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Newslinks for 10/24/2005

We Will Not Remain Defenseless
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What were they thinking? Of course, I am referring to the illegal and wrongful seizure of firearms in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit."

"The National Guard and Police were supposed to be helping people get needed supplies like food and water, not confiscating firearms inside the personal household of victims."

"It is now known that police and National Guard soldiers went door to door disarming everyone including on one account, an elderly gray haired lady whose only defense was a small caliber handgun. This elderly lady depended on this handgun during the looting and raping that took place at this time. ..."

"San Francisco is now proposing Proposition H which would ban ALL handguns from the city. ..." ...

McNulty chosen by Bush for No. 2 Justice spot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Paul McNulty, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was chosen yesterday by President Bush as deputy attorney general, the second-highest job in the Department of Justice." ..

Submitter's Note: He's THIS McNulty: "The federal Violent Crime Impact Teams are led by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents."

"U.S. Attorney Paul J. McNulty said the bureau's technical resources will allow the new teams to focus on stopping the flow of guns to criminals here."

"He said gun shows, which he noted are held as often as every six to eight weeks, will be a particular focus of the teams."

"Richmond's efforts to seize illegal guns, *before they are used in crimes*, have so far this year netted 667 weapons..."

Brazil: Brazilian voters strongly reject gun ban
Submitted by: Terry Josiah

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"From sprawling cities plagued by violence to the backwaters of the Amazon, Brazilians voted decisively on Sunday to keep gun sales legal in the country with the world's highest death toll from firearms."

"About 64 percent rejected banning arms sales in the nationwide referendum, the electoral court said, with more than 90 percent of the expected 122 million votes counted."

Submitter's Note: That is a landslide. I wonder where the MSM is going to mention this story considering Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world both in land and population and elected a leftist, who was for the ban, to boot.

Brazil: As Brazil Votes to Ban Guns, NRA Joins the Fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On October 23 an estimated 122 million Brazilians will vote in a national referendum on whether to ban the sale of guns and ammunition to private citizens. ..." ...

"Around the world, gun makers and proponents of gun control are watching. 'If it passes, the referendum will show other countries that the gun lobby can be beaten,' says Rebecca Peters, director of the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), a UK-based global network of more than 500 nongovernmental organizations favoring gun control. 'If that happens,' Peters says, 'we believe campaigns will arise in other countries, in Latin America and elsewhere, for a moratorium or for serious restrictions on the proliferation of guns.'" ...

Submitter's Note: For anyone who wonders why we should care about Brazil, re-read Ms. Peters' words.

Employers' New Worry: Guns at Work
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Employers are grappling with an emerging liability issue that combines workplace safety and employee rights: guns in the workplace."

"A bill recently introduced in Florida would allow employees to bring handguns to work, as long as the guns remain locked inside their vehicles. With 10 sponsors, the proposal is gaining momentum and should be decided in the next legislative session, which begins in March 2006."

"Utah introduced a bill last term that would challenge employers' rights to restrict guns on their property. It is expected to reappear in the upcoming term in January." ...

LA: No Charges Against Hallsville Shooting Suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Harrison County Grand Jury decided Friday not to charge four suspects held in connection with a fatal shooting at a popular racetrack. Back in June, one person was killed and two other hospitalized when gunfire broke out at the Hallsville Dragway over what police call a "bad bet."

Henry Lee Thirkill Jr., 27, Toliver Thirkill, 26, Lenthon Charles Criner, 26, and Christopher Marlow Florence, 33, were all arrested for their roles in the incident.

Harrison County District Attorney Joe Black says the grand jury felt the men acted in self defense.

There are no plans to pursue any further charges. The case is considered closed.

MI: Mother says threats prompted shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Clarence W. Russell III knew one thing for sure Thursday: He wouldn't leave Saginaw High School alive, says the mother of the teen charged in a near-fatal school shooting."

"Ann Jamrog, 34, her son arraigned on an attempted murder charge Friday, said weeks of South Side gang members' escalating threats forced her son's showdown with 15-year-old Daniel Foster."

"Self-defense spurred Russell --a week shy of his 16th birthday --to fire a .380-caliber pistol into Foster's chest around noon in the school's southeast wing, said the Saginaw mother of four."

"'They had been harassing, harassing him, non-stop,' she said Friday outside Saginaw County District Court." ...

NY: How far can you go when your home is invaded?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"News coverage last week about a recent rash of home invasions on Long Island happened to coincide with our reading about a seminal legal case in my Crime and Punishment class at Adelphi University. It involves the case of Yoshi Hattori ... in Baton Rouge, La., in 1992." ...

"What does this case have to do with the home invasions? A jury, in accordance with Louisiana law at the time, found Peairs innocent of wrongdoing in the teenager's death under a principle called the Castle Doctrine. Accordingly, a defendant on his own property need only prove that he was feeling a reasonable sense of danger at the moment he pulled the trigger for a homicide to be deemed 'justifiable.'" ...

WI: Gun Can Save Your Life or Get You Sent to Prison
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"My 'attacker' was just 15 feet away, which, I have to admit, was bad news for him..." ...

"On the street, that kind of enthusiasm isn't something you want to explain to a jury. But in the safety of this basement shooting range Tuesday, it was the final step in my training to legally carry a concealed handgun - in Minnesota, at least." ...

"Simply unholstering your gun in a confrontation could cost you $10,000 in lawyer fees, German said - and that's in a state where carrying concealed handguns is allowed." ...

"'The fact you carry a spare tire in your car doesn't mean you're afraid you're going to get a flat,' he said. 'It's just that should that occur, you want to be prepared.'"

NY: When It's Your Animal House
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"WITH her husband and two sons out of town, what's a smart, sensible city woman to do if she finds a rabid raccoon in the garage of the family's weekend house?"

"Dial 911."

"It was the obvious solution, or so thought Marie-Claude Stockl after discovering a foaming-at-the-mouth visitor at her Ancramdale, N.Y., retreat. Ms. Stockl, a pharmaceutical executive from the Upper East Side of Manhattan, accustomed to resolving apartment issues with a single phone call to the doorman, assumed the police would rush to her rescue."

"Instead, the officer on duty expected her to exercise a little country self-sufficiency: 'Just shoot it!' When she explained that she didn't own a gun, the officer retorted impatiently, 'Then use your husband's gun!'" ...

UK: Alive: In a fix? Fight dirty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Your mum is being attacked,' screams a voice. 'Look, over there.' A slim woman in a business suit and stiletto heels throws her arm out as she tries to get past a man blocking her path. 'He’s pulled a knife on her.' The man towers over her, but ... she knees him in the groin and strikes his face."

"Had he not had a groin guard and punchbag to protect him, the man would have been left writhing on the floor in agony. Around the room 20 other men and women act out the same exercise." ...

"Leila, Scotland’s only qualified instructor ... has been inundated with inquiries in recent months, something he puts down to rising violence, particularly knife crime in Scotland’s cities, which is described by police as an epidemic." ...

The world won't be blown away
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's hard to imagine that The New York Times' editorial page could misconstrue an issue involving guns, seeing as how the writers of the Gray Lady's editorials are so open-minded about the Second Amendment. (That, dear readers, would be sarcasm.)" ...

"If a gun maker puts out a faulty product that ends up injuring or killing someone when used as intended, the gun maker should be sued. If due diligence isn't followed and a gun dealer sells a firearm to a person who is by law forbidden to possess one, the dealer and the buyer should be arrested. If the gun maker falsifies sales records or conspires with a firearms dealer to do so, they should be arrested and charged, with civil liability lawsuits to follow."

"Just as blood did not run in U.S. streets after the expiration of the assault weapons ban, society won't crater now that lawsuits can't be filed against gun makers and distributors for the misuse of their products in a crime."

Shield law for gun-makers is common sense
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress Thursday voted to deny gun-crime victims the right to sue gun manufacturers. The vote is sensible and aligns the House with the Senate, which passed the measure in July."

"President Bush was right when he said laws should punish criminals and not law-abiding gun-makers."

"The measure carries exceptions for cases involving defective weapons and criminal behavior." ...

Congress votes to shield gunmakers from lawsuits by crime victims
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress voted Thursday to sweep away the ability of gun crime victims to sue firearms manufacturers and dealers for damages, answering complaints by President Bush and the gun industry that big jury awards could lead to bankruptcy."

"Rep. Sherwood Boehlert has been a strong supporter of the measure for the past seven years, said Sam Marchio, Boehlert's press officer."

"'It's been the top legislative priority for Remington Arms,' Marchio stated. 'They employ 1,000 people.'"

"'If someone stole a car and hit a pedestrian, would they sue Chrysler?' Marchio asked. He said it didn't make sense."

"Marchio also stated that firearm manufacturers can still be held liable if their products malfunction." ...

Common sense and tort reform
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's a difficult problem. How do you stop frivolous lawsuits brought by gold-digging plaintiffs without tying the hands of people who have been genuinely wronged and deserve compensation?"

"Too many tort reform proposals throw the baby out with the bath water, but two bills passed last week by the U.S. House of Representatives make perfect sense. ... "One, dubbed the 'cheeseburger bill,' will prevent people from claiming in court that fast food restaurants made them get fat. The other, which doesn't have a catchy nickname, shields firearms manufacturers and dealers from liability when someone uses a gun to commit a crime." ...

Congress bill helps NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The gun liability bill that was passed by Congress this week was a political football that was passed around for years, but the outcome was inevitable."

Gun control advocates have been trying to blame every crime and murder committed with a gun on the manufacturers of guns. This, of course, is something that could never have happened."

"I'm not always on the side of the NRA, but in this case it's 100 percent in the right." ...

AL: Suits against gun industry a cry for federal intervention
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The gun lobby won a major victory in Congress last week when the House approved legislation to give the industry sweeping protection from liability suits."

"President Bush argued for the bill in simplistic terms: You prosecute the criminals who use the guns and not the companies that make them."

"That's surely reasonable, but it does nothing to address the issue of the nation being awash in guns and how easy it is to get them." ...

"Now that the firearms industry has the threat of lawsuits whisked away, surely it can be part of a solution that denies ownership or possession of guns to the wrong people." ...

MI: Delegation supports protection of gunmakers from lawsuits by crime victims
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Two Michigan Democrats joined the state's GOP delegation to push away the right of gun crime victims to sue firearms manufacturers and dealers for damages, responding to complaints that large jury awards could topple the industry."

"The delegation's nine Republicans were joined by Reps. John Dingell of Dearborn and Bart Stupak of Menominee in voting last week for the measure, which was approved by the Senate in July. President Bush is expected to sign the bill."

"'Holding GM accountable for car crashes involving Buicks makes about as much sense as holding a gun manufacturer responsible for the criminal misuse of a firearm,' said Rep. Dave Camp, R-Midland." ...

SD: Shield for gunmakers praised
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"With pheasant season in full swing, South Dakota's burgeoning gun industry applauds passage of federal legislation to shield gun manufacturers and dealers from lawsuits."

"So do gun enthusiasts such as Terry Steenholdt, 50, who has been hunting since he was old enough to carry a gun."

"Steenholdt, a Sioux Falls business owner, says lawsuits against gun manufacturers ultimately drive up the cost of guns for hunters and other law-abiding citizens. And guns are simply part of South Dakota's culture, he said." ...

NY: Ferrer and Bloomberg Spar Over Gun Manufacturer Bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"[NYC Mayoral candidate] Fernando Ferrer said yesterday that Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg should demand the return of $17,000 in campaign contributions he made to Republicans in Congress who supported a measure approved last week that shields firearms manufacturers and dealers from liability lawsuits."

"'Taking on the gun lobby is pretty hard when you're lining the pockets of legislators who are themselves in the pockets of the gun industry,' Mr. Ferrer said, citing the mayor's contributions to six members of Congress, including Representative Vito J. Fossella of Staten Island, who voted for the measure." ...

NY: NYC Policeman Convicted in Shooting of Unarmed African Immigrant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police officer who shot and killed an unarmed African immigrant after a warehouse chase has been convicted of criminally negligent homicide."

"Bryan Conroy stared straight ahead when state Supreme Court Justice Robert Straus announced the verdict yesterday in the slaying of Ousmane Zongo. Conroy faces up to four years in prison when he is sentenced December Second."

"The judge heard the ten-day retrial without a jury. He has the option of sentencing Conroy to probation. He acquitted Conroy of the more serious charge of second-degree manslaughter. That charge is punishable by up to 15 years in prison." ...

NV: New Policy Could Affect Gun Buyers
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The federal government is worried about how guns are sold in Nevada. So now the Sheriff's Association and the state are changing the process."

"The federal government says a lack of uniform policies in Nevada regarding background checks is a concern for them and could become a public safety issue. So starting Sunday, the process of buying a gun, for some, will change."

"A federal audit shows some Nevada sheriffs are not conducting yearly checks on concealed weapon's permit holders. As a result, the state is changing it's policy and now mandating permit holders, go through federal or Brady background checks when buying a new gun." ...

UK: A failure to account for the death of innocents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"LESLEY RIDDOCH argues that the decision not to prosecute the officers who shot Harry Stanley dead is typical of a system that is undermining public confidence in the police force by appearing to place its members above the law."

"HARRY Stanley was a Scotsman ...painter and decorator within sight of home."

"And suddenly he was a dead guy holding a table leg."

"In September 1999, Stanley was shot in the back of the head by two police officers who mistook the wrapped table leg for a sawn-off shotgun. One has since been promoted, both are still working. The Crown Prosecution Service revealed last week that neither will face criminal charges, because new evidence did not sufficiently question their claim of self-defence." ...

Canada: Feds target gun firms
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Canadian government is looking into ways to sue U.S. gun manufacturers for the spread of illegal weapons into this country, the Toronto Star reported yesterday."

"The action is just one part of a multi-faceted crackdown on gun crime due to be unveiled by the end of November."

"The package will follow months of unusual violence in Toronto. Of the 61 homicides so far in the city this year, 41 have involved firearms." ...

AK: In the crosshairs -- Annual event touts gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alaska's formidable gun culture is on full display this weekend during the Alaska Gun Collectors Association Fall 2005 Gun Show at the Alaska State Fairgrounds."

"Cowboy hats, holsters, hunting jackets and thousands of people - mostly men - carefully examined untold firearms and accessories. They came out for many different reasons, but bartering and deal-making was par for the day."

"Some people arrived looking for antique Civil-War era muzzle-loaders, or handguns for self defense. Others had an eye for hunting rifles, ammunition or scopes. Through it all, guns were the unmistakable focus." ...

DC: Gun Foes Fault Redskins Benefit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"To the folks at Redskins Park, the idea was simple enough: Send a few players to a shooting range and charge football fans to spend the afternoon with them blasting clay pigeons. Proceeds would benefit children. It would be like a celebrity golf tournament, except with shotguns."

"But the sponsor for the first Redskins Sporting Clays Challenge is NRA Sports, a division of the National Rifle Association, which recently started pushing Congress to repeal the District's gun laws."

"Five gun-control groups and anti-violence organizations are calling on Redskins owner Daniel M. Snyder to cancel the competition, which is scheduled for Tuesday at a skeet range in Prince George's County. ..." ...

MI: Club's Fun Pistol Shoot a blast for participants
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Taking aim at balloons and an alien, the Fenton Lakes Sportsman's Club hosted its first Fun Pistol Shoot of the season Saturday."

"'It's a lot of fun,' said Tom Hubbert, 14, of Holly, who enjoyed testing his skills against more experienced shooters. 'It's really different.'"

"For the fun shoot, each shooter is given six bullets and 20 seconds at each of four stations: cardboard bowling pins, six round targets the size of a salad plate, a swaying cutout of an alien head and the big agitator - seven balloons." ...

TX: New gun law favors residents, Farren says
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"For decades, Texans have been permitted to carry concealed firearms in their vehicles if they were traveling."

"But just what constituted 'traveling' largely was the call of law officers making traffic stops."

"Now, a new law spells out gun owners' legal defenses against prosecution for unlawfully carrying a weapon in their vehicle and describes when a gun owner is legally presumed to be traveling."

"But the new law doesn't necessarily protect a gun owner from arrest if an officer questions the person's basis for carrying a weapon in their vehicle." ...

VA: General Assembly could take aim at VT gun policy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Guns on campus could be the next big issue of the upcoming General Assembly session."

"Virginia Tech's policy bans all students, faculty and visitors from bringing a gun on campus. The Tech Police Department has a locker room where students can store guns. On any given day there are about 100 weapons checked in. Police say most of the guns are from hunters. 'In the end, we just don't think guns belong in classrooms or dormitories,' says university spokesman Larry Hincker. 'There's no other way you're going to have a safe campus.'"

"There is already a bill in the General Assembly that supports Tech's policy. ... [Salem Delegate Morgan Griffith] expects legislation opposing Tech's policy to be introduced this session."

OH: Pistol Team Captures The Buckeye Invitational
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Ohio State Pistol team captured the 7th Annual Buckeye Invitational, winning both the open and women's title. The Buckeyes posted an open team score of 6,237 with the U.S. Military Academy finishing second at 6,203 and Missouri State, third at 5,591. ..." ...

OK: Trap shoot draws largest attendance in history
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Animal projects, public speaking and citizenship are popular projects in the 4-H. However, a new project is gaining popularity. 4-H shooting sports began in Oklahoma about 15 years ago but really has grown in the last five years."

"This can be seen in the largest attendance of 4-H shooters ever to compete in a state 4-H trap shoot. No less than 214 shooters came from 26 counties to compete Oct. 15." ...

WV: Rifle Stays Unbeaten With 4668-4551 Win Over West Virginia
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Army's unbeaten rifle team (3-0) swept host West Virginia in both guns Saturday afternoon en rout to posting its highest season scores in air rifle and combined en route to a 4668-4551 Great America Rifle victory over the Mountaineers." ..

Brazil: 'I think we have the right to defend ourselves'
Submitted by: George Prudden

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"A nationwide antigun referendum has stirred many Brazilians to defend a right they feel they deserve, although it's not guaranteed by their Constitution: The right to bear arms."

Just weeks ago, antigun advocates thought they'd win easily when they proposed a nationwide referendum to ban the sale of firearms in Brazil, which kill nearly 40,000 people a year."

"But as some 122 million Brazilians prepare to vote Sunday, polls show a majority are likely to oppose the ban." ...

KABA Note: Guns don't "kill nearly 40,000 people a year", people kill them.

Brazil: Brazilians take positions on gun vote
Submitted by: George Prudden

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"Campaigning is nearing a climax ahead of an unprecedented national referendum on banning gun sales in Brazil - where one person is killed with a firearm every 15 minutes."

"Many landowners, who often live in remote areas out of the reach of law enforcement agencies, are fighting hard for a No vote. Opinion polls suggest the comfortable lead earlier allocated to the Yes vote has now been eroded." ...

Q&A: Brazil arms referendum
Submitted by: George Prudden

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"Brazilians are to hold a referendum on 23 October on whether to ban the sale of firearms and ammunition to civilians. The authorities say it is the world's first nationwide vote on guns, and that it could set a precedent for campaigns in other countries."

"The BBC News website looks at some of the key issues surrounding the referendum." ...

Belize: Man acquitted of M.C.C. shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"He's been bailed twice and tried three times, but today Mark Gardiner was acquitted of manslaughter charges by a jury in the Supreme Court. The four men, three women jury deliberated for a little over three hours, and came up seven to two for acquittal. Gardiner was accused of the shooting death of Gregory Batty on March fourteenth, 2003, at the M.C.C. Grounds in Belize City during a high school football game. Gardiner told police he was talking with a friend when Batty punched him in the eye and then six to nine young men jumped him and began beating him. Gardiner claimed he fired a shot at the ground, but denied shooting Batty who received a gunshot wound to his face which proved fatal. ..."

I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9

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