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Newslinks for 10/28/2002

Debating The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Kim du Toit, at his Rant blog, straightens out the BBC (and Euro-weenies, in general), but good
"Leaving aside the issue of the BBC sticking their fat noses where they don't belong, it became clearer than ever to me just how little people in Britain (and more than a few in Europe) seem to understand the principles of American government. Let me illustrate with just a few examples....

Our Bill of Rights is not negotiable -- not one single part, not ever."

Shooting attacks don't impact gun attitudes
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The sniper attacks that killed 10 people, injured three more and partially paralyzed the Washington area for nearly three weeks had little impact on Americans' attitudes about guns." ...

"Those who favor a ban on civilian possession of handguns have remained constant over the past several years, at between 32 and 38 percent, compared to between 59 and 65 percent opposed. Currently, 32 percent are in favor of a ban, while 65 percent oppose it – about the same as in August 2000, said Gallup analysts." ...

Weapons Control by Law Enforcement ?
Submitted by: Garry Swirsky

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The U.S. Marine Corps represents the best marksmanship techniques and philosophy of any branch of the U.S. armed services. Here are the safety rules, which govern Marines in the handling of all firearms. These rules are universal and should be applied by any handler of firearms.
Treat every weapon as if it was loaded.
Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you intend to fire.
Keep your weapon on safe, until you intend to fire.

Mexican Leader's Hypocrisy is Right on the Surface
Submitted by: P. Jones

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ORIGINAL TITLE: Mexico asks California gov. to intercede for young "terrorist"
"Mexico's national ombudsman has asked California Gov. Gray Davis to intercede for a Mexican-American child threatened with expulsion from a Los Angeles area school as a 'potential terrorist' after drawing pictures of planes and guns."

"Jose Luis Soberanes sent a letter to Davis asking the governor to ensure that 10-year-old Jesus Corono, who was born in the United States, be allowed to continue attending an elementary school in Fillmore, California."

"The ombudsman also sent a letter to the boy's parents offering support and expressing a desire to travel to Fillmore to familiarize himself with the circumstances surrounding the incident."

"Soberanes said that fundamental human rights transcend borders, especially in the case of a child."

"In the letter to Davis, the ombudsman said the boy's drawings of guns and warplanes had nothing to do with 'the reprehensible terrorist threat that is not only gripping the territory and the citizens of the United States, but the whole world.' Soberanes called Corona's threatened expulsion a violation of the rights of Mexican immigrants 'for the mere fact of being different.' "


How long did Thomas Lamar Bean spend in a Mexican prison for having accidentally brought a box of ammunition into your country?

Are you aware that he still hasn't managed to regain his rights here in America?

Any sane person should agree that a child should not be expelled for school for drawing a picture. But leaders in Mexico are hardly in a position to label punishment across the border as excessive while they systematically ruin people's lives over innocent mistakes.

IN: Shooting arrests put spotlight on state laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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On ballistics firearms and gunowner registration, this reporter says, "Proponents of the bill said they were encouraged by a recent ABC poll that showed 73 percent of Americans, including six in 10 gun owners, would support such a law."

Proof positive that you don't have to understand the right to keep and bear arms to exercise it.

DC Sniper Rifle Not Covered by New York State Law
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Gun control advocates called for New York State to close a glaring loophole in its ballistic fingerprinting law. "Today, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence calls upon Governor Pataki, Senate Majority Leader Bruno and Assembly Speaker Silver to use the special session of the legislature that is scheduled for November to expand the state’s ballistic fingerprinting system to include images of shell casings and bullets from rifles and rounds from shotguns.

"How did Muhammad get the rifle?"
Submitted by: Lee Matthews

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Yet another version of how Muhammad got his gun; this time either through theft or an under-the-table purchase.

Note the ".223 bullet" AP graphic accompanying story. It is a cartridge not a bullet; a 7.62x39 not a .223.

"She Did Everything Right"
Submitted by: Gary L. Erne

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Paulette Sullivan Moore, Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, said she did everything right, obtaining the "protection" order and calling for help.

She did everything right according the touchy-feely liberal "koombaya" contingent who refuse to acknowledge that guns can actually save lives.

"We grieve every time another human being loses her life because someone fails to understand the words, 'I don't want you in my life,'" -- delusional liberal "koombaya" chanter Paulette Sullivan Moore.

Australia: "Sport shooters say they will cooperate"
Submitted by: P. Jones

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Sporting shooters' groups are prepared to work with the Federal Government to secure tighter semi-automatic handgun controls after the Monash shootings.

The government has proposed that semi-automatic handguns available to sporting shooters be restricted to those types used at Olympic, Commonwealth Games and world championship levels of competition.

The president of Pistol Australia, David Jones, said that under the proposal sporting shooters would still be able to use some semi-automatic handguns.

"Semi-automatic pistols would be anything that is a target style-pistol," he said. "The thing is, there are a number of pistols that fall into that category and there are the same amount that don't fall into that category." ...

IN: Shooting arrests put spotlight on state laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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On ballistics firearms and gunowner registration, this reporter says, "Proponents of the bill said they were encouraged by a recent ABC poll that showed 73 percent of Americans, including six in 10 gun owners, would support such a law."
Proof positive that you don't have to understand the right to keep and bear arms to exercise it.

Sniper Gun's Maker is a Disarming Kind of Guy
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Richard Dyke is the 69-year-old chairman of Bushmaster Firearms, the Windham, Maine, company that manufactured the assault weapon used in the Beltway sniper attacks. On the telephone, his soft-spoken, Down East manner is disarming, no pun intended." ...

"Rifle shots lead to long trail of tears"
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"If your father worked in the Kennedy White House when you were a young boy, then one of your first big lessons was what a single rifle can do." ...
Why, just today, my rifle got up and shot the neighbor's dog. And yesterday, it actually tried to shoot me! Yes, it's amazing what a rifle can do.

The Only "Regime" Change Needed
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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I do not like our invasions of other countries in which our people are put at risk while those supposedly in service to the people instead serve only to increase their own coffers and satisfy their lust for power. These people pay no heed to the untold death, destruction, and destroyed lives left in their wake as they sit back in comfort. ... I also do not like the so-called head of this country being given powers no one person should have...

Here We Go Again
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"It is 2002, and the Democratic Republicans have decided to take a lesson from the Green Party and institute recycling. Alas, the item they are recycling is the failed foreign policy of 40 years ago, with the modest difference that this time there is no suggestion that we are defending a pro-freedom small country under attack by foreign neighbors. This time, there can be no doubt that we have decided to launch a war of aggression against a country that is not visibly attacking us." ...

Marijuana: A burning issue
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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Abraham Lincoln once said, "A prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principle upon which our government was founded." Marijuana is a burning issue in society. ... Studying this topic can help make one aware of the political and cultural aspects of this issue. In deciding whether the prohibition of marijuana is worth the effort to ban the substance, history, health, and social aspects of the substance must be factored in.

Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"With the arrest Thursday of a 42-year-old black Gulf War veteran, John Allen Williams, and his 17-year-old stepson, John Lee Malvo, officials in Washington and Maryland are now declaring the DC sniper case solved. I’m not so sure. After weeks of perfectly executed sniper attacks and undetected escapes, it is inconsistent that the presumed sniper should suddenly start leaving a amateurish trail of notes on the ground and having conversations with priests and police, as if he were trying to get caught. In addition, the two were arrested after having been discovered fast asleep at a highway rest stop in plain sight of other traffic – not characteristic of the kind of crafty planning and evasion involved in the sniping operations." ...

"It's always cool to pick on Charlton Heston"
Submitted by: Randy Hudson

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Blog, by Eugen Volokh, criticizing Frank Rich's slur against Charlton Heston and gun owners -

"Is Rich calling for broader restrictions? Bans on rifles, perhaps? Well, the funny thing is that Rich doesn't tell us. If he had, then readers could have evaluated his proposal, and considered the arguments that he would have had to give in favor of it. But he didn't. All he did do is impugn the character of those who disagree with him on this issue."

"When Just One Gun Is Enough"
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Dr. Bruce Hoffman, a counterterrorism expert at the
Rand Corporation, and others worry that the biggest fallout from the sniper attacks is a note of encouragement. No matter that Mr. Muhammad and Mr. Malvo, his alleged accomplice, were eventually arrested, actually sleeping alongside the road."

"The message survived. Leaderless revolutionaries, one-man armies, lone wolves angry at the world: you don't need a plane or a bomb to terrorize America. Just one gun." ...

MD: Anti-rights groups held disarmament attack rally Sunday
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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This happened Sunday...

"Members of the Million Mom March united with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, along with gun violence advocates and other community activists will hold a gun safety march and rally this Sunday at Elm Street Park in Montgomery county. Once gathered at the park, the march will proceed down Wisconsin Avenue to the campaign headquarters of Robert Ehrlich. There, a rally will be held to highlight Ehrlich's dismal record on guns and gun violence." ...

"Teen may have fired some shots"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Virginia and federal authorities increasingly believe that the teenage member of the accused serial sniper team was the triggerman in some, if not many, of the 14 shootings that left 10 dead and terrorized the Washington area."

"Virginia Attorney General Jerry Kilgore said Sunday that investigators were operating under the theory that John Lee Malvo, 17, took part in the shootings along with John Allen Muhammad, 41. He declined to elaborate on how many deaths could be attributed directly to Malvo." ...
There oughta be a law against that.

HI: "Too-real toy guns are creating close, potentially deadly calls"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The rising popularity of a new combat game is alarming Honolulu police because the replica guns the players use look so real that they are being mistaken for actual firearms." ...

"On Sept. 28, police received a report of a male walking around Manoa with a rifle. He was seen loading a magazine into the gun."

"When police arrived they drew their service weapons, ordered the male to freeze and put his weapon on the ground."

" 'It's a good thing he complied,' said Capt. Marie McCauley of the Honolulu Police Department."

"The male turned out to be a 16-year-old boy and his weapon was an airsoft replica of an AR-15 assault rifle." ...

AP Clarifies 'Historian' Story
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An Associated Press story about the resignation of Michael Bellesiles amid questions about his research for a book on the history of guns in America mentioned three other historians or academics recently caught up in controversy over their work.
The story misleadingly suggested that the three had been accused of academic fraud of a kind similar to that alleged against Bellesiles, who was found by an academic panel to be "guilty of unprofessional and misleading work' in his research. ...

Author of Gun History Quits After Panel Faults Research (NY Times)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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ATLANTA, Oct. 26 — An Emory University professor has resigned after an academic panel released a report strongly critical of his research for a widely debated book about the history of guns in America.

The professor, Michael A. Bellesiles, said in a statement that he "cannot continue to teach in what I feel is a hostile environment."

The 40-page report, released on Friday, concluded that Professor Bellesiles had been "guilty of unprofessional and misleading work." ...

Australia: "sick and tired of paying the price for criminal misuse of firearms."
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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FULL TEXT BELOW. ORIGINAL TITLE: "Springborg backs national approach to gun offences"
The Queensland Opposition says legitimate gun owners are sick and tired of paying the price for criminal misuse of firearms.

State and federal governments are planning another crackdown on guns, after a fatal shooting at Melbourne's Monash University last week.

Queensland's Shadow Attorney-General, Lawrence Springborg, says law-abiding gun owners already do the right thing but convicted armed robbers sometimes do not spend a night in jail.

Mr Springborg has written to the Prime Minister, suggesting mandatory minimum sentences across Australia for firearm offences.

"What I'm finding amongst legitimate firearm users is they're asking the very valid question, how come every time we have one of these extraordinarily tragic events mostly involving unlicensed shooters with illegal firearms, that the laws are tightened," he said.

"It makes it more and more difficult for legitimate users."

Every 13 seconds in America someone uses a gun to stop a crime. —SEN. LARRY CRAIG

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