Howard Nemerov: Gun Control: So You Think That John Kerry Supports Gun Rights?
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"It seems to be a commonly held belief that the Democratic party supports the 'little people.' History teaches us that when governments disarm the populace, it is these same 'little people' who suffer the most, because the rulers have an abundance of armed protection and power, and that’s all they care about. Therefore, a vote for Kerry is a vote against the average American. The Democratic party has deserted its traditional base in its quest for absolute power."
"Perhaps the most chilling aspect about this is that because hunters supported prejudicial taxation in the past, the Kerry campaign believes it can garner the support of hunters and other gun owners to get elected, and then turn around and pass more anti-gun, anti-hunting legislation. Don’t vote for somebody who will use your support against you. Our best hope as gun owners is to re-elect President Bush." |
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... "There is no denying that the NRA has done a tremendous job of watching out for our rights over the years. But when they started to compromise, negotiate, and bargain with the politicians, with my rights at stake, I had to part ways with them."
"I am now a member of Gun Owners of America. Since 1975, GOA has earned a reputation as being one of the strongest, uncompromising, 2nd amendment lobbying groups in America. ..." ... |
NRA makes their choices
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"Well the National Rifle Association has published their list of how the candidates stack up on the gun right's issue. So for those of you who don't belong as members I would like to give you some idea of who will honor their oath of office if elected and those who will not. I feel this is one of the most important things we as citizens who vote can do to protect our freedoms and the America we all love." ...
"Kerry has lied about his support of your gun rights many times and is no friend of hunters. This is just many of the lies he has told to get your vote. A vote for John Kerry will mean we will face a nightmare Presidency of gun bans, ammo bans, and junk lawsuits. President George W. Bush is our only choice in this election if you value freedom and gun rights, not to mention those who will be selected for the highest court in our land to also protect your Constitution. Please make and informed vote."
------- It is instructive that the author takes meticulous care in highlighting every aspect of Kerry's anti-gun record, but claims President Bush "...is our only choice in this election if you value freedom and gun rights, not to mention those who will be selected for the highest court in our land to also protect your Constitution" without highlighting the "Patriot" Act, Darpa, CCAPPS, resistance to arming pilots, support for the AW ban and his promise to sign it into law if it passes on Capitol Hill, and the appointment of Reggie Walton as US District Judge for the District of Columbia, who recently pronounced there is no individual right to keep and bear arms.
While Bush may be the lesser of the two evils, it would be only fair to mention his less than stellar record on freedoms. |
NRA hopes to counter Kerry gun ploy
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"Sen. John Kerry has been 'extremely effective' in portraying himself as a gun enthusiast and hunter in the 2004 campaign, said Kayne B. Robinson, president of the National Rifle Association..."
"The Massachusetts Democrat is 'the most anti-gun candidate we've ever had,' Mr. Robinson said during an hourlong interview with editors and reporters at The Washington Times. He cited more than 50 Senate votes to limit gun rights. He said the NRA is targeting its election efforts, which he said will total $20 million by Nov. 2, to battleground states."
"Mr. Kerry has sought to portray himself as nonthreatening to gun owners, said the NRA president, who called that posture deceptive." |
The Scourge of Small Arms
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... "The 2001 United Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects produced the Programme of Action (POA), a consensus document containing norms and policy recommendations for how various actors should address the problem of small arms and light weapons. ..." ...
"... Most participants also agreed that small arms should not be viewed as a cause in itself but rather as an obstacle to the achievement of human rights, security, and good governance. ..." [emphasis added] ... -------
Submitter's Comment: File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Go to page 105 of this document if you want an insight on the United Nations' thinking on small arms. Don't skip the photo on page 104. |
MI: NRA endorsement disputed
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"Democrat Dudley Spade's alleged endorsement from a pro-animal rights group two years ago caused the National Rifle Association to endorse Republican David Abraham last week."
"Spade and Abraham, candidates in the 57th District House race, both received an 'A' rating this year from the NRA, which had planned to stay neutral in the race because of that fact."
"Recently however, according to a spokesperson for the NRA, the group became aware that Spade allegedly received an endorsement from the Humane USA political action committee two years ago when he ran against Republican Cameron Brown for the state Senate." ... |
OH: Candidates take pot shots to woo votes of gun owners
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"Now that he has retired from teaching, Niles Councilman Frank Fuda has been doing a lot of door-to-door campaigning for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry."
"After jobs and Iraq, he said last week that the issue people ask about the most is gun ownership."
"Fuda said for the most part he has been able to satisfy people that Kerry supports the Second Amendment, but the importance of the issue cannot be underestimated in this close election."
"Details still were not complete Tuesday night, but John Kerry will be in Mahoning County this week to go hunting." ... |
MO: Some hunters disenchanted with NRA
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"You won't find Mike Hayden's name in the National Rifle Association's membership rolls."
"Oh, it was there years ago. When he was growing up in western Kansas, where hunting is almost a way of life, he was an enthusiastic supporter of the powerful gun-rights organization."
"But today, he is part of a growing group of hunters who have become disenchanted with the NRA and its controversial ways." ...
" 'To many, any opposition of the National Rifle Association is like spitting on the American flag," Joel Vance wrote in an article in the summer edition of the Outdoor Guide. 'I beg to differ.' "
"Like Hayden, Vance is among those who aren't afraid to admit that there's a 'former' in front of their status as NRA members."
" 'I belonged to the NRA years ago, when it concentrated on gun and hunter safety, an admirable goal,' he said. 'Now it is so focused on shooting down anything that smacks of gun control that it has lost me.' "
"In my opinion, it has become so strident in its views that it often does more harm than good." |
OH: NRA to Take-On John Kerry at Press Conference in Youngstown, Ohio, Oct. 21
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NRA to Kerry: You Can Stage Duck Hunting Photo-Ops, But You Can't Hide From Your 20-Year Anti-Gun, Anti-Hunting Record
WHAT: National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and Chief Lobbyist Chris Cox will hold a 10:30 a.m. press conference about John Kerry's anti-gun, anti-hunting record on Oct. 21, at the Avalon Inn in Warren, Ohio.
Members of the news media are invited to cover the press conference. LaPierre and Cox will be available for brief interviews immediately following the press conference.
WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 21, 10:30 a.m.
WHERE: Youngstown, Ohio -- Avalon Inn, Ballroom A-3, 9519 East Market, Warren, Ohio 44484
NH: Judge: Gun law wasn’t violated
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"A city man was indicted earlier this year for a crime that does not exist, a judge has ruled."
"Timothy Geddes, 23, formerly of 3½ Pleasant St., had been charged with selling a pistol to another person 'without being licensed to do so.' "
"Geddes was indicted on the charge Jan. 22, but Hillsborough County Superior Court Chief Justice Robert Lynn dismissed the case Sept. 28."
"Lynn ruled that there is no such crime, and state law does not require a gun owner to have a license in order to sell a firearm to another person." |
CA: Former Los Angeles police officer admits to violent robbery spree
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"A former police officer serving 15 years in prison on drug trafficking and weapon charges, has admitted that he and other officers were behind a robbery spree that netted hundreds of thousands of dollars between 1998 and 2001." "Ruben Palomares, 34, and his colleagues collected drugs, cash, guns and other items in robberies that sometimes turned brutally violent, according to a plea agreement and other documents, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday."
"The robberies were often staged to look like law enforcement raids, and in one instance, the robbers even identified themselves as cops as they stole television sets from the back of semi truck on a street in Montebello, the documents show." |
NY: Deli clerk killed when ex-cop drops gun
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"A Queens grocery store clerk was killed when a retired NYPD detective's licensed pistol fell from his waistband and fired, cops said yesterday."
"Manuel Chamelta, 18, collapsed behind a deli counter after the bullet exploded into his chest at 11:50 p.m. Monday as he worked in the Astoria Food Mart, cops said."
------- Once again remember, that this retired officer has the right to carry his tool of self defense nationwide, even though his negligence has taken the life of another, while YOU cannot. |
CA: LAPD shootings
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"An analysis of 1,437 Los Angeles police shootings since 1985 showed that officers involved in one shooting were more likely to be involved in a second or third. Nearly 90 percent of officers assigned to patrol never fired their weapons but, after a first shooting, the likelihood of that officer being involved in a second rose from 10 percent to 20 percent, the Los Angeles Times reported. ...Five of the officers identified as repeat shooters by The Times were implicated in the corruption scandal involving anti-gang officers assigned to the Rampart Station. Those officers, according to an officer caught stealing cocaine, routinely planted evidence on suspects or at the scenes of officer-involved shootings to make them look justified." |
SC: Police stun 75-year-old Woman
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"The Rock Hill Police Department is investigating why an officer used an electric stun gun on a 75-year-old woman who refused to leave a nursing home where she had gone to visit an ailing friend."
"The woman, Margaret Kimbrell, said she suffered bruises on her leg and face after she was knocked to the floor by the force of the weapon, called a Taser."
"Police Chief John Gregory said Tuesday the department is reviewing whether Officer Hattie Macon's use of the Taser was appropriate -- a step that is taken in unusual or high-profile cases." ... |
NY: Rikers Island guard suspended without pay -- busted twice on weapons-possession charges
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"Marisol Serrano, 33, was arrested early Tuesday after she was seen in her car, circling a corner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, with her lights off. An officer approached her and discovered an illegal gravity knife in the car, authorities said."
"Serrano was charged with criminal possession of a weapon."
"Authorities said Serrano was also busted early on Saturday after detectives, armed with a search warrant, went into the apartment she shares with a suspected drug dealer in Valley Stream, L.I., and found a Beretta handgun in her closet."
"She was charged with illegal weapons possession in that case, too, and released on $5,000 bail." |
PA: Court upholds state police gun purchase record-keeping
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"The state Supreme Court says a state police database of handgun sales is not an illegal registry of firearm ownership."
"The court, in a three-two ruling today, rejected arguments by sportsmen who have challenged the database for four years that the database violates the state's 1995 Uniform Firearms Act. The ruling also upholds a Commonwealth Court judge's ruling in 2001."
"Gun owners and sportsmen sued in 2000, claiming that the information state police glean from handgun purchases violates the 1995 law that bars police from maintaining a registry of firearms ownership."
"But writing for the majority, Justice Ronald Castille found that the database of sales was not tantamount to an ownership registry." |
CA: L.A.'s Scary 'Cop Tax' Campaign Angers Critics
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"A proposed $500 million tax increase to put more police on the streets of Los Angeles has drawn fire from opponents who say top law-enforcement officials are trying to scare voters into approving it with commercials that raise the specter of a suburban crime nightmare."
"But Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who along with police chief William Bratton is championing the November 'cop tax' ballot initiative, defends the campaign and said voters need a grim dose of reality about crime in America's second-largest city." ...
"The ad ends before the little girl and her mother meet their presumably violent fate. It fades to black as the woman screams 'No!' -- followed by the sound of a heartbeat and empty dial tone."
------- The Warren court has already stated that police have no obligation to protect you. It takes at least a few minutes for the police to get to your home in case of an emergency. And millions of lives are saved each year via armed self defense. Maybe it's time to promote firearms ownership for self-defense rather than pushing for more appropriation of taxpayer dollars for more police. |
IL: Student charged in Collinsville High School gun threat
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A Collinsville High School student who threatened to bring a gun to school will be charged under the state terrorism statute.
The 15-year-old girl, whose name is not being released, was charged as a juvenile Monday with making a false terrorist threat.
Collinsville Police Major Ed Delmore says the threat appears to have been a joke. But he says authorities are taking the October Seventh incident seriously.
A Madison County state's attorney's spokeswoman says the student is on home detention and isn't attending school.
------- If we just had some laws banning guns at schools! (/sarcasm) |
OH: Hearings held for teens accused of having loaded gun in school
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"Preliminary detention hearings were held yesterday for the two boys accused of having a gun at Admiral King High School on Monday, and both were ordered to remain in custody of the Lorain County Detention Home."
"The boys, 14 and 15, are charged with juvenile delinquency by illegally possessing a deadly weapon on school property, with a gun specification, and carrying a concealed weapon. Both charges are felonies, and, since the boys are at least 14, they could be prosecuted as adults." "The 14-year-old boy had three cases pending against him prior to Monday's incident and also had a warrant out for his arrest, according to court records, and the 15-year-old boy was already on probation." |
OH: Gun scare shuts down middle school
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"Wilson Middle School was locked down for two hours Tuesday after an eighth-grader allegedly brought an unloaded gun to school."
"The 14-year-old boy allegedly stole a .38-caliber handgun over the weekend from his uncle in Perry County and brought it to school in his book bag, according to court documents."
"A student alerted Principal John Davis about the gun at around 7:30 a.m. After receiving the warning, Davis put the school on lockdown, during which the bells are shut off, students are prohibited from leaving and entering classrooms and no one may enter or exit the building."
------- What, exactly, is the sense of locking defenseless victims inside the building with a potentially armed threat? |
MN: Saturday’s shooting outside the Leaning Tower of Pizza illustrates a frightening reality
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"Obviously, there is an endemic problem with gun violence in urban settings — but simply condemning it on paper is not enough to change that culture. Gun-related homicides are not uncommon in the Twin Cities, but this one hits home because it was so close to home. Students, even when out having fun on a Saturday night, can take steps to make sure they do not end up as collateral damage."
------- Here is the frightening reality this situation demonstrates: Like many campuses, this one likely bans firearms for personal protection. Like many campuses, its students and staff must realize that those intent on breaking the law will do so regardless of rules and regulations prohibiting their behavior. And the reality is that staying alert and carrying a firearm for protection is likely your best option for not becoming "collateral damage." |
PA: Man killed at front door
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Previously acquitted of a self-defense shooting, this man was ambushed at his front door. Retaliation suspected.
------- "Police say a man was shot and killed after he answered his front door in Coatesville, in Chester County."
"Police say 25-year-old Omar Reid was shot five times in the head and chest and died late Monday night at Brandywine Hospital."
"...Less than a year ago, Reid was the victim of a home invasion in which he shot and paralyzed one of the intruders. The other intruder was never identified or arrested." |
IL: Atty General wants "Assault Weapons" Ban for state
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"Attorney General Lisa Madigan today urged the General Assembly to pass a state assault weapons ban. This legislation would ban the manufacture of non-sporting, 'cop killer' assault weapons that are designed with military features to allow rapid spray firing, as well large capacity ammunition feeding devices capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition." ...
"'I have no quarrel with hunters who want to go after deer or ducks,' Devine said. 'But I do have a quarrel with allowing on the street the type of deadly assault weapon that killed Tsarina Powell. We all should have a quarrel with that.' Tsarina Powell, 12, was killed in July 2000 with an AK-47 assault rifle." ... |
IL: Gun safety class shoots straight
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"Charlie Kellogg offered a sensible piece of wardrobe advice for hunters contemplating going on a turkey hunt."
" 'You never want to wear red, white and blue,' the hunter safety instructor from Schaumburg said. 'Remember the flag.' "
"Paying homage to the American flag is acceptable. Dressing in a manner that might make you the target instead of a turkey is not."
"The two-day, 12-hour Illinois hunter safety course offered recently at a sporting goods store in Schaumburg was full of critical information. The 56 hunters who signed up seeking an official hunter safety card were worked hard, instructed in depth and tested thoroughly with a 50-question exam." |
WI: Project ChildSafe offers free gun locks
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Project ChildSafe will visit Green and Lafayette counties this week to distribute free gun locks.
The program will give the county sheriff's departments about 1,700 locks, and the Monroe, Brodhead, Shullsburg and Benton police departments about 600 locks each, according to a program spokesman. The gun locks can be picked up at the police department lobbies. Law enforcement officials said those interested in the locks can either just pick them up at the office, or ask office personnel for them.
Project ChildSafe is designed to make homes with firearms safer by raising awareness about responsible firearm ownership and storage.
------- How many violent home invaders will be kind enough to wait for you to unlock your self defense tool as you nervously fumble with the key? |
IL: Democrats Launch Election Year Suicide Attack on Illinois Firearm Owners
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"The ISRA is predicting a rough ride to Election Day for some Democratic candidates for the Illinois General Assembly. This comes in the wake of an announcement today by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan that she will be pushing for legislation this fall that would impose a state-wide ban on semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns. Madigan, and other proponents of the legislation claim the action is needed in light of the sunset of the federal ban on semiautomatic firearms."
"'Congress gave the federal semiautomatic weapons ban an entire decade to prove its worth,' commented ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "When it was all said and done, the ban proved to be worthless, and Congress wisely allowed the law to sunset. ..." ... |
UK: Plea by victim's mother in anti-gun campaign
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"The family of a young woman who was shot dead in her car last year have joined police to make a powerful radio advertisement as part of a new campaign to stamp out gun crime among London's black communities."
"Pauline Peart, a 25-year-old bank worker with no criminal background, was killed by a single bullet as she sat at the wheel of her Audi sports car in Tottenham on March 10 2003. This month, Maurice Miller, 21, and Nebra Bennett, 24, were jailed for life for her murder."
"It was the first murder of a female dealt with by Scotland Yard's Trident unit, set up four years ago to investigate gun crime in the capital's black communities, most of it drugs-linked." |
Australia: Same man robs four banks
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"POLICE believe one man is responsible for four armed robberies at banks in two states."
"Two armed robberies in Adelaide last week have been linked to two hold-ups in Western Australia."
"In Adelaide, a bandit escaped empty handed after using a large handgun to threaten staff at a city Commonwealth Bank branch on October 12, about 11.30am (CST)."
"Just 30 minutes later, a man fitting the same description escaped with an undisclosed quantity of cash after threatening staff with a gun at a National Bank branch at North Adelaide."
"However luck evaded him again after a pink dye device was activated in a plastic shopping bag that contained the money." |
Ireland: Gun death highlights rural policing needs
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"A HOUSE located just a mile and a half from the scene of last week’s shooting near Cross was robbed the day before the incident, and a delay in the Gardaí reaching the scene prompted the victim of that robbery to ask ‘is someone going to have to be shot before ye deal with these incidents?’ "
"It was the latest in what is believed to have been a number of robberies in the area in recent months. On this occasion, a chainsaw was allegedly stolen from a shed. However, locals claim that it took members of the Gardaí over five hours to attend the scene." |
Australia: Millionaire to get gun apology
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"Mr Anderson lodged a formal complaint after the vehicle in which he was travelling was intercepted by police in several cars with sirens blaring, and the officers' pistols drawn, after he arrived in Darwin from Western Australia in November."
"The incident, filmed by a television crew, followed a tip-off from an Australian Protective Services officer that Mr Anderson had arrived at Darwin airport with a firearm in his luggage after making threats against the NT government."
"Mr Anderson earlier this year was involved in a dispute with the NT government over the welfare of his collection of rare and exotic animals at his former private zoo at Tipperary, 200km south of Darwin." |
UK: Arrest warning after gun scares
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"PEOPLE who play around with fake guns are being just plain dumb, say police."
"Officers hit out after three incidents - including one in Huddersfield - where armed officers tackled people seen with guns."
"In all three cases, since Saturday, the weapons were found to be fake."
"On Monday night, Huddersfield railway station was evacuated after a man was seen on a train with a gun."
"Police cleared a Newcastle-bound train and a Huddersfield man was arrested for being in possession of a ball-bearing gun."
"He was charged with an offence relating to the possession of an imitation firearm and released on bail to appear before Huddersfield Magistrates on October 27." |