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Newslinks for 10/25/2004

Nonlethal weapons draw praise, caution
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Carl Kesser, 58, said he was shot in the head without provocation by an unidentified officer from 30 to 50 feet away while filming protests from the sidewalk. Kesser said he had to undergo three hours of surgery to remove the projectile, has permanent paralysis on the right side of his forehead, and cannot open his mouth fully."

"'I really don't understand why they're nonlethal,' he said in a telephone interview. 'They're definitely lethal. An inch to the left, and I would have lost my eye. An inch to the right, and I would have lost my ear. And an inch above, I would have been dead.'" ...

The Death of the Bill of Rights in America (Pravda)
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"The Bill of Rights is moribund in today's America because in the view of many powerful people it should never have been born." ...

"It is sanctified by words during the best of times, when it is not needed; It is ignored by deeds during the worst of times, when it is needed most; It is presented as the bedrock of American freedom; It is in reality as fragile as a pane of glass; It is praised when one requires its protections; It is scourged when one's foe demands those same protections; It is promoted as a vibrant, living document; It is dying a slow, but certain, death." ...

Submitter's Note: I am fighting pro se for the 2nd Amendment in the DC Circuit in DON HAMRICK v. PRESIDENT BUSH, et al, No. 04-5316, filed Sept. 9, 2004. The NRA refuses to help me because my case advocates open carry nationwide under the Common Defence clause of the Preamble to the Constitution. NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund would help!

Pay attention to your gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The stories are sad tales in the hunting world. Hunter goes out with a gun that's been sitting around the garage all spring and summer. Hunter doesn't clean gun. Hunter doesn't sight in gun to make sure it's accurate. Hunter doesn't practice. Hunter sees buck of a lifetime, aims, fires ... and misses badly."

"Or the gun jams. Or it misfires. Either way, the opportunity of a lifetime is wasted, all because he tried to take the easy way."

"'I hear those stories every day,' says Will Burke of Mark's Outdoors in Vestavia Hills. 'The gun hasn't been shot since last season and they just expect to go out and hit exactly where they hit last year ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: The same applies to your self-defense gun(s) too.

Terrorism Goes to Sea
Submitted by: Don Hamrick

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"Summary: The number of pirate attacks worldwide has tripled in the past decade, and new evidence suggests that piracy is becoming a key tactic of terrorist groups. In light of al Qaeda's professed aim of targeting weak links in the global economy, this new nexus is a serious threat: most of the world's oil and gas is shipped through pirate-infested waters."

Submitter's note: NRA could help fight pirates at sea: HAMRICK v. PRESIDENT BUSH, et al, DC Circuit, No. 04-5316. 2nd Amdt rights of American seamen.

Kerry and guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Michael Dukakis's Snoopy-like tank ride did nothing to burnish his defense credentials in 1988, other than to highlight his utter inadequacy on national-security issues. And photographs of John Kerry brandishing a double-barreled shotgun while emerging from an Ohio cornfield with a dead goose will not change his well-earned image as the leader of the most anti-gun rights presidential ticket in history." ...

NV: Dems court state’s pro-gun vote
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"John Cahill stood up at a meeting of state Democratic leaders in this small rural town a year ago to complain his party was ignoring the impact tens of thousands of Nevada gun owners could have on the 2004 election."

"'When is somebody going to do something about Democrats and guns?' asked Cahill, 58, a lifelong party member and former parole officer who teaches gun safety." ...

MA: McQuilken aims at Brown's gun stance
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While Sen. Scott Brown and his Democratic challenger Angus McQuilken are making conflicting claims about Brown's stance on gun control, the incumbent's voting record reveals the truth is buried in their messages."

"McQuilken in multiple debates said Brown 'has voted to give guns back to convicted criminals and domestic abusers' and snagged a perfect rating from the National Rifle Association." ...

IN: After 2 tries, Parra flees debate over stage fright
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"A case of stage fright sent Democrat Maria Parra off a TV stage Thursday, abruptly ending what would have been her only debate with Rep. Mark Souder, R-3rd" ...

"When Parra was given a minute to respond, instead she left her seat, saying, 'I can’t do this. I just can’t do this. I’m sorry.'" ...

"Parra said Souder was an embarrassment to northeast Indiana because of his sponsorship of legislation to end the gun ban in the District of Columbia..." ...

Submitter's Note: Just the qualities we want in a ruler-paranoia.

MI: Democrat Dudley Spade says he will be an independent voice in Lansing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Lenawee County, where the political spectrum and the majority of people tilt to the right, Democrat Dudley Spade is counting on crossover Republican voters to carry him to Lansing."

"It is there, as the next representative for the 57th District, that Spade says he will continue working on both sides of the aisle in his quest to remain an 'independent voice' in Lansing." ...

"Raised as a hunter on his family's farm, Spade is a strong proponent of Second Amendment rights, and received an 'A' rating from the National Rifle Association." ...

Kuwait: Campaign positions of Bush and Kerry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These are the positions of Republican U.S. President George W. Bush and his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, on some of the domestic issues in the 2004 presidential campaign:" ...


"Bush, backed by the powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby, opposes most limits on gun ownership and did not act to prevent the recent expiration of an assault weapons ban. Kerry, who says he is an avid hunter, supports some limits on gun ownership and measures that would hold gun makers liable for gun crimes." ...

India: Banks cautioned to check records of private guards
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police in the city have cautioned all banks and other monetary institutions to recheck the credentials and personal details of the private security guards employed by them to discourage a recurrence of recent incidents in which guards turned against the individuals or organisations they were meant to protect." ...

"More than 25,000 personnel of around 150 security agencies are working in the city. This substantial force is allowed to carry and use arms, which is what disturbs investigators the most."

"In the last two months, a number of high-profile robberies were reported in Karachi in which a total amount of more than 100 million rupees had been looted." ...

NJ: Fort Dix reservist charged with trying to lure boy on Internet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A high-ranking Army reservist was arrested at his Bernardsville home Friday and charged with arranging a sexual tryst with a juvenile through the Internet, authorities said."

"Lt. Col. Geoffrey E. Snyder of the 309th Army Reserve Battalion is accused of tapping into a chatroom targeted toward 12- and 14-year-olds and arranging to meet with a person he believed to be a 12-year-old boy."

"The boy, however, was an undercover detective with the Internet Crimes Unit of the Passaic County Sheriff's Department. Snyder was arrested days after he was supposed to meet the boy at a CVS store in Wayne on Monday." ...

Russia: 'Now they're taking our women'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just before sunrise one morning this month, a dozen armed men in camouflage uniforms and black masks burst into the house of Zalpa Mintayeva."

"'Do you have a man at home?' they shouted, according to Mintayeva's daughters."

"The men were all dead, Mintayeva answered."

"So, the intruders grabbed her instead, beating the daughters with their rifle butts and threatening to shoot anyone who interfered. They stuffed Mintayeva into a vehicle and sped away."

"For years, Russian troops have stormed into homes in Chechnya in the middle of the night to seize young men they say are separatist fighters. ... local residents and human rights investigators charge that Russian forces are now also abducting Chechen women from their homes." ...

New Zealand: One in five police behind in gun skills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police have admitted one in every five officers is not up to date with their firearms training."

"A Sunday Star-Times investigation on police firearms also shows many police have guns at the ready."

"Figures released under the Official Information Act show 306 officers require refresher Glock training and 302 police need to upskill in using rifles."

"Police management are concerned about the figures and are investigating how to get more staff in arms training on time. They would not reveal likely solutions, but said the board of commissioners was addressing the issue and it was likely police general instructions will be revised." ...

IN: Boy's return to school raises concerns
Submitted by: Bill Arevalo

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"South suburban school district administrators said they are concerned about how efforts to maintain safety and order in their schools may be affected by the outcome of a highly publicized Sauk Village Elementary District 168 expulsion case."

"The impending part-time return to school by a Sauk Village boy expelled seven months ago for bringing a loaded pellet gun to school has touched off an emotional response from parents and educators." ...

Submitter's Note: PLEASE email these individuals.
Mr. Ryan =
Mr. Paraday =

TX: Student suspended after gun found in car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tivy High School student was suspended Thursday and had his 12-gauge shotgun confiscated after it was spotted in the back seat of his vehicle on campus."

"According to school and police officials, School Resource Officer Arnold Harst spotted a gun case on the back seat of the Honda car during a routine parking lot check."

"A statement from the school said school administrators identified the parking permit holder and brought him out of class to the vehicle, where a shotgun was found in the case. There was no ammunition in the vehicle, and the gun was unloaded."

"Superintendent Dan Troxell said the student explained he had been bird hunting several days earlier and had forgotten the gun was in the car." ...

AK: Aiming at safety -- Sixth-graders learn about firearm safety and ethical hunting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sixth-graders Sheron Shramm and Raymond Webster, each carrying rifles, had to pass under a log Thursday in a simulation at the Juneau Gun Club."

"Hunting safety instructor Linda Coate asked them to talk about how they'd do it safely."

"'You have to give one of them a gun,' Sheron ventured, realizing that one hunter would have to hold both firearms while the other crawled under the log."

"'Should you ask them a question before you give them a gun?' Coate asked, prompting the students to remember to ask to see that the rifle was unloaded before passing it."

"'You have to get those firearms safely to your partner under the log,' Coate said. 'Watch for the direction of your muzzle all the time.'" ...

NH: Photo nonviolent, shows gun safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The juxtaposition of the National Rifle Association and the American Civil Liberties Union is a strange one, indeed. However, in these days following Columbine, schools have the right to censor material for and by students -- even capriciously -- for the protection of the students. They don't have to eliminate war photographs from textbooks to keep a photo of a student with a gun from being shown in a school-related publication. I don't believe that a First Amendment challenge will or ought to work."

"Nevertheless, the school board should reconsider. The picture is a representation of a student's honest endeavor, and shows commitment, resolve, and pride in accomplishment. ..." ...

WA: PDX car salesman guilty of girlfriend's murder
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An award-winning car salesman has been convicted of first-degree murder in the shooting death of his ex-girlfriend."

"Robert M. Hampton was convicted in Clark County Superior Court in the death of 26-year-old Heather Ann Young last March." ...

"The 31-year-old Hampton faces a minimum 25 years in prison when he is sentenced next month."

"A friend of Young's, Marilyn Nichols, had testified that Young was frightened of Hampton -- her boyfriend of eight years and father of her 6-year-old son."

"Young had filed for a restraining order against Hampton hours before she was shot."

"She was driving out of the parking lot of her grandmother's apartment complex when a man jumped on the hood of her car and fired six shots."

NE: Assaults Stir Interest In Self-Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recent attacks by two serial rapists have prompted many women to take action, signing up for self-defense classes."

"As police build their case against one man under arrest and search for another suspect, women are learning how to thwart all sorts of attacks, from ground fighting to blocking guns, in the YWCA class at 29th and Douglas. Anne Ladd learned how to deflect a knife. 'My daughter sent me an e-mail from work saying they were having this class and after she did that, I kind of felt like I couldn't say no. I thought you never know when something is going to happen to somebody.' So she decided to come along with her daughter Jessica and her sister Pat. They soon found themselves in the middle of a very physical lesson. 'It was, yeah. I'm kinda sore.'" ...

NJ: No indictment in burglar shooting (another report)
Submitted by: Tomahawk

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... "'The grand jury decision as it stands would tend to indicate that individuals are allowed to shoot people who steal things, which we believe sends the wrong message to the public and is contrary to the law,' prosecutor said."

"State law allows the use of deadly force in limited situations, including to protect one's home, but not to protect personal property." ...

Submitter's note: Grand jury says otherwise.

NY: Gunkeeper streamlines pistol permits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Rensselaer County Legislature has approved a new system of issuing pistol permits, which it describes as similar to a driver's license and more accurate and secure than the old system."

"Prior to the measure's passage on Oct. 12, pistol permits were issued on a paper card, to which a photo of the permit holder was attached. Any amendments or changes in condition to the license were written on the card."

"The new 'Gunkeeper' system is based on a plastic card that is issued to the permit-holder - a photo is embossed on the plastic card along with name, address, date of birth and other basic information. Conditions of the license's issuance are printed on the back along with a digital image of the holder's fingerprint." ...

MO: Shooting range opens Monday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Missouri Deparment of Conservation will dedicate the opening of the new Castor River Shooting Range at 10 a.m. Monday."

"John Hoskins, director of MDC, and state Rep. Rod Jetton (R-Marble Hill) will be joined by other community leaders to officially open the range after a brief ceremony. The range will be open to the public for sighting in immediately after the ceremony." ..

"The range has 12 rifle positions and two pistol ranges."

"'In our hunter education program we teach the importance of making a good shot,' said Dee Dee Dockins, MDC outdoor skills specialist. 'That can only happen with practice, and we are proud to provide local hunters with a facility to test their skills and prepare their equipment.'"

FL: Buyback's aim: Curbing gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chris Leggette knows better than most why guns are dangerous. The 37-year-old Miami man took three shots to the chest during a fight eight years ago. He has been in a wheelchair ever since."

"'Guns are deadly,' said Leggette, who didn't want his 15-year-old son to get a hold of his pistol. 'I should know.'"

"On Saturday, he decided to give up the piece he bought after being shot, in exchange for a $25 voucher to shop at Winn-Dixie, Publix or Burdines."

"The trade was part of an effort by Miami police to buy back guns -- no questions asked -- to curb gun violence. Leggette's .22-caliber Derringer ... was one of three handguns, two shotguns and one rifle the police bought back ..." ...

MD: Options for deer hunters expand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Jeremy Jones scored on a 6-point sika during a special hunt at Blackwater National Wildlife, he was like many other Maryland deer hunters. He already has venison in the freezer well before the traditional modern firearms season."

"That's not unusual these days, it has been several decades since the rifle and shotgun deer chasers who go afield the Saturday after Thanksgiving have hogged the show. In the past decade, thanks to the Department Natural Resource's liberalization of bow and muzzleloader hunts, those with arrows and MLs now take almost as many deer each year as do modern firearms nimrods - and often before the firearms hunt opens. Within the next several years, they might overtake the firearms clan." ...

NY: Pair of Simon Bolivar pistols up for auction at Christies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Christies of New York has announced that it will auction 2 pistols belonging to South American Independence hero and founder of several Republics, Simon Bolivar."

"The auction will take place on November 17 and the opening price has been set as $800,000. A Christies spokesperson says the pistols are part of a sale of Latin American art ... 'Bolivar bought the pistols in Paris (France) around 1805 and used them in several Independence wars.'"

"According to Christies, it was Bolivar's great love Manuela Saenz that gave the pistols as a gift to Englishman Ricardo Illingworth the year Simon Bolivar died in 1830."

"The pistols have a little plaque engraved with two hearts intertwined." ...

NY: Gunman wounds Flatbush teenager
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Brooklyn teen was shot in the arm by a man who opened fire on a crowded Flatbush street last night, police said."

"The 13-year-old, identified by police sources as Jareh Gadsby, was shopping with his mother near Nostrand Avenue and Albemarle Road when an outburst of shots were fired at 6:20 p.m., cops said."

"Gadsby was hit and the alleged shooter, John Windley, 25, ran off as cops arrived. It was not clear at whom the shooter was aiming."

"Detectives Michael Crick and Devon Freed quickly spotted Windley, who made a futile attempt to avoid capture."

"The detectives from the 67th Precinct caught up to him about a block away on Tilden Avenue." ...

Submitter's Comment: But guns are banned in New York City!

Ireland: Isolated and afraid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GARDAÍ investigating the killing of a Traveller on a farm in Cross have dismissed as 'ludicrous' some of the reports that have appeared in the national press relating to the incident."

"The Gardaí are remaining tight-lipped about the exact circumstances surrounding the killing of 43-year-old John 'Frog' Ward last Thursday on the farm of Padraig Nally, Funshinnagh, Cross. However, it is widely believed that Mr Ward, a member of the Travelling community, was attempting to rob Mr Nally when he was confronted by the 60-year-old bachelor. An altercation appears to have occurred during which Mr Ward was shot and killed." ...

Canada: Registry faces cuts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The troubled federal gun registry could face further cuts under the government's $12 billion expenditure review exercise this autumn. The program was fettered in May when the Liberals capped the registry's annual operating stipend at $25 million in a pre-election announcement just before the writ was dropped." ...

"And a senior government official said the gun registry will almost certainly be open to negotiation this fall."

"The program will be 'tough to defend because no one can say it hasn't been botched,' said the official. It could survive, 'but has to be changed.'" [emphasis added] ...

Iraq: [Disarmed] Iraqi Soldiers Found Executed
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"In one of their boldest and most brutal attacks yet, insurgents waylaid three minibuses carrying U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers heading home on leave and massacred about 50 of them -- many of them shot in the head execution-style, officials said Sunday."

"The killing of so many Iraqi soldiers -- unarmed and in civilian clothes -- in such an apparently sure-footed operation reinforced American and Iraqi suspicions that the country's security services have been infiltrated by insurgents." ...

"'In the future we will try to be more careful...We will provide them with protected cars that can escort them home.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Why not just let them be armed?

Zimbabwe: Suspected robbers arrested
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE suspected robbers, implicated in a recent raid on a police base in Mashava where they allegedly assaulted a police officer on duty and stole some property including police uniforms and handcuffs, have been arrested and indicted." ...

"Charges against Chagwesha, Chitete and Mapamba are that on 9 October this year they allegedly ... assaulted Constable Mlambo, who was on duty, after making him believe that they wanted to make a report about a lost driver’s licence."

"The trio are alleged to have produced a pistol when they got into the charge office and demanded Constable Mlambo’s service gun and later looted property, including police uniforms, a two-way communication radio, handcuffs and other items." ...

Submitter's Note: The police regularly confiscate guns, telling owners to rely on the police for protection, yet they are unable to protect themselves.

UK: 'People must be given the right to defend themselves in their own homes'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sunday Telegraph today launches a campaign for the law to be changed to give householders the right to use whatever force is necessary against intruders."

"Our initiative follows last week's fatal stabbing of Robert Symons, a schoolteacher, who disturbed a burglar at his family home in Chiswick, west London." ...

"The law permits the use of 'reasonable force' as a method of self-defence against intruders. What 'reasonable force' constitutes, however, is difficult to define, leaving vulnerable people unsure of what force they can use to protect themselves and their homes. The Home Office, admitted to this newspaper last week: 'There is no definition of what is 'reasonable force'.'" ...

Georgia: Guns Found at Concert Attended by Georgian, Armenian Presidents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Georgian Security Ministry officials found a sniper rifle and a Kalashnikov assault rifle late on October 23 in the concert hall in downtown Tbilisi, one hour prior to the show, which was later attended by the Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and his visiting Armenian counterpart Robert Kocharian.

Security Ministry officials say that the investigation in ongoing and decline to comment who is the owner of the guns.

South Africa: Third arrest in mall shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A third man has been arrested following a cash-in-transit heist in which a security guard was killed at Killarney Mall in Johannesburg on Friday, police said." ...

"Five men overpowered a Coin Security Guards security officer as he was on his way to his van after collecting money at the shopping centre on Friday around 2pm."

"The guard, 29, was hit in an exchange of fire and died shortly afterwards." ...

"The men were tracked to Hillcrest flats in Killarney, where two of them were arrested a few hours later. Police also recovered the cash box and confiscated an AK-47 assault rife and two 9mm pistols. It was not known how much money the cash box contained." ...

Submitter's Note: But I am certain that their guns were registered in accordance with the Firearms Control Act! (/sarcasm)

Australia: Man shot in chest with air rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A MAN was shot in the chest with an air rifle while walking along a suburban road in central-western NSW today.

The 44-year-old was walking along Whylandra Street, Dubbo, about 1am (AEST) when he heard a whistling noise and felt a sharp pain in his chest.

After seeking help from a local resident, the man was taken to Dubbo Base Hospital where a lead air rifle pellet was removed from his chest.

He has since been released.

The occupants of one house in the street also reported hearing a number of objects hitting their roof.

Dubbo detectives are urging anyone who might have seen or heard anything suspicious in the area to contact police.

UK: Knives: the older man's new choice of weapon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Rennie, a 60-year-old cafe worker with angina, chronic back pain and diabetes, prided himself on being a slow and careful driver. When his erratic braking on the streets of Carlisle led to an angry confrontation with another driver, former rugby player Jamie Hughes, 30, Rennie was certain that it would only be a matter of time before he was attacked."

"Grabbing the knife he always kept in his car, Rennie pulled over and got out. When Hughes stopped his car, Rennie walked over and plunged the four-inch blade into the younger man's heart." ...

"The case comes at a time when police forces across the country are experiencing a dramatic increase in knife crime. Government figures show that offences involving the possession of offensive weapons, the vast majority of which are knives, have risen by 36 per cent since 1999. Murders involving sharp instruments rose from 200 in 1997 to 272 in 2003." ...

The whole of the Bill of Rights is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of. — Albert Gallatin of the New York Historical Society, October 7, 1789.

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