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Newslinks for 10/21/2016

Promising News
Submitted by: anonymous

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There is PROMISING NEWS to report in the continued fight to fend off regulatory overreaches affecting gunsmiths and industry professionals by the Obama administration.

As you’ll undoubtedly remember, the Department of Defense Trade Controls office earlier this year issued confusing guidance adversely affecting tens of thousands of gunsmiths by requiring them pay a $2,250 registration fee with the DDTC.

The PROMISING NEWS is our legislators have heard from all of us. Just recently, Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) filed H.R. 6176, The Export Control Reform Act along with 68 bipartisan cosponsors.

TN: Questionable Victim Shoots Gun at Shoplifters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In Nashville, Tennessee, a 68 year old weight loss doctor said he was in the process of buying his girlfriend a swimsuit at a register in Macy’s when two men ran by him grabbing his wallet off the sales counter as they passed.

He ran after two men who he said stole his wallet, firing his gun at them multiple times.

This was just outside the Green Hills Mall shopping center at around 9 p.m. Police responded to multiple 911 calls, according to Metro Police spokesperson Don Aaron.

FL: Concealed Carrier Kills Attempted Robber In Florida
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Around 9:30 p.m. Tuesday night, two armed robbers attempted to mug three people in Plantation Park, located in a Ft. Lauderdale suburb. Before pulling a gun on the three people, the two robbers attempted to make conservation with the victims.

When one of the robbers pulled a gun on the victims, one member of the group pulled out his own firearm in self-defense. The robber was fatally shot by the concealed carrier. The second robber fled the scene.

Addled Clinton Confuses SCOTUS Decision With Gun Control Ad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What the District of Columbia was trying to do was to protect toddlers from guns. So they wanted people with guns to safely store them and the court didn’t accept that reasonable regulation. But they’ve accepted many others, so I see no conflict between saving people’s lives and defending the Second Amendment.

Um…what? Nowhere in the case are toddlers mentioned. She must be confusing an actual SCOTUS case with the Brady Campaign’s “Toddler’s Kill” ad.

In fact, the Heller decision struck down Washington, D.C.’s ban on handguns, saying it violated the Second Amendment rights of citizens to be able to own a functioning gun to protect their children in their own homes.

SC: Fatal York shooting was 'self-defense'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Facebook exchange from August 15 shows Nichols, as Moore, threatening Gore, under the name Lowry. The messages were comments on a public post.

Police say it played a key role in determining that Gore had borrowed a friend's gun for protection, and because he was on private property, it wasn't illegal for him to be possessing it.

They say Nichols fired first, shooting Gore in the stomach, before Gore fired back, hitting Nichols in the chest, and killing him.

NV: Nevada Sees Senate Battle Over Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stepping up to represent the state from the Republican Party is Dr. Joe Heck. Having spent much of his life in public service, Heck is no stranger to those who carry firearms both personally and professionally. He has spent time doing search and rescue, and served in the Army Reserve in addition to volunteer firefighting. On top of this, he also put in time as an ambulance attendant and physician, treating and caring for the very people he is hoping to represent. All of this combined is just part of what has earned him an “A” rating from the NRA.

AK: Teens aim high in gun class for girls
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Little clouds of breath rose into the air over five teenagers standing stock-still in a row, eyes trained on the targets in front of them. Then a sharp pop broke the silence, quickly followed by another pop and another until a deluge of shots rang out at the Snowshoe Gun Club on Thursday.

The young women were members of Teens on Target, created by Elaina Spraker, and they were just getting into their third meeting of this year’s course at the gun club in Kenai.

To the Talented Mr. Milo: Sorry Darling, Freedom Is Fabulous
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I know in Europe you guys conceded your right to free speech and self defense at the whim of governmental dictation. But America will not go down so easily. First Amendment and Second Amendment rights are not subject to voidance just because a globalist harpy gets into the Oval. Nor will Americans acquiesce to the military draft you recently championed in a speech I attended. Our rights were not obtained by requested permission from the King, and our rights will not be taken by the arbitrary ruling of a leftist Supreme Court.

The future of gun laws in America after election day
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Hunter said Clinton presidency would put the Second Amendment at stake.

“She says she supports the Second Amendment because she’s paying lip service to the voters. She’s lying about it. It’s typical with Hillary Clinton to say what she think we get her elected, and then to have position that don’t back up that statement whatsoever," she added.

As the days until the election continue to wind down, the future of guns in America remains uncertain. But could change drastically depending which one of these candidates makes it to the White House.

Trump's Striking Lack of Interest in the Supreme Court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Trump’s unfamiliarity with basic conservative legal stances also cost him at a crucial moment. At one point, Wallace asked Clinton about D.C. v. Heller and whether she still thought the Supreme Court was still “wrong on the Second Amendment.” Clinton began by saying she believed in “reasonable regulation” on gun ownership, then addressed the case itself.


Right-wing pundits howled on Twitter about Clinton’s description of one of the conservative legal movement’s most cherished decisions. But Trump appeared not to notice, and made no substantive defense of it when Wallace turned to him.

USA Today’s Weak-Kneed Push For Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s just what you would expect from a newspaper whose editorial board just can’t help taking the wrong side on the issue of gun control.

Despite widespread opposition by law enforcement and top state officials, USA Today last week chose to urge the newspaper’s handful of readers in Nevada and Maine to vote “yes” on anti-gun background check initiatives that would only affect the law-abiding, leaving armed criminals to commit whatever violent crimes they choose.

The editorial was titled, “Vote 'yes' on gun safety measures: Our view,” with a subhead stating, “Do what weak-kneed members of Congress have refused to do.”

If Clinton wins, America, kiss your right to self-defense good-bye
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In terms of individual rights, there has probably never been so much at stake in a presidential election. If Hillary Clinton wins, Americans will soon lose the right of self-defense in their own homes.

Wednesday night in Las Vegas moderator Chris Wallace quickly started off the debate by asking Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton about the Second Amendment. Hillary was asked about her claim: "the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment.”

Clinton's False Assurances About Her Respect for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"There's no doubt that I respect the Second Amendment," Hillary Clinton said during last night's presidential debate. "I also believe there's an individual right to bear arms." That's as close as Clinton has come during this campaign to acknowledging that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to arms—a question she conspicuously dodged in an ABC News interview last June. Last night she once again showed why, notwithstanding her assurances, there is ample reason to doubt her respect for that right.

NRA Launches New Ad Emphasizing Importance of Supreme Court in Presidential Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association has launched a new ad using Hillary Clinton's own words to expose her repeated lies regarding her views on the Second Amendment. The new ad, entitled “Classified,” began airing last night on national cable and on broadcast in key battleground states. The $5 million ad buy will run through Oct. 31.

HuffPo ‘gun guy’ dismisses gun owners who carry for self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Snow’s observations were based on years of work both as a scientist and a novelist and his knowledge of people in both fields. As such, he was able to speak intelligently. The same cannot be said for Mike Weisser, the so-called gun guy of The Huffington Post. In his article, “Two Kinds Of Gun Nuts,” he attempts to explain what motivates two different types of gun owners, the ones like him — collectors and hobbyists — and the ones who, in his view, are trying to make a statement by carrying guns.

FL: “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed.” Manufacturer Pays For LGBT Concealed Carry Training In Orlando
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Standard Manufacturing, a shotgun and rifle manufacturer in Connecticut supports with the theory behind Pink Pistols that “armed gays don’t get bashed.” The gun manufacturer provided the Orlando-area chapter with a grant which pays for concealed carry training for members of the gay community. All instruction, materials, range fees, gun loans and ammo are provided at no cost.

NJ: More Gun Control Measures Up For Senate Vote
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Tomorrow, the New Jersey Senate will vote on a couple of bills that once again attack the state’s law-abiding gun owners while ignoring the state’s violent crime problem.

Earlier this year, Governor Chris Christie took the bold and unprecedented step in New Jersey to expand the justifiable need standard to make it easier for law-abiding citizens to obtain a concealed carry permit.

AZ: New SDI Webinar Shows How to Develop a Firearms Training Business
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sonoran Desert Institute (SDI), an industry leader in providing accredited and accelerated distance learning, is proud to feature personal defense expert Rob Pincus in this month’s free webinar on “Developing a Firearms Training Business.”

Pincus, owner of I.C.E. Training and developer of the Combat Focus Shooting Program, provides efficient training methodologies for anyone interested in developing firearms, tactical operations and defensive skills.

FL: New Mailer Slams Charlie Crist on Anti-Gun Policies
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Don’t trust Charlie Crist to protect your Second Amendment rights -- at least that’s what a new mailer circulating around Florida’s 13th congressional district says.

The mailer, which is hitting mailboxes in Pinellas County, warns voters that Crist doesn’t support gun rights and has a liberal agenda when it comes to the Second Amendment, backing an assault weapons ban, a size limit on ammunition clips and tougher background checks.

The Second Amendment and gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, We the People continues its series on “The Candidates and the Constitution,” in which the statements and proposals of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are compared to the text and history of the Constitution. (Listen to previous episodes on Article II, Article III, Article V, and the First Amendment.)

We turn now to the Second Amendment, which states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

LA: Fans can chat with Michael Waddell, others about Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment was a hot topic in Wednesday night's debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and the rhetoric about the most controversial element of the Bill of Rights will certainly heat up as America closes in on the Nov. 8 election.

To discuss the Second Amendment, and the politics surrounding it, the Outdoor Sportsman Group will host three Facebook Live interactive roundtable discussions next week that will feature some of the biggest names in outdoor television and print.

Our Safety Depends On Us Voting Down Trump & The Gun Lobby
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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What should we do about the loopholes in our laws that give domestic abusers and stalkers the option of buying a gun with no questions asked?

As we mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, that’s another question I wish the moderator of last night’s debate had posed to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, as they stood on the stage together for the final time during this long, long campaign.

With 51 of America’s women murdered with a gun by their current or former partner every single month, it’s a national crisis that requires not only serious discussion, but action, too.

Gun Prohibitionists Exploit Toddlers in New Gun Control Campaign
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The gun prohibition lobby appears to have reached for a new low in its campaign for stricter gun control laws by launching a new video advertisement called “Toddlers Kill” that shows several images of youngsters with guns.

Who Should Americans Trust To Help Them Keep Their Guns?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The third and final Presidential debate opened on the topic of our Second Amendment rights. What do you think now? Is Trump consistent? What did Clinton really say? In a land where gun control is rapidly becoming one of the most important and highly contested factors in an election, we ask you:

Trump: Supreme Court on the Line; Clinton: ‘It’s for the toddlers’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Only a few moments into Wednesday night’s final presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Donald Trump what may be the cornerstone issue in this year’s election surfaced: The makeup of the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment.

[The American Colonies were] all democratic governments, where the power is in the hands of the people and where there is not the least difficulty or jealousy about putting arms into the hands of every man in the country. [European countries should not] be ignorant of the strength and the force of such a form of government and how strenuously and almost wonderfully people living under one have sometimes exerted themselves in defence of their rights and liberties and how fatally it has ended with many a man and many a state who have entered into quarrels, wars and contests with them. — George Mason, "Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company" in The Papers of George Mason, 1725-1792, ed Robert A. Rutland (Chapel Hill, 1970).

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