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Newslinks for 10/18/2005

SAF Blasts Louisiana Newspaper Over Outrageous Position on Civil Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Baton Rouge Advocate newspaper's editorial board needs to take a deep breath and reconsider its willingness to abandon a civil right so easily, merely on the grounds that an 'extraordinary situation' might arise, the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) said today in a sharply-worded letter to the newspaper."

"On Monday, the newspaper editorialized against a move to stop the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from imposing a gun ban at an evacuation site outside Baker, LA. ... However, FEMA attorneys began re-evaluating the rules following inquiries by Gun Week, a newspaper owned by SAF. When SAF learned of the ban, it threatened legal action." ...

LA: Keeping guns out of trailers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last thing we need in Louisiana right now is Washington interest groups making trouble over practical decisions in an unprecedented national crisis."

"The National Rifle Association is miffed at federal and local authorities because guns were banned in the Baker travel trailer park housing hurricane evacuees."

"Those people need homes, and security is going to be provided. They're living in flimsy trailers. An accidental discharge of a firearm might result in a bullet going through several residences." ...

"We believe the NRA ought to butt out. The group must have the wisdom to recognize that this is not a precedent about gun control laws. Everyone in the world knows that this is an extraordinary situation." ...

Change In Status Of Gun Bill -- Immediate calls needed to your Representative (GOA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, a bill containing a mandatory trigger lock requirement looked to be dormant on Capitol Hill. The prevailing wisdom was that the bill was dead for the year."

"However, given the mercurial nature of legislation and legislative bodies, one can never be certain of what is going to happen as long as Congress is in session. One event that can always shake up the legislative calendar is experiencing a leadership change -- such as when pro-gun House Majority Leader Tom DeLay stepped down from his position recently."

"What we do know at this point is that the bill is before the Rules Committee today, and will most likely reach the House floor sometime this week." ...

Steve Chapman: Safer with guns -- Critics of Florida law are just trying to scare people
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"When Florida passed a law in 1987 making it easier for citizens to get licenses to carry concealed firearms, opponents predicted that blood would run in the streets. 'When you have 10 times as many people carrying guns ... you're going to have people taking out guns and killing people,' one gun control activist said."

"Since the law was passed, it turns out, Florida's murder rate has been cut in half. Instead of becoming more dangerous, the state has become considerably safer." ...

"The warnings of gun control advocates about that law were way off the mark. So when you hear them warn that another law concerning firearms will lead to unnecessary bloodshed in Florida, skepticism is in order." ...

United Nations Drafts New Gun Treaty
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"The United Nations is trying to ban guns again. The latest 'small-arms treaty' seeks to abolish the right of any citizens to own virtually any kind of firearm. In the United States, such an effort would strike at the heart of the Constitution’s Second Amendment ..." ...

"• Prohibit civilian ownership of certain weapons (read: handguns and semi-automatics)."

"• Prevent the build-up of private arsenals (read: ban gun collecting)."

"• License all legal users. Register all small arms. Implement safe storage requirements (read: U.N.-imposed site inspections of your home with power to take your guns)."

"• Limit the carrying of guns (read: the end of Right to Carry)."

"• Restrict ammunition sales to license holders only." ...

Brady Center Announces Suit Against Gun Dealer for Negligent Sale of Gun that Killed Wake County, NC Sheriff's Investigator
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence today filed a lawsuit on behalf of the widow of a Wake County, North Carolina Sheriff's Investigator, charging that a gun shop's negligence helped arm his killer." ...

"In November 2003, Van McQueen and Matthew Grant went to Cary Jewelry & Pawn to buy a firearm. ... McQueen was mentally deficient and was obviously intoxicated, and the shop's clerk refused to sell him a gun. Three days later, McQueen returned ... McQueen had $120 in cash to buy the weapon. This time, even though the same clerk who had seen McQueen intoxicated three days earlier was on duty, the shop completed the all-cash sale. McQueen then transferred the shotgun to Grant, who used it to shoot Investigator Tucker in the face, killing him. Grant was arrested, convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Investigator Tucker." ...

NY: Dolly Parton was mistaken for hooker on first New York visit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Country veteran Dolly Parton was mistaken for a prostitute and was forced to pull a gun during her first visit to New York City."

"The singer and her longtime pal Judy Ogle traveled from their native Tennessee to the Big Apple in the late 1960s ..."

"But their dream of visiting the bustling city quickly turned into a nightmare when they were mistaken for street walkers." ...

"'At that time, I was a country girl from the mountains, I had a gun in my purse. This guy wouldn't leave me alone, because he was just sure that I was playing hard to get and that I was really after it. I didn't know how to get him off me so I just pulled my gun out and I said, 'If you touch me one more time I'm going to shoot you!'" ...

Submitter's Note: Armed self-defense works!

UK: Poor 'six times more likely' to be murdered
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"People living in poverty are almost six times more likely to be murdered than richer members of society, a new report reveals."

"Over the last 20 years, the murder rate for those living in richer areas has fallen, but the poorest are now even more likely to be murdered."

"The richest top ten per cent of society are now almost five per cent less likely to be murdered. However, the poorest ten per cent now face an increased risk of almost forty per cent."

"The report by the Crime and Society Foundation blames the government's inability to tackle the underlying social and economic causes of crime for this increasing gap between rich and poor." ...

Submitter's Note: Maybe if they quit blaming guns for crime.

NJ: Anti-violence events set for Safe Schools Week
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In recognition of National Safe Schools Week, at least two city schools have scheduled events to help students learn what they can do to avoid violence."

"Teachers who are organizing the week's events at Monument Elementary School and Trenton Central High School West say the activities have never been more important, given the wave of crime and gang violence that now plagues the city." ...

"PAX Real Solutions to Gun Violence - a non-profit organization that supports National Safe Schools Week - cited statistics from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing estimates that each month across the nation 950,000 students take a weapon to school." [emphasis added] ...

KY: Court Day points up a soft spot in law on gun sales
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"If you can't find it at Court Days, you probably don't need it, locals here say."

"Need a hunting rifle? Or want to get rid of an old one? This weekend's Court Days, which ends today, has been the venue to do it for more than 200 years."

"Started in 1796, Court Day -- which coincided with the October court session and the fall harvest -- was an annual market day where farmers could barter and buy tobacco, animals and guns."

"It is now a three-day event, more flea market than annual market day."

"Vendors hawking guns are still a main draw." ...

"In what many call 'the flea-market loophole,' people who buy and sell firearms at gun shows and flea markets don't have to comply with Brady Act gun control laws." ...

KABA Note: Actually every single unConstitutional gun law that applies outside of flea markets also applies inside.

VA: York School Board seeks to amend state gun laws
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The York County School Board is asking several state legislators to consider prohibiting firearms at board meetings - regardless of whether they are held on school property."

"The letter asking for the amendment to state gun laws came last week after a local resident attended the board's monthly meeting on Sept. 26 with a .45-caliber gun strapped to his hip."

"Chet Szymecki, a 38-year-old father of three, attended the meeting to voice concerns about a cell-phone tower proposed at Dare Elementary School."

"He had called the sheriff's office to make sure the law allowed him to take the gun to the meeting being held at York Hall, a county government building in Yorktown." ...

VA: E-mails, phone calls support deputy -- He stopped convoy of N.J. police speeding in Virginia last month (follow up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It wasn't the first time Augusta County Sheriff's Deputy Michael Roane had been the recipient of the F-word during a traffic stop."

"But it was the first time he heard it from a fellow cop."

"On Sept. 18, as motorists called 911 to complain about a reckless New Jersey police convoy on Interstate 81, Roane pulled over some of the out-of-state officers to ask them to slow down."

"'What the [expletive] did you stop us for?' a sheriff's deputy from Passaic County, N.J., yelled at Roane."

"Other Passaic deputies who were part of the convoy surrounded Roane and also harped at him, the Augusta deputy told The News Virginian." ...

VA: N.J. sheriff stands by remarks deriding Augusta County deputy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"What kind of cop curses a deputy from another state and suggests he rip off his badge and throw it in the garbage for politely telling reckless police officers to slow it down?"

"That would be Jerry Speziale, the cocksure sheriff of Passaic County, N.J. ..."

"'I have no regrets,' Speziale said Friday of his increasingly infamous, tape-recorded lambasting of Augusta County Deputy Michael Roane, who stopped a New Jersey police convoy speeding north on Interstate 81 last month." ...

VA: Transcript of Sept. 18 conversation: Sheriff Jerry Speziale and Augusta County Deputy Michael Roane
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The following is a verbatim Sept. 18 tape-recorded telephone conversation between Passaic County, N.J., Sheriff Jerry Speziale and Augusta County Deputy Michael Roane." ...

"Speziale: Here's my problem -- we got guys coming back from New Orleans so that we can get another deployment down, and I get a call from some trooper calling the Wayne Police Department threatening to arrest our people. You know what? It's a disgrace and I don't know who your sheriff is, but I plan to find out who he is and speak to him. It's a disgrace. If you think that that's not a disgrace you should take the badge off your shirt and throw it in the garbage. That's what I got to tell you. OK?"

"Roane: Well?"

"Speziale: You don't want to talk to me. Listen, pal, you don't want to talk to me ... You need to get off of that highway, pal, and wake up and learn what law enforcement is all about -- supporting each other. OK?" ...

CA: Jury Selection Begins In Police 'Mistaken Identity' Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jury selection was set to begin Monday in the emotionally charged case of a state narcotics agent who chased down and fatally shot a San Jose man in the back in what he claims was a case of mistaken identity."

"State narcotics agent Mike Walker, 33, is charged with voluntary manslaughter in connection with the Feb. 17, 2004 shooting of Rudy Cardenas in downtown San Jose alley."

"Walker allegedly believed Cardenas was a fugitive named David Gonzales and chased him through downtown. Walker testified to a grand jury hearing last year that he saw Cardenas brandish a weapon before shooting him. No weapon has ever been recovered."

"Walker faces a possible sentence of 10 years in prison if convicted." ...

OR: King County guard sentenced to more than 64 years for rape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A corrections officer described as 'Mr. Straight' by his lawyer has been sentenced to more than 64 years in prison for kidnapping, beating and raping two women who still bear visible scars two years later."

"Floyd Wayne Drane, 53, who worked as a guard for 22 years, most recently at the King County Regional Justice Center, was convincing when he said he didn't remember most of the episodes in which he was accused, Superior Court Judge Rosanne N. Buckner said." ...

"Prosecutors said Drane was angry about a divorce case and work problems and was high on crack cocaine when he abducted two prostitutes, one in September 2003 and the other a month later, taking them to his home in Tacoma and beating and raping them." ...

VA: Federal Marshal Charged In Wife's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Loudoun County grand jury has indicted a detective with the U.S. Marshal's Service on a first-degree murder charge.

John Ludwig, 51, is accused of shooting his 38-year-old wife, Karen, on July 4.

During a videotaped statement played at his preliminary hearing, Ludwig said he "lost it" during an argument at their home in Ashburn. He said on the videotape that he pushed her onto their bed, got his gun and shot her several times.

Ludwig reported the murder to police two days later. He said he came to after a blackout brought on by alcohol and cold medicine.

Nigeria: Large quantity of bullets stolen from Nigerian army armory: report
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A large quantity of bullets for AK-47 and FN rifles have been stolen from a Nigerian army armory in the country's commercial city Lagos, Nigeria's private Daily Sun newspaper reported Monday."

"But army spokesman Alade Dabiri denied the story, telling Xinhua that 'it's not true.'"

"The newspaper however quoted 'a key military source' as saying that the ammunition, including 7.6mm and 9mm, which can be fired from AK 47 and FN rifles, commonly used in the Nigerian Armed Forces, were stolen from the Ikeja Military Cantonment despite heavy security presence."

"The Nigerian army was yet to determine the quantity of the ammunition missing, but the source said the quantity was large, it reported." ...

UK: Soldier loses gun in toilet blunder (follow-up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A soldier's weapon has been missing for two days after it was left in a supermarket toilet during a military exercise, it has emerged."

"An army captain put her waistband holster on top of the cistern in a disabled loo during an exercise on Saturday evening and then left it behind, the Sun reported."

"The captain, who is reportedly based at barracks in Chicksands, Bedfordshire, soon realised her blunder and rushed back to get the pistol from the Sainsbury's store in Hitchin."

"But the US-made Sig Sauer 9mm automatic had gone, along with 13 blanks also in the holster."

"Hertfordshire police said that the loaded pistol had still not been found and could cause serious injury." ...

Australia: Should we be afraid of the terror laws?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Government's new antiterrorism package is sparking intense debate, in which arguments about community safety are pitted against the defence of long-held rights. ..."

"The spectre of people under house arrest, suspects being locked up for a fortnight without charge, imprisonment for 'praising' terrorist acts and other proposals in the draft legislation have civil libertarians warning that our society is being radically changed. They say protections enshrined over centuries of law are being eroded."

"John Howard and his Attorney- General, Philip Ruddock, say the war on terrorism has made the measures imperative to protect the nation from a threat that could - as the London bombings showed - be grown at home." ...

NH: Criminal Sluggers: Thugs Turn to Baseball Bats
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"THE BASEBALL bat has become the weapon of choice for a growing number of criminals in New Hampshire. Consider:"

"In May, Mayor Bob Baines witnessed a fight involving a baseball bat outside a downtown nightclub."

"On Aug. 11 Stephen Raymond was brutally struck down by an assailant swinging a red baseball bat."

"On Sept. 4, men armed with baseball bats and an ax beat a McDonald's custodian in Meredith." ...

"All this makes us wonder, will anti-gun types soon begin calling for the registration and regulation of ball bats? Will Louisville Slugger adopt the slogan, 'Baseball bats don't kill people, people do'?" ...

OH: Plain Dealer's Brent Larkin on HB347 editorial: 'We were wrong' (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"After waiting more than three weeks, the Cleveland Plain Dealer editorial board finally chose Saturday October 15 to publish a correction to glaring falsehoods repeated in a September 29 editorial about how House Bill 347, Rep. Jim Aslanides' sweeping firearms law reform bill, would amend the media access loophole."

"What they did not do, however, is retract their opposition to HB347, even though the premise for which they opposed it was completely false..." ...

NJ: Training session gives women an introduction to firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Learning how to shoot a pistol was just another step for Jill Herman in her quest to break into the criminal justice field."

"Herman, of Newton, was one of about 20 women who took part in the Franklin Rifle and Revolver Association's firearm training session Sunday. The training is offered twice a year for women interested in learning more about guns and the sport."

"Herman, who graduated from Centenary College in 2001, said she wants to pursue anything related to criminal justice and is taking tests to become a police officer."

"'I had interned at the Roxbury Police Department but, other than that, had never shot a gun,' she said."

"She was joined at the training session by her mother, Linda Syfor." ...

ME: Lock & Load
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The image of shotgun-carrying students in camouflage leisurely strolling across campus might not fit with the common perception of 'America's Environmental College.'"

"Yet a significant segment of Unity College students consider themselves pro-gun -- at least 20 percent of the 500 students own and regularly use firearms. More than 100 students checked their guns in the Public Safety building this year, and many use them on at least a weekly basis, according to Tim Peabody, professor of Conservation Law."

"'It's just a revolving door over there, as students are checking guns in and out,' Peabody said." ...

MD: Ladies get a chance to get their hands dirty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I knew it was my lucky day when Jim Mullen asked for a volunteer to climb a tree stand."

"Twice already, I'd written stories for The Capital about hunting safety demonstrations, with experts talking about how to properly use various types of tree stands. But I'd never been in one, let alone gone hunting."

"I eagerly handed off my camera and notebook and stepped onto the bottom half of the tree stand, a small metal platform strapped to the tree. Instructor Jesse Hartsock secured my feet, and I grabbed hold of the top half of the stand, another platform smaller than the first."

"I'm not afraid of heights, but it is unnerving to be up in the air, relying on the rules of physics to keep you from crashing down." ...

MN: Fixit: Handgun disposal is as close as the nearest phone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Q What's the best way to get rid of a cheap handgun? Because it was registered with Minneapolis, should I notify the city?

A Call 911 whenever you have a gun you don't want, advised Ron Reier, public information officer for the Minneapolis Police Department. An officer will come out and recover the gun. Recovered guns are destroyed.

MA: MIT Rifle Stays Undefeated With Sweep Over VMI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Engineers had their second shoulder-to-shoulder match of the season against the Virginia Military Institute on Saturday. MIT defeated VMI in both guns behind Anton Katz, who was the high shooter of the day in air and smallbore."

"Katz was a distant first in both events, with only John Nikiforakis providing a challenge in smallbore. Katz totaled 577 in smallbore, with teammate Taylor Barton closing with a personal-best 539. Nathan Pfaff shot 527 and Jake Lathcam secured a personal-high 524 to round out Tech's scoring in the event." ...

Cayman: Cayman has chosen the wiser path (one view)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rednecks and Yardies, how they love their guns. And love can be blind to true reason."

"The answer to guns is 'more guns' in the same way the answer to noise is 'more noise'. You end up with a worse quality of life by competing on the terms chosen by the offender."

"The statement 'when guns are criminalized only criminals will have guns' sounds good, even an idiot can sound clever by saying it, but it sidesteps the issue of armed, trained and accountable police in an environment of otherwise strict gun control. Think Iraq would be better that way round or are more guns the answer there too?" ...

Canada: Winnipeg becomes homicide capital
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Mr. Haiart was the 22nd homicide victim in Winnipeg this year."

"According to a report by Statistics Canada, the city is now the country's murder capital -- it has the highest per capita murder rate of Canada's nine largest urban areas."

"Shootings and other violent crimes have become so commonplace in Winnipeg, especially in the impoverished northern and central parts of the city, that some streets are empty at dusk."

"Many people from middle-class suburbs avoid entire neighbourhoods, even during the daytime." ...

Submitter's Note: But wasn't your $2 BILLION gun registration system supposed to reduce crime?

Cayman: Gun control (a different view)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Removal of guns from the mainstream public will not result in taking guns away from criminals. The criminals must be removed from the equation.
The best solution is to create severe and non-negotiable punishments for anyone who uses or physically possesses a gun while committing any criminal act. This includes the same punishment for those who possess on their person or in their home a non-registered firearm."

"Some say that this will not deter true hardened criminals but, the system will remove those people from society by attrition. An individual who is not willing to register their firearm ... should reap the same punishment as those who use the gun as a weapon while committing the crime." ...

South Africa: The hair trigger of social crisis
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IN ALL the media attention given to the shooting of businessman Brett Kebble, little attention was paid to the fact that, whether it was a failed hijacking or a 'hit', it involved a gun. Gun violence is the leading cause of non-natural death in SA, involving 31 deaths a day."

"It has been suggested in the media that Kebble might have had a chance to defend himself if he had had a gun with him. However, research by Anthony Altbeker has demonstrated the risks involved in firearm ownership. One of the most significant findings of his docket analysis on gun use in two police precincts ... was that victims in possession of a firearm were four times more likely to have their firearms stolen than to use them in self defence." ...

Submitter's Note: Which actually says nothing about their utility as a self-defense tool.

Canada: Whyte Avenue robber packs gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A pistol-packing robber is at work in the Whyte Avenue area, say city police, knocking off area businesses for cash."

"A male suspect walked into the Dollar Store at 105 Street and 82 Avenue at 4:34 p.m. Saturday and showed staff the butt of a handgun stuffed in the waistband of his pants. He snatched a small amount of cash from a register and ran away."

"At 4:35 p.m. yesterday, and again later that evening, a Liquor Depot at 80 Avenue and 104 Street was knocked off by a man in a similar fashion. And at 9:45 p.m. yesterday, a United Video at 89 Avenue and 99 Street was robbed by a man also sporting a pistol in his pants." ...

UK: Shot In The Face
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A COLLEGE student was shot in the face by air gun snipers – just days after new laws were announced to keep them off the streets."

"Andrew Ross needed six stitches after the plastic pellet, fired from a roadside bunker, tore through his cheek as he walked to visit his grandma on Saturday."

"It came 48 hours after the Government unveiled changes to the law banning the sale of air guns from unlicensed dealers."

"Roker mum Linda Mitchell, who popped the champagne last week at the announcement, today condemned the attack and urged youngsters to put down their weapons." ...

UK: School gunshot: boy held
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SCHOOLBOY was arrested after a gun was fired in a school, police have revealed."

"The 13-year-old was questioned after a ball-bearing gun was fired into the air during a struggle between two pupils ..."

"The ball bearing ricocheted off the ceiling and struck one of the pupils."

"He suffered a minor injury but did not need hospital treatment."

"Police were called to the school and arrested the teenager on suspicion of possession of a firearm with intent."

"An Avon and Somerset Police spokeswoman said: "A 13-year-old boy has been released on bail after an incident at a school in Crewkerne."

"'The disturbance involved a BB gun being fired and one pupil received a minor injury which did not need hospital treatment.'" ...

UK: Anger at Dunblane gun list delay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Relatives of those killed in the 1996 Dunblane massacre have expressed anger that a firearms database promised in 1997 has still not been set up."

"Parliament agreed to the measure after Thomas Hamilton killed 16 children and a teacher at Dunblane Primary School."

"Mick North, whose five-year-old daughter Sophie was killed, said: 'I... find it very surprising this hasn't been up and running for years.'"

"The Home Office said 'technical issues' had delayed the roll-out of the system."

"Following a public inquiry into the killings, the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1997 legislated for a national register of gun owners to be made available to all police forces." ...

Resistance to sudden violence, for the preservation not only of my person, my limbs, and life, but of my property, is an indisputable right of nature which I have never surrendered to the public by the compact of society, and which perhaps, I could not surrender if I would. — JOHN ADAMS

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