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Newslinks for 10/18/2002

Shootings to spread to other cities?
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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A former Green Beret and combat veteran who is an expert in Middle East-based Islamic terrorism believes the sniper killings in the Washington, D.C., area may be the opening shots of a wider, national effort directed against the United States.

Armey: Justice 'out of control'
Submitted by: P. Jones

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" 'I told the president I thought his Justice Department was out of control,' the retiring lawmaker told USA TODAY's editorial board."

"Armey has long expressed concerns about civil liberties violations in the name of fighting terrorism. He helped scuttle Bush's plan to set up a government hotline for delivery workers and others to report suspicious activity." ...

National Ammo Day Targets 'Gun Grabbers'
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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A coordinated effort has been launched to place billions of bullets in the hands of American gun owners to protest the politicians and "gun grabbers," who according to the organizer of National Ammo Day, want to disarm law abiding citizens by over-taxing their ammunition

Maryland Refused To Help FBI in Criminal Background Gun Checks
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Maryland, a state with some of the toughest gun laws in America, went nearly six months this year without providing the FBI with criminal records of potential gun buyers - the essential component in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)." ...

We can't track sniper if gun nuts get in way
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Ever since the sniper struck in the Washington area, the police have been trying to come up with a profile of him. A more productive exercise might be to come up with a profile of a nation that is awash in guns and absolutely refuses to keep track of who has them. That's the profile of an idiot." ...

Track guns to track killers
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"If ballistics fingerprinting were available to our law enforcement agencies, they could stand a better chance of nabbing the Beltway sniper before the murder toll rises yet again. The bullets and shell casings found at the crime scenes could enable the cops to trace the ownership of the weapon being used." ...

Tips For Staying Safe
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police yesterday offered these tips for protection against sniper-style shootings:" ...

"• When moving outside, walk briskly in a zigzag pattern."
Can you just picture it? Citizens zigzagging as they go about their daily business? This advice is the best the local police can do for their citizens?

PA: Gephardt praises 'Safe Streets' and eyes federal assistance
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"After meeting with Mayor Street yesterday, U.S. House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt said the Street administration's Operation Safe Streets is a model program for other cities and should receive federal assistance." ...

Witness sure he saw Soviet-style rifle
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"As investigators sort through conflicting witness statements about vans, trucks, facial characteristics and possible accomplices associated with the area's serial sniper, most have turned out to be too vague to publicize." ...

We Need Help, Law Enforcers Plead
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The FBI, the ATF, the Secret Service, Maryland State Police, Virginia State Police, local police from five counties and the Defense Department WANT YOU."

"Frustrated after 11 shootings, nine of them fatal, since Oct. 2, law-enforcement officials yesterday made their most direct plea to date for a wary public to get involved in the effort to stop the terrifying rampage of the Beltway sniper." ...

"Not In Our Name Pledge of Resistance"
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil

Townsend denies fault for lapse on gun checks
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A day after being criticized on the floor of the House of Representatives, Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend said yesterday that she was not responsible for a decision this year that resulted in a temporary halt to background checks on some gun buyers." ...

Statements Put White House Into a Gun Control Debate
Submitted by: David Adams

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Site username: Newslinks
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Must have cookies turned on for it to work.
"Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, told reporters that the announcement on Tuesday evening of Mr. Bush's interest in exploring whether a so-called ballistic fingerprinting system should be implemented nationwide was not a marked departure for the president. Earlier on Tuesday, Mr. Fleischer said the president had doubts about the technological feasibility of such a system." ...

Media Response Kit for responding to Beltway Killer coverage
Submitted by: David Rostcheck

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Many facts about the ongoing Beltway killings are being incorrectly reported in the media. Use this Media Response Kit to help your local media get the facts straight and help the public understand what is happening and catch this criminal!

Tanks in the Streets?
Submitted by: Strike The Root

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"These Rumsfeldian pick-me-ups are provided in addition to what Reuters delicately refers to as 'some help from the CIA.' It’s as if all these federal agencies got together for a barn raising. Some help from the CIA?"

Armed Citizens Capture Illegals Smuggling Pot Load
Submitted by: Sage

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Members of an armed citizens patrol, Ranch Rescue, seized 280# of marijuana Tues & Wed from smugglers crossing a ranch owned by The Nature Conservancy.

The drug seizures were an unexpected twist to a situation Santa Cruz County Sheriff was following because of its dangerous potential of what might happen if members encountered border-crossers & tried to arrest them. What they did find still worries him-"They don't have training, authority - that's better suited for law enforcement."

Officials blame wife's biting in man's death
Submitted by: Mark Laiminger

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When teeth are outlawed only outlaws will have teeth:

MODESTO, CA The death of a Modesto man - six days after police say his wife bit him repeatedly during an attack because he wouldn't have sex with her - was probably a homicide, officials said yesterday.

Police said Kelli Pratt, 45, wanted her husband Arthur, 65, to have sex with her Oct. 7, but when he refused, she held him down and bit him repeatedly. He died Sunday at a Modesto hospital with more than 20 deep tooth marks on his body.

Gun lawsuit bill on hold in House
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A measure that would shield gun manufacturers and dealers from lawsuits related to gun violence has been tabled by House leaders amid concern over the sniper killings in the Washington area.
The bill and companion legislation in the Senate are co-sponsored by the six Republican members of Colorado's congressional delegation but opposed by the state's two Democratic lawmakers, Reps. Diana DeGette, D-Denver, and Mark Udall, D-Boulder."

Shot Through the Heart
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"On Sunday evening, October 13, Showtime aired a movie, Bang Bang You're Dead, about school violence. The movie ostensibly is about the role that bullying plays in school violence. But the movie itself promotes intolerance and is, in its own way, a form of bullying by the media. The author is aggressively promoting the script for use in school performances; parents, teachers, and students ought to think twice about encouraging a performance of such a mean-spirited and misleading show."

MD: Townsend's propaganda campaign
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Having frittered away a 15-point lead in the polls over Rep. Robert Ehrlich, Maryland Lt. Gov. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is going negative in a big way — blanketing the airwaves with political ads aimed at caricaturing Mr. Ehrlich as an extremist. In doing so, pro-Townsend forces — including the Maryland State Teachers Association, the Service Employees International Union, AFSCME and the state League of Conservation Voters —

Gun opponents target classified ads
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Three years ago, Benjamin Smith tried to buy a gun from a federally licensed dealer. But the sale was stopped when a background check revealed that Mr. Smith’s girlfriend had won a restraining order against him. So Mr. Smith turned to the classified section of the Peoria (Ill.) Journal Star, where he found advertised a .380-caliber semiautomatic handgun and a .22-caliber pistol."

VA: Delegates Reject Gun Ban in Capitol
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Northern Virginia lawmakers invoked the sniper attacks today in proposing firearm restrictions at local and state government buildings, but were rebuffed by rural and Republican colleagues who oppose new gun controls."

NV: PELLET GUN INCIDENT: Teenager injured in police shooting
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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A Las Vegas police officer shot a 16-year-old late Wednesday afternoon after a brief foot chase through an apartment complex. Police said the officer fired when the young man, who was not seriously injured, pointed a gun at him. Witnesses said the teenager did not point a weapon at the officer, but was shot while trying to climb a cinder-block wall as he ran from police.

CA: Gun show organizer is fined
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In a case watched by both sides of the gun control debate, the organizer of last winter's gun show at the Nevada County Fairgrounds was fined $135 Tuesday after pleading no contest."

"Larry Urrutia entered the plea in Nevada County Superior Court on an infraction of permitting illegal gun sales. Infractions are less serious than misdemeanors and don't call for jail or probation. A trial had been scheduled for Thursday."

Maryland Refused to Help FBI in Criminal Background Gun Checks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Maryland, a state with some of the toughest gun laws in America, went nearly six months this year without providing the FBI with criminal records of potential gun buyers - the essential component in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)."

"House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) said Maryland was the only state refusing to provide those records, the collection of which is mandated by Congress as part of the Brady Act."

Return of the Gun Grabbers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"I get the feeling advocates of total firearm confiscation are turning cartwheels over the recent murders perpetrated by the miscreant known as 'The Beltway Sniper.' "

"Rather than calling for the apprehension and punishment of a serial killer, anti-gun groups are instead joining with an ever-eager liberal media to attack the National Rifle Association and the Constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners."

'Gun-control drum' beats hard to faulty premise
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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" The sniper has become the latest instrument of persuasion among gun-control advocates."

"Their kind is popping up on cable news shows almost as frequently as ex-FBI profilers, most of whom refuse to speculate until the host rephrases the highly speculative assignment before them."

"The logic of gun-control supporters, as always, breaks down soon after the opening exchanges."

Govt. Lawyer Argues Against Second Amendment Rights For Felons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"When Thomas Lamar Bean was convicted of a felony four years ago he had no choice but to surrender his Second Amendment right to bear arms. But when Bean went to restore that right, as he and all felons may do, he was told by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) that the agency was no longer accepting applications under a congressional order."


AZ: Mesa proposes selling guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"After four years of destroying cheap confiscated firearms, the city is considering selling them instead to gun dealers."

"Mesa officials are contemplating the move after a city attorney concluded Mesa would not be held liable should a weapon that it sold end up being used in a crime."

National Ammo Day
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Second Amendment advocates have started a small, grassroots effort to show their numbers. Dismayed by what they refer to as 'gun-grabbers' they are calling for a National BUYcott of ammunition on November 19, 2002. With only 44 days remaining until the first National Ammo Day, the effort hopes to make use of Internet news organizations, Internet Bloggers, e-mail, and general word of mouth to spread the word and make the first event a meaningful one."

Attention to orders:
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"All militia and patriots in the sniper area."

"Put on your best militia jacket, get some literature about your unit, or have some cards printed up saying, 'Your gas has been pumped for you by a member of the local citizens' militia.' "

School gun scare
Submitted by: Tom O'Leary

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A kid who "allegedly" stole his grampa's pistol prompts the Chicken Little response to" lock down" the two local high schools!
“No threats were made to the schools,” McGee said. So why the need to terrify and or annoy the kids? What a bunch of losers these school leaders are!

No More Time for this Bull S#*t!
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"For the first time - The Federal Observer shuts down every column unrelated to protecting YOUR 2nd Amendment rights."

"I've had just about enough of the garbage-that-passes-for-news emanating from the anti-gun networks. Do you think that I jest? For over one week - FOX News Channel has reported nothing but the sniper shootings in D.C. (That's District of Criminals' for those of you who don't understand initials.)"

Firearms Industry Urges Quick Action in Funding Comprehensive Study of Ballistic Imaging
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) today called on Congress to move quickly and enact
legislation sponsored by Representative Melissa Hart (R-PA) in the House and Senator Zell Miller (D-GA) in the Senate that mandates the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a comprehensive study of ballistic imaging technology with the goal of determining its appropriate utilization as a law-enforcement tool."

ACLU Says Civil Liberties at Risk in U.S.
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Civil liberties experts say Americans may not be feeling the pinch now, but new laws on the books written in the wake of last year's terror attacks can be abused by less than scrupulous authorities seeking to target non-terror suspects."

Garnering Votes Out of a Sniper’s Bullets!
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"One of the awful and despicable attacks on innocent people near the capital of the United States was on a 13 year-old boy, just starting another school day, when he was shot in Bowie, MD. Someone has to be plain evil before they could take aim at a youngster heading into school and fire with the intent of killing him."

Inventors' idea would match bullets to guns, gun buyers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Just about everything -- even this page -- is bar-coded these days."

"So why not bullets?"

"It is a question framed in the simplest terms by a pair of area inventors."

"The question is being tossed about in Congress, too. Some politicians and gun-control groups argue that a federal database of every new firearm's 'ballistic fingerprint' could help police pinpoint the weapons used in crimes such as the seemingly random snipings near Washington, D.C."

MD: At home on the range
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Nobody here but us good ol' boys."

"With the air turned crisper, the days running shorter and deer hunting season just around the corner, we are gathered here to shoot our guns - deep within a Carroll County landfill at a county-operated range known as the Hap Baker Firearms Facility."

Officers shoot to become certified instructors
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Marc Elias loaded his handgun, snapped it into his holster on his side and proceeded to draw it again, practicing commands that might save the people he trains one day."

" 'Freeze. Police,' yelled Elias, standing about seven yards from a dark paper silhouette target."

England's Civilian Disarmament Law Leads To 100 Year High Murder Rate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Newly released statistics reported October 13th show that since the British government passed one of the most stringent gun bans in the world in 1997, Britain's murder rate has risen to its highest level since records began being kept 100 years ago."

CA: LAPD's Crack Down On Legitimate City Gun Dealers Nets Harmless Leathersmith
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"In an outlandish enforcement action, Detectives from the LAPD Gun Unit, working with a new City Attorney Task Force, recently performed a plain clothes undercover 'sting' on a leather smith Omar Pineda's family business: Alfonso's of Hollywood Leather Company. Pineda, in business in North Hollywood for 43 years, makes custom holsters and other leather goods."

Firearms Registration: New York City's Lesson
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Advocates of 'gun control' desire gun prohibition, despite claiming that every 'gun control' measure they support is merely a 'reasonable' step that supposedly would not infringe the rights of law-abiding citizens to shoot, hunt, or protect themselves from violent crime."

Profile of Washington: DC Sniper similar to Horiuchi
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Who is the Washington, DC sniper? Whoever he is and whatever his motive, there is no question that this anonymous person(s) on a shooting spree in Washington, DC suburbs is someone of top-notch FBI sniper caliber."

Time to take the war path - gloves off - no holds barred !
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dirty smear tactics against Pratt - same thing against each and every citizen who stands for traditional values. Now it's about time we take the gloves off and go bare knuckles. Hit the left with the truth - the plain truth - and tell them how the cow chews the cabbage."

Brady Campaign/MMM Stress Importance of Nat'l Ballistics Firearms Database
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, united with the Million Mom March, today
criticized the Bush Administration for its resistance to a national ballistics database. To build a national database, manufacturers would test fire their guns and submit ballistics information - a 'ballistic fingerprint' for each gun - to a national database. With this database in place, law enforcement could better match ballistics evidence at a crime scene to a specific gun, and then trace the gun."

Are "Wages" subject to "Income Tax"?
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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When employees trade labor (i.e., personal property) for money (personal property), there's no "GAIN". It's trading a bushel of wheat for a barrel of apples; AN EVEN EXCHANGE! The idea, trading labor for money represents "GAIN", places greater value on "money" than "labor". Now ask the question again: "Are Wages subject to Income Tax?" Your answer may be different from your originally thought.

MD: Sniper 'Witness' May Have Misled Authorities
Submitted by: sidmystic

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ROCKVILLE, Md. — Investigators hunting for the Beltway Sniper may have been intentionally misled by an eyewitness, leaving them with no reliable suspect composite, no weapon type and no verifiable story of a cream-colored van.

Asked if the witness may have intentionally misled investigators, Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose, who is heading the investigation, said simply, "Yes."


Pistol-Stoppin' Mama
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A 13-year-old middle-school student was caught with a loaded gun in a Brooklyn classroom yesterday - after his mother warned administrators the teen may have been packing heat." ...

Gun-Nut Law Looks Like A Lock
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Spurred by a sniper and a recent shooting at a Long Island church, a new gun-control law, aimed at keeping felons, fugitives and mentally ill people from buying weapons, looks to be headed toward speedy passage in Congress." ...

Getting rid of the snipers
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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As the Washington-area sniper (or snipers) continues to have fun at the expense of innocent victims and their families, why isn't anyone questioning the crime-control system that allows such things to happen?

Besieged Locals Take Up Arms Of Their Own
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"After two weeks of terror at the hands of the psycho sniper, residents of Virginia's suburbs are taking matters - and guns - into their own hands."

"In Spotsylvania, Stafford, Prince William and Fairfax counties - all at or near sniper attacks - officials report up to a 500 percent increase in applications for concealed-weapons permits, and gun sales are up nearly as much." ...

Blame sniper, not gun industry
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The recent outbreak of long-range sniper attacks in Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia exposes two long-term trends in gun industry marketing: mass marketing of military and military-style weapons, including assault rifles and sniper rifles and equipment, to the civilian market; and cultivation of a sniper subculture within the gun community."

NY: City not liable in Freddy's rampage
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The city cannot be held liable for the deaths of seven people killed in a 1995 racially motivated arson fire and shooting rampage at a Harlem clothing store, a judge ruled yesterday."

"Bronx Supreme Court Justice Stanley Green tossed a lawsuit filed by relatives of those killed when suicidal gunman Roland Smith set fire to Freddy's Fashion Mart on W. 125th St." ...

The Next International Right
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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It seems to me that the human rights community has things exactly backward.... International human rights law is supposed to be a "living" body of law that changes with the needs of the times in order to secure important goals -- chief among which is the prevention of genocide.... [T]he human rights community should be prepared to endorse a new international human right: the right of law-abiding citizens to be armed.

If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777

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