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Newslinks for 10/20/2004

President George W. Bush Speaks On The Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"NRA's Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox discuss with President George W. Bush the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in America and the importance of the 2004 elections." ...

"NRA: Also early on in your Administration, Attorney General John Ashcroft stated his view 'that the text and the original intent of the Second Amendment clearly protect the right of individuals to keep and bear firearms.' This was a clear reversal, was it not, of the Clinton Administration's position?"

"President Bush: It was a clear reversal. It was a position that needed to be reversed—the prior Administration had taken the position that the Second Amendment only applies to state militias and doesn’t protect an individual right to bear arms. My opponent issued a press release earlier this year supporting that exact same position. I know that’s not what the Constitution says. The Constitution gives people a personal right to bear arms. So we did reverse the Clinton Administration’s position, and I think that was the right thing to do." ...

Talk is cheap Mr. President. If this is your administration's position, then why did you oppose the NRA's lawsuit to overturn DC's manifestly unconstitutional gun laws? Why did you agree to renew the AWB if it reached your desk? Why have you not reversed any of the various 2nd Amendment violating executive orders from previous administrations? Why did your administration not support the plaintiffs' petitions for certiorari in Emerson or Silveira? Why have you not worked to repeal a single one of the more than 20,000 unconstitutional gun laws that exist today?

America’s Freedom Is Threatened On Multiple Fronts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was a time when politicians who attacked our Second Amendment freedom made no secret about it—they came at NRA and gun owners directly, with character assassination most often the preferred weapon of choice. Today, the assault on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is no less real, but the war on our rights is being waged on multiple fronts, with new stealth strategies that seek to deceive and divide."

"NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox examine those strategies and the political landscape that faces gun owners leading up to Election Day, November 2."

"How has the fight to protect Second Amendment rights changed most drastically?" ...

Kentucky & Tennessee Invaded By 100,000+ Guns But; Everyone Happy!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The latest wave of Hurricanes in Florida and Alabama caused an evacuation of about 1,000,000 people. Leaving your home and traveling to another state can be a frightening experience for any person. Not knowing where you and your family are going to find shelter, not knowing where any medical facilities are located in case someone is sick or hurt, not having any friends or relatives other than your immediate family to help is traumatic. Now throw in the constant threat of terrorism, and you have valid reasons why so many law abiding citizens are legally armed. This was the first time so many legally armed citizens left their home state traveling into other states that honored their state license or permit to carry weapons. They traveled with their pistols. This helped them with their concerns about protecting their family and themselves." ...

New Gun: Ruger 17 Mach 2-Caliber Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Ruger's Mark III pistol chambered for the Hornady .17 Mach 2 (HM2) rimfire cartridge propels a 17-grain bullet at an average velocity of 1,800 fps. The Ruger KMKIII817 pistol features a stainless steel frame, 8-inch stainless steel fluted heavy barrel, checkered cocobolo thumbrest grips, a microadjustable rear sight and a Weaver-style scope-base adapter. The magazine-release button is located on the left side of the frame, behind the triggerguard, and recontoured sights and ejection port, an internal lock, magazine disconnect and an innovative loaded-chamber indicator are additional features. [emphasis added]

It has all the gun banners' favorite features!

OH: Ohio Democrats backing College Rapist and Carjacker Protection bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After years of spewing anti-gun rhetoric in efforts to oppose concealed carry reform in Ohio, the state's most liberal Democrats are suddenly very interested in backing concealed carry legislation at the Statehouse."

"In early May, we revealed that Sen. Ray Miller (D-15) had begun shopping for co-sponsors for a bill that seeks to repeal Section 9 of House Bill 12 from the books and expand the ban on concealed carry to all government owned/operated parks, swimming pools, golf courses, and parking lots." ...

"Since then, House Democrats have lined up two of their own anti-self-defense bills." ...

"Carjacker/Road Rage Aggressor Protection:
House Bill 453, introduced by Rep. Daniel Stewart (D-25), seeks to prohibit a person from knowingly causing or attempting to cause physical harm to persons or property by discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle or upon or over a public road or highway." ...

"College Rapist Protection:
House Bill 528, introduced by Rep. Joseph Zoziura (D-56) ... seeks to remove the college/ university parking lot exemption from Ohio law, which allows Ohio CHL-holders to secure their firearms in a motor vehicle on a campus parking lot. ..." ...

IL: Illinois Gun Owners PAC Announces Key Candidate Endorsements
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"The ISRA-PVF is pleased to announce its candidate endorsements for the 2004 General Assembly races."

"Headlining this year's list of endorsements is Aaron Schock, the Republican candidate for the 92nd House District seat. Schock is squaring off against incumbent Democrat Ricca Slone in what is expected to be a very heated race. Slone has a long-standing record of hostility toward hunters, sportsmen and other lawful firearm owners. Not only has Slone marched in lockstep with Chicago gun control advocates, but she is also one of a handful of lawmakers who actually voted against a state law designed to protect hunters from radical animal rights activists. Radical animal rights activists are well known for committing such acts as poisoning hunting dogs, torching gun clubs, and booby-trapping hunters' duck blinds and tree stands." ...

CA: Trial begins for police in brawl
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nearly two years after a street fight involving three off-duty officers shook the San Francisco Police Department, prosecutors told a jury Monday that two of the men should be convicted of assault for allegedly beating two civilians on Union Street while the defense claimed the officers were simply defending themselves."

"During a low-key opening statement of their case against Officer Matthew Tonsing and former Officer David Lee, prosecutors used slides to show jurors pictures of a bloody head wound and fractured nose that Jade Santoro suffered ..."

"Assistant District Attorney David Merin also played portions of the 911 call from the other alleged victim, Adam Snyder, in which he breathlessly told the dispatcher, 'They're beating the hell out of my friend.'" ...

NE: What can one say about something like this except, Thank you Officers?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"B.C. 'Bob' McAtee wanted to do something for the police officers as a way of saying thank you for their years of service. His inspiration was the 'cop on his block' ..."

"Dick Miller sounds like every kids cop, or at least the kind of cop every kid should have in his/her life. I remember mine, I just wish I could remember his name. As kids, in the summertime, after morning chores we would head out from our respective homes and meet up with our .22 rifles and fishing poles. ... The creek meandered into and along the edge of town. When we got that far we traipsed over to the general store for a cola and a candy bar. No one gave a second thought to four or five, twelve to fourteen year old kids moseying up the store carrying guns." ...

There are good cops on the job, and many times the actions of a few so overshadow their efforts they go thanklessly about their duties un-noticed. B.C. "Bob" McAtee is doing something about that, in Lincoln, Nebraska.

PA: Transgender Cop In Trouble After Gun Incident
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"Philadelphia's first transgender police officer is in a lot of trouble after she is accused of shooting near another officer during firearms training." ...

"Police officials will only say that officer Maria Gonzalez has been reassigned to desk duty because of an incident that internal affairs is investigating that allegedly happened Friday night at a firing range." ...

"According to sources, Gonzalez was training other officers at the police academy firing range Friday night when she got into an argument with Officer Marie Schmidt, a 17-year veteran of the force." [emphasis added]

"Gonzalez allegedly took Schmidt's gun out of her hand and fired a round at the ground, then fired another down range." ...

And this yutz is a trainer?!?

PA: Former guard testifies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former state prison guard from Gilpin testified Monday that he suggested a potential robbery victim who supposedly kept millions of dollars at his house to an inmate and then tried to help pull off the heist the day after the convict was released from prison."

"Jerry Espey, 36, of Greenwood Road, testified that he drove to Indiana County last St. Patrick's Day with the ex-con, who just completed serving a 15-year prison sentence the previous day."

"Espey testified that he drove around the would-be victim's neighborhood in Indiana, Pa., but couldn't find the house."

"Two days later, Espey went to police about the plan, which also allegedly involved a Butler County man charged with the burglary attempt." ...

CA: Deputy placed on administrative leave
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tulare County sheriff's deputy has been placed on administrative leave in connection with the fatal shooting of a 7-year-old girl who was killed Tuesday by a loaded handgun in his apartment. Sheriff's officials said Thursday the decision to remove deputy Paul Turner from duty is routine and will remain in effect until an investigation by the Porterville Police Department is completed. 'This occurred in their jurisdiction, it's their case and their investigation,' said sheriff's Lt. Greg Langford." ...

"An autopsy Wednesday determined that the cause of death of Gabriella Ruth Garcia, known as 'Gabby,' was not self-inflicted." ...

NC: Trial opens for guards accused of beating inmate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Mecklenburg County jail guards charged with violating an inmate's civil rights beat and kicked him without justification and left him in a pool of blood, a federal prosecutor said Monday on the opening day of their trial."

"The violent confrontation happened after the inmate had already been brought under control by other guards, said Prosecutor Kristy Parker of the U.S. Justice Department's civil rights division."

"'This is a case of two jail guards who took it upon themselves to punish an inmate' Parker told jurors. 'They beat him without any justification.'" ...

"Midgett is one of six inmates who have filed civil lawsuits in federal court accusing Mecklenburg jail guards of using excessive force against them. ..." ...

IL: Midway customs officers arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Federal authorities broke up a drug trafficking operation that used local custom agents, including two at Midway Airport. The ring allegedly smuggled million of dollars worth of heroin, cocaine and marijuana from Mexico to cities across the United States, including Chicago."

"The feds called it Operation Money Clip. The first customs officer was arrested without incident last night as he arrived for work at Midway Airport. Twenty-seven year old Jaime Garcia was taken into custody while in uniform and armed with his government-issued pistol."

"A few hours later, agents went to a house ... to arrest 28-year-old Alma Teran, another customs officer charged with helping an international drug-smuggling ring."

Philippines: Beleaguered police officer dismissed from service
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Querol said the dismissal order he just signed was based on several grounds, like the grave threat filed against Sirilan by ABS-CBN local news reporter David Santos, following the alleged gun-poking incident in the evening of September 18, 2004, outside the studio's compound in San Jose, this city."

"'And also the other cases, like the Tetuan incident where he was involved,' Querol continued."

"Sirilan's controversial case was aggravated when two policemen filed charges of 'direct assault' with attempted homicide against him in connection with the Tetuan incident on the eve of October 1, 2004, when members of the Zamboanga City Police Office (ZCPO) Special Operations Group (SOG) responded to an earlier complaint ..." ...

Trinidad: Senior policeman alleges 'Corrupt cops killed Carenage teen'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SENIOR police officer, who wished to remain anonymous has described certain officers of the Western Division, of being 'rogue, corrupt elements,' and accused them of murdering Sherman Monsegue 18 on his birthday last week. 'These cops, who move around in a group,' he said, have a history of terrorising the people of Carenage, Maraval, St James, Scorpion Alley and other districts, beating, robbing, threatening and shooting anyone who runs. The cops run drugs blocks and they shoot anyone who they believe stands in their way. 'Young Monsegue was doing nothing more than gambling, and he ran when he saw the cops, who caught him and shot him. The planting of guns on their victims is nothing new to these officers, so for them to come out and claim they were shot at by Sherman is the norm.'" ...

But according to Sarah, men like these should have a monopoly on guns.

Kenya: Former policeman kills detective in daring ambush
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An armed and dangerous former policeman turned thug yesterday morning gunned down a detective during an ambush in his city lair."

"The detective was in a team of police officers sent to raid his house and apparently under-estimated how dangerous their former colleague would be."

"When the detectives arrived at the renegade’s house at Imara Daima Estate at about 6.30am yesterday, they were armed but did not expect to encounter a fatal reception."

"When they knocked at his door asking him to open, he responded with a burst of gunfire, felling the detective, Constable Chris Karue, under a hail of bullets." ...

NH: Lawyer says some LHS students back gun photo
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Londonderry High School senior Blake Douglass’ attorney yesterday said some students have offered Douglass support in his fight to get the picture of him with his shotgun published in the yearbook." ...

"For the past two weeks, [Principal James ] Elefante has maintained that the community supports the district’s — and the school board’s — decision to deny Douglass’ photo." ...

"'Blake says kids have come up to him and have said, 'Good luck, I agree with you,' Dean said. 'All he’s gotten so far is support. He’s a quiet kid; it’s not like he’s the class president.'" ...

MN: St. Paul teen's poetry brings arrest, guilty plea
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"A 17-year-old Humboldt High School student has pleaded guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct after being caught using the St. Paul school's computers to write poetry with graphic references to guns, death and suicide, authorities reported Monday."

"The boy was arrested Thursday night after a notebook with the writings was discovered at the school, located on St. Paul's West Side. He made his plea Friday, the Ramsey County attorney's office reported." ...

"St. Paul police said Monday that the student did not make specific threats against anyone or mention the school in the writings. But his work caused concern because it referred to guns, death and suicide." ...

FL: Stuart firm keeps guns out of jams
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Stuart metal-finishing company is bringing the 'greaseless gun' to U.S. soldiers."

"UCT Defense LLC, an offshoot of Universal Chemical Technologies Inc., has been tapped to help the U.S. Department of Defense build weapons that won't get clogged with sand and dirt."

"The company's 3-year-old patented coating eliminates the need for liquid lubricants and cuts the number of metal coatings from three to one for standard military small arms, said President Thomas Dyer." ...

"After years of company and military testing, the greaseless guns will go into production this winter, with about 2,400 M4s slated to be in troops' hands early next year, Dyer said. ..." ...

TX: Students for the Second Amendment Defends Heritage of Freedom
Submitted by: Students for the Second Amendment

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"Students for the Second Amendment (SF2A) is fully engaged in the battle to preserve our firearms rights. In recent weeks, SF2A members have been involved in registering new voters, walking neighborhoods distributing information for pro-gun rights candidates, writing letters-to-the-editor, and many more activities in defense of freedom." ...

TX: Students for the Second Amendment Hosts Debate Watch
Submitted by: Damaso Torres

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"UTSA Students for the Second Amendment and UTSA College Republicans had a Party for the President at Champs Sports Bar & Grill during the 'debate' Wednesday night and the mood was predictable--however, surprisingly, justified." ...

MI: Bill would protect Michigan hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill introduced in Michigan would make it part of the Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) mission to promote hunting."

"House Bill 6272 introduced Sept. 30 by Rep. Susan Tabor, R-Delta Township, would direct the Michigan DNR and the Michigan Natural Resources Commission (NRC) to promote and preserve the state's hunting heritage. Tabor is the representative who initiated the bill that got Michigan its dove season this fall."

"The bill ... is designed to help protect the rights of the nearly one million sportsmen who enjoy hunting opportunities in the state."

"In many states, when anti-hunting groups attempt to ban hunting through legislation, ballot issues or lawsuits, wildlife agencies are muzzled because their missions are to manage wildlife ..." ...

NH: Benson says firearms manufacturer on target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Craig Benson visited Exeter-based firearms manufacturer Sigarms last week to honor the firm for winning two large federal contracts from the Department of Homeland Security."

"Benson told the News-Letter that the contracts, worth about $28 million, are bringing money to New Hampshire from around the world." ...

"Following Benson’s short address, Sigarms executive Pete Kujawski presented him with a handgun identical to those that will be carried by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials under the contracts - with a few decorative embellishments, including his name etched into the barrel of the pistol." ...

WA: Stanwood police offer 1,200 free gun locks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nothing. Nada. Zero."

"That's the cost of getting a gun lock from the Stanwood Police Department." [KABA Note: "Paid for by the taxpayers" is not the same as "free".]

"Police have 1,200 gun safety kits to give away."

"The kits include a list of safety tips and a cable lock that will fit most handguns, rifles and shotguns."

"'As a police officer with children, I'm very aware of how quickly a tragedy can happen,' Stanwood Police Chief Tom Davis said. 'Taking a minute now to think about storing firearms can prevent heartbreak in the future.'"

That's right, tragedy can happen in an instant. Someone breaks into your home, and as you are fumbling with your gun lock he clobbers you and then is free to rape your wife and children.

Philippines: Moneychanger loses P300T to 5 robbers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A moneychanger lost close to P300,000 cash to five armed men at a parking lot at the corner of Colon and Junquera Streets at past 7 last night."

"Victoria Hortillano, 46, and her nephew Darwin Mangubat, 31, both of Lagtang, Talisay told police that as they were about to board their car, the armed men emerged from the dark and threatened to shoot them. One of them grabbed Hortillano’s bag containing P30,000 and Mangubat’s bag contained P260,000."

"She said she only saw one armed man but witnesses said the man’s companions were positioned at a distance as lookouts while one man stayed inside a green Toyota Corolla which was parked in front of the parking lot." ...

But guns are banned in the Philippines!

UK: Court bail rule queried after man shot dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Belfast coroner today expressed concern that a man was shot dead while on bail, despite being warned by police of death threats against him."

"Deputy Coroner David Hunter said he now intended to write to the Chief Constable to question whether or not bail should have been revoked in the case of Co Down man Adrian Porter."

"Mr Porter was gunned down at his home in Conlig on March 14, 2001."

"Two men, one armed with an automatic and one with a pistol, fired over 30 shots through the window of the living room where Mr Porter, who was facing drug charges at the time, was sitting."

"His friend, Mark Magowan, was also injured in the gun attack but survived." ...

Philippines: Security devices urged for small establishments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following three robberies all within an hour last Monday, police station commanders were ordered to encourage businessmen in their jurisdiction to use a device that would deter robberies."

"In a command conference yesterday morning city police chief Melvin Gayotin told station commanders that robberies are no longer only against cellular phone shops and jewelry stores but also against rice dealers and other small establishments."

"This was because cellphone shops and jewelry stores have already installed alarm devices to deter robbers."

"Gayotin said the device should have a blue light, which can be switched on in case a certain business establishment needs help." ...

How about a sing in the window: These Premises Protected By Smith & Wesson. It is a proven fact that armed citizens deter robberies!

UK: Gun epidemic is spreading
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Danielle’s murder is a tragedy, even if it is one that the world may not remember for very long. Those of us who watch a lot of television news risk becoming callous as one tragedy succeeds another. Danielle’s death did not have very high saliency as a news story, even on the first day."

"Yet it is a serious defeat. We are not winning the war against drugs, guns and gangs. Danielle’s murder is representative of a class of crimes that have been occurring across the country. A few weeks ago two young women ... were returning from a nightclub in Bristol. Two men they had met in the club offered them a lift home in their car."

"Another car drew up alongside. Shots were fired; one of the girls was mortally wounded; the other was hit in the eye and may have lost her sight. ..." ...

Malta: Man cleared of attempted murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Anthony Fenech, 50 from Saint Julian's, was cleared of attempted murder on Monday.

The accused was fined Lm200 for owning an unlicensed firearm but was cleared of the charges of attempted murder as he was acting in self-defence. The case happened on June 26 2002 in Saint Julian's when Charmel Pace was severely wounded with the accused' s firearm.

The Court found out that Anthony Fenech was in a balcony when Charmel Pace confronted him. Fenech shot the victim when the latter threw in the door. The Court said that the accused was in a state of fear and he shot the victim to defend himself.

Lawyers Joe Giglio and Jose Herrera defended the accused.

UK: Gun Crime Beneath 'Robin Hood' Image
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Historic Nottingham’s mythical past of noble thieves and pantomime villains belies the city’s growing battle with modern day criminals who settle grudges with a gun."

"Nottinghamshire’s Chief Constable Steve Green, an outspoken critic of liberal justice values, has previously claimed his force was being swamped by gun and drug crime in the city."

"In 2003, there was on average more than one shooting every week in the county."

"Figures showed that in 2002-03, 2,435 officers were tackling 161,404 offences."

"Merseyside suffered 163,166 crimes but had nearly double the police to deal with them, while West Mercia dealt with 55,000 fewer offences with around the same number of officers as Nottinghamshire." ...

The right of citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against tyranny, which though now appears remote in America, history has proven to be always possible. — Senator Hubert H. Humphrey

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