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Newslinks for 10/19/2005

Gun lobby rolls Congress
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Three years ago, those in and around America's capital lived in fear of a pair of snipers who killed 10 and wounded three in random attacks ... In the aftermath, the rifle was traced to a shoddy gun dealer who claimed he somehow 'lost' that war weapon and 200 other guns to the underground market. Victimized families sued in grief and outrage and won $2.5 million in a settlement ..."

"The House of Representatives, in callow disregard of cause and effect in America's harrowing gun carnage, is about to take aim at the Bushmaster settlement by voting what is expected to be final approval of a bill to grant assault-proof protection from damage suits to the gun industry, from manufacturers to dealers. ..." ...

Trigger-lock measure assailed as 'gun tax' -- 2nd-Amendment defenders warn of addition slipped into bill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Second-Amendment defenders are urging Congress to defeat an amendment slipped into an otherwise favorable bill that would require licensed gun dealers to supply a trigger-lock device with every handgun sold, calling it an effective 'gun tax' on every weapon sold."

"The bill as it originally was introduced by the House of Representatives would help protect the firearms industry from frivolous lawsuits brought by cities, municipalities and radical anti-gun interest groups, said Gun Owners of America, or GOA."

"But the Senate version was amended on the Senate floor in July by Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wisc., adding the trigger-lock requirement." ...

As House Prepares to Pass Gun Immunity Law, Brady Center Vows Constitutional Attack
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Lawyers at the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, who have spearheaded lawsuits against negligent gun sellers and manufacturers, today said they intend to attack the constitutionality of the gun industry legal immunity bill scheduled to reach the House Floor tomorrow."

"Dennis Henigan, Director of the Brady Center's Legal Action Project, issued this statement: 'The Congress can pass it. The President can sign it. But this shameful law will not stand. We will challenge the constitutionality of this special interest extravaganza in every court where the rights of gun violence victims are being threatened. ...'" ...

Auto Pistol of the 20th Century - Page One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pistol of the century? That’s easy. For nine decades the Colt Government Model 1911 has been without challenge the most recognized, most imitated, most influential, and most used semiauto handgun in the world. It is to autoloaders what the Colt Single Action Army is to revolvers."

"Its basic mechanical design, based on John Browning’s original 1898 patent for a recoil-operated autoloader mechanism, has been the foundation or point of reference for virtually every other centerfire autoloading pistol subsequently produced by handgun manufacturers everywhere for the entire 20th century, and it is more widely copied and imitated than any other pistol ever made. ..." ...

OH: Dayton homeowner shoots intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The man pounded on the front door of the home on Kimberly Lane, terrifying the elderly couple inside.

Then he smashed the front window and climbed inside.

The male homeowner shot him several times.

The incident occurred shortly before 1 a.m. Tuesday, Dayton police said.

"The elderly occupants did not know this subject and refused to open the door," Lt. David Sherrer said.

The man, 45, then shattered a front glass window and climbed into the home. That's when the homeowner shot him, Sherrer said.

The man was taken to Miami Valley Hospital to be treated for wounds to his upper leg that were not life threatening, Sherrer said. He is expected to be arrested after his release.

VA: Sissified! Your Unified School District at Work
Submitted by: Jennifer Freeman

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"The York County (Virginia) School Board is asking several state legislators to consider prohibiting firearms at board meetings - regardless of whether they are held on school property."

"'We're not infringing upon people's rights to bear arms,' said board Chairman Mark Medford. 'It's just a common-sense issue. We don't want to have weapons at our School Board meeting, because if someone decided to snap or got angry about a decision we make, we don't want the worst-case scenario.'"

"This is a typical anti-gun statement loaded with lies to such an extent that one would have to write an entire paper just to set the record straight. Let's review." ...

VA: A modest proposal: no guns at board meetings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In at least one respect, the York County School Board is no different from any other school board in Virginia. Its members would just as soon have school patrons or any other county residents, for that matter, leave their firearms at home on meeting nights." ...

"But the presence of the gun was a little more than the School Board members could take. And why not? What possible reason could there be for a county resident to have a weapon at the School Board meeting? Has civility reached such a low point in York County that this resident feels compelled to defend himself with a firearm even at a public meeting?" ...

Submitter's Note: Do these people realize that Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" was satire?

CA: School on guard after report of armed man -- Police still have no leads following Thursday 'lockdown' at Palomares
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Reports made last week by schoolchildren who said they spotted a man holding a pistol on the Palomares Elementary School grounds remained a mystery on Monday."

"On Thursday afternoon, shortly after a handful of second-graders told a supervisor of an armed man standing by the slide on the playground, 30 deputies and investigators from the Alameda County Sheriff's Department surrounded the small school by the mouth of Palomares Canyon."

"With a search dog, police combed the dense woods and hills around the school for more than two hours but found nothing. 'The dog may have picked up on a scent, but we're not sure,' Lt. William Gaudinier said Monday." ...

NY: Student In HS Weapons Bust
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A 17-year-old Manhattan student was arrested at his high school yesterday for carrying a loaded handgun and a 3 1/2-inch knife, officials said.

Police said Donald Jackson produced the blade when he was questioned at Reynolds West Side HS, but bolted when asked if he had other weapons. When agents caught him, they found a loaded .32-caliber pistol.

MD: Maryland Governor's Staff Contemplating Gun Law Rollback; Gun Violence Groups Urge Measure Be Dropped (BCPGV)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Four prominent gun violence prevention organizations today urged Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich to drop a proposal his administration is considering that would repeal portions of the landmark gun violence prevention legislation passed in Maryland in 2000. Gov. Ehrlich said in his campaign for Governor in 2002 that he would not roll back Maryland gun laws." ...

GA: Firearms ordinance on table
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"After distributing more than a hundred fliers at local hunting and fishing shops, Walton Wood said he hopes residents will turn out in droves to tonight's Houston County Commission meeting."

"That's when commissioners will likely decide whether to ban the firing of guns within 300 feet of a building."

"'If a bunch of folks show up that are opposed to it, we got a chance of shouting it down,' said Wood, who delivered letters to county commissioners Monday morning outlining opposition to the proposal. 'If nobody shows up, then of course, they're going to pass it.'" ...

OH: Toledo police chief: First Amendment rights 'unfortunate'
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"Mike Navarre's Toledo Police Department has a rough history when it comes to the Second Amendment."

"Having once told store owners enduring a wave of violent robberies they should not take up arms to defend themselves but instead just try to 'get away from the bullets', having arrested a man for exercising his right to carry in a city park, and having confiscated a handgun from a legally licensed citizen, the evidence of his disdain for the Second Amendment could not be more clear."

"Navarre's latest opposition to the Bill of Rights may not come as a surprise to people who are aware of his views on the right to bear arms, but Toledo police chief Mike Navarre is bound to turn a few heads..." ...

TX: San Antonio couple files suit against police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yolanda Williams said she was headed to a local park when she suffered a seizure and fainted nearly three months ago."

"Her husband, Donta Aubrety, was about a half block away at their house. Paramedics were called in to help her, finding her collapsed in the street."

"What they say happened next is the topic of a $7.5 million, civil rights lawsuit the couple filed against the city of San Antonio and four of its police officers."

"The lawsuit claims the officers beat Aubrety and hurt his wife in the ordeal. Two sketchy 15-second video clips taken by a witness’ cell phone and released by plaintiff attorney James W. Myart Jr., show portions of the incident." ...

NJ: County Prosecutor's Office to sponsor 'Guns for Cash' program
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Monmouth County's Prosecutor's Office will sponsor a 'Guns for Cash' program between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday."

"The programs allow people to turn in weapons for money. Assault weapons are worth $100, handguns are worth $50 and people with rifles or shotguns will be paid $25."

"The program is anonymous and voluntary, and those bringing in weapons will not need a permit to bring the guns to the Prosecutor's Office. Weapons should be unloaded."

"Weapons can be taken to either the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office at 132 Jerseyville Ave. in Freehold or the Prosecutor's Office in Asbury Park at 710 Main St." ...

UK: Marine charged with guns theft
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Royal Marine from Northern Ireland has been accused of stealing two guns from a Scottish naval base, it was revealed today." ...

"Hickman was arrested over the disappearance from Faslane on the Clyde of the firearms, believed to be an SA80 rifle and a 9mm Browning pistol."

"He was detained in the North last month and charged at Dumbarton Sheriff Court with theft, unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of a prohibited weapon."

"The alleged theft at the base, in Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, which is home to Britain's nuclear deterrent, took place between Thursday, August 22 and the following day." ...

UK: Ministry of Defence Gun Found in Post Box
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"THE hunt for a missing military weapon ended when it was found in a post box just yards from an infants' school."

"The search for the hand gun began on Saturday night and ended early on Tuesday morning in Strathmore Avenue, Hitchin, when the person who had found it told police on his mobile phone where he had dumped it."

"A 20-year-old man ... was arrested on suspicion of theft by finding but was later released with a caution."

"'We responded to intelligence and other information and identified the person who had taken the gun,' said a police spokesman."

"'We went to his home and he wasn't there but contacted him on his mobile phone. He told us where the gun was and he was told to go to Stevenage police station ..."' ...

FL: Fear breeds fear; guns breed death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rampant paranoia of people who feel their lives are never going to be safe unless they own a gun or guns constantly bewilders me. What makes these people feel they are more valuable or important than the people they shoot?"

"As for the vaunted Castle Doctrine, where is the sense or intelligence in the right to shoot another being based on brief and fleeting impressions of threat or fear for safety? People who are so fearful of the world around them that they need to have a gun in their possession all the time are obviously inclined to find others as potentially threatening, regardless of the reality of the situation." ...

FL: The Gunshine State
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A new chapter in the old debate over gun control is starting to unfold in Florida, and part of the story is tucked away in Shari Kotsch's purse."

"Kotsch, a Pasco County resident who works from home, decided to apply for a concealed weapons license about six months ago."

"'My husband and I both signed up for the class,' she said, in part because she always felt like an 'easy target' in a world that's 'going crazy.'"

"Now, Kotsch takes her pistol everywhere. Her mother and mother-in-law -- both widows -- now carry, too."

"Kotsch and her relatives have plenty of company." ...

UT: Schanze to unload gun store
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Dell Schanze is getting out of the gun business."

"Schanze has nearly completed the sale of Totally Awesome Guns & Range, at 4075 W. 4715 South in Kearns, to Impact Guns, which operates a retail store and indoor range in Ogden and also has an online sales division." ...

MD: Gun law inapplicable to trucker
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A man who allegedly tried to enter Andrews Air Force Base in March with two firearms and a machete did not violate the state’s handgun statute — because the tractor-trailer he was driving was not traveling on a public highway, the U.S. District Court in Greenbelt has held."

"Addressing a novel issue of Maryland law, U.S. District Judge Charles B. Day granted Edwin L. Robson’s motion for judgment of acquittal on the handgun violations. ..."

"'From a review of Maryland law, it is clear that in order to be considered 'used by the public' that open access to all members of the public is necessary,' wrote Day, explaining that 'the Base Commander exercises absolute authority to bar the public from coming onto the base at any time. ...'" ...

OH: Police charge three in bank robbery
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Cincinnati police were also looking Monday for the man who robbed the Communicating Arts Credit Union, 1717 Western Ave., about 2:30 p.m."

"According to the police, the man showed a silver handgun and demanded cash from the teller."

"He left with an undisclosed amount of cash and was last seen running west across Dalton Avenue." ...

Submitter's Note: Another gun incident from "gun free" Communicating Arts Credit Union.

KY: Meeting on bows and arrows ban postponed
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Fort Mitchell City Council on Monday postponed a second reading on a proposed ordinance banning bows and arrows in the city."

"City Council made revisions to the ordinance that would prohibit discharging bows and arrows within city limits and decided only to hold a first reading, which does not require a vote."

"The second reading is scheduled for Nov. 17."

"City Clerk Amy Able said the revisions dealt with allowing an exception to be made for schools that want to offer archery programs to students. Schools would be required to show proof of independent liability insurance to the city." ...

WI: Legislature to hire law firms in concealed carry case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Republican legislative leaders voted to hire two law firms to defend two lawmakers the state attorney general says hid drafts of a bill that would let Wisconsinites carry concealed weapons."

"Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager sued state Sen. Dave Zien, R-Eau Claire, and Rep. Scott Gunderson, R-Waterford, in September. She accused them of providing a copy of the bill to a National Rifle Association lobbyist but refusing the Justice Department's public records request for the draft."

"The Joint Committee on Legislative Organization mailed ballots to its members last week asking them to authorize hiring the law firm ... to represent Zien and the law firm of Michael Best & Friedrich to represent Gunderson." ...

KS: County commission to regulate firearms
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Butler County commissioners have decided not to try to regulate firearms use in the county's unincorporated areas."

"Commissioners met Monday night in Douglass as they continued their once-a-month sessions held in cities around the county and outside the fourth floor meeting room of the Butler County Courthouse."

"Commissioner Dan Woydziak of Rose Hill made a motion to approve a proposed resolution that would have put in a place a county ordinance addressing the discharge of firearms in the county's unincorporated areas."

"The proposed ordinance would have made it unlawful to 'recklessly' discharge firearms in those areas." ...

Make Mine a Light -- Happy hunting goes to those who lug few pounds
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote that the mark of a superior intellect is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in one’s head and still be able to function. With that in mind, I am about to embark on the other side of a column I did in the June 2005 issue entitled 'Why Weight?' in which I argued the merits of heft in firearms. This one is all about why light weight is great."

"My introduction to the problems of a heavy rifle came in 1973, in a particularly rugged part of Montana. I went there to hunt elk with a custom-stocked .340 Weatherby Magnum of which I was immensely proud. It was about 101/2 pounds with scope aboard. Every day I would do about 10 miles, climbing from 5,000 feet to 7,500 feet ..." ...

Dentry: Popular rifle primes high-caliber dispute
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The argument echoes on. Many shooters recoiled at the notion, shared by some, that the .270-caliber rifle might not be enough gun for elk hunting."

"Those weren't my words in Wednesday's column, but quotes from an outfitter who has had awful experiences tracking elk his clients wounded with a bullet fired from the relatively lightweight rifle."

"Some champions of the .270, and there are many, questioned outfitter Gary Hubbell's testimony, as if those experiences never happened to him. ..."

"Here's the quote: 'A .270 is not an adequate elk rifle. Of all the elk that my clients have shot and not recovered, most were hit in the vitals with a .270. The minimum caliber for elk is a .30.06.'" ...

NV: Nevada Beats UTEP In Home Rifle Duel
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The University of Nevada rifle team hosted UTEP in a duel over the weekend and won both disciplines, air and small bore, with scores of 2,333 in air and 2,314 in smallbore for a 4,647 total to UTEP's 4,576 combined score, with a 2,293 in air and a 2,283 in smallbore."

"Michael Tanoue led Nevada with a 588 in air for first in that discipline among all competitors and teammate Andrew Hickey led all shooters with a 584 in small bore. Nevada's Dawn Tarbet was the second-leading shooter from all teams with a 587 score in air."

"Nevada also hosted USF and TCU in some exhibition matches with a second team, losing to USF in air, 2,195 to 2,189, and to TCU in air, 2,226 to 2,275." ...

UK: Nurses to be trained in hand-to-hand combat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NURSES are to be trained in close combat skills as part of Britain's first zero tolerance campaign against violent patients."

"The initiative, launched by NHS Greater Glasgow (NHSGG) yesterday, will also allow doctors to deny treatment to the rising number of patients who regularly disrupt hospitals, clinics and GP surgeries." ...

"Violent and abusive patients, and their friends and families, are responsible for 20 incidents of physical violence every day against doctors, nurses and health professionals in the city. That is more than three-quarters of the 8,166 episodes of aggression - physical and verbal - that were recorded from April 2004 until March this year." ...

Submitter's Note: But didn't banning guns get rid of all violence?!?!

Canada: Canadian Woman Beaten and Robbed in Broad Daylight - Nobody Helps (OFCC)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Canadian Press reported today that a Saskatoon woman was attacked, beaten, and robbed in broad daylight in a public parking lot with a restaurant, gas bar and bingo hall nearby."

"Despite the proximity of passersby, nobody intervened or even called for help. This incident is eerily reminiscent of the Kitty Genovese murder in New York City."

"'What kind of city allows for a woman to be beaten in broad daylight on one of our busiest streets without no one coming to her help? What does that say?' asked Kelly Patrick, social development coordinator with the non-profit group the victim worked for."

"She would be better to ask, 'what kind of country is lauded for denying its citizen the means of effective self-defense?'" ...

Canada: Shooting sparks call to beef up TTC security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Toronto police are searching for between five and 10 suspects involved in the weekend shooting of a Toronto Transit Commission bus driver."

"The driver was shot in the face, and lost the sight in one eye when a skirmish erupted between two groups at a TTC stop in the city's east end."

"The shooting has highlighted the violence TTC drivers face regularly, and has sparked calls for increased security, such as more cameras on the buses, and even pepper spray and classes in self-defence for drivers." ...

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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