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Newslinks for 10/19/2004

FDA OKS implanted medical info chip
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"The Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday approved an implantable computer chip that can pass a patient's medical details to doctors, speeding care."

"VeriChips, radio frequency microchips the size of a grain of rice, have already been used to identify wayward pets and livestock." ...

"Delray Beach, Florida-based Applied Digital Solutions in July asked the FDA for approval to use the implantable chip for medical uses in the United States." ...

"It's the first time the FDA has approved the use of the device, though in Mexico, more than 1,000 scannable chips have been implanted in patients. The chip's serial number pulls up the patients' blood type and other medical information." ...

Comedy Central's Jon Stewart Rips CNN Crossfire Interviewers
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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Comedy Central's Jon Stewart is a maverick. He doesn't take sides in politics; he beats up on all sides equally.

For some weird reason, the CNN Crossfire Klan invited him onto their show. He made them look like the phonies they are. Watch the link and pass it on. It's a .mov file.

Politics, paranoia fuel war of words over guns
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"It was July 1998. Newspapers were full of stories about a seeming rash of shootings in schools. About 40 representatives of law enforcement, public health and other fields were summoned to Washington, D.C., to talk about ways to deal with gun violence in America." ...

"The premise of the session was not quite right, [Lizotte] said. Like many attempts to address the problem, it was organized after an unusual but high-profile tragedy and was the product of conventional thinking: Someone broke a law, so tougher laws are needed." ...

"So Lizotte and some of his colleagues offered this advice to Reno: 'School shootings are not the issue. The issue is kids selling drugs on street corners in big cities.'"

"School shootings are rare. Disarming drug dealers would save more lives than banning certain types of guns or making it harder for otherwise law-abiding people to own one, they said." ...

Felons, guns, and funding -- Oh My!
Submitted by: TriggerFinger

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"It seems that a pair of Democratic senators are trying to get an anti-gun bill through the Senate. It's an obscure bill covering an obscure area of law, and it probably won't make much difference to anyone's life whether it passes or not. So why are they pushing for it? And why should we consider letting them pass it?"

"Sens. Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg (both D-N.J.) said yesterday they have proposed legislation aimed at dissolving a program that allows convicted felons to purchase guns if they obtain a federal waiver."

"The senators said such a waiver has not been granted in the past 12 years because they have managed to cut off funding for the program, administered by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." ...

Walter Mitty's Second Amendment
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Once upon a time, there was a people who inhabited a majestic land under an all-powerful government. Now this government had the resources to control practically every aspect of human existence ..." ...

"In that fruitful land, the state took about 50 percent of everything the people earned through numerous forms of taxation, up from about 25 percent only a generation earlier. However, this boastful people, who believed themselves to be the freest on earth, retained the right to keep and bear arms. Tens of millions of them possessed firearms – just in case their government became tyrannical and enslaved them." ...

The monarchization of America under Bush
Submitted by: N T Merkel

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... "The Chicago Tribune once described humorist P.J. O'Rourke as "a trophy hunter let loose in an unguarded zoo." They should have saved that description for James Bovard."

"In his new book, The Bush Betrayal, Bovard opens fire on President George W. Bush with a thunderous barrage of facts and revelations that proves, beyond any doubt, that Bush has broken every small-government promise he ever made, and has shattered any credibility his Republican lackeys in Congress have for claiming to be a party of 'limited government.'"

"The premise of the book is simple: Bush is a terrible president who is savagely shredding the liberties of the American people." ...

Guns a low priority in presidential race
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"Gun control has played a big role in some political campaigns but it has not been a major issue in the 2004 presidential contest."

"The issue did make a brief appearance in mid-September, with Sen. John Kerry lambasting President Bush over the expiration of the federal assault weapons ban." ...

"The NRA endorsed Bush Wednesday, promising millions of dollars for ads, phone banks and other get-out-the-vote efforts, according to The Associated Press." ...

"Kerry has been endorsed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, which this week plans to spend $100,000 to air a TV ad critical of Bush's failure to press for renewal of the assault weapons ban. The ad is being shown only in Miami, Philadelphia and Cleveland."

Some Outdoorsmen to Consider Backing Kerry
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"Bob Elderkin's vote would appear to be a sure bet for President Bush on Nov. 2. He is a hunter, part of a conservative-leaning group of outdoorsmen that is 38 million strong and avidly supports gun rights."

"But after backing Bush in 2000, Elderkin and some like-minded outdoorsmen say the Republican won't get their vote again because of his environmental policies." ...

IL: Trucking company owner challenges Welch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gary Dahl wasn’t the Republican Party’s top pick for a candidate to face veteran lawmaker Sen. Patrick Welch."

"In fact, GOP leaders in Springfield were pining for State Police Capt. John Morscheiser to run. But he opted not to when Dahl entered the race."

"Dahl has some personal baggage that raises concerns among some. In a district where organized labor wields enormous political influence, Dahl is a trucking executive who operates a non-union shop." ...

"Dahl said he opposes new gun control measures and views the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution as absolute right for law-abiding citizens to own firearms." ...

IN: Gun Control - Statesman columnists face-off on the issues in the upcoming elections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I agree we should retain the liberty to possess and bear arms, and that right should not be unduly strained by overzealous restrictions and taxation. I also agree that the availability of guns, which have virtually no other purpose than the harming of human beings, should be heavily restricted. ..."

"... It's impossible to completely prevent guns from reaching those who may misuse them; banning guns entirely comes the closest. This must not be allowed to occur in this country as it has in some others. Background checks, however, can go far in preventing gun purchases by those with criminal histories and do not infringe upon the possession rights of law-abiding citizens." ...

This, by the way, is the Anti-Gun-Control columnist.

AK: Alakunak man wins civil suit against state trooper
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bethel Superior Court jury on Monday awarded an Alakunak man $1.8 million for pain and suffering after an Alaska State Trooper formerly stationed in Palmer shocked him with a Taser gun at least four times in December 2002."

"Kevin Patrick, 32, brought a civil suit against trooper Eric Spitzer after Spitzer used a Taser gun to subdue him during a struggle to place Patrick in handcuffs." ...

"Patrick's attorney, Dave Henderson, told jurors Spitzer tortured and brutalized Patrick with the Taser gun, which eyewitnesses said was used repeatedly on Patrick after he had been handcuffed." ...

More humane than shooting him after he'd been handcuffed I suppose.

AZ: Police officer critically wounds graffiti suspect in accidental shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Phoenix police officer accidentally shot a graffiti suspect Sunday, critically wounding him, as the man hid under a pile of clothes in a stranger's bedroom."

"The victim, 23-year-old Donald Lee Gluhak, was shot in the hip through the pile of clothes, said Sgt. Lauri Williams, a spokeswoman for the Phoenix Police Department."

"Gluhak was allegedly spray-painting a sidewalk ... when police were called to the scene, she said." ...

"Officer Joseph Twyford ... saw a man run toward a house on the block. Twyford asked the homeowner ...if he could search her house."

"Twyford and another officer went into the home and were searching a bedroom when Twyford's gun went off. Authorities are investigating why it fired, but said it was accidental." ...

MD: School Police Say Boy Brings Gun To Baltimore Middle School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Baltimore school police arrested a 14-year-old boy Monday afternoon after he allegedly brandished a gun at Harlem Park Middle School in west Baltimore.

The boy allegedly showed the gun at about 2 p.m. at the school. He was arrested after classes were dismissed at about 2:30.

Police are not releasing the boy's name. No one was reported hurt.

MA: Students Carry Mace Illegally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When living in Cambridge last summer, Brittani S. Head ’06 carried pepper spray to ease the late-night walk home, halfway to Central Square."

"'During the summer the campus is much more deserted, and carrying the pepper spray made me feel a lot safer,' Head said."

"Many students on campus purchased self-defense chemicals in the wake of more than a dozen sexual assaults in the vicinity of the campus last year, despite the fact that carrying mace or pepper spray is illegal without the proper license."

"Head, who no longer carries the spray, said that she was vaguely aware of the law against carrying mace without a license, but felt that her safety was more important."

"'I think it’s kind of a stupid law,' she said." ...

NY: Civil War buff suspended from school for having replica rifle [follow-up]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It appears the Pine Bush School District is sticking to its guns -- and won't back down in charging a 17-year-old high school student who had a Civil War replica rifle in his car trunk. The student - Joshua Phelps was arrested earlier this month by Town of Crawford Police after a security guard saw the rifle butt. Phelps belongs to a Civil War re-enactment club - which was endorsed by the school, when he joined this year. He had all his Civil War costumes in his car truck, including uniforms, belts, hats and musket rifle in his trunk."

"He was suspended for five days and charged with criminal possession of a weapon - which could get him a year in jail."

"His mother - Valerie Michaels - says school officials over-reacted." ...

VA: [Armed] Fairfax Store Owner Catches Burglars In The Act
Submitted by: N T Merkel

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"Two burglars were arrested Friday morning after being confronted by a business owner in the Fullerton area, police said."

"Authorities said that around 3 a.m. Thursday, the owner of Underground Audio on Backlick Road entered the store and found a man inside attempting to steal property."

"The owner was armed with a handgun and confronted the intruder, police said. During the confrontation, the owner fired two shots but no one was injured."

"According to police, when officers arrived, the suspect who was inside the business fled with an accomplice who was outside."

"The Fairfax County police helicopter was able to locate the two suspects hiding nearby and the men were apprehended." ...

AZ: Defense says trail victim had shown rage in the past
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The attorney for the man accused of shooting a fellow hiker three times in the chest wants to conduct a 'psychiatric autopsy' because of several instances of bizarre and violent behavior by the deceased."

"The request is vital to the defense, according to attorney A. Melvin McDonald, because when his client, Harold A. Fish, made the decision to shoot and kill Grant Kuenzli, at a forested trailhead north of Payson May 11, he contended he feared for his life."

"Fish, 57, a retired school teacher with no criminal history, was indicted by a Coconino County grand jury on a charge of second-degree murder. He pleaded innocent to the charges in late July and claims self-defense." ...

Not only does he claim self-defense, but the police investigators said all the evidence completely corroborated his story, and was consistent with self-defense. But a gun-hating persecutor is doing his best to show what happens to any 'civilian' who has the temerity to defend himself.

FL: Gun-Toting Woman Scares Off Robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pembroke Pines police said a would-be robber tangled with the wrong woman Monday."

"Investigators said Felecia Moss, 34, was followed when she drove her Lexus into her gated community. When she arrived at her home, a man ... pulled up and approached Moss as she got out of her car."

"Moss said the man, who had a gun, demanded money from her. But when she showed him her empty wallet, he grabbed a cellular phone from her purse."

"Moss then pulled out a 9mm Heckler and Koch semi-automatic handgun. The man scuffled with Moss, trying to get the gun. Without being able to get the gun, the man took off running."

"Moss fired three shots at the man, and fearing he would return for his getaway car, she shot the tire out on the vehicle." ...

MT: Sheriff offers free gun locks
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"Nearly 2,000 gun locks are piled up at the Butte-Silver Bow police department just waiting for anyone to pick them up for free."

"The locks have a foot-long cable attached to them which can be run through the barrel of the pistol or the bullet chamber of a rifle to secure the firearm and prevent it from firing."

"State and local officials are especially encouraging people to use the locks and other methods to secure guns to protect their children now that hunting season is starting."

"'Having a gun in the home —especially if it's not stored properly — is a significant risk factor for childhood injury and death,' said Marcia Murja of the Butte-Silver Bow Health Department." ...

HORSEFEATHERS! Conservative estimates are that there are over 1 million DGU's per year in this country. In 2001 there were 65 children (13 and under) accidentally killed by guns. If people 'lock up their safety', how many more kids are going to wind up dead as a result?

NY: Programs, activism target gun crimes
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"'Something simple happened in Buffalo,' said Oswaldo Mestre, taking care not to confuse simple with insignificant."

"Mestre was referring to a big drop in violent crime in neighborhoods targeted by the federally funded Weed and Seed programs he heads in Buffalo."

"One lesson learned from the program, Mestre said, is that gun violence can be reduced without passing new gun laws."

"'The folks who have these guns are not paying attention to any laws. What they're paying attention to is enforcement -- whether they're being prosecuted,' he said."

"A growing body of research suggests the relationship between gun control laws and gun crime is at best unclear, leading many scholars, politicians and local officials like Mestre to consider better research and diligent, tailored law enforcement as a more effective way to reduce crime."

GA: When gun season for deer begins, hunters start shooting cash into rural Georgia
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... "Gun season for deer started Saturday, and hunters started coming in by the droves. A Georgia Department of Natural Resources study estimates that hunting overall contributes $515 million to the state economy with deer hunting accounting for $331 million."

"The impact can be far-reaching. Everyone from large landowners to Huddle House waitresses can see a little extra coin in their pocket as a result of deer season."

"Before daybreak Saturday morning, deer hunters hauling 4-wheelers on pickups began streaming into the Huddle House in East Dublin before hitting the woods. A BP station next door also was getting steady business from camouflage-clad customers." ...

VA: Arms at the Airports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE WILD WEST mentality that has turned Virginia into Holster Heaven -- where people openly packing guns can sashay almost anywhere -- is making a grim mockery of security considerations at greater Washington's two airports in the Old Dominion. Though Ronald Reagan National Airport and Dulles International Airport don't -- and still won't -- allow weapons inside the terminals, on the airfields or in buildings adjacent to the airfields without prior arrangements, people will be free, as of Dec. 1, to transport their arsenals right onto the grounds and leave them stashed in their cars at the parking lots." ...

"... Allowing arsenals in the parking lots of terminals serving the nation's capital -- just because these days "Virginia Is for Gun Lovers" -- is reckless."

I agree. Why should these people be disarmed at the airport? What transformation do they undergo to make them unworthy of carrying a firearm the moment they enter the airport?

Issue frangible ammo at the gate, and let people turn it back in for theirs at their destination.

AZ: Firearms course proves popular among women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tired of living in fear and of being harassed, more women are taking firearms classes so that they can learn how to defend themselves."

"Women also have become more conscious of the need to protect themselves following the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, according to Jane Anne Hulen, director of marketing at Gunsite here."

"'We don’t want to be victims,' said Gina Peacock, an administrative assistant at Gunsite. She was among 14 women who took a Women Only Pistol Training Class that Hulen conducted this past weekend at Gunsite."

"Gunsite, a private academy ... began offering the class for women in 2001. Since then, more than 200 women have completed the course." ...

Canada: Woman recalls terrifying bear attack
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Calgary woman mauled by a grizzly bear is talking out about her ordeal."

"Fran Nykoluk is still recovering after the attack ..." ...

"'I was trying to roll over but everytime I did, she grabbed me,' says Nykoluk. 'She wasn't grabbing me with her paws, she was grabbing me with her teeth.'"

"The woman was hunting elk with her husband at the time of the attack."

"The pair had just shot an animal and went in separate directions to find it."

"That's when Nykoluk was attacked. She says the bear was attracted by the smell of the blood from the elk and wasn't protecting her young cubs."

"After being mauled, she fired off a round from her rifle to alert her husband and started walking out of the bush." ...

Canada: Man attacked by grizzly in northern B.C.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An unprovoked attack by a grizzly bear has put an elderly man in hospital in Prince George."

"The victim is a man in his 70s on a hunting visit to the area, where he was mauled in the woods near the small town of Dunster, southeast of McBride, B.C."

"'He was camped... on a piece of private property, hunting deer and moose,' said conservation officer Jim Corbett."

"'He was attacked from behind by a bear which he described as a grizzly. It bit him on the leg and the arm, and around the head and face area.'"

"Corbett says the hunter managed to get to his feet, shot his rifle into the air to attract the attention of his hunting partner, and started walking back toward camp." ...

Why would anyone need a .50 revolver?

UK: [Home Secretary] Blunkett warns on gun crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Blunkett, home secretary, admitted levels of gun crime were "unacceptable" yesterday as he led MPs in condemning the drive-by shooting of 14-year-old Danielle Beccan."

"He said there had been an 'exponential rise' in gun possession since the mid-1990s, with it stablilising, but still not being acceptable, in the last three years."

"But he warned against pretending the situation was 'out of control', since this would only play into the hands of young men who believed guns made them look 'trendy and invincible'." ...

"He said there were no statistics for the number of deaths caused by drive-by shootings in the past three years. But there had been a fall in the number of deaths from gun crime in the last three years ..." ...

What's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah. LIAR! See the graphic the Telegraph published yesterday for the truth. Gun deaths just in England and Wales (not including Scotland and Northern Ireland):
2000-01: 19
2001-02: 49
2002-03: 81
2003-04: 97

Philippines: Snipers shoot dead top Manila cop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The chief of the Western Police District’s Station 8 in Santa Mesa, Manila, was shot dead by still-unidentified men right in front of his station on Monday morning. Three others were wounded."

"Senior Supt. Manolo Martinez, 54, was declared dead on arrival at the nearby University of the East Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical Center."

"Martinez sustained six gunshot wounds in different parts of his body."

"A member of the National Police Traffic Management group (PNP-TMG) was killed by still-unidentified assailants on Monday morning in Lipa City, Batangas."

"Initial reports reaching Camp Crame said the victim ... was assigned at Camp Crame."

"He suffered several gun shot wounds in different parts of his body." ...

Officers gunned down in a country where guns are banned. As tragic as these events are they serve to underscore the fact that the police can not protect everyone.

Philippines: 18 unlicensed firearms seized in Marawi
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police and military personnel seized 18 assorted firearms in Marawi City after its owners failed to produce licenses for the guns, it was learned Monday.

Authorities said the guns -- mostly .38 revolvers, 9mm and 45mm pistols -- were seized at random checkpoints and vehicle searches conducted in the city since September.

Maj. Omar Tonsay, 7th Marine Brigade commander, said owners of the unlicensed guns will face criminal charges.

Marawi City residents earlier complained of the proliferation of loose firearms in the city, most of which were used by criminals.

So none of these people committed a bad act, save not jumping through the government's hoops to get a 'license'.

Canada: P.C. Ramrodders Black Powder Shoot a Thanksgiving tradition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To most Thanksgiving is a time to spend the weekend reflecting on and giving thanks for the many blessings that each of us have in our lives or for driving home to get together with family and friends and catch up on all the latest news and reminisce about the great times that they’ve had together over a turkey dinner. Some members of the community spent the three-day weekend out near Summerview doing those things, but with a little bit of a twist. To them the Thanksgiving weekend was the perfect time for the Black Powder Shoot."

"The Black Powder Shoot is filled with good friends visiting, camping, reminiscing over turkey dinner and, of course, doing a little bit of shooting." ...

Canada: 6 arrested in Toronto, weapons seized as police thwart suspected home invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Six suspects were in custody Monday after police said they thwarted what appeared to be a planned home invasion in its early stages."

"Acting on a tip, Toronto police said they arrested the suspects in the city's west end after stopping two vehicles on Sunday evening. "It was believed that the suspects operating the two vehicles were planning a home invasion-style robbery," said Insp. Kenneth Kinsman."

"'Seized were one sawed-off shotgun, one 9-mm Luger pistol - both of these weapons were fully loaded,' he added."

"Kinsman said officers also recovered three machetes, two baseball bats, duct tape, face disguises and latex gloves." ...

Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms. — Neal Knox

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