Saved by a Good Person with a Gun
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Robert Morse
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... "We seldom see a middle ground in public violence. In one case, the murderer kills at will until police finally arrive to stop him. In the other case, the murderer’s attack is cut short by a good man on the scene who has a gun. There is a difference between this and simple self-defense. The key distinctions are that there were many potential victims, and a good man with a gun stopped the event before many were injured. ... 80 percent more people will live if a good man with a gun is at the scene of the attack. This is what these brave men and women accomplished." ... |
Even British false alarm over printed gun proves game has changed
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "The accused claims that the police are 'off their heads,' and that the parts were not gun components, but were from the printer itself (an assertion that appears to be supported by fact), which he uses to make items for decorating cakes (British gangs must be somewhat . . . different from what we are accustomed to in the U.S.)."
"... the fact remains that 3-D printing is poised to render Britain's gun laws--some of the most draconian in the world--powerless to protect the 'government monopoly on force' so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence and forcible citizen disarmament-crazed politicians." ... |
Good and bad news for gun owners in latest Gallup poll
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"Gallup’s most recent poll on public attitudes toward gun laws shows that anti-gun activists and their friends in elected office and in the media have lost considerable ground over the years, and in the months since the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut in December last year. However, it also shows that both sides in the gun control debate have their work cut out for them in the days ahead." ... |
Of lies, liars and San Antonio’s Bull Connor.
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"After reading Leslie Kelly’s 'Lies in the Sand: A Look Behind The Alamo Gun Rally,' I must ask, just which rally and march at the Alamo did Leslie Kelly attend? Her description bore little resemblance to the one I spoke at. From the column she filed for The Rivard Report you’d have thought it was a combination Klan rally and conspiracy theorist convention."
"Now I’m only personally familiar with a few real conspiracies, among them the bloody Fast and Furious scandal ... That government conspiracy you may recall, cost the lives of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and thousands of innocent Mexican citizens. The guilty ATF agents and the DOJ cover-up artists who abetted them have yet to punished." ... |
Sighting In
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"Hunting season is upon us. Be sure to sight in! The deer rifle that was spot on last year may not be so as of now. Moisture getting into a wooden rifle stock, swelling the wood so that it applies pressure on the barrel…a bump to the scope or the iron sights between last season and now can throw shots of the course of aim…a change in ammo can alter elevation and even windage…there are lots of things which can mess up point of aim/point of impact coordinates."
"I was reminded of this some ten days ago in Arkansas, when I was testing a new pistol and teaching a first-level class simultaneously. ..." ... |
Bloomberg, McGinn anti-gun efforts have serious credibility flaws
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"Today’s Washington Post 'Fact Checker' is taking a hard swipe at New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s independent PAC advertising against Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli on the gun issue, and today’s Seattle Times piece on Mayor Mike McGinn and his 'gun free' business effort reveals that supporters admit the signs 'won’t stop a determined killer.'"
"The Washington Post article’s headline says images used by anti-gun billionaire Bloomberg’s PAC are 'misleading.' The piece, by Glenn Kessler, notes the following:" ... |
Bloomberg campaign ad smears gun rights with mass murder
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"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is equating Second Amendment supporters with mass murderers."
"In an ad supporting the Democrat candidate for governor in Virginia, Bloomberg has go so far as using images of Virginia Tech mass killer [redacted], Sandy Hook Elementary School killer [redacted] and Aurora, Colo., theater gunman [redacted], according to the Daily Caller." ...
"The ad is critical of GOP candidate Ken Cuccinelli’s support for gun right, and implies that supporting the Second Amendment means supporting putting weapons in the hands of the 'dangerously mentally ill,' ..." ...
"Scary stuff, for the ignorant. But here’s the thing. Not one of [those] mass murderers ... purchased his weapon at a gun show ..." ... |
Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly in Iowa to make pitch for enhanced gun buying background checks
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"Two of the country’s leading advocates of enhanced background checks for gun purchases headlined Democratic Congressman Bruce Braley’s afternoon fundraiser today. ..."
"'I’m working hard — lots of therapy: speech therapy, (physical) therapy and yoga, too, but my spirit’s strong as ever. I’m still fighting to make the world a better place and you can, too,' Giffords said. 'Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best.'"
"Giffords spoke briefly after her husband, retired astronaut Mark Kelly, addressed the crowd of Braley backers. He made the couple’s pitch for what they call 'common sense' regulations to keep guns out of the hands of the seriously mentally ill, domestic abusers and criminals." ... |
UK Fiddles Crime Stats: This Isn’t the Gun-Free Paradise the Antis Are Looking For
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"Dr. Paul Gallant and Dr. Joanne D. Eisen write (courtesy Ammoland.com):"
"The UK has been at the vanguard of international efforts to secure an Arms Trade Treaty in the United Nations since co-authoring the original UN Resolution in 2006. Under former foreign secretary Jack Straw, the UK pressed for a 'strong' treaty which equated human rights with weapons control. Yet the combination of total government control of handgun ownership, combined with the hands-off treatment of criminals has backfired. It must be embarrassing for British firearm-prohibitionists to see their philosophy failing in their own backyard, especially in view of their intense desire to export that philosophy to other nations around the globe . . ." ... |
Moms Demand Action = Astroturf
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"According to Wikipedia,'Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message (e.g. political, advertising, or public relations) to give the appearance of it coming from a disinterested, grassroots participant. Astroturfing is intended to give the statements the credibility of an independent entity by withholding information about the source’s financial connection. ...' Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is Astroturf. While MDA receives [undisclosed] financial contributions from its membership, if they didn’t receive direct [undisclosed] funding from New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg (of Mayors Against Illegal Guns) they wouldn’t exist. But that’s not the worst of it . . ." ... |
NY: Family of Ross Township shooting victim speaks
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"Gun-control legislation may not have prevented the Ross Township shooting, but the son of one of the victims believes passing common sense measures would send a message to a violent culture."
"The Rev. Joe LaGuardia, a Baptist pastor in Georgia, has a blog called 'Baptist Spirituality.' His father ... was one of three people killed when a shooter stormed a municipal meeting in August." ...
"'I grieve my father's senseless death, and I also grieve that Congress failed to act on common sense legislation that might have prevented his death,' he wrote."
"But LaGuardia said he realizes congressional action likely would not have prevented the shootings." [emphasis added] ... |
We need honest talk about guns
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"There must be a way for well-meaning people to work through the impasse whenever we talk about guns and the regulation of guns."
"We're not making much progress by simply repeating what we read or hear in the media, whether it's about the Second Amendment, homicide rates in other countries or the state of mental health care in the U.S."
"Simply defending our own views is not as useful as trying to understand how other people think and feel." ...
"While we do live in a highly politicized atmosphere, we can choose to ignore a lot of the noise. I'm sure that by using our intelligence, our good will, our ability to argue and debate civilly and our sincere desire to be open to compromise, we can find a solution acceptable to the majority." ... |
Police Officer Goes Above and Beyond to Rescue Dog From Car Accident
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"Sometimes, in the world of Second Amendment and political activism, negative stories involving police officers can become commonplace."
"However, most officers are good people who want to make a positive impact on their communities."
"Today we’d like to point out the actions of South Londonderry, PA Patrolman Nick Ague from back in August. Ague ran for over two miles to rescue a dog who was in a car accident. He then carried the injured dog 2 miles back to the scene of the accident." ... |
TN: Wheelchair Bound Jewelry Store Owner Shoots 1 of 2 Robbers
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"We keep saying it, and we keep being proved right – guns are the ultimate equalizer. A firearm allows the elderly, physically disabled, weak, or someone who is outnumbered to level the playing field."
"That is exactly what happened in this case, which is the 999th defensive gun use we’ve documented (1,000 coming later today!)."
"Two men entered an Alcoa, TN jewelry store. One of the men jumped the counter and began stealing money from a back room."
"As the suspect came back to the front of the store, the owner, who is confined to a wheelchair, shot the suspect in the stomach."
"Police responded immediately and were able to apprehend both suspects at the scene." ... |
Sens. Collins, King downplay NRA ad against gun control
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"U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King are downplaying the significance of an advertisement by the [NRA] that urges Maine voters to convince their senators to reject President Obama's gun-control agenda." ...
"The NRA ad, which ran in daily newspapers in five states, is headlined: 'Will Obama's gun control proposals actually work?' The next line reads: 'His own experts say 'No.'"
"The ad features a memo from the National Institute of Justice to the president that appears to say that his proposals would not work without universal registration or confiscation of some guns. It ends with a call for citizens to call their senators and 'tell them to oppose Obama's gun control proposals and to fix our broken mental health system.'" ... |
VA: McAuliffe on wrong side of gun issue
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"Terry McAuliffe is pro-gun control while he claims to be pro-Second Amendment. McAuliffe has an 'F' rating from the National Rifle Association. The Obama administration recently signed the U.N. small-arms treaty, and if the U. S. Senate ratifies this agreement with the required two-thirds majority vote, I predict Terry McAuliffe will support President Obama to use this to restrict our gun rights."
"Folks, remember the Second Amendment was added to the U.S. Constitution so we can protect ourselves from government tyranny. This is why the left wants to take our guns." ... |
CO: With Tancredo as governor we can remake Colorado
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"Our current governor (one John Hickenlooper) has failed on many fronts, including leadership. Hickenlooper has proven to be follower, not a leader." ...
"Tom Tancredo, always a strong defender of both of our constitutions, has taken the oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and Colorado's constitution many times. Was our current governor doing that this year when he signed every one of the more than 400 bills by the state Legislature? Hardly."
"Was our current governor doing that when he signed several gun bills that impinged on our citizens' Second Amendment rights? Hardly." ... |
CO: Colorado Senator Evie Hudak: Can you hear us now?
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... "'For women especially, [a gun is] more likely to be used against them and taken away from them,' asserted Hudak. 'They are more easily overpowered… and I don’t want people to have a false sense of safety and security.'" "How nice of her."
"She doesn’t want to give her constituents the choice to protect themselves."
"That gross insensitivity plus her flippant dismissal of objections to that state’s sweeping gun and magazine bans passed earlier this year is costing her dearly."
"She’s being recalled." ... |
UN Arms Trade Treaty "Violates the Second Amendment Rights of Tennesseans and All Americans"
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"U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said that the United Nations’ proposed Arms Trade Treaty 'violates the Second Amendment rights of Tennesseans and all Americans' and that he would oppose it after joining a bipartisan group of 50 senators in a letter to President Obama."
"'I am opposed to any United Nations action that undermines our Second Amendment and threatens our country’s sovereignty, and the Arms Trade Treaty that the Obama administration is considering does both,' Alexander said. 'The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty violates the Second Amendment rights of Tennesseans and all Americans by failing to protect the lawful ownership and use of firearms. Agreeing to the treaty would also threaten our nation’s sovereignty ..." ... |
NH: N.H. gun control bills would add mental health checks, temporary weapons seizure
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"New Hampshire's strong Second Amendment support helped push a 'Stand Your Ground' law over a governor's veto, but a pair of bills limiting access to guns when mental health problems arise could test the state's entrenched belief in unfettered gun rights."
"The bills will be considered next year in the aftermath of deadly shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and the Washington Navy Yard. They are among perhaps a dozen or more gun control-related bills ranging from banning assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines to forbidding such a ban if passed by Congress." ... |
NC: So what should happen when a government official violates our rights?
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"The Problem: Prior to last year North Carolina had a hodge-podge patch-quilt set of gun laws. ..."
"The Solution: The General Assembly passed a law that was intended to make it uniform across the state where a person could carry a weapon."
"The Corruption of a Sensible Idea: Just as soon as they got a chance many municipalities began looking for a way around the new state law. ..." ...
"There are two stories here. The first is about the right of citizens to carry weapons on municipal property. The other is the story of how public officials corrupt the system because they believe they possess some superior wisdom about what is best for the rest of us. They have no appreciation for our constitutional rights." ... |
Texas law overrides NFL; allows armed off-duty officers at games
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"A new NFL policy would ban off-duty police officers from carrying guns into games, except in Texas, CBS Dallas/Fort Worth reports. According to the NFL memo, 'off-duty officers who attempt to bring firearms into an NFL facility will be denied entry,' but a Texas state law supersedes NFL policy, and as long as officers check in at a specific gate to inform stadium security where they will be sitting, those officers can keep possession of their weapons." ... |
MD: Police officer sentenced in drug-dealing plot
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"A Baltimore police officer has been sentenced to eight years in prison on drug and weapons charges."
"Thirty-six-year-old Kendell Richburg had pleaded guilty in March to conspiracy to distribute heroin and possession of a firearm to further drug trafficking. ..." ... |
NY: Man Arrested in NYC for “Defaced” Firearms, Other “Illegal” Guns
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"A man walked into JFK airport in New York City this weekend trying to catch a flight to Tennessee. As required by FAA regulations, he declared that he had an unloaded and locked firearm that he wanted to check through to his final destination. Under any sane person’s reading of the safe passage provisions of the Firearm Owner’s Protection Act, that should be fine and dandy. But since this is New York we’re talking about, the man was immediately arrested and CNN was all over the story." ... |
TX: Dallas officer who shot mentally ill man in videotaped confrontation fired from police force
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"The Dallas police officer who shot a mentally ill man in a disputed incident caught on tape has been fired."
"A disciplinary hearing was held Thursday for officer Cardan Spencer at which he was dismissed from the force."
"Spencer wrote in a police report that 52-year-old Bobby Gerald Bennett threatened him and another officer with a knife ... when Spencer fired his gun at him. But video captured by a neighbor's surveillance camera shows Bennett didn't appear to move toward the officers before he crumpled to the ground from the gunshot." ... |
PA: Two Police Officers Indicted In Civil Rights Case (video available)
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"The feds have indicted a Philadelphia Police Officer and his former partner in a civil rights case."
"A woman only identified in court documents as "M.C" says back in 2009 Officer Joseph Harvey instructed her to remove all of her clothes and sit naked while he performed a sex act in front of her."
"Harvey, a 7-year-veteran, was charged with indecent exposure and fired from the Philadelphia Police Department in 2010."
"However, a judge threw out the case because prosecutors took too long to bring it to trial. Now Federal Investigators have stepped in, charging Harvey with violating the woman's civil rights." ... |
PA: Pa. officer takes fellow cop hostage, kills self (video available)
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"Investigators were looking into whether mental illness played a role in the death of an off-duty eastern Pennsylvania deputy sheriff after he took another off-duty officer hostage at gunpoint before fatally shooting himself, police said Saturday." ...
"On Friday night, police say Midas, 33, of Weatherly, went to the police station in the small town of Lansford, where he was a part-time officer, and took ammunition and an unmarked police car before he drove to the home of another off-duty officer and took him hostage."
"Midas then drove Ondrus to nearby Jim Thorpe, where a struggle began ... Midas shot himself in the head, police say. ..." ... |
PA: Pa. police pay $65K over audio recording lawsuit
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"A western Pennsylvania police department has paid $65,000 to settle a lawsuit from a man who was arrested last year for using his cell phone to audio record an officer." ...
"The suit alleged that the Point Marion Police Department filed charges against Rizer after he complained about an officer who confiscated his cell phone and detained him for recording the officer's aggressive questioning of his disabled friend. ..."
"The charge was withdrawn by the district attorney and the cell phone was returned, but without the recording." ... |
DC: TYRANNY in D.C.: Man arrested for spent .270 round, holster, and a misfired 12 ga. shell
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"Can you imagine a place in America where a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record would be arrested for possessing a spent .270 Winchester round and a misfired 12-ga. shotgun shell?"
"Well, you don’t have to imagine."
"It is our nation’s capital, Washington D.C."
"It’s a place where scumbags commit all sorts of violent crimes and the low-information politicians there have enacted city ordinances only a tyrant could love."
"Including a ban on ammunition for most."
"Even spent cartridges. And misfired cartridges."
"Don’t you feel safer?" ... |
LA: Former Livingston deputy pleads guilty to felony
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"A former Livingston Parish sheriff’s deputy was sentenced to a year in prison after pleading guilty Monday to contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, the state Attorney General’s Office said Tuesday."
"Clarence 'Jeremy' Brister ... was set for trial but chose to enter a guilty plea to one count of felony contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, Attorney General’s Office spokesman Steven Hartmann said ..."
"Brister was arrested in January 2012 on one count of molestation of a juvenile and three counts of indecent behavior with a juvenile, the Sheriff’s Office has said."
"He was fired after his arrest."
"Brister was accused of molesting a 15-year-old girl, the Sheriff’s Office has said." ... |
TX: 2 arrested at Texas Capitol gun-rights rally
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"State troopers arrested two men said to be carrying antique pistols outside the Texas Capitol on Saturday during a demonstration by a gun-rights group that also helped spearhead a rally of openly armed supporters last week at the Alamo."
"The two men were arrested for criminal trespass and have refused to identify themselves to authorities, Department of Public Safety spokesman Tom Vinger said."
"'The men were openly carrying suspected deadly weapons ...' Vinger wrote in an email. ..." ...
"C.J. Grisham, the president of Open Carry Texas ... scoffed at authorities' description of the pistols as a deadly weapon."
"'We had flagpoles that we could've beat people with too,' Grisham said." ... |
CA: Berkeley Forum panelists discuss future of firearms in US
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"The Berkeley Forum hosted a panel of gun policy experts Friday night to discuss the future of firearms and public safety in America."
"The panel, titled “Guns, Crime and Freedom,” brought a trio of speakers to the UC Berkeley campus — author and economist John Lott, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and Stanford professor Jack Rakove and Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence."
"While the panelists agreed on the need to address gun violence while protecting Second Amendment rights, they differed on the extent to which the government should intervene." ... |
WI: Gun-carrying incident in Appleton draws responses
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"Concerned residents sent a flurry of emails to Appleton Mayor Tim Hanna last month after two men showed up armed with assault rifles near the city's farmers market, according to a new analysis."
"A few emails supported the men's Second Amendment rights, but most were from residents who threatened to stay away from future public events if firearms could be present ...
";As long as there are people with guns walking around this city, my family will not be,' wrote Adam Fredrick, of Appleton."
"The men were carrying AR-15 assault rifles legally near the market on Sept. 7. Police detained them at gunpoint and handcuffed them before eventually releasing them without tickets." ... -------
Submitter's Note: So until the city disarms its police department Fred and his fellow knicker-soilers are going to lock themselves in their houses? |
IL: Firearm training in Sterling, host concealed carry class
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"Roxanne Folsom, a grandmother of seven, has owned a gun for the last 15-years and says it’s her consitutional right, to be able to do so. 'We do have the second amendment right and we should be able to do that, the state should have never kept us from doing that.'"
"On October 26, 2013, she among other students began training in Sterling, IL, at the Trinity Firearms Training, to legally carry a concealed weapon. She says, part of what she has learned in the training, is to only use a gun, when you’ve exhausted all other options."
"'You have to make sure, it is a deadly threat, you fear for your own life, and that there’s no other way to avoid it,' says Folsom." ... |
CO: Is the Second Amendment really your right?
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"President Barack Obama has stated, 'We are a nation that believes in the Second Amendment.' Yet, he wants to have regulations and restrictions on our freedoms?"
"I am opposed to such legislations. As Americans, the Second Amendment is clearly our right as stated in the Bill of Rights. I don't feel one man or political faction can take it away."
"True, some people shouldn't have guns, but if they should not have guns because they are a 'threat to the society,' then they should not be allowed to have a knife, scissors or even a pen." ... |
NY: Arrest made in brutal Brooklyn stabbing of mother, four children
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"The highest ranking uniformed member of the NYPD, Chief of Department Philip Banks III, spoke plainly on Sunday of the horror police faced late Saturday night when they responded to a stabbing in Brooklyn."
"Responding officers arrived to find four young children and their mother 'cut and butchered with a kitchen knife' in their Sunset Park home, Banks said."
"'It's just a scene that you’ll never forget,' Banks said. He called the killing 'an unspeakable act.'"
"The youngest child was one year old, the eldest nine years old. Banks said the were 'the victims of a horrific act by a family member.'" ... |
IL: Man guilty of baseball bat beating
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"The shocking beating of a foreign exchange student and her American friend in a trendy, generally safe Chicago neighborhood in 2010 became an international symbol of the city's violence."
"Attacked from behind as they walked under a viaduct in Bucktown after a night celebrating their recent successes, Natasha McShane and Stacy Jurich were each struck on the head by a mugger wielding a baseball bat who snatched their purses and fled."
"As Heriberto Viramontes' guilt was announced in a Cook County courtroom Thursday evening ..." ... |
IL: Chicago man behind bars for slashing sister's dog
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"A Chicago, Ill., man is being held in lieu of $150,000 bail following the alleged killing of his sister's dog, reported Sunday's Chicago Tribune."
"On Thursday, 29-year-old Andres F. Duran allegedly attacked his sister's German shepherd with a knife; the dog did not survive the brutal assault." ... |
UK: US student 'scarred for life' in street attack three days after arriving in UK (video available)
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"An American student was attacked and slashed with a broken bottle just three days after arriving in Britain, police said Wednesday."
"Francesco Hounye, who moved to the U.K. from Florida to study aviation, needed 23 stitches to his face after five men beat him following a 'heated' verbal exchange in the Shadwell area of east London."
"'Every time I look in the mirror from now on I will be reminded of this incident,' said Hounye, 22. 'I face the rest of my life with the permanent scarring that will be left on my face as a result of this attack.'" ... |