They Only Hear the Victim
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"Guys, I understand our problem. Im talking to the adult men, but women and youngsters are welcome to listen in. Gentlemen, with every fiber in your being, you want to protect your family and friends from violence. There is no one else able to do it, and no one listens to you when you cant do all you should to keep them safe. Maybe youve contacted your sheriff, but the sheriff doesnt allow concealed carry in HIS county. ... Your voice isnt being heard. The sad truth is that other voices are louder than yours, and youre voice is never going to be heard. It is too bad about your family, but youre opinion simply doesnt count. Now why is that? Your opinion doesnt count because the gun-haters are blinded by their fear." ... |
Press crucifixion of illegal gun dealer evident
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"When David Devenny of Olympia pleaded guilty Monday to dealing firearms without a license, it served as a warning to others that willful disobedience of the law has consequences, but the press appears to be crucifying him for being associated with a crime he did not commit, nor had he been charged with." ... |
Modern Weddings
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... "I hadnt felt that antiquated since the marriage of my older daughter. I told her that since she was supposed to wear 'something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue,' Id be happy to let her borrow the old, blue steel Smith & Wesson .38 Chief Special I was wearing under the cummerbund of my tux on the night I married her mother almost thirty years before, and Id be happy to buy her a new thigh holster so she could wear it under her bridal gown."
"She told me I was unclear on the concept" ... |
KOA Campground Caution
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"This column recently learned that some KOA Campgrounds are posted against all firearms. This means that carrying or even possessing a defensive firearm in your RV is illegal in some KOA Campgrounds." ... -------
H/t to David Codrea who notes: "And as far as the corporate flack weasel-wording that 'Our KOA kampgrounds are independently owned and operated ... The kampgrounds also make their own regulations with regard to what is allowed on their property as well as what is not allowed,' that is absolute bull."
"An independent KOA operator would not be allowed to keep the brand name if he decided to make his facility segregated. ..." |
What Worries Police
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"Paul Dunn, resident 'lefty,' wonders if local police are concerned about the soon-to-be-passed National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act, HR 822 (Oct. 14)."
"Well, Paul, the simple truth is, no, they are not concerned about those who go through the strict criteria for qualifying for and paying for a concealed license. They are more concerned with criminals and those who use illegal substances and become out of control, and who carry concealed weapons illegally, including firearms." ... |
Self Defense Tip: How Not to Get Caught by the TSA with a Loaded Gun in your Bag
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"In the 1950s, a student of his offered my dad 10% ownership in a company that planned to criss-cross the Continental United States in a plane outfitted with a Geiger counter, to look for Uranium. For $10,000. That was all the money my folks had in the bank. He passed. They discovered the largest uranium deposit in the USA. So Im not the one to follow when it comes to predictions. But Ill got out on a limb here and predict that I will never, EVER get caught with a loaded gun in my bag when I fly. And Ill bet that if you follow the one simple rule that I do, neither will you . . ." ... |
TTAG at KCR: Flying with Firearms, DCA / SDF
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"This past weekend I flew out to Louisville, Kentucky to cover the Knob Creek Shoot for TTAG. Ive flown before, and Ive been on assignment for TTAG before, but I was doing something very different this time: flying with my CCW pistol in checked baggage. I read everything I could about the process of flying with firearms and even printed out information in case someone along the way proved difficult, but Id never read any reports about the specific airports I used and so wasnt sure what to expect. For those traveling through Ronald Reagan / Washington National Airport (DCA) or Louisville International Airport (SDF) I wanted to take a moment and talk you through my own experiences to give you an idea of what could happen." ... |
Gun Review: Glock 17 EXO
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"Ive been a Glock fanboy for my entire shooting career. Im not ashamed to say that I look forward to new model releases with as much anticipation as a COD player. Glock doesnt scratch that itch, much. Save the introduction of the Glock .45GAP and .357Sig, Gastons product line has remained almost identicalat least to the naked eye. Sure, theres Gen4. But even Im not thrilled by new textures and recalled recoil springs. In fact, Id given up hope that Id ever see a rad Glock. Until the Glock EXO arrived . . ." ... |
Praxis: Upgrading your 1 quart canteen or Camelbak.
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"Once you have your own basic gear in place, as you get further down the road -- testing and evaluating as you go -- you will find that if you have the resources you might want to upgrade your gear a bit at a time."
"The other day I received in the PO Box a care package from Total Survival Enterprises containing one Nalgene Oasis Canteen in Forest Green as pictured above for evaluation (although the sample sent me is a darker, yet still transparent, green)." ... |
ARFCOM Practical & Tactical Shooting Sports
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"Whether it is practicing failure drills at the range, or convincing our gun buddy with the most land to set up barricades so we can practice firing from cover, as AR15.com members, many of us spend a considerable amount of time honing our self-defense shooting skills."
"But how many of us have yet to take that next step to get involved in practical shooting competitions?" ... |
'Gun fight' over the US constitution
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"I've just read a fascinating book about one of the big issues in America which divides the US and most puzzles us British: America's gun laws."
"Gun Fight by Professor Adam Winkler (full disclosure: a freebie) is intriguing in these partisan times, both because it is a very balanced, objective book and because the author makes the case for a middle way." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Cool! Let's see if we can establish a "middle way" when it comes to giving blacks and women the vote. How about a "middle way" regarding cops searching you or your property. Oh, I know, we can find a "middle way" on that pesky Fifth Amendment, no more Miranda rights, yay! |
Mayors Against Legal Governing (MALG) Spins Off From Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG)
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"Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) spokesperson Senator Al Franken announced today formation of a new political organization Mayors Against Legal Governing, or MALG."
"Inspiration for the spinoff organization came out of a recent emergency meeting called to address the problem of inordinate numbers of MAIG members running afoul of the law. Since its formation in 2006, MAIG has suffered a rash of embarrassing incidents where member Mayors have been arrested, convicted, and even jailed for a broad variety of crimes." ... |
CA: Open carry advocates plan to bring rifles, shotguns to San Leandro event
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"Disappointed with a new law that will soon bar them from bearing unloaded, unconcealed pistols in public, open carry advocates are bringing out the big guns for an event outside Bayfair Center on Saturday."
"Make that long guns, as in shotguns and rifles, which are not included in the ban on openly carrying pistols that was signed by the governor this month." ... |
CA: Gun-Toting Demonstrators To Rally At Bay Fair Mall Saturday
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"Demonstrators carrying unloaded rifles and pistols plan to rally at Bay Fair Mall on Saturday to protest the open carry ban that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law earlier this month."
"The new law, AB 144, which takes effect Jan. 1, will make it illegal to carry unloaded sidearms in public."
"It is already illegal to carry any loaded firearm in public."
"Saturday's rally is being organized by Responsible Citizens of California, a group whose 476 registered members think the ban violates their Second Amendment rights." ... |
CA: Twin Kick-Off, Unloaded Long Gun Open Carry Events To Be Held In California
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"In response to the governors recent signing of AB 144, a bill to ban the Open Carry of handguns, the Responsible Citizens of California (RCC) is organizing twin meet-up events from Noon-1PM on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at the corner of Hesperian Blvd. & Bayfair Drive in San Leandro and the corner of Felspar and Ocean Front Walk on Pacific Beach in San Diego. These will be the first kick-off events of Unloaded Open Carry of Long Guns (rifles and shotguns) held simultaneously in both Northern and Southern California." ... |
Is The FBI Suppressing Evidence? (video available)
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"In a follow-up to this morning's Face The Nation interview of Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) about Operation Fast and Furious, CBS News investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson reports that the committee will be asking for more information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Issa said this morning that the family of Agent Terry was told by agents attending his funeral that there were three firearms found at the murder scene." ... |
Issa On Face The Nation (video available)
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"If you missed seeing Rep. Darrell Issa and CBS Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson on CBS's Face The Nation this morning, here it is courtesy of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's YouTube page."
"One of the key things that Issa said was that the Committee's subpoenas to the Department of Justice were narrowly focused. ..." ... |
Fast & Furious: How botched operation spawned fatal results
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... "The strategy had neither a stop sign nor a cutoff switch until Dec. 14, 2010, when the investigation came to an abrupt halt. What had been feared by field agents had happened: At least two Fast and Furious AK-47s purchased at an Arizona gun shop turned up just north of the Arizona-Mexico border at the site of the killing of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Apologists are still calling it a 'botched' operation, ignoring the fact that it worked exactly as designed! botch [boch] verb (used with object) 1. to spoil by poor work; bungle (often followed by up): He botched up the job thoroughly. |
Obama To ABC News - "People ..Will Be Held Accountable"
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"Jake Tapper, White House correspondent for ABC News, has been traveling with President Obama on his road trip through North Carolina and Virginia. He is reporting that Obama is vowing that those responsible will be held accountable." ...
"It is worth remembering that President Obama said he had 'complete confidence' in Attorney General Eric Holder in a news conference on October 6th. Obama also has a history of throwing people under the bus when it advances his cause or protects his interests." ... |
Issa probing, Justice is resisting on F&F third gun
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"Congressman Darrell Issa is reportedly preparing a letter to send to the FBI about a mysterious 'third gun' allegedly recovered from the December 2010 murder scene of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in Arizona, but the Justice Department is already firing back with assertions that the gun doesnt exist." ... |
Senate votes unanimously against funding F&F-type operations
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"This can only be seen as a very bad sign for Attorney General Eric Holder and the embattled ATF. Not one member of the Senate wanted to be viewed by constituents as supportive of an operation that has resulted in a full-blown House investigation, and a separate effort mounted by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA), along with the Justice Departments own Inspector General." ... |
Grassroots movement needed for Ron Paul to become president
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... "Forward to today's Republican primaries? When perusing Ron Paul's website, many Republicans would find themselves agreeing with the Congressman's strategy to audit the Federal Reserve, restore America's prosperity, protect our troops by stopping endless wars void of any exit strategy, protect the sanctity of life, lower taxes, protect our Second Amendment Right to 'keep and bear arms', pass a National Right to Work law, return control of education to parents and teachers, secure our borders, bring a physicians' knowledge and experience to healthcare legislation, and produce affordable, environmentally sound and reliable energy." ... |
Senators: VA has denied gun rights to more than 100,000 veterans
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John Fansler
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"They pledged to support and defend the Constitution, but the office of North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr says more than 100,000 U.S. military veterans may be being improperly denied one of the most fundamental rights they swore to protect." ... -------
Submitter's Note: We need another law on the books to protect civil rights for veterans? Wouldn't it make more sense to repeal the law infringing on their civil rights in the first place?
They have not been adjudged to benefit from the assistance of a fiduciary due to their "mental status".
They have simply been offered assistance with navigating one of the most complicated bureaucracies around - the Veterans Administration.
The usual result of the law of unintended consequences. |
Gun Legislation, Part 4
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"The last segment of our four-part series concludes by unveiling pro-gun bills in the Senate. These bills range from restrictions limiting federal government gun regulation, to full-scale permission to carry at water resource parks." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Links to parts 1, 2 and 3 are available at the bottom of part 4. |
CA: Fresno council's Brand: Expand concealed gun permits
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"Fresno City Council President Lee Brand wants to make it easier for law-abiding citizens to legally carry concealed guns."
"Brand said he plans to introduce to the council next week his Citizen Concealed Weapons Act that would rewrite local standards for issuance of a concealed weapons license." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Don't forget to vote in their poll! |
Legal drug users under assault
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"The Justice Department is in high gear cracking down on distribution of firearms to medical marihuana users."
"In a threat they call 'open letter' to All [FFL]s dated September 21, the [ATF] fires a directive that says pursuant to Federal law, they will prosecute medical marihuana users and those that sell to them if they attempt to purchase firearms."
"ATF argues that all users of medical marihuana are addicted and therefore barred from purchasing firearms; and in any event, whether legally prescribed or not, the drug is characterized by the Federal Drug Administration as a controlled substance, making it illegal to be under the influence and purchase a firearm in the first place." ... -------
Submitter's Note: You know I have a prescription for Oxy and I'm very careful not to be carrying when I've taken it; but I don't take it all the time. |
Obama flip-flops on medical marijuana
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"President Barack Obama has become quite the drug warrior."
"Last month, his [ATF] issued a memo that stated that it is unlawful for anyone with a state-issued medical marijuana card to possess a gun or ammunition. This month, four U.S. attorneys in California announced that they are escalating prosecution of medical marijuana clubs by going after the assets of their landlords and property owners."
"As a senator and presidential candidate, Obama supported states' rights on medical marijuana." ... |
Nevada woman fighting federal ban on medicinal pot users owning guns
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"A Nevada woman sued the federal government Tuesday in hopes of overturning its ban on medical marijuana users buying and possessing firearms."
"Represented by Henderson attorney Charles Rainey, S. Rowan Wilson of Carson City filed suit in U.S. District Court for Nevada against Attorney General Eric Holder and the [ATF]."
"Wilson, who works as a medical technician and plans to attend medical school, said in the suit that she tried to buy a Smith & Wesson .357 magnum pistol on Oct. 4, but the firearms dealer refused to sell her the weapon because she has a medical marijuana registry card from the state of Nevada." ... |
On CCW Rules For Wisconsin (video story)
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"Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) reluctantly approved the emergency rule promulgated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice concerning training for the state's concealed carry permit. With concealed carry going into effect on November 1st, his feeling that not approving it would delay the right of Wisconsinites to carry concealed." ... |
Wisconsin: Emergency Rules for Right-to-Carry Approved
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... "Unfortunately, DOJ has chosen to overstep its authority by imposing conditions on prospective concealed weapons license applicants that the legislature never adopted or intended. As part of the Executive Branch of state government, DOJs role is to faithfully implement the laws adopted by the legislature, not dramatically change them. If the Emergency Rules are allowed to become permanent, they will set a dangerous precedent that perverts our system of government and its principles associated with the separation of powers." ... |
PA: Bethlehem Cop Blames Negligent Discharge on Incontinence
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"The Bethlehem, PA city council deliberated last week over whether to fire officer Jeffrey Rogers. Rogers exhibited all kinds of full-frontal fail last December when he let a .40 cal round fly in the police department bathroom. Yes, thats bad. But Rogers then compounded the problem by lying about it and setting off a frantic armed search through the police station. Jittery cops, running around the building, guns drawn and looking for a perp whod just fired a shot in their own cop shop. As were fond of asking, what could possibly go wrong?" ... |
CA: LAPD cop uses Twitter to post picture of murder victim
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"On Tuesday October 11, 30-year veteran Sal LaBarbera was standing on Wilmington Avenue in Los Angeles after responding to a call regarding a gang-related shooting. The victim was 32-year-old Oscar Arevalo and his body was lying on the street covered in what appears to be a blood-soaked blanket or sheet when LaBarbera took a picture of the victim from the crime scene. LaBarbera then posted the picture to his @Lamurdercop Twitter account with the caption 'Guess where I'm at??? It never ends'. LaBarbera's Twitter profile has just under 1,500 followers and his profile is public as well. LaBarbera is a supervisor for the Criminal Gang/Homicide Division and leads the FBI/LAPD SOS Homicide Task Force according to his Google page." ... |
OR: Accidental shooting of man last summer was second firearms mistake by Portland officer
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"Portland Officer Dane Reister, who mistakenly fired lethal rounds from a beanbag shotgun and wounded a man in June, had five years earlier mistakenly fired a loaded riot-suppression launcher during training, striking an officer posing as a protestor with a smoke round." ...
"'The two incidents are not components of a 'continuing course of negligent conduct.' Rather they are distinct events, separated by five years' time,' [Reister's attorney Janet] Hoffman argued. 'Beyond the fact that both incidents involved a weapon and ammunition, the two accidents are not alike.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: So besides the fact that they were both negligent discharges the incidents are completely different. |
Liberal Courts Still Gunning Against Second Amendment Rights
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"Does the Second Amendment right to bear arms for self-defense extend outside the doorway of our homes? Well, no at least not according to rulings of judges in California, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York and Virginia. Although 40 states currently mandate that permits shall be granted to allow all competent, law-abiding adults who seek them to carry concealed loaded firearms, California, Illinois and Maryland deny permits to all but those who can show they face specific dangers." ... |
FL: Palm Beach County to file lawsuit challenging state gun law
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"Palm Beach County commissioners Tuesday agreed to lead a legal fight against the Legislature's attempt to strip local governments of the ability to regulate guns."
"The County Commission gave its attorneys the go-ahead to file a lawsuit over a new state law that levies personal penalties against city and county officials who try to enforce local gun control laws. Officials potentially could be removed from office." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Since the underlying law was passed years ago (it was recently revised to add penalties for scofflaws) haven't they missed their chance to protest? I mean isn't that what County Commissions say when people try to protest zoning restrictions and the like? |
Exploring "Guns N' Pubs"
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"It started in the spring during a heated discussion on NewsNite between my colleague, Ed Esposito, and me about changes to Ohios concealed carry law."
"I was aghast that proposed changes would allow concealed-carry permit holders to carry their weapons into a bar, restaurant, stadium, etc. any place serving alcohol, unless a sign prohibiting carrying was posted. Granted, the CCW holder would not be allowed to drink while 'carrying,' but for me guns and alcohol do not and will not ever mix!"
"After that show, our producer (Duilio Mariola) suggested I go through the process of getting my CCW permit, which he would film and around which we would build a program about CC in Ohio. That we have done." ... |
OH: Cleveland officials looking for criminals with guns in all the wrong places
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"Violent crimes, including those committed with guns, are on the increase in Cleveland, and city officials continue to attempt to point the blame at everyone but themselves."
"BFA's Ken Hanson recently wrote about how the city was calling for the repeal of statewide firearm preemption in order to, in their words, address the problem of 'gun violence,' instead of recognizing that the only PROVEN method of reducing violence is removing violent persons from circulation, either through imprisonment or by vibrantly empowering the potential victims to remove the violent person when confronted by one." ... |
OH: Exotic animals escape Ohio farm; owner found dead
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"Dozens of animals escaped Tuesday from a wild-animal preserve that houses bears, big cats and other beasts, and the owner later was found dead there, said police, who shot several of the animals and urged nearby residents to stay indoors." ]emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's note: besides this story reminding me of MANY Far Side cartoons, it is a great example of the fact that we carry guns NOT JUST for dealing with two legged animals. |