NRA ad portrays Kerry as poodle
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"Senator John F. Kerry is portrayed as a sweater-wearing poodle with a pink bow in an upcoming advertising campaign by the National Rifle Association, mocking his attempts to portray himself as friendly to gun sports and saying, 'That dog don't hunt." 'John Kerry says he supports sportsmen's rights. But his record says something else," the ads say. Billboards and newspaper ads will run this week, followed by television commercials, Chris W. Cox, the group's chief lobbyist, said yesterday. The NRA also plans to emblazon the slogan and the poodle on mailings, hats, and T-shirts. The group says the ad campaign will cost several million dollars."
To Restore Sanity on Gun Issue, Brady Campaign, Million Mom March Endorse John Kerry for President
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"Time and time again, President George W. Bush has caved in to the gun lobby and failed in his responsibility to keep Americans safe. He has chosen the extreme ideological policies of the National Rifle Association over the need to protect American citizens from gun violence every single time. ...This is truly tragic, and it will lead to Americans, including police officers, losing their lives." -- KABA Note: Of course every time the Brady Bunch makes dire predictions, none of them ever come true.
"On the other hand, Senator John Kerry has consistently supported sensible gun laws throughout his career in public service. ...As a hunter and a war hero, Senator Kerry knows that sportsmen do not need military-style assault weapons, and that measures to keep guns away from criminals, terrorists and children are just common sense." |
Brady Campaign and NRA Agree: John Kerry is Anti-Gun (NRA)
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"In a true testament to his anti-gun record, today John Kerry earned the endorsement from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control, Inc.). For once, the Brady Campaign agrees with NRA – John Kerry would push for more gun control as President of the United States."
" 'If there was any doubt about John Kerry’s true position on the Second Amendment, his endorsement from the Brady Campaign should clear the air,' said Chris W. Cox, the National Rifle Association’s chief lobbyist. 'John Kerry stands with other gun banners like Dianne Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, and Chuck Schumer -- each one commended by the Brady Campaign for their anti-gun records.' " |
National ASSAULT Rifle Association? (JTO)
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"The NRA should change their name to one that better describes their mission."
"Members of the NRA should consider what kind of organization they really belong to. For years the National Rifle Association has been guilty of false advertising. It has sold its membership based on the 'law abiding' citizen's right to protect themselves and their use of firearms for sport. With the gun lobby's latest accomplishment, making sure Congress didn't ban assault weapons, it is time they change their name to the 'National Assault Rifle Association' and let their members determine if that is really the kind of association they want to support." |
Rural Areas Face Higher Gun Suicide Risks (JTO)
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"University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine researchers say that the rates of gunshot deaths between urban and rural areas are similar, but that rural gunshot deaths are more likely to be self-inflicted, the Scripps Howard News Service reported Sept. 27."
"Researchers analyzed 580,000 death certificates in all U.S. counties between 1989 and 1999 and found that rural counties had more than 1.5 times the suicide rates that urban counties had. At the same time, urban areas experienced almost twice the number of homicides that rural areas and small towns had."
------- Another lame attempt to draw a causative link between guns and suicides. It couldn't be that higher suicide rates in rural areas have something to do with isolation, a greater tendency toward poverty, and lack of adequate access to mental health practitioners? |
VPC Releases Annual Report 'When Men Murder Women'
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"The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released When Men Murder Women: An Analysis of 2002 Homicide Data. This annual report, which details national and state-by-state information on female homicides involving one female murder victim and one male offender, illustrates the unique role firearms play in female homicide. The study is being released to coincide with Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October." ------- And if VPC had its druthers, no female on earth would have a firearm with which to protect herself. |
Gun Maker Not Liable In NJ Cop Shooting
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Two former New Jersey police officers shot by a felon three years aren't entitled to damages from the company that made the gun he used.
That's the ruling issued yesterday by a West Virginia judge.
Dave Lemongello and Kenneth McGuire, who both served with the Orange police force, had sued Connecticut-based Sturm, Ruger and Company, the country's largest firearms maker, and a West Virginia pawnshop.
The officers claimed they deserved damages because a Ruger handgun sold at the shop had been used to shoot them in January 2001. But the judge says the company didn't violate its duty to exercise reasonable care in selling its product.
The officers had previously reached a one (m) million dollar settlement with the pawnshop. |
Gun cabinet company finds flaws with some locks
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"Days after the discovery that a widely used bicycle lock could be opened with a ball point pen, a suburban Chicago company acknowledged that a pen could also be used to break into some of its gun cabinets." ...
"As a result, Wauconda-based Stack-On will post a notice on its Web site that its metal gun cabinets equipped with tubular cylinder locks can be breached with a pen and that customers with the locks can have them replaced free of charge, Eckhoff said. She said the company is also contacting retailers." |
Robert A. Levy: A Second Amendment Strategy
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"The House of Representatives, this week, has passed the D.C. Personal Protection Act (H.R. 3193), which would overturn a 28-year ban on handguns in the nation's capital. The Senate version (S. 1414) won't be considered until after the election. In the meantime, the usual suspects are raising the usual arguments against letting D.C. residents defend themselves. These arguments are bogus, and the legislation should not be defeated because of them. Even so, there are important reasons for Congress to step aside and leave this matter to the courts. In a nutshell, here's the erroneous case, then the legitimate case, for Congress to butt out." |
John Lott: District of Inequality -- Citizens go unarmed in D.C. while pols are free to protect themselves
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"It is one of the benefits of being a politician. While handguns are banned for citizens in Washington, D.C., congressmen are allowed to have a gun for self-protection on the Capitol grounds. ..."
"While these politicians have protection both in their homes and as they travel around in public, since September 24, 1976, other D.C. residents have lived under the nation's most restrictive gun laws. Police enforce a citywide handgun ban, and local statutes require residents to keep long guns disassembled, unloaded, and locked up. ..." |
Sergei Borglum Hoff: aThe First Law of Nature Demands a Second Amendment: The Excalibur of the People
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"The attacks on our World Trade Center have brought unimaginable grief to thousands of American families. They have also ignited a keen awareness of our vulnerability. And, the dereliction of federal government has become evident by its inability or refusal to provide adequate nationwide defenses from foreign aggression. Whether the appropriate charge is criminal negligence or high treason, there is no question that the people have been betrayed. However, individual security is not the constitutional responsibility of government. More than one judicial decision will confirm such a statement. In other words, it is you, the individual that is obliged to make provisions for your own safety by adhering to the First Law of Nature. You must respond to this fundamental law, or perish. I recognize that this is harsh news for the politically correct sensibilities of most Americans, but this revelation is a simple fact of life. Self-defense is the natural and honorable stance that we must all promote. Without decisive steps to defend self and family, 'security' is only a word." |
New anti assault weapons proposals threaten citizens’ rights
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"The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) is dead, but copycats extending its restrictions have been in the works for some time now. The ten-year period of the ban has given us time to see it in action and reflect on the utility of that and other overly restrictive anti-gun laws, many of which defy common sense with their skewed logic and general ineffectiveness." ...
"The anti-gun hawks are back in business, and they are threatening your rights. Even if you choose not to exercise your Second Amendment rights, you still ought to be concerned. Guns aren’t the problem. Rather, we need to enforce existing laws that punish gun offenders — there are over 20,000 firearms laws in the United States, too often ignored by ignorant or lenient judges..." |
Nicki Fellenzer: Above the law?
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"But there are some out there who soil the very badge they wear. They are oath-breakers. They are petty tyrants, traitors to the US Constitution, irrational, illogical, immature, self-absorbed children who chose this noble profession in order to wield their power over the 'little folk.' These are the police officers to be feared. These are the police officers who foster distrust and discord between the police and the people they have sworn to protect and serve. These are miserable mediocrities who engage in vain chest-pounding about how brave, how heroic and how special they are, while they exert their considerable force over the people who they believe are less deserving, less special and less brave than they are." |
IL: Cop who allegedly pointed gun at child could return to job
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"A Chicago cop accused of pointing a gun at a child and others while off-duty could be back on the street in just two weeks, after serving a one-year suspension."
"Eric Ruiz is set to return to his job Oct. 15, but on Thursday Chicago Police Supt. Phil Cline filed suit against the Police Board, asking a judge to disregard the suspension and instead fire Ruiz." ...
"An internal police investigation found Ruiz took an unregistered handgun, which he'd had since at least 1989, to Sublette, Ill."
"On Sept. 1, 2001, Ruiz went to a house there about 10:30 p.m. and pointed the gun at Dale J. Sopoci, investigators said. He allegedly pointed the gun at a minor during the same incident." |
PA: 2 Freeport police officers found guilty in confrontation
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"Two Freeport police officers have been found guilty of disorderly conduct for what one investigating officer described as intimidation of bar patrons while off duty early June 29." "At a hearing Tuesday, District Justice Sue Haggerty found Freeport Cpl. Scott A. Hess and part-time officer Eric L. Decroo guilty of disorderly conduct, a summary charge."
"They have 30 days to appeal the finding, but they have each entered into payment plans to pay off $323.50 in fines and court costs, according to staff at Haggerty's office."
"Both men have been Freeport officers for three or four years. Hess was hired full time at Freeport last year and promoted to corporal, while Decroo is a part-time officer with the department." |
TX: Jourdanton Officer Arrested For Gun Theft
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"A police officer is in jail, accused of stealing guns from the department where he worked. The officer is a member of the Jourdanton Police Department and was arrested there Wednesday night by fellow officers."
"Officer Jonathan Serrato was a probation officer. The chief says that's so they can get an idea about the new officer's character before he becomes a full time member of the force. Serrato had only been on the force three months."
"In addition to fire arm theft, a search of his vehicle produced marijuana. He was charged with possession. As for the gun charges, the police chief says this wasn't Serrato's first time." |
MO: Concealed-gun confusion clears
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"Effective today, Missouri's piecemeal approach to concealed guns becomes a little easier to understand: If you live in most of the St. Louis area or Jackson County, you can't have them. If you live anywhere else, you can."
"Rural Osage County has been the only place outside the state's largest cities not to accept applications for concealed weapons permits."
"But Sheriff Carl Fowler plans to begin doing so today, having finally overcome his cost concerns following a Supreme Court ruling seven months ago that upheld the legality of concealed guns but faulted the law's funding mechanism." |
LA: Lafayette Parish elementary student caught with flare gun
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"The future of a Lafayette Parish elementary school student is up in the air."
"Last week, a student at Ernest Gallet Elementary was caught on campus showing off an unloaded flare gun to another student in his class." ...
"Bonvillain says a teacher immediately took the flare gun from the student and notified the principal's office. She says the weapon posed no threat to students or staff." ...
"School board member Rickey Hardy says the kindergartner was suspended for three days following the incident. Hardy also says the young boy has been recommended for expulsion, but is being allowed to attend class until an expulsion hearing." |
MO: Osage County accepts concealed-gun permits
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"Effective today, Missouri’s piecemeal approach to concealed guns becomes a little easier to understand: If you live in most of the St. Louis area or Jackson County, you can’t have them. If you live anywhere else, you can."
"Rural Osage County, just east and south of Missouri’s capital, has been the only place outside the state’s largest cities not to accept applications for concealed-weapons permits."
"But Sheriff Carl Fowler plans to begin doing so today, having finally overcome his cost concerns after a Supreme Court ruling seven months ago that upheld the legality of concealed guns but faulted the law’s funding mechanism." |
VA: Falls Church Considers Gun Limits
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"A policy being drafted by the city manager tells city employees to notify police and their supervisor if anyone brings a gun to a city-operated facility, city-sponsored event or onto city-owned property. The police will determine whether the gun is being carried legally.Virginians can openly carry weapons but must have a permit to carry a concealed weapon."
"Opponents of the policy say it's a way to harass gun owners."
MI: Judge on target in banning use of new gun range
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"We agree with Bay County Circuit Judge Lawrence M. Bielawski's ruling last month preventing the Linwood-Bay Sportman Club from using its new pistol range."
"Used properly, under the right supervision, the new range, with its 30-foot-high berm and its baffles, probably is safe enough."
"But Bielawski ruled that there is little preventing people who do not belong to the club from sneaking onto the property and improperly using the range."
"At least twice now, someone has trespassed onto the property, their bullets flying off the range and onto the Maple Leaf Golf Course. One woman was injured by gunfire. Another golfer said he was almost hit by stray bullets." |
Philippines: Retired cop nabbed for gun smuggling
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Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines -- Authorities arrested a retired police official during a raid in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi on suspicion of being involved in gun smuggling activities, police said Friday.
Chief Supt. Sukarno Ikbala, police director of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), said retired police Supt. Sarras Gadzali of Jolo, Sulu, was arrested by military and police operatives aboard the M/V Evergreen of Asia, which docked at the Bongao pier from Siasi, Sulu around 5:30 a.m. Friday.
Ikbala said recovered from Gadzalia's possession were at least four .45 caliber handguns, a .38 caliber revolver, a rocket grenade tube, and various types of ammunition. |
VA: 'Gun Rights' Advocates Pack F.C. Chambers to Confront Council on Police Query Policy
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"About three dozen members and supporters of Virginia pro-gun rights organizations appeared, most wearing handguns, at Monday's meeting of the Falls Church City Council. Many came to the microphone during the public petition period to protest a draft administrative policy developed by City Manager Dan McKeever earlier this month that calls on City employees to contact police whenever they discover person to be bearing a weapon." ...
"Speaking as president of the 2,300-member Virginia Citizens Defense League, Philip Van Cleve of Alexandria accused McKeever of 'butting heads with the General Assembly's intent' with a policy 'devised to circumvent state law' to the effect of 'harassing law abiding citizens.' "
"Mike Stollenwerk of Fairfax, chairman of the Fairfax County Privacy Council, called McKeever's policy 'a mean-spirited campaign against the constitutional right to carry a gun.' "
"F.C. resident Jason Pence called it 'an ill-disguised ploy to deny the natural rights to law abiding citizens.' " |
VT: Pownal gun law is in the works
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"A committee appointed by the select board plans to review and discuss a proposed gun-discharge ordinance for the town."
"There were concerned citizens who came before the board that had a complaint that there was a lot of shooting going on in between homes... and it was actually impeding the safety of children and by-passers or whatever. That's what churned the whole thing up to where it's at today." |
NH: School editors discuss flap over yearbook gun photo
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"The posture and pose are perfectly acceptable, Londonderry High School’s yearbook editors said yesterday."
"But their consensus judgment deemed the shotgun slung over senior Blake Douglass’ shoulder unsuitable for yearbook publication. They added that a firearm is 'inappropriate' for a school with a strictly enforced zero-tolerance violence policy."
" 'Blake looks appropriate, he’s handsome and has a good smile,' said senior Danielle Taylor, the yearbook’s senior class editor. 'But you can’t have a gun in the photo. Guns are not allowed on campus.' "
------- Uh - hello? The gun is NOT on campus. It's in a photo! |
UK: Bishop forecasts violent backlash over hunting ban
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"A senior Church of England bishop warned the Government yesterday that it would provoke a violent backlash if it 'misused' its powers to push through a ban on fox hunting."
"The Bishop of Exeter, the Rt Rev Michael Langrish, said ministers had underestimated the depth of alienation felt by much of the rural population." ...
"Although not speaking in an official capacity, Bishop Langrish is the Church's spokesman on countryside issues. His comments could signal a bruising clash with the Government. The bishop, who was expanding on a speech to his diocesan synod at the weekend, said the Government had not made a convincing moral case for banning fox hunting." |
UK: Pair Get Life for Bank Worker Gun Murder
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"Two men were jailed for life today for gunning down a bank worker in an apparently motiveless attack as she sat in her sports car."
"Judge Mr Justice Astill described the killers as 'despicable cowards who depend on extreme violence against the defenceless' to get what they want."
------- And whose fault was it that these victims were "defenceless"? |
OH: House gun bill attacks district
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"THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to end Washington, D.C.'s self-imposed 28-year ban on handgun ownership. The move was an astounding violation of the principle of home rule, a crude and cynical demonstration of political bullying, and a grossly irresponsible decision that if put into action would likely harm the very people Congress ought to be protecting." ...
"In the District of Colombia, 16 children have been shot to death this year, according to the Washington Post. Just how is enabling the possession of a handgun in a home supposed to help such children? ..." |
CA: City nearing ban on big-guns
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"San Francisco is moving toward a local ordinance banning virtually all .50-caliber rifles and handguns -- along with their ammunition -- taking gun control a step further than a new state law that goes into effect next year."
" 'This is a pretty comprehensive ordinance,' said Juliet Leftwich, of the gun-control advocacy group Legal Community Against Violence. She said the proposed law that passed unanimously at a Board of Supervisors City Services Committee on Thursday is the first she knows of to ban the bullets that go into either the large-caliber military style rifles, also called sniper rifles, or the big-bore handguns more recently created by gun manufacturers. The new state law bans the rifles only." |
Australia: Man armed with a gun threatens ex-wife
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An armed man forced his ex-wife to drive from her Melbourne home with him and their baby, and then left the child with associates after she escaped.
Carrying a gun, the man forced the woman to drive from her house in Narre Warren to St Albans in Melbourne's west on Thursday afternoon, police said. She alerted police after she managed to escape.
The man left the child at a house in Fairfax Avenue, Kings Park, where it was found at 10pm (AEST) after two women waved down police.
A man, 40, is being questioned over the incident. |
DC: The 51st State and the 2nd Amendment
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"Souder's Shooters duke it out with Norton's Naysayers in the House over the D.C. gun ban--and win."
"YESTERDAY at 2:58 p.m. the House of Representatives passed the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act." Floor debate was stunning, often managing to simultaneously defy the rules of logic and of constitutional law."
Right to bear arms isn't for hunters (Letter)
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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution has nothing to do with hunters' rights, hunting rifles or sport shooting. It is there to prevent government in general from growing so powerful that it no longer considers an armed populace as a limiting factor in acting with impunity toward that populace."
"Our Founding Fathers intended that the same exact weapons that were used by the organized armed forces would be in the homes of the citizen. The M16 and AK47 are the primary tools of freedom, not the deer rifle." |
UK: Air rifle violence against defenseless animal
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It appears Britain's air gun ban is working about as well as its handgun ban - that is to say, not at all.
------- " 'Cowardly', 'evil' and 'sick' are words being used to describe the person who did this to Smokey the cat."
"Smokey had to have her front right leg amputated after being shot by an air rifle and left for dead on Saturday."
"Owner Connie Payne, of Kirton Way, Houghton Regis, said: 'I had to explain to my kids that Smokey will be coming home with only three legs.' "
"They are absolutely crushed, they cried and cried and cried."
"Not only has the person who did this hurt the cat, but they've crushed my kids, too. They're upset and have been making get well soon cards to take to the vets with us."
MI: Gun violence workshop set
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A workshop on gun violence prevention and gun safety will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Sarvis Conference Center, 1231 E. Kearsley St.
The program, called Project Sentry, is sponsored by Project Safe Neighborhoods in partnership with the U.S. Attorney's Office, Flint Area Weed and Seed, Flint Violence Prevention Center, Flint School District and the Flint Police Department.
Project Sentry is designed to educate students about medical, legal, emotional and societal consequences of gun violence. It also focuses on protecting youth from gun crime through prevention and deterrence strategies.
Part of the program will include education about gun safety, proper storage and safeguarding firearms in the home. |