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Newslinks for 10/17/2003

Reject U.N. Gun Control and U.N. Taxes
Submitted by: P. Jones

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H.R. 3125 would prohibit U.S. taxpayer dollars from being used to support or promote any United Nations' actions that could in any way infringe on the Second Amendment. The legislation also expresses the sense of Congress that proposals to tax, or otherwise limit, the right to keep and bear arms are "reprehensible and deserving of condemnation."

H.R. 3125 was introduced on September 17, 2003 with ten original cosponsors, which is an impressive number to start. But let's make clear to the United Nations, France, China and to any other country what the position of the United States is. Urge your U.S. representative to defend America's Second Amendment by cosponsoring H.R. 3125. To send your message, go to


Democrats to talk up rights of gun owners
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"Democrats are urging their candidates — especially in more conservative states — to talk openly about their support for gun safety laws while telling voters they support the rights of gun owners."

In other news, Colonel Sanders is to talk up the rights of chickens...

Gun Control Gone Global
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"All the signs point to one objective for the Bush administration. Global gun control is the agenda and world domination will be its end result. Today it is Iraq. Will tomorrow find us at odds with the rest of the world? With all the weapons of mass destruction in America's arsenal, will we ever be safe from those that do not trust us with our big guns? What will the United States do when the call goes out for weapons inspectors to come look us over and destroy our guns?"

NHC's firearm collection spans 200 years
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the flintlock to the most modern automatic weapons, the Naval Historical Center documents and maintains a collection representing over 200 years of Navy firearms."

"Because firearms have been such an integral part of the Navy's history, their preservation is an imperative concern for the NHC."

" 'The purpose for the NHC's armory collection is a material reminder of the operational, technical and social aspects that firearms have made in naval history,' said Mark Wertheimer, armory supervisor."

"The earliest is a French naval pistol from the 1770s that was used during the American Revolution, and the most modern is a Russian sniper rifle that was captured in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom."

Deadeye gunner bags 'best in the nation'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don't bother trying to show off crossed-rifle expert badges to Chief Warrant Officer 3 Dennis W. DeMille. He's got it from the nation's top authority on shooting that his trigger time has him right on mark".

"DeMille, officer-in-charge of Camp Pendleton's Wilcox Range, took home the 2003 National Rifle Association's High Power Rifle Championship at Camp Perry, Ohio, Aug. 14. Instead of showing off rifle badges these days, he's showing off a shiny DuPont Trophy marking his status as a national champion."

"The trophy, first donated to the NRA in 1923, depicts a medieval military bowman, arrow nocked, readied for flight. It was first awarded to a Marine - Gunnery Sgt. Morris Fisher - 80 years ago."

Call TODAY to Protect Victims' Rights (Action Alert)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Contact your U.S. Senators TODAY and ask them to oppose S. 659 and support a filibuster of S. 659."

"S. 659 is dangerous special interest legislation would take away the legal rights of gun violence victims and give sweeping legal immunity to the gun industry -- immunity that no other industry enjoys."

"This legislation is unconscionable in light of the gun violence that continues to take a terrible toll on our nation. Across the country, judges have upheld the right of gun violence victims to hold negligent gun manufacturers and dealers accountable for their reckless and irresponsible actions."

No, what is unconscionable is trying to sue legitimate businesses out of existence with frivolous and irresponsible legal action.

Courts Reject Lawsuits Against Gun Makers (NRA Fact Sheet)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"More than two dozen cities and counties have filed suit against the firearms industry for law enforcement and public health expenses those localities say they incur from gun injuries and deaths. Court after court, including the U.S. Supreme Court and three state Supreme Courts, have rejected these lawsuits." ...

"...Their "public nuisance" claims allege that manufacturers have created a public nuisance by flooding the market, in areas with less-restrictive gun control laws, so that the criminals in other areas can gain access to guns. This theory is severely flawed on several counts, chief among them the belief that gun control laws prevent crime and that, somehow, criminals will obey such laws." ...

Man arrested for unchecked shotgun in suitcase bound for Mexico
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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CHICAGO -- Chicago police say they arrested an Ohio man at O'Hare International Airport for having an undeclared shotgun in his checked luggage.

Mario Roldan, 53, of Coldwater, Ohio, was arrested Saturday and charged with boarding an aircraft with a concealed weapon.

Police said security screeners spotted the shotgun in Roldan's suitcase while transferring it from a United Airlines flight to a Mexico City-bound Mexicana flight.

Roldan later told police he didn't know he had to declare the weapon.

Family members said Roldan travels to his native town in Mexico every year to attend a fiesta and to hunt rabbits.


In this day and age, if you are going to check luggage that has a firearm in it, declare it. If you don't, you are inviting arrest. Once upon a time, whatever you had in your suitcase was your business. That day has passed -- for now.

Kenya: Murder victims disarmed by government were abducted by thugs who ignored gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Somali MP and two Kenyans who were found murdered in a forest had earlier been kidnapped from the city centre by four gunmen."

"The three were seized from the politician's electronics shop in the city centre on Saturday evening."

"The gunmen burst into Mr Ibrahim Ali Abdulleh's shop at 6pm as he was supervising his two Kenyan employees, who were arranging cartons of mobile telephones."

"When the gunmen walked in, they whipped out pistols and ordered their victims to freeze. The assailants ransacked the shop for about seven minutes. It is not known what they were looking for."

"The bodies were on Sunday found dumped in Oloolua Forest, near Ngong." ...

Sheriff’s office to release videotape of Columbine killers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colorado -- A videotape of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold will be released later this week, according to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

The video, which was taken in a forested area in Douglas County, shows Harris, Klebold and others shooting handguns, rifles and a shotgun. They were using bowling pins and trees as target.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's office says the video was not part of the investigation into the 1999 massacre at the school.

There is graphic language on the tape. It will be released on Wednesday.


If this video merely showing these murderous thugs shooting guns and cursing and wasn't any part of the investigation, why are they releasing it? Is this a concession on the part of the authorities, to the families-turned-gun-prohibitionists? From how it sounds here, this appears to be nothing more than a gun-demonization tool to put the Columbine Massacre back into the spotlight one more time.

Zambia: Five Suspected Taxi Driver Killers Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE have arrested five suspected dangerous criminals in connection with the killing of a taxi driver in Lusaka's Kabwata site and service last week."

"Police have also recovered an AK47 rifle which is suspected to have been used. A Toyota Corolla which was stolen from the late William Tembo had also been recovered."

Killings and crime sprees in Africa appear to be on the rise, but the petty dictatorial oppressors who run those nations aim to disarm peaceable citizens and leave them at the mercy of armed thugs.

MO: SAF says anti-gun Missouri police chief should shelve confiscation plan
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) today said Hazelwood, MO Police Chief Carl Wolf should set his personal anti-gun politics aside and shelve an order to have his officers seize firearms from motorists they encounter in routine traffic stops, when the state’s concealed carry law takes effect."

"SAF obtained a copy of Chief Wolf’s memorandum to his officers, ordering them to check any firearm they find in any vehicle they stop, to determine whether it is lost or stolen, and finally, 'Officers shall then seize the firearm, package as evidence, and forward the firearm…to the St. Louis County Firearms Lab, to determine if the firearm has been used in the commission of a crime.' "

UT: CCRKBA Calls on Anti-Gun Salt Lake City Police Chief to Resign
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Following the announcement by Salt Lake City, Utah Police Chief Charles F. 'Rick' Dinse that he has accepted a position on the board of directors of the Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah (GVPC), an organization with links to various extremist anti-gun groups, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) called on him to step down from his law enforcement job."

"By joining the board of an outspoken anti-gun-rights organization, Chief Dinse has made it abundantly clear that he cannot fulfill his obligation to enforce the laws of Utah, including its sensible concealed carry law, fairly and objectively... If he wants to get into politics, he needs to get out of law enforcement."

Group Threatens Lawsuit Against U.S. Park Service
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An animal-rights group is threatening to sue the National Park Service for adopting an 'interim final rule' last month allowing hunting to continue in the New River Gorge National River without allegedly first holding public hearings or conducting an environmental impact analysis."

"Threatening the suit is The Fund for Animals, which describes itself on its Web site ( as 'a leading opponent of sport hunting, commercial trapping and other egregious acts of cruelty to wild animals.' The fund was founded in 1967 by author Cleveland Amory."

Kenya: Gangsters Grab Sh13m in Lightning Bank Raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four gunmen burst into a city bank and walked away with Sh12.9 million in a seven-minute raid."

"No shots were fired during the raid at Diamond Trust located in the compound of the Aga Khan Hospital, Nairobi."

"The gangsters walked into the bank at 2.15 pm on Tuesday posing as customers."

"After a brief stay at the banking hall, they whipped out pistols and ordered the few customers and the staff to raise their hands."

"A senior police source said the gunmen herded the hostages into a room and ordered them to lie down."

"One of the robbers guarded the hostages while the others ordered the manager to open the strongroom where they stuffed Sh10 million and $38,000 (Sh2,964,000) in paper bags."

UK: Snapshot of the gun gangs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SPECIAL team of detectives is developing the most detailed picture ever of gun use by Manchester gangsters."

"Each time a firearm is used in a crime in the city the forensic details are put onto a unique database."

"It chronicles where the incident happened, when, and in what circumstances."

"And ballistics checks on the bullets fired and their casings identifies and cross-checks which weapons were used."

"It is hoped the results will reveal exactly which firearms, and how many, are available to criminals in Manchester today."

"The unit was set up a decade ago following an explosion in gang killings in and around the Moss Side area."

Philippines: Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) exec killed in QC ambush
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A HIGH-RANKING official of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) was killed in an ambush near his house in Project 6, Quezon City Thursday morning, GMA Network's radio station dzBB reported."

"Armando Rosimo, director of the BIR Tax Fraud Division at the bureau's central office, was on his way to work aboard his maroon Honda Civic sedan (license plate number UHS 719) when at least three gunmen, armed with .45-caliber pistols, shot him, the report said."

"Witnesses were quoted as saying that they heard three gunshots. The report said Rosimo sustained multiple gunshot wounds, including one to the head. He died on the spot."

They can't protect their own officials, but they want citizens disarmed.

CO: DA decides not to press charges against officer in fatal shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The family of a 15-year-old developmentally disabled teenager fatally shot by a police officer, reacted with dismay to Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter’s decision not to file charges against the officer."

"Paul Childs was shot to death July 5 by Officer James Turney. Childs’ sister had called police after her brother threatened their mother with a knife. When police arrived at the home, they told Childs to drop the knife. He refused and Turney fired." ...

"The Childs family said they had heard other officers calling for a taser, a non-lethal device used to subdue suspects, before Turney fired his gun. The family said that there was also no need to shoot, since no one except Paul Childs was inside the house at that point. Turney was the officer standing closest to Childs."

CA: Cop hit with charges of sex assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An 8-year-veteran of The City's police department was arrested Wednesday for allegedly sexually assaulting a 28-year-old woman while in uniform during a routine call on Oct. 1."

"Officer Steven Redd was booked on four counts of sexual battery and one count of penetration by a foreign object after being stripped of his badge and gun and placed on unpaid leave. He is being held on $300,000 bail and is expected to be arraigned today."

But Sarah Brady and Bob Herbert of the New York Times, who claims he's not anti-gun, say only guys like this should have guns.

PA: 13-Year-Old Placed Under House Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 13-year-old Berks County boy has been placed on house arrest for bringing an antique pistol to a high school football game.

He allegedly intended to confront a boy who had been bullying him. The boy, whose named has not been released, was assigned an electronic monitoring device as Judge Arthur Grim found him delinquent on charges of simple assault and possessing a weapon on school property.

Police said the boy arrived at an Exeter High School football game on Sept. 26 planning to fight another teen. He threw the 100-year-old gun into some bushes as the two fought, but the gun was retrieved by another boy who brought it to police and gave officers the suspect's name.

Police said the 13-year-old suspect was walking after the game with a friend who was robbed at knifepoint by a 16-year-old boy.

Nigeria: Robbers Attack Bus Passengers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bayelsa State-bound travellers had a horrific experience penultimate Tuesday, when they were robbed by three armed robbers."

"PMNews investigation revealed that the robbers boarded the 18-seater bus bound for Yenagoa from the motor park in Port Harcourt and mid-way into the journey robbed passengers of their valuables." ...

"Prince Forun attributed the safety of the passengers to God. He called on the police to do something about the rampant cases of highway robberies in the state."

Perhaps if the police stopped enforcing the victim disarmament laws, the robbers would get their due?

OH: 'Solo open-carry in Ohio - a 3-cop encounter'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Took the dog for a walk again today [while openly carrying a loaded firearm]. Was about 150 ft. from the end of the walk when a police car with lights on pulls up in front of me. I knew instantly what it was about."

"As I approached, he asked why I had a gun. I said because I can open carry in Ohio. He said no, that it wasn't legal in Ohio. I insisted that it was and referenced Klein vs. Leis and that the Supreme Court ruled I can. He asked to take possession of my gun and I allowed him to."

OH: Ohio concealed carry fight aired on Rush Limbaugh program
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohio's Troubles with Liberal Republicans Brings National Attention to Concealed Carry Issue."

"On Tuesday, guest host Tom Sullivan latched on to a Wall Street Journal editorial about the burgeoning sales tax revolt in Ohio, and raised the larger subject of liberal Republican politics in Ohio, drawing a parallel to the plight of Californians under former Governor Gray Davis."

"A caller delivered the whole scoop on Taft and the General Assembly, and worked in the concealed carry fight."

VA: Desperate police chief wants volunteer "cops"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"They would carry guns. They would help with shootings and homicides. They would put themselves in harm's way and have all the powers of a regular police officer."

"They just wouldn't be paid."

"But after hearing the outline of the plan, Robert Richardson, president of the F.O.P. in Richmond, said he had some reservations." ...

" 'It takes years for a police officer to become really proficient in their job. There's only so much commitment you can demand out of a volunteer,' he said."

VA: News editor to address "balance" in democracy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Fareed Zakaria believes that too much democracy can be dangerous." ...

" 'To govern is to choose. California is the most extreme case of direct democracy.' He has a suggestion for Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger: Convene a constitutional convention and place restrictions on the state's hyperactive system of voter initiatives and referendums."

Two words: Constitutional Republic

New Zealand: Hostage tells of gunman's 'one more victim' threat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man held hostage by an armed man has told how his captor said he did not expect to see another day, and 'one more victim was neither here or there'."

"Ian Miller was giving evidence at the depositions hearing of Antonie Ronnie Dixon in the Manukau District Court."

"He said Dixon burst into his bedroom in his home in Flat Bush, Manukau City, early one morning with a home-made pistol and told him to behave or things would get messy."

"Dixon told him he had already shot someone and chopped his girlfriend's hand off."

And increased gun control would prevent this psycho from committing crimes how?

UK: Another Victim of Disarmament
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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[Original Title: Victim was a happy family man who had no enemies]

"BILLY Fargher died with the words: 'Why me, why me?'."

"A decent hard-working family man, he was callously gunned down by assassins who mistook him for a criminal rival."

"It emerged that Billy was killed because he got out of a van the same colour as one used by the intended victim."

"He was walking to his local pub for a pint when the gang, led by 39-year-old gangster David Donnell, ambushed him."

"The tragic victim was blasted twice in the chest with a shotgun."

"Hard-working Billy, who managed a fast-food takeaway shop was a well-liked man with a family, plenty of friends, no criminal record or connections with the underworld."

South Africa: Man held after robbery bid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A man was arrested in Rooihuiskraal, south of Pretoria, after he and an accomplice allegedly tried to rob a couple of their household goods, police said on Thursday.

Inspector Anton Breedt said the man approached the couple on Wednesday as they arrived at their home in Rooihuiskraal about 09:30. They were forced into the house.

Two other men arrived and al three started loading household goods into a car, said Breedt.

He said the three were disrupted and drove off in a car belonging to the couple.

They abandoned the vehicle in a cul de sac.

Police arrested one man, seized a 9mm pistol without a serial number and recovered the abandoned car.

CO: Cops: Video of shooters will be released to public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jefferson County authorities decided Wednesday to release a videotape next week of killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold firing their guns at a makeshift shooting range in Douglas County."

"The so-called Rampart Range video shows Harris and Klebold and others firing guns six weeks before the April 20, 1999, attack at Columbine High School."

"The videotapes were used as part of the case against Mark Manes and Philip Duran, two friends who got Harris and Klebold one of their guns."

"Officials also began contacting the families of victims to let them know. The tape should be available Wednesday, said sheriff's spokesman Jim Shires."

South Africa: Mystery caller helps cops catch robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men were allegedly caught in the process of committing armed robbery by police in McKenzie Park, Benoni, early on Thursday morning, police said."

"Responding to a call from an unidentified person, several police units rushed to a McKenzie Park house where a husband, wife, and two children were being threatened by two armed robbers, said Superintendent Eugene Opperman."

"Opperman said the robbers were not aware of their presence until Inspector Allister Subramanian, who had quietly entered the house, was standing in front of them."

This family got lucky this time. But it's folly to depend on cops conveniently being dispatched for your protection and not take armed personal responsibility for your safety.

Ghana: Police Raid Tony Aidoo’s Residence [Third and Fifth Items on Page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police officers, numbering 17, in the early hours of yesterday, raided the Weija home of former Minister of Defence, Dr. Tony Aidoo, and retrieved an unlicensed pistol from him. The police asked him to report to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Police Headquarters at 11 a.m. yesterday. – Evening News " ...

"Bugri - Dr. Tony Aidoo was once a Deputy Minister of Defence, so he should have understood the law better and licensed the pistol in his house. He should be arrested and granted bail for possessing an illegal weapon."

Jamaica: Jamaican [government] hit squads
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Around 150 are shot dead very year. Among the victims, teenage girls and boys, innocent mothers and fathers. There have been no convictions for murder."

"An inquiry by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has confirmed for the first time that police have been executing civilians."

"But now the Carribean Island's Government, which is witnessing a surge in violent crime is under severe domestic and international pressure to reign in those law enforcers who've been delivering their own lethal form of justice with apparent impunity."

In Jamaica, only cops and the elite have guns. This is the "paradise" extolled by Sarah Brady, MMM, VPC, etc..

NM: APS Police Will Have Guns Before, After School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Albuquerque school district's 29-member police force soon will be carrying guns before and after school and at sporting events and other evening activities."

"But they won't be armed in the school halls."

"Gil Lovato, chief of the Albuquerque Public Schools force, said that if there's a shooter on a campus, the police would be given the authority to stop the shooting — even if it meant sending in armed officers during school hours."

And how many schoolchildren will die waiting for your "armed officers" to arrive?

Jailhouse vote: President Gore?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Republican Party's tough-on-crime position may be paying off in unexpected ways: A recent review of U.S. elections concluded that if felons could vote, Al Gore would be in the White House and Democrats would have ruled the U.S. Senate since 1986."

OH: Cleveland cowboy action shooters to join Lorain 'Defense' Walkers
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohio's largest cowboy action shooting club, The Firelands Peacemakers, has notified Lorain 'Defense' Walk organizer Dan White that their members will join other Clevelanders who plan to openly carry firearms this Sunday in a visual display of the choice Ohioans have before them as a result of the Supreme Court ruling which upheld a ban on concealing a firearm for self-defense."

" 'Opponents of concealed carry legislation are fond of claiming a CCW reform law will make Ohio like the Wild West', said Ken Wilson, President of The Firelands Peacemakers. 'Ohio already IS the Wild West (open carry, Vermont-style), thanks to the state Supreme Court and current Ohio law.' "

CA: Authorities would rather raise taxes than allow RKBA
Submitted by: JT Hayes

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"Law enforcement officials used a slight increase in California crime this year to argue Wednesday that they need the $4.2 billion generated by the car tax Gov.-elect Arnold Schwarzenegger pledges to roll back."

"The California Crime Index leveled off at a 0.9 percent increase, similar to the 1.3 percent and 1.2 percent increases recorded in the first halves of 2000 and 2001, respectively. It was sharply lower than the 7.5 percent increase in the first half of 2002 that triggered fears of a resurgence in crime after a decade of declines."

"Every major crime except auto theft decreased or stayed the same the first six months of this year despite economic uncertainty crime experts had expected might produce a significant boost, according to preliminary statistics released Wednesday for the state’s most populous areas."

UK: Gun crime rises in England and Wales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun crime in England and Wales has continued to rise in the year up to March but at a significantly slower pace than in the previous year, the government says."

"Against a backdrop of a spate of fatal shootings that have dominated headlines, the government said on Thursday firearm offences rose about three percent in the year to March to about 10,250 cases, according to provisional figures."

"That compares with a rise of 35 percent in gun crime in the previous 12-month period, suggesting the growth is levelling out."

"While the risk of a fatal shooting in England and Wales remains one of the lowest in the world, a number of recent high-profile shootings have heightened public fears."

Doubtless this will prove the efficacy of the latest gun control idiocy.

Australia: Greens fume over 'gun-toting' Bush security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal politicians have had a heated argument about extra security measures for the visit of US President George W. Bush to Canberra next week."

"The Greens have demanded to know whether foreign security officers will be allowed to bring guns in to Parliament House."

"Parliament House will be virtually locked down next Thursday for the visit of Mr. Bush."

"There will be no public access and some MPs and Senators have already expressed their concern with the arrangements."

"Now Greens Senator Bob Brown wants to know if the Government is allowing armed foreign agents into the building."

" 'If so, that is repugnant, it is not acceptable,' Senator Brown said."

"We do not need gun-toting people sheriffing over us in this Parliament."

OH: County inmate with gun also had cash, cell phone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prentiss Williams was equipped more than your average inmate the night before he was scheduled to appear in court again on charges in three murders."

"The 24-year-old had a loaded handgun, $245 in cash, and a cell phone, albeit a dead one."

"Lucas County jail officials were still searching yesterday for answers on how and why Williams got the items - especially the 9mm semiautomatic gun he twice fired at a corrections officer after he went to a maintenance closet to empty a mop bucket Tuesday night."

"The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives is running an emergency track on the gun to trace its history and origin."

Japan: Man grabs cop's gun, shoots himself in head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot himself with a gun he grabbed from a police officer in an attempted suicide after being questioned over allegations he hit a bar operator Thursday, police said."

"The 30-year-old man from Tokyo's Edogawa-ku, whose name is being withheld, was taken to a police box in Ichikawa, Chiba Prefecture, after he allegedly hit the operator of a local bar at about 3:30 a.m., Thursday."

"After a 24-year-old officer finished questioning him at the police box, he abruptly hugged the officer from behind and took his gun from the waist holster, officers said."

But only cops should have guns, because they are better trained at retaining them and keeping them away from criminals, right?

Australia: Shadow Attorney-General supports calls for gun court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The New South Wales Opposition has pressured the Government to debate the establishment of a gun court to provide more consistency in sentencing.

Opposition leader John Brogden today proposed the trial of a gun court, saying it would provide expertise with specialised judges and prosecutors.

He says that similar courts have worked overseas.

Today in Parliament the Shadow Attorney-General Andrew Tink said there has been too much leniency and a dedicated judge would provide tougher sentences.

"The Government's got a drug court, the Government's got an environment court, the Government needs a specialised gun court," he said.

A Government spokesman says overseas courts have not been properly evaluated but says the Government is open to the idea.


UK: Rise in gun crime slashed [Another view]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE horrifying rise in gun crime across Britain appears to be over, according to government figures released today." -- [But gun crime is still much higher than before the ban]

"And Greater Manchester is leading the way, with a massive reduction in firearms offences promised by senior officers."

"Figures from the Home Office show that gun crime was up three per cent in the year up to March 2003."

"But this compares favourably with a massive leap the previous year of 35 per cent, suggesting gun crime is 'levelling out'."

"It has always been accepted that the vast majority of armed criminals operate in cities such as Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham, Birmingham and London. Now Manchester is showing a general reduction."

OK: Store owner shoots intruder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ardmore store owner shot a man attempting to break into his Carter Street store early Wednesday morning."

"Capt. Leroy Johnson, Ardmore Police Department Criminal Investigation Division, said the shooting occurred about 12:30 a.m. at Shop and Tackle."

" 'We received a call a person was trying to break into the store through the glass door,' Johnson said. 'The owner (George West), who sleeps at the store, grabbed a gun and fired three rounds at the man from inside the store. The suspect jumped in a vehicle and fled. At that point, Mr. West went outside and fired two more shots at the car.' "

Australia: Evidence of return fire in feud killings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evidence of return fire has emerged during investigations into Tuesday's double murder in which a volley of bullets was fired into a Greenacre home."

"A senior investigator attached to Strike Force Grapple said yesterday it appeared shots were fired from inside the Lawson Street property during the 3.15am attack by three gunmen in balaclavas in the street outside."

"Mervat 'Melissa' Nerma, 22, a mother of two young children, and a family friend, Ziad 'Ziggy' Razzak, 24, died in the attack."

"Ms. Nerma was asleep in a bedroom while Mr. Razzak was shot in the head and neck as he watched television with Ms. Nerma's husband, Ali Hamka, who survived."

In "gun-free" Australia!

MD: Towers residents demand security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 200 College Park Towers residents have signed a petition demanding the apartment complex's management hire armed security guards during the weekends after a string of violent crimes have shaken residents' confidence in their safety in the buildings."

"Senior criminology and criminal justice major Eva Hochman started the petition three days ago in response to the incidents that have made the Towers a recent hub for criminal activity."

From the U MD Code of Student Conduct:

The following misconduct is subject to disciplinary action:

b. unauthorized use, possession or storage of any weapon on University premises or at University sponsored activities.

Is it any wonder criminals are finding disarmed, easy prey there?

UK: MPs call for action over replica guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE battle against the menace of fake guns has been taken up by the area's MPS."

"David Hinchliffe, Barry Sheerman and Kali Mountford have promised to seek talks at the highest level."

"The move comes after we revealed on the front page of yesterday's Examiner how we bought a replica Uzi machine gun in Huddersfield town centre for £80 to show how easy it is."

"The MPs want more action from Home Secretary David Blunkett, following concerns raised by Chief Supt John Holt, the head of Huddersfield police."

"He is worried that more and more replica guns are being used in crimes in the town."

UK: Stop and search crackdown on streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE officers and politicians joined forces at the weekend in a bid to drive out hardcore gangs of thugs and small time criminals trying to turn west Reading into a battleground."

"In the wake of this month's drive-by shootings, neighbours found Reading West MP Martin Salter, Chief Superintendent Dave Murray and borough councillors on their doorsteps delivering 700 letters pleading for their help." ...

"The letters called on neighbours to pass on to police anything they hear about criminal activity. It explained every officer now has stop and search powers to use in the Oxford Road area which 'will continue for as long as necessary to cut gun crime in the community'." [Emphasis added]

Subjects have no rights.

OH: Thanks for saving the day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rahlin Watson, Max Casto and Brandon Cabiness all play on Lincoln Middle School's football team."

"Their parents credit the discipline they've learned on the field and God for giving the boys the strength to tell a teacher about a 13-year-old student who allegedly loaded a .22-caliber gun in the boy's restroom on Monday and pointed it at the three students."

" 'We just have wonderful young men, and we've taught them to make the right decisions,' said Rebecca Crawford, Casto's mother."

"The boy who brought the gun to school allegedly threatened to shoot a teacher and an elementary school student in his neighborhood. He was disarmed by Principal Sheila Hiles, arrested by Newark police and later charged with two felonies."

UK: Neighbours Hear Man Shot Dead in Flat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A murder hunt was underway today after a man was gunned down in his flat."

"The 53-year-old was shot several times at the property in Abbey Street, Bermondsey, south east London, Scotland Yard said."

"The shooting comes on the day Home Office figures showed gun crime rose by 3% in the year up to April while violent crime increased 9% in just three months from April to June."

"Police were called to the Bermondsey flat at around 1am after neighbours heard shots."

"The victim, who is white, was found near the door of his home and was declared dead at the scene."

Another disarmed subject in gun-free UK.

UK: Gunsmith Targeted to Cut off Arms Supply – Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Detectives arrested a highly respected gunsmith and firearms expert to undermine the activities of a major 'untouchable' gun dealer, a jury was told today."

"Richard Ashley, 57, was targeted as a means of curtailing the operations of firearms dealer Tony Slatter, Ipswich Crown Court heard."

"Ashley, who lectured on firearms and weapons to soldiers and was employed as an armourer by Suffolk and Norfolk Police, denies five charges of possessing prohibited weapons without the authority of the Home Secretary."

"Prosecutors accept that he was an authorised gun dealer licensed to keep highly dangerous firearms."

"But they say he kept weapons that he was not licensed to keep and had more firearms than his licences permitted."

The writings of scholars who have written on the subject are virtually united on the point that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, not simply the state national guards. — PROFESSOR GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS

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