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Newslinks for 10/26/2005

Larry Pratt: Legislation weakens gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislation providing relief from predatory lawsuits is long overdue."

"The same protection should be extended to all products, but firearms are the only ones singled out by lawsuits intended to bankrupt an entire industry. At least two companies have already gone under."

"All of these cases are predicated on the vague notion that guns cause crime and criminals are not responsible for their actions. ... Ultimately, this is what the backers of these frivolous lawsuits are trying to achieve — the crippling of the gun industry." ...

"To prevent guns from being stolen, safes should be used. Otherwise, a gun intended for self-defense should not be encumbered by some device that only locks up one's safety." ...

Disarming Mike Wallace
Submitted by: Mark Anderson

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... "First, some quick background. Wallace’s appearance [at a birthday party for columnist Art Buchwald -- a party that just so happened to also be a fundraiser for the Brady Center, a prominent advocate of gun control laws] raised questions for CBS News from some quarters, most notably from Cam Edwards, host of the Cam and Company show on ..."

"... Linda Mason, senior vice president for standards and special projects at CBS News at the time informed us that if a CBS correspondent becomes identifiable with one side of a controversial issue, that correspondent would no longer be allowed to cover that issue. ..." ...

"I trust Mason and CBS News to carry through with the pledge to turn down a Wallace story if there is a conflict involving his Brady Center appearance. It is the right thing to do. And I have no doubt that we’ll hear about it if that does not happen."

The NRA Takes on Gun Control -- in Brazil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brazilians flatly rejected a plan to ban the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition in a historic national referendum on Sunday. The vote is a victory for Brazil's wealthy gun lobby which opponents say used strategies learned from the National Rifle Association to shift public opinion." ...

"Activists groups such as the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA), a UK-based global network consisting of more than 700 gun control groups, were hoping for a 'yes' vote in part for the momentum it would give movements in other countries. But in the end they could not match the gun industry's money and what some critics are calling shady campaign tactics." ...

Submitter's Note: "Wealthy gun lobby' vs. 'activists groups'. No bias here!

Brazil: Brazilians Say 'Yes' to Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Oct. 23, 63.94 percent of Brazilians voted not to prohibit the legal buying and selling of guns and ammunition. The state that registered the largest number of "No" votes was Rio Grande do Sul, where more than 86 percent of the population remembered the importance of guns in a country where police cannot protect the entire population as well as it should."

"In Rio de Janeiro, one of the most dangerous states devastated by organized crime and drug trafficking, the index was the same as national average: 38.1 percent favor the prohibition, 61.89 percent don't." ...

"The referendum was the first about this subject in the world. ... 'Should the buying/selling of firearms and ammunition be forbidden in Brazil?'" ...

WI: Residents deserve right to carry guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Expect another shootout in Madison over the right to carry concealed guns."

"Wisconsin is one of just four states that do not allow law-abiding residents to carry guns. Two years ago, the Gazette supported a bill to allow concealed carry. We back newly introduced legislation more strongly."

"The 2003 measure would have required sheriff's departments to screen applicants and issue permits. The new bill rightfully puts that burden on the state Department of Justice." ...

OH: Armed robbers hit two area banks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two area financial institutions were robbed by armed gunmen within minutes of each other late Monday morning."

"At 11:06 a.m. Woodlawn Police responded to the US Bank location at 10230 Springfield Pike to investigate a call of a robbery in progress."

"Police say a man entered the bank and passed a note to a teller demanding money, while displaying a handgun." ...

"At almost the same time, a man entered the Cincinnatus Savings and Loan at 3664 Springdale Road, brandished a gun and demanded cash from a teller." ...

Submitter's Note: More gun fun from "gun free" US Bank, and Cincinnatus Savings and Loan.

New Bond: I hate guns
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"Daniel Craig will have a problem playing the new James Bond - because he hates guns." ...

"But he revealed in OK! magazine: 'I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.'" ...

Weekly Check on the Bias by Alphecca (blog)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Welcome to the October 25th edition of my Weekly Check on the Bias where I examine how some in the media treat the subject of firearms and the Second Amendment. As Alphecca just celebrated its 3rd Blogaversary, it's also, almost to the week, three years since I started keeping track of media bias against guns. This weekly endeavor has grown slightly since the first edition. Here's that first one:" ...

"Not terribly informative, huh? Returning to the present, a lot happened during the past week. The House passed the Senate version of the "Protection of Lawful Commerce Act" which would grant SOME limited liability to the firearms industry from frivolous lawsuits resulting from the criminal misuse of their products. Gun makers, distributors, and dealers could still be sued for negligence although most in the media seem to be ignoring that. Let me reprint what I said last week:" ...

Tracing cash from wealthy law firms to Senators who voted 'nay' on S397 (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"With the exception of a pro-S. 397 editorial from a California news daily, most in the media are still writhing in agony over the pass age of the 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.'"

"Instead of their anti-gun rhetoric, an recent op-ed shows that what a responsible media should be reporting on is how greedy lawyers were behind most of the fight on this sensible tort reform legislation."

"In a piece published at, author and researcher Howard Nemerov revealed that the same Senators who received heavy campaign donations from lawyers were the same ones who voted against tort reform during the hearing of S.397." ...

Bulletproof protection for the gun industry
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Maybe it's because I recently was awakened by a volley of gunshots that resulted in the death of an innocent college student — a budding leader in her community — that I am so outraged that Congress has decided to grant the gun lobby its most fervent and irresponsible wish: blanket immunity from civil lawsuits." ...

KABA Note: If you define 'blanket immunity' as 'not being liable for the legal sale of a legal product to an individual legally entitled to purchase it', then yes, the industry now has 'blanket immunity'.

Common sense on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A House-passed bill sheltering firearms manufacturers from civil liability when legal products are used illegally was described by the media as a victory for the industry."

"While the characterization is true, it is incomplete and misleading."

"The bill is a victory for the fundamental right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms and ammunition for self-defense and for sport." ...

"Compensation for crime victims should come from the criminals. If they do not have the money, the manufacturers should not become the victims of a court-sanctioned mugging."

"Manufacturers and others along the supply chain are liable under the pending law for any criminal or negligent acts ... Which is as it should be." ...

Firearm 'protection bill' protects the wrong people
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"When deciding on accountability for civil cases, gun makers have now been removed from the ranks of those able to receive blame. On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which shields manufacturers and dealers of firearms from facing liability lawsuits."

"Proponents cite the legislative bill as an end to frivolous lawsuits filed by Americans each year. However, the bill resembles more of a federal method of escapism for gun manufacturers, spurred by political agendas and skewed statistics." ...

The Best Government Money Can Buy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress once again has shown it is the best money can buy, particularly if the pay off comes from the National Rifle Association and is accompanied by the promise of votes from those who believe owning a firearm is among the most important things in life."

"With the House's decision to join the Senate in excluding the nation's gun manufacturers from liability in most firearm-related deaths, lawmakers have done something they refused to do for any other industry, including tobacco and asbestos. Never let it be said that today's politicians miss the lessons of history when it comes to what it takes to stay in office." ...

Fighting Frivolous Lawsuits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The cost of litigation per person in the United States is higher than in any other nation in the world and these costs will continue to put a handicap on our economy unless true reform is implemented. Last week the House worked on two pieces of legislation that will help prevents frivolous lawsuits against the food industry and the gun industry." ...

Gun trade, leaders off the hook again
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Historic, the National Rifle Association calls it. And when the NRA makes history, the rest of us should shudder."

"The legislation that has the gun lobby preening is a measure, given final passage last week in Congress, to grant what amounts to legal amnesty to the purveyors of weapons that kill about 30,000 Americans each year. With the stroke of President Bush's pen, the gun industry will have greater protection from lawsuits than a homeowner whose loose handrail leads to a trip-and-fall claim." ...

"... But the lawsuits do not get at the dark heart of the matter: The United States, as a matter of policy, allows too many guns with too much firepower to be sold to too many people who should not have them. ..." ...

KABA Note: Well at least this elitist is honest about her agenda.

Gun law shields bad guy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Imagine that someone close to you is fatally shot with a gun purchased by a criminal from a negligent firearm dealer. Consider the anger you'd feel when you discover that, despite his carelessness, a federal law protects him from being held accountable for his irresponsible business practices."

"This is a difficult scenario to think about, but for many Americans it may now be a reality." ...

KABA Note: Only if you have an elastic definition of 'reality'. A dealer is not protected for "an action in which a manufacturer or seller of a qualified product violated a State or Federal statute applicable to the sale or marketing of the product, and the violation was a proximate cause of the harm for which relief is sought".

New bill protecting Gun Manufacturers Scares Some
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"In another completely unsurprising action taken by the U.S. Congress, a bill was passed on Thursday that protects gun manufacturers, distributors, dealers and importers from liability lawsuits. This is of course a huge victory for President Bush and the great lobbying force that is the NRA."

"I am disturbed at this piece of legislation, because it will only make the gun industry more powerful. ..." ...

"... I would beg to differ that in this situation [post-Katrina New Orleans], the firearm was not a 'source of comfort', but instead was a source of destruction. ..."

"I guess I do not understand how a weapon could ever be referred to as a 'source of comfort' when with one pull of the trigger a person can take a life. I, for one, would not be comforted if I was holding a firearm with that knowledge in mind. ..."

Shooting straight on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"If he has not done so already, President George W. Bush will soon sign a bill which passed the Senate in July and the House last week. It shields gun makers and sellers from lawsuits that might arise from misuse of their weapons, and it could produce an honest discussion of guns in America."

"The new federal law does not protect gun makers from ordinary product-liability litigation. ..."

"But if some thug acquires a firearm and commits murder and mayhem, then under the new law, the gun industry is immune to litigation from the victims. They can sue the shooter, but not the gun maker or seller, so long as they were obeying the law in the production and distribution of the weapon." ...

Gun Control: Congress rolled
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"There's precious little merit to the bill Congress passed late last week to bar many liability lawsuits against firearms makers and dealers. After all, courts across the country have rejected the illogical plaintiff's argument that gun makers and sellers should be held responsible for criminals' misuse of their products."

There was little real reason not to continue to rely on the judicial branch to sort through these tort issues without this legislative edict."

"That said, the actual harm inflicted on the public by the bill's passage likely pales in comparison to the self-inflicted injury to Congress' credibility." ...

A bullet in our hearts
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Congress swaddled the gun industry in a blanket of legal immunity last week and left victims of gun violence shivering in the cold."

"In a vote of 283 to 144 on Thursday, the House joined the Senate in awarding firearms manufacturers far-reaching protections from civil liability lawsuits that no other industry enjoys. The bill also includes the extraordinary provision that the immunity apply retroactively to lawsuits already under way." ...

NY: Judge Levies Justice, New York Cop's Misuses Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After Justice Robert Straus found Police Officer Bryan Conroy guilty Friday of criminally negligent homicide in the shooting of Ousmane Zongo, people on both sides of the case glared at each other across a chasm of hurt and outrage." ...

"In a number of cases similar to this one, the cops have gotten off. The defense was: We saw this guy and he looked suspicious; or he looked like a suspect we were searching for; or he made a sudden move, or had something in his hand that looked like a gun; or he resisted arrest, so we acted in self-defense. And when the smoke cleared, there was another dead, unarmed black or Latino guy, and a cop saying this is a stressful job, so you ought to cut us some slack." ...

Australia: Lawyer wins $145,000 for 'spiteful' arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawyer Adam Houda has been awarded at least $145,000 for wrongful arrest over a scuffle with a 'spiteful' police officer, who unjustifiably accused him of assault."

"Mr Houda sued the state of NSW after he was arrested in 2000 at Burwood Local Court and charged with assaulting Constable Lance Stebbing." ...

"'Constable Stebbing well knew that that offence had not been committed and that he was motivated to do so solely out of spite or ill will towards the plaintiff because the plaintiff had stood up to his unjustified, menacing and rude conduct.'" ...

Canada: When all else fails--blame the Americans
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"According to the Toronto Star, the Liberal government is set to announce new and tougher laws to fight crime. In addition to proposed new legislation the federal government is also considering suing U.S. gun manufactures for the fact that some of their firearms are smuggled into Canada and used by Canadians to kill other Canadians. Toronto police have estimated that 50 percent of the guns that are found on the streets of Toronto have their origins south of the border." ...

"The proposals that were given to the Toronto Star seem strangely silent about the other 50 percent of the guns that presumably have Canadian origins. Oops – almost forgot the gun registry. The billion dollar boondoggle was supposed to stop all the violence ..." ...

Canada: Martin to Press Rice to Help Stop U.S Gun Smuggling
Submitted by: D. Finlayson

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"Prime Minister Paul Martin says the Americans have an obligation to help stop the smuggling of guns into Canada."

"... Those measures, which sources say could include suing U.S. weapons manufacturers, will be announced next month. ..." ...

"'If (gunmaker) Smith & Wesson says to us, 'Well, we're not responsible for tracking the weapons once they leave our factory' - that's not good enough guys,' said the official." ...

"[National president of the Customs Excise Union Ron] Moran said half the illegal guns in Canada are stolen in Canada, and half are smuggled from south of the border - hardly the Americans' fault." ...

OH: Gun ban extremist Toby Hoover to speak at UT Law School Wednesday (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The University of Toledo Law School has announced that Toby Hoover, Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, will be speaking in the College of Law auditorium at noon on Wednesday, October 26." ...

"We're not aware that Hoover is the professor of anything, or why she rates a speaker's slot at this law school, but Buckeye Firearms Association believes this appearance provides Ohio gun owners and activists an excellent opportunity to ask Hoover about what she has done with the $633,200 she has received from the anti-gun Joyce Foundation (all the while claiming that her opponents (your NRA, BFA, etc.) are buying their success at the State House), or why she feels comfortable paying herself a hefty salary while working to destroy our Second Amendment rights ..." ...

LA: Disaster victims win right to carry guns in shelters
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Even during natural disasters, the country's gun lovers fight for their right to bear arms."

"Thanks to their latest campaign, it's all right to pack heat in hurricane shelters and federal emergency trailer parks."

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency had banned weapons possession at such facilities for years, a spokesman for the agency said. But not now. Not after buckling under the complaints from the politically powerful Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association." ...

AK: Gun law confusion
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Alaska Legislature made gun advocates happy this past session when it pre-empted city laws requiring a permit to carry concealed weapons. Now anybody who is legally permitted to own a weapon can carry concealed without fussing about local rules and permits."

Alaska lawmakers, however, left one set of gun control laws unchanged. They decided not to lift state restrictions on carrying weapons into bars or schools. Though sensible, the limits would seem to contradict the literal interpretation of the Second Amendment that right-to-bear advocates use to assail concealed-carry permits and gun rules." ...

AL: The Citadel Rifle Falls to Birmingham Southern
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Citadel rifle squad finished second out of three teams in a Southeastern Air rifle Conference match in Birmingham, AL, over the weekend.

Birmingham Southern took first in the match with a score of 2288-98, ahead of The Citadel coed team score of 2246. Augusta State placed third with a total of 2081-35.

"We are beating the teams that we are expected to beat, but not those that we need to knock off to win the conference championship," said head coach Bill Smith after placing second to the defending SEARC champion Birmingham Southern squad.

Individually, men's team captain Evan Rishel led the Bulldogs with a score of 568-22.

The Bulldogs will be in action on Saturday for a home match against Wofford in Deas Hall.

MS: Rebel shooter takes aim on the range and in the classroom
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"At the collegiate level, a program's success is built upon several different factors. From the coaching, to the facilities, to recruiting, each aspect plays an integral role in a program's success. For the Ole Miss Rifle team, a large part of their success has come from walk-ons, in particular, senior Natasha Phillips." ...

IN: Zips Rifle Takes The Purdue Boilermaker Invitational For Second Straight Year
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"For the second-straight year, the University of Akron rifle team took top honors at the Boilermaker Invitational Rifle Tournament, hosted by Purdue University on Saturday afternoon. The Zips gold team recorded 4,520 points out of a possible 4,800 to finish ahead of 13 total team's at the annual invitational. The blue team took home a fourth-place finish with a score of 4,454."

"Similar to the match last weekend against Xavier, the Zips received tremendous efforts from the youth on the 2005-06 roster. Sophomore Megan Reinking (Fort Wayne, Ind./Concordia Luthern) and freshman Michael Tokarz (Lewisburg, W.Va./Greenbrier East) each shot a personal-best 566 in the smallbore portion of the invitational." ...

OH: Rifle Team Defeats Rose Hulman, 4,512-4,389
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Ohio State rifle team defeated Rose Hulman, 4,512 to 4,389 in a dual meet Sunday. The Buckeyes won both the smallbore (2,266-2,195) and air (2,246-2,194) events to capture the meet. OSU's Ryan Kohatsu (Sr., Hilo, Hawaii) took first place individual honors in both smallbore (588) and air (583) rifle. Linnea Nygren (Sr., Hayward, Calif.) took second in smallbore (570) with Kelly Lake (So., Cleves, Ohio) finishing third (561). OSU's Staci Collins (Fr., Waterford, Ohio) took fifth in air (555)." ...

"Judges ought to remember that their office is jus dicere, and not jus dare; to interpret law, and not to make law, or give law." --Francis Bacon, From "The Essays of Counsels, Civil and Moral"

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