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Newslinks for 10/17/2012

Holder asking court to bow out on Fast and Furious leaves solution up to Romney
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What that means is, the only hope those demanding truth and consequences for Fast and Furious will have is if Mitt Romney defeats Obama. Unfortunately, even that will give no guarantee, because the GOP challenger has thus far played coy on the matter, paying lip service along the lines of South Park’s Mr. Mackey ('Gunwalker’s bad, m’kay'), but revealing absolutely nothing about what he will do if given the power to make a difference in the way an executive branch abomination that has left hundreds of dead human beings in its wake is treated." ...

Black People, Black Guns and Black Politics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I got into the pro-rights movement by accident. I just wanted to take what the government had taught me and help the people in my community live safer with training. I didn’t know that people of color, specifically Americans of African descent in most cities that I was trying to help were discombobulated about guns. It was the swimming pool all over again." ...

UN Arms Trade Treaty Lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lamestream media told you:"

"The UN Arms Trade Treaty ended in failure, as the parties could not reach agreement before their self-imposed deadline. A dull sentiment of remorse fell over the conference as high hopes for an agreement ended dashed. ..."

"The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:"

"The first draft of the current effort at a UN Arms Trade Treaty was a smashing success after nearly six years of effort and a solid month of direct negotiations in New York at UN headquarters. It yielded a draft proposal with many of the most difficult terms and conditions hammered out in grueling sessions with all major parties and 170 nations represented." ...

Gun banner types don’t work for free
Submitted by: John Boch

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"Bitter over at Shall Not Be Questioned noticed an absence of Dennis Henigan from the Brady Campaign lineup at a liberal fete televised on C-SPAN. She thought that terribly disrespectful until after doing some digging, she discovered Dennis is now working for an anti-tobacco lobby group now."

"It would seem that after twenty-odd years of drawing a paycheck from the Soros- or Joyce-funded anti-civil rights Brady Campaign or it’s predecessor Handgun Control Inc. or its predecessor Coalition to Ban Handguns, Henigan saw and smelled the fecal matter on the wall and bailed." ...

Gun Rights Radio Network Announces January Fundraiser Prizes
Submitted by: Paul Lathrop

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"The Gun Rights Radio Network is pleased to announce a partial list of items to be given away as part of it’s annual fundraising giveaway on Jan 2nd 1013."

"The list includes"

"Grand Prize: Mag-40 class ($800 value) that was donated by Massad Ayoob Group."

"Second Prize: AR lower laser engraved with GRRN logo. Donated by Toby Lee.*"

"Third Prize: One of four signed copies of 'An Act Of Bravery – Otis W. McDonald and the Second Amendment'"

"Fourth Prize: One of four signed copies of Madison Risings debut CD signed by all band members."

"In addition to these top four prizes there are more than 30 smaller prizes to be given away."

"The network is currently looking for other prizes to be given away as well." ...

Welcome To The Gun Show
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun show--aging dinosaur or stalwart standby? In the age of Internet marvels, what is the role of the traditional gun show? And is it still a relevant format for vendors and consumers?"

"When I attended my first gun show I was immediately struck by the pervasive flea market/swap-meet/StarWars cantina vibe. A more colorful room of fascinating characters peddling their musty treasures and polymer wares, you will never find. If you are in need of some obscure military paraphernalia, a new bolt action for your Mosin Nagant, cheap AR parts or a pocket knife that plays the Star Spangled Banner when you deploy the blade, you my friend, are always going to get lucky at the gun show. ..." ...

Gun Review: Remington 700 SPS Tactical AAC-SD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone who has been reading my stuff knows I’ve been lusting after a bolt action rifle with a threaded barrel longer and more passionately than Farago’s been pining for a date with an Israeli model. Specifically, I’ve been Jonesing for the Remington 700 SPS Tactical AAC-SD. Unfortunately for me, so has everyone else . . ." ...

New from Israeli Weapons Industries: X95 Assault Rifle 5.45mm Conversion Kit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Israel, the X95 5.45mm shoots you. Here’s the press release on the three-caliber cutie:"

"... Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) is a leader in the production of combat-proven small arms for Governmental and Military entities as well as law enforcement agencies around the world. Continuously developing new capabilities, attributes, configurations, and applications, the company introduces its new conversion kit for the X95 assault rifle for 5.45mm-caliber ammunition – making it the only weapon in the world with 3 calibers: 5.56mm, 9mm, and 5.45mm. The weapons will be exhibited at Interpolitex in Moscow, October 23-26, RPC FORT stand and ExpoDefensa in Colombia, October 31-November 2, Hall 6, STAND 113 (TYSA S.A) . . ." ...


Sighting In a New Barrel on My Quadlock Palma Rifle. Old School Style.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had a new barrel put on my Quadlock a month ago. It is a 30″ 5R 13″ twist Kreiger barrel. Saturday was the first opportunity I have had to sight it in. For some of you reading this that are fellow competitors this is nothing new. But in my short life of shooting Palma rifles I have only changed barrels 2 – 3 times. And someone has always set it up for me where all I had to do was show up at the range and shoot it and adjust accordingly. This time I made sure Jim Cloward, my gunsmith, did nothing without me so I could understand the process better. It is not really that difficult but it is certainly interesting. The rifle is meant to shoot up to 1000 yards but I sighted it in at 50 and 100 yards." ...

Understanding Flash Sight Picture - NSSF Shooting Sportscast (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gunsite Academy Instructor Bob Whaley discusses flash site picture and the importance of using your sights at all times when shooting." ...

One Caliber Handloading: What Do You Need?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been handloading my own cartridges for years now and I am asked quite often by budding reloaders, what they will need to get started. Typically I recite my customary spiel on the basics of the getting into the hobby and occasionally I hear back, 'But I only want to load for one caliber?' It’s at this point that I realize, my usual pitch isn’t really written for this audience; this guy doesn’t need a full size press and hundreds of dollars worth of stuff, because he only shoots for a certain thing. These guys are really only looking to put together 20 to 50 rounds here or there and typically just want a box or two ... So for them something different is needed that is a bit less involved, complex and expensive." ...

Remington 572: A .22 pump gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From new AR style autoloaders to antique single shot bolt actions there is a .22 rifle for everyone. But perhaps the most overlooked design of .22 actions is the pump action, or sometimes called 'slide action' when referring to rifles. And even in that category it seems like few can name a favorite, but when they do the nifty Remington 572 comes up."

"The Remington 572 is no spring chicken and neither is Remington’s pump-action design. The rifle was first produced in 1954 and is still in production today. Generally when we think about pump actions, we think in relation to a shotgun—like the Remington 870. The 572 and the 870 are, for the most part ,the same design, and perhaps Remington planned it that way. ..." ...

ATI expands on FX45 series with subcompact alloy-framed 1911s
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ATI, American Tactical Imports, is adding two new FX45-series pistol to their line-up, the Titan Lightweight and the Fatboy Lightweight. These 1911-pattern handguns tailored for concealed carry. Built on alloy frames to shave weight, these 1911s feature classic form and function with a few modern improvements."

"Notably these guns have a extended ejection port locking lug as well as a lowered and flared ejection port. ..." ...

How to Save Mexico From Cartels and Corruption
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mexicans have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Unfortunately, it isn’t as straightforward as ours. Exploiting Article 10, the Mexican government has severely curtailed its citizens’ gun rights (e.g., closed all private gun stores and channeled all sales through the military). The result has been chaos; some 60k dead in the last four years, thousands of people tortured and raped, millions living in fear, and the complete disintegration of the country’s public institutions. But all is not lost, yet. Some Mexicans still have the motive, means and opportunity to defend themselves from criminals and corrupt government officials. Here’s one hero’s story, re-published with permission from . . ." ...

NSSF to Hunters: Share the Fall Harvest (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you know what you’re gonna do with your Bambi once you’ve decreased the surplus deer population? The NSSF wants you to know that just one member of the Cervidae family will make 200 meals for people who otherwise might not have one. And since the woods are (or soon will be) full of people sitting in treestands just waiting for an opportunity, they’d like to encourage you to donate at least part of your four-legged catch. Press release after the jump . . ." ...

TX: Concealed Carrier Shoots and Wounds Shotgun Wielding Armed Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 36 year old man was approached shortly after 10pm by a man wielding a shotgun and demanding money in a Walgreen’s parking lot."

"Fortunately the man is a concealed carry license holder. The man drew his own gun and fired at the would be armed robber, striking him once in the hip." ...

WV: 70 Year Old WVA Woman Chases Off Burglar Using Revolver After He Punches Her in the Face
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 70 year old homeowner in WVA grabbed her gun and went to investigate why her burglar alarm was going off at 2am."

"As she approached the backdoor, she ran right into the suspect who punched her in the face."

"The woman fired several shots from .38 caliber revolver at the intruder, who then fled." ...

Justice Dept. asks dismissal of Holder lawsuit over F&F
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fox News and the Associated Press are reporting today that the Department of Justice is seeking the dismissal of a lawsuit by the House of Representatives against Attorney General Eric Holder that would compel Holder to release thousands of subpoenaed documents apparently relating to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal."

"Those papers were filed last night, the news agencies reported." ...

Justice seeks dismissal of Fast & Furious suit
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The Justice Department says federal courts should stay out of a political dispute between the Obama administration and Congress over documents in a botched law enforcement probe of gun trafficking."

"... [T]he department is seeking dismissal of a lawsuit by a Republican-led House committee, which is demanding that Attorney General Eric Holder produce records about Operation Fast and Furious."

"The Justice Department says the Constitution does not permit the courts to resolve the political dispute between the executive branch and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The political branches have a long history of resolving disputes over congressional requests without judicial intervention, the court filing said." ...

Romney blows debate opportunity on Fast and Furious
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "What he failed to do, totally quashing any building excitement that he’d raised by broaching the subject, was to challenge Obama on executive privilege the president has extended to documents subpoenaed by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform that the Eric Holder Justice Department has refused to turn over. The Republican candidate did not challenge the president on his reasons for issuing that order, nor did he pledge to revoke it or to promise cooperation with Congress should he be elected. ..." ...

President Obama Calls for Assault Weapons Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In tonight’s presidential debate, President Obama answered a question about 'keeping AK-47′s out of the hands of criminals' by pledging his support for an assault weapons ban. Although he parried Governor Romney’s opposition to the ban by paraphrasing the old anti-Kerry slam—'Governor Romney was for an assault weapon’s ban before he was against it'—the damage is done. In a single stroke the President completely alienated pro-gun independents. Obama’s support for new gun control move may not decide the election. Then again it might. (*cough* Al Gore *cough*) Meanwhile, AR manufacturers are bracing themselves for a major sales spike. Like tomorrow. Here are some actual quotes from the debate and commentary by our man Leghorn . . ." ...

Obama wants semi-auto ban renewed; Mitt brings up F&F
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s official and gun rights activists all over the Pacific Northwest and inland to western Montana are buzzing about it; President Barack Obama would reintroduce legislation banning so-called 'assault weapons.'"

"They’re talking about it on the Northwest Firearms, Gun Rights Media and Seattle Guns, and within minutes of the remark, this column received several e-mails about it."

"It happened near the end of his debate with challenger Mitt Romney when a member of the audience asked the president about a promise he made during the 2008 Democratic convention about keeping AK-47s out of criminal hands." ...

‘Sportsmen for Romney’ includes familiar Northwest names
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several names familiar to Pacific Northwest hunters and anglers are on the list of advisors and honorary national co-chairs of the newly-announced 'Sportsmen for Romney,' which certainly took its time going public, considering the election is less than three weeks away."

"The list includes two Washington congressional delegates and the owner of a prominent eastern Washington gun shop and indoor range." ...

Obama Turns Tables, Calls Romney Out On China
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Undecided voter Nina Gonzalez then asked what the administration had done or was planning to do in limiting access to assault weapons."

"'We're a nation that believes in the Second Amendment, and I believe in the Second Amendment. We've got a long tradition of hunting and sportsmen and people who want to make sure they can protect themselves,' Obama said."

"He cited an importance in enforcing the gun laws already in place."

"'Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence,' Obama said. 'Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there's an awful lot of violence and they're not using AK-47s. They're using cheap hand guns.'" ...

Obama vs. Romeny: Getting Justice for Guns, 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the election nears, it is important to remember that the battle for our rights is fought not only in the halls of Congress, but also before ... the Supreme Court."

"The next president could have the opportunity to nominate as many as three new justices to the Supreme Court. The recent Heller v. District of Columbia and McDonald v. City of Chicago decisions illustrate all too well the importance of Supreme Court Justices who understand and support the Second Amendment. These victories, which confirmed that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms for all Americans no matter where they live, came by the thinnest possible margin: 5 votes to 4." ...

Obama Calls for Ban on Assault Weapons and a look at cheap handguns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "'But I also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets. And so what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced. But part of it is also looking at other sources of the violence. Because frankly, in my home town of Chicago, there’s an awful lot of violence and they’re not using AK-47s. They’re using cheap hand guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Just weapons designed for soldiers??? Let's see now: AR15, AK47, SKS, Browning BAR, M1 Carbine, Browning High Power, 1911, Winchester 1895, Mossberg 590, 1861 Springfield, and those few rifles based on the Mauser bolt action?

What Romney Should Say About Guns In The Debates
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"There are two more 'debates' coming up where there is some non-trivial chance that the issue of guns and recent violence will come up. Here are some potential questions and what Romney should respond." ...

A seemingly confused President Obama takes stand against gun owners during debate
Submitted by: John Pierce

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... "When a question about guns was finally asked during tonight’s town-hall style debate it was nothing more than yet another attempt to resurrect support for the so-called ‘assault weapons ban’."

"This question clearly played to the President’s ideology and he took the opportunity to reiterate his support for the failed Clinton-era policy despite his admission that the violence in our cities is not being caused by sporting firearms. Nonetheless, he assured the crowd that he wants to ban them."

"He followed this up with a number of statements that seem to indicate that he doesn’t even understand the difference between fully-automatic weapons and the semi-automatic sporting rifles that would actually be affected by the ban." ...

OH: NRA-PVF: "Defend Freedom, Boot Brown" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The NRA-PVF is working hard to educate voters on Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown in advance of the Nov. 6 election." ...

MN: Cravaack: Audience Guns Would Have Stopped Aurora Shootings (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressman Chip Cravaack (R ) says the tragic shootings in Aurora, Colorado could have been stopped if someone in the audience had a gun. He makes the comment during a debate with Democrat Rick Nolan in Cambridge, Minnesota."

"After the debate, Nolan told The UpTake that we’ll never know if an audience gun could have stopped the shooting. But Nolan says he supports a ban on assault weapons that Congress has let lapse. And while he supports second amendment rights he says 'I don’t want to see people walking into movie theaters and classrooms with assault rifles.'." ...

PA: Mark Critz Is Fighting Barack Obama’s Ballot Drag to Keep His Seat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Mark Critz (D) receives a few skeptical looks as he greets the hundreds of Second Amendment enthusiasts filing into Sunday’s Gun Bash at the Crowfoot Sportsman’s Club."

"In most of the country, a six-hour gun raffle marks uncomfortable territory for Democrats. But this is exurban southwestern Pennsylvania, where rifles rule local politics and the Gun Bash is a local ballistic delicacy." ...

Former Supreme Court Justice cites flawed interpretation of flawed decision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If Miller is, as Stevens argues, still in effect, and if it only protects possession and use of 'arms that were related to military activities,' then the gun ban lobby's description of so-called 'assault weapons' as 'weapons of war' would mean that possession of such arms is precisely what the Second Amendment is meant to protect."

"The forcible citizen disarmament lobby's reliance on the (badly, and probably deliberately, misinterpreted) Miller decision is notable for another reason. Has so much weight ever been accorded to any other Supreme Court decision in which there was no oral argument given--nor even a written brief filed--for the defense?" ...

Heller Decision Leaves Room for New Gun Restrictions, Retired Justice Stevens Says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Retired Justice John Paul Stevens said Monday that the U.S. Supreme Court’s gun rights decisions don’t preclude new laws regulating automatic weapons."

"Stevens chided Congress for failing to tighten gun laws after the mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater, the Washington Examiner and Reuters report. 'The fact that Congress doesn't address it is, I think, mind-boggling,' he said in the speech broadcast by C-SPAN." ...

Justice Stevens’ On Guns Underscores Importance Of High Court Nominees (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Monday’s high-profile prodding by retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens for Congress to do something, and for presidential candidates to say something, about gun control proves the importance of who is in the White House and the U.S. Senate to make and confirm high court nominations, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."

"Reuters reported that the retired justice was the speaker at Monday’s luncheon hosted by the anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Stevens wrote dissenting opinions on both the 2008 Heller ruling and the 2010 McDonald decision, both of which affirmed that the Second Amendment protects an individual civil right to keep and bear arms." ...

Gun owners’ election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens demonstrated the importance of America’s upcoming presidential choice as he spoke Monday to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Justice Stevens told the assembled gun grabbers of the urgent need for Congress to adopt laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms."

"As the author of the dissenting opinions in the Heller and McDonald cases ... Justice Stevens said the high court precedent still allows new laws rolling back our rights."

"The 92-year-old jurist explained the landmark gun rulings leave room for restrictions on the right to carry outside the home, bans on certain styles of firearms, elimination of carry rights in sensitive' places ..." ...

If a Police Dog "Alerts," Should You Lose Your Cash, Car and Other Property? (video)
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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Should the government be allowed to search and seize your possessions based on nothing more than a positive "alert" from a drug-sniffing dog? The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires police, in most situations, to have what is known as a "probable cause" (a reasonable belief based on sufficient facts) before they can search or seize property. Increasingly, however, police have been using drug-sniffing dogs to establish probable cause to seize, and ultimately keep through civil forfeiture, cash, cars and other property on the grounds that the property may be linked to a drug crime.

CA: OMG! A Man with A Rifle! Taking it Into His House! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s start at the end of this report by California’s 'Isla Vista Foot Patrol and UC Police conducted a check off the area with a K9 unit. At about 7:00AM authorities detained the suspect and recovered the weapon. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office says the man owned the rifle legal [sic] and no crime was committed. They say he was transferring his rifle from his car to his apartment and made no threats.' 'Recovered the weapon'? Is that what the California cops do with legally owned guns when the locals spot one and have a cow? OK, so, can you guess how much trouble this 'inadvertent brandishing' caused. Hint: this went down somewhere near UC Santa Barbara, one of America’s premier party schools ..." ...

NY: NYPD Issues "Tactical Awareness Bulletin" (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'After several fatal police shootings this year, a new memo sent out to police is asking that officers work on their firearm skills.' Ah. We were wondering how many unarmed civilians had to eat lead before someone in NYPD Commissioner Kelly’s office addressed the troops’ lack of ballistic skills. But don’t get the idea that the new 'Tactical Awareness Bulletin' has anything to do with either the Empire State Building shooting or the terminal result of an apparent road rage incident by a member of Bloomberg’s Army on the Grand Central Parkway. No, not at all. The NYPD brass says it’s just a happy little coinky-dink and they’re stickin’ to that story . . ." ...

AL: Northport [AL] City Council to Open Carriers: GTFO
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'It won’t be illegal to openly carry guns on city property and parks in Northport,' reports, 'but officials there said it will not be permitted.' See what they did there? The City Council won’t arrest open carriers on City property because . . . they can’t. Open Carry is legal in Alabama. But they will ask them to leave city property and parks and arrest then arrest them for trespassing if they don’t skid addle because . . . they can. 'We do not want to infringe on anyone’s right to carry firearms,' [Northport City Administrator Scott] Collins said. WAIT! Why is that people who want to infringe on our Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms always say they don’t want to ..." ...

NY: Cops in temple beating (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brooklyn DA and NYPD Internal Affairs are investigating cops caught on tape beating a man wrongly suspected of trespassing in a Crown Heights synagogue, authorities said yesterday.

The Oct. 8 beatdown took place at the Alternative Learning Institute for Young Adults, a synagogue and outreach center for troubled youths."

"Cops believed that Ehud Halevy, 21, was homeless and trespassing."

"A volunteer security guard mistakenly called police, not knowing Halevy had been staying there for about a month, with permission." ...

NY: Former Brooklyn Cop Pleads Guilty to Illegally Handcuffing Man
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Brooklyn police officer pleaded guilty Monday to illegally handcuffing and detaining a man after a traffic dispute."

"Admir Kacamakovic, 32, an eight-year NYPD veteran, intervened in an argument between two drivers in Brooklyn ... When one of the men confronted him, saying he was going to file a complaint against the officer, Kacamakovic handcuffed the man, scarring his wrists."

"'The defendant criminally abused the authority and public trust conferred on him by his status as a police officer,' said Loretta E. Lynch, U.S. Attorney ... 'Employing his badge, he subjected his victim to unlawful detention and injury. He has been held to account for his criminal acts and will not have the opportunity to repeat them.'" ...

VA: VSP investigates Culpeper Police Captain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Culpeper Police Department is involved in another potential controversy."

"Culpeper Police Capt. Chris Settle, a Culpeper native, was recently placed on paid administrative leave pending an ongoing investigation by the Virginia State Police and FBI into alleged wrongdoing, according to a source close to the investigation. The nature of the wrongdoing, according to the source, allegedly involves Settle tipping off area drug dealers about planned drug raids by law enforcement." ...

MD: Officers’ trial on U-Md. assault charges under way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The encounter between police officers and a University of Maryland student after a basketball game in 2010 lasted only 10 seconds, but how a jury interprets those moments, captured on video, will determine the fate of two veteran Prince George’s County police officers on trial this week."

"The officers, Reginald Baker and James J. Harrison, are charged with first-degree assault and misconduct in office. ..." ...

"Ruddy, an assistant state’s attorney, urged jurors to hold the officers accountable in what he called an unprovoked beating of a skipping, singing student during a postgame celebration on the streets of College Park". ...

NY: 2 Officers Being Investigated After Video Shows Them Beating Man
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Police Department and the Brooklyn district attorney’s office have begun separate investigations into allegations of police brutality after reviewing video (see also below) that shows two officers repeatedly striking a young man inside a Jewish community center in Brooklyn, officials said on Monday." ...

"According to a criminal complaint, the officers said Mr. Halevy had attacked them, causing one to suffer a sprained wrist, during an encounter on Oct. 8 in the Alternative Learning Institute for Young Adults on East New York Avenue in Crown Heights. Mr. Halevy was charged with a felony count of assault on police officers."

"But the seven-minute video seems to contradict the officers’ account ..." ...

September sees 14.7% increase in firearms sales checks over same month last year; 28th straight month over month increase
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The September 2012 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) figure of 1,007,259 is an increase of 14.7 percent over the NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 878,345 in September 2011. For comparison, the unadjusted September 2012 NICS figure of 1,450,737 reflects a 16.6 percent increase from the unadjusted NICS figure of 1,244,604 in September 2011." ...

OH: Buckeye Firearms Assoc. leaders attend Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan Rally in Cincinnati
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan gathered at the Bass Pro Store at the Forest Park Shopping Center to show support for the Republican ticket in November. They heard from quite a group of sportsmen. National television show host and former CEO of the NWTF, Rob Keck, served as the emcee. Chris Cox, Executive Director of the NRA/ILA took the lead. He was followed by Former Division of Wildlife Chief Mike Budzik, who is leading the Ohio Sportsmen for Romney/Ryan effort; Josh Romney and then national comedian Jeff Foxworthy served as the anchor for the event. The speakers were passionate and clear in the message about the critical nature of the election." ...

IL: Chicago isn’t safe: How bad is it? Mogadishu bad.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How bad is it in Chicago?"

"It’s so bad the authorities don’t even know how many people got shot. Or they can’t keep up. Or both."

"The Chicago Tribune says 2 killed, 24 shot."

"NBC Chicago says 'since Friday five people were killed and at least 25 people were wounded in separate shootings.'"

"Second City Cop says the number of shootings is over 30." ...

UK: No shooting magazines for sale to under-14s
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Country sports enthusiasts are furious at a decision by Britain's biggest newsagent to ban children from buying shooting magazines after a campaign by animal rights activists."

"WH Smith says youngsters under 14 will not be sold shooting titles, even though it is legal to hold a shotgun licence below that age." ...

Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police

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