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Newslinks for 10/2/2010

MT: Judges Tosses Challenge by Gun-Rights Advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit brought by gun-rights advocates seeking a declaration that Montana law allows them to make and sell guns without abiding by federal regulations."

"U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy in Missoula adopted a federal magistrate's recommendation to toss the lawsuit for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction, because the commerce clause grants Congress the power to regulate firearms."

"The Montana Shooting Sports Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and resident Gary Marbut had asked Molloy to declare that they could legally make and sell firearms under the 2009 Montana Firearms Freedom Act without complying with federal laws, including licensing and registration requirements." ...

NRA posts grades and endorsements: Angle beats Reid
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "When you have a clear winner, why not reward it? Otherwise, what's the point of winning?" ...

Joining good political company
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every day ... we are hearing descriptions of the new conservative movement commonly referred to as the 'Tea Party.' These descriptions range from 'Right Wing Extremists' to such slurs as 'Nut Bags.'" ...

"You can call these people 'Nut Bags' but if you remember your history, you may recall another group of people led by the likes of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin. These guys were really nuts. They got fed up with the status quo and actually thought that they could change things. They reached out to groups of people who had nothing else in common except a yearning to be free ... They organized themselves to the point that when the British Crown ignored their pleas, they risked everything and threw the bums out. ..." ...

Update on Korean M1 Rifle Story: H.R. 6240 Could Allow Rifles to Come Home
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While much of the mainstream media ignored the Korean M1 story, there is still hope for collectors that the rifles, which were blocked for importation to the United States, could still return home."

"Rep. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Rep. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) have sponsored a bill 'to amend the Arms Export Control Act to provide that certain firearms listed as curios or relics may be imported into the United States by a licensed importer without obtaining authorization from the Department of State or the Department of Defense, and for other purposes.'" ...

Top Columnist Does A Cowardly Turnaround After Getting Harassed By Gun-Owners From Idaho
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "So why did he switch? Well, basically, his readers got too angry."
"So all those hillsmen in Idaho, with their Colt 45s and boxes of krugerrands, who sent furious emails to the Telegraph accusing me of defending a hyperinflating establishment cabal were right all along. The Fed is indeed out of control."
"Dear Ambrose, anytime you dare to suggest some alternative to austerity and hard money, you'll get angry emails from people in Idaho with guns and krugerrands. It doesn't mean you have to write a contrived apology."

IL: Hero or Villain? Chicago Grandmother Margaret Matthews Shoots Troublesome 12-Year-Old Boy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Is the gun-wielding widow who wounded a menacing 12-year-old boy a hero or a dangerous granny with a gun who over-reacted? ..."

"On Tuesday, Margaret Matthews, 68, ... returned to her home ... from grocery shopping that day, she noticed broken windows and the two boys running away."

"When they returned, the widowed grandmother stood on her porch and confronted them. Allegedly, they replied by hurling bricks and rocks at her. She said one hit her in the chest."

"'I was terrified,' said Matthews, adding she went inside and grabbed a gun."

"She called police, but worried they might come too late. So she said she went back outside and fired at the boys, wounding the 12-year-old in the shoulder." ...

CA: San Jose boy cited after pointing fake gun at school
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 12-year-old boy has been cited by San Jose police for aiming a fake handgun at his school after he got into a fistfight."

"The replica gun -- which can shoot plastic pellets -- was unloaded, police said, and no one was injured in the incident. The boy was cited for "brandishing a replica firearm in a threatening manner.'"

"Although such guns are readily available, they can be extremely dangerous, experts said. Because they look virtually identical to real weapons, officers have shot people who are armed with them. In July, Santa Clara County sheriff's deputies looking for an illegal marijuana-growing operation shot and killed a man when he brandished a pellet rifle at them." ...

Please don’t shoot nonvoters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have two confessions to make."

"The first is this: I don’t own a gun. I have fired one, and hit both of the clay pigeons that were tossed into the air ... But I’ve never purchased one for home use." ...

"I don’t chastise friends and family members who keep rifles or handguns in their homes."

"They don’t chastise me for my decision."

"They don’t demand I move to Canada." ...

"... You, the voting public, don’t have many excuses for not visiting the polls between now and Nov. 2."

"Unless you’re like me and have a good reason for refraining."

"In which case I won’t be telling you to move to Canada or that, by not voting, you’ve given up your First Amendment right to complain about the powers that be." ...

Pro-Gun Election Season Is Here
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA-ILA Grassroots staff and volunteers have been hard at work to elect pro-gun candidates across the country. Read their stories below and see what they are doing to defend the rights of all law abiding Americans." ...

FL: Gun Owner's association comes out with Second Amendment ratings for candidates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Gun Owner's of America has come out with their ratings for the U.S. House of Representative races and it doesn't look good for the incumbents in South Florida - at least if you feel we should have a Second Amendment where gun rights should not be infringed." ...

VA: NRA Endorses Congressman Goodlatte
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing Bob Goodlatte for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in Virginia’s 6th Congressional District."

"'Bob Goodlatte's steadfast commitment to preserving our Second Amendment freedoms and hunting heritage has earned him the NRA-PVF endorsement,' said Chris W. Cox, chairman of NRA-PVF. 'We can trust Bob to continue fighting for the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding gun owners in Virginia and across the country.'" ...

AR: NRA, sportsmen endorse Beebe in governor’s race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund has endorsed Gov. Mike Beebe for re-election, Beebe’s campaign announced today."

"Beebe faces Republican Jim Keet in the Nov. 2 general election."

"The governor’s campaign also announced that Arkansas outdoor enthusiasts have launched an on-line campaign for Beebe."

"The website highlights the Democrat’s support of the outdoors, conservation and Second Amendment rights." ...

IN: Donnelly gets NRA endorsement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is endorsing U.S. Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-2nd, for re-election."

"Chris W. Cox, chairman of the NRA-PVF stated, 'The [NRA-PVF] supports Joe Donnelly because he has defended the Second Amendment freedoms of law-abiding gun owners, hunters and sportsmen in Indiana and across America.'"

"As a member of Congress, Joe Donnelly voted for legislation to allow permit holders to carry and transport firearms for self-defense in national parks and wildlife refuges; co-sponsored and supported legislation to force reform at the [ATF]; and co-sponsored the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act ..." ...

PA: Gun-rights groups back Barletta, Kanjorski
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congressional rivals Lou Barletta and Paul Kanjorski both have endorsements from gun-rights groups."

"Incumbent Paul Kanjorski, D-11, received the official backing of the [NRA-PVF]."

"The NRA political action committee cited Kanjorski's support for gun ownership as stated in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution." ...

"Republican candidate Lou Barletta released a statement saying the NRA gave him its highest rating, despite the organization's decision to endorse Kanjorski."

"Barletta did receive endorsements from two other gun groups, Firearms Owners Against Crime and Gun Owners of America. ..." ...

WA: Student convicted in open-carry gun case
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A college student who got in a dispute with police officers over his right to 'open carry' nearly two years ago was convicted Thursday in Clark County District Court of unlawfully carrying a weapon."

"An attorney for Joshua R. Watson, 23, unsuccessfully argued to a jury of four men and two women that Watson was merely exercising his constitutional right to bear arms."

"The jurors sided with an assistant Vancouver city attorney, who argued that Watson flaunted his right to carry, forced a business to close early and in the process broke the law." ...

WA: Man Who Police Questioned About Gun In Starbucks Says His Rights Were Violated
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Spanaway man said his rights were violated by Pierce County sheriff's deputies after he walked into a Starbucks wearing a handgun and was asked for identification."

"Tom Brewster said he carries a pistol with him just about everywhere he goes, so when he stopped by a Starbucks in Spanaway a couple of days ago, as he does every day, he was armed, as he is every day."

"'Soon as I got in line, the sheriff's officer approached me from behind and asked, 'Is that a gun? I'm going to need to see your ID,' Brewster said."

"Brewster refused to comply."

"He said that being asked by a sheriff’s deputy simply because he was carrying a firearm was a violation of his Fourth Amendment rights." ...

NV: Police officers found justified in Erik Scott shooting; family plans lawsuit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The coroner's inquest that on Tuesday found the Metro Police shooting death of Erik Scott justified 'failed miserably,' Scott's father said."

"Bill Scott told reporters that the next step for the family would be to file a lawsuit in federal court 'so finally we all will have the truth.'"

"The family plans to file a civil rights lawsuit alleging the officers used excessive force. Defendants will be Metro, Clark County, the sheriff’s office and Costco, where the July 10 shooting took place in Summerlin."

"Up to this point, the focus of the coroner's inquest has been on Metro, Bill Scott said."

"'Metro pulled the trigger,' Scott said. 'But Costco was the primary guilty party. Costco killed Erik.'" ...

NV: After Erik Scott
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"One of the odd results of this week's coroner's inquest into the July 10 police shooting of Erik Scott is that everybody is right. Consider:"

"• Based on testimony from dozens of witnesses, the coroner's jury was right to rule that the shooting was justified. The witnesses varied to an extent in recalling what they saw, but the consistent link was that Scott reached for his gun when confronted by three Metro Police officers in front of the Costco store. That move by Scott, no matter what his intentions, prompted the officers to shoot him. They believed he represented an 'imminent threat.'" ...

KABA Note: Unmentioned in this article are the facts that A) according to the 911 tape Scott was told by police to 'drop it' (presumably the weapon) and B) when CSI found the weapon it was still in its holster. In other words, the cop told Scott to drop his weapon then shot him when he complied.

Pennsylvania Homeland Security Director's 'made a very significant mistake in judgment,' Gov. Ed Rendell says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security Director James Powers is unlikely to quell the furor that has erupted in wake of news that his office hired a private contractor that monitored the activities and online conversations of lawful citizen groups."

"Gov. Ed Rendell announced Friday that Powers will step down Oct. 8, saying 'Jim is a good man who made a very significant mistake in judgment.'"

"Senator Lisa Baker, R-Luzerne, chair of the senate committee investigating the issue, said the resignation “opens the door to some badly needed changes, but restoring credibility to the operation now looks to be a monumental task.'" ...

MA: Trooper In Gun Incident Suspended Without Pay
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The veteran state trooper charged with allegedly driving drunk and pointing his gun at an off-duty Boston police officer has been suspended without pay indefinitely."

"41-year-old Timothy Walsh is facing charges of assault with a dangerous weapon, illegal discharge of a firearm and drunken driving stemming from an incident over the weekend."

"Walsh was allegedly drunk when he hit three parked cars early Saturday near his home in Dorchester, then pointed his gun at an off-duty officer who lives on his street. Walsh then went into his house and allegedly fired two shots with the gun."

"Boston police had to wrestle him to the ground because he would not cooperate."

"No one was hurt." ...

WA: Gun club lawsuit just more government abuse
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Action taken against Marcus Carter by the Kitsap Prosecutor Russ Hauge is judicial tyranny."

"The Prosecutors Office has had its case dismissed three times, but continues its vendetta against a private citizen at taxpayers’ expense, even after a Superior Court judge sided with the defendant."

"This judicial tyranny is not only present in the Prosecutors Office but within the regulations against the landowner’s use of their own property. " ...

MA: Framingham cop charged with threatening man with gun
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Framingham Police Department detective face charges he pointed a gun at a man when the he complained that the on-duty cop was urinating on his property."

"Scott Brown, 38, of Mendon, was indicted by a Middlesex grand jury on charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and making threats." ...

IL: Judge drops gun charge against Drew Peterson
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A judge on Friday dismissed the illegal-gun charge against Drew Peterson, a decision his attorneys believe could help his son, an Oak Brook police officer suspended after testifying he took in Peterson's guns."

"Peterson, a former Bolingbrook police sergeant, is being held on $20 million bond on charges he drowned his third wife in 2004. His son Stephen Peterson was suspended in August after testifying he hid two or three guns in his house shortly after Peterson's fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, disappeared in 2007 and shortly before police searched Drew Peterson's house." ...

CA: New charge added to LB police officer accused of gun theft
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Long Beach police officer accused of stealing guns that were to be booked as property was charged today with an additional felony, bringing to 14 the number of counts against him."

"Prosecutors added a charge accusing Damian Ramos, 33, of unlawful firearm activity between Aug. 2 and Aug. 5."

"Ramos was charged Aug. 9 with four felony counts each of grand theft of personal property, grand theft firearm and embezzlement by a police officer, along with one count of possession of an assault weapon."

"Those charges involved four firearms that were not booked into evidence after a call to a scrap yard to get 11 firearms that had been recovered ..." ...

Canada: Canadians Continue Gun Registry Fight
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Editor's Note: For several years, we have followed Canada's vitriolic battle over their government gun registry. Like the United States, the gun control fight has pitted the urban areas against rural areas where firearms are a part of the fabric of everyday life. Unlike the United States, however, Canadian gun advocates can point to a failed registry system that has eaten through one billion dollars in budgeted monies and cost overruns with no demonstrated benefit. Today, a look at the continued fight, and some of the Canadian groups who continue to battle to scrap the system. Our thanks to Delta Waterfowl for bringing this information to our attention." ...

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. — Thomas Jefferson, quoting Cesare Beccaria in On Crimes and punishment (1764).

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