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Newslinks for 10/21/2006

The Vile Consequences of Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a vision by many in the world that if only weapons were banned there would be less death attributed to weaponry. This is particularly evident in the gun control crowd. In the old west movies the townspeople were usually defenseless or not proficient with guns and relied on the heroic gunslinger to rescue them for their lack of ability and/or courage to face down the thugs. Although fiction, the premise behind this portrayal was valid. When the only guns available are those illegally possessed and/or acquired, the law- abiding live at the mercy of the government. If the government is inept, ill equipped, corrupt, unrestricted by law and/or focused on other priorities than protection of its citizenry then there is only an open gate for thuggery to enter and pillage, destroy and kill." ...

Which One Would You Prefer? (BFA)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gun-grabbers have a strange view of the world. To them, the world would be a better place if all of the law-abiding citizens were disarmed. It is almost as if they believe that all of the murderers, rapists, and violent felons would suddenly change their ways if you did not own a gun. It also seems that they would rather see a private citizens raped, murdered, or seriously injured rather then use a firearm for self-defense."

"... the police cannot be everywhere. It is up to us to be responsible for our own protection. ... That may involve carrying a gun for self-defense. By carrying a gun, we know that there is a possibility that we may have to use deadly force to protect ourselves or our loved ones. To gun-grabbers, that IS the problem.

Americans by Slight Margin Say Gun in the Home Makes It Safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans are slightly more likely to believe that having a gun in the home makes it a safer rather than more dangerous place to be. This is a change from previous years, when at least a plurality of the public has agreed that guns make a home more dangerous rather than safer."

"Gallup's annual Crime Poll ... also shows a majority of Americans continuing to say that laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict rather than being made less strict or kept as they are now. This represents no basic change from previous polling."

"Given a choice, a majority of Americans say that enforcing laws already on the books is a better approach than passing new laws in addition to enforcing old laws more strictly. ..." ...

What guarantees our constitutional rights? (blog)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of us enjoy the freedoms that this nation has to offer, often without second thought. ..." ...

"What keeps the First and Fourth Amendments in place, not to be trounced upon by our government? What about all of your other rights? Is it a piece of parchment held behind bulletproof glass in the National Archives? Is it nine legal minds dressed in black robes at the Supreme Court? Is it the good nature of our elected officials?"

"The answer is that the government is afraid of its citizens, and that is a good thing. Oh, don't get me wrong, the politicians don't sit in a corner and cower. In fact, some of them express outright disdain for us." ...

Brady President Paul Helmke to Speak with Riverside Church Congregation at Sunday Service
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Riverside Church of New York has invited the president of the Brady Campaign/Center to Prevent Gun Violence to speak at their 10:45 a.m. Sunday service on Oct. 22."

"Riverside Church and the Rev. Dr. James Alexander Forbes Jr., Senior Minister of The Riverside Church, have taken an active stand against gun violence and are committed to educating their congregation on the issue. Riverside Church is seeking to raise awareness that gun violence in this country is a moral and spiritual crisis that can be and must be prevented. Immediately following the service, Brady Center staff will be conducting workshops designed to encourage deeper exploration and discussion of the problem of gun violence in our communities and effective strategies for prevention." ...

Survey says: More women are hunting and shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is a lot of hunting news in this week's outdoor section. Accept our apologies but let us point out that it is that time of year."

"There is some more news — good news, we think — from the National Shooting Sports Foundation that says more women are taking up hunting and the shooting sports."

"According to research from the National Sporting Goods Association, 72 percent more women are hunting with firearms today than just five years ago. And 50 percent more women are now target shooting."

"The statistics are from NSGA surveys spanning 2001 through 2005 and they show that more than 3 million women now hunt and over 5 million women now enjoy shooting." ...

Taurus 24/7 .45 ACP Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At SHOT Show this past February, I got to handle the display model of this pistol. I can't say I had been an early fan of the Taurus 24/7 line because the rubber inlay on the polymer frame felt mushy in my hand and it just didn't appeal to me. The first thing I noticed when I picked up the 24/7 .45 ACP was that the mushy soft rubber inlay was gone. It was regular polymer, but with the same ergonomics that have made the 24/7 so popular. The next thing I noticed was that the grips didn't feel overly large in my hand ... For a staggered-column, magazine-fed .45 ACP, the Taurus 24/7 felt pretty good. My interest went up a little more when I discovered it had a thirteen round (12+1) capacity." ...

Gun-Control Advocate Edward Welles, 85
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Edward O. Welles, 85, a former CIA officer who later become the first executive director of the antihandgun organization now known as the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, died Oct. 11 of brain cancer ..."

"After serving in World War II with the Office of Strategic Services, a forerunner of the CIA, Mr. Welles joined the spy agency in 1950. He served in Greece before becoming the agency's chief of station in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Morocco." ...

"After retiring from the CIA in 1972, Mr. Welles had a varied career as a volunteer, lobbyist, entrepreneur and gun-control advocate. In 1974, he became the first executive director of the National Council to Control Handguns, which consisted of four people at the time." ...

WV: Would-Be Burglar Shot and Killed In Mercer County
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A man is dead after he threw a brick through the glass door of a Montcalm home.

State Police say Adam Lee Bennett shattered a door of Rodney Hendrick’s home about 11 p.m. Wednesday.

Hendrick, who had been sleeping, grabbed a gun and confronted Bennett, who was standing at the door, police said.

Hendrick then opened fire, hitting Bennett in the chest, police said.

Bennett, 24, was pronounced dead at the scene.

No charges will be filed against Hendrick, but the Mercer County prosecutor will present the case to the next session of the grand jury.

OK: Wife of liquor store owner shoots robber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police say the wife of a liquor store owner shot an armed robber in the shoulder with her pistol and when that didn't stop him, she fired a shotgun blast at his midsection.

Guy Buck was flown to a hospital after the shooting last night and remains in critical condition.

Police arrived just after Sheila Almond wounded him with a shotgun blast.

It turned out he was armed with a plastic air gun.

OH: A Tale of Two Shootings (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday turned out to be a violent day for a postal worker in Canton and a convienence store owner in Cleveland. ..."

"Jennifer Milburn was a 26-year-old United States Postal Worker ..."

"She was shot in the head on Thursday ..."

"As a postal worker, Milburn likely carried pepper spray to defend herself from potential dog attacks ..."

"That wasn't the case for the owner of B&M Food Mart on Cleveland's west side Thursday night. ... Two men walk in with the intent to walk out with money. A shootout ensued between those intent on criminal activity and the man whose livelihood relied upon his ability to defend it." ...

Training Students to Rush a Gunman Not a Good Idea Says Safety Expert
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the nation's foremost experts on school security is criticizing a school district outside Ft. Worth, Texas, for teaching its students how to fight back against classroom intruders."

"Burleson, Texas, is reportedly the first school district in the nation that has trained all of its students and teachers how to retaliate against a gunman who might enter their classroom. ..."

"... Ken Trump -- president of National School Safety and Security Services -- says he cannot support the self-defense training. As he points out, 'we're talking about kids in a classroom' -- not an airport full of adults who can make tactical considerations and split-second decisions." ...

MN: Harvard Health Policy Professor to Speak at Carleton College
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Hemenway, Professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, will present a convocation at 10:50 a.m. on Friday, October 27 in the Skinner Memorial Chapel at Carleton College. Entitled 'Private Guns, Public Health,' his presentation is free and open to the public."

"Professor Hemenway also serves as the director of the Harvard Injury Control Research Center and the Harvard Youth Violence Prevention Center. ... In the United States, almost 80 people per day are killed with guns. Yet comparatively little research has been directed toward understanding and reducing gun injuries." ...

WI: Everybody in school should pack a pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dear Editor: Warren J. Bowe beat me to it with his excellent response to Rep. Frank Lasee's proposal that would let teachers carry firearms to protect themselves by shooting any suspicious characters on the school premises."

[Submitter's Note: Actually I think Rep. Lasee suggested that teachers shoot armed assailants threatening their charges with deadly violence, not mere 'suspicious characters'.]

"One wonders why Lasee did not take his brilliant idea further. While he's about it, he should not forget the administrative staff, like secretaries, receptionists, and so on. And, come to think of it, the custodial staff might just feel slighted and unappreciated if they were not also supplied with this foolproof protector of innocent people, the gun." ...

CT: Student arrested for bringing gun to school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Metal detectors at a New Haven school prevented a potentially dangerous situation. A 16-year-old student is accused of bringing a gun and drugs to the school."

"The 16 year-old freshman came to school like usual, but as of last month the usual ... means going through a metal detector and having your bag checked by a school security officer."

"'And (the officer) felt that there was something in the bag,' said Sgt Ricardo Rodriguez, New Haven Police. 'In his attempt to investigate that a little further, the subject grabbed the bag and attempted to run out of the building.'"

"But as the student took off out the door, the security officer and school resource officer Arpaid Tolnay ran after him." ...

CT: Maymin Calls for Shays - Farrell to Withdraw from Race
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maymin is the Libertarian candidate in the hotly contested race. His opponents are Democrat Diane Farrell and incumbent Republican Christopher Shays. ..."

"In a debate between the three candidates on Tuesday night, October 17, in Wilton High School sponsored by local Leagues of Women Voters, Shays and Farrell both called for further regulation on the abilities of Americans to keep and bear arms. Maymin was the only candidate to fully and unconditionally support the right to keep and bear arms, noting that gun ownership by citizens prevents crimes, allows self defense, and is a specifically delineated right in the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution. ..." ...

MN: Johnson will protect our rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Senate candidate Brenda Johnson believes the best government is a government that is closest to the people and one that governs least. She believes the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations. She is pro-life and supports legislation that strengthens our families. These are Brenda’s underlying values. If you believe in these values as I do, please vote for Brenda Johnson this November."

"If you are a single-issue person, the choice is still clear. ... Brenda will vote to protect all of our constitutional rights, including our Second Amendment rights." ...

PA: Bill seeks to expedite violence victims' guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A statehouse bill to speed up the process for issuing the victims of domestic violence a license to carry a concealed gun worries Twilah Shipley, the director of ACCESS-York."

"'Domestic violence situations can be really dangerous and violent and can turn lethal and sometimes fatal,' Shipley said. 'The guns could possibly be used against the person trying to protect herself or himself and may actually increase the chance of a homicide.'"

"She said she did not think House Bill 2946 is a good idea."

"According to the bill, a person seeking a 90-day emergency license to carry a concealed gun would have to show evidence of imminent danger such as a protection-from-abuse order. ..." ...

AL: Hobson City chief accused on federal weapons charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A small-town police chief was arrested on federal charges of illegally selling a handgun he allegedly left on the seat of a backhoe for a convicted felon in exchange for $100."

"Daryl Parker, 53, head of the Hobson City Police Department in Calhoun County since 1999, made an initial appearance Thursday on a charge of illegally providing a gun to a convicted felon."

"A federal magistrate approved his release on $5,000 bond and agreed to appoint an attorney to represent Parker." ...

NJ: There's no such thing as a toy gun
Submitted by: John Donovan

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... "I have a problem with recreational shooting; I have a bigger problem with allowing anyone -- especially minors -- access to weapons. Rather than reclassify air pistols as something less than a firearm, the state should be requiring that purchasers have permits. ..." ...

"There are far too many guns on the streets. We do not need loopholes allowing plastic weapons to proliferate." ...

"Courts will determine whether Morris is guilty, but county governments across the state should have uniform enforcement policies on air pistols. If it looks like a firearm, and it fires a projectile, it's a firearm." ...

Submitter's note: Mr. Doblin can be reached at "Your Views" letters to The Record can be sent to

VA: Officer found guilty of manslaughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Richmond jury that convicted former police officer Michael Couture of voluntary manslaughter in the May 29, 2004, fatal shooting of Santanna Olavarria recommended Couture be punished for the crime with a $2,500 fine -- and no jail time."

"The recommendation shocked and angered the Olavarria family. The victim's mother, Annette Olavarria, called the punishment 'a joke.'"

"The jury convicted Couture of voluntary manslaughter this afternoon in the fatal shooting of Olavarria in the city's East End." ...

Brazil: Brazil Policeman Gets 30 Years in Deaths
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A state police officer will serve Brazil's maximum 30-year prison term following his conviction in the deaths of four young men in a shantytown, a court official said Friday."

"Judge Luiz Noronha Dantas handed down a 52-year sentence Thursday on four homicide counts and stripped Capt. Marcos Duarte Ramalho of his status as a police officer."

"But the duration of the sentence was symbolic because no one can serve more than 30 years at a single stretch in Brazil, said Simone Araujo of the court's press office."

"'He has really dishonored, as few have, the uniform he wore, being delinquent when he should have been giving an example and repressing this type of conduct,' Dantas said in his ruling." ...

NY: On Gun Suits Against Out-of Towners, Mayor Finds an Opponent in the City
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As mayors across the nation link arms with Mayor Bloomberg in his campaign against illegal guns, another battle is just heating up in Brooklyn Federal Court."

"Seven of the 15 out-of-state gun dealers targeted by a lawsuit filed by the city in May have pledged to fight City Hall's charges that they were a nuisance to the city due to negligent sales. Experts said the case contains several unprecedented legal questions and is being closely watched by other municipalities that may want to imitate the city's lawsuits."

"Standing at the fore of the legal battle is a New York law firm, Renzulli & Renzulli, which is representing six dealers ... The firm ... has made its name defending gun manufacturers against lawsuits seeking civil damages." ...

MA: Group: Healey Doesn't Trust Local Law Enforcement to Have a Say in Who Gets Guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While Boston recovers from a bloody week of violence and is experiencing the highest number of shootings in more than a decade, gubernatorial candidate Kerry Healey is proposing to weaken state gun laws and restrict law enforcement's ability to fight violent crime."

"Massachusetts Against Trafficking Handguns, a statewide public safety coalition, strongly opposes Kerry Healey's attempt to dismantle state gun-licensing laws. Healey has pledged to relax restrictions on gun permit applications in return for an endorsement from the Gun Owners' Action League ... Healey's plan would take discretionary power away from local police chiefs and put it in the hands of a separate commission charged with drawing up its own guidelines." ...

CO: National Rifle Assocation (NRA) crime prevention workshop in Springs
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A seminar and instructor development workshop for the National Rifle Association’s Refuse To Be A Victim® crime prevention program will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, November 20 at the Colorado Springs Police Training Academy, 725 N. Murray Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO 80915. Pre-registration is required for both events. Persons interested in participating in either event, receiving an instructor application, and/or additional information can reach Ed O'Carroll, regional counselor, by telephone at 703-475-4598, or via e-mail at" ...

UK: Teachers attacked outside school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A female teacher suffered a broken jaw and a male teacher was attacked with a 950,000-volt stun gun, in an assault outside a Bristol school."

"The woman was punched in the face when she went to help the male teacher as he was attacked with the stun gun and punched to the ground."

"The attack took place outside Ashton Park school, Bower Ashton, as the teachers left during the lunch break."

"Police believe the male teacher was targeted by a youth."

"The attacker and another man left the scene in a black Vauxhall Corsa and police are appealing for witnesses." ...

Submitter's Note: But at least th attackers didn't use an evil firearm!

Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they knew that only when people are armed could they truly be thought of as free citizens. And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to keep and bear arms are intending to deprive you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these elitists know that it is always best to disarm victims before you enslave them. — Charley Reese

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