THE MONEY MAN: Can George Soros’s millions insure the defeat of President Bush?
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... "He held Ronald Reagan in high regard for his contributions toward breaking up the Soviet empire." ...
"The statements of Attorney General John Ashcroft, he said, 'reminded me of Germany, under the Nazis. It was the kind of talk that Goebbels used to use to line the Germans up. ... same kind of propaganda... "
"Soros supported the military strikes against the Taliban in Afghanistan, but, after the passage of the U.S.A. Patriot Act and the Bush Administration’s decision to invade Iraq in a preemptive strike, he came to believe that the American government was itself becoming an oppressive regime." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: Thorough account of how George Soros became interested in preventing President Bush from enjoying a second term. |
IA: NRA endorses candidates
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"The National Rifle Association has endorsed Mike Gronstal in his re-election bid for the District 50 seat in the Iowa Senate."
"Doug Struyk, Paul Shomshor and Gerald Jones have also received the NRA's blessing in their respective races for the Legislature."
"Gronstal, the Democratic incumbent for the Senate seat, received the NRA's 'A' grade, which is given to solidly pro-gun candidates."
"The NRA gave Gronstal's challenger a C+ grade."
"Republican Loren Knauss, a Pottawattamie County Board Supervisor, said he's surprised, even confused by the grade."
"'I've been a strong supporter of hunters and hunters' rights,' Gronstal said Tuesday." ... |
IA: John Kerry is not a friend of gun owners [letter]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Ottumwa Courier on Sept. 7, 2004, ran a photo of John Kerry holding a rifle (sic) that on closer examination turns out to be a Remington 11-48 semi-automatic shotgun."
"Ironically, Kerry co-sponsored a Senate bill that would have banned the manufacture of that very shotgun, defining it as an 'assault weapon'. Other guns banned would have been 'any-semi-auto shotgun with a pistol grip.'"
"Examples of that would be, Remington 11-48 and 1100, Browning A-5 among others, also in the same bill would have been 'any semi-automatic rifle with a detachable magazine.'"
"An example of that would be the very popular Ruger 10-22 rifle, among others."
"Kerry has also voted in the past to ban most centerfire rifle ammunition." ... |
OH: Kerry hunts for votes in Ohio cornfield -- Bags a goose: Democrat moves to counter 'F' rating from gun lobby
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The scene was straight out of a Norman Rockwell painting. There was John Kerry, dressed head to toe in camouflage, carrying a 12-gauge Beretta shotgun as he walked through a rural Ohio cornfield. A yellow Labrador retriever bounded playfully at his side."
"The Democratic presidential candidate shot a Canada goose during his hunting excursion yesterday morning, though he had a member of his entourage carry the dead bird for the photo opportunity after the shoot. The goose was a bonus. Mr. Kerry's real target were thousands of gun-owning voters in conservative-leaning Ohio and other swing states like Iowa, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Wisconsin." ... |
OH: Cheney calls Kerry's hunt a cover-up
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Vice President Dick Cheney poked fun at Sen. John Kerry's goose hunting Thursday, arguing that the image of the gun-toting, camouflaged Democrat was an 'October disguise' that masked his voting record against gun rights."
"Just hours after Kerry shot a goose during an early-morning hunt in Boardman, Ohio, near Youngstown, the vice president told supporters in another part of the state that the outing was nothing more than a photo opportunity to hide the four-term Massachusetts senator's record." ...
"'My fellow sportsmen, this cover-up isn't going to work,' Cheney said, speaking to supporters in an upscale Toledo suburb that borders the Ohio-Michigan state line. 'The Second Amendment is more than just a photo opportunity.'" ... |
IN: Kerry Against Arms (letter)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I was amazed to see a recent letter criticizing (among other things) President Bush's refusal to renew the assault rifle ban."
"Apparently the president knows (and the letter writer doesn't) that the original, and effective, assault rifle ban was the National Firearms Act of 1934."
"The president apparently believes that law-abiding Americans should not be kept from owning a particular gun based mostly on its appearance, which is what the so-called assault rifle ban was mostly based on."
"Apparently the president knows that the tremendous nationwide increase in concealed carry permits in the last four years has not led to any corresponding increase in crime." ... |
IA: Kerry doesn't care about your gun rights [letter]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The 2nd amendment to our constitution states very simply, 'A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.'"
"I don't believe that requires a Philadelphia lawyer to explain it, nor from Massachusetts or North Carolina either. John Kerry regardless of what he says and with his hunting photo ops, doesn't give a squat about your gun rights and freedoms. True defenders of the 2nd amendment such as the National Rifle association and Gun Owners of America give him a grade of F, while gun ban control and anti hunting animal lovers give him A's." ... |
OK: Latimer County Sheriff Allegedly Had Sex, Threatened Female Inmates
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"The Latimer County sheriff made an initial court appearance Wednesday on allegations he coerced three female inmates into having sex with him and threatened the life of one of them."
"Sheriff Melvin Holly remained in the Muskogee County Jail on a federal complaint of making a false statement and witness intimidation."
"According to an FBI affidavit, Holly forced the women prisoners into having sexual relations with him, served one of them moonshine and told one she would 'end up dead ... floating face down in a river' if she told anyone." ...
"Holly denied any sexual contact with Latimer County female jail inmates when he was interviewed Sept. 15 by FBI agents, an affidavit states." ... |
AL: Rural Sumter County police chief aquitted in suspect shooting
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Chris Vaughn expects to be reinstated as police chief in the west Alabama town of Cuba after a jury acquitted him of first-degree assault in the 2003 shooting of a 20-year-old murder suspect."
"A Marengo County jury deliberated about 20 minutes Tuesday before returning the innocent verdict."
"Vaughn said Wednesday he felt vindicated by the verdict and expects the mayor and the city council to reinstate him to his position when they meet early next month."
"'The long ordeal is over,' he said."
"Attorneys representing Vaughn argued he shot Anthony Collins, who was armed, in self-defense while attempting to capture him. Collins had claimed Vaughn shot him three times for no reason." ... |
MA: Boston police shoot college student to death
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"A 21-year-old college student died Thursday of a head injury after a clash between police and a crowd of Red Sox fans who poured into the streets outside Fenway Park to celebrate their team's victory over the New York Yankees."
"Victoria Snelgrove, a journalism major at Emerson College in Boston, was shot in the eye by a projectile fired by an officer on crowd-control duty. The nature of the projectile was not immediately identified but officers were armed with weapons meant to be non-lethal." ...
"'The Boston Police Department is devastated by this tragedy. This terrible event should never have happened,' [Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen] O'Toole said." ... |
NY: At Queens Deli, Grief Over Clerk's Death
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"Eighteen-year-old Manuel Chametla worked for more than a year in the Astoria Food Mart in Queens..."
"But yesterday, Mr. Chametla's body lay in a morgue in Queens. The police say it appears he was killed accidentally, when a customer - a retired city police detective - fumbled with his gun. No charges have been filed in the continuing investigation." ...
"As Mr. Malik prepared to cash in the ticket, his pager began beeping, the police say, and as he reached for it, his pistol became dislodged and he tried to catch it. It then discharged."
"Mr. Malik worked for the Technical Assistance and Response Unit before his retirement in May 2002 and had a license for the .380-millimeter handgun." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: Does it surprise you that a paper which knows so little about firearms that it refers to a ".380-millimeter handgun" has the gall to call for draconian gun control? (.380 mm = approx. .015") |
India: Former CM’s relative shot dead after altercation with police; 24 hours bandh called
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "After he obstructed the police vehicles two police constables jumped off and asked the Sanajaoba using abusive words why he had stopped the police Gypsy so audaciously."
"After a hot altercation, the victim was initially beaten up by the two police constables at which the victim retaliated."
"Another police constable also joined in and started beating the Sanajaoba with a lathi. Sanajaoba however managed to snatch the lathi and he in turn started hitting the policemen."
"Meanwhile, the driver of the police Gypsy vehicle got down from the vehicle and tried to intervene."
"He subsequently came under assault by Sanajaoba and infuriated he pulled out his service pistol and fired three rounds at the man." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: That's right! Can't let those peasants think that they can defend themselves against police brutality! |
South Africa: D-Day for cop on murder charge
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Judgment started in Johannesburg High Court on Thursday in the murder trial of a police inspector accused of shooting dead a Germiston hotelier."
"Sibongakonke Ndlovu, 37, has maintained he was justified in shooting dead Petrus Jooste, owner of the Republic Hotel in Elsburg, Germiston, on New Year's Day." ...
"State witness Paul Jacobs, said Judge Labe, testified that Ndlovu 'had his hand on his pistol all the time' and, after firing the shot, allegedly told Jacobs: 'I will shoot you as well.'"
"Both Ndlovu and his partner were, according to witnesses, wearing bullet-proof vests and witnesses all said Jooste was unarmed, while Ndlovu said Jooste was armed." [emphasis added] ... |
MD: Rifle team does not send a mixed message, most say
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Six out of seven Frederick County Board of Education members do not believe a Naval Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps marksmanship program will send a mixed message to students about guns on school property." ...
"The program promotes gun safety and is highly structured and supervised, said Michael E. Schaden, school board member. By definition an air-powered rifle is not a firearm because of its muzzle velocity, he added." ...
"Groth [who dissented] said safety was not a concern for her."
"'I understand that they're going through tremendous effort to make it safe,' she said. Her concern she said was that the community could perceive that the school system was 'glorifying shooting. To make it a sport and make it a fun activity just bothers me. It's a little bit of an image problem.'" -------
Submitter's Comment: But shooting is a sport, and a fun activity, too. |
NH: Skeet shooter's lawsuit misses the mark
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Poor Blake Douglass."
"Apparently, the Londonderry High School senior never got the memo. Life as we know it in American high schools changed April 20, 1999, the day of the Columbine shootings. And Blake appears not to have been paying attention."
"You see, Douglass is at the center of this year's latest high school controversy. He got his official yearbook portrait taken holding a shotgun. Now he's upset because the school won't print the photo in the yearbook's senior portrait section. He's a skeet shooter, he says, and the picture merely shows him with one of the elements of the sport he loves."
"He claims previous years' pictures have shown students holding musical instruments, in-line skates or sports equipment. He claims his shotgun is just like those. The school disagrees." ... |
UT: 3 attorney general candidates debate at U.
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Guns on campus was an issue that hit home for University of Utah law school students Wednesday during a debate among three candidates vying for Utah's top legal post."
"As the campaign season heads into the home stretch, the debate at the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law moot courtroom was a chance for candidates for attorney general to clarify their positions on Utah's top legal issues, including guns on campus, defining marriage and polygamy."
"The issue of guns on campus has pitted the attorney general's office against the University of Utah, and the case is now pending before the Utah Supreme Court." ... |
AZ: Mental records of slain hiker opposed for trial
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Mental health records show that hiker Grant Kuenzli, who was killed near Payson while camping in the woods with his dogs, had sought help for mental problems and had attempted suicide at least once."
"However, prosecutors argue that the records are irrelevant in determining whether the man who shot him acted in self-defense and should be off limits to defense attorneys who want their own experts to do a psychiatric autopsy." ...
"Fish, 57, said he acted in self-defense when Kuenzli charged at him, screaming a death threat, after Fish fired two warning shots to halt Kuenzli's two snarling dogs as they ran toward him on the remote trail. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: And the psych records that show Kuenzli was subject to violent, overpowering rages are obviously irrelevant! (/sarcasm) |
MI: Women look to mace for protection
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Even though carrying pepper spray doesn't automatically mean she'll be safe in the event of a sexual assault, Kathy Freel said having it with her makes her feel safer."
"'I grew up with the Boy Scout motto - be prepared,' said Freel, a third-year MSU College of Law student. 'It never hurts to carry something that may work.'"
"In the wake of the 11 reported sexual assaults on campus this semester, one of which was proven to be false, personal safety devices such as pepper spray, mace and noise-makers can be another way to feel protected, area businesses and sexual assault educators said." ... -------
Submitter's Note: According to research by Dr. Gary Kleck, unless you are resisting with a firearm, your safest course of action in a sexual assault is to cooperate with the rapist. |
FL: Safe and sound
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Many families in Pembroke Pines and Miramar recently took a night out to learn about crime prevention and the role community plays in it."
"During two separate events on Oct. 15 -- Pines Night Out and Miramar Public Safety Night -- thousands of people turned out to watch law enforcement and fire demonstrations; view and enter tanks, helicopters and other vehicles; and meet and take pictures with the character of McGruff the Crime Dog. Participants also enjoyed rock climbing, pony rides and dancing." ...
"Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Richard Nardiello gave children a tour of an anti-riot tank and explained features of an M-16 assault rifle and other weapons." ... -------
Submitter's Question: But according to Sens. Kerry, Feinstein, et al., the sole purpose of assault rifles is to kill as many people as possible in as short a time as possible. Why would the police need them? |
MI: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up: Real American Wolf Reduction In Progress in Michigan
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Alright, it's happening again. The state Department of Natural Resources is investigating the killings of two more wolves in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This means some folks up there aren't bothering to bury the evidence. One of the take-downs was so close to the road, authorities suspected it may have been witnessed by motorists. Not cool, guys." ...
"With its protected status, anyone convicted of killing a wolf faces up to 90 days in jail, plus fines and restitution - as if you didn't know. At least six wolves have been killed- probably in self-defense in the western Upper Peninsula in the past few years." |
DC: Barry Talks Tough on Guns, D.C. Crime
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Marion Barry says anyone caught carrying a pistol illegally in the District should face a mandatory ten years in prison."
"The former mayor who is expected to win the Ward Eight Council Seat says when he takes office in January, he will make reduction of violence, improving schools and economic development his top priorities."
"Barry says revenue bonds should be used to rehabilitate at least 10,000 housing units in the city." ... -------
Submitter's Question: Would that mandatory 10 years include Teddy Kennedy's bodyguard? You remember, the one who asked Capitol Security to hold his pistol, two submachine guns and 143 rounds of ammo? The one who had charges against him dropped after a call to the US AG? |
NJ: Union County to swap food for guns
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"Prosecutor Theodore J. Romankow wants handguns and rifles off the streets to make neighborhoods safer, and he's willing to offer up to $50 in food or sports equipment as an incentive."
"Romankow, flanked Wednesday by municipal and county officials, announced a weapons surrender program that will allow residents to receive certificates for up to $50 in free groceries or merchandise." ...
"Officers from the Union County Police Department will hand out $50 Supremo grocery store certificates or Modell's merchandise coupons for each handgun turned in or $25 coupons for any rifle surrendered." ...
"But Andre Crawford, president of PBA Local 19 in Plainfield, said only law-abiding citizens and senior citizens will turn in the guns. Criminals will not."
"'It's a good idea. But people involved in shootings won't be turning in guns,' he said." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: Then it isn't a good idea, it is a waste of resources. |
UK: PoIice blame 11% rise in violent crime on drink and low-level thuggery
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"Alcohol-fuelled violence, 'low-level thuggery' and better reporting levels were blamed yesterday for an 11% rise in violent crime recorded by the police between April and June."
"The rise masked a continuing fall in crime overall - by 5% on police figures and by 7% on the more authoritative British Crime Survey which were both published by the Home Office yesterday."
"The biggest falls were in domestic burglaries - down 23% on police figures, car crime which has fallen 18% and robberies down 15%."
"The drive against gun crime is to be intensified in the wake of annual figures showing firearms offences continuing to rise by 3% to 10,590 in the 12 months to June 2004." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So how |
UK: Toy gun 'threat' triggering alarm on Yorks streets
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"PEOPLE messing around with toy or replica firearms in public places will be dealt with severely, said police."
"The warning follows three incidents in West Yorkshire."
"A man was arrested in Leeds city centre on Saturday night, after threatening people in the Corn Exchange with a toy gun. Three men were also arrested in Bradford after pointing a plastic rifle at a property in Fagley on Saturday afternoon."
"On Monday, another man was arrested after trying to board a train at Huddersfield railway station with a plastic ball bearing gun."
"All of these situations resulted in a full emergency response by armed police."
"The presence of imitation guns on the streets can have tragic consequences." -------
Submitter's Comment: Well, if your sheeple didn't pee their pants at the mere sight of a toy, there wouldn't be the risk of 'tragic consequences'. |
Philippines: 18 unlicensed firearms seized in Marawi
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Police and military personnel seized 18 assorted firearms in Marawi City after its owners failed to produce licenses for the guns, it was learned Monday.
Authorities said the guns -- mostly .38 revolvers, 9mm and 45mm pistols -- were seized at random checkpoints and vehicle searches conducted in the city since September.
Maj. Omar Tonsay, 7th Marine Brigade commander, said owners of the unlicensed guns will face criminal charges.
Marawi City residents earlier complained of the proliferation of loose firearms in the city, most of which were used by criminals. |
Malaysia: Teaching villagers to use firearms
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"What do you get when you put together an iron pipe, a palm-sized block of steel, a coil spring from a car and a makeshift trigger?"
"A home-made gun. At least, you would in Sabah, where such home-made weapons are regularly cobbled together in backyards for hunting wild animals."
"The most popular are the bakakuk which is like a shotgun. Another is the musket-like ginsuk."
"The ammunition comes from the powder found in fireworks, ground match heads, or even the contents of bullets."
"'Top it off with ball bearings, lead shot or nails, and you have a serviceable gun,' said former national shooter Lo Vun Vui, who is also Sabah Shooting Association vice-president."
"He said shotguns or muskets were easy to make and hence popular with hunters." ... |
Nigeria: State Security arrests firearms dealer in Imo
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"THE State Security Services (SSS) in Imo State has arrested a local manufacturer of firearms in the state. The Command’s Assistant Director (Operations), Mr. Adeola Ajayi, told newsmen in Owerri, that the organization would not relent in its effort to rid the state of illegal arms and their manufacturers. 'This Command has in its renewed effort to rid the state of illegal firearms has arrested a local manufacturer of guns. Our operatives picked him up in his country home, Amurie Omanze, Isu local government area', Ajayi revealed. He said the firearm dealer, Mr. Jude Ikenga, is at present assisting them in investigations."
"'We need to know how long he has been in the illegal business. We need to know who his patrons and patronesses, if any, are.'" ... -------
Submitter's Comment's: Police State tactics and rhetoric in action... |
Canada: Man helping lead gun law challenge faces additional weapons charges
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Police have laid additional weapons charges against a man who actively sought arrest so that he could challenge Canada's gun laws in court."
"William Bruce Montague, 45, will face 23 additional firearm, explosive, and weapons charges when he appears in court Nov. 15. Police said they found a hidden room off the basement when they searched a home for a second time last month."
"Inside were more than 100 firearms, 25,000 rounds of ammunition, and a number of prohibited devices, including over-capacity magazines, silencers, and a modified crossbow, police said." ...
"Police said they also seized explosive-related materials, including electrical and non-electrical detonators, a detonator cord, and several manuals on making homemade explosives." ... -------
Submitter's Note: You mean he had books?!?!? Obviously a highly dangerous man! |
South Africa: Family feud leaves two dead, one critical
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A 38-year-old man shot dead his twin sister and critically wounded an older sister before turning the gun on himself, Pretoria police said on Thursday."
"The incident happened on Wednesday around 3pm in Dorandia, Pretoria North, after an argument erupted between the three siblings."
"'We are not sure what the argument was about at this stage,' said police spokesman Inspector Anton Breedt."
"Frans Hendrik Cronje, a pastor, was at his Dorandia home when his sisters, Sarie Dicks, 45, and Marie Els, 38, arrived."
"Breedt explained that during the argument Cronje drew his .38 Special and shot Els twice in the chest." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: Looks like there are some 'loopholes' in the Firearms Control Act! |
Jamaica: Politician killed - Four murdered one day after the launching of 'Operation Kingfish'
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"ONLY A day after the Government announced its new crime fighting initiative 'Operation Kingfish' marauding gunmen were at it again, killing four persons in the Corporate Area and Spanish Town, including a Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) councillor caretaker."
The violent incidents have pushed the number of persons murdered since the start of the year to 1,165."
"Two of the victims were slain during separate incidents in Spanish Town, St. Catherine, while the other two were killed in Olympic Gardens and Retirement Cresent, in the Corporate Area." ... -------
Submitter's Note: But guns are banned in Jamaica! How can there be 'marauding gunmen'? |
South Africa: Security guard and two suspects shot dead during cash heist
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A security guard and two suspected robbers were killed during a cash-in-transit robbery in Cato Ridge yesterday, while what appeared to be a planned cash-in-transit robbery on the North Coast was foiled when police killed two of the suspects."
"In both cases the modus operandi was similar. Suspects - numbering up to 15, high-end luxury vehicles and AK47 assault rifles were among the common finds in the two operations. However, police said they did not appear to be linked."
"In the first incident at Cato Ridge two suspects were shot dead and a security guard was killed during an attempted robbery of a Cash Paymasters Services' armoured vehicle that was on its way to carry out pension payouts in the area." ... -------
Submitter's Note: But I am confident that their guns were registered in the Central Firearms Registry, as required by the Firearms Control Act. |
The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)] |