The Deer Hunter
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David Adams
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"Carefully, silent lest he alert his foe, crouching, hunched, sometimes crawling, a camouflaged and heavily armed John Kerry makes his way across the harsh terrain. Later he emerges from this test by fire, this ordeal, to run for the White House on the back of tales of hardship and triumph, tales that some who were not there have the impudence to question, tales like this: 'I go out with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach. I track and move and decoy and play games and try to outsmart them. You know, you kind of play the wind. That's hunting'" ... |
NY: McCarthy: Beyond the gun ban -- Amid resolve to renew weapons ban, incumbent seeks to show that isn’t only issue she cares about
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"A decade ago, Mineola nurse Carolyn McCarthy was standing on a street corner near the Capitol, tugging on lawmakers' sleeves and imploring them to pass the assault weapons ban. They did, and two years later McCarthy was elected to Congress on a gun control platform."
"Now, with that federal law banning assault weapons having expired, McCarthy faces re-election in an atmosphere that in many ways is tougher than the one in which she was first elected. President George W. Bush, who once pledged to retain the ban on assault guns, did little to prevent its expiration. The Republicans who control the House actively sought its demise." ... |
MT: NRA drops Velazquez's grade From 'A' to 'F'
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"In less than a week, Democratic U.S House candidate Tracy Velazquez went from a 'solidly pro-gun candidate' to a 'true enemy of gun owners' rights' in the eyes of the National Rifle Association."
"The NRA downgraded Velazquez's rating last week, shortly after The Associated Press reported she had received the same top grade given to her opponent, Republican incumbent Denny Rehberg."
"Velazquez on Tuesday said she is an adamant supporter of gun rights and the NRA should restore her top grade." ...
"She accused the Montana Republican Party and the Rehberg camp of pressuring the NRA to change her grade. They are 'engaged in a fraudulent campaign to try to discredit me because they can't defend Rehberg's record,' she said at a Capitol news conference." ... |
AR: Guns a big issue in Arkansas
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Hunting is a major sport in Arkansas, especially in the 1st and 4th congressional districts of its eastern and southern regions, which may explain why voters there see guns as a major issue in the race."
"A new poll for the Arkansas News Bureau and Stephens Media Group found that 60 percent of voters think a candidate's stand on gun rights is important in deciding how to vote in the presidential race. Thirty-nine percent said it is 'very important,' and 21 percent said it is 'somewhat important.'"
"Seventeen percent said it is 'not too important' and 22 percent said it is 'not at all important.'" ... -------
Submitter's Note: Of course we all know that the Second Amendment isn't about hunting! |
AK: Kerry will take away hunting rights [letter]
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Those who would like to see hunting and gun ownership banned should vote for John Kerry. He best represents the interests of animal-rights activists and of those who believe in the disarmament of U.S. civilians."
"Anti-hunting voters should not mind the recent photographs in which Kerry poses with a gun and a dead goose. Kerry has received the full endorsement of the Humane Society of the United States, the Fund for Animals, P.E.T.A. and the Sierra Club, all of which want to see all hunting banned. These organizations understand quite well that what a candidate has to say and do to be elected does not necessarily reflect his/her true beliefs and intentions." ... |
SD: Other views: Don't be fooled by phony hunters among Democrats
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The appearance of 'pro hunting and shooting Democrats' running for office in the coming election is an enticing image to those of us weary of attacks on the Second Amendment." ...
"The most moderate of gun owners should note that he has also voted to ban most center-fire rifle ammunition used for hunting, and to close national forests to hunting. He even voted against the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act which would stop the George Soros-backed frivolous lawsuits designed to bankrupt our firearm manufacturers."
"Whether you are a gun owner or not, it is wise to weigh a candidate's position on Second Amendment issues carefully. Don't be misled by an anti-crime smoke screen. It is not about keeping guns out of criminal hands (they don't respect laws); it is about keeping guns out of your hands, the law-abiding citizen. ..." |
OH: Police say ex-officer sold crack
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A former Mansfield police officer charged with drug trafficking is in jail on a high cash bond out of concern for officer and informant safety." ...
"Lemon pleaded innocent to a fourth-degree felony count of drug trafficking, which carries a penalty of up to 18 months in prison and a $5,000 fine." ...
"Citing 'extraordinary considerations,' the sheriff's department said 'Robert Lemon is a flight risk and has been known to carry a firearm. To protect the informants and officers involved ... $300,000 cash bond is requested.'"
Lemon ... retired as a senior patrolman April 3, 1987, according to the city payroll department. Police Chief Phil Messer said Lemon retired on a disability issue." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Of course he carries a firearm! President Bush signed the law giving retired cops that privilege. |
WA: Rifle from stolen patrol car used in shooting
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A man stole a King County sheriff's patrol car outside the Regional Justice Center here, then used the rifle from the car to shoot someone yesterday, authorities said."
"King County sheriff's Sgt. John Urquhart said the patrol car was stolen about 3:45 p.m. outside the center when a man broke out a window of the locked vehicle. Once inside, the man found an extra set of keys and sped off."
"An alert about the stolen patrol car was immediately sent to all local law enforcement agencies, Kent police spokesman Paul Petersen said."
"While officers were searching for that car, they received reports of a shooting ..." ... |
NY: Elite still 'packing heat' in NY
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gov. Pataki has quietly allowed one of his biggest contributors to be made a 'deputy superintendent' and 'colonel' in the State Police, angering law-enforcement officials, The Post has learned."
"David Mack, a megamillionaire New York City construction executive whose brother provided the governor with a controversial private jet ride to a St. Barts vacation last year, regularly shows up at official functions, including police funerals, in a full-dress police uniform with a 9 mm pistol on his belt, a prominent law-enforcement source told The Post." ...
"A senior State Police official called Mack 'our own 'Kentucky Colonel,' and said his appointment 'has brought shame to the entire force.'" ... |
South Africa: Two arrested 'robbers' are policemen
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Two of the three men arrested over the weekend in Pretoria for an armed robbery, are policemen."
"Pretoria police confirmed on Tuesday that the two were stationed at a Kempton Park police station."
"Inspector Percy Morokane said he could not confirm it earlier, because the investigation was at a very early stage."
"'However, since the three accused have appeared in court today (Tuesday), we have established that two of them are constables at a Kempton Park police station,' he said. ..." ...
"The three alleged robbers overpowered three people who were leaving a shop in Pretoria on Saturday afternoon. The robbers fled in a silver Toyota Corolla after taking a wallet and two cellphones." ... |
Thailand: Thailand says 78 Muslims died in army custody
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Almost 80 Muslims died in military custody in southern Thailand, suffocated while being transported in trucks to an army barracks after a violent demonstration, officials said on Tuesday."
"Only six people were previously believed to have been killed when troops and police opened fire to quell a riot outside a police station on Monday in the restive, Muslim-majority region."
"The huge leap in the toll, and the manner of the deaths, are bound to add to tensions. One local Muslim scholar accused authorities of gassing the victims and called it a massacre."
"Justice ministry official Manit Sutaporn said 78 people died of suffocation ..." ... |
VA: Conviction in Stray-Bullet Killing of 8 Year-Old
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"The first of six men to be tried in the slaying of an 8-year-old boy killed by a stray bullet last year was convicted Monday of second-degree murder."
"'How can you find me guilty?' Daniel Lee Pittman yelled before being escorted from court. 'Are you saying that, when somebody shoots at you, you can't shoot back?'" [emphasis added] ...
"When shots were fired at the van he and his friends were in outside a Smithfield apartment building Oct. 16, 2003, Pittman said, he picked up a .45 automatic he found on the floor and started firing." ...
"[Circuit Court Judge Carl E.] Eason said it was obvious that when six men loaded into a van with five guns that night they were looking for trouble." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Removing the right to self-defense for this individual will eventually impact all of us. |
TN: Man recounts being attacked in bed
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Local attorney Ed Robertson recounted in court Monday the night he and his brother, Mac, were attacked in their Ryes Chapel Road home by a knife-wielding intruder."
"While testifying in Circuit Court, Ed Robertson told the jury a noise from upstairs awoke him just after 5 a.m. on Dec. 21, 2001. Seconds later, he opened his eyes and saw someone standing over his bed."
"'I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman,' Ed Robertson said. 'I sat up in bed real abruptly and said 'Who's there?'"
"Soon, Ed Robertson was engaged in a physical fight with the intruder, who managed to cut him more than a dozen times with a knife before his brother shot the intruder with a .45-caliber pistol." ... |
TN: Madisonville woman shoots ex-boyfriend
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Madisonville woman shot her ex- boyfriend after he allegedly broke into her house and cut the phone wires Saturday night."
"Cindy Isbill, Warren Street, told Madisonville Police her ex-boyfriend Michael Parker came to her house just before 9 p.m. and opened her locked door with a knife. Isbill said she told him to leave or she would call the police. Parker told her he had cut the phone lines."
"Isbill said she got away from Parker and she met her mother in the driveway. As they were leaving to go call the police, they saw Parker leaving. Isbill said she went back to her residence and didn’t call the police, figuring Parker wouldn’t return."
"Parker did come back, though, and started cursing and threatening Isbill. ..." ... |
ME: Anson man charged after fatal shooting
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A man who said he told an acquaintance to leave and fired a warning shot before fatally shooting the man in self defense was charged with murder on Tuesday." ...
"... Around 1 a.m. Monday, however, after about 10 beers, Crowley became profane and verbally abusive toward Susan Watland, Gary Watland said."
"Gary Watland said Crowley shoved his wife but that she managed to push Crowley out the door. Crowley tried to come back inside and punches were thrown and Crowley was pushed off the porch."
"When Crowley tried for a second time to come inside, Watland said he got out his .38-caliber handgun. He said he warned Crowley to stay away, and then fired a warning shot before shooting him in the head." ... |
KS: Gun found at Northwest High
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Bruce W. Krafft
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A quick tip gets a gun out of a Wichita high school. It happened Monday morning at Northwest. School officials got a tip on its anonymous Crime Stoppers tip line, that a student had a gun inside the school. A 16 year-old boy was arrested for carrying a loaded .380 semi-automatic pistol. He also has a prior felony. School officials said, in a letter to parents, there is no indication a threat was involved.
The student was arrested for having a concealed weapon, possessing a firearm as a felon and defacing the ID marks of a firearm. He is suspended and could be expelled for 186 days. Last year two students were expelled for having a gun on Wichita school property. |
CA: Boy with gun, knife arrested at school
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Bruce W. Krafft
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NOTE: Use the following information to access this article: Site username: BigCuz@KeepAndBearArms.com Site password: Newslinks Must have cookies turned on for it to work. -------
"Murrieta police arrested a 13-year-old student carrying a gun and a knife in his backpack at Thompson Middle School on Friday."
"The gun was not loaded and police found no evidence at school or at the boy's home that he intended to use it, Sgt. Dennis Vrooman said."
"'He had no grudge,' Vrooman said by phone. 'His sole purpose was to keep it concealed.'" ...
"According to Vrooman, the eighth-grader had a two-shot Derringer pistol, a knife and a makeshift marijuana pipe in his backpack."
"Vrooman said the boy had stolen the gun from a La Cresta home a few months ago and had taken it to school Friday because he suspected his parents would search his bedroom that day." ... |
MA: 8th-graders face expulsion for weapons
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Two eighth-grade students have been charged with illegally bringing weapons onto school property and face expulsion after school officials found an unloaded pellet gun and an 11-inch knife in student lockers earlier this month."
"Acting on an anonymous tip from a parent, school officials performed a locker search at Chestnut Hill Community School Oct. 7 and found a Daisy Airstrike pellet gun one eighth-grade boy had brought to school, according to Belchertown School Resource Officer James C. Daniels."
"'It actually looks like a real .45 (caliber semiautomatic handgun), with a slide and safety on it, and without the orange tip typical of toy guns,' Daniels said." ... |
AR: Arkansas Rejects One of Every 48 Gun Purchases
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"A Justice Department report shows that Arkansas has rejected a higher proportion of applications to buy firearms than most other states."
"One of every 48 prospective gun purchases in the state is rejected. On average, the survey of 40 states shows one of every 65 attempts to buy a gun is rejected."
"Arkansas uses FBI background checks to enforce provisions of the Brady Bill, enacted 10 years ago. The law makes it illegal to sell guns to people with criminal records." ... |
NE: Contract OK'd for public shooting park
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Grand Island City Council awarded a $684,150 contract Tuesday night for which the city only budgeted $500,000 to spend."
"'It's something we can work toward and achieve,' said Parks and Recreation Director Steve Paustian of only spending the $500,000 amount."
"The contract is for Hooker Brothers Construction to complete the next phase of development at the Heartland Public Shooting Park on city-owned land at the former Cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant."
"That phase consists of excavating a 12-foot-deep, seven-acre lake (comparable in size to Pier Lake) and using the dirt from the excavation to form berms for future 100-, 200-, 300- and 600-yard rifle ranges and pistol bays." ... |
LA: Supporters say groups target popular pastime
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Hunting, fishing and trapping would rise from Louisiana passions to constitutional rights under a measure voters will decide Nov. 2."
"Backers contend the proposed constitutional amendment is needed to head off possible efforts to curb the sports by groups such as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals."
"Sen. Joe McPherson, D-Woodworth and chief sponsor of the plan, said anti-hunting and anti-fishing groups are well-funded and spreading nationally."
"'Their goal is to basically do away with those outdoor activities,' McPherson said. 'We will be placing in the (state) constitution another right within our bill of rights that says in the Louisiana sportsman's paradise, these rights will continue to exist for citizens.'" ... |
NY: Animal rights' activists criticize bear hunt
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A Pataki administration plan to expand hunting for black bears in eight counties is drawing criticism from animal rights advocates, who say the state is taking the 'lethal' approach to wildlife management instead of emphasizing preventative measures."
"The state Department of Environmental Conservation is accepting public comment until Nov. 1 on its proposal ..."
"The chief hunting season for bear involving hunters using firearms extends from Thanksgiving to mid-December in the Catskills and western New York and for about a month longer than that in the Adirondacks, starting in October." ...
"'The bear is not a criminal and she does not deserve the death penalty for eating tiny seeds from a birdfeeder,' [actor Jerry] Orbach said." ... |
TN: Couple Beaten After Home Invasion By Men Posing As Law Enforcement Officers
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Shelby County Sheriff’s Deputies are looking for at least four, possibly five men today, who barged their way into a couple’s home in south-east Shelby County."
"The couple was severely beaten. The couple told Sheriff’s Deputies they awakened about 4:30 this morning when several men banged at the back door at their home, which is located in the 9400 block of Plantation Lake Road near Collierville. The men wore ski masks and black shirts that said 'POLICE.' All of the men, armed with pistols, were yelling, 'Police! F.B.I.! Open Up!' As the couple answered the door, the men barged their way inside the house demanding money." ... |
CA: SF Board Of Supervisors Approve Ban On 50-Caliber Firearms
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Bruce W. Krafft
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The San Francisco Board of Supervisors gave final approval Tuesday to a ban on the sale of .50-caliber firearms in the city.
An East Bay county passed a similar ordinance in April.
Contra Costa Supervisor John Gioia, who co-authored the ban with Supervisor Gayle Uilkema, had said that .50-caliber rifles are powerful enough to shoot down airplanes and tear through eight inches of concrete from 400 yards away.
Contra Costa became the second county in the state to adopt the .50-caliber rifle ban, following Los Angeles, which passed similar legislation in 2003.
The San Francisco ordinance was sponsored by supervisors Matt Gonzales, Bevan Dufty and Chris Daly. -------
Please see .50 Caliber Liars for the truth. |
MO: Bullets fly near Branson
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The sun reflected off the 1878 pocket watch chain dangling from Jeff 'Smokie' Dunaway's pocket as he aimed a single-action rifle."
"Dunaway was one of hundreds of "shooters" who recently descended upon Ozark Shooters Sports Complex north of Branson for two days of Old West style competitions."
"'We all got involved because we like to shoot and it's really a family sport,' Dunaway said. 'It's not a hard sport. There's no money awarded, just plaques. Most people who are members just have a love for guns.'" ...
"'It's very addictive,' said Dunaway, a 12-year member. 'We've got doctors and lawyers and people from all walks of life who compete. It's a lot of fun.'" ... |
NH: Lead mess ‘greatly inflated’ - Expert says tests at Sportsman’s Club conducted improperly
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"As the town and the Exeter Sportsman’s Club continue trying to find middle ground over lead contamination concerns, new information shows that the dangers might be overstated."
"That’s the early analysis of an expert brought in by the Sportsman’s Club. ESC hired Richard Peddicord, an internationally accomplished expert on lead issues at shooting ranges who has worked with the federal Environmental Protection Agency."
"In his review of a town-conducted contamination report, Peddicord found that handling and testing of lead samples was conducted improperly, leading to 'highly inflated lead contamination values and other errors,' he wrote, and 'a greatly inflated estimation of risk.'" ... |
New Interpol chief declares war on guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The new head of Interpol declared war on small arms today, saying the proliferation of pistols, shotguns and rifles threatens peace and law enforcement across Africa and around the world."
"South Africa's National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi, elected as head of the international police agency this month, said he would use his tenure to 'do everything to ensure that this campaign against small arms becomes a global campaign'."
"'In the Caribbean, the issue of small arms is a problem. In Africa it is a problem. In Europe it is a problem. In Asia it is a problem,' Selebi said in Pretoria at the launch of a new study on gun ownership in southern Africa." ... |
UK: Violent crime soars but Labour puts gloss on it
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Levels of violent crime recorded by police soared by 11 per cent in the second quarter of this year, Government figures showed yesterday."
"Recorded gun crime rose by three per cent to 10,590 incidents in the year to June - an average of 29 a day and more than double the rate when Labour took power - although firearm killings were down."
"There was a 14 per cent rise in offences of violence against the person: 265,800 incidents from April to June compared with 233,600 in the corresponding period last year."
"Despite a claim by Home Office ministers that Labour had significantly reduced crime, the recorded crime figures showed that more than 3,000 offences of aggression and violence ... take place in England and Wales every day." [emphasis added] ... |
UK: Burglars Back Homeowners' Right to Self Defence
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Even burglars believe that householders have the right to defend their homes by any means necessary – including the use of guns."
"In a survey of convicted burglars the overwhelming majority said the victims they prey on are entitled to fight back."
"The results amounted to an admission from felons themselves that they should expect to be injured as they pursue their criminal careers."
"Of the 25 convicted burglars involved in the study, by home security manufacturer Micromark, 23 said they believed people did have the right to defend their homes with weapons."
"Norman Brennan, director of the Victims of Crime Trust, said: 'Even burglars realise the householder does have a right in law to defend themselves ...'" ... |
UK: Definition of reasonable force is calculated in each individual case
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "Yesterday, MPs called for the law to be codified by Parliament, so that people would know where they stood. But that might not take matters much further."
"There is already a statute setting out how much force can be used to prevent crime or to arrest offenders. But the Criminal Justice Act 1967 says no more than that a person 'may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances'. In reality, it would be impossible to list all the circumstances in which the courts would regard force as reasonable." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Nonsense! Look at Colorado's "Make My Day" law that allows private citizens to use lethal force against burglars and other home invaders. That is a good place to start. |
Kenya: 100,000 Guns in Wrong Hands
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"There are more than 100,000 illegally acquired firearms in Samburu, Baringo and Turkana districts, according to a census done in the region."
"Samburu district peace committee chairman, Mr Moses Lenairoshi, who is also a district security committee member, said the figures may be higher than what is officially known."
"He said illegal firearms had frustrated Government efforts to stamp out cattle rustling that had claimed many lives."
"He told elders from the three districts at Maralal Town on Sunday local leaders had resolved to use village elders to eradicate illegal weapons."
"Mr Lenairoshi urged them to help the Government in eliminating the crime by giving the names of individuals involved in cattle rustling." ... |
UK: Air pistols fired at pupil
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Bruce W. Krafft
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A teenage pupil was shot at with air pistols at a south Wales school, police said today.
Two air weapons were fired at the boy who was not hurt but left deeply shaken by the incident, a police spokeswoman said.
She said: "He heard two pellets skim past him. He was very shocked."
She confirmed that four male pupils have been questioned by police investigating the shooting at Olchfa Comprehensive School in Sketty, Swansea.
"It is not regularly occurring in the area but obviously it is something we take very seriously."
Swansea Education Authority said pupils had been permanently excluded from the school, subject to a review by the board of governors, after the incident on October 1. |
Mexico: Gunmen ambush former rural mayor in Mexico
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Gunmen ambushed and killed three members of a radical farmer organization in the mountains of Guerrero state in southern Mexico, officials said Tuesday."
"Juan Jimenez Carmen, an agent of the state prosecutor's office, said the victims included Lorenzo Parra Garcia, the former mayor of Zapotitlan de Tablas, 80 miles northeast of Acapulco."
"Parra and two fellow members of the group Antorcha Campesina – 'The Farmer's Torch' – were riding along a rural road in a light truck shortly before midnight on Monday when they were attacked by men carrying pistols and automatic weapons."
"The incident occurred close to a police post that had been installed a few months earlier ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: But guns are banned in Mexico! |