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Newslinks for 10/23/2006

Election 2006: What is means for your Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Election Day, 2006. What will our future hold in regards to our fundamental right under the Second Amendment to own and bear arms? Will our rights be stripped in the days following the election if the wrong kind of politicians gain power, or will our freedom to bear arms remain intact?

So far, the mass media is predicting a big win for the Democrats on election day. However, not all Democrats are liberals, not all of them are anti-gun either. For the most part the Democrat party is primarily moderate to extreme left wing and it is the factions of the far left gaining power that instills tremendous fear into my heart.

OH: Clerk, robber shot in robbery attempt
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Cleveland, Ohio. Convenience store clerk Murad Abdel Shahid, 20, survived a shoot-out with two robbers Thursday evening and put one of the hooded gunmen in the hospital.

Shahid returned fire as two assailants tried to rob the store at 6909 Clark Avenue about 9 a.m., officials said.

The second robber ran from the store as a woman called 911 to report the gunfire. The woman told dispatchers she had locked herself in the store's basement as she described what was going on upstairs.

Shahid was treated at MetroHealth Medical Center and released. The injured suspect remained hospitalized there Friday.

NV: Brady Campaign Endorses Congresswoman Shelley Berkley for Re-Election
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization, today announced its support for Representative Shelley Berkley (NV-1) for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.

VA: Local bounty hunters triumph in suit against Southwest Airlines
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Airline officials told the two Richmond bounty hunters it was OK to bring their weapons aboard in carryon luggage.
Then, they had the two arrested.
Now, an Arizona jury has told Southwest Airlines to pay Thomas Hudgins and Leroy DeVore a total of $9 million in damages.

The two asked Southwest to let its employees testify that they'd allowed them to carry their weapons on board, but Southwest refused.

Federal officials dropped criminal charges against them five months later, when Southwest would not allow its employees to be interviewed, Gerry said.

Submitter John Clark adds:
"Doesn't the Southwest ad say 'You are now free to move about the country'? Ha."

NY: Man, 18, killed in shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A security guard who shot and killed an 18-year-old man told police the man had pointed a gun at him Friday night outside a market on Rochester's east side, police said. The 40-year-old security guard was working at the Wilson Farms market at 969 Bay St. He told investigators that he was approached by two men in or near the store's parking lot about 11 p.m. Friday, Rochester police said. One of the men pointed a rifle or shotgun at him. The guard fired his weapon and struck Harris a number of times, according to police.

There's no such thing as a toy gun....Submitted In Disgust;
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"Below you will find a copy of the E-Mail sent to the author of an article posted on Keep and Bear Arms, (linked in the headline):"

"Mr. Doblin,"

"Do you have any idea what you are writing about? You are espousing the notion of even further usurpation on the Rights of American citizens. It is clear that you haven't the slightest concept of the whole basis our nation was founded upon...."

"The gibberish that you have spewed forth, can very well be likened to treason. You have the right to spout it, of course. However....."

FL: DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Men are often victims
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Domestic violence researchers have reported that in the majority of domestic violence cases it was the woman who initiated the violence.

Women also use weapons as the equalizer for their often smaller size.

Researchers reported that, contrary to popular belief, the majority of women were not just fighting back in self-defense but were the primary aggressors.

FABLE II: The Second Amendment to the Constitution does not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"If anyone entertained this notion in the period during which the Constitution and Bill of Rights were debated and ratified, it remains one of the most closely guarded secrets of the eighteenth century, for no known writing surviving from the period between 1787 and 1791 states such a thesis."

Anyone familiar with the principles upon which this country was founded and upon which it has operated for the last two centuries will recognize this claim's most glaring flaw: In America, rights, by definition, belong to individuals.

DE: School rampage is no cause to give up your self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The human trash that killed those schoolgirls picked them because he knew they were defenseless. In truth, he did not need a gun to kill them. A knife would have sufficed.

The writer states that the founding fathers did not intend this (school rampages) use of guns when they wrote the Second Amendment to the Constitution. He is correct. Our founding fathers intended their posterity to be nobody's subjects.

SC: New shot the best in patterning championships
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Looks like Hevi-13, the latest tungsten-alloy shot devised by Hevi-Shot, is the champion for tight shotgun patterns. But don't take my word for it. The stuff earned its bragging rights at the Oct. 6-7 World Wild Turkey Still Target Championships at the National Wild Turkey Federation headquarters in Edgefield, SC. Every division winner shot Hevi-13. Competitors shoot from a seated position at a turkey target 40 yards away. The competition is scored by the number of pellets in the 3-inch diameter red circle in the center of the target.

NY: Rockland County Patrolmen's Benevolent Association Supports Andrew Cuomo for NYS Attorney General
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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New York State Attorney General candidate Andrew Cuomo today earned the endorsement of the Rockland County Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (PBA)-- adding more than 600 officers to the steady flow of support from the vast majority of law enforcement organizations around the state, representing more than 100,000 public safety officers. The law enforcement group praised Cuomo's integrity and record of accomplishments working with law enforcement to protect public safety and to stem the tide of illegal guns flooding our streets.

Turkey: A bird's eye view
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But once again, he is taking the wrong approach to the problem. The correct approach would be to put strict controls on the possession of arms by all humans living in the United States. We chirped about this in many instances from this column. If strict gun controls are imposed, then simply it will be more difficult for humans in the United States to kill each other since they will not be able to easily purchase arms. We all know how strong the gun lobby is in the United States. It evokes the freedom to bear arms as its basic argument.

NY: .22 stymies citizenship
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A South Korean immigrant who arrived at a federal courthouse to become a U.S. citizen apparently took her right to bear arms a little too seriously.

Mal Soon Jin, 49, was arrested Wednesday after an X-ray machine at the courthouse revealed she was carrying an unloaded .22-caliber pistol in her handbag, authorities said.

More Guns Means Less Crime...Again
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The BJS and FBI reports are bad news for anti-gunners who mouth the “more guns, more crime” line whenever a gun control issue is being debated. Since 1991, the number of privately owned guns in the United States has risen by more than 70 million, to an all-time high.

Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Allowing trained teachers and school personnel to have weapons has worked effectively in Utah, Oregon and New Hampshire. By following their lead and allowing our teachers to have access to the tools and training they need, we will be further protecting our children from harm.

NJ: More gun control in Jersey City
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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The Jersey City City Council, at its Oct. 11 meeting, approved an ordinance prohibiting the sale or purchase of more than one handgun within a 30-day period. The ordinance was actually adopted in June, but changes were made to specify that the 30-day sale rule applied to both sellers and buyers, as well as law enforcement employees.

FABLE VIII: We should ban all firearms that have no legitimate, sporting purpose.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control activists pretend that there are such things as "illegitimate" and "legitimate" guns, then claim to be "reasonable" in wanting to outlaw only the former group--those that they, the national media and cynical politicians demonize as "assault weapons," "Saturday Night Specials" or "junk guns."

The pretense has an obvious flaw: Any firearm, regardless of type, size, caliber, cost or appearance, can be, and is most often by far, used for legitimate purposes.

PA: Amish practices spring from Bible literalism
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Amish take the Bible literally, especially Jesus' admonition, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). They also obey Paul's teaching to "live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves but leave it to the wrath of God. . . . No, if your enemy is hungry, feed him" (Romans 12:18-21).

Like Mennonites, their modernized cousins, the Amish apply such words not only to personal relations but civic and international affairs and thus refuse to bear arms. Most Christians disagree, yet respect such principled religious pacifism, and so has America's military draft law.

PA: Bill seeks to expedite victims' gun purchases
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A statehouse bill to speed up the process for issuing the victims of domestic violence a license to carry a concealed gun worries Twilah Shipley, the director of ACCESS-York.

"Domestic violence situations can be really dangerous and violent and can turn lethal and sometimes fatal," Shipley said. "The guns could possibly be used against the person trying to protect herself or himself and may actually increase the chance of a homicide."

The Armed Citizen - Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A collection of snippets from "The Armed Citizen" articles, originally from

Less guns, more TYRANNY
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Next, "The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting." The Second Amendment is the final check in our American system of checks and balances. (For victims of Outcome Based Education, the word "check" in this context is not something that comes from the government each month. It is something that citizens do to the government to stop the government from trampling upon our human rights.) The title of this commentary is an intentional spin of the title of Dr. John Lott's seminal study, More Guns, Less Crime.

The maintenance of the right to bear arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions. [State vs. Kerner, 181 N.C. 574, 107 S.E. 222, at 224 (1921)]

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