Mike Wallace's anti-gun advocacy challenged -- CBS News questioned about reporter's appearance at Brady fund-raiser
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"CBS News' ethical standards are being challenged after veteran reporter Mike Wallace's appearance at an anti-gun Brady Center fund-raiser in Washington, D.C., last month."
"At the event, held at the French Embassy, Wallace played a clip of his '60 Minutes' interview with then-NRA president Charlton Heston, whom he described as the 'self-righteous enemy of the Jim and Sarah Brady Bunch,' reported blogger and radio host Cam Edwards at NRANews.com."
"Edwards said that afterwards, Wallace mocked Heston by holding up his hands, as if holding a rifle, and saying, 'in my dead hands ... remember when he used to hold up ... ' as the crowd tittered." ... |
Continue To Urge Passage Of S. 397 In U.S. House (NRA-ILA)
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"As you know, the passage of S. 397--the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act'--by the U.S. Senate represents a great victory and a vitally important first step toward ending the anti-gun lobby's shameless attempts to bankrupt the firearm industry through reckless, predatory lawsuits. ..." ...
"We can and will achieve our mutual goal of finally enacting this common sense law, but only with your continued assistance. Please help us finish the job once and for all by contacting your U.S. Representative in Washington and urging him/her to support the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act' as passed by the Senate." -------
Submitter's Note: Complete with "reasonable restrictions". |
FEMA Gun Ban Yet Another Slap For Louisiana Gun Owners
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"Under pressure from NRA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is 'reconsidering' a ban on the possession of firearms in the trailer parks providing homes for hundreds of families left homeless by hurricane Katrina."
"As the experience on the streets of New Orleans showed us, there is a demonstrable need to protect life and family after a disaster. Yet ... FEMA has had a general policy for several years to prohibit guns at such parks anywhere in the country."
"The AP also reported that FEMA spokesman Butch Kinerney said that they were 'trying to figure out who wrote the rules and what the intent was.' The result, however, is clear--600 families were deprived of the option of keeping a firearm for self-defense." ... |
FL: Open season on truth
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"It's tourist season. Can we shoot them?"
"This is what the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence would have you believe. The Brady Campaign has very publicly promoted its efforts to warn innocent tourists that their lives are in danger if they choose to vacation in the Sunshine State. This propaganda campaign was sparked by Florida's passage of a self-defense act, which took effect Oct. 1." ... |
PA: Man shot in hip during confrontation in woods
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"Police believe Ronald Medved had a score to settle when he went up into the woods along Little Pine Creek Road in Shaler before dawn Friday, carrying a 3-foot metal pipe to the spot where he knew Bryan Meier regularly hunted."
"What Medved didn't know was that in addition to a hunting bow, Meier was carrying a pistol."
"Medved ... was in critical condition at Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh's Uptown section yesterday, after Meier shot him in the hip ..."
"Meier ... was charged with aggravated assault. Though he is licensed to carry the pistol, Meier could face charges of violating state game laws because he had the gun while bow hunting." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Time to pass a "Stand Your Ground" law in PA? |
CO: Student faces court for gun
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"A Montezuma-Cortez High School sophomore is scheduled to appear in juvenile court Wednesday after being charged by the 22nd Judicial District Attorney's office with three counts of handgun possession."
"Charges were filed Sept. 22 against a 16-year-old male that consist of handgun possession by a juvenile and carrying a concealed weapon, both Class 2 misdemeanors. A more serious charge, possession of a weapon on school grounds, is a Class 6 felony."
"'The individual was alleged of having the gun in his locker at school,' said Deputy District Attorney Mac Myers, who added that the maximum potential penalty for the youth is two years in a detention facility or probation." ... |
TX: Tip leads to discovery of handgun
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NOTE: Use the following information to access this article: Site username: Newslinks Site password: Newslinks Must have cookies turned on for it to work. -------
"Amarillo Police officers arrested two 14-year-old boys Thursday afternoon after reportedly having a loaded handgun in a backpack at Palo Duro High School."
"There was no indication the students had any intention of using the firearm, police said Friday."
"Student Crime Stoppers, which is run by area high-school students, received a tip about the .22-caliber, semi-automatic handgun about 1:45 p.m. Thursday, which was then forwarded to school-liaison officers at Palo Duro, according to an Amarillo Police Department report."
"Officers began to search for the students and after following several leads, along with another tip from Student Crime Stoppers, they found the two students sitting in a class." ... |
WI: New push made for concealed carry
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"When the Wisconsin Supreme Court two years ago ruled that people had a limited right to carry concealed weapons, it urged the Legislature to clarify state law on the matter."
"With an earlier bill thwarted by Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle's veto, Republican lawmakers are again pushing a measure that would create permits for concealed weapons - and warning that if it doesn't become law, the courts could throw out the state's statute barring concealed weapons." ... |
WI: Wisconsin Hunting Traditions Threatened Please Attend Hearing!
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"Assembly Bill 677, a bill that would remove barriers to beginning hunters, is scheduled for a hearing in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee on Wednesday, October 19. Please attend the hearing and show your support for this critical legislation."
"Assembly Natural Resources Committee"
"Wednesday, October 19 @ 10:00 a.m."
"State Capitol Building, Room 417 North"
"**If you’re unable to attend the hearing, please contact your State Representative at (800) 362-9472 and ask him/her to support the measure."
"AB 677 would allow anyone who wants to try hunting to do so before taking a hunter safety course, as long as they are supervised by an experienced licensed hunter. ..." ... |
AK: Gun rights boom in Alaska
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"Starting Wednesday, a new anti-gun-control law in Alaska will allow the carrying of concealed weapons without a permit, even in the seven Alaska cities where permits are now required."
"Keeping a firearm in a vehicle, even if it is parked on property where the owner has a no-gun policy, will be allowed."
"And, some police chiefs say, local ordinances that ban guns from public buildings will no longer be enforceable."
"Alaska's new law forbids municipalities from passing gun laws that are more restrictive than state law." ... |
CA: Proposition H Dangerous for San Francisco
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"Supporters of Proposition H make six assumptions, all false:"
"1. That the killers will either turn in their guns or take them out of the city. "
"Why would they, when they've already proven they don't mind violating gun laws?"
"The police know this won't happen, and it's one of the reasons the SF Police Officers Association and the Association of Retired Peace Officers are among the 15 civic organizations on record opposing H."
"2. That passing H will reduce the number of guns on the streets."
"Why would it, when those carrying guns on the streets are not law-abiding to begin with?"
"Proposition H will disarm only HONEST citizens."
"Washington D.C.'s murder rate TRIPLED after passing a similar measure ..." ... |
More Tumult Besets Guard Unit in Iraq
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"Three California Army National Guard sergeants have been imprisoned and four other soldiers sentenced to hard labor for their role in abusing Iraqi nationals who were taken into custody near Baghdad and apparently mistaken for insurgents."
"The sentences mark the latest development in a tumultuous period for the 1st Battalion of the National Guard's 184th Infantry Regiment."
"The battalion has been the subject of a wide-ranging investigation into allegations of misconduct over the last year. In the last month, it has been involved in a spate of violent encounters with insurgents and suicide bombers, leaving four soldiers dead. ..." ... |
CA: POA Opposes Proposition H: San Francisco’s Gun Ban Initiative
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"The San Francisco Gun Ban Initiative (Proposition H) will appear on the next election ballot in November. Several supervisors have touted the ban as a step in curbing violence and increasing public safety. The San Francisco Police Officers Association (POA), representing men and women dedicated to a life of service to public safety, must evaluate any legislative effort affecting its membership. After careful review and analysis, the POA does not support the proposed ballot initiative that would nullify the personal choice of city residents to lawfully possess a handgun for self-defense purposes." ... |
MN: Investigation helps inspire change
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"A 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS investigation exposed the state ignoring evidence that could help put violent felons behind bars. They're not ignoring it anymore. After our story aired, state officials changed their minds."
"The law couldn't be more clear. Convicted violent felons don't get to touch a gun... ever. But we uncovered evidence that hundreds of violent felons may be breaking that law. ..."
"Get convicted of a violent crime and The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension keeps a record."
"Get a license to shoot deer and the Department of Natural Resources keeps that record."
"Find the same person in both and you've found evidence of a possible crime. When we did it we found more than 150 matches. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Besides, it gives you a chance to look "tough on crime" without actually entailing much risk ... |
VA: Inmate: Guard fathered her child
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"A state inmate, behind bars for 10 years and now two months pregnant, says the father is a Virginia Department of Corrections officer."
"Sharon Montrey, reached by telephone at the Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women Thursday, said she had sex with the officer for money and other favors while being held at the Pocahontas Correctional Unit."
"Another inmate, formerly at Pocahontas, said that she complained about being sexually harassed by the same officer last year. Her complaint was ignored and she said she was immediately transferred to another prison."
"Montrey claims she had sexual relations with the officer a dozen or more times over a six-month period. It would occur in an office at Pocahontas." ... |
TX: Jury finds officer responsible, but not liable for, traffic stop death
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"A federal jury has found that a deputy constable who fatally shot a man during a Houston traffic stop violated the victim's civil rights but is shielded from liability by the law."
"The verdict in the wrongful death suit was announced yesterday, one day after the eight-member jury returned the decision."
"Matthew McCord, a deputy in the Harris County Precinct 1 constable's office, shot Melvin Romero after stopping the 20-year-old Honduras native for speeding on July 11th, 2002. Defense attorneys argued that McCord felt a gun while searching Romero and opened fire when the man reached for it."
"Jurors found that the deputy mishandled the situation but should not be held liable because he feared for his life." ... |
OR: Stray bullets startle neighbors -- A gunfight between a teen suspect and police sends 43 bullets into North Portland neighborhood
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"Residents in the area of Wednesday night's police shootout with a teenage suspect are disturbed by the number of bullet holes they've found in their North Portland homes from the gun battle."
"'They shoot my house all over the place,' said Debel Andre, who found six bullet holes in his home at North Fremont Street and Gantenbein Avenue."
"At least two shots hit the upper floors. One bullet penetrated the wall of his 10-year-old daughter's third-floor room as she slept."
"'I'm not in a war zone, you know. I'm not in Iraq,' said Andre, who came to the United States from Haiti 12 years ago."
"'If it was one bullet, I might be able to understand. But it's six. I'm not happy about it at all.'" ... |
Mexico: Law officers are arrested in Tijuana
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"Mexican authorities arrested five law enforcement officers and another man Thursday night after finding them with assault rifles, hundreds of cartridges and 25 cell phones."
"Because the group is suspected of organized crime activities, they were expected to be flown to Mexico City to face charges there. The group – which included two city police officers and three state agents – was being held under heavy guard ..."
"There has been much speculation here about the existence of a group of wayward police officers involved in drug-related killings."
"However, local authorities weren't commenting yesterday on whether the officers may have been involved in a string of recent shootings of law enforcement officers ..." ... |
UK: Ministry of Defence man left gun at Sainsbury's
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A Ministry of Defence worker mislaid his automatic pistol in the toilets of a Sainsbury's store, say police.
The weapon, a Sig Sauer 9mm, was left at the store in Bancroft, Hitchin, on Saturday evening and has so far not been found, said Hertfordshire Police.
A police spokesman said the weapon was loaded with 13 rounds of blank ammunition, but could cause injury.
Police have been searching areas near the store and have advised members of the public not to touch it.
Anyone with information about the weapon is asked to call Hertfordshire Police. |
South Africa: Cop surrenders after alleged road rage attack
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"Apparently consumed by road rage, a Free State police officer has allegedly killed a motorist, then turned himself in on Saturday."
"The 36-year-old Harrismith inspector lashed out when motorist Tlodi Motaung, 30, asked him to park his car properly ... on Saturday afternoon, Superintendent Motarafi Ntepe said on Sunday."
"Motaung climbed out of his car and confronted the police officer. Although off duty, the police officer pulled out his service pistol and shot Motaung once in his chest."
"The inspector then drove to the nearest police station, where he reported the shooting and handed himself over."
"Motaung was found dead at the scene, lying in a pool of blood with a single used cartridge next to his body." ... |
WY: Wyoming to abusers: Your guns are at risk
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"Willing to give up your guns? A new poster campaign is warning Wyoming residents that a domestic violence conviction might force them to give up their cherished weapons."
"The posters unveiled Friday read, 'It's like this ... beat a woman, lose your guns.'"
"'Some men value their guns more than their partner and children,' said Sean Brazzale, of the Wyoming attorney general's division of victims services." ...
"A recent survey found that Wyoming leads the nation in gun ownership, with 63 percent of Wyoming residents owning a firearm, almost double the national average." ... |
AZ: Lawlessness in Old West tells only part of the story
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"On the morning of Aug. 26, 1879, nearly 200 men marched on the Maricopa County jail in Phoenix, took custody of two murder suspects and strung them up in the town plaza. The Phoenix Herald approved of the hangings, saying, 'Villainy and vice are rampant these days. Murders and assassinations are to (sic) frequent to be tolerated in a well-governed community.'"
"The lynchings appear to support Bob Boze Bell's recent contention that the American West was a violent and lawless place ('Robberies, rifles and violence: The real story of how the West was won,' Viewpoints, Oct. 9). But the prevalence of violence all depends on where and when you look - and what you decide to record afterward."
"Three months before the necktie party, the same Herald proclaimed, 'Phoenix is the quietest and most orderly town in the territory ..." ... |
PA: Old vs. new: Two weapons manufacturers operate in Ambridge
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"In a nondescript building in the Ambridge Regional Distribution and Manufacturing Center, Alex Zane of United Arms Service works at making the best modern weapons money can buy."
"And just around the corner, in another cranny of the sprawling industrial park, Jymm Hoffman of Hoffman's Forge works at making the best old weapons money can buy."
"United Arms' specialty is customized rifles, using a technology the owners say is not widely used locally."
"As for Hoffman, he's pretty sure no one else locally is making cannons. French and Indian War-era cannons, to boot." ... |
MN: High-tech system gets police to the scene fast
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"When a 25-year-old woman was shot while walking to her mailbox in Phoenix last year, police officers were at her door to help even before she finished dialing 911."
"The quick response - within seconds - came because a nearby sensor picked up the sound of the muzzle blast, pinpointed the shooter's location to within 10 feet and alerted police dispatchers of the address."
"The abilities of the ShotSpotter were demonstrated Friday for Minneapolis police and government officials, who came away so impressed that they are eager to buy and install the system."
"'I'm going to push for it to be included in the 2006 budget,' said City Council Vice President Robert Lilligren, who estimated it would cost between $250,000 and $300,000." ... |
AZ: Club has sights on being a big bang for sportsmen
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"The Tonto Rim Sports Club might be the best kept secret in the Rim Country."
"Although it boasts more than 600 members and maintains a state of the art shooting range south of Payson, the TRSC doesn't attract the public attention some members would like to see."
"'We have great facilities, but there are those who don't even know we exist or where the range is located,' TRSC member Otto Weeden said."
"In an effort to attract more public attention, the TRSC has scheduled a Sportsman Awareness Day at the Jim Jones Shooting Range Oct. 30. The event is open to the public from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and there is no admission or fees." ... |
SD: Hunters flock to season opener
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"Throngs of pheasant hunters and perhaps a million dollars in guns poured into Sioux Falls Regional Airport on Friday, ahead of today's season opener."
"For businesses in South Dakota, pheasant hunting means the arrival of perhaps $100 million in spending money." ...
"Each time a planeload of hunters filed through the airport terminal, two security guards stacked their many rifle cases onto folding tables next to the baggage claim."
"One of the guards, Ernie Veigh, estimated that a million dollars in guns had come through the terminal by Friday afternoon." ...
"More than 90,000 hunters traveled to the state last year, spending about $70 million, the state tourism office said." ...
IL: Hitting that deer from a distance is a long shot
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"Most of the time, putting a deer in the freezer - or over the fireplace - has little to do with how far your gun will shoot. It’s more likely to hinge on getting set quickly, shooting off-hand and taking a shot that you are confident of making. In hunting situations, the best shot you’re going to get is the first one."
"If it isn’t, you’re doing something wrong. Make your first shot count. If you don’t think you can make it, don’t take the shot. The situation might improve if you don’t give away your position with a low-percentage shot."
"Shotguns with rifled barrels and sabot slugs are remarkably accurate at 100 yards or more. ..." ... |
MA: Young guns take up arms: Women, children seen as future of hunting
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"A coonskin cap, the must-have accessory for boys growing up in the mid-1950s, was emblematic of the television hero character who wore it: Davy Crockett."
"Kids in those innocent times were drawn to Crockett's rugged but compassionate and defiantly outdoor persona, as played by Fess Parker."
"Parker's Davy Crockett also was beloved for his infallibility in skirmishes with Indians and his uncanny skill with a rifle."
"Fess Parker and his TV role were long ago relegated to the storage room. But the surge and swoon in popularity for the outdoorsman-as-hero does not mean kids have completely turned their back on the thrill of holding, loading and firing a rifle." ... |
PA: Muzzleloaders inspire history-minded hunters
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"Mark Pushkis is going to drive less than 200 miles this weekend, but he's going to travel across at least 165 years."
He and several friends drove to New Florence on Friday to camp out, pre-1840s style."
"Lean-tos covered with tarps are serving as their homes for the next few days. They're eating over open fires started with flint and steel. They're dressed in garments made of leather, linen and wool."
"They're carrying flintlock rifles modeled after those from the Colonial era, too. Pushkis' firearm is a .62 caliber French fusil smoothbore, designed to look and shoot like a gun from the late 1600s." ... |
Australia: Pair threatened with shotgun
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"A man in his late 60s has been charged with firearms, offences, assault and making threats to kill, following an incident in Melbourne's north-west yesterday."
"The incident, described by police as an ongoing dispute, occurred when two men visited the 69-year-old man's house in Lee Street, St Albans, shortly after 5pm."
"He threatened them with a loaded 12-gauge shotgun as they left the driveway of his house, police said."
"Police later removed the weapon from the house."
"The man will be charged on summons, a police spokesman said."
"Meanwhile police overpowered a man they believed was carrying a firearm in a violent domestic dispute in Melbourne's north-east yesterday." ... |
Canada: Welcome to the neighbourhood
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... "After a summer of gunfire that brought the number of shooting deaths this year to 41, a new underground documentary offers a glimpse of a violent subculture that celebrates brutality and has a menacing array of weaponry at its disposal."
"The DVD, The Real Toronto, is a dystopian urban travelogue that moves through some of the city's most notorious neighbourhoods. ... it's this cast of characters that acts as tour guide, introducing the viewer to groups of young men eager to describe a life of drug dealing and gang banging. They brandish pistols, shotguns and Uzis and pose for the camera with their faces hidden behind bandanas." ... |