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Newslinks for 10/28/2004

IL: Fatal shooting deemed justified
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No charges will be filed in connection with the death of a Lacon man who burst into a home in the middle of the night and was shot by the homeowner.
Douglas Sullivan, 37, was shot once in the chest with a 9-mm handgun and died almost instantly, authorities said." ...

"Bauer said there was no clear reason why Sullivan would have targeted the family, but initial reports said he had been drinking at a party near the Burnses' home."

"Burns, his wife and 2-year-old son were in the house when Sullivan pounded on the door about 2 a.m. and then threw a child's slide through a kitchen window. Then 'all hell broke loose,' Bauer said."

"Burns loaded his gun and found Sullivan in the main bedroom, Bauer said." ...

NRA holds rallies
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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) is holding last-minute rallies in South Dakota, South Carolina and Wisconsin this week after endorsing various House and Senate candidates this month in a final attempt to tip the scales in several key races."

"NRA spokeswoman Kelly Hobbs said the group will host events on behalf of Senate candidates John Thune (R), who is running to unseat Sen. Tom Daschle (D) in South Dakota, and Rep. Jim DeMint (R), who is competing against Democrat Inez Tenenbaum to succeed retiring Sen. Fritz Hollings (D) in South Carolina. In Wisconsin, the NRA’s efforts will focus on the presidential race." ...

IL: ISRA-PVF: 2004 'Critical Election Year' for Illinois Firearm Owners
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"The ISRA-PVF is describing 2004 as a 'critical election year' for the state's 1.5 million law-abiding firearm owners. With the public's focus sharpening on issues related to homeland security and the war on terror, seats held by the General Assembly's gun control liberals may be up for grabs. The most notable of which is in the 92nd House District where gun control advocate Ricca Slone is struggling in her race against Republican challenger Aaron Schock." ...

IL: Sullivan endorsed by NRA
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"Illinois State Senator John Sullivan has been endorsed by the National Rifle Association for his commitment to protecting the Second Amendment rights of Illinois' citizens."

"'In my first two years in the Senate I have voted to protect the rights of gun owners,' said Sullivan. 'I am an avid sportsman, hunter and gun owner. My dad taught me how to hunt, how to handle a gun safely, and I have taught my children as well.'" ...

KS: Gun lobby gave much to Journey war chest
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"Republican state Sen. Phil Journey of Haysville, with the help of gun-rights advocates, fellow lawyers and his party, built a campaign fund twice the size of his Democratic challenger, based on the latest reports filed with the state." ...

"A longtime advocate of gun owners' rights, Journey's contributions included $1,000 from the Chisholm Trail Antique Gun Association and $500 from the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund." ...

WA: Police Scrambling To Keep Their Weapons From Crooks' Hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A stolen squad car and gun rampage has the King County sheriff's office scrambling for ways to keep their weapons from falling into the hands of crooks."

"Folks here are still shaken by the fact the gunman walked through a Kent neighborhood shooting the stolen SWAT rifle. They say it could have easily turned deadly."

"Police say it was 33-year-old Edgar Garcia who broke into a sheriff's patrol car, found an extra set of keys and took off with it."

"He got a sniper rifle from the SWAT team out of the trunk and allegedly shot and wounded Mike Dubuc in the right arm." ...

CA: Sheriff's Deputy Enters Plea To Weapons Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A sheriff's deputy who holed up in his Woodland Hills home for about four hours Monday pleaded not guilty Wednesday to felony weapons charges."

"Brinton Gerald Marsden III, 43, is a 16-year department veteran who was on leave ..." ...

"Marsden surrendered at about 7:30 p.m., Monday. There were several weapons in the home, according to police."

"Marsden pleaded not guilty in Van Nuys Superior Court to two counts of assault on a police officer with a semiautomatic firearm. He pleaded not guilty to one count each of exhibiting a firearm in the presence of an officer, possession of a machine gun, possession of an assault weapon. and discharging a gun with gross negligence." ...

Mexico: Mexico City police official on trial for kidnapping
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A midlevel official in the Mexico City attorney general's office has been formally charged with kidnapping, the prosecutor's office announced."

"City police arrested Cesar Alfonso Rodriguez last week as he was allegedly carrying a kidnap victim in his own car, whose license plates had been covered with those of a stolen vehicle."

"The attorney general's office announced in a news release late Tuesday that a judge had ordered Rodriguez and three alleged accomplices held for trial following an arraignment. ..."

"Rodriguez' arrest on Oct. 19 drew wide attention in the Mexican press, raising questions about the success of years of efforts to clean up Mexico's police agencies even under avowedly reform-minded governments." ...

South Africa: Lying cop gets 10 years for shooting hotelier
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 10-year prison sentence handed down to a policeman who killed a hotelier was greeted with disbelief and shock by the families of both the victim and the perpetrator."

"Sibongakonke Innocent Ndlovu's wife, mother and other family members sobbed in the Johannesburg High Court yesterday after Judge Max Labe passed the sentence."

"The murdered hotelier's mother, Catherina Jooste, had three words to describe the sentence: 'It is shocking.'"

"On Friday, the court convicted Ndlovu ... for intentionally killing Republic Hotel owner Rudolf Jooste on New Year's Day." ...

"[Judge Labe] said there were compelling and substantial circumstances that warranted giving the accused 10 years rather than the prescribed minimum sentence of 15 years." ...

Japan: Air Self-Defense Force officer found guilty of defrauding state
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Sapporo District Court sentenced an Air Self-Defense Force officer Thursday to a 30-year prison term, suspended for four years, for defrauding the state of some 5.6 million yen.

The ruling said Capt Hisahiro Sado, 44, swindled that amount from the state by padding bills in cooperation with a hotel employee for in-flight meals served during training flights in October 2001 and November 2002 when he belonged to a special unit to operate government planes.

Canada: Ferguson acted on instinct, judge says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Const. Mike Ferguson was acting on police instinct and training when he shot and killed a prisoner, a judge has determined."

"Court of Queen's Bench Justice Ged Hawco was releasing the facts he believed the jury used when it found Ferguson guilty of manslaughter in September."

"Darren Varley, a 26-year-old truck driver, was shot by Ferguson early in the morning of Oct. 3, 1999, once in the stomach and once in the head. He had been detained at the Pincher Creek RCMP detachment for public drunkenness."

"Hawco said the jury must have thought Varley was a threat to Ferguson when he fired the first shot, but that the officer didn't feel he was in danger when he fired the second." ...

TN: Two rifles discovered in school's dumpster
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police confiscated two rifles from a Black Fox Elementary trash bin Wednesday morning after searching for a student allegedly carrying a handgun on a bus, officials reported."

"These were two 'totally unrelated' incidents, and school staff and Murfreesboro City Police searched for a handgun but found no evidence, said Marilyn Mathis, director of the district."

"'There's no way a child could have come into school with a rifle and a pellet (rifle),' added Mathis, who said she doubts students are even tall enough to reach the top of the large trash bins at the back of the campus."

"Murfreesboro Police Lt. Alvin Baird agreed." ...

TN: Cracking Down On Criminals Posing As Police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A family living at an East Shelby County home is pistol whipped by criminals posing as police."

"'No, it's s not the first time,' says Memphis Police Department spokesman Vince Higgins. 'It's a recurring problem.'" [emphasis added]

"This may not be the first time criminals faked working for the force, but spokesmen for the Memphis police and Sheriff's department are working to crack down on similar crimes."

"'That is a problem when you have someone who takes items and uses them to commit a crime or impersonate an officer,' says Higgins. 'It's a problem we're addressing.'" ...

Submitter's Note: I don't suppose the police would consider ceasing to kick in doors in the middle of the night? That way when someone is pounding on the door at 3AM the homeowner knows it's not the cops.

CA: Assault a sad reminder about campus safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday morning's assault in Harris Hall is another rude reminder that students can never assume that they are safe even within the borders of campus."

"A female student was sexually assaulted by a man who was waiting inside the building's first floor women's restroom."

"This kind of an incident is enough to make any female student wonder if there is anywhere she can really go alone."

"These kind of thoughts also came up earlier this semester after a series of assaults at Cardinal Gardens, when students were forced to realize that they also could not assume to be safe once near their housing complex or even once inside the gates."

"The Department of Public Safety cannot be blamed for these assaults, because of course they cannot be expected to be everywhere all the time. These attacks are signs of much deeper problems in our a violent society." ...

Submitter's Comment: These attacks also show that rapists know where to find disarmed victims!

GA: Self defense can save your life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's hard not to be afraid after watching the video of the robbery in Americus and hearing about the Albany rape. There are ways for women, and men, to protect themselves from an attacker."

[Submitter's Note: The safest way to protect yourself is with a gun.]

"First degree black belt Shaun Glover is trained to fight, but most of us aren't. Glover teaches self defense and says everyone can learn ways to protect themselves if attacked."

"'You can strike to the groin, you can gouge out the eyes, and you can hit the nose.' Sensitive body parts are an attackers weakness." ...

"Remember your keys, shopping bags, purse, pencil can be used as a weapon. Aim for the eyes, noses, groin and be strong!" ...

CA: Women fight against sexual assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Forty-three percent of reported sexual assault cases in Davis from January to September were rape, according to Davis Police Department statistics."

"Several campus organizations, in coordination with the DPD, aim to provide support and guidance for victims of sexual assault."

"Peggy Whalen, the student program and education coordinator of the Campus Violence Prevention Program, said that women can reduce the risk of becoming victims of sexual assault."

"'A lot of what women can do is basic stuff like not walking alone, or keeping your doors and windows locked,' Whalen said. 'But mostly, people need to trust themselves. If they feel uncomfortable in a situation, they need to get out of it.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Carrying a gun works too.

MN: First-ever gun, knife show in Windom Saturday, Sunday
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"Gun and knife enthusiasts will be in their glory this weekend when the Windom Community Center hosts the city’s first-ever Gun and Knife Show Saturday and Sunday."

"Show hours are Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m."

"Admission is $3 per person with children age 12 and under admitted free. Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent."

"The show is a fund-raiser for the Windom Convention & Visitors Bureau."

"So, what can local residents expect to see at this first-of-its-kind show in Windom?"

"The show will feature a wide variety of guns, including new, used, military, antique, black powder — even a cannon." ...

IL: Illinois State Rifle Association to Co-Host Midwest Law Enforcement Weapons Exposition
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"In conjunction with the North Suburban Police Pistol League, the Illinois State Rifle Association will be co-hosting the 2004 Midwest Law Enforcement Weapons Expo on Thursday, 28 Oct. 28. The event will include exhibits by vendors catering to law- enforcement officers and armorers. Live fire demonstrations and informal shooting events will also be featured. Admission is free with a small fee for ammunition collected from those participating in shooting events. Shooting event participants must supply their own eye and hearing protection. Food and refreshments will be available."

"Admission to the event is limited to law-enforcement officers who display official identification. Members of the press must present appropriate credentials." ...

IN: Rifle club shoots for excellence at home against top competition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"That sound reverberates around the Armory three times a week as the rifle and pistol club practices shooting at targets."

"The loud pops necessitate the use of ear protection as members focus on the target."

"The echoes can even be heard outside when the .22-caliber bullets are shot as the team members get ready for their next tournament — the Boilermaker Invitational."

"The tournament, which is Saturday, is a competition between several schools that make the trip to West Lafayette."

"'The Boilermaker Invitational is our most major rifle match,' said Ian McCollum, a senior in the School of Technology. 'We’ve got about a half dozen other schools coming here. It’s a good time.'" ...

MT: Christian ranch opens new shooting range
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a secluded mountain valley about 75 miles from Billings, the Beartooth Mountain Christian Ranch has a secret it would like to share."

"This summer, the ranch near Dean completed a regulation trap, skeet and sporting clay facility that is open to sportsmen and women throughout the area. The new range adds to the existing archery, BB-gun and .22 ranges already in use."

"'Most people are shocked. They can't believe there's a facility this nice way out here,' said Tom Miller, who works at the ranch."

"The new facility offers opportunities for everyone, from the novice to the experienced shooter, said Bill Schramm, an experienced shooter himself. Schramm and wife Sigrid ... were instrumental in getting the range up and running." ...

UK: War is waged on gun crime [and civil rights]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"HUNDREDS of police took to the streets of Lewisham to target gun crime as part of an operation which saw more than 80 arrests."

"Operation Vezere involved 700 officers in raids on homes and businesses linked to gun and drug crime in the largest operation of its kind ever to take place in the borough."

"Planned for three months, the week-long operation culminated in a huge raid in the area surrounding the Flower of Kent pub, in Lewisham Way."

"During the October 22 raid officers sealed off a 100 metre cordon around the pub while every person inside the perimeter was searched using high-tech machines which detect guns, other weapons and drugs." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Comment: Innocent passers-by, mums with strollers, doesn't matter. If you are in "the perimeter" you are a suspect.

Bangladesh: Former MP jailed in Bangladesh
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bangladesh court Wednesday sentenced a former MP of the largest opposition party to seven years in prison for keeping a pistol with an outdated arms licence."

"Former lawmaker Joynal Abedin Hazari from the southeast district of Feni, some 150 km from here, has been on the run since his Awami League party was routed in the 2001 general election."

"While in the government, Hazari's name was linked by the media to widespread violence in Feni."

"A special court in the southeast port city of Chittagong tried Hazari in absentia and sentenced him to jail for seven years." ...

Submitter's Comment: Yes, trumped up weapons charges are so handy for silencing the opposition . . .

South Africa: Selebi upbeat at reduction in the number of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The SA Police Service might do away with its service pistols if no policeman is killed over a two-year period."

"This was stated yesterday by National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi."

"'If I can record zero police deaths in two years, then I will be in a position to say that we can look at taking weapons away from police,' he said."

"Selebi also said he would soon turn schools into gun-free zones, where not even policemen would be allowed to enter with their weapons."

"'Students should be allowed to express themselves without police running into their schools with guns,' said Selebi, who also noted that other ways of managing crime problems at educational institutions would have to be found." ...

UK: Police seize explosives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The bomb squad, armed response teams and police officers were all called in after they alerted by bailiffs to a home in Hatton Lane, Greenbank, at 1.25pm on Thursday."

"The road was closed, a 400m cordon was installed and several homes nearby were evacuated while bomb disposal officers removed fireworks, explosives and detonators - along with a number of pistols and rifles." ...

"His father John told the Chronicle last night that the accusations levelled against him were 'ridiculous'."

"He said: 'I think someone has over-reacted, it is just a storm in a tea cup. They have found theatrical guns and huge display fireworks and someone has panicked.'" ...

Canada: Teen hit in drive-by shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 15-year-old boy was taken to hospital yesterday morning after being shot in the stomach during a drive-by shooting. The youth, whose name has not been released, was shot once in the abdomen at 3:20 a.m., by someone firing a small-calibre rifle, police said."

"The shooting took place near a house on the 400 block of Salter Street, and two cars may have been involved. Police were unable to provide a description of the cars yesterday."

"The teen was taken to hospital by family members, who called police when they arrived at emergency. The boy was listed in stable condition following surgery yesterday." ...

Submitter's Comment: But what about your $2 Billion gun registry?

UK: Nurse caught with pistol in bag at airport
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SECURITY staff caught a nurse trying to smuggle a pistol out through Gatwick Airport, two weeks after he had brought it into the country."

"Zimbabwean Simon Mandiveyi, 36, was arrested in September after security spotted the handgun in his luggage as it passed through the scanners."

"When quizzed by police the dad-of-three claimed he had smuggled the weapon into Britain by accident as it had been put in a video camera case."

"He said when he returned to his Croydon home after visiting his farm in Zimbabwe and went to use the camcorder, he discovered the gun and was simply trying to return it." ...

South Africa: Gunman shot dead in Johannesburg
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A gunman was killed and another arrested on the N12 after stealing two vans in Johannesburg yesterday.

Metro police were patrolling the area about 2pm when a Netstar tracker company informed that two Colt vans had been stolen in Parkview area and that they were on the N12. The driver of the first stolen van failed to stop. Police chased after the vehicle and arrested the man.

The driver of the second stolen van, estimated by police to be in his 20s, stopped, but ran into the veldt. Metro officers gave chase and the man allegedly opened fire on them. He was killed in the return fire.

Both vehicles and a pistol were recovered. The suspect is to appear in court soon.

Scotland: Let's Give Gun Crime The Bullet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"GUN crime in Scotland has fallen by nine per cent, according to figures released yesterday."

"But the Executive have vowed not to get complacent."

"Justice Minister Cathy Jamieson insisted: 'We will do everything possible to prevent guns falling into evil hands and to make our communities safer.'"

"During 2003, Scottish police recorded 970 offences where a firearm was used - a fall of nine per cent on the previous year's total of 1055 and half the 1992 peak of 1959."

"But gun crimes remained only a small proportion of the total offences committed in Scotland."

"Just three per cent of attempted murders, three per cent of robberies and two per cent of homicides involving firearms." ...

South Africa: Postmaster attacked and robbed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Limpopo postmaster is in hospital after two armed robbers pistol-whipped him and forced him to open the post office safe on Wednesday morning."

"The Perskebult postmaster is the second postmaster to be attacked in the province in two weeks."

"Inspector Mohlaka Mashiane said the postmaster was opening the doors to the post office about 08:00 when two men forced him inside and forced him to open the safe."

"They pistol-whipped him, took an undisclosed amount of cash as well as the postmaster's cellphone before fleeing."

"When his staff arrived a few minutes later, they found him bleeding, and called an ambulance." ...

"Police are still looking for two men who robbed the Lebowakgomo post office on October 14." ...

UK: Review of murder law ordered by Blunkett
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A review of the law on murder - the first for 50 years - was announced by the Home Office yesterday."

"The Law Commission, which provides the Government with independent advice, has been pressing for murder to be graded into categories ranging from the most depraved to mercy killings. Such a change, if accepted, could mean the end of the mandatory life sentence." ...

"The commission ruled out a partial defence to murder that would allow a defendant to claim to have acted in self-defence despite using excessive force - something that could be used by householders who kill intruders." ...

Submitter's Comment: So they are officially saying that self-defense is not a defense to a murder charge . . .

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' The right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, and not such merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree; and all this for the important end to be attained: the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our opinion is that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right. [Nunn vs. State, 1 Ga. (1 Kel.) 243, at 251 (1846)]

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