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Newslinks for 10/26/2004

Bush 2004
Submitted by: Vladimir Kushnir

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"In January of 2004 I wrote the article For Bush or Not for Bush – that's the question'. Since then I've continued to do my homework and reading all I can about issues of war in Iraq, Bush and Kerry and I've changed my mind. I am going to vote for George W. Bush. Why?" ...

"Yes, Bush has supported (in words) the extension of 'Assault Weapon Ban', and did not move a finger to encourage members of Congress to extend it. This infuriated both sides of the issue, and this was a miscalculation. However, it worked – AWB expired, RIP."

"During Bush administration no new gun control laws passed, great."

"Bush administration rejected any attempts of U.N. to enforce any U.N. gun control schemes on U.S." ...

SD: Protect the right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As I write this letter it is just a couple of weeks to election day. The purpose of my letter is to let everyone know who uses firearms for whatever reason, hunting, target shooting, or just collecting, our rights to continue using firearms are potentially in severe jeopardy. It just doesn't seem possible or likely that in the United States of America the long-standing protection of the second amendment could be negated by those who oppose any and all legal use of firearms."

"Unfortunately it is not out of the realm of possibility to lose legal use of firearms in the USA. There are those people in congress and in Hollywood and many others who distort the meaning of the Second Amendment to the Constitution ..." ...

TN: Americans Need To Do Their Own Investigating [letter]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this time of election craziness it's easy for us all to become brainwashed into believing complex issues are simple and easily explained in 20 second news bites."

"Election rhetoric only perpetuates this ignorance such as 'Kerry is flip-flopping' on guns. There is more to it than that: He's FOR guns to hunt deer and ducks and our right to bear arms. He's AGAINST folks having assault weapons like Ak-47s. (You know, the stuff armies and terrorist use?)"

"I cannot fathom why President Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to expire. Is it because hunters need AK-47s? Do you really need to take out a deer with a semi-automatic machine gun?"

"Issues just aren't black and white. ..." ...

PA: Sportsmen and the 2004 election: Guns or the environment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the 2004 presidential election less than two weeks away, the millions of Americans who hunt and fish are debating two choices -- guns or the environment."

"'For sportsmen, it is guns and the environment,' said Adam Kolton, legislative director of the National Wildlife Fund. 'I don’t think a lot of people realize what role sportsmen have had in preserving the environment.'"

"Kolton joined two other panelists for a Friday discussion during the annual Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Pittsburgh."

"A recent survey of hunters and anglers for the NWF backed up Kolton’s claims: sportsmen focus on both guns and green issues before they vote. ..." ...

MA: Death of a Red Sox Fan Leads to Stricter Rules
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the wake of the death of a Red Sox fan hit by a police pepper-spray weapon after the team's playoff victory, Boston officials are imposing restrictions on the bars around Fenway Park and are considering discontinuing use of the pepper-spray gun." ...

MA: Witnesses Cite Angry Fenway Cops (An alternate view of the Victoria Snelgrove incident)
Submitted by: Chris Campbell

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"A thorough review of witness statements from the night of Victoria Snelgrove's murder at Fenway Park indicates that cops reacted with vengeful rage when a horse was started by a thrown bottle or can."

"I have reviewed many witness statements and reviewed video coverage from the events of late Wednesday night. It is clear that this is what happened when Victoria Snelgrove was murdered:" ...

"Victoria and her group of friends were standing across the street from the wall, on the sidewalk (out of the way of the police, or so it was thought), when someone threw a can or bottle in the air (more exuberant celebration) and when it landed, it startled a horse with a police mounted atop. The cop standing next to this horse immediately swiveled in the direction he thought the bottle had come from and fired off several rounds at head level at the crowd, without any warning at all." ...

MD: Cops to druggies; give us a gun and you can walk
Submitted by: treefroggy

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"Two police officers dropped the handcuffed man on the brick steps before Sheila Harding's front door, she says."

"From his knees, 23-year-old Richard William Rogers Jr. pleaded to the woman who helped raise him. 'They're locking me up,' he remembers saying. 'But if you give them a gun, they'll let me go.'"

"It was a startling proposition, Harding says: Trade a gun to avoid a criminal charge."

"Interviews and court documents reveal this is a common deal offered by Baltimore police to the suspects they arrest, usually in minor drug cases. It's so typical that one lieutenant recently declared it a regular procedure within the Police Department's Southern District. And some officers developed forms to complete when conducting such exchanges."

"'That's kidnapping and holding for ransom,' says Harding, a 59-year-old South Baltimore resident. 'And because they have a badge and a gun, they're allowed to get away with it.'" ...

WA: Sheriff's sergeant shoots, leaves wounded dog for dead
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Skamania County sheriff's sergeant tried to put an injured dog out of its misery by shooting it with a pellet gun, then dumped the wounded animal in an elementary school trash bin."

"An employee of Skamania County Sanitary Service found Skinny, a 5-year-old mixed-breed, when he came to collect the garbage the next morning, Oct. 18."

"He notified school officials, who called the sheriff's office. Eventually, the dog was taken to an animal shelter and euthanized."

"But the incident has caused a stir in the county."

"'There was no doubt in my mind that the dog was dead,' Sgt. Brett Robison told The Columbian newspaper of Vancouver. 'I have been a dog owner myself, and I don't like putting animals to sleep.'" ...

Thailand: Six killed as army crushes rioters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Security forces fired shots in the air and used water cannons and tear gas to disperse about 2,000 angry Muslim youths rioting in Thailand's troubled south, leaving at least six people dead and dozens injured, officials and local media said." ...

"After about six hours the rioters were subdued, and television footage showed authorities forcing the men among them to remove their shirts and lie face down on a nearby beach, some with their bodies half submerged in the sea."

Police and military personnel kicked, pummeled and in some cases smashed rifle butts into young men as they were forced to slither bare-chested across a road on their bellies to trucks which took them away to an army base." ...

India: Criminals overpower cops, 'rescue' friend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One constable was shot and another was hit on the head with a rifle butt, when unidentified armed men rescued a notorious criminal in their custody. The desperadoes also escaped with the rifles of the two policemen."

"The incident occurred on a UP roadways bus, about 6 pm on Monday, in the Dadri police station area. According to Ghaziabad police chief, JN Singh, Constables Rohtas and Raj Kumar ... had brought Sunder Jat to Delhi's Tis Hazari courts in connection with a robbery he had allegedly committed in Delhi. ..." ...

Submitter's Comment: In a country where the disarmed citizens are required to depend on police for protection, it is sad to see that the police are unable even to protect themselves.

Netherlands: Policeman suspended for assaulting Moroccans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dutch court has suspended a policeman from his job for three years for pushing two Moroccans off their scooter last year. One of the two was seriously injured in the incident which sparked a riot."

"Den Bosch court also imposed a 120-hour work on the officer who admitted writing up a false report about the incident."

"The court convicted the 41-year-old man, J. den O., of grievous assault and perjury. The sentence was higher than the public prosecutor's demand because the court ruled that more stringent demands of good conduct could be expected of a police officer compared with normal citizens."

Submitter's Comment: Kudos to the court for recognizing that with greater authority comes greater responsibility.

Indonesia: Trigger happy officer suspended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the detention of the Tanah Abang Police deputy chief, Adj. Comr. Paidi, for his shooting of a motorcyclist, the Jakarta Police announced on Monday that the officer had been suspended."

"'After a number of hours of questioning the suspect and several witnesses, we concluded that he had violated police procedures in firing the warning shots. We believe he fired into the crowd instead of the air,' city police internal affairs chief Sr. Comr. Irawan Dahlan said."

"Dahlan added that after completing the questioning, internal affairs had sent Paidi to the city police's general crimes directorate to question him as a civilian."

"'The police will charge him with causing serious injury to another person,' he said." ...

Russia: Drunk Policeman Shoots Woman, Wounds Two
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An intoxicated policeman shot a woman dead and wounded two other persons near Moscow."

"The police sergeant, Ivan Glushenkov, did not turn in his weapon after his service on Sunday. Later the same day, an unidentified man in police uniform was shooting at people with a pistol, Interfax news agency reported."

"The prosecution of the town of Naro-Fominsk near Moscow instigated criminal proceedings against Glushenkov who was later detained."

"On Friday, a drunk police officer opened fire at a Moscow airport Vnukovo at federal security personnel. He was immediately detained."

"News of police violence — including beatings, shootings, and killings — is frequent in Moscow. ..."

Democratic Republic of Congo: Mass rape - time for remedies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Below are facts gathered from the report Mass rape - time for remedies. The report is based on interviews and research conducted by Amnesty International (AI) in the Eastern DRC in 2004. ..." ...

"In the course of the armed conflict in eastern DRC, tens of thousands of women and girls have been victims of systematic rape and sexual assault committed by combatant forces."

"In conversation with AI delegates, experienced UN and international humanitarian NGO staff were unanimous that they had never come across as many victims of rape in a conflict situation as they had in DRC. ..."

"All the armed forces involved in the DRC conflict have committed rape and sexual violence, including government armed forces of DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda." ...

ME: Let's party, it's hunting season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I don't usually have much to say about hunting, and when I have time, I hunt as well. But last year something happened that made me frightful of some of these hunters. I overheard a bunch of hunters talking. (okay, maybe I was eavesdropping, but you can't help it when they are talking and bellowing out laughing and trading stories loudly during the breakfast hour in a tiny diner) and what I heard scared the daylights out of me. It made me go on a quest to find out just how many other hunters actually do the things that I heard this group saying that they had done and do. And what I have found out makes me want to make sure I am not in the same woods as some of these rifle-toting people. So what it is this subject about? It is about hunting and alcohol consumption. These are not two subjects that belong in the same line together. Wouldn't you agree?" ...

MD: Maryland bear hunt starts with a small kill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland's first bear hunt in 51 years started Monday with a small one: an 84-pound female less than 1 year old."

"State wildlife managers said the animal's size proved that the hunt isn't about trophies. An animal-protection advocate said it only illustrated hunters' blood lust."

"By early afternoon, hunters had registered five black bears at Department of Natural Resources checking stations. The hunt in far western Maryland is scheduled to last six days but it will end after 30 have been taken."

"The first kill was claimed by David Ciekot, ... he downed the bear just after dawn with a 40-yard rifle shot through the lungs from his tree stand on private property near Friendsville in Garrett County." ...

UT: Utahns, deer show up for first day of hunting season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For Cody Pyne of Spanish Fork, Saturday's hunting trip was the first and last of the season - he bagged his deer before 2 p.m."

"It was a similar story for many Utah residents as they headed into the mountains for the first day of deer hunting season."

"Pyne, who goes out every year on opening day, said Saturday was a good day for the hunt. He saw about 50 deer throughout the day. And where there were deer, there were hunters."

"'We saw about eight people on the hillside we were hunting on,' Pyne said."

"Craig Clyde, wildlife biologist for the central region of the Department of Wildlife Resources, agreed there were more deer than usual. ..." ...

OH: Akron Rifle Topped By Navy Marksmen In Home Opener
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The University of Akron rifle team came up short against the Naval Academy Saturday, Oct. 16, taking second and third place in the home opener at Shrenk Hall South."

"Akron, fielding both gold and blue squads, took second and third place as the Midshipmen, one of the top teams in the nation, took top honors with a team tally of 4,651 (2,313 sb/2,338 ar) The `Gold' team took second place with a score of 4,553 (2,273 sb/2,280 ar) while the `Blue' squad was third with a 4,493 (2,194 sb/2,299 ar)"

"Laura Kuntz (Columbiana, Ohio/South Range HS) fired a 60-shot school-record score of 586 in the air rifle. She led the Zips in that discipline for the match." ...

IA: Youth Hunters Score During Iowa Deer Hunts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Youth hunting seasons have taken hold in Iowa. Usually preceding the 'regular' season, the youth seasons allow kids the fun of the hunt, without the pressure of keeping up with the adults, or fighting lousy weather. Not every kid gets his deer, ducks or pheasants."

"However, the chance to get outdoors and get a little extra mentoring is priceless."

"Running September 18 to October 3, the youth deer season allows kids 12 to 16 the chance to use bow, shotgun or muzzleloader to bag a buck...or a doe. Though still wary of humans, deer are a bit more predictable, a month ahead of their loopy pre-rut or peak of rut wanderings. ..." ...

MN: Shooters will get less kick from new ammo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hunters sick of sore shoulders might find relief in Federal Cartridge's new low-recoil rounds, which were introduced to stores a few weeks ago just in time for deer season."

"Anoka-based Federal Cartridge designed the bullets to reduce less rifle recoil. The product is expected to be a hit with female, young or new hunters who often get turned off by the kick of a fired rifle, Federal spokesman Jason Nash said."

"Low-recoil rounds are standard lead bullets with copper jackets, but they are made with a lower gunpowder charge than a traditional bullet. The rounds, which sell at a suggested price of $17 for a box of 20, still maintain a high degree of accuracy, allowing a hunter to hit a deer 200 yards away, Nash said ..." ...

CO: Roy and Elaine Johnson know a thing or two about hunting season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roy Johnson has been hunting for the past 61 years. His wife, Elaine, has been hunting since the couple got hitched in 1953 while at Western State College."

"Over the years, hunting has provided an abundance of memories and meat for the Johnsons and their family, and now they're passing on their hunting traditions to their grandkids."

"Roy Johnson, 73, grew up in Montrose and first went hunting with his dad when he was 12."

"'Dad got a deer in Spring Creek Canyon when I was 12 and then we had to pack it out,' he said. 'That last little bit up to the car was really hard. It's a wonder that didn't turn me off of hunting for life. I haven't missed a year since.'" ...

VA: The Truth About Guns, Part 3
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since taking our handgun safety class and qualifying for concealed-carry permits, we have had several opportunities to talk with people about guns... not formal presentations; just shooting the breeze, so to speak. In our last article (The Truth About Guns, Part 2), we speculated about the deep seated-fears many harbor about guns. In this column we're going to talk about the response from a few "ordinary people" who aren't necessarily pro- or anti-gun, they just don't think about the subject much. As a result, they tend to rely on an un-examined belief that's invariably associated with guns. It's seldom directly articulated but you can hear it implied in their tone of voice when they say 'Oh, you like guns' as though they were saying, 'Oh, you eat babies for lunch.'" ...

America's Most Wanted: Georgia Escapee Caught
Submitted by: Bill Arevalo

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"Joseph Lee was looking at a twelve year stretch in Georgia's Montgomery State Prison. He was in for an armed robbery he'd pulled as a 19-year-old. But corrections officials say Lee only didn't stick around; it's a move he may come to regret. Because after a four-day bid for freedom, police say Lee could be facing some new charges and some time."

"On Saturday night October 9, corrections officials say Lee and three other men broke out of Georgia's Montgomery State Prison; they stole a white Jeep Cherokee in Cobb County, Ga and ultimately drove it all the way to Oklahoma."

"Unfortunately for Lee, there were some speed bumps along the road. Police say the men's trouble began in Birmingham, Ala on October 11, 2004 -- there, the quartet met the business end of a homeowner's gun during an attempted burglary. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: armed self defense works.

MO: Smash and grab gun robbery [second article on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Thieves took five rifles and 15 handguns early Saturday after using a stolen vehicle to crash through the front door of the High Caliber Indoor Shooting Range and Training Center at 4075 West Outer Road near Arnold, says an owner of the business.

Derrick Good, 30, said the burglars struck about 3 a.m. when no one was in the building. He said the thieves also had taken several knives. The stolen vehicle used in the crime was found abandoned about one-half mile down the road.

Submitter's Note: But I thought BGs bought guns at gun shows!

MD: St. Mary's Sheriff's Office To Give Away Gun Locks on Oct 30
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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On Saturday October 30, 2004 from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, the St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office will be hosting a CRIME PREVENTION display at the Wal-Mart store on Route 235, California, St. Mary's County, Maryland. Along with crime prevention pamphlets and other materials, personal GUN LOCKS for home use will be given away to gun owners. Only one per family.

WA: NRA instructors take aim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bob Birney placed his elbows on the table, clasped both hands around the grip of his semiautomatic .22-caliber pistol and fired." ...

"After a total 11 shots, Birney was right on target, the bullet perfectly piercing the center ring."

"'You're going to need a new target,' Cammer advised. The range at the Rattlesnake Mountain Shooting Facility then went 'cold' ... while Birney went out to retrieve his target and post a new one."

"The exercise Sunday was just one of the qualifications for Birney to become a NRA certified instructor. The session at the shooting range near Benton City was actually the completion of a 20-hour course in rifle instruction, but allowed Birney some time to hone his skills in other disciplines." ...

UK: Farmer who shot burglar backed by judge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 73-year-old farmer who shot a burglar after being broken into three times "could not be criticised" for the way he defended his property, a judge said yesterday."

"The case, less than a week after the alleged murder of a 45-year-old west London teacher by a burglar, seems certain to revive debate about how much force home owners can use to defend themselves and their property."

"Judge Andrew Hamilton, sentencing the burglar to seven years in jail for a string of similar crimes, said it was 'a pity' that prosecutors had even thought of bringing charges of assault against the farmer, Kenneth Faulkner." ...

UK: Blair Pledges Action on Violent Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tony Blair tonight pledged to do more to combat crime, particularly violence involving drink, guns and knives."

"The Prime Minister said falling numbers of offences means people now have the lowest chance of becoming a victim in over 20 years."

"But writing in the Daily Mirror, Mr Blair said: 'Crime and the fear of crime still cast a shadow over far too many lives and communities.'"

"The article comes after official figures last week showed an 11% leap in violent crime despite an overall drop in recorded offences."

"The PM said he and his ministers are 'listening to concerns and acting'."

"'The whole Government are determined to do more to put the law-abiding majority back in charge of communities,' he said." ...

UK: Gun attack family escapes injury
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man has been arrested after a gun attack on a house in County Down."

"Two shotgun blasts were fired at the property in Kilkeel, smashing through the living room window, at about 0230 BST on Monday, police said."

"A husband and wife and their one-month-old baby were all in another part of the house in Stream Park, off the Greencastle Road, when the attack took place."

"The baby was being fed in the living room just minutes earlier."

"The walls were sprayed with pellet marks, and broken glass was spread across the room."

"A number of guns were seized by police in a follow-up operation, and a man was arrested."

"Army experts have been examining the weapons and police are continuing to investigate the attack." ...

UK: Gunmen hijack security truck
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gunmen ambushed a security truck carrying thousands of pounds of cash and then sped off in it - with one of the guards still inside."

"A second security guard was snatched off the street by the hijackers and bundled at gunpoint into the back of the thieves' own van. The masked gang swooped as the two guards, who work for Securicor, called at the Somerfield supermarket, in Grove Lane, Handsworth."

"Three men forced the terrified guard into a white Ford Transit van, while an accomplice drove off with the security truck with the other guard inside."

"The Securicor van was driven to Woodstock Road, Handsworth, where the armed raider threatened the guard with a pistol and ordered him to open the vault, containing thousands in cash. ..." ...

Canada: Small gun big scare -- Cops issue grave warning after resident sees pellet gun being brandished on residential street
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 31-year-old woman was arrested last week after allegedly brandishing a pellet gun on Lacombe streets."

"Lacombe police received a 911 call on Oct. 20 after a resident saw a woman with a handgun on 50th Street near the Community Savings Bank, according to Const. Steve Murray."

"The suspect apparently held the gun with two hands, pointing it at unknown targets down the road. Every time a vehicle passed she put it in her pocket, said Murray."

"'Eventually we were able to track down two females on their way home from a party,' he said, adding that they had been drinking."

"The pellet gun the woman toted looked very similar to a Colt-45 pistol, he said. Luckily, no one was injured." ...

Malaysia: Pistols seized from suspected smugglers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police recovered two pistols and a bulletproof vest following the arrest of three men suspected of being members of a drug smuggling syndicate."

"City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Mustafa Abdullah said a 33-year-old man was first detained at the lobby of a hotel in Bukit Bintang at 8pm last Wednesday."

"This led to the arrests of the other two, aged 28 and 31, at a condominium ..."

"'Police seized two pistols, 33 rounds of ammunition, a bullet-proof vest from the condo unit. However, we did not recover any drugs,' DCP Mustafa said ..."

"DCP Mustafa said the city police have so far seized 26 pistols, 330 rounds of ammunition and three toy guns from suspected criminals." ...

Submitter's Note: In a country where the death penalty can by invoked for unauthorized possession of a single cartridge.

For those that will fight for it, FREEDOM has a flavor the protected shall never know. --L/Cpl Edwin L."Tim" Craft, February 1968, Khe Sahn Combat Base

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