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Newslinks for 10/22/2012

Madonna Denver stage stunt shows hypocrisy and worse on guns
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Back during the time when she had tried to reinvent herself as a pseudo-British aristocrat, replete with pretentious accent, she went gaga for pheasant hunting, going so far as to import 1,000 chicks for a hunting party on her estate. That is, until she banned it from her lands, because she developed a phobia that their souls would return to haunt her."

NJ: 44 TSA workers at Newark face firing or suspension
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Transportation Security Administration on Friday moved to fire 25 employees at Newark Liberty International Airport and suspend 19 others for what it said was improper screening of checked luggage, the latest in a series of problems at one of the country's busiest airports.
The alleged screening failures were uncovered late last year after surveillance cameras were installed in one of the airport's 25 screening rooms to check for possible thefts, the TSA said.
Eight employees were fired in June in the investigation. The latest action raises to 52 the number of TSA employees at Newark caught up in the investigation, making it the biggest single disciplinary action taken by the TSA at a U.S. airport.

MI: Ex-Detroit official arrested at Metro Airport after gun found in bag
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Anthony Adams, formerly a Detroit deputy major and school board president, was arrested Thursday afternoon at Detroit Metro Airport after a loaded gun was found in his carry-on bag at a security checkpoint.
Michael Conway, a spokesman for the airport, confirmed Adams was arrested and his .40 caliber handgun confiscated Thursday around 5 p.m. as he was going through McNamara Terminal airport security.
"He was very apologetic. He said he forgot it was in the bag. He and his wife were rushing to get on the plane," said Conway. ...
Conway said police took Adams for questioning and determined the gun was registered to him and he had a permit to carry it. They released him. He missed his flight but was able to fly later, he said.

CA: Bay Area Law Enforcement Agencies Test Drones
Submitted by: Anonymous

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They began as tools in military combat. Now aerial drones are being considered by Bay Area law enforcement agencies as a cost-cutting way to replace helicopters, and use technology to fight crime and save lives.
Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern first tested one of these Unmanned Aerial Systems or UAS about a year ago. Now he’s looking into possibly bringing a drone here. His office would be the first in California to do it. Armed with live-video-feeding capabilities and different features, like infrared devices, these drones can cost in the ballpark of 50- to 100-thousand dollars or more.

FL: "Judge Will Issue Subpoenas for Trayvon Martin's School Records and Social Media Accounts."
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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A defendant raising self-defense may introduce evidence regarding a victim's reputation for a particular character trait like violence to show that the defendant was not the initial aggressor, even if the defendant did not previously know about the victim's reputation.

Podcast Episode 65 - Women's Roundtable
Submitted by: Paul Lathrop

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The Politics and Guns Podcast episode 65 is available for download. In this episode Paul hosts a round-table discussion on women and guns. Among the guests for this round-table are Gila Hayes, Kathy Jackson, and Linda Farmer.

The discussions were varied and included what is different about the way that women come to firearms ownership versus the way men do. Also discussed was how restraining orders are largely ineffective yet still necessary, how the ladies feel about the proliferation of "pink guns" and if these guns were beneficial or harmful to the womens gun movement, what makes a good firearms trainer, and women and open carry.

Let’s fight fire with fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let’s start with New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, founder and main donor of “Mayors Against Illegal Guns.” This anti constitutional group recruits Mayors across the country to toe the line with national gun disarmament, so that the politicians stay in control, and the people succumb.

Sadly, targeting and buying off national Mayoral support is not enough for billionaire Bloomberg. Desperate to stay relevant and disarm the public, Bloomberg is now funding the newly formed political action committee called Independence USA that will recruit any candidate or politician across the Nation who will enact gun control laws, he calls “sensible,” that operate in direct violation of our rights to sell, buy, own and carry firearms.

CO: Jeff Foxworthy Hits Colorado to Talk up Team Romney
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"We're a heart attack away from losing the right to bear arms," Foxworthy said, discussing how the fate of sportsmen and the Second Amendment are separated by one vote within the Supreme Court.

A hot topic for the comedian was the nation's trillion dollar debt.

“It’s a disaster, it’s exactly the formula for what has happened to Greece and what’s happening to Spain right now, we cannot sustain this. We have to put people back to work, we have to get control of this national debt, and if we don’t our kids are not gonna know the same country that we knew," said Foxworthy.

MT: Election 2012: Justices likely to decide gun issues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We often hear that this election is the most important in years. But what makes this election so important? Well, for me, one major issue is that during the next four years the President may get to nominate four new Supreme Court justices.

The Second Amendment is currently hanging by a thread. With the present makeup of the Supreme Court there are five justices who believe that private citizens have the right to own firearms, and four liberal justices who don’t believe the Second Amendment is an individual right. If just one of the five conservative justices retires and President Barack Obama is President, the Second Amendment will cease to exist.

GA: Georgia gun group files Supreme Court appeal of ban on guns in ‘places of worship’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Georgia gun-rights group asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday to resolve differing decisions on whether states can ban firearms in places of worship. asked for a hearing before the high court on the basis that there is a split among lower courts: the Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that covers Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and the 11th U.S.Circuit Court of Appeals that includes Georgia, Florida and Alabama.

LA: Amendment 2 getting the most attention
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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He said that one concern is that the bill would transfer gun control out of the legislative branch of state government to the judicial branch.


Guillory said that while he is “leery” of the bill, he still considers himself a “gun man” who wouldn’t want to see a bill that could allow people to carry concealed weapons in places like college campuses.

“The way the law is set up now, we have protection,” Guillory said. “People can’t carry guns on campus, you can’t have them in a church, you can’t carry them in a bar room. These are places that you do not want to see guns. If we vote this down, the state law stays the same.”

VA: More than 30,000 registered machine guns in Virginia, highest total in nation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Virginia leads the nation in the number of legally owned machine guns that are fully automatic.


Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police executive director Dana Schrad says fully automatic machine guns are rarely used to commit crimes. She says the weapons also are less of a threat because authorities know who own them.

Breaking in a new defensive handgun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So, you got a shiny new pistol you plan on carrying or keeping around the house for self defense. Great! But, how do you know it will work when you need it to?

Over the years, I’ve answered many questions about how I break in a defensive handgun. It’s not a fancy process, but it is one that works. Essentially, it breaks down like this:

PA: Cab driver shoots at robber who pointed gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A cab driver fired a gun in self-defense at a man who robbed him early Sunday morning.

York City Police responded to a call at 3:17 a.m. at Mo Mo's Pizza & Wings, 1193 Loucks Road, for a report of a robbery, according to police.

OK: Officer believes education is key for open carry law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On November 1st, Oklahoma's new open carry law will take effect.

Bixby police's Michael Konshak has taken a special interest in the new law.

He said it's important officers and dispatchers are properly trained.

MD: Gunned Down Again: Our Gun Laws Aren’t Working
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No, the best way to begin the discussion of gun control is at a grass-roots level. The words “gun control” do not even have to be used—instead, we should focus on narrow but logical steps towards restricting the arsenal that mass murderers favor. One such restriction should be a ban on extended magazines.

The Original Intent of the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Literally all evidence from the founding fathers shows that there was a consensus as to what the original intent and the original meaning of the Second Amendment was. The Second Amendment was written to keep the power in the hands of the people.

Its intent was to ensure that every person was able to take up arms and join other people to fight off tyrants, invaders, or unjustified insurrections. Its meaning was that the government couldn’t infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms — no gun bans or restrictions on the people at large.

Australia: Need to beware of friendly fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We have to be vigilant about the threat posed by Muslims like him, but they're not the fundamentalists putting Americans most at risk.

The country's "gun fundamentalists" are a greater threat.

But, as we saw last week, the US can't handle the truth.

Neither Obama nor Romney likes talking about guns, and their responses to that woman who raised the issue of gun control were fascinating, not just because each showed himself to be contemptibly weak.

These are leaders? God help us.

PA: Time to get tough on straw purchasers of guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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IT'S NOT VERY HARD to buy a gun in Pennsylvania. As I was told recently on my first visit to a gun store, it takes about 15 minutes, including a "quick background check." It's that background check, though, that can be a problem for some folks - most notably those with a criminal record who are prohibited by law from purchasing or possessing firearms.

Obviously, many of these people find ways around these prohibitions - a common solution is to use a straw purchaser, finding someone with a clean record to purchase the firearms for them. This practice is illegal, and, in fact, on the paperwork required to purchase a gun, it is required that the buyer attest that he/she is not purchasing the weapon for someone else.

KS: Gun industry having heyday on Obama’s watch
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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President Obama has presided over a heyday for the gun industry despite predictions by the National Rifle Association four years ago that he would be the “most anti-gun president in American history.” Gun buyers fear that Obama wants to restrict their purchases, especially if he is re-elected.

An analysis by The Associated Press of data tracking the health of the gun industry shows that sales are on the rise, so much that some gun manufacturers can’t make enough guns fast enough.

OK: Oklahoma's open carry law takes effect Nov. 1
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As Oklahoma moves closer to becoming the 44th state to allow guns to be carried in open view, interest in firearms continues to grow.

"It just seems like this was one of the busiest summers we've had," said Don Roberts, a certified handgun instructor.

Roberts said since Senate Bill 1733 was signed by Gov. Mary Fallin in May, more people have enrolled in concealed carry classes.

Roberts said along with the new open carry law, recent high-profile crimes and the upcoming election have factored into the increased interest.

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