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Newslinks for 10/21/2005

Congress OKs lawsuit shield for gun industry
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress gave the gun lobby its top legislative priority Thursday, passing a bill that would protect the firearms industry from massive lawsuits brought by crime victims. The White House says President Bush will sign it into law."

"The House voted 283-144 to send the bill to the president after supporters, led by the National Rifle Association, proclaimed it vital to protect the industry from being bankrupted by huge jury awards. Opponents, waging a tough battle against growing public support for the legislation, called it proof of the gun lobby's power over the Republican-controlled Congress."

U.S. Congress Passes Measure Shielding Gun Makers From Lawsuits (Another report)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The U.S. Congress approved legislation shielding gun makers, including Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. and Sturm, Ruger & Co., from negligence lawsuits."

"The Senate approved the measure in July and the House of Representatives today voted 283-144 to send it to President George W. Bush, who has said he will sign it into law."

Gun Control Group Plans to Challenge Protections for Gun Industry
Submitted by: News Director

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"The Brady Center, which has filed a number of negligence/nuisance lawsuits against the gun industry, said Congress can pass the bill, the president can sign it, but 'this shameful law will not stand.'"

"Dennis Henigan, director of the Brady Center's Legal Action Project, called the bill 'an unprecedented attack on the due process rights of victims injured by the misconduct of an industry that seeks to escape the legal rules that govern the rest of us. We believe state and federal courts across this nation are prepared to strike it down.'"

House Roll Call - Gun Lawsuit Shield Bill
Submitted by: News Director

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"Voting yes were 223 Republicans, 59 Democrats and one independent."

"Voting no were 140 Democrats, four Republicans and no independents."

See how your representative voted.

Police Group Applauds Passage of Gun Lawsuit Ban; 'Lawful Commerce in Arms Act' Heads to the President for His Signature
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) today applauded Congressional passage of legislation that would ban nuisance lawsuits against the firearms industry. LEAA Executive Director and retired police officer James J. Fotis, described the bill as a victory for law enforcement, stating 'this junk lawsuit ban strikes a blow to those seeking to shift blame from criminals to law abiding Americans.'"

"LEAA believes that with the lawsuit ban now in place, cities that had previously wasted taxpayer dollars on these gun lawsuits will be forced to focus their efforts on real crime fighting measures. ..."

Bloomberg: Statement from Mayor Bloomberg on legislation that provides immunity to gun manufacturers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The House of Representatives has today passed a disgraceful piece of legislation that will give gun manufacturers immunity from acting negligently. Hundreds of Americans are victimized every year by illegal handguns, and it is well-known that many of these guns are in criminal hands because some gun manufacturers turn a blind eye to dealers that sell guns to criminals. Congress' response to this enormous problem is to hand the gun industry sweeping blanket immunity from lawsuits by persons and communities injured by this irresponsible practice. No other industry has this type of protection."

Brady: Congress Ignores Rights of Victims of Gun Violence and Grants Gun Industry Sweeping Legal Immunity; President Bush Urged to Reject Bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence today said that the House of Representatives' passage of a bill taking away the rights of gun victims is a step backwards for a country founded on the rule of law. The bill has already been approved by the Senate, and if signed into law by President Bush, would essentially place the entire gun industry beyond the bounds of civil liability law."

Violence Policy Center (VPC) Statement on U.S. House Passage of Bill Protecting the Unregulated Gun Industry
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"This bill is built on a corrupt foundation of lies that will leave a legacy of pain and suffering. Proponents lie when they claim the gun industry is the most heavily regulated industry in America when, in fact, they are one of only two industries the other being the tobacco industry exempt from federal health and safety regulation. Now the unregulated gun industry will also enjoy protection from legitimate lawsuits by individuals like victims of the Washington, DC-area snipers injured by the reckless and negligent actions of gun manufacturers and dealers. This legislation will make the unregulated gun industry the most pampered industry in America."

CCRKBA: CCRKBA Applauds House Passage of Gun Industry Protection/Tort Reform Bill
Submitted by: News Director

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"Passage today by the House of Representatives of S. 397 was hailed by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) as an important tort reform accomplishment that will put an end to junk lawsuits against the firearms industry."

"'This important legislation will stop the anti-gunners cold in their attempts to bankrupt firearms manufacturers, distributors and retailers,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. 'It closes an important loophole through which extremist gun grabbers have been trying to use the courts to crush gun ownership in this country, when they could not get Congress or state legislatures to do their bidding.'"

NSSF: U.S. House of Representatives Passes Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'The overwhelming bi-partisan support of this bill in both the Senate and House demonstrates Congress's ability to work together when it comes to protecting America's law-abiding businesses, in turn protecting thousands of jobs nationwide. Our industry sincerely thanks Sen. Larry Craig and Rep. Cliff Sterns for introducing this much-needed legislation and President Bush, who has continuously promoted legal reform in order to protect our nation's businesses and economy,' said Doug Painter, president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the trade association representing firearms and ammunition manufacturers."

CommonDreams: Statement on Gun Industry Immunity Bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"This bill is based on a series of fabrications and half-truths, and its supporters have twisted the facts in an attempt to defend the indefensible -- the idea that gun sellers should be shielded from the legal consequences of their own misconduct."

John R. Lott Jr. & Jack Soltysik: Suiting Down
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Almost all products have illegitimate uses and undesirable consequences. In 2002, 45,380 people died in car accidents, 838 children drowned, 474 children died in house fires, and 130 children died in bicycle accidents.."

"But Americans also used guns defensively more than two million times that year, and more than 90 percent of the time merely brandishing the weapon was sufficient to stop an attack."

"Data collected from doing a Nexis search on all accidental gun shot cases for children under age ten show that accidental shooters overwhelmingly are adults with long histories of arrests for violent crimes, alcoholism, suspended or revoked driver's licenses, and involvement in car crashes."

Submitters note: You want FACTS, Sarah?

CCRKBA: Border Control, Not Gun Control
Submitted by: News Director

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"We at the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) are cautiously optimistic following Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's vow that his agency will increase efforts to expel illegal aliens from this country."

"Last month, the CCRKBA started a nationwide 'Border Control, Not Gun Control' campaign on the heels of a Zogby poll that showed that 70 percent of likely voters believe that tightening security along the nation's borders is far more important to national security than tightening the country's gun laws."

AZ: 1 dead, 1 wounded in shooting at loan office
Submitted by: News Director

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"One man was shot dead and a woman accomplice was wounded at noon today in an attempted robbery of a Payday Loans office just east of Dobson Road in Mesa." ...

"Both the man and woman where shot inside the loan office, 1940 W. Baseline Road, but it was not clear if the shooter was a customer or employee. The woman, who was hit multiple times, was taken to Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn." ...

"'He picked the wrong person to mess with,' Wright said of the slain suspect."

UK: Gun left by soldier at shop found
Submitted by: News Director

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"A handgun that was accidentally left by an army captain in a supermarket toilet has been found, Hertfordshire Police said on Tuesday morning."

"The unnamed soldier left her waistband holster and her Sig Sauer 9mm automatic pistol in the disabled toilet in a Sainsbury's at Hitchin on Saturday."

"It was found by detectives in a postbox in Hertfordshire on Tuesday morning."

TX: Three students suspended, restated over paper gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A piece of paper folded to resemble a gun led to the brief suspension of three Dallas-area students."

"DeSoto Independent School District officials later revoked the punishment."

"All were suspended after eleven-year-old Destiny Thomas on Monday folded some computer paper to look like a gun."

"The girl says another student at Amber Terrace Intermediate School had showed her how to fold the paper -- flat."

AZ: Traffic Violators Face ID Theft Check
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Motorists cited for criminal traffic violations will have to give their thumbprint to Maricopa County Sheriff's deputies or go to jail." ...

"Arpaio launched the new policy Wednesday across the Valley, expanding and toughening a pilot program in which motorists pulled over for routine traffic stops were asked to voluntarily provide a thumbprint."

"But Arpaio said about 67 percent of motorists declined to voluntarily give their thumbprints. Although Arpaio cannot require people to provide a fingerprint if they are cited for civil traffic violations, he said he can if the citation is criminal."

"Civil libertarians have been vehemently opposed to the program since the pilot began in February in the West Valley..."

UK: Violent crime shows 6% increase
Submitted by: George Prudden

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"Violent crime in the three months to the end of June increased by 6% on the same period last year, according to quarterly Home Office figures."

"But crime overall fell by 2%, the figures for England and Wales showed."

"The Home Office said the figures for violent offences - up from 301,100 to 318,200 - reflected improved crime recording and more proactive policing."

Submitter's Note: "Improved reporting" was the reason given last year.

UK: No charges for gun death officers
Submitted by: News Director

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"Two policemen who shot a man in London carrying a table leg they mistook for a sawn-off shotgun will not be charged over his death." ...

"The family of Mr Stanley, originally from Scotland, say they are devastated."

CA: Deputy Allegedly Pulls Gun on Slow Golfers
Submitted by: News Director

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"An Orange County sheriff‘s reserve deputy was ordered to trial for allegedly pulling a gun on two slow-playing golfers and threatening them at Los Serranos Golf & Country Club." ...

"At the end of Monday‘s preliminary hearing, Superior Court Judge Raymond Youngquist said there was enough evidence to order trial. Yi is charged with two counts of assault with a firearm and two counts of making criminal threats. He will be arraigned Nov. 1."

UK: Gun threat to woman guard outside bank
Submitted by: News Director

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"ROBBERS stole a cash box containing at least £25,000 from a Securicor guard delivering to a Kent bank."

"The female guard was threatened with what was thought to be a black handgun during the robbery outside the NatWest branch h in Rainham High Street."

"The robbers, one wearing a balaclava, grabbed the cash box at about 11.30am on Wednesday. The masked gunman ran to a waiting dark grey Ford Fusion and was driven off."

WI: Summit to Curb Gun Violence
Submitted by: News Director

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"The summit, 'Communities Coming Together: A Public Health Approach to Gun Violence,' took place in Marshfield Oct. 19 and 20 at the Laird Center on the campus of the Marshfield Clinic."

"Organizers say they're pushing politics aside in the summit and instead, focusing on research that can help individual communities decide what they need to do to address gun violence."

SC: Former Summerton police chief charged with pointing a gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A former Summerton police chief has been arrested and charged with pointing a gun."

"Clarendon County Chief Deputy Joe Bradham says 52-year-old Fred Brown of Summerton was arrested Tuesday evening following an altercation with a 22-year-old man."

"Bradham says there was a disagreement about a ring. Bradham says the man accused Brown of pointing a pistol at him during the argument."

"The deputy says a rifle and pistol were taken when Brown was arrested."

Canada: MP quizzes gun registry over $273M contract
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Saskatchewan member of parliament is fuming over what he calls a 'mysterious' multi-million dollar contract related to the federal gun registry."

"Garry Breitkreuz says Ottawa is spending $273 million on the registry – but it's not clear to him what the money is for."

"Ottawa's gun registry was notorious for its over-spending. A program that was supposed to cost just a couple of million dollars wound up going through more than $1 billion."

Cayman Islands: Gun control isn’t any kind of answer (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"Gun control isn’t any kind of ‘answer.’ Criminal control is. Simple possession of firearms should not ever be a crime, especially if the person possessing has done not a thing to harm anyone else." ...

"The danger lies not in whatever weapon; rather it lies in its possessor. ..."

TN: Opinion clarifies open gun displays
Submitted by: News Director

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"A handgun carrying permit holder in the state is allowed to legally showcase his weapon in public, according to a recent state Attorney General’s opinion."

"Rep. Ben West Jr. (D-Hermitage), a long-time gun rights advocate and permit carrier, requested the opinion on behalf of the Tennessee Firearms Association to clarify the law as to whether a permit holder was required to conceal a handgun."

"John Harris, the executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, said he does not think that law enforcement officials understand the law."

TX: Dismissal of gun charges makes lawmaker a target
Submitted by: News Director

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"Like anyone else caught in a similar situation, Hinojosa was arrested and taken before a municipal court judge."

"However, before he could be arraigned, Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Henley dismissed the charges."

"Police Chief Victor Rodriguez is understandably upset about the dismissal and is asking the district attorney to investigate the episode, the McAllen Monitor reported."

"Hinojosa said he had no criminal intent and simply forgot the gun was in his briefcase."

"The state senator complained he feels like he has been living in a fishbowl since he was elected and claims the media are making much ado about nothing."

UK: Pupil shot at teacher with a pellet gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A schoolboy who shot at a teacher with a pellet gun was sentenced to four months behind bars yesterday." ...

"A class of 13-year-old pupils was revising for SAT tests when the pupil strolled in, levelled the weapon and fired."

"The shot missed the maths teacher Kelvin Bowman but ricocheted off the floor and struck a boy in the chest."

"Police prepared to dispatch a team of armed officers to Magnus Church of England School in Newark, Notts, after the shooting last April."

Australia: Gun owners aim high
Submitted by: News Director

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"IT might look like the set of McLeod's Daughters, but these women's love of their guns is no act."

"They want guns and an end to the demonisation of gun owners."

"They are so determined they have started what they call the International Coalition for Women in Shooting and Hunting to fight for change."

MN: Gun editorial went off half-cocked (Letter)
Submitted by: News Director

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"It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat a lie, it still does not become true. In your editorial, 'Retain state’s ban on concealed guns,” you state:

'Doorman Billy Walsh asked Ourada to leave. Ourada then pulled out a concealed gun and shot Walsh four times in the back, killing the 43-year-old father of three.'"

"A cursory Web search would reveal the truth. 'Doorman Billy Walsh asked Ourada to leave.' Friends drove Ourada home so he could 'sleep it off.'"

"Ourada retrieved his pistol and returned to the bar. 'Ourada then pulled out a concealed gun and shot Walsh four times in the back, killing the 43-year-old father of three.'"

"The fact that Mr. Ourada had a permit to carry was irrelevant. ..."

VA: School Leaders Find Unloaded Gun In Student Backpack
Submitted by: News Director

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"As students at Rockbridge County High School prepare for Homecoming this week. . .administrators have safety on their minds."

"Tuesday, they found an unloaded .380 handgun inside a student's backpack." ...

"The school found no ammunition with the gun, and the case is still under investigation."

MI: Student shot in Saginaw High hallway
Submitted by: News Director

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"A 15-year-old student shot in the chest by his classmate today inside Saginaw High School emerged from surgery about 2 p.m. in critical condition but is expected to survive, police officials said."

"Saginaw police said they have a 15-year-old suspect in custody and recovered a gun within minutes of the noon shooting in a crowded hallway, Detective Bob Ruth said."

IL: Illinois State Rifle Association to Hold Two-Day Hunting Safety Event
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) will hold a two-day hunting safety event at its rifle and pistol range located near Kankakee, Ill." ...

"The ISRA will hold its second annual 'Sight-in Days' on Oct. 29 and 30 at its rifle range located near Kankakee, Ill. The purpose of the event is to provide hunters with the opportunity to sight in and tune up their rifles, pistols, shotguns and muzzleloaders for the upcoming hunting season. Firearm and hunting safety experts will be on hand to offer advice and tips on making this a safe and successful hunting season. Several ranges, from 25 yards to 300 yards, will be available for use by participants."

Brazil: Gun-Happy Brazil Hotly Debates a Nationwide Ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With about 180 million people living here, nearly 40,000 were killed by firearms in 2003. That is almost four times the number in the United States, whose population is larger by more than 100 million people. Brazil's cities are growing more violent and dangerous, crime is rising and gangs often have more firepower than the police now."

"Nearly 40,000 crosses were set afloat in Rodrigo de Freitas Lake in Rio de Janeiro, one for every Brazilian killed by firearms last year.
But a government plan for a complete nationwide ban on guns has generated an impassioned civic debate of a kind rarely seen here."

FL: Campaign takes on Florida gun law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Tourists arriving at Orlando International Airport today will be the latest targets of a national gun-control group cautioning visitors about a new Florida law that, it says, makes people vulnerable to gunfights."

"Orlando is the second stop for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in its national campaign against the state law that took effect Oct. 1." ...

"Joern Nilsen was at the airport Wednesday to catch a flight back to Norway after spending 10 days in Florida."

"He said he had heard something about the law, but wasn't concerned about it."

"'We felt safe except for the hurricanes,' he said."

Everyone should own a firearm
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Some believe this applies strictly to the rights of the states to maintain a militia, and that no private ownership of weapons is inherently guaranteed. Though I must ask them what happened to 'state' militias."

"Others believe the Second Amendment is a guarantee of an individual right to own guns. The standard argument against this is, 'But what about the well-regulated militia part?'"

"I think I’ve found the proper solution to this debate: Every person between the ages of 16 and 50 without a felony record should be required to own and be trained in the use of a firearm. It’s that simple."

"This solution addresses all of the arguments. Each individual has a firearm of his/her own, so that side of the argument should be satisfied. Each person is also trained in the use of said firearm by the government, more specifically by a state government just to get rid of that little issue, which I think qualifies as 'well-regulated.'"

Well-regulated, as was used in the text of the Second Amendment means "properly functioning" and "maintained in order."

NE: Rifle team readies for redemption at nationals
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Few things drive a competitive spirit like the feeling of unfinished business."

"It’s on the mind of the Nebraska women’s rifle team as it prepares for its season opener Saturday and Sunday against Air Force."

"The Huskers return all eight members from the 2004-2005 squad that placed third at the NCAA Championships, just two points behind National Champion Army."

"The Huskers didn’t miss a National Championship by much. A two-point deficit comes by missing the bullseye by a half-centimeter on one shot of 480 team attempts."

"However, Nebraska’s score total of 4,657 at the NCAA Championships fell short of the 4,670 Coach Launi Meili thought her Cornhuskers were capable of."

Crosman, sales on rise, debuts products
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Crosman Corp. unveiled some of its new products Wednesday, including a commemorative model of its Pumpmaster 760."

"The newcomers include the Nightstalker, a semi-automatic pellet air rifle, and the Remmington Summit, a .177-caliber air rifle and a portable air gun range. Crosman in October will make the 11 millionth Pumpmaster—it debuted in 1966."

AR: Local Students Pledge to End Gun Violence
Submitted by: News Director

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"In Jefferson County Wednesday, 21 elementary schools took part in the National Student Pledge Against Gun Violence."

"Wednesday, students were given the opportunity to make a voluntary promise that they will never carry a gun to school or resolve a dispute with a gun, and will use their influence to keep others from resolving disputes that way. Organizers of the S.H.O.T Program, also known as See It, Hear It, Tell It, stressed the importance of making good choices."

AK: Concealed carry is Alaska law
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Handgun owners no longer need permits to carry concealed weapons in Alaska. Also repealed are restrictions on carrying guns in a vehicle. These changes come after the passage of a new state anti-gun control law that keeps municipalities from passing gun control laws that are more restrictive than state law."

"Republican State Rep. Mike Chenault wrote the legislation with the help of the National Rifle Association. The NRA wants to prevent cities from passing more restrictive gun laws in the future. It calls the method state-preemption and Alaska would become the 44th state with such a law."

MA: Proposed Law Would Disarm Those With Dementia
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"As a result of Foley's initial concern and the support she's received from other council on aging directors, a bill sponsored by Gomes, which would take guns out of the hands of those in mid- or late-stage Alzheimer's dementia, is now in committee. The bill calls for the current language that provides for license disqualification for those 'under treatment for or confinement for drug addiction or habitual drunkenness,' to also include the words 'Alzheimer's dementia.'"

"It further calls for an additional section that would require a doctor treating someone for Alzheimer's dementia to ask the patient if they possess any firearms. If it's determined that they do, the doctor would be required to notify police, who would confiscate the patient's firearms identification and guns."

"Foley says the bill as presently worded doesn't go far enough, in that it is limited just to those with Alzheimer's dementia, leaving out other causes and forms of dementia. ..."

WA: Fire District Wins Round in Weapons Lawsuit
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"David Estes says he is talking to gun-rights organizations about taking on Vashon Island Fire & Rescue’s weapons ban policy."

"The state Court of Appeals earlier this month upheld a King County Superior Court ruling that sided with the fire district and agreed with its policy banning weapons from all its buildings ..."

"Estes says he thinks the decision is a prime example of judges trying to redefine the (state) Constitution."

(SECTION 24 RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.)

CA: Bakersfield: NRA Cartoon Distributed to Schools
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Jeff Jagels’ incessant singing of a gun safety jingle basically sold the program to thousands of Kern County kindergarteners."

"The 6-year-old son of District Attorney Ed Jagels fell in love with the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program."

"More than 13,000 kindergartners could be exposed to the tape. It will be up to individual districts as to whether they show the video, according to the Kern County Superintendent of Schools."

"Jagels said he doesn’t just want to gunproof children with Eddie Eagle. He wants to childproof guns in Kern County."

IL: Illinois Newspapers Change Policy to No Longer Accept Classified Ads for Guns as 'Campaign to Close Newspaper Loophole' Gains Momentum
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Illinois Council Against Handgun
Violence (ICHV) and the Freedom States Alliance's "Campaign to Close the Newspaper Loophole" announced today that at least eleven Illinois newspapers have recently implemented policies to restrict firearms advertisements to licensed firearms dealers only."

"The Illinois newspapers that have adopted new policies include The Register Mail (Galesburg), The Dispatch (Moline), Mount Carmel Republican-Register, Pekin Daily Times, Journal Star (Peoria), The Rock Island Argus, and five daily newspapers that make up Suburban Chicago Newspapers: The Beacon News (Aurora), The Courier News(Elgin), The Herald News (Joliet), Naperville Sun, and The News Sun (Waukegan).

NV: How can county gun law supersede state laws? (Letter)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Alaska anti-gun control law takes effect this week,' an article published by the Lahontan Valley News, brings to mind problems that are happening here in Nevada. Nevada is a 'pre-emption state' and has been for quite a few years. This law was voted in by the citizens of Nevada."

CA: Huge SoCal gun possession case dismissed
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"A judge dismissed one of the state's largest gun possession cases, drawing the ire of Orange County prosecutors who say they will appeal the ruling."

"Judge Frank P. Briseno ruled last week that the state Department of Justice's Firearms Division used protected information to get a search warrant for Andy Sun's business and residence."

MD: Stiffer penalties sought for illegal gun possession
Submitted by: News Director

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"Petty arguments that lead to shootings have spurred Glenn F. Ivey, Prince George's County state's attorney, to seek tougher penalties for illegal gun possession." ...

"Handguns were used in 83 percent of the homicides in the county this year. County police are still analyzing how many were illegal gun possessions and whether any of the guns involved in these cases were registered to the alleged shooters is still under investigation."

"The increasing homicides in the county – a 17 percent increase from this time last year – many of which began over trivial conflicts, have led Ivey to seek a one-year minimum sentence for all first-time illegal gun possessions, even if the defendant was not involved in any other criminal activity."

There is no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. — Ayn Rand in her must-read novel, Atlas Shrugged

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