Marine sniper and has trained countless military and police sharpshooters from around the world. 'It's the most sane, hardworking, dedicated group of people you'd ever meet in your life. And without us, there'd be a whole lot more harm in this world than there already is.' "
Take FBI's sniper Lon Horiuchi, for example -- who shot an unarmed nursing mother. Now there's a "sane, hardworking, dedicated" sniper for ya.

OH: 8 Ohio Police Officers Face Charges in Death of Prisoner
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Police have filed internal charges against eight current and former officers stemming from the November 2000 death of a black man who died while in police custody."

"City Manager Valerie Lemmie said Monday she called for hearings to determine whether any of the officers should be disciplined for the death of Roger Owensby Jr., 29. Punishment could range from no action to firing. Lemmie will make the final decision on discipline..."

"The officers are accused of violating police department policies governing use of force and securing and handling of prisoners. The charges also include neglect of duty, dishonesty and failure of good behavior."


If armed public servants are guilty of all of these things and their guilt led to the death of a prisoner, how is "firing" a fair or righteous punishment?

When a citizen screws up and the screwup, even if unintentional, ends in the death of a hired government employee, prison is virtually unavoidable.

Equal protection of the law was enacted for several reasons, including to assure that the people were treated as harshly or leniently as the government employees whose paychecks they fund.

SAF: U.S. Supreme Court To Hear Bean Case This Wednesday
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Court Will Define Second Amendment Rights Restoration Nationwide, Says SAF"

"The nation's highest court will hear the Bean case on Wednesday, Oct. 16. This case will decide whether people federally disqualified from firearm possession can ever regain the right to own a firearm through federal means. The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) filed an amicus brief in the case." ...

"This has all the makings of a blockbuster case," said Dave LaCourse, Second Amendment Foundation's (SAF's) Public Affairs Director who will attend the oral arguments tomorrow. "Mr. Bean is a good person caught in an unjust system who has quietly won his rights back before all four judges who have heard his case. Bean should force the high court into recognizing the need for second chances as the lower courts are divided." ...

Traitors, Treason, and the 14th Amendment Lie
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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" 'If ever the American citizen should be left to the free exercise of his own judgment, it is when he is engaged in the work of forming the fundamental law under which he is to live. That work is his work, and it cannot properly be taken out of his hands.' ~ President Andrew Johnson, in his Veto message on the Reconstruction Act of March 2, 1867."

AP Confirms Gazette Stories on Security Warnings at OKC Federal Building
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After seven years of evidence presented by this newspaper that security officials were on a heightened state of alert at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City when a bomb destroyed it in 1995, the Associated Press last week reported officials at the General Services Administration had placed all federal buildings - including the Murrah building - under increased security because of intelligence regarding a bomb plot." ...

Chipping Away At Freedom (fiction - maybe!)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"By 2005, the war on terror had spread throughout the world. The definition of a terrorist had widened. Outspoken academics had their funding withdrawn. Journalists reporting controversial aspects of the war were chastised. Peaceful demonstrators were cut down with capsicum spray and stun batons. Anti-globalization activists were probed by intelligence agencies. Outspoken politicians were assaulted with costly court cases and legal actions." ...

WA: 150 protest police shootings, calling for federal action
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In a four-hour rally-turned-march-turned-vigil, some members of Seattle's black community yesterday intensified their efforts to ensure that nine black men killed by area police in the last nine years are not forgotten." ...

PA: Pistol-packing woman stops alleged rapist
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Police said Charmaine Dunbar, 42, fired her licensed .357-caliber revolver in self-defense on a Homewood street when Wesley came at her with a rifle, possibly intending, they said, for her to become a seventh victim." ...

"Although results have not yet come back from DNA testing that would conclusively link Wesley with the assaults -- police have retrieved DNA samples from the attacker in at least one case -- investigators felt confident enough to charge Wesley with 23 offenses, including two counts of rape and three counts of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse." ...

"Nation must do more to curtail gun trafficking"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A sniper has taken aim, spreading death and fear in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Yet despite this terror campaign, there is no movement from Congress or the administration for tougher gun safety laws."

"This is in sharp contrast to the congressional response to the 1999 Columbine shootings, which led to an immediate Senate vote to require background checks for purchasers at gun shows. Why the difference, and what does it say about the future of gun safety in America?" ...

UK: Pupils urged to inform on problem parents
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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NOTE: Click Here to read this one.
"Pupils as young as 13 are being encouraged to disclose sensitive information about their parents to the Government to help discover why they might be failing at school."

"Details of problems such as drink and drug abuse, depression, eating disorders and frequent domestic rows would be sought by advisers." ...

Kennedy's campaign boosted by sniper fear
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"THE sniper attacks have terrified Maryland, where the killer has struck seven times, but they have boosted the political fortunes of one woman: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, who lost a father and an uncle to assassins’ bullets."

FL: McBride, Bush clash on radio debate
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The two men did agree on one point aimed at scoring points in Florida's more conservative regions north of Orlando: Despite rampant fear of a sniper loose in Washington, D.C., there is no need for stricter gun laws."

" 'We've got plenty of laws,' said McBride, who bragged about wielding a gun during his days as a Marine. 'I understand guns, how important they are for hunters and sportsmen.' " ...

Gun residue test helping officers match weapons to criminals
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Now Detective Sururas has a new weapon to help him fight crime, a gunshot residue detector created by chemical explosives experts. It's called the 'instant ID shooter kit.' "

"When a gun is fired, the shooter is sprayed with an invisible blast of gunpowder by-products. The gunshot ID kit can see the invisible. Police rub a swab over the suspects hands or clothing, then soak it in a solution. If gun residue is present, blue specks will appear on the swab." ...

"No Safe Neighborhoods"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The terrorists began changing our sense of safety. The shooter is finishing the job. There are no safe neighborhoods anymore." ...

CA: Man Killed After Botched King City Armed Robbery
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"King City police discovered commercial shop owner Aziz Mohammed Elmsiyah, 40, suffering from gun shot wounds at Ozzie's Market on S. First Street after an apparent shoot out around 8:30 p.m."

"The alleged suspect, 19-year-old Ernesto Venegas, was located a short time later suffering from gun shot wounds ...

"Officials say it appears that the two men exchanged gunfire during the course of the robbery."
Looks like a clear case of self-defense in gun-free California.

Jamaica: Garrison politics alive and well in Jamaica
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Jamaica (Reuters) -- Tivoli Gardens is one of the toughest neighborhoods in one of the toughest cities in the Caribbean, a slum town with rutted streets and tin shack homes and a police station pocked by bullet holes."

"Heavily armed gang members lurk behind the crumbling walls of this West Kingston village. Piles of garbage line the streets. The idle jobless loiter everywhere."
Armed thugs rule in Jamaica? Where the general populace has been unilaterally disarmed? Gee, how can THAT be?

Students for the Second Amendment of Minnesota to Sponsor Gun-Rights Debate
Submitted by: Students for the Second Amendment of Minnesota

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On Tuesday October 22nd, Students for the Second Amendment of Minnesota will host Suzie Roulette, of the National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action, and a yet-to-be announced Gun Control Activist in a live debate on the subject of gun rights.

Maryland's Refusal to Provide Criminal History Records for FBI Gun Background Checks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"House Judiciary Committee Chairman F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., (R-Wis.) today released documents showing the State of Maryland refused to provide for almost six months earlier this year criminal records for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) that operates the FBI background checks mandated by the Brady Act. This refusal by Maryland -- the only state to do so -- meant the gun background check system run by the FBI did not have the valuable information necessary to prevent criminals from obtaining guns, thereby putting public safety needlessly at risk." ...

The Louis Freeh Filibuster
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Louis Freeh's opening statement this past week in front of the Joint Committee was a prime example of the abuse of time spent in words that have no meaning or purpose except to put the insomniac among us into a long-needed rest. As he droned on and on couching out-right lies among a forest of purposeless rhetoric, I found myself looking for my TV brick. And yet, he was patiently heard….ad-nauseum." ...

Flash Presentation: "The Truth About Ballistic Fingerprinting"
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KABA NOTE: This presentation is excellent and deserves wide distribution. If you do not have a Flash Reader plugin installed in your browser, Click Here to download it so you can see and share this presentation.
Gun control advocates have been trying to exploit the recent DC 'sniper' shootings for political gain. Now reporters are parroting their calls for ballistic fingerprint registration. It's portrayed as an unbeatable crime fighting tool that only criminals would oppose.

However, the media isn't telling you the whole story. Here's The Truth About Ballistic Fingerprinting.

Real snipers resent D.C. shooter
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Here's some more erroneous reporting from supposedly unbiased news (anybody ever heard of Mahwinney? I'm betting most of you know Carlos Hathcock though.) and .30 cal? How about .308.

Micro Nuke used in Bali "Terrorist" Look Alike Attack
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"So far as I am aware, the Muslim world does not yet have access to a sophisticated “Special Atomic Demolition Munitions [SADM]”, one of which certainly went critical in a sewer more than four feet below the road bed outside the Sari club." ...

"Bearing in mind the fact that Bali is a hugely popular destination for Australians, many of whom were killed in the blast, the attack seems aimed at shifting Australian public opinion towards an attack on Iraq, or even an attack on Islam in general." ...

AZ: Mesa fire captain fights drug testing
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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"Capt. Craig Petersen signed an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution when he joined the Mesa Fire Department 26 years ago."

"So when he took the city to court to challenge the department’s policy of 'suspicionless random drug and alcohol' testing of firefighters, he was simply keeping his word, he said." ...

Snipers Cringe at Washington Killer's Spree
Submitted by: George Kinslow

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"To them, the word 'sniper' is a badge of honor and a hallmark of skill. And to them, whoever has been terrorizing the Washington area for the last two weeks is not worthy of the name."
It's about time the news talked to some real snipers!

At least they did not interview Lon "Murders Nursing Mothers" Horiuchi, a famous FBI sniper who slaughtered Randy Weaver's unarmed wife with a headshot from his taxpayer-purchased sniper rifle while her baby suckled at her bosom.

Bombarded by bans
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"If you think, as I do, that we are living in the golden age of dubious legal coercion, there is plenty of evidence to support your view. Take the antismoking movement. After prohibiting most indoor smoking, the activists noticed with alarm that people were still trying to smoke outdoors. So various communities banned lighting up in outdoor movie lines, on beaches, in parks, near a school, or in any publicly owned space." ...

You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence. —CHARLES A. BEARD

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