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Newslinks for 10/2/2003

Free Staters pick N.H. "to liberate for sex, guns and drugs"
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"A libertarian movement promoting 'minimalist government', the free market, drugs, prostitution and gun ownership plans to infiltrate New Hampshire to create a breakaway American regime, its leaders will announce today."

"The Free State Project, which has supporters in the UK and worldwide, will reveal today at a meeting in New York that its members have voted for the small but highly-symbolic north-eastern state as its target to win power."

Free State Project Picks New Hampshire (Another report)
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"Aiming to preserve one bastion of freedom in the age of intrusive government, members of the rapidly growing Free State Project (FSP) have made a crucial decision. Voting via mail-in ballot after months of feisty debate, Free Staters chose New Hampshire as their future home."

"New Hampshire won a plurality of first-preference votes from every region of the country except the West."

Contact Congress On October 2nd, To Ban Assault Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, October 2nd, join us in a nationwide call-in day to support the federal Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003 (S. 1431/H.R. 2038) by contacting your members of Congress."

"Call your Congressional representatives and senators on October 2nd, 2003 and urge them to support this important legislation to keep assault weapons off our streets."

A good time to call your representatives and remind them that the Clinton Justice Department found this law to be useless. One definition of insanity is repeating the same action and expecting a different result.

A Wife and a Daughter, a Year Later; Sniper Victim Relatives Available for Comment
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Denise Johnson, wife of sniper victim Conrad Johnson, and Andrea Walekar, daughter of sniper victim Premkumar A. Walekar, will hold a media availability near the United States Capitol on Thursday, Oct. 2, at 10 a.m.

Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Walekar will make comments on the gun industry immunity legislation under consideration by the United States Senate, and respond to questions.

The media availability will be at the Upper Senate Park (the temporary swamp site) on the north side of the corner of Constitution Avenue and Delaware Avenue, adjacent to the Senate Russell Office Building.


Americans Want President Bush and Congress to Renew the Ban, JTO claims
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A new survey released today by Consumer Federation of America (CFA) found that over a majority of the public supports renewing the federal assault weapons ban and supports new measures to strengthen the ban. An important finding of this survey is that a high percentage of Americans want President Bush to persuade Congress to renew the ban. Another significant finding is that a majority of gun owners supports renewing and strengthening the assault weapons ban." ...

"Our survey research shows that a majority of the public, including gun owners, supports renewing and strengthening the assault weapons ban. Americans don't want assault weapons in their neighborhoods and they want an effective ban to keep them out."

Thailand: Officer held for shooting spree
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An intoxicated police officer went on a shooting rampage early yesterday, opening fire on a passer-by and other police officers. No one was injured."

"Police Constable Praphon Boontiam, 26, also stopped a passing motorcycle rider at gunpoint and forced him to aid in his escape. Other police officers returned fire and finally arrested Praphon on a road in Bangkok's Chatuchak district."

"Praphon was shot in his left shoulder and was being treated at the Police Hospital. Police Major Sayan Petchyuenyong, an inspector at Bang Sue Police Station, said Praphon would be charged with attempted murder, resisting arrest and carrying and using a gun in a public place."

Only police should be trusted with firearms, right?

Kosovo: Latest Kosovo weapons amnesty plan has few takers
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Troops in the Multi-National Brigade (East) sector of Kosovo Force, where camps Bondsteel and Monteith are housed, are disappointed in the low turnout rate of the latest monthlong weapons amnesty program."

"Initially, military officials hoped to sweet-talk illegal gun toters into handing over their weapons by giving cash to any county that turned in more than 300 weapons."

"But military officials changed their minds and will now give the money to the three municipalities that turn over the most weapons, said Maj. Anthony Frey, fire support officer for Task Force Falcon. The amount of cash to be given out was unavailable."

Anti-terrorism and Domestic Gun Violence: A Case of Misplaced Priorities
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Early in his tenure as attorney general, Ashcroft received plaudits from the NRA and its supporters when he told the organization that he believes the Second Amendment guarantees an absolute right to gun ownership. This assessment stands at odds with the U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation that the amendment's purpose was to ensure the arming of state militias, and not individuals. Despite the fact that during his confirmation hearings Ashcroft had stated that he would not allow his personal beliefs to affect his job as upholder of federal laws, he has subsequently contradicted himself on the Second Amendment just as he has with assault weapons." ...

Here we go again! More inane tripe from a clueless enemy of freedom.

Rep. McCarthy joins sniper victim's mom to push for renewing ban
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a Long Island nurse who ran for Congress after her husband was shot dead on the Long Island Rail Road, made a pitch Wednesday with the mother of one of the victims of last year's sniper attacks, calling for an extension of the assault weapons ban."

"The ban is due to expire in less than a year, and McCarthy, a Democrat, is pushing a permanent extension that also would end what she calls loopholes allowing manufacturers to sell guns _ like one used in the Washington, D.C., area sniper shootings _ that are only minor variations of weapons banned by the bill."

Never mind that this ban has proven completely ineffective.

Are You Ready For A Militarized Police Force?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Bush administration is calling for the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, a law passed after the Civil War to prohibit the deployment of federal military forces onto American streets to control civil action - otherwise known as martial law."

NJ: Panel discusses pros and cons of Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center created a climate that made passage of the Patriot Act possible, a specialist on immigration rights for the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey said recently at a panel discussion."

" 'It’s been a law enforcement wish list but was never introduced because the public climate was not right,' said Parastou Hassouri, one of the panelists at a recent forum on balancing civil liberties and the U.S. Patriot Act, held at the Navesink Library in Middletown."

"The panel discussion was hosted by the Monmouth County Friends of the American Civil Liberties Union."

IL: Chicago Asks Congress To Rethink Patriot Act
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Chicago City Council today passed a resolution asking Congress to reconsider parts of the U.S. Patriot Act that critics say violate Americans' constitutional rights."

"The resolution is a compromise. The original called for the repeal of the federal law put in place after September eleventh, 2001, to help the government's war on terrorism."

"Aldermen voted 37 to seven to pass the resolution."

Is it permissible?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"James Madison is the Constitution's acknowledged 'father,' and here's what he had to say: 'With respect to the two words 'general welfare', I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.' "

"Thomas Jefferson echoed similar sentiments, 'Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.' "

CA: Reasons to vote for McClintock
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Conservative" columnist advises true California conservatives to compromise their principles.

MN: Gun ban makes campus safer for criminals [Last letter on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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One wonders how the recent sexual assault at gunpoint could have happened on the University campus, near Territorial Hall. Wasn’t the attacker aware that the University bans guns on campus? The nerve of him to bring his gun where it isn’t allowed!

Or was he actually keenly aware of that fact and so emboldened, knowing full well that there would be no person, other than highly visible and easily avoidable police, that could oppose him when he was armed with a gun?

The University’s gun ban only makes the campus safer for criminals — it does nothing for the students.

MN: It's about protection [First 8 letters on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Star Tribune's reporting of the shootings at Hennepin County Government Center is interesting both for what it reports and for what it omits."

"While it was sure to inquire whether or not the shooter had requested a conceal-carry permit, it overlooked the more important question: Did either of the victims?"

"This question is more germane given the reports that they had sought and been denied extra security for their court appearance, the implication being that they felt unusually threatened."

Signs weren't enough?

"I have been to the county courthouse and have seen large signs proclaiming that no guns are allowed in the building. How did the signs fail to stop this criminal from committing this crime?"

MN: Gun show loophole may have allowed woman to buy gun in Hennepin County shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the criminal complaint against Susan Berkovitz, she told authorities that she bought the gun she allegedly used in the Hennepin County Government Center shootings at a gun show. There are several federal and state laws that regulate gun shows in Minnesota, but some say the rules need to be strengthened. Others say the laws are adequate, but say law enforcement and health professionals need to do a better job of protecting the public." ...

"Since there are no records that Berkovitz committed any crimes or has been committed, Olson says Berkovitz would have passed a background check."

According to the federal government, less than 2 percent of criminals get their guns at gun shows, but watch for the knee-jerkers to immediately demand more infringements on your rights, even though the laws don't appear to be effective.

NH: Democrats lash out at Benson, Free State Project
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"State Democrats lashed out against Gov. Craig Benson and the Free State Project..."

"Benson said Wednesday he was excited New Hampshire was chosen out of 10 states for the project, which wants to minimize government's role and strengthen individual liberties."

" 'Why is Governor Craig Benson supporting a group that wants to legalize prostitution, legalize drugs and eliminate public schools?' said Democratic Party Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan. 'Craig Benson should explain to the voters why he is supporting such a radical, antifamily agenda.' "

Because such an agenda means freedom, a concept the Democrats obviously don't understand.

WI: Guns on Campus?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In a perfect world, a person wouldn’t need a gun for protection. In a perfect world, no one would use force to hurt other people or to steal from them. In a perfect world, men wouldn’t force themselves on women in dark, secluded parking lots. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. Across this state and this nation, many crimes are being committed every second. People are being mugged, cars are being jacked and women are being raped." ...

"In an era where good and decent people are subject to road rage (an officer arrested a man on Highway 441 near Neenah recently) and where we have established the principle of killing or injuring people before they do something to you (the Iraq principle), these bills are the ultimate lunacy."

PA: Illegal Guns Take Center Stage In Mayor's Race
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun crime took center stage in the race for mayor of Philadelphia as thousands of illegal weapons were sent to a furnace to be melted down into steel. Anchor Pat Ciarrocchi reports."

" 'About 80 percent of homicides in our city involve the use of a gun,' said Mayor John Street, adding 'They'll no longer be available to anybody on our streets.' "

Guess Mr. Street doesn't read news from the UK much. Otherwise he would know better than to make ignorant assumptions such as this.

TN: More Shop Owners Carry Guns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In Antioch, Steve Murray has spent the past two years doing the same thing, unlocking the door to his jewelry store and strapping on a 9MM pistol." ...

"He's never had to use his gun, but Murray wants his customers to know he keeps one nearby. In fact, he has three guns – one kept in plain view and the other two in a secret location."

MO: Librarians Talk Patriot Act Strategy
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...library patrons KOLR10 talked with say while they have nothing to hide, they don't like the idea of the government knowing what they are reading or checking out of the library. Many others had never heard of this particular provision of the Patriot Act."

"Critics of the Patriot Act call it an invasion of privacy and a violation of their civil liberties and say just because someone checks out a book on a subject like terrorism doesn't mean they are a terrorist."

" 'Any honest person has have nothing to fear from government. I feel a bit safer,' said Springfield library patron Jim Halbert. 'If there is somebody reading a book on how to make bombs, I'd want to know who that person is.' "

Secret Subpoenas: What Patriotism Means to Ashcroft
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The FBI has sent out letters to reporters who wrote about the Lamo case. The letters warn that subpoenas under the USA Patriot Act will be forthcoming for all of their notes, emails, interviews, content of conversations and investigations, and expense and travel reports related to stories they wrote about Lamo. The journalists are ordered to preserve these records for three months, this in spite of the fact that the articles were written a year ago."

"Using the Patriot Act for forthcoming subpoenas is an effort to circumvent journalists' privilege of preserving confidential sources under the First Amendment." ...

MD: Lobbyists To Push For Gun Laws In Wake Of Sniper Anniversary
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Washington, D.C.,-area sniper attacks sparked heated debates about assault weapons last year, but to the surprise of antigun lobbyists, lawmakers did little to change any gun laws, WBAL-TV 11 News reporter Deborah Weiner reported."

"The antigun lobbyist group formerly known as Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse, now known as CeaseFire Maryland, now have only one bill to push, instead of three."

"Last year, after the sniper attacks, gun-safety advocates thought they would have the momentum to get three bills passed by Maryland lawmakers."

"They were wrong."

Now they're figuring they will implement their insidious agenda gradually, waving the bloody shirts of the "sniper" victims as motivation.

Conservative Critic Blasts NAACP's Opposition to Caucasian Student Club
Submitted by: Melissa (skypod)

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"A leading conservative cultural critic took aim at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Monday. The reason: the group's opposition to a high school student's proposal to start a Caucasian Club."

"There is incredible public hypocrisy over the entrenched double standards that have come to be taken for granted by the American educational establishment."

FL: Deputy Quits After Filmed Threatening To Shoot Students
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"A sheriff's deputy in Lake County, Fla., who swore at and threatened to shoot unruly high school students has quit before he could be fired."

"According to the internal report, a surveillance camera aboard the bus captured Guzman swearing loudly at students and threatening to shoot them unless they were quiet."

PA: Defense attorney a courthouse hero
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Johnson reached inside his jacket and pulled out a handgun, waving it in Gross’ direction."

"Gross said he ducked behind his car and pulled out his cell phone to call 911."

" 'I was on one knee and he was yelling in my ear,' Gross said. 'Then he took my phone and hit me. Or he hit me and took my phone. I really don’t remember. I started yelling for someone to call 911.' "

"A sheriff’s car suddenly turned onto the street and Gross said he and Capitani started yelling to them, 'He’s got a gun, he’s got a gun.' "

"...they were saying ‘Drop the weapon, drop the weapon, drop the weapon,' Gross said."

“I saw one deputy fall and heard, ‘Pop-pop’ and he (Johnson) just crumbled."

Cell phone vs. gun, the MMM's advice.

OH: Senate won't override governor to get new gun law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The great majority of Ohio senators support a concealed handgun bill, but fewer are willing to override a Gov. Bob Taft veto to make it happen."

"The Supreme Court last week put the issue squarely in the lap of the legislature, ruling that Ohio's ban on concealed handguns is constitutional, and it's an issue for lawmakers to decide."

"Both the House and Senate passed versions of the concealed handgun bill prior to the summer break. The proposals allow anyone age 21 or over who passes a criminal background check and completes a 12-hour training course to carry a gun in places not restricted by the bills."

"But a stalemate remains."

A stalemate remains because these politicians have no principles!

UK: Mother shot saving daughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A shopkeeper who was shot dead in a robbery stepped in front of her killers to save her daughter, her husband has said."

"Armed thieves killed Marion Bates, 64, in front of her daughter Xanthe in an attack at their family-run jewellery store in Arnold, Nottingham, on Tuesday."

"The two men arrived at the store on a stolen scooter and threatened the 34-year-old Xanthe with a handgun."

" 'My wife ran forward to get between the gunman and my daughter and he shot her dead,' said Mr. Bates."

"She was a brave woman, not at all foolhardy. She was protecting her daughter like every mother."

Another tragic victim of government disarmament. And this is what the "Million" Murdering Mothers want in the US.

Canada: More people were killed with knives than guns in 2002, says Statistics Canada
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More people were killed with knives than guns last year, Statistics Canada says."

"And Canada's homicide rate rose after two years of relative stability, the agency reported Wednesday. 'At the same time, the proportion of homicides committed with firearms fell to an all-time low.' Stabbings, the most common method in 2002, accounted for 31 per cent of homicides, followed by shootings at 26 per cent, beatings, 21 per cent, and strangulation or suffocation 11 per cent."

Well, does that make the gun banners feel better? Murders with firearms are at an all time low, but other means are replacing the guns, proving once again that a criminal mind intent on committing crimes will find a way.

NY: Convicted felon's weapons indictment marks the return of Project Exile
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Project Exile is up and rolling again in Erie County, according to the U.S. attorney's office in a late Friday afternoon announcement of an indictment against a Loepere Street man."

UK: She Died a Heroine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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How pathetic that the British press would try to glorify this senseless death! She didn't die a heroine. She died an irrational death as yet another victim of an uncaring, tyrannical government that is so afraid to trust its citizens, it aims to leave them disarmed and helpless against the criminal element.

"Grandmother Marian Bates was shot dead trying to protect her daughter from raiders who burst into their shop."

"Mrs. Bates, 64, acted when one of the men levelled a gun less than a foot from daughter Xanthe's face."

"Her husband Victor today told the Post the details of yesterday's shocking events at the Time Centre shop in Arnold."

"He said the gunman had also tried to shoot him, but the gun misfired." ...

"Mr. Bates said the robbers, one of whom had a handgun and the other a crowbar, had initially threatened him."

Australia: Gun owners lay down their small arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SOUTH AUSTRALIAN gun owners yesterday started giving up their weapons as part of the latest gun buyback."

"Up to 10,000 handguns – mostly used for sport shooting – are expected to be collected in SA as part of a national scheme."

" 'No one likes to give up their sport,' Mr. Sutherland, 52, said '(but) compensation is fair'."

"The new rules mean sporting shooters will be prohibited from importing, buying, possessing or using a handgun which has:"

"A CALIBRE greater than .38 or up to .45 if the handgun is used to participate in a specially accredited event."

"A BARREL length of less than 120mm (4.7") for semi-automatic handguns and 100mm (3.94") for revolvers and single-shot handguns."

"A MAGAZINE shot capacity that exceeds 10 rounds."

UK: Russian roulette star 'terrified'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mind control expert Derren Brown has told how his televised game of Russian roulette could go horribly wrong, and admits he feels terrified."

"The star - who will be seen pointing a gun at his head on Channel 4 on Sunday - said his mother had pleaded with him to call off the stunt."

"There's a limit to what I can do.

Ordinary British subjects can't get a gun for self-defense, but this moron can get one for this idiotic stunt. Welcome to the gun-free UK!

Canada: Robbery victims put up a fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robbery suspect was stabbed in the back and side by a chef at Port Coquitlam's White Spot yesterday (Tuesday)."

"Police say two men walked though the back door of the Ottawa Street eatery (near Costco) at around 7 a.m., waved a handgun at the kitchen staff and demanded money."

"A manager was knocked on the head with the butt of the gun when he began fighting with the suspects, said Cpl. Cate Galliford of Coquitlam RCMP. He was not seriously injured."

"When a chef saw what was happening, he grabbed a knife and stabbed one of the suspects in the back and side, she said."

OH: Wheeler had reported threat days before his death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Five days before Nicholas Wheeler was shot to death, he complained to authorities that a gun was pulled on him by the man who would later be charged with his murder."

"However, Thomas Craft had denied to a Vinton County sheriff’s deputy that the gun incident took place, and there was insufficient evidence to file charges, according to Sheriff David Hickey."

"Wheeler, 24, of Radcliff, had filed a complaint with the sheriff’s office on Sept. 8, claiming Craft pulled a gun on him during a confrontation on Route 124, Hickey said."

This is what happens when you count on the police to protect you in a state unfriendly to armed self defense.

OH: Senator: 'Solidarity among Republicans' destroying your right to self-defense
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"The majority of Ohio senators support a concealed handgun bill, but fewer are willing to override a Gov. Bob Taft veto to make it happen."

"The Supreme Court last week put the issue squarely in the lap of the legislature, ruling that Ohio's ban is constitutional, and it's up to lawmakers to decide."

"Sen. Jim Carnes - R, is among those who supports a concealed handgun bill but would not override Taft's veto. He points to a respect for the executive branch and solidarity among Republicans."

OH: HB12 Sponsor: OSHP demands for unsecured firearms in vehicles 'ridiculous'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Ohio Rep. Jim Aslanides, R-Coshocton, the bill's House sponsor, said the citizens want their lawmakers to continue to pursue the issue even though it is proving to be a difficult one to resolve."

" 'That is what the highway patrol is asking for and it is ridiculous,' Aslanides said. 'They are asking for a person to unsecure a weapon from the person who is responsible for it and leaving it open for passengers to get at.' "

OH: Supremes uphold affirmative defense law; law immediately fails Seneca Co. woman
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Despite the fact that 45 states across the nation (including every state bordering Ohio) have some legal mechanism for law-abiding citizens to bear arms for self-defense, and despite the successful reduction of violent crime from such laws nationwide, Ohio's governor, certain Senators, and the Ohio State Highway Patrol bureaucracy still seem to believe that Ohioans are less responsible than the citizens of these other states."

"For more than seven months, the good citizens of Seneca County continued to prove them wrong." ...

"Citing a decision by the Ohio Supreme Court, the Third District Court of Appeals has overturned a Seneca County decision that declared the state’s concealed-weapon ban unconstitutional."

"The appeals court decision, filed Monday, reversed a February ruling by Judge Michael Kelbley of Seneca County Common Pleas Court. Judge Kelbley had dismissed an indictment against a Fostoria woman who said she hid a gun under a car seat because she had been raped twice."

"Because of the appeals court’s ruling, a felony charge of carrying a concealed weapon has been reinstated against the woman, county Prosecutor Ken Egbert, Jr., said yesterday. The charge carries a maximum prison term of 18 months."

Australia: New South Wales and South Australia join gun buy-back scheme
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Crook from Gun Control Australia has been speaking at an international crime conference in Sydney today, about exactly this topic and he joins me now in the studio." ...

"ELIZABETH JACKSON: Well, let's talk about those signs. I wonder, is there any proof that this has actually reduced crime?"

"JOHN CROOK: Um, well, there's been somewhat of an explosion of handgun crime in Sydney and, of course, one would hope that the new handgun laws might do something about that."

In other words, one law didn't work, so let's pass more of the same!

PA: Lott argues for relaxed gun laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Dr. John Lott argued that lenient gun permit laws would cause a decrease in violent crimes during Monday’s lecture, 'Guns: Crime and Deterrence.' "

" 'Guns make it easier for bad things to happen,' Lott said in his introduction. 'But guns also make it easier for people to prevent bad things from happening.' The important thing, Lott said, is to find the net effect."

Malaysia: Car workshop operator shot dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A car repair workshop operator was shot dead by a man in his workshop here Wednesday." ...

"Chai sustained serious injuries in his head from the two gunshots fired by the assailant in the 4 pm incident, he said." ...

"MEANWHILE, in KUALA LUMPUR, a woman had a close brush with death when she was shot by one of the two men who robbed her at a petrol station in Jalan Ipoh-Gombak here Tuesday night."

This is in a country that doles out the death penalty for illegal gun possession. Seems strict gun control laws are doing nothing to protect the innocent.

South Africa: Transkei Weekend Killing Spree Confirms National Statistics
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"National crime statistics for 2001 released recently showed that Transkei was a crime hot-spot, with 12 people dying daily. Umtata and surrounding areas accounted for 4.9 percent of all SA murders, Sapa reported."

* In Nqeleni a 49-year-old woman was shot and killed by three unknown men armed with 9mm pistols.

* In another typical Transkei incident, a 44-year-old man was shot and killed by unknown gunmen as he lay in bed.

* At Zingcuka village in Tsolo a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by an unknown man. The two quarreled, the victim took out a knife and stabbed the suspect. The suspect allegedly drew a fire arm and shot the dead man, killing him instantly.

In sane places that last incident would be classified as self-defense. But in South Africa, where the government is proceeding with an insane scheme to disarm the innocent and leave them defenseless against armed thugs, the assailant who strikes first is called a "victim."

PA: Gun-packing Pink Pistols feel safer armed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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It was after Andrew Greene left the gay bar in Philadelphia that he heard the guys behind him.

They were drunk and carrying metal pipes. When Greene got to his car, one of them shouted, "Hey, faggot."

"Greene pulled his gun. The men ran."

"Greene can still recall his fear. The gun, he said, saved his life. And so, on the third Saturday of each month, Greene heads to a shooting range with dozens of other gays and lesbians who believe that carrying a gun will help protect them from anti-gay violence."

"First, though, they go to lunch. They talk about the latest gun show or an upcoming pride parade. Some of the members have started to date."

"Meet the Pink Pistols, a social group with the motto, 'Armed gays don't get bashed.' "

NY: Thieves hit Sheriff's Office, take 2 vehicles
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Someone stole two snowmobiles from the Saratoga County Sheriff's Office last Wednesday, leaving them and their trailer a short distance away where they were found by a deputy."

"Undersheriff Michael Woodcock said the department has since taken steps to keep the trailer safe from thieves."

"'Everything is secure,' he said Tuesday. The snowmobiles are parked in a different spot now."

"Woodcock blamed the theft in part on confusion associated with ongoing construction at the jail. Crews have been working for months on a $2.8 million expansion and renovation project at the jail. That means more people than usual coming and going from the facility, he said."

[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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