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Newslinks for 10/21/2003

NRA Attorney Stephen Halbrook Responds to KABA Criticism
Submitted by: David Adams

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NRA attorney Stephen Halbrook has responded to criticism we recently published. The NRA is also sending out this same response to people who inquire.

We are preparing a reply to Mr. Halbrook's assertions and will share it with you when it is ready for publication. It may be a few days as we have more important things on our "to do" list than poking holes in this series of justifications for using the Second Amendment to register handguns.

But in the meantime, in the interest of fairness, we wanted to share NRA/Halbrook's side of the story. Why wouldn't we? There are big issues on the table, and they require close and careful consideration.

In case you aren't aware of what Mr. Halbrook is responding to, and since their reply didn't link to our criticism, it's linked below -- so you can get up to speed and have a full picture of the story so far:


Our reply to Mr. Halbrook's response would have been ready already, but we've invested a great deal of time defending ourselves, our organization and Silveira research attorney Roy Lucas from numerous personal smear campaigns launched by people who prefer ad hominem attacks to debating the issues. Some people are like that. Please have patience with them as they devise better arguments to defend their positions.

"Extremists prevent meaningful discussion about guns"
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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... "I believe the right to keep and bear arms is a fiction. Legal experts I respect - including Departments of Justice previous to the current one - have all held that the Second Amendment confers no right of individual gun ownership."

"But - and here's the tricky part - I also believe the perception of such a right is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche that the legal niceties are largely immaterial. As a practical matter, the right exists." ...

"So I hate guns. But I also accept that they're not going anywhere."

"The question is: What can we do within that reality?" ...


This article paints the NRA leadership as "extremists." If the NRA leadership is comprised of extremists, will those who accuse us of being "extremists" please find a more potent word? After all, we consider the NRA among the most moderate gun rights organizations in existence in America. However, it is with sincerity that we must heap praise upon NRA for further exposing a fascist creep like the writer of the article linked immediately above. He does inspire new activism, doesn't he?

OH: Cleveland-area 'Defense' Walk a 'Total Success!'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Nearly 100 people openly carried firearms (and picnicked) at the Potluck Picnic and 'Defense' Walk in Lorain on Sunday. There were men and women of all ages, people young, old, short, tall, black, white - all there supporting our right to self-defense."

"From the moment the first group stepped off and out of the park, car horns started blowing from supporters in the traffic, including a couple of long blasts of an air horn from a passing pumper of the Lorain Fire Department." ...

OH: Toledo-Area 'Defense' Walkers welcomed in Swanton with 'honks, waves & smiles"
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"Drivers and residents honked car horns and waved, or gave a thumbs-up sign, to the 100+ openly armed 'Defense' Walkers in Swanton Sunday. At least two residents came out and joined the Walk as it progressed by their homes. This group was probably the most diverse, in terms of gender, that we've seen yet. Many women, many families with children." ...

OH: Tony Gordon Memorial 'Defense' Walk 'the most emotional of them all'
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry PAC

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"This 'Defense' Walk was special. It wasn't about cameras or quotes. It wasn't about crowd size or soundbites. It wasn't about the Supreme Court or Republican double-speak."

"Instead, this Walk was solely focused on the hundreds of victims of violence in our state."

"The average Walker drove 114 miles to attend the event, making them anything but average rights supporters. They came to honor a young hero, and they were joined by that hero's family." ...

MA: Campus conservatives vocal on their views, including the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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. . . "Convinced that a broader, more balanced, education hurts no one and benefits everyone, conservatives at Tufts are fighting on your behalf. The campus is faced with professors spewing their contempt for conservatives, angry guest lecturers blaming America for all the world's ills, rapid responses to 'bias' incidents except when they are of an ideological nature, derisive Daily viewpoints..." . . . .

"You can, to a certain degree, compensate for what is being left out of your classes. The Tufts Republicans are not the only ones offering alternative political perspectives. A new student organization, Tufts Right to Arms, aims to provide differing views on the issue of firearms and 2nd amendment rights." ...

MN: Student raped on college campus that bans self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The student who reported being raped in her Concordia University dorm room was out of the hospital Sunday evening, but many on the school's St. Paul campus remained shaken by the incident."

"On Saturday, a man reportedly broke into Luther Hall through a ground-floor window screen and went upstairs and into the student's room, where he sexually assaulted her between 5 and 7 a.m. No one had been arrested as of Sunday evening, police said." ...

From the Concordia University Student Handbook:

In the interest of preventing accidental injury and for the overall well-being of the community, any weapons . . . are NOT permitted on campus nor are they to be stored in any vehicles parked on the campus.


If this woman is a gun owner but was defenseless due to this policy, she's got a case against the college. But unlike the gun prohibitionists, our kind of people don't chase ambulances to foment such cases. May this woman recover quickly and learn self-defense so it doesn't happen again.

VA: Attorney General Weighs In On Gun Ban Debate
Submitted by: David Adams

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A More complete story on the issue posted on Saturday, 10/18.

"...officials 'cannot have a per se rule expelling all students whose actions are in conformity' with the provision of the state law allowing unloaded firearms on school grounds in locked vehicle trunks."

"To expel a student for possessing an unloaded firearm in a locked vehicle trunk, the opinion said, school officials must also, at a minimum, give careful consideration to the nature of the incident." ...

MN: Zero-tolerance gun policy runs counter to gun-safety classes at school
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"When Nick Ziegeweid signed up for a firearms safety course at Winona Middle School earlier this fall, he was told to bring his shotgun."

"But when the 12-year-old boy attended his first class Oct. 11, school administrators and instructors met him and about 40 other students outside the school to remind them they couldn't bring their guns inside."

"It's like teaching a math class without a calculator..."

" 'There needs to be some safety zones,' said Sue Brown, a school board member." ...

Tell that to the Columbine High School librarian who sat on the phone with police, cowering in fear, waiting to be executed. How safe was she?

ID: Dog Shoots Owner; owner blames gun
Submitted by: Larry E. Bigham

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"Safety locks"?
A shooting in Athol this week has left a woman with serious leg injuries. However, the victim is not angry with the shooter at all. In fact, both are living in the same house.

It started when Cindy Whitaker heard some sort of ruckus in her backyard - she feared it may be a bobcat or other animal who was trying to harm her pets. So Cindy, who is wheelchair bound, wheeled outside with a pistol. She went to check on her husband's dog, Baby, because she heard some odd noises coming from Baby's doghouse. When she opened the door, baby came rushing out, knocking the gun and Cindy to the ground - Baby then accidentally stepped on the gun and the gun went off.

The bullet is still lodged in Cindy's leg, however, doctor's are hopeful for Cindy's full recovery. As for baby, Cindy and her husband say they hold no ill well towards the animal who was just being a dog. The Whitakers say their accident is a good reminder to gun owners that safety locks on weapons can come undone if a weapon is dropped.


If Cindy the gun-dropping dog owner had actually found a bobcat, a "safety lock" would have prevented her from dispatching the animal. They must be referring to the safety. Some handguns have more effective safety mechanisms than others, but the general rule Cindy needs to learn is: "Don't drop your firearm and then let your dog step on it while it's aimed at you." Perhaps we'll add the Cindy Rule underneath the well-known Rule that says, "Never point your weapon at anything you aren't willing to destroy."

This incident was clearly unintentional. But the firearm did exactly what it was designed to do -- as any third grader with a brain can understand -- and deserves no blame.

May she have a speedy recovery.

Repeat: The truth about "Bowling for Columbine"
Submitted by: gary g

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Excellent website with lots of links exposing Michael "Pinocchio" Moore and his "documentary". Bookmark it and use it as needed.

TX: Horsley: Seeing guns in a new light since obtaining license
Submitted by: Uncle John

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"A year has passed since I obtained a license to carry a concealed handgun. At the time I applied for the license, I seemed sort of obsessed with guns. It wasn't clear whether 9/11 or middle age or something else caused my sudden enthusiasm for pistols."

"Whatever it was, it mostly passed. I still own guns and enjoy occasional target practice, but I don't spend much time thinking about them." ...

"Some Second Amendment advocates, on the other hand, feel that America would be safer if everyone had guns and carried them whenever possible."

"This idea seemed ludicrous even when I was a member of the National Rifle Association. Now that I'm a handgun owner and know the magnitude of responsibility involved in carrying a concealed weapon, the 'armed America' argument makes even less sense." ...

WA: Suspect in botched burglary dies - shot by resident in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men are in jail and another man previously on life support is dead while Benton County Sheriff's detectives continue to investigate Friday's botched home invasion robbery in Whitstran."

"And two other suspects are being searched for in the Mid-Columbia and Yakima River Valley, said Benton County Sheriff Larry Taylor."

"Aldo H. Arreguin, 17, of Yakima, died Saturday evening after being on life support at Kadlec Medical Center after he was shot in the head Friday."

"Arreguin was shot in the forehead by a resident after the 17-year old tried to use a hostage to gain entry to a nearby trailer."

"Taylor said the prosecutor would review the shooting death of Arreguin, but he believed the resident was acting in self-defense." ...

NJ: As bear hunt nears, a war of words gives way to vandalism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In some quarters, the debate over New Jersey's first black bear hunt in more than 30 years is not a debate anymore."

"Pro-hunt and anti-hunt camps are blaming each other for dirty tricks, harassment and, in some cases, sabotage."

"State biologists say their traps are being tripped and testing snares are being destroyed or stolen. People who oppose the hunt say hunters ripped apart an anti-hunt billboard and that anti-hunt lawn signs are routinely stolen. Some folks on each side say they get menacing phone calls, and there also are accusations of flattened tires and one sabotaged gas tank." ...


If this newspaper thinks these acts of lawlessness are that big a deal, one wonders what they'd think of what would happen if the Supreme Court declared the Second Amendment to mean a right of the States.

TX: Officer Indicted for Negligent Homicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Austin Police officer has been [indicted] for criminally-negligent homicide. A Travis County grand jury indicted Officer Scott Glaskow for the shooting death of Jessie Owens."

"The incident happened almost five months ago when Glaskow stopped Owens."

"What's under question is how the officer approached the car. The grand jury says he did not follow police procedures, and Monday, the family spoke out about that."

" 'When a police officer gets in his vehicle, straps on his gun and goes out to protect and serve our community, that is what he is supposed to do. Not serve and protect himself. Take an oath to do your job correctly. On June 14, he did not do that,' mother Barbara Shorts said." ...

UT: Shooting Victims' Families Urge Gun Responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Family of a boy killed in a shooting accident last month, is taking a stand against gun violence." [There's a surprise!]

"The boy's sister warns, all gun owners, it is their responsibility to make sure guns are safely out of the reach of children."

"The Gun Violence Prevention Center of Utah and supporters gathered today at the Jordan International Peace Gardens to remember victims of gun violence."

"Melissa Owens lost her 12 year old brother Jake last month in South Jordan."

"Jake and his 14 year old best friend were helping clean out a neighbor's garage in early September."

"The older boy came across the gun and it went off, hitting Jake in the head." ...

This was not gun violence; this was gun ignorance. Get gun safety programs in our schools! Guns do not "go off." Accidents occur when someone violates the basic rules of gun safety, which all kids are capable of memorizing in less than five minutes. Instead, we have more gun banning vampires sucking the blood of dead children to further their unrighteous cause.

NC: Officer arrested for assaulting female
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 20-year Durham police officer was arrested Sunday and charged with assault, police reported."

"Officer Stanley Harris, 45, was released on a $2,500 unsecured bond after police charged him with assault on a female. Police did not release details about the alleged assault, and Harris' arrest warrant was not on file Monday evening at the Durham County Clerk of Courts Office."

"The Durham Police Department's Domestic Violence Unit and Professional Standards Division are investigating the case, which is standard procedure, police said in a news release."

But only cops should have guns, right Sarah?

Serbia: For rebels, weapons are ‘the law’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Zenga said he has no doubt about what will happen to the current cease-fire if the Serbs move further north to take control of Konculj. 'Everyone you see here lives by two codes: Be prepared to die for your land and people, and never trust a Serb.' "

"Zenga, a strange mix of friendliness and razor-edged nerves, waxes poetic about his gun and his future: 'When it’s quiet like this, I remember how much I’d like to put ‘Zenga’ down, maybe go back to school and get a real life. But then I recall how the Serbs treated us when we didn’t have guns.' " ...

TX: Officer with "troubled background" jailed in assault with loaded handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dallas patrol officer with a troubled background in the department spent part of the weekend in jail after being accused of sticking a loaded handgun in her husband's face during an argument Friday morning, police said."

"Officer Pamela Hampton, 33, was put on administrative leave from the Dallas Police Department pending the outcome of an investigation, officials said. She is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony that carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison."

"She was hired in September 1999. Since then, she has been disciplined for threatening a 12-year-old girl and investigated for incidents that included the forcible kidnapping of her daughter, which led to her arrest." ...

"But only the police should have firearms," according to people who want incidents like this to increase.

WI: UW wants exemption from concealed-carry bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The University of Wisconsin system is seeking exemption from proposed state legislation that would allow individuals to carry concealed handguns. The UW system wants to ban individuals from carrying concealed weapons on all campus and university property."

"UW System President Katherine Lyall sent a letter Monday requesting that the university be given the right to prohibit concealed weapons on their campuses."

" 'Our campuses can be emotionally charged places, not just within classroom buildings, but in public gathering places such as the Library Mall here in Madison,' Lyall wrote. 'Emotions can run high, and it would be tragic if those emotions were to result in the use of weapons to resolve differences.' "


Same BS, different face. Another gun banner who doesn't trust herself with a firearm wants everyone to join her in her defenselessness. Is she prepared to take responsibility for every last preventable rape, assault or murder on the campus? It's OK if she wants to submit to a rapist, but it's NOT okay to force her pro-rapist ideology on others just to protect her own insecurity and self-loathing.

GOP nears passing gun liability protections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the unexpected support of Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, the Republican majority in Congress is close to passing legislation that would grant sweeping legal protection to gun manufacturers and dealers."

" 'The vast majority of gun owners, manufacturers and sellers are honest and law-abiding,' Daschle said in a statement as he announced his support for the bill, a priority for the National Rifle Association."

"The measure would bar future lawsuits for money damages and put a stop to previously filed damage claims, according to Michael Barnes, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." ...

And what did we have to give up to get Red Tom's support? Keep a close eye on future proceedings.

Student to Face Charges Over Box Cutters Smuggled Onto Airplanes to Make TSA Look Bad
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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"On Thursday night, Southwest Airlines maintenance workers found small plastic bags containing box cutters, bleach, matches and modeling clay in lavatory compartments on planes in New Orleans and Houston."

"Notes in the bags 'indicated the items were intended to challenge Transportation Security Administration checkpoint security procedures,'..."

Yep, this makes me real confident that TSA is keeping us safe. NOT!

NY: Mentally Ill Man Kills Child with Knife and Wounds 3, Police Say
Submitted by: paul raynolds

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Another tragedy in self defense free New York.
"An emotionally disturbed man fatally stabbed his 8-year-old niece yesterday, and also wounded his 5- year-old nephew and his adult brother and sister in Washington Heights, the police said."

"The attack took place in the apartment where the 40-year-old man, whose name was not released yesterday, lived with a sister and her daughter on West 179th Street, the police said." ...

VA: School board member blames victim in violent assault by student
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A school board member blames the victim:
"A 15-year-old male student, who was arrested, knocked down LaVerne Hamlin, who teaches physics and biology at the East End school, after she took a classroom telephone from him. He then repeatedly kicked and hit her face and body, according to a school incident report." ...

"You've got to be careful who you take the phone from," [Reginald M.] Malone [School Board 7th District representative] said. "He could say, 'I was on the phone with my mama and she had an accident.'" ..." ...

VA: School board member Malone defends remarks blaming the victim (followup)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The phone didn't ring yesterday at the home of Reginald M. Malone Sr. He had disconnected it."

"Malone, the 7th District representative on the Richmond School Board, had given up trying to fend off angry calls in response to his remarks about an alleged assault of an Armstrong High School teacher Friday by a 15-year-old male student."

"Malone was quoted as saying, 'You've got to be careful who you take the phone from,' and suggested the teacher could have headed off a violent confrontation." ...

Russia: Torture now routine for Putin's police
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Once the policeman's gas mask was sealed tight around his face, Denis, 18, lasted 90 seconds before passing out. After a heavy beating by police fists and batons, Denis had still not confessed to stealing a car radio from a garage near his home. So two officers handcuffed his hands behind his back and clamped the 'elephant mask', as it is called, to his bruised head. They shut its valves and then waited." ...

VA: Police accused of beating man into coma are suspended
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Five Petersburg police officers have been suspended while state police investigate the alleged beating of a 27-year-old Petersburg meat worker after a traffic stop Monday night."

"Lamont Cortez Koonce has lain in a coma at Medical College of Virginia Hospitals since the incident, said his older brother."

" 'My brother is in there fighting for his life right now,' he said. 'I hope those involved in the brutal beating of my brother will be punished before it happens to someone else.' " ...

MN: Policeman in bar brawl is son of St. Paul chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The St. Paul officer involved in an early Sunday morning fight at a Frogtown bar is the son of Police Chief William Finney. The relationship prompted department brass to call in the state's Bureau of Criminal Apprehension to investigate claims the officer fueled the bar-clearing brawl that sent at least two women to the hospital."

"Investigators say Loretz was not given any sort of drug or alcohol impairment test when they got a chance to talk to him several hours later, even though he was still at the bar when the initial officers arrived."

Under MN law even off-duty cops may not carry in posted places (which this was) and lose their permit if their BAC is over 0.04.

But only cops should carry, right Sarah?

MI: Police chief gets misdemeanor charge after soliciting teen for sex and then shooting his friend
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"The former chief of police in South Rockwood testified Friday about the Internet rendezvous in which he met a teen for a sex act, before being attacked and shooting the teen's friend in the chest."

"Kevin Walters, who resigned as chief and pleaded no contest this week to a charge of misdemeanor neglect of duty, testified that the plan was for him to perform oral sex on the teen and pay the teen $20." ...

Compassion-Based Schools Teach Kids 'Untrue Drivel,' Critic Charges
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A controversial curriculum focusing on 'humane education,' which advocates say includes compassion for animals, awareness of environmental problems like so-called global warming and overpopulation as well as non-violence, is expanding into the U.S. public school system."

"Last week, a local school board near Sacramento, Calif., became the second district in the nation to create an entire school based on the humane education curriculum." ...

...along with the Gun control mantras and anti-Second-Amendment lies.

OR: Two Schools Deal With Bomb Threats by Searching Everybody
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Phone messages were left at both Tigard and Canby High Schools this weekend."

"When the messages were discovered Monday morning, Canby High evacuated its students, while Tigard High did not."

"Lunchtime at Tigard High included students getting their bags searched for explosives." [Emphasis added]

"It was a measure that was taken shortly after classes started Monday morning because a school secretary checked the school voice mail and discovered an angry sounding message."

And "unreasonable search and seizure" doesn't apply when it is done "for the children".

Live free or die trying
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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From where I stand, the Free State Project represents our best shot at a genuine American revolution. Not the violent kind, mind you, but the kind that grabs hard-working, clear-thinking people by the heart -- the kind that shakes, not stirs, them to their senses. I'm tired of stupid laws and pointless fines, high taxes, and state-run morality. But if there's something Free Staters must understand, it's that, in the battle against Big Gov't, their enemy's in it to win...

What fear is doing to our freedoms
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Americans, willingly - and foolishly - are sacrificing their rights in exchange for safety from terrorism, today's writer says. Here is the text of his speech at the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government's annual William S. Dixon First Amendment Awards." ...

A Government Out of Control
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Whether you consider yourself liberal, conservative, or somewhere in-between, you have to be wondering just what in the world is going on with our nation these days. Our government seems to be populated by extremists of every sort... leftist nutcases want to wreck our healthcare system by nationalizing it. Right-wing kooks want to turn America into a police state." ...

RFID blocker may ease privacy fears
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"RSA Security will develop technology that jams the signals emitted by radio frequency identification tags."

"The labs at RSA Security on Wednesday outlined plans for a technology they call blocker tags, which are similar in size and cost to radio frequency identification (RFID) tags but disrupt the transmission of information to scanning devices and thwart the collection of data."

Perfecting the game of Tag
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Years of predictions that everyday use of radio frequency identification technology is just around the corner are about to come true."

"Wal-Mart and the Department of Defense announced they will require their suppliers to ship their products on crates and palates that use the small radio-enabled tags by 2005."

"In Europe, retailers are beginning to test RFID tags on individual products for sale."

"Wal-Mart and the DoD have certainly seen the advantages and opportunities with RFID," ...

Australia: Man on trial for rape and abduction of disarmed mother and 12 year old daughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man has gone on trial for raping a 12-year-old girl and abducting her and her mother."

"The court heard the man was heavily armed and put the pair through a 20-hour ordeal, before letting them go."

"Bradley John Murdoch is charged with two counts of raping the girl, two counts of indecently assaulting her mother and two counts of false imprisonment."

"The jury heard he bound, gagged and handcuffed the girl before raping her and loading her into the back of his four-wheel drive."

"Armed with a gun in a shoulder holster he then abducted the pair from their property in the Riverland and drove them to Port Augusta." ...

And who gave the man a guarantee that his prey would be helpless? The Australian Government -- an accomplice in this crime.

UK: Murder Hunt Police Set Up Texting Service
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Detectives were hoping that the launch of a new text messaging service today would prompt fresh leads in the murders of Letisha Shakespeare and Charlene Ellis."

"The West Midlands Police service has been designed specifically for Birmingham’s Aston district where the two college friends were shot dead at a New Year party."

"Officers hope they can overcome the reluctance of some members of the community to talk to police by offering them a discreet way of passing on information."

"The force is keen to receive tip-offs about gun crime, which is a growing problem in Aston, but also hopes the text service will be a useful tool in tackling crimes with vulnerable victims such as domestic violence."

But don't gun laws work? Guns were banned YEARS ago. This gun crime problem in "gun free Great Britain" just doesn't make any sense. Gun crime was supposed to go down... right?

UN: Articles show trend toward gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ordinarily, I wouldn't write about the United Nations in an outdoor column such as this. I want to tell you about two articles from widely differing sources concerning the same topic I came across in the past week." . . .

"The thrust of the proposed treaty isn't just controlling the illegal small arms trade. It also involves United Nations control of civilian ownership of firearms, a right we are guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution, but which might be subverted in a United Nations treaty."

"This isn't something that is just going to go away. Once again, freedom isn't free -- it demands vigilance and attention to things you wouldn't think had much effect on an average Valley resident." ...

UK: Police hunt armed raiders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"POLICE were last night hunting for two armed robbers after a pair of Ipswich shops were raided and terrified staff threatened with weapons."

"Officers are not linking the raids, which happened within an hour-and-a-half of each other."

"In the first robbery a male worker behind the counter of the shop was threatened by a masked gunman."

"After handing some money over and raising the alarm as the gunman ran off, the member of staff was taken home by police."

" 'He is pretty shocked but he is coping well,; added Mr Patel. 'We have already got a good security system but against someone pointing a gun at you, there's not much you can do.' " ...

Not much you can do except shoot back! But not in the People's Republic of the UK. Shoot back there -- if you're among the few people left to have a firearm -- and you'll do hard time in prison.

NC: Third-time bank robber stopped by armed citizen (who happened to be an off-duty cop)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When the man with wild hair and a slender build walked into a Tunnel Road bank Monday looking to rob it for a third time, tellers knew him immediately."

"Asheville Savings Bank had hired off-duty officers to stand watch and reassure customers while police and federal agents looked for the man they say robbed the bank."

"Monday was Asheville Senior Police Officer Paul Puglisi's first day at the bank."

" 'I'm thinking this guy's not going to come back,' Puglisi said. But just before closing, a teller whispered the robber was back."

"The suspect spotted Officer Puglisi and milled around, trying to figure an inconspicuous way out. When he made for the door, Puglisi followed. The officer told the man he was under arrest." ...

UK: Hunting ban faces opposition in Lords
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pro-hunting peers are attempting to reverse plans by MPs to outlaw the sport at the beginning of the controversial Hunting Bill's committee stage."

"The legislation which originally banned hare coursing and stag hunting and allowed fox hunting under licence, was radically altered in the Commons and now outlaws all hunting."

"But peers, many of them angry over tactics by anti blood sports MPs, which led to a huge free vote banning foxhunting, plan to amend the Bill to allow regulated hunts, hare coursing and stag hunting under licence."

Once they ban the guns, then they ban the hunting. Hunters and "sport shooters" need to wise up, here in America -- and start supporting gun rights organizations with time and money.

Student airplane tester shows incompetence of TSA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The student who smuggled box cutters, bleach, matches and modeling clay aboard two passenger jets has perhaps done us a favor.

Along with other recent lapses - including the amazing success of undercover government operatives in getting guns, knives and box cutters past airport screeners - this case suggests airport checks are still inadequate.

We hate to say it, since it means more passenger inconvenience, but the system needs to be tighter, and almost certainly slower.

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

How about this: Allow law-abiding citizens to carry their pistols (with frangible ammo). See if that works.

Home-schooling still growing in credibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"All of 12 years old, Alyssa Elmore is on her way to becoming a renaissance child. A fan of Kelly Clarkson and the stars of 'American Idol,' she’s big on horses, and wants to pursue animal studies and architecture. It’s a far cry from when she was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, put on Ritalin and told to enroll in a special education class." . . .

"As the nation grapples with a fragile economy; a declining teacher-student ratio; rising concerns over school infrastructure and maintenance; the prospect of school violence . . . the numbers of home-schooled children are growing apparently based on a fact that educators and its adherents confirm: It works." ...


Just last week, CBS News ran an anti-homeschool hit piece in which they picked two isolated cases where the children were abused. Imagine doing such a show on kids from public schools. The researchers have an endless supply of subjects. Good for MSNBC for getting some balance out there.

UK: Farmer jailed for self-defensive shooting speak out publicly
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Killer farmer Tony Martin shocked students at the prestigious Oxford Union when he claimed he was 'not a shooting man'." . . .

"Union members were warned not to boo, hiss or heckle Martin. But there were gasps in the packed debating chamber when, in reply to a question about why he had an unlicensed firearm, the 58-year-old said: 'I am not a shooting man.' "

"He added: 'I myself do not enjoy shooting. But I have had access to guns all my life.' "

"Martin denied feeling regret about the shooting, saying: 'I do not really see how I can be responsible for the actions of other people.' "

" 'You shouldn't have to fear being in your own home or have to fear the law.' "
[Emphasis added]

FL: Miami Officials Change Proposed Ordinance To Make it Slightly Less Unconstitutional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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. . . "The changes come despite intense lobbying by Miami Police Chief John Timoney, who had urged the strict rules which he said would protect police officers. The original version of the rule would have prevented demonstrators from using gas masks, bulletproof vests and items like sticks and poles, which have been seen at previous anti-globalization protests in Seatle and Cancun, Mexico."

. . . "Officials also proposed making the rule permanent, instead of having it expire days after the meeting ends."

Nothing quite so permanent as a "temporary" suspension of rights. Chip, chip, chip away at those rights, one "reasonable" restriction at a time.

Peru: Peru confirms drugs-for-guns ring
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Peruvian officials this week confirmed details of a vast drugs-for-weapons ring involving Russian arms merchants, corrupt diplomats, Jordanian officials and Colombia’s largest rebel movement, a story that was first reported exclusively by last April."

"ON APRIL 9, reported that Russian crime syndicates and military officers are supplying sophisticated weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as FARC, in return for huge shipments of cocaine." ...

But only cops and the military should have guns, right Sarah?

CA: Shots Fired In Kennedy High Parking Lot
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four juveniles, two of them Kennedy High School students, were arrested Monday after shots were fired in a school parking lot, school police reported."

"Police were called to the campus' south parking lot on a shots-fired call, but no one was injured, said Sgt. Paul Quezada of the L.A. Unified School District police."

"A vehicle was stopped at San Fernando Mission Road and Gothic Avenue, about half a mile from the school, Quezada said. Three males and a female were apprehended and two semiautomatic handguns confiscated. It was unclear if the dispute that led to the shooting was gang-related, police said."

"Quezada said police located an apparent intended target, possibly a student." ...

Don't they know that's illegal?! Numerous laws are on the books to allegedly prevent this, but still it happens. So, of course, the answer is to pass more laws that don't work in Britain or elsewhere. Right?

Australia: Political row over Sydney rocket propelled grenades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New South Wales Government has accused the State's Opposition of scare mongering after allegations of the existence of rocket propelled grenades in Sydney's suburbs."

"But as Edmond Roy reports, the State Government says there's no credible evidence to suggest these weapons actually exist in Sydney."

"PETER DEBNAM: Look, I think the Police Minister and the Police Commissioner ought to get their stories straight. The Police Minister's been on radio this morning, saying there are no rocket propelled grenade launchers in the State. The Police Commissioner has been on radio this morning, saying that yes, there was a report that somebody saw one in the car." ...

Jamaica: 'I'd do it again'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SO said Constable Garfield Letford when asked what he would do if faced with a similar situation to that of the night of February 15 this year."

"On that night, Letford single-handedly fended off four would-be robbers in the Brown's Town Car Park in St Ann."

"According to the constable, he and four civilians were in the car park when four men -- two armed with guns and two with knives -- attempted to rob them."

"Letford said he cautiously guided the four civilians into a washroom on the grounds of the car park, stood at the door and challenged the men."

"He managed to shoot three of the thieves, relieving them of a .38 revolver and a fake pistol. The fourth man escaped."

So only cops are allowed self-defense. Citizens in Jamaica will do hard prison time if they have an unlicensed firearm -- and licenses are hard to come by.

Malaysia: Duo killed in shoot-out outside bank
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IN three previous incidents, the two thugs had robbed victims who emerged from banks carrying large sums of money."

"Yesterday, police believe they had planned to pull off another such heist."

"This time, Mohd Hesry Daud, 29, and Abdul Said Husin, 27, waited in their Proton Wira outside the Bumiputra Commerce bank branch in Jalan Mutiara, Taman Segar in Cheras."

"It was to be their final foray in crime."

"Three policemen in an unmarked car, on the look-out for a stolen Proton Wira bearing registration number WKC 2636, spotted the car at 3.45pm. The vehicle had been reported stolen in Bandar Hilir, Malacca on Oct 1." ...

Moral of the Story: It takes armed men to stop armed thugs.

India: Three get 7-yr RI for robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Another disarmed victim where self-defense is banned.
"A city court has sentenced three men to seven years of rigorous imprisonment for robbing a person of Rs 3 lakh in broad daylight and injuring him in the process, five years ago in North Delhi."

"Judge R.K. Yadav also ordered the accused, Dharamnath and Akash, to pay a fine of Rs 10,000 each while their accomplice Rajesh has been asked to pay Rs 20,000."

"The incident took place on October 14, 1998 when the victim Gyana Ram, was on his way to his office. He was carrying Rs 3 lakh in a bag when the trio, armed with a country-made pistol, stopped him and demanded the money. When Ram refused, Dharamnath fired at him and snatched the bag. The three then fled the spot but were arrested later." ...

UK: Landlord robbed by shotgun gang
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Darn good thing guns are banned in the UK. This landlord might have defended himself.
"A pub landlord was tied up by masked raiders who threatened him with a shotgun and a handgun."

"The licensee of the Admiral Lord Codrington, in St Columbas Close, was pounced on by the three men who were lying in wait in an office upstairs last night."

"Police said he had locked up the pub, opposite Coventry's Canal Basin, and went upstairs to the office at about midnight to cash up the evening's takings when he was confronted by the gunmen." ...

Business Technology: Don't Let Protesters Scare You About RFID
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The subject: RFID. The question: Will privacy hysteria render RFID DOA? Or will CHP (cooler heads prevail)?"

"First, let's take a quick look at some efforts centered on RFID by some organizations that do not take privacy lightly." ...

India: Something wicked this way comes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The rapes rocking Delhi are the culmination of years of aggression that women in Delhi have faced almost as a 'legacy' of sorts, and ignore just as studiously."

"It is up to women to put a stop the menace of sexual violence. Learning self-defence tactics is only one part of an essential programme. Women need to re-look at how they address this male aggression. Why do we accept the violation of our dignity as punishment? Why do we ignore the small acts of aggression, treating them as 'really nothing'."

Why do you allow the government to deny you the means of self-defense? Being non-aggressive is one thing. Being an accomplice to violence by refusing to stop it in its tracks is another. The cure for a rapist is roughly 45/100ths of an inch in diameter and travels in the 900 feet per second range.

Australia: Minister denies stall on gun busts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"FEDERAL Justice Minister Chris Ellison today rejected suggestions by NSW Premier Bob Carr that the Commonwealth was stalling on a fund to pay for illegal gun stings."

"Mr Carr wrote to the Federal Government in May suggesting it set up a $5 million slush fund to pay for operations against illegal gun traders."

"He suggested Canberra's initial enthusiasm for the plan had evaporated, as he was yet to receive a response."

"But a spokesman for Mr Ellison said the plan was referred to the Australian Crime Commission in July, in line with a national approach agreed to last year by state police ministers." ...

But guns are already illegal. Why would you need more money? Didn't everyone obey? Don't gun bans work?

South Africa: 'I helped dump the girls' bodies'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A witness to the triple Umbumbulu murders told the Durban High Court yesterday he had helped to dump the bodies of the three girls in a sugar cane field."

"The bodies of Krishnavelli Pillay, 19, Levera Naidoo, 17, and Rashida Abdulla, 16, were found at Folweni in Umbumbulu on October 17 last year."

"Koogan Thevar, 19, Nevellyn David, 21, and a 17-year-old have been charged with their murders and unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition."

"Thevar and the teenager are also charged with robbery with aggravating circumstances. They have all pleaded not guilty."

More disarmed victims of victim disarmament.

Exposing Howard Dean Part Five: Comrade Howard’s Police State
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"Part five of my series exposing the policies of Governor Howard Dean will focus on his hypocrisy when it comes to civil rights. For this task, I am using material from his website and his record as Governor of Vermont." ...

UK: Cate Blanchett fascinated by slain Irish journalist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was intriguing from the start, Cate Blanchett said. Jerry Bruckheimer -- the producer known for mega-budget machismo spectacles -- was spearheading a low-budget film about the murder of a female Irish journalist. But what made playing Veronica Guerin more compelling, the Australian actress said, was the woman herself."

"As the new movie 'Veronica Guerin' shows, the journalist was about as heroic as a real person could get: an investigative reporter who continued to expose the doings of Irish gangsters after being threatened, viciously beaten and shot in the leg while standing at her front door."

Even more heroic when you consider that her own government disarmed her and left her defenseless.

Matrix: A Fourth Amendment threat
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"The issue is that Matrix is a direct threat to the well-defined Fourth Amendment constitutional rights of the people, that each of us should be secure in our papers and effects, to keep overzealous bureaucrats from unwarranted rummaging through our personal business. Monstrosities such as Matrix effectively repeal these vital Fourth Amendment rights."

PA: Man agrees to be extradited to face threat charges
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"A former University of Maryland student agreed to be extradited from Pennsylvania to face charges that he threatened to go on a shooting spree at a campus building.
According to the FBI, federal agents found at least 30 guns and at least one 'large' box of ammunition at his home in Pittsburgh."

" 'Now I want to start pulling the trigger,' he wrote to attorney John Bell, according to the affidavit." ...

Super-Radar, Done Dirt Cheap
Submitted by: Sean Glazier

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"TRACKING MADE CHEAP. Celldar might also provide an alternative to the global positioning satellite (GPS) systems now being explored by insurance companies and governments for monitoring vehicles."

They would be able to track us anywhere with or with out the phone present and write tickets based your going over the speed limit. This technology is here today and the FCC 911 requirements mean that it will be in place everywhere.

Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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