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Newslinks for 10/21/2014

Democrat race-hustling to abet public endangerment what’s really 'unspeakable'
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "How is it the fault of the Republicans what Jenkins looked like, and what his race was? Are we supposed to impose censorship, like Comedy Central did with Mohammed on 'South Park,' simply because he’s black? Is that, in itself, not racist?" ...

How Gun-Control Legislation Is Affecting This Election
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many sheriffs in states that recently passed gun-control laws have signed letters saying they are opposed to the laws, saying the gun bans won’t make America safer. Some even say they won’t enforce these new laws. This has gotten some press. What hasn’t been reported is the very governors in New York, Connecticut and Maryland who signed those gun and magazine bans are also reluctant to enforce these laws. It seems they don’t want a political backlash. They don’t want journalists making martyrs out of otherwise law-abiding citizens who might be charged with felonies for doing what they’ve done all their lives. This is where politics runs into reality. It’s a collision voters need to hear more about." ...

Without full story, who can decide about Ferguson shooting?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “While the Seattle Times acknowledged that Brown allegedly reached for Wilson’s pistol during a scuffle in his patrol vehicle, missing from the Seattle account is the following: Two shots were fired inside the vehicle. The first bullet hit Brown in the arm, a second shot missed. Brown’s blood was found on the gun, on an interior door panel and on Wilson’s uniform.” …

New From Aimpoint: The Aimpoint Carbine Optic
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While the Aimpoint optic might be the default standard for red dot sights, there are very few people who can actually afford one. The usual model people seem to prefer is the T-1, which clocks in at over $650. That’s a lot to pay for something so small and simple, and Aimpoint keeps losing sales to other cheaper red dots like the Vortex SPARC ($200). Now Aimpoint has announced a new sight – the Aimpoint Carbine Optic – priced much more competitively than the T-1 to appeal to budget-concious customers with a modern sporting rifles. But with an MSRP of $393, will it be “budget” enough? Presser after the jump . . ." ...

Gear Review: ODIN Works Gas Block
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For those building their own AR or going from a standard hand guard to a free floated one, you’ll need a gas block. They’re seemingly a dime a dozen, but having one that doesn’t work or is too heavy can ruin your day. Awhile back, I tested out the ODIN Works hand guard. Included in the box of goodies from ODIN Works was their low profile gas block . . ." ...

Waterhole Sniping: Bagging South African Warthogs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A knock at the door of the well-appointed room at the hunting concession was the pre-dawn wake up call. I’m already up though, anticipating another incredible day. Time for coffee and breakfast first. The day broke clear and cold. So cold that there was a layer of ice on a dog’s water dish. One of the native staff brought a chunk of ice to show everyone. She was grinning from ear to ear at the wonder of frozen water. Apparently it doesn’t happen very often in the Limpopo River Valley. Even in June. Winter in South Africa . . ." ...

Gun Review: Lone Wolf G9 AR-15 Lower Receiver for GLOCK Magazines (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As much as I have enjoyed shooting my 9mm-converted 5.56 lower, which uses a magazine well block insert to allow it to accept Colt-style 9mm stick mags, I definitely prefer normal pistol magazines and a lower designed specifically to accept them. Although, yes, this limits you to pistol calibers, it also reduces failure points, extra parts, and time spent tinkering and adjusting to get everything working properly. For much of this year I’ve casually kept my eye out for a dedicated 9mm AR-15 lower receiver that accepts GLOCK or other pistol magazines, and when Lone Wolf‘s G9 became available again I decided to pull the trigger and give it a shot." ...

NutnFancy Reviews Troy’s Pump Action AR Style Rifle – 0.5 MOA, 100% Reliability (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A while back we previewed Troy’s new PAR-15 (pump action rifle). It’s an AR-style rifle that is, you guessed it, pump action.”

“It takes standard AR magazines and was developed as a way for people in crappy gun control states to have an AR style rifle that can still be fired relatively quickly and still use removable magazines. Plus, it has a similar manual of arms to the AR-15 rifles so many millions of Americans are used to.”

“Nutnfancy put the rifle through its paces in a recent video posted to his Youtube channel. He found that the rifle was capable of shooting 0.5 MOA with simple 55gr FMJ ammo.” …

Gun Owners, Paul Barrett is Embarrassed ... By You
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s come to this: GLOCK chronicler and occasional firearms-related commentator Paul Barrett was compelled to put pen to paper over the weekend to express his discomfort with America’s 'gun subculture.' That’s right, Mr. and Mrs. Gunowner, the Bloomberg Businessweek assistant managing editor is downright embarrassed by what he sees these days when he looks out over the American scene. At least where firearms are concerned. In a piece, Barret writes, 'The weekend’s headlines confirmed my growing sense that the American fascination with guns has reached a crucial inflection point. We are, to put it politely, making ourselves look ridiculous, and sometimes much worse.' . . ." ...

'Anchorman' Director Adam Mckay Partners with Brady Campaign to Push Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the video, members of Congress who stood for the Second Amendment are depicted as 'lap dogs' that will sit, roll over, lie down, etc, in exchange for a treat. The 'treat,' in this instance, is money from the 'gun lobby.' The video suggests that Congressmen who fought against expanded background checks were actually fighting against measures to keep guns out of the hands of 'rapists and other criminals.'" ...

Call to action -- Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly write about recovery and guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “’Newtown moved us from words to action,’ Giffords and husband Mark Kelly write in their book ‘Enough: Our Fight to Keep America Safe from Gun Violence.’”

“The book chronicles the couple’s lives from survivors of a mass shooting to advocates for stricter gun laws, detailing the trepidation Kelly had about plunging himself into the politics of gun control.”

“The book delves into the history of the National Rifle Association while also telling of Giffords’ recovery efforts and the couple’s political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions.”

“The book and an Associated Press interview with Kelly provide a behind-the-scenes look at the couple as they moved past the shooting and took a greater role on the national stage.” …

Truth and Meaning: Guns for Everyone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “If that is the case, then defenders of the Second Amendment should not only oppose restrictions to gun purchases and ownership (as they do already), but they should be advocating for a fully armed citizenry. By the age of 12, every budding young adult should have passed mandatory gun training and be issued a weapon so that they can stand united to defend the ramparts of our nation against the evils of communism, of creeping socialism, and the over-reaching arms of an out-of-control government in Washington, D.C. Just as we provide food stamps to the hungry and inexpensive housing to the poor, our nation should be committed to arming every citizen so they can adequately defend America.” …

I Don’t Think “I’ll take it” Means What Some People Think It Means
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “If someone talks to a gun dealer and says they’ll take something – and they back out, that’s to be expected because the customer is always right.”

“If a gun dealer takes a call from someone who says they’ll take something – and the gun dealer sells said product out from under the party that has claimed it – it’s the end of the world because that gun dealer is an unethical person whose parents had a questionable marital status at the time of their birth. The same goes for two people engaged in a private party transaction. If the seller goes where the money is, they are inevitably lambasted for it.” …

Stevie Wonder Breaks Promise to Trayvon’s Family, Will Play Shows in Multiple “Stand Your Ground” States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“You might remember our coverage of Stevie Wonder’s promise that he made last year in ‘support’ of Trayvon Martin in which he said he would never play a show in a state that had a ‘stand your ground law’.”

“Well, now it looks like Wonder will be breaking that promise as he has agreed to play a show in the state of Georgia. Georgia not only has a stand your ground style self defense law, but the state just greatly expanded where firearms could be carried by permit holders this year.” …

PA: Army vet to knife-wielding man at Pathmark: 'I don't want to shoot you'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“WILLIAM LAWLER didn't want to shoot the man who threatened his girlfriend and him with a 13-inch knife Sunday outside a Pathmark store near his Northeast Philadelphia home.”

“But even after Lawler, 38, an Army veteran and longtime firearms instructor, showed his 9 mm Glock, the knife-wielding madman didn't want to back down.”

“’At least a half-dozen times, I ordered him to stop. The last time, I said, 'I don't want to shoot you, but I will,'’ Lawler said yesterday, recounting the bizarre run-in outside the supermarket, on Frankford Avenue near Megargee Street in Holmesburg. ‘Then, after I shot him, he fell to his knees and tried to throw the knife at me.’” …

CT: Armed Neighbor Shoots Abusive Boyfriend After He Beat His Girlfriend Due to Incorrect Food Order
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“A neighbor, who also happens to be a gun owner, jumped into action when a young boy came and knocked on his door over the weekend.”

“The boy came to get help from his neighbor saying that his father, Jose Torres, was beating up his mother. The resident grabbed his gun and went downstairs.”

“According to the Hartford Courant, this is what happened next:”
”When the neighbor walked downstairs, he saw Torres’ girlfriend run outside. The neighbor then confronted Torres, who tried to grab the boy, according to police.”

“The neighbor said he ordered Torres to get on the ground, but Torres charged him, police said. The neighbor then fired his registered handgun.” …

WA: I-591 backers to press charges in apparent campaign yard sign theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, who is also a chief spokesman for the I-591 campaign, is not so dismissive of the incident. It does not 'happen all the time,' he countered, and saying that it does would still not justify removing a single yard sign. For him, it’s a matter of principle in a lopsided campaign that is coming down to the wire."

"Several I-591 yard signs, and some 'No on 594; signs paid for by the National Rifle Association, have disappeared from various locations over the past few weeks, including two signs just outside Gottlieb’s Bellevue office complex. Gottlieb, however, has not felt compelled to grab opposition signs in retaliation, nor does he condone such an act." ...

WA: Gun rights debate heats up at Seattle rally (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“We are just weeks away from Election Day and a pair of initiatives are stirring up the debate over gun rights. People opposed I-594, which expands background checks for gun sales, rallied in downtown Seattle Saturday.”

“Several held signs and some even brought their guns to the event at Westlake Park. Organizers urged the group to focus on a grassroots approach to defeating the measure.”

“Joseph Taylor and his mother held a large sign at the event.”

“’I never thought I'd be involved in politics in my life but this affects me greatly,’ Taylor said. ‘It's not necessarily about guns, it's about your rights being impeded on.’” …

WA: Voting begins as both sides demonstrate on dueling Wash. gun measures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Evergreen State voters began filling out their ballots this weekend, casting the first votes on competing Initiatives 591 and 594, with a gun rights demonstration Saturday at Westlake Plaza and a gun control march Sunday afternoon, the latest chapter in a fight that is getting national attention.”

“Seattle columnist Joel Connelly wrote about the march led by anti-gun Seattle Mayor Ed Murray, at the end of which marchers … turned in their ballots. At least three times in his piece, Connelly referred to the ‘gun safety’ movement, which is disingenuous at best. Supporters of I-594 are gun prohibitionists, since there is not a single word about real firearms safety anywhere in the 18-pages of that billionaire-backed measure.” …

WA: I-594 adds layer of security
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Initiative 594 is designed to keep your family and your community safe. It will not affect your Second Amendment rights. It will not take away any of your guns. It will not tell you how many you can own or what kind you may own.”

“I-594 will be another layer of protection without affecting your rights. …” …

WA: A split decision on gun safety initiatives debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Like many parents in our state, I have been closely following the 591 vs. 594 initiatives debate. I believe that any discussion about gun safety and the importance of the second amendment is a good thing.”

“Did you shoot your first gun at 8-years-old? Did you go to sleep at night with a rifle above your bunk bed? Did you attend school with a fifth grader who accidentally killed herself when she discovered a handgun? Or did you grow up in a house with no guns at all?”

“How we engage in this conversation is a result of the culture we grew up in.” …

Support candidates who protect Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The 2014 midterm and 2016 presidential elections are critical for Second Amendment supporters and gun owners.”

“Recent attempts to pass restrictive gun legislation have failed by slim margins. This gives anti-gun politicians hope for success in the future.”

“The National Rifle Association is a potent lobby, but it needs your help. Take a hard look at candidates' records on gun control. You need to send a message to them: If you vote for anti-gun legislation, you will be defeated.” …

Targeting the Anti-Gun Indoctrination Party
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“Thanks to the last 50 years of public education, millions of Americans no longer appreciate the difference between facts and feelings. Consequently, when facts hurt their feelings, many Americans just brush off the irrefutable evidence and attack anyone who points out the facts that expose illogical feelings.”

“When it comes to supporters of the Second Amendment, we see this irrational behavior play out among pro-gun Americans who religiously support the Democrat Party. Now, before anyone feels offended, just think about the following questions first…”

“…Which party had 94 percent of its senators support the last gun-control bill voted on in Washington? …” …

PA: Wolf doesn't support gunowners' rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, on 8/31/14, Franklin County is the 15th highest in gun ownership in the country; 48.5 percent of residents own guns. With this is mind, those voting gunowners should be selecting those who support the Second Amendment and gun rights in general."

"Tom Wolf is running for governor. 'Sportsmen for Wolf' would like you to think that 'Tom Wolf supports the Second Amendment and he will protect gunowners' rights.' A quick look at his CeasefirePA candidate survey paints a very different picture of him. According to his survey responses available online, here are a few of Wolf's positions on issues of importance to gun owners and sportsmen:" ...

WI: Don't believe nonsense about Burke taking guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's that time again. Political attack ads are filling the airwaves, telling me I shouldn't vote for Mary Burke because she will take my guns away. I've heard that nonsense before. These ads are filled with distorted facts, mixed with overblown fiction and laced with fear of the government."

"It bothers me that some people freak out over Second Amendment rights while our more important freedom — the right to vote — is being restricted. These new ID laws make it harder for the poor and elderly to vote. Voter fraud is proven to be a myth." ...

WI: Attorney general candidates clash over gun legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While attorney general candidates Brad Schimel and Susan Happ may not disagree on whether law-abiding Wisconsin residents should be able to own guns, the two have clashed over gun legislation specifics as the Nov. 4 election approaches."

"The [NRA] recently endorsed Republican candidate Schimel. Although Happ has come out in support of the second amendment in the past, she advocates for more background checks for those trying to purchase guns."

"'We see Mr. Schimel as someone who is there to do the job as attorney general and act as a defender of the laws of the state of Wisconsin, whether he agrees with them or not,' Jeff Nass, legislative affairs liaison of Wisconsin FORCE, Wisconsin’s charter association of the NRA, said ..." ...

CO: Grantham seeking second term in Colo. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kevin Grantham is hoping voters will re-elect him to his second and final term in the Colorado State Senate, representing District 2."

"When the Republican ran for office the first time, he said there was a change in direction in the state and in the country that many people in conservative areas didn't agree with. A number of people asked Grantham to run for office so he could take their values to Denver, and he said that's exactly what he's done."

"'There is unfinished business that needs to be taken care of when it comes to things like ... Second Amendment rights,' he said. 'We are still heading in the wrong direction, and the conservative values of this community are not being reflected right now in ... Denver.'" ...

MD: NRA endorses Hogan in Md. governor’s race, drawing more attention to guns issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association on Monday announced its endorsement of Republican Larry Hogan in Maryland’s gubernatorial contest, citing his 'support and commitment to the Second Amendment.'"

"The backing by the organization’s Political Victory Fund comes in a race in which Hogan’s opponent, Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D), has spent a lot more time talking about Hogan’s positions on guns than the Republican has." ...

PA: For the Pennsylvania House: Ortitay, Krieger and Logan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In local state House races, the overriding issue is damage remediation. It applies whether Democrats steer Pennsylvania back to tax-and-spend policies or whether Republicans cling to power but continue to sit on pressing issues like pension reform. Three candidates stand out:" ...

"• A three-term incumbent who's the real deal is Republican Rep. Tim Krieger of Westmoreland County's 57th Legislative District. He stood up against the gas tax increase and is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. His Democrat opponent, attorney Donna McClelland, wants to “develop alternative funding streams.” No thanks. Pennsylvanians have enough hands in their pockets." ...

IL: Election Q&A: Kristin Williamson, running for state representative, 103rd District
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “10. Are there any restrictions you would like to see on gun ownership in Illinois?

“I support constitutional rights, including those in the Second Amendment. I also believe in public safety. With that, I know there are certain areas that are never places for firearms. I do believe a private business owner has the right to allow or not allow a firearm in their own establishment. Our rights come with responsibilities. Education and training are a vital part to upholding our Second Amendment rights.”

CT: Common ground on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local Republican and Democratic candidates for the state legislature agree in principle on an unlikely issue – gun rights.”

“Both parties’ nominees in the all-Southington 81st District and the 80th District, which covers part of Southington and Wolcott, say they oppose the state gun control law passed in the wake of the Newtown school massacre.” …

NY: Conservative Party and NYS Rifle and Pistol Association Unite on Second Amendment! (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“The President of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), Tom King, recommends that voters cast their votes on the Conservative line on November 4. His recommendation was made during an August 7th meeting between Tom King and Michael Long, New York State Conservative Party chairman. Their meeting can be viewed on line at

“The NYSRPA is dedicated to the preservation of Second Amendment rights, firearm safety education, and shooting sports. …” …

Texas Gun Laws Provide Interesting Case Nationally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The pro-gun culture and generous gun laws in Texas provide an interesting case nationally in the debate over gun control."

"According to a 2013 poll by The University of Texas/Texas Tribune, 43 percent of Texans surveyed said they or someone in their family owns a gun. The poll also said that almost one in four said they or a family member are members of the NRA."

"Also, Texas has more gun dealers than any other state in the nation, USA Today reported."

"Given the high rate of gun ownership in the state, it’s little surprise that Texas has resisted calls for stricter gun control laws." ...

AL: Is Strict Scrutiny Really a Trojan Horse to Defeat the RKBA?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I don't understand the opposition to the ballot measure for Amendment 3 in Alabama, which would direct judges in the state to apply strict scrutiny to cases where the state's compelling interest is opposed to the individual and fundamental right to keep and bear arms." ...

"Why? Is strict scrutiny really such a Trojan Horse that it will bring the loss of our right to keep and bear arms?"

"Prominent 2nd Amendment attorneys, who work cases at both the federal and state levels, advocate for strict scrutiny for the RKBA. ..."

"I think those who oppose the mandate of strict scrutiny in RKBA cases misunderstand how this works. This is not about the legislature, but about the judiciary." ...

PA: The NRA’s helpers: Legislators propose a late gift for the gun lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “The obvious target is the many communities around Pennsylvania … that have passed lost-or-stolen laws when firearms go missing. These laws do not harm the rights of legitimate gun owners, requiring them only to be responsible in the interest of curbing so-called straw purchases of firearms by criminals.”

“But the NRA is dedicated to the proposition that the Second Amendment, unlike others in the Bill of Rights, grants an absolute right to gun ownership that cannot be questioned. Rebuffed in the courts on lost-or-stolen laws, the gun lobby has found willing servants in the Legislature to do its bidding.” …

NY: Tantrum-throwing babies are in charge of New York
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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… “Like last January, when a hyper-animated Cuomo expelled millions of New Yorkers from the political process … merely for having disagreed with him:”

“’[Who are] these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who they are . . . they have no place in the state of New York,’ he stormed.”

“So bye-bye practicing, pro-life Catholics, Orthodox Jews who oppose gay marriage on principle and all those folks who believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution was meant to be more than filler between the First and the Third.”

“Adults discuss their differences; alas, there is no room for dissent in the Cuomo sandbox.”

“Or even for impertinent questions.” …

CO: Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Sues Colorado Secretary of State & ‘Colorado Ethics Watch’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) filed a lawsuit Monday against the Colorado Secretary of State and Colorado Ethics Watch for their unconstitutional demand for RMGO donor records."

"'The current law essentially legalizes government ordered identity theft of citizens who want to take part in the political process,' says Dudley Brown, Executive Director of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners." ...

American Police: Buy a Gun and Give Up Your Privacy Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A few moments ago, I noted a story from Britain, in which country police may now enter a firearms owner’s house without either advance notice or a specific warrant. This, I suggested, was tantamount to saying, '... if you wish to enjoy the Second Amendment, you are required to forfeit the Fourth."

"The above intrusion is not quite as bad as that, certainly. But it’s still grotesque. It is one thing for the state to check that you haven’t been convicted of any crimes; it is quite another for a police officer to make the exercise of a basic right contingent upon his going through your most personal information and making a subjective judgment. After all, if we’re going outside of hard facts, why, one wonders, would we limit it to Facebook? ..." ...

MA: Ex-police officer pleads not guilty to fatal crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Lowell police officer charged with killing a Lawrence man in a drunken driving crash will continue to be held on $100,000 bail." ...

"Police say Wayne was driving west on Route 110 in Methuen just after midnight on Aug. 23 when he crossed the center line and struck an SUV head-on. The driver, 26-year-old Briant Paula of Lawrence, died at the hospital." ...

CT: Officer Resigns Over Fraud Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former New London police officer fired over accusations he leaked an internal police document and later rehired has resigned following his arrest on charges he fraudulently collected workers’ compensation benefits."

"David McElroy was charged with workers’ compensation fraud." ...

OH: Woman wins civil lawsuit over police shooting that nearly killed her (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman has won a civil lawsuit against the city of East Cleveland and some police officers over a 2012 incident that left her car shot up by police gunfire during a traffic stop."

"A jury has already awarded Mikeena Fitzgerald $270,000 and the jury still must come back for punitive damages."

"Back in 2012, East Cleveland Police said Fitzgerald ran a red light. Police pulled her over, and then claimed she backed into a patrol car twice. They shot up her car with ten shots."

"But the East Cleveland mayor found the officers were not in danger. He fired them. And later, the charges against Fitzgerald were thrown out." ...

IL: Ex-Chicago officer gets 3 years in battery case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Chicago police officer has been sentenced to three years in prison for shoving an 89-year-old man and leaving him with a broken hip."

"The Chicago Sun-Times reports 59-year-old David Barrett was sentenced Thursday after being convicted of battery in a trial last spring. His attorney says Barrett had been a Chicago police officer for 31 years and served in the Illinois National Guard for six years." ...

WA: Judge Dismisses Case of 100 SPD Officers, Says Argument ‘Misses the Mark Entirely’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“'No case has expressly considered whether a police officer’s right to self-defense is protected by the Constitution,' noted legal documents on behalf of more than 100 Seattle officers who sued the city over new use of force policies brought on by federally-mandated reforms. This will not be such a case either."

"U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman dismissed the case on Friday ..." …

"The officers had no more luck with an appeal to the Second Amendment, which Pechman wrote she did not find 'plausible.' 'The Supreme Court has been clear that 'the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited' and is 'not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.'" ...

MN: Minnesota Gun Owners Respond to Secret Meetings Held by Gun Ban Group
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Today, the gun control group Americans for Responsible Solutions is in Minnesota holding a closed training session at an undisclosed location,' said Bryan Strawser, Executive Director, Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee."

"'Americans for Responsible Solutions has advocated for extreme measures that would impact law-abiding Minnesotans, including bans on commonly owned hunting rifles, universal registration of firearms, and other unconstitutional measures,' said Strawser." ...

DC: Carrying a handgun without a license in the District of Columbia remains illegal – for now
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mayor Vincent C. Gray signed emergency legislation, the 'License to Carry a Pistol Emergency Amendment Act of 2014,' passed by the Council of the District of Columbia in response to the ruling by the U.S. District Court in the case of Palmer v. District of Columbia. This law ensures the safety of all within the District of Columbia, while fully respecting the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution."

"A summary judgment ruling in that case was stayed until October 22, giving District officials time to issue regulations authorized by this legislation. Once these are issued, members of the public who meet the statute’s criteria will be able to apply for a license to carry a pistol in the District." ...

ID: Is the University of Idaho Encouraging the “SWATting” of Legal Gun Carriers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, the University of Idaho – where concealed carry is legal – held a forum to discuss guns on campus. The main presenter was Matt Dorschel, university executive director for public safety and security. While the forum attracted only a few students and faculty, the policy presented was radical . . ." ...

TN: Packin' pistols: Legally carried on a hip or in a purse, more handguns are out there
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The man was over 6 feet tall, built like an NFL linebacker, bald and carrying a huge handgun on his left hip in broad daylight in downtown Chattanooga."

"He wasn't threatening anyone, though the gun on his hip carried an implied sense of danger. He was just doing his job, hooking up a car to a wrecker. And, if he had the right permit, he wasn't breaking the law." ...

NY: New York gun law strips 34,500 individuals of Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York state’s controversial package of gun control measures has stripped 34,500 individuals of their Second Amendment rights without allowing them due process."

"According to the New York Times, part of New York’s SAFE Act ... encourages mental health professionals — not necessarily doctors — to report any of their patients to authorities if they seem 'likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others.'"

"The mental health experts can do this anonymously." ...

"As the Times observes, this enormous number — which the state has previously been tight-lipped about — has 'raised concerns among some mental health advocates that too many people have been categorized as dangerous.'" ...

AL: Crayon “Gun” Subjects 5-Year-Old To Suicide/Homicide Screening And Non-Violence Contract
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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“E.R. Dickson Elementary School in Mobile, Ala., has introduced two new vocabulary words into their kindergarten curriculum: homicide and suicide. Local media outlets report that a 5-year-old was forced to fill out a bizarre safety agreement and risk assessment questionnaire containing those words after making an innocent gesture with a crayon.”

“The kindergartner’s mother told Mobile NBC affiliate WPMI that her daughter initially came to the attention of school officials after she drew an object resembling a firearm and ‘pointed a crayon at another student and said, ‘pew pew.’’ After the crayon incident, the child was made to fill out a ‘suicide/homicide assessment scoresheet’ …” …

A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution... The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down... a person cannot be compelled 'to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the constitution.' —MURDOCK V. PENNSYLVANIA 319 US 105 (1942)

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